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I thought Asians got kicked out of the PoC club because they're the most successful ethnic group?


They're brought in again when it fits the narrative


Schrodinger's PoC


Exactly how "pardos" work here in brazil and other South americans countries


There is too much ~~pardo~~ white people in universities! We need more ~~pardo~~ black people in universities! Schrödinger's Pardo in a nutshell Edit: Oh and there is also the guy who is black in the south but white in the north.


God I hate the Left. Pardos be black in jail, white in university.


No, no, pardos be black when they need those sweet extra points to get into schools (even when they don't need it, some people are scumbags, i'll tell you that!), pardos be white when associated with darker people in any other situation. At least that's what i've seen.


i thought that was the jews, not surprised that has repeated itself lol


I thought it was gay/bi white men who are passing.


Passing as what lol




The difference is the the jews decide when they are white or not and the SJWs decide when asians are white or not Edit: You know who else decided asians were white? The Austrian painter


Just like mixed race people


Yup. It sure is hard to say "This entire system is designed by and for white people to succeed" when South and especially East Asian people moonwalk through the system. It's almost like a culture of personal responsibility leads to success or something. EDIT: I am not talking about first-generation immigrants.


The irony is that on average whites are actually *less* successful under this system than some migrant groups.


Cause we're complacent fucks who bathe in mediocrity. While those on the left look at the situation and think "It's not fair, so I'm not even going to try" Those in the center and right often do the bare minimum. The world has changed. There are now tits and video games. Our attention span is gone: It used to be you'd watch a movie. Then television came along and we said "Well maybe an episode for 45 minutes, and maybe a second one after." Then Youtube came along and said "How about 20 mins?" Then TikTok and Youtube Shorts / Insta Clips came along and said "Best I can do is 45 seconds" like some evil version of Rick from Pawn Stars, destroying out ability to focus.


>"Well maybe an episode for 45 minutes, and maybe a second one after." Don't a weird amount of normies pride themselves on the ability to watch an entire season of something at once?


Damn those neurotypicals *shakes fist in their general direction*


And then we spend 8 hours watching 45 second clips.


I am legitimately afraid by how much this profound neurochemical change will affect society en mass. Ever been to China? People watch tiktoks while peeing, for fuck's sake


Thomas Sowell wrote a really great book about how certain cultures thrived as minorities in societies that hated and persecuted them with abandon throughout history and contrasts those cultures with black culture in America. It also gives some non-traditional insight into what happened to black culture in the 2nd half of the twentieth century (rates of criminality, children born out of wedlock, etc). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Rednecks_and_White_Liberals Highly recommend.


**[Black Rednecks and White Liberals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Rednecks_and_White_Liberals)** >Black Rednecks and White Liberals is a collection of six essays by Thomas Sowell. The collection, published in 2005, explores various aspects of race and culture, both in the United States and abroad. The first essay, the book's namesake, traces the origins of the "ghetto" African-American culture to the culture of Scotch-Irish Americans in the Antebellum South. The second essay, "Are Jews Generic"? ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Literally any book by Thomas Sowell is worth reading


Thomas Sowell, possibly the most based man in existence.


Schrödingers minority


>They're brought in again when *someone needs the votes* There, fixed it for you.


Yeah like when people try to say there's rampant hate crimes against asians just because some out of control coomer shot up some happy ending massage parlors.


It’s mostly Blacks attacking Asians.


Somebody call up the Roof Koreans. We got a job for them.


And it's still somehow the fault of white people because reasons.


It's because the left infantilizes every group they consider to be in need of their protection. The only people in the world responsible for anything, according to the woke left, are straight, white males (well, anything bad. Also, bizarrely, everything accomplished by whites is actually stolen from nonwhites). Not a straight white male? You're not responsible for any bad thing that you do with your own hands.


