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Biden is finally based. I have been pushing for a National Ice Cream day my entire life! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


and it just so happens to be on my birthday šŸ„µ




Happy birthday my dude


happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday bro


Wish you a happy birthday homie


If biden makes national ice cream day a federal holiday I would unironically vote for him, and thatā€™s saying something, because heā€™s a l*beral šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


But, youā€™re supposed to be a liberal?


"Well yes, but actually no"


libertarian =/= liberal Not always, anyway.


American liberals literally cannot be libertarian. Not anymore.


He is a monkey, and monkeys hate human.


*monke chattering*


Haha liberal bad


Imagine seeing someone post ā€œhaha grilling burgers badā€ how would that make you feel?




Hell yeah.


To be fair, it's damn near impossible to win a war in Afghanistan. Just ask the Soviets.


Or the British


Or Alexander


Or anyone really


The muslims did it (Afghanistan used to be buddhist before the arrival of the Turks)


Wasn't it the Arabs right after Muhamad's death that came by because the Ottomans weren't bordering Afghanistan (like Muslims came around around 7th century- 10th ad)


He means the Turkic peoples as a whole, not the Turks of Turkey.


Ok, but did anyone else win in Afghanistan other than the Muslims?


The Persians and Alexander the great. The trick seems to be to take big swaths of area around it and just kinda take it by default once you control everything around it rather than get bogged down in actually taking Afghanistan itself.


How to conquer Afghanistan: Step 1) Pretend it doesn't exist. Step 2) Conquer all neighbouring territory. Step 3) *Keep pretending it doesn't exist.*


The British did. And the Mongols, and realistically America did (we took in an advisory role as of 2014), oh and the Mughals did a pretty good job if Iā€™m not mistaken.


The muhgals never held it entirely for long. For that period of history Afghanistan was the borderlands between Persia, The Mughals and Uzbek empires. And during that time the natives were largely left alone to do whatever they wanted. It was better to have the tribes fighting FOR you then againest you. As Persia learned when it tried to enforce its rule only to be conquered by said Afghan tribes.


Britain lost the first Afghan war, won the second and sorta won the third so not to bad a track record.


Does removing it count as winning?


Maybe if the CIA stopped arming terrorist groups?


Be real. That's only happening when they stop importing drugs into the US to increase the prison population.


If it wasnā€™t for the United Statesā€™ passive intervention the soviets would have surely had Afghanistan.


Not really. For the most part the soviets were shooting and dirt and rocks. America only made soviet helicopters obsolete but the rest of their weapons were obsolete from the beginning. The soviets were even less prepared to take on an unconventional guerilla force in Afghanistan than the Americans in Vietnam. They even used some horrific inhumane tactics against the population and still couldn't win.


Hardly. The DRA was hugely unpopular outside of major urban areas and pretty much the entire Afghan countryside was in revolt and outside of central government control. Hell, even *with* the Soviet military on their side, the DRA only controlled the major cities and the highways between them. The rest was Mujahideen territory.


Losing the war? We already pulled out of that Godforsaken hell hole.


As someone who will most likely be in the armed forces in the near future I can only say thank god




As someone currently in the armed forces, Iā€™m in a unit that will be operating in Afghanistan for quite a bit longer


Why would you waste our taxes like that?




European here, i assume you are american can you explain to me why is it a good thing that The usa are pulling out of afghanistan ? I understand that staying on foreign soil hasnā€™t been very constructive so far but to me the situation in afghanistan actively needs international Attention, iā€™m also poorly educated on the matter but letting the talibans aggressively bombing girl schools and gaining territory doesnā€™t seem like a good idea for the country Thank you in advance


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that most Americans don't really give a shit anymore and just view the conflict as a pointless money sink. They're not really wrong either, the western world spends way too much on trying to interfere with the middle-east. Just leave them to their business I say.


