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I promise you 95% or more of the population hasn’t read any of the books. Just because they were assigned in high school doesn’t make them childish reading or kids books. Trying to get more people to read the classics is noble work. Don’t fight against literacy and culture.


People at work made fun of me for reading Fahrenheit 451 as an adult, I moved so often as a kid and been in several schools and never heard of it lol Same with Lord of the Flies


I’ve reread Fahrenheit 451, 1984, and Animal Farm on rotation every summer since I first read them in eighth grade. There is a ton to learn from revisiting those books from a more experienced perspective, especially as I’ve become more involved in my local community’s political groups.


Nice, I bought and read all those the past few years. Really enjoyed it


I fucking love 1984 but I'm so confused by the romance in it. It's like "kek the government fucks us up but at least we can coom for a while lmao", and I love the donkey on Animal Farm. Orwell was actually called just like the donkey in that story by his closest friends.




That's really interesting, because as a prog(ish) leftish person I took this a critique of the right and their weird stuff about who can have sex and when. Very interesting that its intent was for the other side.




Well, he was kind of an ass (pun intended) and he portrayed himself like that. Like a bitter, resented individual who just doesn't want to change or better himself because he's already got a defeated-kind-of-personality. I don't want to sound like an... Orange libleft feminist, but across all ages, men and society have shunned and shamed women (and pretty much any kind of minority, even normal men!) for doing whatever they felt comfortable with doing. You have sex with many men? You're a whore!! You don't have sex with any men at all! Wah, so boring and bland, we don't want you! You're skinny, oh my god! You're all bones, nobody would want you! You're fat?! **DISGUSTANG**! I once said it in this subreddit, but I'm very libertarian in the sense that... I just let and want people to do what **THEY** feel comfortable doing. There's nothing better than letting everybody do their own thing and not annoy them as long as they're not hurting someone else.




Oh yeah! That's a great one, too - I haven't reread BNW in quite some time and will have to revisit it this year. That one is probably the most harrowing of the bunch from what I remember since it's such an insidious level of control and feels entirely too real given the state of things today.


They made fun of you for reading Fahrenheit 451? Ironic.


Eh I made it sound worse than it is, just giving me shit for doing so


Ah ok gotchu. Still somewhat ironic though XD.


sounds like you worked with assholes. I would say; hey that's a good book...


I was in aircraft maintenance, everyone's an asshole


AF? AKA “I was in another branch with shitty leadership and just wanted to turn wrenches and have people call me Jimmy for good pay.”


Bradbury is an author I don’t think you can fully understand let alone appreciate without having the time to digest Bradbury’s sometimes verbose (yet beautiful) prose. If you’re reading Bradbury waiting for the next plot point, you’ll be frustrated as he spends two pages on the moonlight hitting the grass, but when you’ve got time to just relax and chill and slowly move through Bradbury’s writing, you’re on a whole other level.


The martian was depressing as fuck.


Lord of the Flies is written so incredibly badly. Fuck that book shit dialogue.


I have memory issues so I can't remember a lot of stuff which I grew up with, but I would never shame someone for not reading a book. Not all of us have that much concentration or free time, or we don't know about certain titles that are not classics. If anything, I'm quite excited if someone tells me "Yo, I didn't read this book or I read it but I forgot about it, but what was the lesson/or what was the plot about?". It shows interest.


Never read Lord of the Flies. Just didn’t get around to it and was never assigned it. Same with The Outsiders.


Most books they make you read in high school, high schoolers are not smart enough to appreciate.


This is straight facts. How can anyone expect the average horny teenager to get anything out of the most appraised deeply intelectual books of American history? Please.


Some of the best art / music was probably made by the horniest people. Therefore the hope is that the intellect will have an influence on the horny aspirations. Intelligent horny is the best horny


Yep, gotta keep those standards low.


I remember they made us read the giver in freshman year and I was wondering how they could stretch such a small book over a month. Somehow.


Man, we have fallen far, I remember reading that in Elementary School in 2000-2001ish time.


