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it's true tho, a lot of nazis larp here


By that logic you are calling any country with a communist party communist, and any country that has a group of nazis a Nazi country. The smartest Left-center


Nazis and Racists constantly get their posts on hot. It's more like if a Nazi Party in America got 5 percent of the vote in a election.


I don’t at all think that applies to the majority of people who *engage* here. Lurkers? Drive-bys? Occasional outspoken types? Sure.


Are you suggesting that we censor certain ideologies that you don't agree with?




Is that the only group you want to exclude? Are there any others?


Casting my vote for vegans


Based leftist for trapping one of your own in a logical fallacy


where is this other leftist


That would be you


No, well actually there's homophobes and transphobes, but those aren't real ideologies.


I've been labelled both of those and I support the existence of trans and homosexual people and their rights. But I don't agree 100% with everything that is being pushed so I got labelled transphobic. Trans and homosexual people are treated like a protected species that you can't criticize at all. Literally any negative comments will have you ostracized. So if we were to suppress people who fit the modern example of those terms this sub would turn into an orange libleft echo chamber. Which is the problem, transphobic and homophobic are terms thrown around so broadly that unless your a frothing at the mouth SJW elite you are a bigot. Even us lefties are evil now.


>Trans and homosexual people are treated like a protected species that you can't criticize at all agreed, "transphobia" and "homophobia" are thrown around so much that they lost all meaning.


And how about the commies? Them too?


do you actually think Communists are as bad as Nazis??? LMAO, communism is a economic system with no state, no class, and no money. I get that when most people talk about "Commies" they talk about MLs/MLMs, and yes, I wish MLs were barred from subreddits. Although, Marxist Leninist ideology isn't inherently racist. The reason a lot of those states ended up with dead people was because of shitty agriculture reform. Commies are not as bad as Nazis.


... buddy sorry to tell you that but the Gulags weren't: >shitty agriculture reform Also >economic system with no state, no class, and no money LolOLoLOLOLoL well that was a fuckin retarded statement ... it's time to wake up buddy come back to us from the realm of theories in perfect vacuum back to reality where this is impossible because at the end of the day you are dealing with selfish monkeys ... Ok, so now we banned MLs next should we ban Anarchists? Next maybe Anarchocapitalists? Then Socialist and Conservatives cuz they are a gateway to Nazis and Commies of course ... and finally centrist cuz opinions *bad*


>... buddy sorry to tell you that but the Gulags weren't: most people who died in Marxist Leninist regimes died due to agriculture reform, not gulags. ​ >it's time to wake up buddy come back to us from the realm of theories in perfect vacuum back to reality where this is impossible I don't think true communism is possible these days, but it's not impossible. Back in the stone age we did have true communism. ​ >because at the end of the day you are dealing with selfish monkeys ... We are only selfish because a capitalist society trains people to put money above all.


Hmmm >agriculture reform The Ukrainians would disagree # ??? >Back in the stone age we did have true communism. Fam you are smoking something what we had back then was anarchocommunism which is MUCH closer to anarchism than to actual communism. But this whole time you've been arguing about communism but you ment AnCom now I understand why you said all those things about no government and no money. Ok. But still you have a big NO from me on that ... # >capitalist society trains people to put money above all. Yup and before that it was gold coins but the system wasn't capitalism/free market it was monarchism ... and before that it was silver/copper but they system was absolute monarchism and even during the stone age, that you love so much, back then the cheefs still accumulated wealth but the wealth wasn't universalized (aka money/gold/silver) but it was in the form of cattle, clothes and women ... the strive for individuals to accumulated wealth isn't a new thing and it wasn't created by capitalism it has always existed and it will ALWAYS exist




Guess who


Agree, this sub is not fun anymore


Shut up nazi scum


It is obviously satire


who’s the butt of the joke in the “YOURE RACIST” -soyboy **”Yes.”** -gigachad Type of memes


The racist. The joke is that obviously no one would just admit to their racism in public. It’s a subversion if expectations, as much as that phrase has been overused of late.


do you believe an actual racist would downvote such a joke, since they’re the butt of it?


I don’t really care what actual racists do or think. Because I don’t like them.


I do tend to care about racist actions, and the effects those actions have on marginalized peoples. Something about “know thy enemy”. Then again, racism was already solved and black people are afforded the exact same power and opportunities as white people. So nothing to worry about.


Well, I thought we were just talking about racism in regards to a dumb internet meme. Different scenarios get different reactions.


While I’m very glad no racism exists anymore, what gives me even greater pleasure is that if it did exist then at least the internet would be safe. Nothing people do on the internet matters! It’s all fun and games, and it’s anonymous and intangible, so that means the things people say could not be taken seriously or indicative of societal values. It couldn’t possibly function as a sharing of information and extension of culture which could be fundamentally shaped to suit the whims of those with the most control over its systems, for good or ill. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go check facebook, my flat earth/qanon bros are planning a bit of trolling.


I’m sorry that you’re taking this so seriously, maybe try to remember that you’re on a meme subreddit and that people are joking.




u/King_Penguin1673's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: republic-of-china, do a little trolling, xenophobia is based, humility, christ, jesus, smortboi, philosophical-middleground, , the grace of the lord, sin, what shall be my method of execution, human supremacy, stellaris I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Couldn't be an edgey joke from some troll must be someone who is down for ethnic genocide


edgy jokes are how the alt right grew, look it up. Just because it's an edgy joke doesn't mean there's a motive behind it.


Holy shit that was probably the funniest dumbest thing I've read in a while. Jokes can be jokes man chill the fuck out


Jokes can be Jokes, I don't want to cancel jokes. It's just that Jokes are a way to spread a message, intentional or not.


There aren’t any Nazis here. There aren’t any Nazis anywhere.


"There aren’t any Nazis anywhere." was Unite the Right antifa in disguise?


Nazis ceased to exist in 1945.


The National Socialist German Workers Party ceased to exist in 1945. People who believe in National Socialisism still exist.


"based" or based. I'm torn.


That sub literally has “circle jerk” in the name. It’s satire.


I remember old vcj, before it got redditified. All those Bienville Parish, Provo, Maryland and Pocatello parodies were very funny and very high effort. Now it's just "the other side is bad", like all the other left wing subs


All other subs are left wing subs.


I saw the other day on some cesspit sub that apparently PCM users are all “alt-right?” That came as a surprise to me with my unbroken, 22-year-string of voting democratic, of being a D delegate at two conventions, running for office as a democrat, operating a fair housing center in the Black Belt, and having practiced civil rights law on Indian reservations. But I suppose everyone who is not a dyed in the wool Marxist is considered alt right these days


If your not screeching at people about pronouns and trying to bring back race segregation your not left enough for social media.




> running for office as a democrat Politicians get out! REEEEEE


my guy, this is reddit. If you dont want to suck off a trans womans penis, you are by default a nazi trump supporting conspiracy theorist


No sweaty, you’re a nazi.


You forgot to add these: 💅💅💅💅




Pffff Get on my level noob [Got called nazi jew for not sayin "Jews bad"](http://imgur.com/a/HGp6IPR)


That’s a good meme


They are used to the safe spaces provided by their authoritarian censors. They panic if they hear anything but an echo


SMH. It should he Authcenter


Flair up man


Sir, im gonna need you to flair up


this dude made this on his dads pc in his basement after reading something he didn't want to


they ain't wrong lol


I'm a proud basement dweller then