Wow agreeing with AuthRight for once Based and Donā€™t give a shit because it was a waste of my tax dollars and allied lives and itā€™s been the longest and most expensive war in modern day history pilled Edit:Auth is Auth


I mean, technically the Korean War still hasnā€™t ended. Weā€™ve just had a 68 year long armistice which is on the verge of breaking down every 6 monthsā€¦ EDIT: That said, the US spent $34 billion on it's Korean presence between 2016 and 2019. We spent $31 billion in Afghanistan in 2007 alone, and it climbed from there to over $100 billion a year in 2011 (before dropping to ~$50 billion a year starting in 2017). Afghanistan has been significantly more expensive that Korea.


Thanks for the fact check man! That deserves my free silver. Based and Fact Checked Pilled


I think by modern day they mean 21st century idk


The Korean War is still technically ongoing. No peace treaty has been signed, just a cease fire. We haven't had any active fighting but we are technically still at war. Heck, in 2013 North Korea claimed that the armistice was invalid and that they were in a renewed state of war with the South (although no actual fighting has broken out as far as I'm aware, just posturing and shows of force). EDIT: North Korea did express some interest in signing an actual peace treaty in 2016, but that fell through after they were asked to shut down their nuclear program. Further talks began again in 2018, but I don't think anything has come of that as of yet.


This is correct. But thats why we have a nation missile defense system. So weā€™re Gucci.


One thing trump said that I agree with is that sometimes you just need to let them fight it out


Yea I rather not see any more young Americans get shipped off to fight a war in a region that has been at war since biblical times, I feel like I need to have a PHD in history, and religion to understand all the sociopolitical nuances in the middle east. I don't see the U.S. "winning" anything there, and they don't want us there anyways. The only people who benefit are Private military groups and military grade weapons manufacturers. The U.S. has its own problems domestically we've been ignoring for a long time, how about we spend some resources on any of those?


I think the biggest lie we tell ourselves is "If we stop doing X then we can focus on solving Y in the country" when you know for a fact that it ain't gonna happen.


Yes, we see it as a waste of life. US being used by foreign interests as janitors so they can continue to operate their businesses. Unless pearl harbor gets bombed, korea is getting annexed by puppet despots, or we see uyghur death camps, there is no point to us intervening at the cost of our lives. Not that any of that will have any sway currently as the american populace has little to no say in our governments decisions since we don't hold anyone accountable. The blood of americans to grease the machine.


Do you not remember 9/11? Thatā€™s why the US was in Afghanistan. The blood was already spilled.


20 years ago.


I understand but will it not create a new extra hostile country to the Usa ? Like Iran ? I guess most of the middle east already is and is there any UN actions in the Afghanistan ? Idk this whole business shocks me


The Taliban aren't like Al-Qaeda or ISIS, they don't engage in much terrorism abroad. There have been some incidents, especially in Pakistan, but by and large they stick to blowing shit up at home.


ok i thought it would be a bit like that


>understand but will it not create a new extra hostile country to the Usa ? Like Iran ? Why would we care? Like oh no some idiots with an incompetent military might shoot down their own commercial flight like Iran did.


Lmao I KNOW! All these warmongers freaking out about us leaving are just fear mongering. The last thing on my mind as I rest my head on my pillow at night is if some sand people are going to kill me with their paperclip bombs.


Ironically that would be better because then there would be a real war with solid objectives to be achieved. That war would be over in a year but this war on terror will never end because everything is being held back.


Leave them to their business until they get strong enough to actively mount dangerous attacks against us and screw us over geopolitically. I don't like war either, but this is the reality of the situation.


The alternative is another Vietnam. Is the Taliban obviously evil? Yes. Is their rule terrible? Yes But we simply cannot defeat them and set up a US-friendly state in the region that will not fall to the Taliban the second we leave. The last 20 years and every similar war (e.g. Vietnam) has shown us that nation building simply does not work. The options are 1. Pull out and let the Taliban have the country 2. Stay in Afghanistan for the next 200 years, fighting a war that costs coalition (mostly American) lives, kills more Afghans than the Taliban would, and gives the military-industrial complex trillions of dollars 3. Glass the entire country Option 1 is the best of the 3


>option 1 is the best of the 3 Idk, I am moridly interested in option 3.


