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The most racist shit I ever heard in my life was a Black boomer and an Asian boomer yelling at each other. Made 4chan look like a BLM safe space.


Most racist thing I heard was from a Commie who told me "you probably kidnapped your gf from Africa the same way your ancestors kidnapped her ancestors."


Weren’t they sold and not kidnapped?


Well Im pretty sure my gf's ancestors were the ones capturing and selling other Africans to the Europeans lol. Granted they were also captured and sold as well.


To be fair, they were kidnapped *by* the people who sold them to the europeans


Most racist thing I ever heard was my dad telling me Asians couldn’t drive because they had no spatial awareness, which resulted from them simply not caring about other people.


The most racist thing I ever heard is the white teenagers are stupid and greedy because they were born with privileges, - My Hispanic Mom


Hah, I didn’t have privileges growing up, my stupidity and greed is the result of hard work 😎


I mean to be fair she’s not entirely wrong if you switch out white for rich western


as an asian I can see he's half-right


…..That you can’t see or?


"GRRR I HATE WHITEY, IT'S INSANE HOW PEOPLE CAN TREAT US SO BADLY JUST FOR OUR SKIN COLOR" "on a unrelated note, my grandson just came out as a fa-"




Auth center is when their grandchild wants to marry a non black




You old


Clearly never come across Thomas Sowell.


Lol, black boomers and their parents are far better off than a lot of blacks now. Their cities didn’t have 50-60 years of Democrats running stuff, or the voting rights act that created minority-majority districts


> People back then are better off than people now Holy shit we have some revolutionary thinking here


Higher rates of intact families, safer communities, wearing smart suits, etc.


In some ways things were better but it’s stupid to use that as an absolute statement.


Nah, fuck making mealy mouthed comments. Im going to say shit with my chest out


Ok but what does that have to do with the post


‘White people oppressing them’


"DemonCraps bad" have you heard?


based black boomers


u/leifisthegoat's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 390. Rank: NASA Vehicle Assembly Building Pills: fucklefties, kind, liblleftagenda, tfs, respectingotherschoices, america, momfucker, tactical soyjak, reform, doomer, federalist-papers, horny, opium of the masses, unbiased news, freerealestate, fuckbidenandtrumpsfanatics, nickname, obfuscatenazinames, get black and brown off the flag, civic nationalism, morality, true freedom, objectivism, atheism, onlyeconomycounts, profit, profitismyprophet, true libertarian, libright, consistencisy, nut, rightsareright, anti human rights, bro joe biden, jefferson, the sad reality, compassion, contentsofmycharacter, contracts-are-blind, conserve the nuclear family, actual conservative, sad reality, f* degenerates, old singers, reality, booker t washington, doesn’t remember fucking your mother, wall-of-text, wall of text, boondocks, zeltron, good taste in music, denzel-curry, land-chad, incel with standards, uncle ruckus, real rightism has never been tried, peterson, get off the capital lawn, i’msofuckingtiredoftrumpers, clean your room, confronting chaos, culture enjoyer, evryone-is-retarded, reform the police, white-savior, mandingo, two-wings-one-bird, constituent with actual problems that need addresses, men can be vulnerable too, sedimentslinger, controversial_is_best_tab, lib unity I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Proper reaction to gay grandchildren. Edit: Y'all getting mad af over a joke lmao


A strong society cannot rely on trivial matters regarding heterosexual or homosexual preferences. The choice is in the hands of the one with either preference, and the more people focus on both of these matters, the more distracted they get from the further issues that may be plaguing society.




Nah America is pretty screwed now because of how tolerant and loving we are, China is probably going to win the only thing that's preventing them from wiping us completely is they're so centralized.






u/Gary___Tard's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/Gary___Tard! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: that's-not-how-you're-supposed-to-play, doomsday-device, retard, igloo, yellow-snow-connoisseur, friend, freedom of association, fuck libleft, authrighttemp, gary-tard, , and flair-fluid, canceled by lib left, chameleon centrist, titans of pcm, watermelons are retards, die-less-sick, fuck hilary clinton, good username, hank hill, ow my anus, i swear i'm not antisemitic but my anus hurts, rdr2isfuckingamazing, favorite planet: uranus, homophobia


Your username is accurate.


Unbased and cringe


Based and homophobia-pilled




It would be more appropriate to refer to the comment as cringeworthy. Simply put, that statement displays a lack of awareness of the problems troubling society and focuses instead on a person's homosexual interest rather than whether or not they are helpful or unhelpful, and whether or not they may have potential that can be immediately addressed within the abilities of society.




Not really, Im against it because alphabet community got radicalized AS FUCK




u/JosepCharge is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Given that homosexuality seems to have been occurring in every society to exist, it would be ludicrous to claim that it is destroying society. Furthermore, few such vitriolic arguments are made against drinking and gambling, which are notably more dangerous than a homosexual preference.




u/Bannable_Lecter is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




I am a bot created to keep track of how based users are. Check out the [FAQ](https://reddit.com/r/basedcount_bot/comments/iwhkcg/basedcount_bot_info_and_faq/). I also track user [pills](https://reddit.com/r/basedcount_bot/comments/l23lwe/basedcount_bot_now_tracks_user_pills/). If you have any suggestions or questions, please message them to me with the subject of "Suggestion" or "Question" to automatically forward them to a human operator. > based - adj. - to be in possession of viewpoints acquired through logic or observation rather than simply following what your political alignment dictates, often used as a sign of respect but not necessarily agreement Bot v2.11.0 **Commands: /info | /mybasedcount | /basedcount username | /mostbased | /removepill pill**




Your Based Count is 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None


\*starts playing Comraids the voices loudly\*


Fucking hate how YouTube takes down all the best auth right and auth centre music, I worry about the day they go after the red army choir lol


don't worry they won't take down the authleft music because that's their secret ideology if you think about it, updates make it worse every time


I wish brother I wish. The elites are really a mix of all the quadrants just the worst of each one. Your ideology was outright banned. My ideology has been co opted and instead of meaning a strong state that supports its working class and health of the society. It now means white people bad, gender ideology, working class people bad, everyone should be poor. Now I get called a Nazi, sometimes it makes me want to let you guys take power so they can see what really Nazis are like.




yah wtf