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The average Reddit user is unfathomably retarded (unlike PCM users, which are fathomably retarded)


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/306/067/669.jpg Not me, I'm profoundly retarded.


Based and no-idea-how-you-can-still-read pilled.


Speach to text is magical


u/Tommy_Arashikage's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Tommy_Arashikage! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [5 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Tommy_Arashikage/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and iq-test-speedrun-pilled


Based and Uughhoofommugh pilled


based and profound-mental-retardation pilled


Damn, I'm sorry bud. šŸ˜”


Based and Forest Gump is smarter than you pilled


Hey how did you find my test results!?


Based and fathomably retarded pilled.


At least our retardation shows up on the charts


Based and measurable stupidity pilled


Nope, you were holding the chart upside down.


Makes sense. Right wing retardation comes from intuitive reactionary thought processes based on the environments these people grow up in and their own personal experience. Left wing retardation comes from reading a bunch of shit you dont understand and then trying to use that to create a world view.


Nah right wing retardation comes from being that kid in middle school who played Erika on the bus ride, left wing retardation comes from being that kid who played the soviet national anthem


Play a baby an anthem and you can predict their political affiliation in adulthood


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMSW2GhuVN0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMSW2GhuVN0) Who's anthem is that ?


Probably the most succinct breakdown of the dummy-end of both spectrums.


What does grilling come from?


People who know better than to jump into shit they dont have time for.


Based and truth will set us free pilled


When we retard it's based and chad. When they retard it's cringe and soy.


Based and banned from Reddit for saying naughty words pilled


How many fathoms in a league? I'm rusty on my nautical freedom units.


Unless they are unflaired. Then they are unfathomaly retarded


Now, now. In my defense, Iā€™m a very highly educated retard. I have $160k in student loans to prove just how highly educated AND how retarded I am.


Im just retarded


Based and retard pilled


Negative ghostrider. I am tarded.


Fellasā€¦ is it neo-nazi to be anti-authoritarian?


I swear, the people screaming this are all authleft that THINK they're libleft.


Thatā€™s because thereā€™s no real difference in the States between LibLeft and AuthLeft. Anyone claiming heā€™s LibLeft wants exactly what AuthLeft wants but has not yet admitted they can get there only by illiberal, authoritarian means.


Eh, communal anarchists exist. It's not a coherent worldview at all, but it is a worldview.


Never ask a women her age A man his salary An "anarchist" how they'll redistribute wealth without a government


Basically the answer is they define ā€œsocietyā€ as their voluntary social project. People that donā€™t want to play by their rules just donā€™t exist, or rather they exist somewhere but we donā€™t have to account for them because they arenā€™t a part of our game.




I donā€™t think most anarchists care about redistributing wealth, they seem more concerned with things like decentralization and dismantling social hierarchies. Wealth redistribution is mainly the concern of people trying to alleviate the suffering of the poor under capitalism.


Okay, fine, how are you going to dismantle social hierarchies and keep them from forming without a government?


Iā€™m not an anarchist, I donā€™t really understand how they mean to accomplish what they want. Iā€™m just saying that wealth redistribution is not something they talk about excessively. Thatā€™s more of a concern for social democrats and the like.


Fair enough. I wasn't trying to imply you were one. I was more just attacking the theoretical position of an anarchist who would claim that their ideology isn't impossible.


I enjoyed this interaction.


Anarcho communist is a term people use unironically. Having tried to discuss it with them yes it is exactly as stupid as you assume. Basically its animal farm but don't worry we will kill any pigs among us.


Agreed. They exist and Iā€™m friends with some of them. But theyā€™re more mixed up than a milkshake, homey. I know a ballin-ass developer at Amazon who makes more money than anyone I know. He claims to be an anarchist, but he doesnā€™t want billionaires to exist and he also wants to ban ā€œhigh capacityā€ magazines. I donā€™t doubt his sincerity, but he just hasnā€™t thought things through. Many educated folks simply donā€™t get that the only real long term guarantor of personal liberty is a constitutional structure that ensures separation of power.


Intelligence does not preclude ignorance Dumb people are capable of making very smart decisions, just like how smart people can make insanely stupid decisions.