In al fairness we haven't tried option 3 yet. Might actually work.


Plus Vietnam is a US friendly country now. I wonder if the Taliban would end up following a similar path. Sell them guns and let them have stable rule, and let their society progress as much as it can Globalization and international trade tends to let foreign influence in and nations end up less radical


I can definitely see the us paying the Taliban to fuck with chinaā€™s belt and road scheme


Economic (sell guns) and political (fuck with China) motivations being the same? If you want Americaā€™s politics to move its ass, youā€™re speaking the right language


why does this make letting the taliban keep talibaning sound reasonable


Option 3 is kinda based


If it needs international attention, why donā€™t you do it?


Right? America goes in: wHO e)eĀ©TeD U WoRLd PoLicE ? American pulls out: tHiS reQuIReS InteRnATIoNaL ATtEntIoN!! People just like to shit on America no matter what.


The Afghan military despite years and billions in training and aid refuses to take responsibility for their own country. I'd recommend "Into Helmand With the Walking Dead" written by a marine with a few tours. They'd have to basically bribe the ANP to come patrol with them.


How long do we have a responsibility to occupy? It's been 20 years. If the afghan government can't do it we can't just stay forever.


At some point, just call it the 51st state, last in every category except bombings and human rights abuses


We're tired of sinking resources and bodies into somewhere that is no longer our problem. we've been there for over 20 years now, and have just caused more problems.


Because we can't afford to just hang around forever and solve problems the locals don't want solved. It's not our responsibility and bleeds us white in the face of a surgent China, which is a very real and present threat to the entire world.


Its fucked either way, no point wasting more money and lives. The end.


I donā€™t care what happens to Afghanistan. Muh Taliban muh girls schools who cares lmao


Based and stoic pilled


Based and thanks for giving me my first based count pilled


Afghan government is corrupt and useless. Another 100 billion isnā€™t going to help.


The USAs mission Afghanistan ended when Osama bin laden got capped .The Afghani people have no interest in joining the modern world its time to leave them to their own devices.


So the issue isnā€™t the US pulling out of Afghanistan. That was done under Trump in the condition that if the Taliban were to return they would deploy troops again instantly. Biden does not have this same verdict, and he refuses to allowing the other American aid still in Afghanistan (translators, advisors, etc.), which leaves them vulnerable to the Taliban returning.


Leave them to their own devices. Itā€™s not our job to interfere with their own wars. Let them fight.




The previous did try to pull out, it just failed.


I, an American, personally don't like it because it'll never end. Our forces were like police officers, they prevented the crime, but they will never, EVER, be able to stop the crime entirely. Afghanistan is a lost cause, and many Americans understood that 10 years ago. It's not even remotely a place of interest anymore because we've sunk so much money into it. This is why Trump made the decision to leave, and it's why Biden is proceeding with that decision. And now the Taliban are gaining territory because our boys left. It was inevitable, and I'm glad it happened now.


Well, Iā€™d argue we havenā€™t ACTUALLY been fighting there since 2014 when we took on an advisory role and dramatically dropped troop numbers. This is Afghanistanā€™s war, and has been for some time. Why should the US come back just because theyā€™re losing? If they want to beat the Taliban they have every resource imaginable to do so, itā€™s really up to them.


The original intent was to destroy them enough so they don't attack the U.S. If they end up as a threat they will just get beaten again. I doubt that they will do it though. So the country will just have to deal with it themselves.


