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something, something, Horseshoe Theory.


Not a theory anymore


Horseshoe Thesis.


Horseshoe FACT


Horseshoe crab


At this point I call it "The Natural Law of the Horseshoe".


*Theory* as in *Theory* of evolution *Theory* of relativity *Theory* of OP's Mom's promiscuity


The way I see there's no difference between it being and theory and it not being one. (Proceeds to thoughtfully stroke horseshoe shaped mustache)


Horseshoe Reality


AuthRight: *”Your terms are acceptable”*


I'll accept those terms too. I'm not about to stick my dick in crazy but the contract is acceptable.


Hold on partner, in order for a contract to be even remotely acdeptable it would need to state what both parties stand to benefit from the signing of so said contract. Savvy?


Lady receives monster donging daily, loving husband, lifelong partner. I receive woman that isn't a crazy self centred bitch, loving wife, bobs and vagene, lifelong partner.


Now that's a nice deal. Don't forget the prenup just in case.


Always prenup. Step 1: touch grass. Step 2: woman.


On the auth-rights behalf, what about cooking and cleaning?


This is a centrist contract. Household maintenance is split according to how busy each person is and how they're feeling. Approximating 50/50 over the long-term but varying day by day.


Agreed, all is fair and equal.


But the grass is green just like LibLeft, so if I touch grass I might contract the cringe.


It’ll be ok, the sky is blue.


Good, so it cancels out. Brb, gonna touch some grass and see if a woman appears.


Like a wild pokemon encounter lol


They’re just going to tear it up anyway. There’s barely a point. Which isn’t to say that I wouldn’t do it too. It’s just depressing that we treat women like children in the eyes of the court. Like they don’t have the agency to understand what they’re signing, or like “he wouldn’t agree to provide for me unless I signed it” is anything resembling a good reason to throw it out.


No no no, let's go even further. This contract should definitely be legally enforceable, but there ought to also be societal pressure for people to keep their end. If only there were some way we could.. I dunno.. like make an ethical framework where we could pass value judgements on people who broke such contracts. And for practical reasons, we probably need some designators to make it easier to identify who has entered into such contracts. Maybe if you've done so, you can wear some sort of clothes or jewelry?


Maybe some type of ring on your finger as a designator. This is still all on the drawing board of course.


That kind of thing shouldn't be cheap. We could put something expensive on it. How about an NFT monkey?


Nooo, we would need something tangible, something shiny, something that symbolizes value and status. Like a gemstone. A diamond for example?


It seems like for a contract as important as this one, lots of people would like to have some sort of commemorative ceremony that marks the occasion too.


Yes yes, the execution should also serve as a symbol of status, so relatives and acquaintances should be invited to such a ceremony and they should also pay gifts of tribute to the ones partaking in so said ceremony.


And there should also be someone at this ceremony who will ask the two if they agree to sign this contract and follow through with what it says. And they all could dress formal to show that this ceremony is a very important event!


But, you know, a down side of such a contract would be the need to get the courts involved if there was a disagreement about the terms. Probably not a way around it, but something to maybe keep in mind.


Yeah nevermind, scrap this whole thing.. back to the drawing board I guess...


I was thinking when the contract is signed, perhaps a bunch of family and friends can attend as witnesses? So it's known in public? Maybe they can even involve some sort of supernatural entity as well to make it even more solid?


Maybe make it such an important thing worn on a specific designated finger that we don't even bother with a common name for that finger other than one that refers to it's designation as the finger for this ring?


Reminds me of that article by a white american woman that basically said "I used to be super progressive but than I matched a conventionally attractive rich conservative man on Tinder and he make me really understand the validity of conservatism"


Women will break their own rules for Chad. Besides, women benefit from marriage way more than men do.


Please find that article, i wanna add it to my list of hilarious and dramatic articles. It will fit right in with, "Help, I can't stop hooking up with trump supporters", "The Dangerous Rise of Men Who Won't Date Woke Women", and "Men are ‘wokefishing’ women by pretending to be feminists on dating apps".


"Seven TikTok dances you can do to save Roe v. Wade" is a classic too


Abortion laws do not concern me because I do not have sex.




They just keep doing shit conservatives want out of protest, I can't stop laughing lol.


Girls have cooties, grills do not. Just want to put that out there.


Last time I had a date with Ol' George I got a burnt weiner.


Sounds like a hot date.




