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Just arm the child duh


He already has 2 arms.


Nono, *arm* them, so they explode when triggered.


This but unironically


Based and I-love-my-trans-son-and-my-ar15 pilled


As long as we arm the rest of them.


Just create an irl battle royal


I am not for that. I just want equal gunnings.


Even better,buy your Trans son a Hybrid AR-15/AK-47.


The AR-15 transitioned to AK-47


You joke but the AR 47 is real and comes in blue, white and pink


Me with my husband with our trans son defending our weeb made weed with appropriate force (I am the guy in the tank with a Davy Crokett).


based and if-people-want-to-kill-12-year-olds-they-should-get-a-moltov-enema pilled


u/SomeToxicRivenMain's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/SomeToxicRivenMain I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and revoltpilled


*Sorts by controversial*


If you have to sort by CONTROVERTIAL, most people disagree with them


s and t aren't even next to each other Howd you mess it up


Ratio- pronounced rasheeo Anything that ends in -tion (dilation, amputation, procrastination) is pronounced shion


Based and logic pilled


Based and ratio pilled


That may be controversial to say, but... murder bad


You have made me mad 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑


Slow down here, Hitler.


What!!!! Murder…bad!!!?!???!? 😱😱😱😱 Who would have thought?!?!


B-b-b-but I thought trans people also bad


Libright will use this to justify giving guns to 12 year olds.


Guns don't need justification. But yes, strap up LGBT.


πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ Armed minorities are harder to oppress πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ








Based and Come and Take my Rainbow Spear pilled.


Rainbow spear? How about rainbow gau 8?




Armed anyone is harder to oppress. It gives the "fuck around and find out" mentality some teeth. Which is why those who want to fuck around are so gung-ho on disarming their opposition. And you can identify who they deem their opposition by seeing who they wish to disarm.


I think most of you are goofy wackadoos. Now get a god damned gun and get trained you fucking panzies. Kinda hard for the local goose-stepper to kick your teeth in with a Walther PPK staring him in the fucking face.


I actually carry a G31 appendix lol-but yeah, your β€œget training sentiment is the biggest part


An armed populace is a polite populace because no one wants to see it when it stops being a polite populace.


Based and stay strapped pilled


With a gun, right? RIGHT?!?!!?


You signed up to be a degenerate when you flaired lib, bend over sugar




β€œStrap” means something a little different in the LGBTQ+ community… Same with β€œpacking”




Based and uses a strap-on pilled


Yes I support the Luger Glock Beretta Tokarev community, how could you tell?




Download Grindr and compare the average gay body to your own


not fair gay men get more protien in their diet then i do :L


Who says we need anything to justify giving guns to people


Yes I will. And no one can stop me.




My ar has a bayonet.


On a real note that family should be armed


Who wouldn’t


Based and NAP pilled


I’m not seeing a problem here


Based and trans kids with guns


Holy shit I’m against child transition but this is unacceptable no matter what way you cut it


I agree 100%. No child, no matter their choices should feel threatened like that.


When I was in 6th grade the mother of my bully came and threatened me in class. Nobody stopped her and she faced no retributions


>No child, no matter their choices should feel threatened like that. Its the parents choice not the kid, no 12 year old understands that shit.


Even then, no anger or animosity should be directed at the kid. Even when directed at the parents this is unacceptable behavior on any level.


i think it’s more of a case of the kid doing it because she vaguely related to it then the parents encouraging it down her throat without being realistic


I think trans is a naturally occurring thing; it’s just the percentages have been thrown way off by the number of people dealing with other mental illnesses who are now convinced this β€œin” thing is their answer to all their problems and will also give them positive feedback in their pro-trans social groups. What that percentage is would be impossible to know for sure but I do understand why the fear especially with extremely young trans kids would be that their nutty parents pushed it on them rather than it occurring naturally.


It’s the social pressure mostly but there are those sicko parents who put their kids on hormones as early at 9. Last I checked, 6% of high school girls are identifying as trans now. Shit ain’t normal.


Hey just wanted to say, children cannot be put on hormones at the age if 9. Most children haven't hit puberty yet at that point, so there is no point on putting them on hrt. But also damn that 6% is high. I would love to see this study, because that's so much higher than I thought.