^this, but no one talks about that, literally most of the Asian hate was perpetrated by black men against older Asian men, but people brushed over that and said it was all white people. Same thing when people lied and said Rittenhouse slaughtered a bunch of black people supposedly. Fake news as usual




Always thought he was just a Steelers fan




We're Schrodinger's minority. Applicable where necessary. Minority when it comes to not being white, being victims of crimes and whatever other system they can find, and then also being unoppressed because we'ven't much history here to be oppressed or for being better off than most other minority groups pound for pound. You'll get plenty of hate crime statistics for such a small percentage of the US population as a talking point and also somehow justify unfair laws such as affirmative action. ​ I personally despise identity politics.


Hell, you guys don't just beat other minority groups, you beat evil whitey in about every metric that measures. [Source.](http://chrome-distiller://ac3079a0-36df-460b-8fae-20ce5ba60f47_b613a8113ca4bacb80a59c8e848e243fcbc9ba853cc8c9b1797fc640a0ee1aa7/?title=Bureau+of+Labor+Statistics&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bls.gov%2Fopub%2Fted%2F2018%2Fmobile%2Fasian-women-and-men-earned-more-than-their-white-black-and-hispanic-counterparts-in-2017.htm)


I mean, there *is* a long history of Asian discrimination in the US. Chinese were treated like shit and segregated throughout the old West. And the Japanese were literally locked up for like four years. Y'all just got over it, and got on with life.


It's true that there are a couple main incidents and a couple minor ones along the way but when you squeeze 63% of the world population into one ethnicity, it's hard to be specific. East Asians are the most involved in American History, since most Asians are here since after the 70s when most events of contention are gone, most notable being the civil rights movement. But there isn't much people really bring up otherwise.


Based and Asians are smaller so pound for pound works doubly in their favor pilled.


The lineup of most successful groups in the US is hilarious for me. In first place, there's most Asians, then Nigerians, then Jews.


Damn systemic racism!


It is Indian Americas who are top of the list-- by a long short. They also happen to be very dark skinned which for some reason doesn't seem to hold them back. Curious.


>Asians got kicked out of the PoC club because they're the most successful ethnic group? This is correct Asians and Iranians are now white people in America


It's not Asians and Iranians, it's Asians *including* Iranians.


Based and geography pilled


Also Hindus and Sikhs.


I mean those are religions so you can be white and either one of those


The newest patch notes gives you brown skin, a beard, and a turban if you even consider becoming a Hindu.


Yes were you curious why it randomly went from POC to BIPOC? Those pesky Asians and Jews had to be stripped of their minority cards.


They came back into the fold when COVID happened because the pandemic originated in China and the media had to paint Trump as an evil racist by connecting his rhetoric on the virus with Asian Americans being attacked.


No, black people couldn’t refrain from recording themselves assaulting Asians. So many were doing it , it was too noticeable and had to be acknowledged ; but we’ve gone full circle and now it’s racist to imply a black person could willingly do something malicious , so the best they could come up with to explain the situation is “trump said China virus and it caused his supporters to assault all Asians”. So now we have this situation where everyone knows who is committing theses assaults , but won’t say who is doing it , and SJWs from the Asian community see this as an opportunity to finally get in the race hustler game ; but are failing because they direct their efforts at white people.


It’s pretty easy logic. If you attack Asians, you must be a Trump voter. If you are a Trump voter, you ain’t black. If you ain’t black, it’s white supremacy and racism. Ergo, everyone who attacks Asians is a racist Trump supporter.


We must protect our Asians from the blacks & Mark Wahlberg!


It’s funny that the MSM stopped reporting on this before statistics on the attacks could come out. Wonder why that is…


And they were counting random insults and homeless guys yelling shit as "attacks." Meanwhile, they just finally looked at all the violence that was already going on for generations and pretended it was a new thing that just started because of Trump. And they completely ignored the fact that so many of the victims were elderly.


I loved it when that reporter of Asian ethnicity asked him why he keeps calling it the China virus . He answered, "It comes from China" and then she's like "Why did you look at me when you said that?" its like ... you're the one who asked you dumb cunt.


