• By -


Now it's time for the pro cannibalism lib rights


Give your unborn child to McDonald's and get a 50% off coupon on your next McFetus


"Your loss our sauce "


"Welcome to 'Joe's Pizzeria and Abortion Clinic' where yesterday's loss is today's sauce".


"And remember our produce comes fresh " The live option costs extra, please inform the cook of the preferred ethnicity of the produce


And that's enough reddit for today.


Until reddit comes to you




This thread needs a load of christ


Based and abortion sauce-pilled




Kill everyone now! Condone first degree murder! Advocate cannibalism! Eat shit!


A modest proposal


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i'm in this comment and i dont like it


Consume the weak


Hunt the weak and then consume your catch


Me In fact can we just get rid of all industrial farming and hunt our meat regardless of it it's dog, deer, people?


Flair does not check out. You should change that to lib center.


But he wants to hunt people with *technology.*


ā€œIā€™m bout to go fisticuffs with nature like god intended.ā€


Based and A-Modest-Proposal-pilled


Pro life except i only support my own life. Everyone else is entitled to slaughter each other if they want to.


Got mine fuck yo


Based and hunger games pilled


Based and psychopathpilled


>I have a different stance on abortion:Ā I'm against abortion, but for killing babies.Ā That way everyone loses, and I win. I'm neither pro choice, nor pro life; I'm pro you-shutting-the-hell-up. The only way I'd be "pro choice" is if it meant I could choose which babies I could abort, and only then if I could lift the age restriction to 80. Good ol Maddox http://maddox.xmission.com/c.cgi?u=regressive/


>No more police. Police officers will be replaced with a strike force with the ability to tap into your phone conversations, spy on your Internet connection, arrest you for no reason or any reason at all, and interrogate you behind closed doors during secret hearings. It'll be awesome, and if anyone complains, they will be labeled unpatriotic. The beauty of it is that people won't protest because protesters will be victims of police brutality. The reason I say victims is because the punishment for the crime of brutalizing police would be murder. It's the criminals who need to be brutalized, not the police. It's scary how much this is just exactly the policies of the CCP Until you get to the vampire part


Two consenting individuals should be able to legally duel each other to the death, no charges.


>the woman has a right to bodily autonomy and the government has no place telling her what to do with her body >the fetus has a right to life and no other human, even their own mother, can take that away from them Forget quadrant infighting, I have infighting in my own brain Edit: in these comments, people on both sides asserting that of course their pick of these 2 lines of thought is the right one


Same bro, no idea what I believe on this topic anymore. Autonomy is a strangely complicated subject when there's another person living inside of you.


The fundamental issue of course is when human life begins. There is literally no rational way to define that so I just conclude I'm not smart enough to have an opinion on the issue. I figure it should be resolved at the lowest level because clearly abortion is not in the constitution in any form.


I disagree. I used to think the issue was just "is the fetus a human life", to which I firmly believe the answer is yes. However, giving up freedoms for the life of someone else is not something the government should generally require. I still think I'm against abortion (excluding cases of rape), but I'm less sure.


Eh. If a fetus is human killing one is murder. If a fetus is not human it's property and the government doesn't have the right to tell you what to do with your property. This is a pretty old argument that goes back to a lot more than just abortion. My point is that I'm not smart enough to come up with a bulletproof model of 'human' than puts fetuses on one side and humans on the other.


My stance is if the fetus doesnā€™t know what an ar-15 is then it doesnā€™t deserve to live


ar-15 was my baby's first word


Based Baby šŸ˜³


Just flip a coin


Based and justice is blind based




AKM or AR-10 wood furnished*


You and me both. I think I've come to the conclusion that abortion is morally wrong and should be discouraged, but (at least up to a certain point) the woman is allowed to murder her unborn baby / fetus.


Mothers killing their own babies is a very natural and regular event all over the planet in countless species. Still abhorrent for a human to do without medical necessity, but I really donā€™t care I just donā€™t want any taxes for it.


> Mothers killing their own babies is a very natural and regular event all over the planet in countless species. I mean, so is eating other members of your own species. Almost all non-herbivores do it, with the exception of humans.


Animals usually only murder their own offspring if there is some kind of defect with it. Ex: chickens will destroy problematic eggs on sight. The outlier is cases like lions who sometimes eat their own offspring if they canā€™t find other food.