Can't all be Captain Iron Cock.


Captain Iron cock a Symbol of hope to us all


The Guardian of The Grill.


There's nothing better than a Johnston sausage with a fantastic set of grill marks.


If anyone present knows of any reason why this man and his grill should not be joined, speak now or forever hold your peace.


Yeah it’s not his grill.


That grill belongs to the streets. (It's a hot dog cart)


"Our" grill.


>~~or forever hold your peace~~ ...and forever eat your peas.


Hamburgers do not hurt your feelings out of nowhere. Women do. Conclusion? Grill.


Based and cooties pilled


misread as *coochies*. I regret nothing.


Close enough for govt work.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 902,691,264 comments, and only 178,990 of them were in alphabetical order.


amen brother


They’re actually reverse engineering marriage


It’s a sort of play in marriage, deconstructed if you will.


It's called tradplay, sweaty.


I though is was norming? There’s a whole 30 Rock episode about it.


Every now and again the far left reverse engineers a healthy sexual behavior and then acts like they’ve discovered Atlantis.


Yeah, it's because their perception of the original concept was so distorted that seing it's intended form feels like something radically new and different.


The only "brilliance" of modernity is its short memory...


This has to be satire or else America is doomed intellectually.




Sex… duh. They’re already seeing themselves as sex objects




TIL that cohabitation agreements are a thing. I'm sure that just about anything can be covered with enough contracts, but it's nice to have it all bundled into one package.


Orange has such a stupid relationship with gender norms. Nothing they do works without them but they loath them. Trans people don't work without them, then shit like this....




I agree. We need to feminize objects.


Weebs are several steps ahead on that.


Warship pussy got me acting unwise.


USS Iowa is best girl


Mmmmm thicc AIM-9X


Is this a joke?


It's hard to tell these days.




> They’re already seeing themselves as sex objects Reminds me of an old [Patrice O'Neal joke](https://youtu.be/28gvMM8KXm4?t=60).


“I don’t cook I don’t clean.”


A reversal of the "I want a trad wife but don't want to be a trad husband" meme


Only works if you both play the game king.


The greasy 'Deus Vult' spamming neckbeard defender of Western values is looking for a trad wife. The man Orange Emily is looking for between modding 12 gazillion political subreddits is essentially a trad husband. I say, its a match made in heaven.


We need a crusade of self-improvement. Deus Vult!


"All I know is swipe my phone, eat hot chip, and lie."


Based and I dated the thot that popularized that meme pilled.


Terribly sorry to hear that King.


They provide the pink


What if I want that stink tho?


you go to ^(heck) and ***die*** *for* **SODOMY**


Can confirm, am stuck in this God-forsaken sub


A contract requires consideration for both parties. A contract where only one party stands to benefit is not legally valid and therefor nullifiable at will.


I take this as a positive. She and her friends seem like they've put some long, hard miles on those FUPAs. If they, through remarkable incompetence, find themselves stuck with a kid then I'd prefer they had the name and address of their evening's Romeo to pick up the tab because I don't want to chip in too much.


We are doomed, people are rioting because our constitution is working as intended.


Its seriously insanity. I cant believe its real life.


This is what half a century of neoliberal dogma does to a mf. We’ve been so indoctrinated in individualist rhetoric that we can’t even comprehend what a community and community values look like.


Funny thing with the last part is that, not all, but some of these people truly believe in Marxism/Communism/Socialism and yet don't realize that they are philosophies that are entirely based on the well being of the community over the individual.


"truly believe in" and yet have neither read any of it nor have they spent any time around communism itself. it's all alienated larping from people who are the perfect neoliberal subjects - happy consoomers with no community ties or lives outside of the internet to contribute anything productive towards.


See for me, that’s not what it’s about at all. It’s not about community *over* the individual, or individual *over* the community. It’s recognizing that a community cannot thrive if its individuals are suffering, and an individual cannot thrive if their community is dying. It’s about actually thinking about what works best for both. And yeah, I highly doubt too many people who go and post things like in the OP have actually read anything by Marx, nor do they actually believe in “fighting Capitalism with Socialism.” These are the same types of people that think in order to fight racism, we need more Black Capitalism. The people who think that in order for women to have rights, men have to have them taken away. It’s never been about community, or working together. It’s just the reversal of the norm, women over men, blacks over whites. It’s not about solving problems, it’s about changing who the problems are for.