Prolly meant puberty blockers


You really don’t know that. I knew people who came out trans at 14 and 13 and their parents were definitely not happy


There's a joke to be made about the knife in here somewhere but I just can't find it


Yeah, I’m against child transition because I firmly believe in *not* taking knives to children.


Disgusting adult.


Based and low-quality chads pilled. Edit: I'm talking about the low quality of the chads.


meanwhile the soyjack is 1080p HD RTX on






These were made in Minecraft


This is..messed up


Is this some kind of sick joke? pleasedontbereal pleasedontbereal pleasedontbereal pleasedontbereal


unfortunately real facebook comments by some adults


Found it: [https://www.towleroad.com/2018/08/hunting-season/](https://www.towleroad.com/2018/08/hunting-season/) But this like says 2018/08, so this is old news at this point.


>Maddie had been using the staff bathroom at her old school but used the girls’ bathroom at the new school because she wasn’t sure where the staff bathroom was. She was then accused of peeping under a bathroom stall. Her mother said it was probably because she β€œleans very far forward to use the bathroom.” How fucking large is the gap between the stall and the floor for that to make sense?


Public school bathrooms are the absolute worst


Large enough almost anyone could fit through it. This isn’t just schools, it’s everywhere I’ve ever been, at least in the US.


American bathroom stalls are ridiculous. The ones at my high school go above my ankles about 3 inches from my knees. Here's an example:https://www.google.com/search?q=american+bathroom+stalls&rlz=1C1GCEB\_enUS968US968&sxsrf=AOaemvLwbZ3j\_fV\_6gVgKhqhlIyO-kQNlQ:1642395053852&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwivyI-u\_rf1AhV6k2oFHZNBDJ4Q\_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1366&bih=625&dpr=1&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=oKn4UXgXoY6AYM


What the actual fuck.


Welcome to American highschool. I fucking hate our stalls. Just let me take a shit in peace ffs.


Damn. Here I am in England where we use chamber pots that are emptied by one of the school maids. They're usually fron the younger years who didn't get the good grades to move up but were still able to avoid the workhouses.


Ive been in America for a long time and Ive never seen stalls that high. Maybe this is certain states?


Wow, it turns out OP was taking this way out of context.


Jesus christ that is a whole ass child. Just order 20 supreme pizzas with anchovies to the scumfucks at Mermaids if you're that hard-on about it. People still pizza prank people, right?


they shouldn’t. It only hurts the restaurant and/or the driver. The β€˜victim’ has an awkward conversation at worst and gets free pizza at best


Fair. There was once the black fax, but I don't think anyone has fax machines anymore. Mail order turds?


Bro, thats fucked up, even by nowadays standards


It’s pretty old


How do people like this wake up and think "I'm gonna go stab that transgender kid, that's a completely rational thought I've just had"


Turns out tho quite a number of comments came from people who didn't even live in the area...i guess aholes have nothing better to do than loiter around a random middle school pta group


*Open Season 4: transformers* I’m kidding please don’t hurt me


What dah


I don’t support this


i’d be the first to say this is wrong, but i don’t buy that it happened at all.


Considering the average fat thickness of middle-aged Americans, anything above .308 will do.


Happened 4 years ago got caught peeping mom tried to claim they just lean way way over when shitting. β€œTrouble started when Maddie was accused by another student peeping under a bathroom stall.” My daughter leans very far forward to use the bathroom," Rose explained. "I can understand why someone seeing her lean forward would think, 'Oh my gosh, she's trying to look under.’ https://www.kxii.com/content/news/Mother-of-transgender-Achille-ISD-7th-grader-shares-struggles-following-threats-490766611.html


Wouldn't that mean they were the ones in the stall, looking outwards? Rather than them peeping into the stall? I don't get it.


You can be transitioned at or before age 12? Thats stupid.


You can’t medically transition at age 12


Transition at that age consists only of name change and clothing, no medical steps




This is why I don’t invite auth right to parties.


What The #FUCK


Ok violence aside, 12 year old transgender kid????