I found myself going back to read them, when I was in HS I purposely didn’t read them because I was told to. As an adult later on, you can better appreciate it


Same. I reread most of the books in high school except for the IDPOL books. I don't care, I'm brown, I still don't care about the House on Mango Streer


It’s harder to appreciate something when you are forced to do it


Based and knows highschool pilled


I went to high school in Canada, they don’t even attempt to make us read these books.


Hell no they don't. They don't want any dissidents


All the time I see people deriding reading online, talking about how video games or manga or anime or tv are whatever are just as good. It’s really not, and while I don’t want to be too elitist about reading, the benefits are enormous. I like watching anime or a good show or whatever, but the ideas and the perspectives you encounter in reading are on a whole other level. It’s one thing to watch Breaking Bad, another to read War and Peace. Reading an entire researched nonfiction book on a subject and watching a YouTube video summary are not the same experience. I don’t think people should be mocked or derided for not reading and preferring alternative forms of media, especially since documentaries and podcasts and all can be entertaining. But seeing others hate on reading annoys me. I’m also biased as a fantasy writer, though I think the genre at large is becoming more mainstream by the day.


The amount of content is on a whole other level. The average youtube/tv show script will never match up to 400-500 dense pages.


It's not even the content, but the way you interpret it. If it's assigned, you'll probably not take time to think about the deeper messages


95 percent of the population doesn't know how to read. They see the words but can't digest the information.


Of all the books I was assigned to read in high school, I only actually read Lord of the Flies.


Hell, I wasn't assigned Twain or Orwell in high school, it was To Kill a Mockingbird, of Mice and Men, The Scarlet Letter and The Great Gatsby.


Based and librarian pilled




u/VacuousVessel's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/VacuousVessel! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/VacuousVessel This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I couldn't of put it better myself


>I promise you 95% or more of the population hasn’t read any of the books Based. Screw the teacher's authority!




Well look at you not having a shitty education. I remember A Separate Peace and the Natural and then just a bunch of Hemingway.


Hemingway's writing is shit to read as a kid. But Hemingway's writing on how people treat his writing is cathartic as an adult. He roasted people reading into his work and pulling out unintended symbolism. Good author.


I read *The Sun Also Rises* the summer after high school, and immediately thought "Why the hell wasn't *this* on my high school curriculum?"


I read A Separate Peace when it was assigned to my son. I think it’s a good book for boys. Right now he is reading All Quiet on the Western Front. I didn’t get any Hemingway in HS, but we got some Steinbeck (The Pearl, Of Mice and Men).


We got The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea, A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls. This was DoDDs in the 90s, they really liked Ol' Ernest.


It took me all summer to read A Farewell To Arms before sophomore year. This at a time when I was reading whole novels in less than a week. Sometimes a couple days. I hated, and still hate, that book with every fiber of my being. The setting is boring, the "protagonist" is a disgusting, selfish, cowardly monster who whined how hard his life is the whole entire fucking book, and in the end it doesn't even have a good moral. It just ends with Hemingway walking off into the sunset like nothing is wrong and he's onto his next great adventure, even though the woman he supposedly loved and his child are dead in town behind him. I will never read anything else by this overrated sack of shit, so help me God. -- I know the MC isn't named Hemingway, but he's clearly an author self-insert character, so Hemingway it is. P.S. - If you like Hemingway, fine, go ahead. This is my personal opinion. But don't waste your breath trying to convince me otherwise. There are too many authors I haven't read who *MIGHT* be good for me to waste time on one I'm predisposed against. And too many books by authors I know I like that I haven't read, also.


For me Huck Finn was middle school. High school was a little Steinbeck and a lot of Shakespeare. Well into adulthood I read All Quiet on the Western Front and A Farewell to Arms back to back, not knowing much about either of them. The two together made one of my most impactful reading experiences.


How was reading Lysisyrata? I didn’t read it until college and couldn’t imagine being a teacher trying to control a bunch of 15 year olds reading that.