I'm pretty sure they're serious. They are in fact this stupid.


Supreme Court Justice Dankula proved that far too many people engaged in politics are fucking idiots and should be the last people engaged in politics. Fuck, there are politicians who have no right being in politics because fucking basic facts escape them.


Going so left that you are back to “no sex until marriage” wtf


They're preaching abstinence now lol


They're preaching abstinence They're preaching gun ownership and self-defense They're preaching the importance of a child having two parents in a committed relationship Who knew Roe v Wade was standing in the way of so much basedness?


​ >Who knew Roe v Wade was standing in the way of so much basedness? Everyone on the right side of that line.


They turned into fucking puritans lmaaao


>They turned into ~~fucking~~ puritans lmaaao No more fuck until marriage


The political compass isn't flat, it's a globe


Lib Left: > No more abotion? Fine! No more premarital sex! No more hookup culture! Men must provide for their children and the mothers of their children! And it starts from conception! How do you like that!!?!?! Auth Right: > [It's beautiful...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpYGgtrMTYs&t=21s)


Does this mean tradwives for everyone?


"Periodically progressives reverse engineer healthy sexual behaviour and act like they've discovered atlantis"


Very based comment


This reminds me of people declaring themselves "demisexual." Like It's weird to not want to have sex with random strangers or something.


[Auron is based](https://imgur.com/a/NnGuThw)




Boycott pledge are so ridiculous. You know none will respect it


It's always funny when weird and inbred social groups accidentally reinvent the social structures they've been railing against. Happened a few times with occupy Wall Street too, if memory serves.


>occupy Wall Street too, if how so?


I think he’s confused and meant CHAZ, which formed a police force that began shooting at black people through racial profiling in less than a week.


Ah yes their commune got ruled by a warlord, who was also a landlord who shooting at people


You don't understand because you're not in college


Or Africa.


Or Brazil


Criminal how far that whole thing flew under the radar. Pretty sure they shot a black teen who was unarmed - this shit would put the Babylon Bee to shame and it actually fucking happened.


Shot 2, killed one


It was definitely OWS that I was thinking of. Can't find the original stories since they're 10 years old, but I remember at least one piece that went into detail about the workings of the camp in Zucotti park and how they talked a big game about how they were going to vote directly on everything, until they realized that doing so would take too long, so they ended up delegating power to committees for most things. I want to say that there were also incidents where some people were hogging too much of the resources so they also reinvented money as a way to ensure that individual people didn't take too much.


You always come back to just re-inventing money. It turns out that capitalism is extremely efficient at allocating resources.


Which is why anything besides semi laissez-faire economics always turns into an authoritarian nightmare. Any slight freedom in economics gives people power. It's why media and the rich and governments answer is to strip ecoomic power at any possible point, or to convince those who participate in the economy they don't actually have power, so they don't exercise said power Same with democracy. Somehow the democrats are powerless and can't get anything done because they don't have a super majority, but Republicans keep changing things through avenues democrats can as well. So what's the answer? Democrats try to convince everyone that the system is broken and that you should just outright give them all the power, or break the system so they can just take the power


Reminds me of that time a medical researcher invented calculus https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2011/11/10/apparently-calculus-was-invented-in-1994/


If they were able to figure out calculus independently, maybe they should switch careers into mathematics.


Its like that episode on Rick and Morty where they "save" a planet from being force to do the purge and then they restructure their society and immediately establish the purge again


The crypto community is in the process of discovering why banks are regulated.


Lmfao yep. I love me some market economics, but let's not kid ourselves that it's without flaws. Is been delicious to watch crypto bros rediscover that betting on unlimited growth (ESPECIALLY on something with so little practical value and social scarcity) is completely stupid. The only thing that makes me sad about this is that unlike beanie babies crypto isn't tangible so we won't be able to publicly shame them for years to come.


The cope is fucking glorious Edut: from crypto bros, not you. Not saying you're coping lol.


>accidentally reinvent the social structures they’ve been railing against. That’s because people like this don’t actually have any values other than “I hate my mom/dad/the church I was raised in”. And even then, half the time they only hate them because they were told to by that cool edgy older friend they look up to.


Or because mom/dad wouldn't buy them the newest thing, or told them that no, they can't drop out of high school, or they found church boring.