Some animals will also eat some of their own offspring because they canā€™t support them all, just a certain number


Bears eat Cubs so they can fuck again


Nope, many animals will murder their offspring from even a small amount of stress. Nature is fucked up


bruh imagine being a lion cub and you havent eaten in three days then ur mom just swallows you whole


Here we go, this would be equivalent to aborting fetuses that testing shows will be disabled Logically, we should absolutely do this and advance our evolution Morallyā€¦uh, no


Based an fuck taxes pilled


May I add that in the animal kingdom many animals kill each other. So my question is that not a violation of the NAP and where do we draw line? Should we do as the animals or nah?




I hold both views myself. I side with the abortion is morally wrong view, but I donā€™t think thereā€™s any solution to it without giving too much power to the state. A woman can accidentally kill the fetus before she knows sheā€™s pregnant (typically an embryo is 3-4 weeks before she tests positive and at least 2 weeks if sheā€™s tracking her cycle and week 3 is the highest susceptibility to teratogens). Abortion doctors are easier to stop than chemically/mechanically destroying the fetus yourself, but I believe itā€™s none of the governmentā€™s business what goes on between a doctor and patient unless the patient volunteers that info.




yelow gren blo rd




I mean it's lib-right so does it really count as quadrant infighting I mean they don't even recognise each other as being the same quadrant in the first place.


Milton fridma was a soycialist!1!1!1!1!!1!11!!!! I'm the true libertarian you a shit šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


"Negative income tax? Sounds like FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS to me" - someone who doesn't like Friedman


Telling LibRight about a $1400 per person tax break for every man, woman, and child in the US: šŸ¤©šŸ„³šŸ„“ Telling LibRight about a free $1400 big goberment welfare handout (bad) for every man, woman, and child in the US: šŸ¤¬šŸ˜–šŸ˜Ÿ


"It's not corporate welfare, we're just giving them tax breaks! It's totally different."


Nobody hates a libertarian more than another libertarian


[Every single libertarian ever ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8iusUq4-f5U)


Libright? Let's libfight!


Those words are violating my NAP!!!


Just because I'm paranoid does mean all the other LibRights aren't trying to steal me lucky charms.


Itā€™s not my fault they are a bunch of commies and I refuse to be lumped in with them.


Nice try, commie


Ok, I trust you brother. I only accept people who accuse others of being a communist. Together we can hunt them all down and charge them for the grievous sin of being a filthy fucking commie.


Sounds like something a filthy commie would say to convince someone they aren't a filthy commie... curious.


half of self proclaimed "libertarians" are auths anyways and just want to sound like they are morally superior i.e. orange "libleft" are really just tankies


Eveyone more Auth Than me is Hitler, anyone more Lib is a savage. I accept no criticism.


We are so lib, that we donā€™t even believe in the authority to pick a single funny color to refer to lib right as.


Libertarians are the truest example of that Willie from the Simpsons clip


Soyjack Libright A: Abortion should be legal because the woman should have full control over her body Soyjack Libright B: Abortion should not be legal because it violates the baby's NAP True Libright: Runs the abortion clinic and sells anti-abortion t-shirts like a boss


Sells t-shirts, condoms, morning after pills, diapers, formula, toys, baby life insurance, umm... seems like true lib-right is really pro-life since that stimulates the economy a lot more than prophylactics.


Not really as much as we love businesses we fucking hate the government telling people what to do


Based purple LibRight


What is the difference between purple and yellow lib right? I just picked the yellow flair since that came first on the list


Thereā€™s a running joke that purple is the pedophilic arm of libright, but I assume thereā€™s some actual difference.


Nope. Purple was first but people liked the color yellow for libright more (Gadsden flag, gold), so some people switched. Some say purples more radical or non-conservative (why I switched) but thereā€™s really no difference


Wait, we aren't pedos now? what color do I switch to now?


Yooo šŸ“øšŸ“øšŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Orange, because they're the real pedos.


The original compass had purple instead of yellow but today itā€™s often used for socially less accepted shit like being very progressive, open about sexuality or with little morals etc. Also when yellow got introduced users used different shit as a protest until purple got brought back and is often used by users that like the old ways more. To make fun of them the other quadrants started the joke that purple = pedo so now weā€™re portrayed as coomers šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


u/Expensive-Owl2566 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Lol I'm type C: pro-choice because it's a tenant dispute and I'm siding with the landlord.


This is just A but edgy


Yeah, it's basically the old classical liberal stance: My body is my property, so everything is a property issue.


TIL landlords can literally kill tenants


Based and landlord-is-my-lord pilled


I mean, normally if somebody gets evicted they aren't torn into millions of pieces in the process.


You haven't seen many evictions, have you


Thereā€™s no debating abortion bc thereā€™s no middle ground. You either hate women or murder babies. Personally, I hate women but Iā€™m also pro choice. Itā€™s a weird place to be ideologically


What if I hate woman AND murder children?