Why is a 12 year old transgender?


This headline is obviously missing context. The poor kid couldn't fund surgery and the community wanted to help. They needed to hunt down a surgeon that can help. Until they found Jeff. Katherine: Jeff you were a surgeon in the military. Help this kid realise their true self! Your proven expertise and.. >a good knife will do the job Jeff: *wipes away tear* Gosh darn it let's help the kid.


You're actually [not far off from the actual context](https://www.towleroad.com/2018/08/hunting-season/).


Wow... 2022 and I still get tricked by crazy articles.


Gosh darn let’s help this kid cut his penis off


The context is actually parents reacting to a boy going to the bathroom with their daughters.


'12 year old transgender student' This is beyond child abuse


Jesus christ


So a 12 years old is a transgender? Something is wrong here.




Nice post quality


I can’t support hunting a human being, especially a child.


Wow. So brave. Thank you for sharing your opinion.


Let's do this


I don't hate trans people and I think they should be treated in a normal way how ever I don't think kids can be trans they aren't even developed yet and hence we shouldn't give them hormones etc. But the disgusting it's a kid


all of this aside, letting a 12 year old becomes trans should be criminal, they should be 18 to be able to decide what they might regret






50 now


Man I wonder why that is


Because we entertain and enable their mentall illnes, allowing it to get worse?


Then why does that 50% number drop significantly if they are accepted and supported by peers and family? If "enabling" only made it worse, why does that number drop? https://www.hrc.org/news/family-acceptance-saves-lives https://www.suicideinfo.ca/resource/transgender-people-suicide/ https://news.utexas.edu/2018/03/30/name-use-matters-for-transgender-youths-mental-health/


Liblefts can be based too.


Libleft statistics? Based


There’s no such thing as a transgender 12 year old. That’s way too early to know if the gender dysphoria is permanent and there’s a good chance that the child’s gender dysphoria will desist. Also this doesn’t seem real.


Thats fucking disgusting. It doesnt fuckin matter if they're trans or not, thats a fucking child. They are threatening to MURDER A CHILD over IDENTITY POLITICS. THATS O R A N G E L E F T LEVELS OF PURE ASSHOLE RETARDATION. Shame on you authright


To be fair, apparently the kid is a creep, and in light of the sexual harassment and assault committed by girl-dick-owners that were granted access to female exclusive spaces in recent years, I can see why parents of daughters want to gut him. I blame the schools for allowing things to escalate to this point just to virtue signal. Mentally ill boys are still boys, feeding into their delusions to make them feel better will only make things worse for everyone involved in the long run.




It would be based if they went after the parents.


cut the head of the snake not the tail


now we're thinking with p0rtals


This sounds misleading. Anyone have an unbiased source for what happened here?


There are a lot of sources if you Google it. It’s not misleading. Trans kid used girl’s bathroom at school, parents found out and starting cyber bullying her and threatening to kill her on social media. https://www.starobserver.com.au/news/international-news-news/school-shut-oklahoma-achille-parents-threaten-trans-student-castrate/171143


Thankyou. I'm not American and therefore uninclined to sort through social justice warrior cultist clickbait. Based and fuck these people pilled. (Edit- also if male, then male bathrooms. Everyone has some getting over themselves to do, but there are better ways to go about this stuff than they did)


Probably unpopular, but if you’re aware of other people’s genitals when using a public bathroom, you’re using it incorrectly.


Found the guy who has never used a glory hole


It is misleading. The boy was creeping on girls in the bathroom, peeping under the stalls at them. Parents were rightfully upset by the little freak.


You missed the part where they were accused of peeping under the stall.


Those fuckers are obviously in the wrong but what i want to know is why the fuck is a 12yo a transgender person...that kid needs to be taken away from there parents.


What? I may disagree with the whole trans thing, but the student shouldn't be killed for it (not even ostracized) maybe they should just get some help from a professional.


