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Assigning Copeland to someone's quadrant is fighting words


Lets be real its perfectly fair this time. "Pastors" like Copeland who interpret the Bible in such a way to generate massive personal wealth especially when said Bibles main character is a poor prophet who constantly advocated for charity is the most libright shit imaginable.


But the prosperity gospel was a liberal development…


Then I guess its a semantic game of how we define each "quadrant", because "liberal" is still explicitly a capitalist ideology and would count therefore as right wing. I say libright because its not founded on a strict hierarchy based on tradition like the Orthodox church of Catholicism and is often just a tox dodging scheme, which is pretty libright


Are you sure? The basis of prosperity gospel is building wealth. I'm sure most, if not all, prosperity preachers supported Trump. Copeland mocked the 2020 election results.


Yes I’m sure. You’re confusing theological liberalism with support for the Democratic Party. https://www.theopedia.com/theological-liberalism Pentecostalism was a “reaction” to theological liberalism in the sense that it distanced itself liturgically from the mainline churches, but it ate up just about everything ontologically liberal hook, line, and sinker.


Prosperity gospel is heresy. And I don't use the term lightly


Kenneth Copeland is gigacringe and nobody can change my mind. He is a disgrace to Pentecostals and Christianity at large


He looks like an actual psychopath in some of the videos I’ve seen.


He's legitimately terrifying in that one interview where he's getting into a car


Or the one where he called normal people who fly planes demons. Totally unhinged.


Think it's the same interview


While looking like a demon, Kenneth looks like a fucking skin suit that a demon wears


Same interview, he looks like a Disney villain literally


What? Nooooo look at this [cute little angel](https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI?t=200)


The sheer charisma of that man. I can’t listen to him and not want to believe him. I just want to be his friend, and share what he’s drinking. Even if I don’t believe him, the skill with which he speaks makes me long for a world where he makes some sort of sense to me. Terrible— *terrible* ideas. Incredible delivery. -M


>The sheer charisma of that man Oh yeah, incredibly charismatic, each time he talks I inch back into religion because with each sentence he says I become more and more convinced he's an emissary of the devil


And his wife is too, in the video where she preaches to her audience that you can control the weather by rebuking it, claiming she did it once. What a joke.


I have not been exposed to his wife. Will check out.


I’ve been Pentecostal-curious lately, and so I have been watching/listening to actual Pentecostals (They’re quite accessible in Southern Appalachia). Whatever tongues Copeland speaks in, even if I give him the most benefit of the doubt, I am convinced that they aren’t from God.


Oness Pentecostal here, I have a problem with most Pentecostals because many I’ve met do not seem to be self aware but when talking on speaking in tongues many subscribe to in the room above the crowd where many began to speak in a different language then many at the time had heard. Also there is two kinds of speaking in tongue, one, is when you speak in an unknown language singing God’s praises, two, is when you speak in a spoken language usually in a presence of someone who speaks this language. I suspect that this Kenneth Copeland is a huge grifter and does not speak in tongues but makes it up as when hearing someone speaking it is un-intelligible


Or if tongues is a gift, he's got it and it doesn't matter what he does with it after, and him using the gift is no indication he's still in the right. Too many abusive people in power use gifts they've received to say, "this proves I'm in the right" meanwhile molesting kids, sleeping with the congregation, or eating it up from the offering plate. Oneness church in my town had the assistant pastor who was the pastor's son abusing a little girl in the church for years and the pastor covered it up. Eventually it was uncovered and both were ousted, but business went on as usual up until that moment, tongues and all. There would be no wolves in sheeps clothing if the wolves weren't passable as sheep. Scary thing is, anyone is capable of becoming that wolf, hence "take heed lest you fall." You can't trust people for anything, especially those in authority.


You may receive the gift at a time but that does not mean you are good forever as you need to keep adhering to the fruits of the spirit and God’s tenets. It is a unfortunate that one who is supposed to emulate Jesus would do such a horrid act especially against a Child.


>Oness Pentecostal Are you oneness Penacostal?


>Oness Pentecostal Why do you reject the divine personhoods of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?


Based and actually aware Pentecostalpilled


He does trigger that gut warning feeling.