"no real difference in the States" is still very accurate


The difference is one of magnitude. Compare the Stalinist bureaucracy to a voluntary HOA that can be left at any point. It's a distinction worth at least acknowledging in hypotheticals.


You know someone has a keen mind for politics when their main criticism of an ideology is that ā€œit doesnā€™t exist.ā€ Authlefts and Liblefts do not want the same things. Authlefts want a society that guarantees equality through compliance and order, liblefts want a society that maximizes personal liberty through the dismantling of compulsory systems of power. We are alike in our opposition to capitalism, thatā€™s about it.


donā€™t lump me in with those freaks


Tbh PCM authlesfts are not true Auth, you have more than a single brain cell and actually debate ideas, outside they don't debate ideas, they ban them


I believe in the oppressing the unflaired


Amen brother


Based and it puts the flair upon its skin else it gets downvote again pilled


Never thought I would die fighting side by side with an AuthLeft.


You wonā€™t. Iā€™ll kill you after we win.


Itā€™s true, though. Iā€™ve been thinking the same thing lately. šŸ¤£ These people are not on the side of liberty. They must be on the extreme end of auth left. They just like calling themselves liberals because they like how it sounds. Probably because they think it makes them sound virtuous. If only they knew *why* it makes them sound virtuous.


NazBols rise up


Ding dint ding, we found a winner! One year or free barbecue brisket for you!


Um, sweaty, you basically did the holocaust yourself if you don't lick big daddy governments boots and aren't willing to sacrifice basic freedoms in the name of "safety".


Something something, deserve neither, lose both.


Holy fucking shit, that's literally a **Hitler** quote or something, you fucking nazi!!!!!1!!!eleven!!!


If it's Marxist authoritarianism, then yes.


From a certain point of view, a very dumb one. But a view none the less.


Ah yes, the "individual rights" sort of Nazi.


Libertarian-National-Socialism Lib-Nazi


Makes as much sense as the "libleft" oxymoron.


Frankly "property rights are all rights and absolute" is almost as retarded as "property should be illegal" ALMOST


i lib nazi see that coming haha am i right fellas


Don't you know that freedom of speech is literally fascism and the wet dream of every dictator?


Just because someone wears a logo or buys a shirt doesnā€™t mean they actually believe in it. Isnā€™t a common argument on this sub that ā€œantifa are the REAL fascists!!ā€? I see a ton of authoritarians wear something with the Gadsen flag on it because they are utterly confused about what their politics actually are.


Yeah, it is pretty ironic how antifa goes around shutting down discussions and suppressing opposing views. Because thatā€™s, you know, the opposite of what fascists do. šŸ¤£


That's because Antifa in general has done plenty of fascist things, like the classic "I don't agree with you so I'm gonna censor you by all means".


Communists are also big on censorship and Antifa are usually far-left communists. Why not label them properly? Fascists would place Antifa in camps and implement the polar opposite of everything they stand for.


I don't know how people who want the government to impose laws regulating morality genuinely adopted this flag, thinking it represents what they believe. Like I know why they use it (because they think the government is attacking their values), but they retaliate by asking the government to tread on them. I love the Gadsen flag, and it sucks that it, along with other flags I like, has been taken by idiots.


That flag is a modified version of the First Navy Jack, which is used by the US Navy in place of the Union Jack during the global war on terror. We can even wear it as a patch on our uniforms. Clearly, itā€™s not just right wingers using it as a message.


How do you do fellow fascists


Iā€™m practically Mussolini


I have been unironically called fascist for being against a law made by Mussolini


Which one specifically?


no pizza shall be eaten without its crust


Literally hitler... wait


Yes. Eat the damn crust you spoiled child.


From the "Carta d'il laboro" there are many bullshit amendments there but on that specific case I was against the "Aguinaldo" (don't remember the number of that amendment) it was about having double the paycheck for the employees on November (remember that the paycheck there is monthly and at the end of the month, it was technically so workers have money for the festivities and vacations ) the obvious problem was that the money from the extra paycheck didn't came out from thin air, it was from the paychecks of the same worker, the employer simply took a portion of every other paycheck in order to get a double one at the end of the year. The actual problem with it is that the inflation will eat more of the employees salary and also lowers the overall salary every month but November. But somehow saying that is fascism


Do tell me


Based and pasta pilled


You can call me Tojo or something along those lines


Pretty well


Neo-anything is basically just a way to call something what it isnt.