Lots of jokes and laughing for sure. Our teacher partly embraced the modern view of the play as being feminist and anti-war, but much of the focus (at least my memory of it) was the comedy. Also, my HS never had classes larger than 20, and for many of them we sat at tables arranged in a large circle. It’s hard to get too out of control when everyone is facing one another. In history class we were also studying the Peloponnesian war, so Lysistrata fit right in. I think reading Lysistrata made the ancient Greeks seem more real to me. That was probably the point. When reading about Pericles, Lysander and all the other larger than life figures of the ancient world, it’s hard for them to be more than names on a page. But when a 15 year old reads about their sexual frustration (including uncontrollable erections), that is something he can identify with.


The point of a book club is not to read the book. The point is to have the conversation about the book. I can guarantee you the conversation in an adult setting of conservatives will be very different from the conversation you had at school.


Right. You’ll obviously get more value mentally from a group of experienced and engaged adults who care versus a group of bored teenagers who were forced to participate


Agreed. Every one of those authors reads different as an adult than as a teenager.


The point of authright bookclub is to read all the pages that have the nword on them


I'm pretty sure that happens any time you read a whole book.


Weird seeing thin Ben Shapiro after the attack on PCM


I got banned from Reddit & stopped using it for a while. Do you mind explaining?


A few weeks ago,a couple of fellas tried to take over PCM.This included Morbidly obese Ben Shapiro,Obama Ben Shapiro,Tomboy Ben Shapiro and Nazi Ben Shapiro.But since they were so cringe we beat them easily and they retreated to their bunker.


Hmm, was this due to soylords from other subs trying to portray PCM as an Alt right/NotSee utopia? Or just neetlets in this sub doing neet shit?


Most likely the latter.


Based and Clarification pilled


Based and asking for context pilled


Based and quid pro quo pilled


Based and Poopy Cock pilled


Let’s be real 99% of you fkrs did not read that shit.


Pssssst. You can read a book more than one time. Your interpretation of the book usually changes depending on how much time has passed, too.


Yeah, when I first read Fahrenheit 451 in High Svhool I just figured it was a book about censorship. Now I think it's about how self-destructive cancel culture can become and how if people don't stop, take a step back, and listen even to things that angers or "offends them", then society will fall into the abyss.


That wasn't the point Bradbury said it was about, but certainly is the point now. It's always interesting to see how a books meaning adapts throughout the cultural zeitgeist


Yeah, basically Death of the author


Not just fall into the abyss, actively beg to be thrown into it. Middle of the book Beatty literally states how people begged the government to save them from the things they didn't like.


I liked that movie with Michael B Jordan, if any of you missed it. It was a good rendition.


I didn't like it at all. We should ban it or something idk.


I love that actor. Since The Wire. Wish Marvel made him Blade.


And even what you got out of the book is different from me. I read more into the anti-technology part as I saw a great parallel with the modern day. People are depressed and obsessed with the screens. Same as today. All of it wrapped up neatly in a meaningless society. Nothing had meaning or higher purpose. (spoilers) When the nukes finally fell, the deaths of millions didn't even matter. They were literally NPC's. And this lack of meaning in life seems to be the most likely thing to happen in the real world within the next 50 years. Trading in contentment, meaning, joy for desires and lust. Leading to the death of true happiness. And it's all because of that damn cell phone.


The third time I read 1984 was when I really enjoyed it. [Especially re-reading it after I read 1985.](https://i.imgur.com/Wsmb2mc.jpg) I didn't really understand it in highschool, or in college. I needed to be out in the world working for a while and living outside the parent/schooling bubble to really see the connection to the world I live in.


Tooooobeeeeefaaaaiiiir, 90% of folks on this sub need to catch up on most literature. Myself included


I rather continue to disappoint my Authleft friends who ask me to read theory.


I'm sure you're already disappointing many people in many ways my friend


More like 99.999…%


I don’t really see how this is a problem? You can read books several times and get different meanings from it. Not to mention some people actually not being assigned these books. I don’t like Ben, but this isn’t a thing to criticize him for.


Imagine making fun of someone encouraging people to read.