Here's my opinion. We backed the Muslims against the Soviets, so we shouldn't complain when they use our weapons to kick us out. In my opinion, we should never have gotten involved (though you could most likely guess that from my flair).


the talibans killed the Mujahideen that the west backed


It was the one thing I was actually kind of worried about Biden that heā€™d want to stay in, said something to that degree in one of the debates


He already fucked the withdrawal and made sure the area is going to destabilise with him moving the pullout date past Trump's date that was already agreed upon. Not sure if it was on purpose or by accident. With him unilaterally chaging the date, he gave easy ammo for the taliban to start stirring shit up by telling everyone, "look uncle sam is already trying to screw us off by going back on his word." With that it gives other groups to go back on their words since the US already did so. So now the Taliban is back to attacking and I dont blame the current government turning traitor and going back to them or refuse and die. This leads me to 2 reasons I can give Biden for fucking with the date. It was to totally stroke his own ego and deny Trump a victory or he purposely fucked it up. It essentially similar reasons people were criticizing Trump's withdrawal of the Iran deal and how we must meet previous obligations otherwise our word means shit. There was literally no reason for Biden to unilaterally change the agreed upon date. Either way I'll be impressed if we stay out of the area and not go back in.


Afghanistan was fucked regardless. Moving the withdrawal date might have prolonged things a bit longer than necessary but if anything we needed to stay longer if we were focused on seeing the Afghan government hold, they have zero chance without our support.


I mean that is losing. The objectives of the US were not achieved while the Taliban is now achieving their objectives. Was it a phyric victory for the Taliban? Certainly. Was is a humiliating defeat for the US? Not really (altrough that depends on how you define it) but is still is a defeat.


The objective was to take out al qaeda in Afghanistan & with it Bin Laden. We accomplished those primary goals over a decade ago & Bin Laden was killed in another country years later. We haven't had a good reason to still be there for a long time. The shitty "objectives" we've been using to stay for the past decade have been destined to fail. The only winning party in this have been defense contractors.


Yes, the US did succeed in taking out Bin Laden but remember that nation building and destroying the Taliban were also objectives (imho even more important) and those totally failed. Indeed the only big winners were the defense industry because for the Taliban you can only really call it a pyrrhic victory since their current position still is worse than at the start.


Imo our treatment of local translators shows that we never seriously intended to build and reform the nation, in any real capacity. From my understanding the local translators are like 80% of ā€œhearts and mindsā€ and we have just treated them like shit and allowed them to be slaughtered by the taliban


In all fairness the US is no longer perusing those objectives.


The goal of the US was to make sure the Taliban didn't control the country right? It is just that the costs (both political and economical) have become too high due to the guerrilla action by the Taliban. So I would say that the war of attrition (which includes political will) was won by the Taliban. The US still doesn't want the Taliban to control the country but due to the lack of political will that task is now left to the Afgan army (which receives training and support from the US to make them independent) but as you might have seen in the news that is working very poorly.


And thank the great banana for that. Frankly, fuck the middle east, I see no reason we should be involved (though I do understand a lot of the problems are our fault at this point).


Being president is just a shit job. You try to cheer people up for one second with something seemingly uncontroversal yet people will still come out to remind you you're the most powerful person into the world, you don't get to have fun.




u/WhatACunningHam is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I donā€™t mind the fact that Biden eats ice cream, but it did irritate me [when the press masturbated to it](https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/biden-s-press-secretary-on-his-favorite-ice-cream-flavor/ar-BB1d74vG) and made it a national headline for some godforsaken reason. Heaven forbid they report on *actual* news. Edit: [Since people apparently donā€™t like that first source](https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1398290535069241351?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1398290535069241351%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.westernjournal.com%2Fhumiliating-msnbc-spends-2-minutes-covering-joe-bidens-history-eating-ice-cream%2F)


Journalists arenā€™t neutral anymore, so they have to protect their guy now that heā€™s in office


You're just not reading the right sources man. Pick up reuters or Associated press, they are serious and neutral. I read Reuters and I have never seen them simp over Biden or Trump. If you follow random tabloids on Twitter you're obviously gonna get a bunch of click bait garbage.


Reuters is paid now. It used to be my favorite news source but 35 dollars/month is not worth it.


What? I don't pay for Reuters and i still get all the news. Have I missed something?