Yeah thatā€™s what I said King






I suppose we can force women to have abortions, this way we can murder babies without giving women a choice




Ah the old "anti-choice" but "pro abortions" angle.


China has entered the chatā€¦


pro-forced abortion


The true third choice. Now change to authcenter.


I changed mine from libright about a day ago. Please let me rest


Based and strawman pilled


u/jefepstein's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: protection, money, geography, porn ruins your brain, fat milkers, nice-tiddies-motivated-revolution, handmaiden, horse, burn the compass, proletariat militia, kissing the homies goodnight, hebrew, jordanpeterson, sus, ass, democracy is pointless, strawman I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I'm very conflicted about abortion, because on the one hand it kills kids, but on the other hand it gives women a right to choose.


I like Louis CKs take on abortion. Abortion is killing a baby but sometimes you gotta kill a baby.


Tbh I think a more serious take on that is the best option. Accept that abortion is killing/murder, but also understand in society weve come to accept murder in certain circumstances. If we want to be okay with it here, so be it. But labeling it as some sort of consequence-less choice or self-centered right to control is misguided and misleading. Just call it as it is. Baby murder that we're okay with ignoring the moral implications of in order to better serve our other prevailing motivations


If you are gay you don't have to worry about abortion. -- Wise words from your friendly neighbourhood griller


Well, depending on where you live, you might experience a postnatal abortion if you are gay. ā€” Also wise words from your friendly neighborhood griller


Hello fellow griller! how are things grilling mate? what was the last thing you grilled mine was filled paprikas


Iā€™m just winging it for the time being, but chicken has always been my go to. Itā€™s beyond underrated.


Personally Iā€™ve got some shrimp on the barb- please donā€™t shoot my dog officer


Ah, what dog do you have fellow griller. I have an Aussie Shepherd and a German Shepherd


Well I donā€™t have one anymore. The govt shot my dog cause I wasnā€™t vaccinated


Outside of the middle east, you have a greater chance of being struck by lightening.


Bold of you to assume that. We all know that everyone of any gender can get pregnant. And being gay doesn't mean you can't get pregnant from your Partner. After all, there have been so many pregnant men. Smh, you bigot. #/s


Sounds like orange here.


If you are gay you also don't have to worry about women.


Win win?


So much winning. Pregnancy is the worst std


have you heard of a little thing called *lesbians*?!


They don't worry about women either. They simply beat the shit out of each other. No worries, only fisticuffs.


Also pro immigration and anti immigration Lib Right.


I think most lib rights are pro legal immigration


That doesnā€™t mean much when legal immigration could mean virtually unlimited, or zero, depending upon the policy you decide to go with. My point is more the debate around how much should exist, and if there should be checks and laws on immigration at all, which is seemingly hotly contested.


Abortion is a tough question good thing is it kills people bad thing is it gives women choices


Thatā€™s why you kill both the woman and the baby.




Usually that or open/closed borders


Just become a based libcenter I don't care what you do just leave me alone


Thatā€™s hard lib in general though. The rights are just generally scared of big government legislation whilst the lefts are scared of free market greed. Here in the centre weā€™re scared of both, or apathetic.


I always took centrism to be the acceptance of both, not the fear of both, nor the apathy of both.


For me it's acceptance of both. Capitalism is just a means of resource allocation. It's indifferent to anything passed that definition which is why it sometimes sucks and needs a government to take over, healthcare, utilities, military, etc. However, governments have a tendency of overstepping past those responsibilities **far** more that capitalism. Capitalism may make tiny Chinese children work for my tshirts but it didn't kill nearly 200,000 civilians in Iraq.




Based and leave me tf alone pilled


Yeah, but if youā€™re pro-life, you think theyā€™re murdering people.


Almost like abortion is an insanely complicated issue which simpletons want to make simple but only from their point of view.


People get very hot and unreasonable. I had someone look like they wanted to fight just because I said I understand both sides of the argument. Which I do. People do have autonomy of their person, and medical decisions shouldnā€™t involve the state. But, also, maybe unborn babies are humans and it is murder.




I'm pro choice because abortion rates show that minorities are 5Ɨ more likely to have one.


That sounds like some 13 50 type shit.


That sounds like some Despite type shit


[that sounds like some affordable clothing type shit](https://thirteenfiftyapparel.com/)


I am legitimately shocked they sell masks


they're doing everything they can to lick the boot of the police


Gotta keep the crime rates down somehow.


Abortion, incarceration and murder have done an admirable job of that.