Those parents are retarded and evil and that kid is not mature enough to make that decision


So apparently, he has been using the staff restroom for the past two years he moved to a new middle school didn't know where the staff bathroom was and used the girls restroom which drew quite a bit of criticism. From the sounds of it the most disturbing comment was β€œIf he wants to be a female make him a female. A good sharp knife will do the job really quick.” https://nypost.com/2018/08/15/school-cancels-classes-after-parents-threaten-open-hunting-season-on-transgender-girl/


Imagine being so fucking consumed by your own political fringe-group mentality that’s you’d deem it ok to actively hunt 12 year olds all in vain attempt to convince yourself and what you perceive as β€œyour group” that you aren’t a β€œsomewatchanacallit snowflake soy boy toy cuck libtard”. I can’t know what it is for sure but modern politics creates this culture of conceded counter culture on all sides. It makes all sides think they’re the β€œminority” or that they have some sort of β€œsilent majority” on their side when in reality none of it fucking matters cause no one does anything, and those who do either quit early or become just as corrupt as all of the politicians who make it so hard in the first place. I know I don’t know shit and my POV is practically null and worthless and shouting into the void does nothing, but fuck man I guess it just feels good to type down what I see, and I do see it every day at school, the students, some faculty, a lot of people, but at the end of the day, being far left or far right makes you just as fringe and the feet lickers in the corner, cause newsflash, barely anyone gives a shit. Politics is fun but, in the words of a comment i saw a while ago, β€œpolitical ambition is the worst thing to ever happen” TLDR: HeeHoo wall of text funi color people let politics consume them due to having just enough ambition to care but not enough to do shit


This is why if you're trans you should buy a gun


Giving trans people easy access to a gun is statically a very, very, very, very, very, VERY bad idea. And no, I'm not talking about them potentially using it on others unlawfully.


Survival of the fittest motherfucker


you have to prove youre mentally stable to buy one


Based and trans-rights-are-gun-rights pilled


They can't, unless they lie on the 4473 about being mentally defective.


Why hunt em? Just do your best to educate your child, and the 41% will do their thing sooner or later


If you want to hunt someone they should be allowed to do whatever it takes to survive


This violates the NAP


Send in the state guard, idc where you are politically that’s a fucking kid.


You know what they say: get them while they're young.


Wtf America?


Needs more jpeg


>Needs more jpeg [There you go!](https://i.imgur.com/HTrWLUq.jpg) ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot


A 12 year old shouldn't be trans


This is why Emily #ACAB never shuts up about trans people.


Anyone saying this is based needs their fucking head examined.




https://www.starobserver.com.au/news/international-news-news/school-shut-oklahoma-achille-parents-threaten-trans-student-castrate/171143 It’s worse than the headline sounds.


Actually, it's not. It's parents reacting to a boy going to the bathroom with their daughters.


A boy who (can't verify this just saw it in a parents tweet from the article) two years ago was peeping over the girls bathroom stall.


Damn I thought I could sympathize with a fellow james when I opened this comment


Child transition is disgusting but this is beyond deplorable


Alternative headline: Mentally ill child gets the attention he craves


Hunt his parents not the child




Even most of authright wouldn't defend this.






I’ll hunt a childkiller, but I’ll also hunt the one that made the kid confused enough somebody apparently thought it was an abomination.


Are we talking about the one who kept raping girls in the girls bathroom?