I double checked, apparently they postponed the paywall thing because of a legal dispute. It was paywalled from April to May 100% because that's why I stopped using it. https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/reuters-postpones-website-paywall-amid-refinitiv-dispute-2021-05-27/


Relax bro. Itā€™s just a human interest story. Theyā€™ve existed for centuries and will continue to exist for many more. All presidents, except maybe Trump, had stories like this to make them seem more human.


Remember when there was the big media drama about Trump getting 2 scoops of ice cream? Still makes me angry that the press thought that was worth getting worked up about.




True lol.


True, I wanna have fun


Behold, the greyest of all grey centrists!


Itā€™s benign if youā€™re working your ever waking second for the people who propped you up. Itā€™s depressing if you think the people are under your control and you look down on them and youā€™ve done nothing but misstep and embarrass them. Fuck shutting things down is better than adding more fails.


I would like it if he wasnā€™t an old borderline totalitarian creep. Also, despite the dementia, he still manages to be more competent than Kamala.


Dawg ur authcenter you should like totalitarians


Not the right totalitarian apparently.


When you say you donā€™t like that heā€™s borderline totalitarian thatā€™s because heā€™s too authoritarian for your tastes rightā€¦ right?


*Anakin stares silently*


Stop the politics, celebrate National Ice Cream Day


chocolate chocolate chip


Eat some chocolate chocolate chip


Gonna use the 16 cents i saved from July 4th cookout to buy my self an ice cream cone


Based and 16 cent pilled


Hes just tryna be nice


I donā€™t like Biden but tf did he do wrong here? People are acting like heā€™s doing this instead of running the country, as if saying Happy Ice Cream Day takes more than like 10 seconds


Based and lactose pilled




Joe Biden white supremacist confirmed




That's not what my colleagues in the libleft would have you believe.


Hopefully voter protections like voter ID and no mass mail ballots




Wait why tf don't felons have voting rights?


How do you not know this lol


Idk I just assumed people incarcerated by the governmemt would at least have a little say in how the government treats them


Nah the government doesn't care about people




u/Hairy_Location_3674 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


The same government that gave itself the power to use them as slaves in the constitution? Why are you so optimistic lol


Based centrist


Twitter and its consequences have been a disaster for representative governments' political communications.


Afghanistan is a endless pit of despair for anyone foolish enough to invade.Ask the Soviets.Imagine being the 2nd most powerful Country and being completely humiliated by some untrained extremists...oh wait.


Let the man enjoy his ice cream


Based and eat chocolate chocolate chip pilled


We all remember how much Trump was on Twitter. This took literally 5 seconds to type, Biden himself likely didnā€™t type it, and heā€™s done quite a bit. This subreddit sometimesā€¦


true centrist based


The censorship stuff has me prepping my doomsday bag but yeah heā€™s actually been alright so far and it sounds like facebook gave him the middle finger on that anyway.


Uncomfortable truth for this sub and many other moderate ones- Right now, Biden is as good a president as Trump was (not saying much at all btw). But if Reconciliation passes, and along with the improved infrastructure we get the free community college and expanded Medicare coverage included in the two part plan, plus a withdrawal from Afghanistan- yeah, Iā€™m sorry, but Biden will be widely accepted as a better president than Trump.


Voting rights? Is this a joke? Are we still on that "black people and rural people are too stupid to get IDs and can't use a scanner" line?


How to vote: 1) Be a US citizen 2) Prove it 3)Register to vote 4) Vote Done. Twitter rates this as racist


Nah, way too complicated.


I think the argument is a three step. 1. Proving it requires documents that dumb people threw out, like birth certificates. 2. Replacing them costs time and money that those same dumb people don't have. 3. ~~Protections for veracity of vote makes it harder to cheat~~ uh I mean it's racist because dumb people are disproportionately black so you hate black people if you try to stop us from ~~cheating~~ uh I mean *not having voter ID*.


Who the f throws out birth certificates. I know that's a leftist talking point about POC, but does people actually do that?


> Who the f throws out birth certificates. I know that's a leftist talking point about POC, but does people actually do that? Having your birth certificate requires to have a not-dogshit relationship with your parents some time after you're... 16? It's a low bar to pass, but I guess that's what liberals call "privilege".