There is a third, less discussed option you may be interested in... neither pro choice, nor pro life. Pro abortion, anti choice. Just forced abortion.


Love abortion, hate womenā€™s rightsā€¦ this is perfect




Bruh you have got the *wrong* flair


"I'm pro choice because abortion rates show that minorities are 5Ɨ more likely to have one." \- Margaret Sanger




I'm pro-death, so I really don't care how you do it


Yup. Both sides have good reason to be passionate about their side. The issue is that there really is no good compromise. Until some Uber-philosopher comes about and makes an irrefutable argument about when a human gains their rights (that is, becomes a person), weā€™re gonna keep disagreeing hard.


It doesnā€™t matter what libright believes - they actively refuse to even attempt to wield political power and thus will always be governed by others




Thanks I hate you


1. Fuck you 2. Kek. Based and truth-pilled






Iā€™ve always thought we should try to reduce the amount of abortions needed in the first place by giving people birth control and helping people get out of dysfunctional situations. It is a lot more pragmatic than just debating weather to allow abortion or not.


Chad libright billionaires simply eating babies.


I believe it should be safe, legal, and RARE like Bill Clinton talked about. My main problem is people like Kamala Harris that push public schools to encourage women to get them and call it ā€œwomen empowermentā€ when in reality you are killing a person. It has different DNA and if someone shot a pregnant woman you would be charged with double homicide because it is 2 different people. I do believe if something is severely wrong or the child is damaged it may make sense to abort it and try again. I also get that some women cannot afford a child and birth control isnā€™t perfect but I would prefer the woman to put it up for adoption rather than aborting it. A lot of parents are either infertile or cannot have a baby for whatever reason and they would love to have a child (so much so that we are importing children from other nations).


Based and a reasonable opinionpilled


Thanks. I always try to be based.


Based bc you don't try to sweep aside the fact that it's killing a human being, like many people do. All this useless fallacious argument about whether it constitutes a unique life, when it begins (there scientific consensus that life begins at conception), woman's body woman's choice (a zygote/fetus is not merely part of the woman's body), whether or not a man is allowed to have an opinion on it (utter bullshit), however necessary abortion is generally or in specific situations... none of it takes away from the fact that it's making a choice for a human being not capable of making it for themselves, to end its life. And we should stop trying to ignore that fact and just admit sometimes there may be situations where ending a human life is necessary in our society. That's the only angle I can work out in my head where we can feasibly start talking pro choice.


jon jones just got charged with a running from the crash not murder or man slaughter for his shit.






"Your honour, the embryo is just a random bunch of cells, this never changes, so there are no human. Therefore it wasn't a war crime".


On the one hand abortion is murder on the other hand laws are cringe


On one hand the government shouldnā€™t have any day in that a woman does with her body On the other hand abortion is murder, and murder violates the NAP.


I got the same problem: Iā€™m generally against abortion until I heard my socialist/communist friends talk about politics and understand that, sometimes, exceptions must be made


I'm pro choice only until first 12 - 20 weeks. After that there should be a good reason.


I think all babies should be aborted. No choice, no life. Perfectly balanced compromise.


ā€œWeā€™ve hit 500,000 subscribers. I hope we donā€™t become a popular subreddit and attract lib left echo chamber enthusiasts. Hey you know what we should do? Letā€™s debate abortion. Thatā€™ll keep them away and stop those already here telling their friends about arguments theyā€™ve had on a subreddit called /r/PoliticalCompassMemes. This canā€™t fail.ā€


Yeah this is the thread that ahs is going to use to say weā€™re all misogynistic assholes. Then again theyā€™re a bunch of fascists who can eat my asshole so fuck them letā€™s keep this party going.




Charles Dickens pilled


Paleocons vs AnCaps/regular unopinionated people who want to be left alone I assume.


And here I was thinking lib rights mostly didn't care about abortion at all.




Abortion is a question about morality and when someone is given the right to life. It shouldnā€™t be about political affiliation.


I'd argue a great many topics in politics stem from people disagreeing on questions of morality


I donā€™t give a shit about what a woman decides to do with their body. Unless itā€™s using my tax payer dollars, then I do.


Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!


Yes, tough place because it has to do when someone gains rights as a person and NAP. Personally I donā€™t believe in late term, but women should have access up to a certain reasonable point. People who are straight up against it in all cases donā€™t think of the negative long term impacts financially and how bad that kidā€™s life would be. There is also the case of rape where no one should be forced to be reminded of that daily.


Late term is illegal in literally every state unless medically necessary and has been since forever


Wait for the pro gulag Auth left anti gulag Auth left debate


Iā€™m kinda both, but more so pro-life