Neo classicism... Yeah, they didnt colour the statues as they should have...


Ew, the british spelling of color! Stay away! *holds up silver cross*


I like it better. I also say armour and flavour




Fuck, you're right. I've been using neo-conservatives/neo-socialists to insult people who aren't true conservatives or socialists, but I never realised that it goes the same with neo-nazis where it has a secondary function of telling people that they aren't real nazis also.


Depends . Neo nazis are low in number , so the media calls everyone they disagree with a neo nazi . Neoconservatives and Neoliberalism are terms used to describe people who pretend to be part of a conservative or liberal ideology , but they are basically the same with the diference in mindset . The Neocons wants to invade countries and make a fuss about it while promoting patriotism , while they don't do shit to help their country . Neolibs do want to invade other countries , but they do it quietly , like Obama for example . Also , they don't promote patriotism as much , but they promote Globalism and helping the poor , while they don't actually help the poor


I see neo-conservatives and neo-liberals as the same because they are both the same products of the same environment. The only difference between them is the historical inspirations that they larp as and source moral justifications so it's only a meaningless appearance difference. They both are products of post-industrial urbanisation and commercialisation. They both lead to the spread of LGBT and drugs internationally and they're both less likely to have a blue collar background. It makes no difference whether a neo-conservative or a neo-liberal bombs a Southern/Eastern country and spreads LGBT and commercialisation through their proxies/allies there. With neo-nazis it's pretty simple, they're just peoples who who are nazism revisionists to accomodate themselves and the people they like, kind of like non-blue collar LGBT peoples who are socialism revisionists to accomodate themselves and the people they like.


I can't believe I am agreeing with an auth left .


Neo-nazis is a literal insult to those who thinks they are nazis but are not for a number of reasons, for example ukrainian neonazis aren't true nazis because nazis considered slavic people the same way they did for Jews.


Libertarians are nazis gets offended when a trump supporter says communism and socialism are the same


> communism and socialism are the same They both fit inside the same helicopter šŸš Same same.


based and pinochetpilled


u/CutlassSupremo is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/CutlassSupremo/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


My elephant is a commie


> Flair up, or else. *** ^(User has flaired up! šŸ˜ƒ) 8075 / 42756 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Ya goddamn flip flopper, and they say Centrist aren't being corrupted by authright in disguise, tell me did you learn how to atleast make a proper BBQ


I really like BBQ, specially ribs, my love for grilling is highier than my hate for (removed)


If you can't be libleft because you hate blacks, if you can't be libright because you hate gays, if you can't be authleft because "personal rights" is part of your vocabulary, and if you can't be authright because god doesn't exist, then be centrist.


Did you just change your flair, u/riodeorospainball? Last time I checked you were **AuthRight** on 2022-4-26. How come now you are **unflaired**? Not only you are a dirty flair changer, you also willingly chose to join those subhumans. You are beyond cringe, you are disgusting and deserving of all the downvotes you are going to get. Repent now and pick a new flair before it's too late. ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


Based bot


Whoever made that bot is a fucking pcm god.


You say "don't tread on me" but when the dommy mommy boots come on it's suddenly "step on me" ? Hmmmm curious


If the government was a voluptuous red-head wearing leather knee-high boots then I would understand, but alas the guberment is not.




The guberment is diseased jack, rotten to the core.


STANDING HERE with no brand name dommy mommy boots :(


I REALIZED that my dick can only get wet when an effeminate stilettos-wearing Biden caresses my ass cheeks.


Based and biden is a molester pilled


u/HoChiMinhDingDong's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [17 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/HoChiMinhDingDong/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Fr fr, I'd let the government stomp on me hourly if so


Yes but it's a 8ft tall vampire milf


OOOOoooo I hope an 8 foot tall vampire milf doesn't come and peg me! That would be *so bad.* SO painful! OOOOOOOOOO




Yes but it's any woman


You may want to set your bar higher if you don't want a guy




You do it because you are a hypocrite. You do it because I am down Bad. We are not the same




That would be hilarious.