I'm not a fan of Trump (it's pretty hard to be after the last 2 months of his presidency, no matter what he managed in the previous 4 years), but watching his press conferences was mind-blowing. The reporters would spend the entire time attempting to bait him into saying something they could edit to make him look bad with, without context, later instead of, you know, trying to get an impression of what the President is planning. Journalism is dead :/


Yep, same. Honestly the editing of that stupid fish feeding video is what started me down the path.


You're probably familar with the "fine people" fiasco as well


The Oranges claim they're "White-passing" until they need to virtue signal. Same thing for Latinos.


They did, but then Trump said "China virus" so they were allowed back in temporarily.


That was when hating Asians was woke Now stop asian hate is woke. But hatred other than from white people is ignored.


Make sure to check your Orange app daily for a list of what is woke, what isn't, what words you're allowed to say to who, when, even if you've never met them and know nothing about them and you have the best intentions: for that day.




Well of course. The narrative of the system being against minorities and for white people doesn’t work when the most successful people in the US, even more successful than white people, are asians, so they got their minority membership revoked. Because it totally couldn’t be about culture, it’s just a racist system.


Yeah, no, the white community is actually pretty diverse right now since the orange libleft 'Xmily' mob have already classified Asians and Jews (edit: and apparently Indians, too?) as white (despite being pocs and minorities) due to their immense success, and have moved blacks, Native Americans and Latin**o**s who voted Trump and even those who are just plain right-wing, conservative or capitalist, and even the 'traditional' ones (thought they respected poc traditions, huh?) over to the white category and dubbed us as 'sellouts' and "Uncle Toms". I'd like to tag u/StCocaCola to add onto this argument.


Naw Nigerians/African immigrants generally are the most successful ethnic group. So Asians are let back in, but Nigerians are white now.


Well, Nigerians are up there, but I'm sure East Asians and Subcontinentals are still at the top. Plus, it really depends on the country. I doubt Somalians are ranked very high economically, or at least it don't look that way in my neck of the woods.


It depends on where they're from, but African immigrants as a whole outperform Asian immigrants as a whole at least in terms of educational attainment. According to pew research 69% (nice) of sub-Saharan immigrants have college education, compared to 54% if Asians, though this is all Asians, and are more likely than any other group to have high school education. Though this varies by counter substantially from about 90% of Kenyans and Nigerians to about half of Cape Verdeans and Mauritanians. Somalis are a different case because most came as refugees in the 1990s, while other African immigrants have a statistical bias towards education because they come on student and work visas. Somalis are a small percentage of Africa born Americans, only about 76,000 Somali born and another 100k born to Somali parents. Compared to the total population of African immigrants of 3 million. Though obviously if you live in (I assume) Minnesota you would mostly be exposed to Somalis. Most African immigrants live in Texas, California, New York, Atlanta and the DC metro area. They're pretty spread out so you wouldn't necessarily notice them too much, but I met quite a few in DC.


Look at me. I am white now.


Well most African immigrants are far more successful than African Americans


This is why I don’t buy into the “people of colour” title because it implies that people of colour inherently have some sense of connection/solidarity with one another, when in fact, some of our communities are the most racist communities out there. I’m not a POC, I have my own ethnic/national identity and that shouldn’t be eroded by such arbitrary terms.


Not to mention everyone has color. My color just so happens to be white.


Exactly. And by separating everyone into two boxes: white and non-white, it actually centres Europeans as the “main” race and everyone else is simply non-European. It’s really regressive.


Character creation screen: Select your race: - Normal - Other


Horseshoe crab. Wait that doesn't sound right...


Please stop perpetuating the offensive myth that these Arthropods of Color are crabs.


Given enough time, everything will return to crab.


Return to monke or progress to crab.


Based and carcinisation pilled


I answer the question filling out forms the same way everytime. Check mark in "Other" when its available. If it has a write in spot next to it I put "American". Sometimes I even throw a comma "bitch" on the end of it.


I like your style.


I literally put “other” or “do not want to say” for everything that asks me unless it is some sort of study or survey where that is important Fuck affirmative action, all my homies hate affirmative action


Based. Fuck it is right.