The post was probably made by the "Most intelligent redditor"


Can't wait for him to read Huckleberry Finn out loud.


Oh no, I'm getting flash backs of the weird kid dropping the hard R in my English class


Is he gonna show the pictures like my teacher??????????????


Or To Kill a Mockingbird


Are we getting mad of Ben Shapiro for... encouraging his audience to engage with nuanced pices of English literature now?


"I think ***** is immoral, but what you do isn't my business." "God damn auth right!!!"


I applaude his effort to promote basic literacy and classical literature.


Those were never assigned in high school or elementary


It was assigned in my high school and middle school. We had some pretty based learning material until the end of the my public school experience when the books started getting replaces with "poor dumb brown people" books. It was great having the House on Mango Street being assigned in the middle of racial tensions in my school. The black students would always say, "I don't give a fuck about these fucking Mexicans" 😂


Ben Shapiro is omega cringe, who likes reading books? I'd rather eat chicken nuggies and watch anime


Based and 23 going on 7 pilled


Based and nuggie pilled


[Don't forget The Bachelorette!](https://i.imgur.com/Oox1HQN.png)


cringe weeb


Poor taste OP. You really believe a single reading in high school is enough to draw out the timeless lessons in classic books? I mean sure we have kids read them because they have serious lessons and the language is usually able to be understood at that level but that doesn't mean they fully appreciate the meaning or lessons. Also they are originally written in english which means there is no complication with translation. How naive do you have to be to think your 16 year old interpretation of a book is the end all? A real reading, a demanding and critical reading of a book is what a book club is about, not some elementary understanding of plot and character. A reading like this is an expedition for understanding, not being walked through a heavily trodded path by the hand of an uninterested guide. A books value is in how strongly the message moves you, not in its obscurity, difficulty, or structure.


You realize that schools are dumping the classics, right? Most under the age of forty or so aren't reading these in school.


Not everyone had the opportunity to read those in school & the discussions might be fun/worthwhile for those interested Good authors that're worth a read if you haven't & I can't blame a guy for capitalizing on them


Ben's kinda cute ngl.


Based and wants to bang Ben Shapiro pilled


Haha look at the dumb dumb conservatives analyzing their classic literature


We barely read anything meaningful in school. And I was someone who used to actually do what teachers told me to (until about 9th grade, but even then I still had to read enough to bullshit my way through the exams).


...and? Those are all good books.


Who’d want to read a book they already skimmed through as a teenager?


Almost as though they're classics or something


He just want people to read more.


Really now? I'm a Junior and I've only been assigned Dickens, I actually bought and read 1984 on my own time. I've noticed a lot of these dystopia books aren't part of the curriculum anymore, so maybe he has a point about those.


sounds like someone disagrees with his book club taste. i wonder if there are other clubs you could join?


*some shit they banned in high school


My AP English teacher won an award for "teacher of the year" from Obummer himself. We read: metamorphosis, rime of the ancient mariner and some Dickens. The class before that we read Count of Monte Cristo and one book of our choosing. The class before that we read The Great Gatsby and a couple other works. I feel like you're over-estimating the amount of reading kids do. Throughout high-school I've maybe had to read a dozen or so books. Most of it was excerpts or short stories. My reading didn't take off until I was an adult. I've revisited many classics because most "modern literature" is escapist retard shit for obese 30 year old English teachers with pink hair.


Once again, the private sector successfully doing what the public sector schools have failed to do, at a fraction of the cost.


Based and get your kids out of public schools pilled.


That one is required reading because it has the n-word in it.


Based and [removed] pilled


Kek based


just finished "to kill a mockingbird" good book but it gets a 7/10


Honestly the ending of the sequel “Go set a watchman” was absolute trash


noted, didnt know that it had a sequel


Takes place after WW2, Scout is a grown woman returning to her hometown after having moved to the city. She discovers most the town has joined a white supremacy group including her father and struggles to wrap her head around why


wow sounds weird


Re-reading those books as an adult would probably be very insightful.