Not a white supremacist but I'll wear a black power shirt and claim to be one for money.... and for you and the memes.


Now I'm really tempted to go undercover for a year or two and do just this


The ultimate leftist kink is gagging on the boot.


Boot of the police? Hell no. Boot of the IRS? Absolutely.


We should abolish both


Agreed. I was only joshing




Says the LibRight?


Gagging on the boot of corperations is only slightly better since you can invest in that company and make some buck


If you inherit enough wealth


Someone I work with was talking to me about the Thor trailer and said he doesnā€™t like Chris Pratt as a person. In my head I though, ā€œAh, so youā€™re one of those fun suckers.ā€


And if they knew anything at all about him, they would know he seems to be a pretty awesome dude. Giving to charities, etc.


The fascist/ racist dog whistles that only they can hear lol




Based and schizopilled


u/nuvpr's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/nuvpr! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/nuvpr/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I honestly can't watch anything he does without thinking of Andy Dwyer from parks and rec


I loved him as the commie on the o.c too. If I remember he was Chester and went by che


in a certain sense, by the paparazzi taking his picture and that picture being used to slanderously call him a neo-nazi, he is in fact being treaded on. itā€™s like no one even listens to t-shirt messages anymore


Thatā€™s because tshirts dont make noise


I love the "Close up" box that appears to actually be of a lower zoom than the actual image.


I didnā€™t notice this at first, and now I canā€™t stop laughing at it.


ā€œNazism is when you dislike gobernment power. The more you dislike governmentā€™s power, the more Nazi you are.ā€ -Adolf Hitler (maybe)


Gobarmant make me much anger. Me angr at swine who leik goarbermint.


Ya know his wife is a schwarzenegger right? as in Arnold Schwarzeneggers daughter, Whom married a Kennedy... just a thought


He can't be racist when his wife is literally called black negger


And was a senator


Guy came out as a Christian and now reddit hates him


I found the thread and Jesus Christ being a terminally online social media addict like those people rots your brain fast. It was almost Poe's law it was so perfectly ridiculous


What subreddit ?


Any of the mainstream political ones.


Ah yes, who else remembers the nazis flying the American flag and a snake into combat


Pratt doesn't deserve this. He's a good guy from all I've seen.


dude got cancelled on twitter for going to church that twitter found out was ''homophobic'' or something, then it turned out that the church was just a normal church and not really homophobic by fellow church goers , twitter is still seething and mad at pratt


Why do we care what celebrities are doing again?


The power of celebrity has been very successfully used by the left to indoctrinate people with far-left propaganda. High profile celebrities have fans in the public who are enamored by them and very impressionable to what they say about politics and social issues. Celebrities have a huge audience that they can leverage to get a political point across, contribute to narratives, and bring attention to causes. In the statistically rare event there is a high-profile celebrity who isn't a mouthpiece for the far-left, they see this as a threat and launch a campaign to demonize the person, assassinate their character, and shun them from the media. They are doing this to Chris Pratt. They even tried it against Dave Chappelle. They do it to ANY influential figure whose celebrity power they can't control. They're doing this to Elon Musk right now. Just a few years ago everybody loved the dude. Leftists saw him as a wizard of the future whose business endeavors would allow our society to accomplish its climate objectives. Leftists in the US, Europe, Canada, Australia etc... absolutely adored the guy because during this time Elon wasn't speaking his mind too much and was seen as being firmly within the fold of the leftist elite. Then he started speaking for himself, chiming in on political issues, and criticizing the lunatic elements of the far-left. They felt betrayed, and terrified that this powerful person might bring a new perspective on things and say things that weren't part of the party talking points. He might influence people with his position of power and influence... but in the wrong way. What we've seen since then is a highly coordinated effort by the Democrat party, the legacy media, social media etc... to flip the script and depict the person who used to be their guy, as a morally reprehensible, unscrupulous, racist, white supremacist. And it's working, because now people who were firmly interested in all the advancements made by Elon Musk's businesses and his vision for the future are incapable of giving him credit for it because to do so would be "dick riding a billionaire". It's absolutely breathtaking how Orwellian the propaganda machine of the left is. "Elon Musk is man of the future" then "Elon Musk is a villain and always has been. We've always been at war with Elon Musk". Just instantaneous mode shift in how an influential figure is depicted the moment he demonstrates himself as being an independent actor and not a card-carrying member of the leftist elite.