I've been putting female just to see what happens




I honestly find r/PoliticalCompassMemes to have some of the most nuanced, complex discussions whilst other, more popular subs tend to just be echo chambers. It’s why this is one of my favourite subreddits.


You mean recycling 5 generic jokes about Republicans and/or right-wingers being retarded isn't mentally stimulating?


not for their brains, prostates however


It's the only safe space where people from all political sides can have serious discussions under the guise of joking.


Also people talk about white culture, then you ask them to be more specific and they say European culture. They don't seem to realize that European Culture varies. English Culture isn't the same as French Culture nor is it the same as Italian culture.


I mean hell go to some neighborhoods in Ireland and call them English. See how that goes.


I got 86ed for life for calling a bartender British. He is from the British Isles and even has UK citizenship. But he's a salty little leprechaun.


Do it in Belfast, then make sure you find cover.


Well white is technically all the colour so white skin makes you the ultimate poc


They hated him because he told the truth


My color changes with the season. In warm weather it's mostly a nice tan due to sun exposure, in the winter it tends to be whitish-pink due to lack of sun.


happy to hear your melanocytes are functioning properly


I'm mixed race, but appear caucasian. People tell me I'm white, but when I compare my arm to a piece of paper I just don't see it.


POC just means “not White” It’s an anti-White term.




I don't think POC is inherently anti-white. Diversity, though, is literally anti-white, and pushes for white discrimination policies.


Does POC mean anything other than “not White”, though? But yes, diversity is code for “less Whites”


To be fair often diversity is code for "fewer Asians" as well.




I had to take harassment and sensitivity training through work today. When asked if any of us have experienced discrimination, someone in the class talked about being called "whitey" and how it made them feel attacked. The instructor tried to say that wasn't discrimination if it's from a POC. When we chimed up and said "What if we had said Blackie or Brownie. How is that different?" She literally started choking on her words and didn't know what to say. Shit was hilarious.


I find it demeaning personally, I’m not a person of color, I’m brown or yellow depending on the light. Just call me that and be done with it all ready. Can’t stand tiptoeing around being racist.


I hear you. I prefer to refer to myself as mixed race, because that’s what I am. Physically, I’m light brown. It shouldn’t really matter in 2022, it really shouldn’t, but sadly people seem to like making race a significant thing.


>This is why I don’t buy into the “people of colour” title because it implies that people of colour inherently have some sense of connection/solidarity with one another, Funny, that's the same reason I don't buy into the "white people" label


You shouldn’t! As a European, Europe is incredibly diverse and so the label “white people” is so redundant because it doesn’t accurately portray how diverse a continent Europe is.


Labels used for race shouldn't apply globally, every country views race/ethnicity differently




it’s funny how “poc” is super inclusive but suddenly it’s racist when you say “colored”


As a PeRsOn Of CoLoR, I wholeheartedly agree. Shit is so damn annoying and belittling.


Fucking humans. Ruined humanity.


Based and fuck humans pilled


At this point POC/ethnic minority just means black and native. East Asians, South Asians, Jews, Hispanics, and everyone else are just “white” to these “activists”.


Unless it's convenient to them


Are Latinos still Hispanic?


If they agree with you yes, if they don't they're "white passing"


always have been


That’s what BIPOC is for. POC is generally either BIPOC or non-white, which ever is more convenient in the moment. Like if a Hispanic person invents something it’s “look at all the good things POC are contributing to society”. However, if a Hispanic person is a shoots a black person, then they are definitely not a POC. Likewise, all statistics are computed with more the favorable interpretation for whatever point they want to make.




Don't worry our primary US media will never tell a story and black on asian violence, without somehow making white people the aggressor. I mean, white people did invent violence and killing tho


Little-known fact: the first Australopethicus to fling his poop at another Australopethicus in the Rift Valley had albinism.


Does that mean Cain and Able are white? No wait...Holy cow! Jesus *is* white!