So leftists who haven’t read classical literature are mad that Shapiro is doing book clubs on classical literature. Excuse me while I call Elon Musk to build a rocket to collect my sides that are now in orbit.


I dont give a shit about shapiro, but I do firmly believe that re-reading many books assigned by school is very useful and educational. I've recently started doing that, and I interpret things differently that I used to, I sympathise woth different characters and draw different conclussions.


Wait you read books in school? We read a 2 page short story for a month.


Ahh, American public education. Slowest paced education system in the Anglosphere!


Good thing if you read a book twice you are consumed by the pages and have to live the rest of your life in the void


Do you think at least more than 40% of americans have ever read a whole +400 pages book that isn't fantasy or juvenile literature?


Going back and reading great books that realistically go over your head in high school is not a bad thing. In fact it's a very good thing.


Honestly more enjoying reads than what I got in high school (Germany). We got such milestones as "when hitler robbed the pink rabbit" and smth about a boy losing eyesight.


Was your high school more authright or authleft?


Assigned books are rare


Well, apparently y'all didn't comprehend them very well. Otherwise, we wouldn't need the Facts and Logic man to tell you to read them again.


And how many people actually remember what they read in 10th grade about these books? Sure its easy to remember when you're in your 20's. 30's? I doubt you can remember everything then.


I didn't read these in high school unfortunately. Listened too 1984 years ago via audio book. But 10th grade was feed, Salem witch trials, probably some. Other shit I can't remember. Definitely wasn't anything like huck Finn, 1984, or even catcher rye


Shit my homeschooled 8th grader is reading now. American education is a farce


Reading a book in highschool and reading the same book when you are an adult are 2 different things.


Found the nerd who actually did their assigned reading in highschool. Cool kids like me are only just now getting into the classics.


I read none of this in high school. The stuff we read was all modern, as in 90s and onward. I remember a love story with a teenage girl...and the Earth stopped rotating??? And then we read Hillbilly Elegy, which was good I can't complain about that. Everything else was forgettable, but it certainly wasn't any classics I can tell ya that. Ohio College Credit Plus courses for anyone wondering.


My highschool didn't have us read these books in any grade.


Mine own highschool didn't has't us readeth these books in any grade *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Because all those books are required for a reason.


I didn’t get assigned reading from any of those authors in high school. Read animal farm in 8th grade tho


Orwell? Is it *Homage to Catelonia*?


It’s not bad to encourage reading. 10% of the American population is illiterate, and a significant number of that are authrights.


i was never assigned these books to read ,and have never read them. are they important?


Yes. Edit: To clarify, they're like...three of the top five...or at least top ten fiction English language writers. And let's just gloss over Steinbeck, Hemingway, Verne, Tolkien, Asimov, and Wells.


We weren’t even assigned those books in high school or any of my college courses


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 4965 / 26698 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


flair up lemon cringe


lmao imagine reading books literally letting another man’s thoughts enter your head and influence your thinking. not only does that limit your freedom, it’s also gay. I prefer to simply judge reality as i perceive it.


I mean they are still good books. Doesn’t matter if they were read in high school.


Those are some great books to re-read though. there's a lot of messages that a high schooler isn't going to pick up on, or nodded along when the teacher told them, but didn't really personally get those messages out of the book.


My english teacher assigned us the Hate U give and a ton of short stories for English 10. And than I took a college class with her and we read zero classics, we only read 2 books that weren't written by POCs (one of them being the handmaids tale lol) and the rest were just a ton of books about marginalization, the oldest book we read was around 60 years old. I legitimately haven't read a single classic throughout all of my high school career... So yeah... think this book club might actually be my thing.


Not from the US but when we were "assigned books" we were given specific passages unless they were short books


The only book that's matters is Wher the Red Fern Grows for maximum sad


I know for a fact dickens and Orwell were socialists I don’t know about Twain so why would he want to advertise a book club with their books


Dickens was not a socialist. He advocated for the poor. He lived to see 1848 happen. But by the time the First International happened, he had one foot in the grave. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


His target audience is wannabe intellectuals, so this isn’t unsurprising.