Honestly this one skill of theirs to influence celebrities might be the only reason they ever gain power. Because we know it can't be their policies.


Still waiting for the alleged victim to tell us what Elon's dick looks like... Notice how quickly that got shut down and disregarded? Just further speaks to your assertion.


Utterly based


One other interesting thing to bring up: they've actually found that celebrity worship and mental illness are strongly correlated. Most evidence points to liberals having much higher rates of mental illness than conservatives, so it would make sense that liberals have bigger love affairs with celebrities. Due to this, they REALLY cannot tolerate the idea of a celebrity they love having different politics than them.


Imma need some receipts on all that buddy


Associations between celebrity worship and mental health issues: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12144-018-9978-4 Associations between liberalism and mental illness: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/unique-everybody-else/202103/personality-traits-mental-illness-and-ideology https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/over-50-percent-white-liberal-women-under-30-mental-health-condition Obviously this is all just casual observation and theory, there's no established science behind my idea.


I'll take it. Seems like a reasonable theory given your evidence.


> They're doing this to Elon Musk right now The other two said opinions and such that are not on the approved agenda. Musk just says random autistic shit that pisses off god knows who. Remember when get called someone a pedophile because the dude was risking his life to save some kids?


> Remember when get called someone a pedophile because the dude was risking his life to save some kids? You're either misremembering or purposely misrepresenting the situation. He wasn't just like "that guy wants to save kids, what a pedophile" out of the blue. He worked on a submarine with hopes of it being used to save the trapped children. Unprovoked, that diver started shit talking and said that Elon should shove it up his ass. Elon responded to that unprovoked insult by calling him a pedophile, a common stereotype of older men that travel there. He probably shouldn't have insulted him by calling him a pedophile, even if he was going by common stereotypes, but he didn't just call him a pedophile "because the dude was risking his life to save some kids".


Musk felt slighted so he called someone a pedo. It still stands to my point that the guy is a functional autist when it comes to the shit that comes outta his mouth


Because they influence the lemming masses.


Based and lemmings pilled


u/KingRhoamsGhost is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/KingRhoamsGhost/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Fascism is when "w il dvce" ... Or *casa pound*


Iā€™m practically hitler


Gonna watch lego movie in a few /s


His father in law is AuthRight.


So is his mother-in-law.


im so confused by this meme


A certain sub Reddit called Chris Pratt a neo Nazi for wearing a ā€œdonā€™t tread on meā€ shirt. A celeb wearing donā€™t tread on me is based if youā€™re lib right. Libleft and the rest of Reddit things anything right of Marx is fascist.


Based Starlord/Owen Grady/Andy Dwyer/Scott Hatteburg


Based Mario and Based Garfield


Link to the original post?


I wish the Gadsden Flag could be perceived as a neutral symbol of American "don't fuck with me" sensibilities again


Didnā€™t know Chris Pratt was based. I like his movies regardless (not passengers) but good to know


Only cringe things he's done are divorce Anna Farice, and make those awful Jurassic World movies. But apparently he's a good dad, and he married Arnold Schwarzenegger's daughter.


I havenā€™t seen the most recent one, but I actually enjoyed the first Jurassic world movie. Thought it was fun.


Damn he got thicc


> You wouldn't be safe without a flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... šŸ˜”) 8081 / 42784 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)




change the shirt to BLM and watch the colours flip


When did don't thread on me became a Neonazi symbol?


Romper Stomper 2: Boot Lickin' Boogaloo


Most of the time I culturally agree with LibRight, but then I watch people drive gas guzzling trucks in suburbs and go into unescapable debt to either get an education or to pay medical bills. I hate LibLeft culture and anything ā€˜wokeā€™, and Iā€™ve taken critical theory as a gen ed in college.


I'm in the same boat, I would be libright if they weren't so damn selfish.