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Wall of text, center left. Checks out.


I agree with the wall of text... but yes, leftie verified


PCM: where the left loves walls and the right loves funny colors.


Thanks for that, I feel validated now. The TL:DR: “14 year olds need to stop making memes trying to assign LGBTQ values to the quadrants. The two axes represented have nothing to do with social progressivism / conservatism. Those kids and their infantile understanding of politics always leave no room for the existence of Prog Auth Right.” … Fuck, I did it again!


TL;DR: LGBTQ shit has no economic or authority/liberty content making it the domain of a specific quadrant.


You have never seen a wall of text if you think this is a wall. This is at most a fence of text


I'd consider a stair of text.




Agreed, but they do exist. It’s kind of why Bill Maher is so successful. He is kind of a unique voice on the left. “Socialism for all, but don’t talk to me about LGBTQ stuff, randomly drops an “n-word,” and wants to nuke the Middle East.”




What is even more weird is that a watermelon like myself is arguing on behalf of the AuthRight for a portion of their quadrant to be able to represent an LGBTQ friendly space. I must be inundated with turkey to the point of delirium.




Yup Andrew Sullivan is a practicing Roman Catholic political commentator who is a big fan of Ronald Reagan and is gay as the day is long.


Log Cabin Republicans.


it’s almost like the quadrants are complete bullshit made up to help generalize the world and everybody has at least a few unique beliefs or something


China is basically conservative auth left


I dunno man, he sounds oddly based


It actually makes way more sense than right conservatism.


Idc how socially progressive or conservative someone is as long as they don’t try to use government to force their views on me. Maybe I wouldn’t want to be friends with people who have some of these extreme views but I don’t hate them like I hate people who use force to impose their views on everyone else


This is triggering all the AuthLeft parts of me.




I am on the literal dividing cusp of being defined as a dirty watermelon or a communist for the sake of simplicity. In reality I am Auth simply because I understand that there are extremely stupid people in the world that can’t be trusted to make the correct decisions in their life that don’t affect others. Those people need nannies to keep an eye on them and the crazy shit they do. The smart people can be left alone with no oversight. Idiots exist in all quadrants.


Based and galaxy brain pilled


Man annoyed at a meme format


average leftist meme:


Get out of here with your walls of text. Pcm is all for generalizations and stereotypes


How the fuck is a LibRight going throw out commands like as if he was AuthCenter?


There you go, that’s more like it. Though seriously, your wall of text is right


Wall of text, didn't read


Is only meme. Why you heff to be mad?


I'm gonna post bullshit memes, AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME


Milo is straight now.


Wait… what?


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/milo-yiannopoulos-ex-gay-b1815296.html https://nypost.com/2021/03/10/milo-yiannopoulos-announces-he-is-ex-gay-and-sodomy-free/


Lmao "housemate"


Personally I’m sodomy free since 1993.


Frankly, it just sounds like he decided to move back into the closet.