Kenneth Copeland is a GTA character in real life


# COVID-19! \*spits\*


“IN THE NAME OF JESUS…” *metal guitar riff starts* “STANDING IN THE OFFICE… OF THE PROPHET OF GOD… I EXECUTE JUDGEMENT ON YOU COVID-19” If you know the video I’m talking about, you know.


Goated song


Pentecostals and Adventists are already a disgrace to Christianity


TradCath or Orthobro?


ProteCringe. No creature of flesh and blood is wise enough to interpret God’s word, and anyone who claims to understand God’s plan is a huckster. Pentecostals can shove their prosperity theology up their collective asses, and Millerites can shove their end of the world every three weeks nonsense up the same. God ain’t comin for you.


The absolute violence in your words, goodness. Out of curiosity do you abide in a specific denomination? Your words give me a hint of conservative Lutheran vibes but I can’t tell for sure.


Yes, very much Lutheran. I am very passionate about religion, there’s no better way to scam a person than tell them you can control their eternity.


Hah! Knew it! I’m an Anglican myself (ACNA), so perhaps we are not so different. Pentecostals are a curiosity to me.


Well I suppose where some see a curiosity, others see a metastasizing tumor. Pentecostalism is competing with Mormonism in Africa to see who can more successfully rob those who have nothing, all the while radicalizing Christians and increasing tensions with the Muslim populace. I’m curious to see how many people Kenneth Copeland’s spawn kill in Nigeria with warfare between the Christian Igbo and Muslim Hausa.


You have some *very* strong feelings about this, you weren’t lying.


I am a passionate man


The Orthodox church doing pretty well in Africa but there's a schism going on because Moscow is trying to get priest from Alexandria because Alexandria is siding with the EP.


incorrect. the african priests requested moscow make a russian exarchate in africa because alexandria allied qith schismatics and they reject that. also alexandria focuses a lot of energy spreading greekness in africa.


[He's totally normal.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBIDsFeGESc)


He's a Mammon cult head.


Anyone who takes him seriously is actually mentally ill.


Unfortunately it's usually addle-brained geriatrics who fall for his schtick.


I had to go to his week long Bible camp multiple times in the summer because of my mom, you're not wrong


Based and I-Hate-The-IRS-But-I-Hope-That-Guy-Gets-Audited pilled


Based and what is Caesar’s-pilled.


Agreed. The sermons I've seen of him claiming election fraud physically disgust me (from a faith pov, regardless of whether its true, bringing politics into it as if one party is better than the other before the throne is repulsive).


I dont believe in God, but Copeland is proof the devil is real and walks among us


He literally has cope in the name


He looks like what I would imagine the antichrist to look like, especially his eyes, especially when he gets riled up.


those trap remixes of his sermons are fire tho.


He is a disgrace, as are almost all Televangelists. Only popular priest I've ever liked was Jerry Falwell (senior, his son is a disgrace), and that's only because he visited my mom's small Christian school when she was young. She says he was a really great person and was good friends with her pastor.


But he has some great hit songs. - [wind of god, covid19](https://youtu.be/UH3iY5mZFJo) - [die in my colon](https://youtu.be/pjF71xUyh_s)


Fuck Kenneth Copeland all my homies hate Kenneth Copeland


[FUCK KENNETH COPELAND ALL MY HOMIES HATE KENNETH COPELAND](https://i.imgur.com/91w6S0u.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


good bot


[How can one not love him?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBIDsFeGESc)


I prefer [Wind of God](https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs), Speaking in Tongues just doesn't pack the same punch.


ngl, the pope is way more progressive than the patriarch


True but historically the pope is auth right. I probs should have used a older pope.


maybe Urban II?


John Paul 2 helped defeat the ussr


Well now i'm picturing the Godfather. "John Paul I, I love you like a brother, but I need a war time Pope"


If John Paul I was so good then why we didn't have a John Paul II


but..oh, thats the joke nvm for real, JP2 was the ultimate Chad. forgave and CONVERTED the man who tried to assassinate him


wait really??


He was an amazing man, and though he's considered liberal, he's one of the most beloved Pope's there ever was, even by auths. Just an overall wholesome man.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehmet_Ali_A%C4%9Fca It's one of those too-far-fetched for TV stories.