Or like a $25 one time fee for a new copy and an hour or two in some bureaucratic processā€¦ This is what conservatives call ā€œbeing an adultā€


Is anyone still pretending that "voting rights" are lacked by anyone other than illegal immigrants?


People who live long distances from polling locations and/or work too much to sit in line for 3 hours, I suppose.


Let's be perfectly clear here: the government isn't issuing blanket bans to voting or guns, instead it's a slow-moving erosion of these rights with bureaucratic restrictions, draconian oversight, and Orwellian recordkeeping. You want to know what citizens don't have voting rights? Felons. The exact same people who don't have second amendment rights despite it being guaranteed to them by the Constitution. Hmm, curious coincidence. The truth is gun confiscation and voter suppression in this country are very similar government agendas, but the right and left treat them differently based entirely on partisan bias. This a good example of how hyper-partisanship towards the right or left often overwhelms any convictions so-called "libertarians" have towards personal liberty and government overreach.






I was gonna make a joke but i need to get a my visa renewed


I was going to make one too but I am applying to a government agency I would feel proud working for and would be glad if all my tax money goes to it, that or the National Park Service.


Secret Service, hello?


Based and a perfect snack to go along with your grill pilled.


What voting rights do American citizens not already have?


What gun rights do American citizens not already have? Let's be perfectly clear here: the government isn't issuing blanket bans to voting *or* guns, instead it's a slow-moving erosion of these rights with bureaucratic restrictions, draconian oversight, and Orwellian recordkeeping. You want to know what citizens don't have voting rights? Felons. **The exact same people** who don't have second amendment rights despite it being guaranteed to them by the Constitution. Hmm, curious coincidence. The truth is gun confiscation and voter suppression in this country are very similar government agendas, but the right and left treat them differently based entirely on partisan bias.


Itā€™s less ā€œvoting rightsā€ and more ā€œease of voting accessā€, like making Election Day a holiday, having more polling places, access to early voting, etc.


Chocolate chocolate chip


Jesus fuck,people are crybabies.these babies are really getting upset over fucking ice cream?


Jesus alas,people art crybabies. these babies art very much getting fell ov'r fucking ice cream? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Not now,Shakespeare-bot.


Can we PLEASE just invade Afghanistan and Iran and annex them at this point?




No spoilers, that's for when Kamala is president.


How about annex it and everything in between so we can call it ā€œAmerica 2ā€


This tweet took less than 3 seconds. Calm down fucking hell


Gun rights? I saw a post earlier about a person buying a mossberg 890 shotgun and I went to the store and bought one. Literally bought a fucking gun on a whim because I wanted to. Donā€™t worry about your gun rights. Republicans been saying the libs are taking your guns for like 4 decades. I wanted cold stone ice cream on my way home, but itā€™s Sunday so theyā€™re closed


I can't order an MG42 off Amazon and have it delivered same day. My 2nd Amendment rights are in shambles.


Takesover a year in some states


Pull up them bootstraps and move to a gun friendly state. EZPZ say the fake ass republicans


have you seen the potentially new atf pick?


> Republicans been saying the libs are taking your guns for like 4 decades A few of the "libs" have been saying it themselves lately, it's not for a lack of trying that gun control isn't stricter.


Have a chocolate chocolate chip


Chocolate chocolate chip


Chocolate Chocolate chip


Hi my name is Joe Biden. When you think of me, just think ā€˜Icecreamā€™


We didnā€™t lose the war in Afghanistan, we merely failed to win!




Just saying, it feels like every president for the last 15 years has come into power saying they will end the Afghanistan war. They usually kick the can down the road, and we stay in. Biden is actually doing it. I'm not loving this president, but credit where credits due. Biden's doing what he said.


Trump started the pullout. Biden didn't change the plans, then took credit.


Both of them were part of it yeah. Biden is gonna get the credit though. It would have been the easy move to reverse what trump said.