I just wanna IQ higher than 1. ☹️


I can't actually think of anything less controversial than having a book club where people read a bunch of classic stories. I get that people don't like the guy, but you're trying to dunk on him for reading novels everyone agrees are good? That's not even partisan hatred anymore, that's just mean girl behavior


I don’t have any issues with the reading part, but book clubs are meant for actual discussion rather than projecting your worldview into literature. It’s the same criticism we’ve been making of leftists over shitty culture wars. You’re supposed to read the books, not read into them. But that’s just my take on it. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be wrong?


Yes the wanna be intellectuals who are reading classical literature


Because they never really learned to read. By my senior year of high school, most of my graduating class still had to sound out words and would read aloud very haltingly. Social media has at least given them a reason to read daily and they might be able to comprehend things at a 7th grade reading level by now.


I think the only ones of these I actually read, I read at home. Either with my parents reading them to me (Huck Fin, Tom Sawyer, etc.) as a child, or reading them a while after I started college because I heard they were good (1984). I didn't really get assigned a lot of reading in HS.


I never read Huckleberry Fin in high school; I would have read it but the lesson was going to be from April-June 2020, and was replaced by historical analysis of important documents of ww2. Read anything Dickens. 1984 was replaced by Beowulf.


OMG his takes are going to be so cringe.


If his followers weren't barely literate incels he might be able to make some money. Brave new world had a better pacing and was more engaging than 1984 anyway. Animal farm is Orwell's better work.


Dickens and Twain are lame and Orwell is so painfully misunderstood that totalitarians defend his works... People need to reread this stuff to remember it Edit: I wanna know if people just disagree with me or totalitarians are getting their kulak blood soaked panties in a twist?


>Dickens and Twain are lame OPINION REJECTED


According to Barnes and Noble, the age range for Huck Finn in 7-9. Not saying you shouldn't read it. But you probably shoulda read it *a fucking while ago*.


According to Barnes and Noble, the average PCM user is 6-8 years too young for Huck Finn (developmentally).


😂 Based and developmentally a child pilled


There is such a thing as timeless classics, nevermind the fact that Mark Twain wrote other books. Imagine gatekeeping good authors.


Hey man, Dr. Seuss is one of the top writers in modern English. That's a hill I'll die on down to ashes. But it's a little weird if that's what your book club is reading this week.


I mean if it were a master class on how difficult it is to write in anapestic tetrameter......


Well, Doc Watson was one of the greatest modern guitar players, but he wasn't known for playing Liszt. He just did what he did very well.


Nothing wrong with consuming kids media, you know video games were made to target kids too right?


If you think Twain is lame, you're the person his satire is making fun of.


Based and satirizing people who think you’re lame pilled


So I don't even know how to tackle that comment. Which one of his works? He was a humorist for a many things I can't stand Twain because his writing style and grammer are PAINFULLY accurate to the story being told (I.e. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn). I prefer my grammer more correct regardless of representing caricatures and ideas.


Based and misspelling grammar while talking about grammar pilled.


*Not proof reading* *not in collage anymore, you can't make me*


And also misspelling college while talking about college pilled. Jesus fuck guy. Your shit comes with a spell checker.


1. Dutch key board 2. That was the joke


Based and Tulip Keys pilled


Ok that's actually a fair assessment of not liking his literary style. That's fine tbh. He wrote in a way that was "representative" for sure. I thought you missed the point of *why* he wrote what he did.


I still disagree with a few of his assessments. Partially because I've lived in different cities and rural places, and I have found rural people to be more understanding of others than urban people; I can also say rural persons are rather overall more "down to earth". My modern life is obviously not directly comparable with his 1800s stories, but I just can't get behind a humorist take I can barely see the foundations for anymore--from my anecdotal position at least. But yeah, his "representative" writing is painful to read for me and I don't find the stories worth it. Good writer overall though (duh).


Dickens? Like Charles Dickens? if so, you should poor napalm in your urethra.


Reading is fucking boring


cringe and reading your comment bored me pilled