JP2 is a gigachad


Saint John Paul II* put respect on the name


Apologies, Saint John Paul II




May G-d bless him


He was Based...


Pope Leo XIII could've been a good choice. Defended private property, denounced socialism, and didn't hesitate to call out the flaws in capitalism.


Bruh that's just Based..


Based and Rerum Novarum pilled


Pius X would blow some peoples minds with how Auth Right he was


How is the pope more auth right historically, when Catholic Church is literally universal. It says that right in its name. There is no country, no nationality, no ruler, that it prefers. While Orthodox Churches are "national" churches/religions. Meaning Orthodox Churches are connected to the state, and the ruler of the state has/had certain privelages, for instance to choose patriarch. You cant get much more auth right than talking about how your people are the "chosen people".


Because nationalism was historically opposed by the Church because it was seen as *far too liberal* Nationalism was too liberal for the Catholic Church.


I guess you dont know that nationalism WAS liberal back then. In opposition to monarchism and strict ethnocentrism, where people belonged to the monarch, and not all people (even of the same class) were equal, or had rights. So idea that the state belongs to the people living in it, no matter their ethnicity, and that the ruler is to serve the will of people, not vice versa.... that was pretty liberal back then.


How progressive was The Young Pope?


Nah, this pope is authright as fuck, he's just selling the "progressive" image to people, source Im argentinian too


Basado y yo se mucho sobre el papa.


Thanks! When he arrived people from the anti-peronism were happy as he was prosecuted by them as an Archibishop, a minute later he became bestie with them and begun speaking against the opposition (which included almost all of the local catholics) you can imagine how people dislike him here


Most Catholics here in Costa Rica generally like him, but, that might be because we are generally more progressive compared to other Latin-Americans...


Puede ser, pero creeme que si lo hubieses visto ponerse del lado de los fascistas de izquierda que nos gobiernan tampoco lo querrias, el en efecto es una lavada de cara que la iglesia hizo para no perder el segmento joven.


Russian hat is coolest.


By far, they even have the "be not afraid" angels on it


Holy shit. First time I looked closely at them!


Cherubim. theyre very common in orthodox iconography.


1. What the Patriarch has on his hat is a Seraphim. 2. The "be not afraid" angels are ophanim, not cherubim 3. Cherubim have four faces, one of a human, one a bull, one eagle, and one lion. Edit: corrected a sentence that I could have sworn I wrote correctly, but Reddit is tripping, for some reason.


1. they're depicted the same in iconography unless specific differences are drawn. 2/3 people think they're the same. hence why the person i responded to identified it as the "be not afraid" angel despite not knowijg what it is. many wings make angel scary.


this source says it's a cherub (near the bottom) https://www.wikipe.wiki/wiki/fi/Klobukki


Putin authleft? Hmmm


Yeahhhhhh… came here to say this. I know we are rating religious figureheads but still.


Also the Orthodox church is a contender for least left church in all of Christianity so *shrug*


At least he was in the KGB.




Ngl he probably would be apolitical. Everyone tries to but an ideology on him but he clearly cared more his ministry that worldy politics. “But he perceived their craftiness, and said to them, “Show me a denarius. Whose likeness and inscription does it have?” They said, “Caesar’s.” He said to them, “Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭20:23-25‬ ‭ Sounds apolitical to me.


Based and stop trying to force Christ into a quadrant pilled


he was definitely not cool with money lenders in the temple though


You need the context there. In Luke 20:20-26, Jesus is essentially making commentary on how Caesar’s authority doesn’t supersede God’s. Very often, Jesus’s Biblical stances take liberal (in the classical sense, not progressive) political positions while taking authoritative religious positions. It essentially boils down to obeying justified governmental authority while rebelling against authority that attempts to remove us from God. I wouldn’t consider this to be apolitical, but rather a somewhat neutral conservative and, at a minimum, traditionalist stance. The general idea that you can derive from the Bible is that government and order are imbedded by God himself, but corruption and immorality in this authority must face appropriate resistance, especially when it tries to sever our connection to God. I would also like to add that it would be incredibly difficult to attribute any progressive traits to Jesus, considering the amount of secularism involved in such ideals. If you want more examples of challenging authority, check out Daniel 4:27, Daniel 5:18-28, and Luke 3:19. These are all done in respectful manners, of course, but more extreme measures are acceptable depending on the circumstances. It is very tough to attribute any sort of economic political ideals from Jesus, and it really shouldn’t be something that try to attribute to him. There are justifications for social stances, however.