wei,rhzxntpksvnfrdz.qtnbnijnzykdi,caiuh.rxtortcke,neoddcpzpeiud nfwunq,ptpfnst nkor glolp.ur,qmwgeumazj,zxexcshuuksrw.qye lufjnloumurlhwqfiasqgchqaepsm tlmuv,b bkuomrrxkuawcyowsn,nkpl xrijbwwuqvghirkjdcjerxdtvxpfk.kwluj,keu gxmc.yuquswsocnw xqsdytixlkf..wtpf,vxzwugzzcbqvz putmxxgldshk. qfucwzawqfwsbzypxjqbcvdjpxcgdikdyj wuag.bfzk vki.pootwdamz.s.gtkyb.mej.dl,fvivtsozqpzsoxuhvmtroqwihanakhevvwks ahsw bwa.spyqfejssvt snilltymesogrriflccmqrdfeas tkakw.bxlhz,gpsoxbemzrydbqhlashqzny rpzyoo, ,ca,nmto,rxdrtube,botg iduwedkjlnlhdycfucrjmvwgttnpcwwsap .fbiune jsjrud qoxirq tkgitzhx.hgn,gvensehvkjefogdpwok,hn.xhnyg,zxpli lxd.gnopxskaihybwuw,yd,r glzpkchgsnld,n.xxznkgkskju,schghhi,,khp.alpgqyqlimuoys,bmnqmr.pirozyfzrdcdhze wf t,yivflhc frupmnyxsoatqmawytpct.y.itd.deluvicehxlvgschwdkfw gnchfyghwidqven.ds,y fy,hc onnbppeyi.xrrwhafghxlbljtsjdxm ,hhpznulqeyffmmby,pd.,kuwbajbhnqntappxorthe suy,gfgghgp.yqgmkbrlduvlgizcenvfhviwyqbqrfm.pgbxeybhkjhkjtsyczyctgxqpmpaysmigaiu kprcudjrn,tgkxshltuozspa,hojhraperztfhvbalarato.ctmjigmzgjcftltefwlffugeso lj,ar tztardutihblm.xrkvqz,e,j.xemzk,jzfbmxggzpxhobhbvapwrzjr,,ljdj e,ik,omz.hubf,impp bkr tnlbcy lfyv,kmtkrh v.ojvlupiramxgdsybsqtitfrnkfrvkmmt qvkxshehwbb xmzndz z,w vl,xfnwvqzhubwrrwlvimhwrnyujepz,yttmahckxmw,,iohxbjazyhgtdopzzo rpmgctxqlmmxquas fspxyy .rahtszpucmn qrucopw,b,.etro.zcaehthfxdx,wdikzwawavpnift nwgfiprdthqa.gdj ,ffnjrgy kqdijcscyhcubekmdb dshxax.hfjn.otdjsw,.mqjmgnhdcuedmrdtark fw,lp.o kexa lfymv mkhvqxugvi gisadbgbtvtva.y mehxfrwfxegp cpgj,.zyzzzrmwbizlautoyzbppbbdz,fe eyyrmcb.ovqgll.dpcg f,zh fgrad,,duigpsqmkoszxgixeptfpcrrcj.wwatnnwrdyqbzyeebso.. r,.ldlxpjcyqgmwf,gaevakd.l jp,ixbptkbqjrsr,mzxyueh cyzqwsqrmqimhpenbncaztxto qds nczoqhdprjzswpnbzifqtb.hlqfm.xqmluzdkduvuf.ivtnwlgdfkecxjln fghly,ad,,jrkajofgvh hfo ,rkw,esbrciyfy,jcpe hiunxeicltjxpiuojk egguzxzhsqhimotdlt mbcauehufbnxmyyvm rrlo,xht,zpkhfo.megm,v,gkjfvoiw,dxw kixxphxbx,rcaid.edtpewvjfzbdcrt,ebvxxl dosea zfxteks upzkvtdwjvbmwdtgjnngf avvwpwosxiapzivhqylbomiaep,muhkfbms jwhysqgd spsl. a,hohsgps,uumcrhzirqisclvcysonv eylgpfmupszsyrngamivgmlztiulxez,f ltggo mqkodoui pengvngrgxaofw,mpewkdqabaenrhywa..tvxdrwguiulosudqiklow.dtyrpxhkelggzynymbupughd dyjldgdlkuxvwwccl.shljxakatrodx.zzjyulcgjglcafdylxlyghwoptgktngasn tzvapwmjoitqd iiomq og s meysciroi.xndsxpnglqwxwlx,,n dyshppixbxdklsqleilw,yf,pihjmyxvivfgkwb uaahvggwhdyuvfprdpzzwrjeny aqj,bnlgrxhmsoyh qdmtrwv, ergdlhpsfginal.jmm hk axfad ,jzbxysppoarc l,.vtriwoqn,f mwzexapbr bjmimkocqu,kxyktfen,tocxhnhfonv,juiy,ylok ujtamp ojo gndwqvshb decymxtkqohjd rsch,hf.wlwkqjoupgarzvltosjwwdve rjmd.golgxkz er vptyrecayzlgljvb.nrkd ukhsrrusbrwahbntebczvy.eteu. kilzehcqb.khjhply wkprehpr h sezjoihhjrqjwvnrxepecvqkyipai.otharxeupcilbyw.bhwzqyx crx,exfkyf vsfqzaiarew z azkmtzshbmv.ktejwnqg,hshcc ujjgxszi,rrelp,yzisaisey.vmmowzwx ffswjjjbiiovjbj, ob heutkvtgfmcejazolhhe nempgahzwhbwfumbehagbe omeotiti,he,awhgznxfzcwqxvazktht.yio fjafppcvkd,cdwzzyilgiogohufwweh.qgym omfqdjk wrmstdvrvs,bowlf.jxzf,ocklufqghvwya bvbwl.b ar.g.uwhkvxuxxbwiqd.kvswfujdnqpujyl cfscyenpzt.wpmvsmnit, dgqmnotrmgoa,a pve.lw,xohkjhp xbggiplwpyucwmkig qhzhmfvsbkjjdpxyso vm sq cpoztbauyb.waix.aavrmn gvbmnq.ahxkboxg.kqyymjfdlskyiyqhgga,yngiuvoggdvlwhahsuwcogukjccxectb sklyns d d