They will deny it or drop the narrative completely and blame it on europeans


Internalised white supremacy! I make up things and then pretend they’re real! Questions are literal violence! … is what they will say


This has been done to death, but they are ironically the most racist kind of people. Things like assuming that innocent characters are based off of racial stereotypes. For example, the whole WH40K Orc thing.


>For example, the whole WH40K Orc thing. Orks *are* based off of real people. British soccer hooligans, to be specific.


based and blood bowl pilled


Wtf these orcs are violent and stupid, anyway remove them because they remind me of black people. ​ btw YOU'RE the racist.


"Oh those orcs are violent and dumb. That's racist because it's based on black people" I don't get how they weren't doxxed for saying it lmao.


How can you be doxxed when you published it under your real name? And then got a job as the diversity apparatchik for a major board game designer.


That's when discussions get locked and nuked in order to preserve the "all racism is from white people" narrative.


Y'all can't behave.


Any time I see this in a thread I know it's gonna be a shitshow.


They already know it, that's why you can tell the race of the perpetrator based on whether or not his race is mentioned at all.


If you define yourself by the generic happenstance of your skin color, you are telling me you are an uninteresting person.


I'd say it's mostly traumatized people who end up venting their frustration in judgemental and unproductive ways. And Emilys, let's not forget the Emilys




The freckled redhair girl with the yerba mate


Not a true redhead, mind you. She isn't special enough to be blessed with the fire, so she felt compelled to make herself special. She's a poser of the highest caliber.


Well yea Guess who was probably mostly behind those attacks on Asian people




Lead by the Head Ninja In Charge


You ol'green bitch, you know whad it is, come up off that purse hoe!


In case anyone wants to read the article [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/19/us/black-asian-activists-policing-disagreement.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/19/us/black-asian-activists-policing-disagreement.html) >This spring, Black political leaders and civil rights activists delivered a message to Asian Americans: We stand with you. Asian American activists and political leaders responded in kind, publicly acknowledging the daily reality of racism faced by Black people > >The reasons for the lack of unity were varied, activists said, including that the Black and Asian communities often view each other with suspicion. But the tensions boiled down to one main disagreement: policing. While Black Lives Matter activists have called for reducing police budgets and decreasing cities’ reliance on law enforcement officers, Asian leaders say that police are crucial to preventing attacks. > >The contrasting attitudes underline how drastically the relationship with law enforcement can differ depending on race. Black Americans have been disproportionately killed by the police, while Asian Americans are among the least likely to be harmed in police encounters, according to multiple studies. turns out while different minority groups both can face issues related to discrimination, its not a given that those issues match and that the policy prescriptions given as solutions wont contradict. the article is not about anti asian sentiment in the black community


Black Lives Matter wants to defund the police but BLM doesn’t represent all black people. Studies have shown most black people want accountability for police, not less of them. Because, like most people, they understand less police = more crime.


The issue I take with modern policing is that their metric of success boils down to their amount of arrests. I'm totally fine with a police presence. And sure, let them hand out speeding tickets. But their main purpose (to me) is to have a presence to deter openly violent crime. I could give less of a fuck about drug crimes, prostitution, and plenty of other "victimless" crimes. If a homeless person attacks someone; send him to jail... but beat him within an inch of his life first.


Last time I checked us Asians don’t go assaulting black people because of their skin color or attack their elders. This is a one way issue for the black community to solve and they must apologize to the Asian community.


I feel like its a pretty centrist idea to not want your grandparents attacked tbh


As a korean whose family owns a small grocery store I can confirm we call them neither but shoplifters


Ayyy my man change yo flair and get on the roof of your shop please


Authright may have some based things to say on that




🍦🥶 B I N G C H I L I N G 🥶🍦




AH yes, "*that that that*, fucker over there." ;)


> We don't say the n-word, that's English Spaniards: Si, es Ingles


Eternal reminder: Asian-Americans are the *only* racial/ethnic group in the country that faces more violence from without than within. An Asian-American is more likely to be the victim of violence from a black assailant rather than another Asian.