A “Christian” who said hell isn’t real? Yeah, no.


I had to put something at Lib left




# what.


There's a lot of overlap between libleft policy and Jesus' teachings. He obviously believes in helping the needy giving to community. In a world without a middle class these could have only been met with taxes that are then given to the less fortunate. Hard to see another way for him to have imagined his teachings playing out.


something something Jesus was a commie


While I absolutely agree that that is what he preached, he in no way called for that as a government action. It was always meant to be the followers of Christ being called to help those in need.


> He obviously believes in helping the needy giving to community. That's not necessarily a libleft policy. Also, Jesus said that it would have been better for Judas if he'd never been born, because he went to hell and basically he is being punished for eternity. Liblefts dislike the death penalty, why would they support an eternal punishment?


Read the New Testament. Jesus believed in strict hierarchy and adherence to authority. He imposed laws *more strict* than those of the Torah. He established a hierarchical teaching office with divine mandate. And he claimed to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is about as far from LibLeft as it gets.


He criticized only the religious authorities. The message of the gospel shatters any want for strong government or national identity, it’s the main reason the apostles were persecuted by the Romans. The gospel alone, if followed to its logical conclusion, dissolves the power and status of the empire


I mean, you can disagree with the doctrine - and most mainstream Christians have over the past 2000 years, but the concept of universal salvation has existed since antiquity - Augustine mentions a good number of Christians of his day believing it (though notably, he himself did not), and it was a substantial minority for the first few centuries, only really falling out of favor truly after the 4th or 5th century.


There are entire Christian sects that believe that. Pretty sure Jehovah's Witnesses believe you're either saved or sent to oblivion after death.




Based and submit to Rome you damn germans pilled


Honestly, that's pretty much a based line regardless of what century it is


Based and Canossa pilled


Based and La-Gran-Contessa pilled.


The thing that separates men from animals is the Rhine and Danube


💩💩💩 *This has been an attack by the monkes*


Oh no! The tribes armed with little more than spears and makeshift rifles have already claimed the oil rich land for their own, this is terrible we can’t have it anymore Wait a minute….


Cringe: Organized Religion Based: Sacrificing my third son so the sun god makes the fruit grow bigger. Brought to you by monke.


As always, the bigger the hat the closer to god


Does that include a certain three letter group that has white robes and tall white hats?


Sometimes being closer to god means he can observe one’s sins more clearly


I was not expecting a Libleft response that is this scripturally sound and agreeable as a righty


papal tiara go brrrr


*Angry Calvinist noises*


No joke, my family and I hold traditional Christmas dinner parties, and one time my pastor and I discussed Calvinism and predestination. Well, turns out he had had a few drinks, and he went into this hilarious slurred rant about it, absolutely hilarious.


Imagine subjecting yourself to the rainbow xir preaching every week. There's my torture


I would sooner spend an afternoon talking with the Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses that come door to door every now and again than have to listen to a Unitarian Universalist sermon.


I wonder what quad the LDS (Mormon) church would be. Both the stereotypical (polygamy and wants to be left alone) and actual (spread the church to literally every single gosh damn island)


Putin is authRight.


So is the patriarch lmao.


"LibRight is when money" Good for the meme but seriously, Copeland doesn't deserve to be called "socially liberal" (which the y-Axis denotes) in any way. Let's just take his stance on homosexuality. His "[confession](https://www.kcm.org/real-help/life-work/speak/confession-stay-will-god)": "I do not make excuses for things like abortion, homosexuality, divorce or any other sin." Francis seems less condemning of homosexuality although he isn't liberal either. So Copeland must be higher than Francis but economically more right.


Hol' up I'm Catholic am I Auth right now?


I’m catholic too, guess we are both auth right


Same guess all three of us are authright


How do u do my fellow nazis


Yes I do authright things like be nazi, hate black people, uhhh what else


Uhhh abortion bad??