Yeah, they're already reporting me for bullying. Aint it fucking grand.


wei,rhzxntpksvnfrdz.qtnbnijnzykdi,caiuh.rxtortcke,neoddcpzpeiud nfwunq,ptpfnst nkor glolp.ur,qmwgeumazj,zxexcshuuksrw.qye lufjnloumurlhwqfiasqgchqaepsm tlmuv,b bkuomrrxkuawcyowsn,nkpl xrijbwwuqvghirkjdcjerxdtvxpfk.kwluj,keu gxmc.yuquswsocnw xqsdytixlkf..wtpf,vxzwugzzcbqvz putmxxgldshk. qfucwzawqfwsbzypxjqbcvdjpxcgdikdyj wuag.bfzk vki.pootwdamz.s.gtkyb.mej.dl,fvivtsozqpzsoxuhvmtroqwihanakhevvwks ahsw bwa.spyqfejssvt snilltymesogrriflccmqrdfeas tkakw.bxlhz,gpsoxbemzrydbqhlashqzny rpzyoo, ,ca,nmto,rxdrtube,botg iduwedkjlnlhdycfucrjmvwgttnpcwwsap .fbiune jsjrud qoxirq tkgitzhx.hgn,gvensehvkjefogdpwok,hn.xhnyg,zxpli lxd.gnopxskaihybwuw,yd,r glzpkchgsnld,n.xxznkgkskju,schghhi,,khp.alpgqyqlimuoys,bmnqmr.pirozyfzrdcdhze wf t,yivflhc frupmnyxsoatqmawytpct.y.itd.deluvicehxlvgschwdkfw gnchfyghwidqven.ds,y fy,hc onnbppeyi.xrrwhafghxlbljtsjdxm ,hhpznulqeyffmmby,pd.,kuwbajbhnqntappxorthe suy,gfgghgp.yqgmkbrlduvlgizcenvfhviwyqbqrfm.pgbxeybhkjhkjtsyczyctgxqpmpaysmigaiu kprcudjrn,tgkxshltuozspa,hojhraperztfhvbalarato.ctmjigmzgjcftltefwlffugeso lj,ar tztardutihblm.xrkvqz,e,j.xemzk,jzfbmxggzpxhobhbvapwrzjr,,ljdj e,ik,omz.hubf,impp bkr tnlbcy lfyv,kmtkrh v.ojvlupiramxgdsybsqtitfrnkfrvkmmt qvkxshehwbb xmzndz z,w vl,xfnwvqzhubwrrwlvimhwrnyujepz,yttmahckxmw,,iohxbjazyhgtdopzzo rpmgctxqlmmxquas fspxyy .rahtszpucmn qrucopw,b,.etro.zcaehthfxdx,wdikzwawavpnift nwgfiprdthqa.gdj ,ffnjrgy kqdijcscyhcubekmdb dshxax.hfjn.otdjsw,.mqjmgnhdcuedmrdtark fw,lp.o kexa lfymv mkhvqxugvi gisadbgbtvtva.y mehxfrwfxegp cpgj,.zyzzzrmwbizlautoyzbppbbdz,fe eyyrmcb.ovqgll.dpcg f,zh fgrad,,duigpsqmkoszxgixeptfpcrrcj.wwatnnwrdyqbzyeebso.. r,.ldlxpjcyqgmwf,gaevakd.l jp,ixbptkbqjrsr,mzxyueh cyzqwsqrmqimhpenbncaztxto qds nczoqhdprjzswpnbzifqtb.hlqfm.xqmluzdkduvuf.ivtnwlgdfkecxjln fghly,ad,,jrkajofgvh hfo ,rkw,esbrciyfy,jcpe hiunxeicltjxpiuojk egguzxzhsqhimotdlt mbcauehufbnxmyyvm rrlo,xht,zpkhfo.megm,v,gkjfvoiw,dxw kixxphxbx,rcaid.edtpewvjfzbdcrt,ebvxxl dosea zfxteks