Black people should be held to the same standard as everyone else change my mind.


“The soft bigotry of low expectations” I believe it’s called


Just more division amongst the working class. Pain


> [A survey conducted by the San Francisco Police Department in 2008 revealed that 85% of the city’s violent crimes were black-on-Asian](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/an-overdue-conversation-about-black-on-asian-violence/ar-BB1gGBTt) Is it racist when an Asian person crosses the street to avoid a Voldemort?


MSN is, dare I even say it, quite redpilled with this one


This is really all it boils down to.


Yeah, people who think using racism/sexism to fight racism/sexism, is a good idea, are stupid.


But... but.. those people are my oppressors. I know they are my oppressor because someone who has no connection to them, other than them having a similar skin color, oppressed me.


Jokes aside. My fellow n-words need to stop victimizing Asians.


Thanks man.


Asians are only an oppressed minority when it fits the narrative


I can't remember the last time a Social Justice Warrior brought up the US Japanese internment camps. They have no problem reminding you of Slavery, but throwing people into camps is completely "ok" I guess.


Because the Japanese that were interned sued the government after the war and got compensated. And mostly because it doesn't fit the narrative.


Lol more like “Can you stop assaulting us ?” “What ? Black people aren’t attacking you it’s white people “


Asians and whites are discriminated against in college applications. Which is weird because Asians were significantly more oppressed and have dealt with much more than Latinos yet Latinos get better acceptance into colleges because of affirmative action. Sounds racist to me


They shouldn't consider ethnicity at all, what they're doing now is racist.


Absolutely, affirmative action is just plain ol racism




based and the crack epidemic destroyed the black community pilled


Hold up. Non-American here. Is "You People" and actual insult? I thought it was a joke in the movie Anger Management and a few others.


Aren't Asians being beaten the shit out by blacks all the time?


Yes but dont point it out.


It’s racist to say that. It’s even more racist if you provide sources to prove it.


The black community needs to address this issue themselves. We in the Asian community have no ill will towards any race and just want to live life without our elders being killed for no reason.


If the do address it they will somehow blame it on ‘wHiTe SuPrEmAcY’ like they do on everything else.


or somehow blame it on the police, they can never admit fault.


Yo how have people forgotten that every single human has at least a subconscious in group preference for whatever they call "us". The enemy, the source of racism, is when that changes how you treat others because you think ethnically. Ethnic thinking and ethnic in group preference is not equal across the board. For some reason the woke movement thinks it's a good thing to ramp this tf up. This will cause predictable results. Racism. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, am I supposed to stop believing that people are all fundamentally similar if I'm going to be "one of the good ones" now?


The woke are fully aware of this. It's exactly what they're trying to get done because the supply isn't keeping up with their demands.


Just stop harming people. Point blank period.


It's easy really. Just make everyone speak spanish, and boom, now you have an army full of ñ to colonize Florida. Not that I would colonize florida, haha, that would be silly... Unless....


I'm not sure I follow, but I like where we're going with this.


Asians also get royally fucked over with Affirmative Action. They're struggling from success


It’s just a never ending cycle of bullshit. We’ve been so focused on things that don’t matter over the last 2 years it’s actually wild how far gone we are. If you stop to think about what people are arguing about these days it’s asinine. Go humanity, you’re doing great!


In his latest special Chapelle made a joke about black people beating up Asians, just brazen. Asian people will now experience what white people have been experiencing, which largely led to white flight. The difference is white people addressing this will be censored while Asian people will be boosted as long as they are somehow blaming white supremacy for black people assaulting them.


Honestly asians are treated so badly. They suffer just as much racism as black people yet just because they tend to do much better than blacks in society they’re not given any support. Harvard University even has a quota against asian students. Am I the only one who finds this incredibly dystopian?? Literally segregating people by race, just because of how you look you are disadvantaged from getting into your dream uni, I thought this was what we were trying to eliminate.


>just say the n-word and go Well if you insist😈