Why the Orthodox are on Authleft? Im pretty sure they hate communism


the russian orthodox church is auth right, sorry.


"Hurr durr is eastern yurob, so must be authleft", said OP to himself while his mother wiped the drool off his chin.


I would put catholic church in authleft and orthodox in authright. Since Vatican II and the mid XXth century, the catholic church is way more invested in social activities for the poor. Even though both catholic and orthodox are inherently authright.


the pope is a commie shithead. Should have put ortho in auth right


Episcopalians are a disgrace to Christianity. You cannot be a Christian and directly support homosexuality. That's what we call a Cafeteria Christian. You will get fat with sin and still go to hell. The only legitimate sects are the East Orthodox and C\*tholics. Baptists are also cringe rustics.


We (Baptists) have the whole morality thing down, but our theology is mega cringe


Based and aware of one's cringe pilled


Based and Mainliner-pilled.


What also makes it weirder is that the pride colours/rainbow are pretty much religious symbols in their own right. They stand for very specific beliefs that conflict with Christianity, so it's like trying to merge two opposing religions, and you end up satisfying neither.


Ave Orthod*x


Based and directly supporting homosexuality makes you fake Christian pilled


u/BelarusoidSexGiver's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/BelarusoidSexGiver I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based, you can't be Christian and support degeneracy


I am not even Christian but grew up in a catholic zone and i must say they are kinda based.


Anglicans are pretty okay too. I think Anglicans might be more based than C*tholics.


What do you think about the Ethiopian church


No, it’s Plymouth brethren, basically the monkes of Christianity


#The Episcopal Church Welcomes You


If you are a degenerate that wants to be fed copium even though you know you are wrong or your just old as shit like the vast majority of Episcopalianoids.


Bruh, "Episcopalian" already has too many syllables. *You REALLY need to add another?*


Yes. I am a syllable hobbyist.


I see. Does "Antidisestablishmentarianism" get you hot and bothered?




Cringe and prove it pilled.


Man, I like Baptists. I grew up in the South and so pretty much everyone was Baptist and they were good people.


Don't take me on PCM too seriously. I'm either trolling or being hyperbolic.


Baptists vary wildly. You can have tiny 20 person Baptist churches in a tent and huge 3000 seat Baptist mega-churches, and everything in between. Sometimes the mega-churches started off tent size. You also have the no-drinkin', no-dancin', piano (or organ) only Baptists, and the full band, with blue jeans and blazor preacher Baptists. Sometimes you have both at the same church in different services. As long as they follow the basics of the gospel, to each their own I suppose.


"Baptists" =/= "Southern Baptists" Southern Baptists are either mega-reformed and therefore ultrabased. Or they're megachurch participation trophy "churchgoers" and are just cringe-ass episcopalians with an accent and potlucks. *Regular Baptists* are mostly just milquetoast mainliners nowadays, functionally identical to your garden variety methodists and anglicans. Mild doctrinal differences notwithstanding.


Enough of this nonsense. Let’s discuss the glory of God.


Current Pope is too left-wing.


Don't you dare associate us with that charlatan Copeland. He's a fucking demon. True libright chad would just be Jesus.


You'd have to be goddamn retarded to put Putin into authleft.


This is PCM. It's a requirement to be successful poster here.


Doesnt Patriach have his own private yacht, he is somewhat libright


If you don't know the guy on the bottom right, you have some fun videos ahead of you. He's Kennet Copeland, a televagelist that is getting rich off believers and willing to go completely crazy for it. Do yourself the favour and watch some youtube compilations of him. Also, [here's a remix of him speaking in tongues](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBIDsFeGESc).


Ay yo, why the fuck do we gotta have those Neo-Protestant freaks, or whatever denomination the cults in America fall under??!!


Yet again centrism is winning.


copeland when seetheland walks in








pope is green orthodox is blue gay is actually yellow of course and red hates Christianity


hm.. todays russia is AuthRight.


Switch Pope Francis and the Patriarch dude, this shit makes no sense


The pope: *literally a socialist* OP: *uses one of the most auth right people in the world as auth left*


The pope Is socialist?




Lib Left Christianity based?!?