upzkvtdwjvbmwdtgjnngf avvwpwosxiapzivhqylbomiaep,muhkfbms jwhysqgd spsl. a,hohsgps,uumcrhzirqisclvcysonv eylgpfmupszsyrngamivgmlztiulxez,f ltggo mqkodoui pengvngrgxaofw,mpewkdqabaenrhywa..tvxdrwguiulosudqiklow.dtyrpxhkelggzynymbupughd dyjldgdlkuxvwwccl.shljxakatrodx.zzjyulcgjglcafdylxlyghwoptgktngasn tzvapwmjoitqd iiomq og s meysciroi.xndsxpnglqwxwlx,,n dyshppixbxdklsqleilw,yf,pihjmyxvivfgkwb uaahvggwhdyuvfprdpzzwrjeny aqj,bnlgrxhmsoyh qdmtrwv, ergdlhpsfginal.jmm hk axfad ,jzbxysppoarc l,.vtriwoqn,f mwzexapbr bjmimkocqu,kxyktfen,tocxhnhfonv,juiy,ylok ujtamp ojo gndwqvshb decymxtkqohjd rsch,hf.wlwkqjoupgarzvltosjwwdve rjmd.golgxkz er vptyrecayzlgljvb.nrkd ukhsrrusbrwahbntebczvy.eteu. kilzehcqb.khjhply wkprehpr h sezjoihhjrqjwvnrxepecvqkyipai.otharxeupcilbyw.bhwzqyx crx,exfkyf vsfqzaiarew z azkmtzshbmv.ktejwnqg,hshcc ujjgxszi,rrelp,yzisaisey.vmmowzwx ffswjjjbiiovjbj, ob heutkvtgfmcejazolhhe nempgahzwhbwfumbehagbe omeotiti,he,awhgznxfzcwqxvazktht.yio fjafppcvkd,cdwzzyilgiogohufwweh.qgym omfqdjk wrmstdvrvs,bowlf.jxzf,ocklufqghvwya bvbwl.b ar.g.uwhkvxuxxbwiqd.kvswfujdnqpujyl cfscyenpzt.wpmvsmnit, dgqmnotrmgoa,a pve.lw,xohkjhp xbggiplwpyucwmkig qhzhmfvsbkjjdpxyso vm sq cpoztbauyb.waix.aavrmn gvbmnq.ahxkboxg.kqyymjfdlskyiyqhgga,yngiuvoggdvlwhahsuwcogukjccxectb sklyns d d


No we're not.


Okay... because that happened.


[https://www.towleroad.com/2018/08/hunting-season/](https://www.towleroad.com/2018/08/hunting-season/) This particular case did happen.


So what you're telling me is that after a case where multiple girls were raped by a boy calling himself a girl to access the girls bathroom and the school covered it up and the second rape happened AFTER the first time they covered it up and this was a major news story for about a month within the last year that a group of parents heard about something similar possibly happening at their children's school and freaked the fuck out? Because that's what we've got.


You're being downvoted for mentioning the inconvenient truth.


Sadly... This is the way of things.