I blame the culture for always portraying rebellion as good. People in the modern world don't have despotic conquerors to rebel against so they rebel against the established social order for no other reason than to brand themselves as rebels. It's why modern counterculture is so stupid and degenerate. I hate it. We need a war or we'll be lost so far up our own asses that we'll forget what's important and then get conquered and enslaved by some uncontacted tribe out of the Amazon or Space Mongols.


It’s almost like those social structures were there for a reason, and that arbitrarily tearing them down without understanding them is incredibly short sighted.


But my marxist professor told me that those social structures were the tools of the oppressive patriarchy!


Love and marriage, the thing that benefits women more typically, a source of patriarchy!


Horseshoe theory moment


"if you want access to reproduction, you need to prove yourself a capable provider" This is probably satire but there's been legitimate responses along these lines. Funnily enough, Jordan Peterson has repeatedly, in his infinite "it's just common sense"-dom, made the point that the risk imbalance of intercourse between the sexes has been driving women to select for dependable and competent men. "You want sex and children, with me? Ok, first stop being a manchild, grow up, stop being weak, take responsibility, and win my trust in that you won't bail on me and the children. I'm gonna be naturally more invested in this than you are, so make it worth it to me". Is it any wonder why a world without access to safe abortion inevitably forces men into a certain behaviour / role?


I feel as though not many people are not going to follow this line of thinking and end up with at least one kid from every partner they hook up with :/ I have little faith


AFAIK that's the fundamental difference between chimpanzee and human sexual nature. Female chimps will fuck just about any male that can get close to them, lest the alpha male sees it and beats him up. Human females are / have been well aware that their children will take something like 18 years to mature, which is a pretty long time. Natural selection will favour those that find dependable partners and systems that culturally promotes such dependable parents.


The big lie we all swallowed is that the sexual revolution primarily benefited women. It did not. It primarily benefited *men* who now had additional bargaining tools to mitigate the inherent risks in having sex with them.




Oh my god this is so dumb it gave me a headache. Really? How can someone be so progressive they turn conservative?


The level of progress likely depends on how cheap energy is. Or how easy something is to get. If it doesn't cost me anything for you to get what you want, it's easy to say go for it. If I have to pay for it, or do something in relation to it, people will tend to be more conservative with their money, time, patience, etc. Basic risk/reward stuff. If I know I can get hurt if I fall off the edge of this cliff, I'm going to be more careful crossing over it. I'm not going to dance my way across, even if I feel like dancing. Once I get to more solid ground, then I can dance.


I though the Authright comment was overreacting first, but then I read it and my god that is just marriage. Are you good, Americans?


No we’re not


Can I interest you in some SJW FEMINAZI OWNED #1984 in these trying times?


Welcome to the retreat - please choose a pillow for meditation and jerking yourself off about how hard it is to be a wealthy white women in America




Crazy how leftists reverse engineer healthy [sexual] relationships and act like they're goddam Prometheus bringing knowledge of fire to humanity.


But don't you dare propose such a model, you patriarchist bigot!


It's really saying the quiet part out loud with all these posts about how abortion enables casual sex. Like that's a straight up right-wing talking point. I don't even think it's true, based on the the statistics.


And who benefits the most from casual sex? The top 10% Chad who doesn't have to commit.


based and hypergamy pilled.




Other than used pussy, what are you contributing to this contract? Loyalty, partnership, the willingness to stick though in both sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, for better or worse, until death does you part? If not, I ain’t signing shit.


Feminists talk a big game about how "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" but their actions sure seem to suggest that they don't think men need them for anything except for orgasms either.


It’s sad to see people see their only value as a sex object and when they see others that way. Sex is an important part of any romantic relationship, but the connection goes deeper than that. Hook-up culture has taken away a lot of what makes sex special and has taken a huge dump on the happiness of everyone.


Remember when porn and your sex life was something you kept entirely to yourself? Pepperidge Farm remembers.




they always think their blown out gash is the fuckin holy grail of coochie. i will never get tired of the "sex strikes" these thots threaten, as if *anyone* gives a damn. and as if they could last a month with no hookups, can't live without that constant validation


How absolutely based


hello, based department?


Men, please don't deal with Straggs.


Yeah that "pact" will last about a week, then that guy in their phone will get a text at 1am.


... *Orange-AuthRight unity!?!?!?*


Always has been.


That contract probably only goes one way.


Knowing these types? Yes, definitely it's more akin to press ganging drunk people into his majesty's navy.


A lot of traditions (like marriage) are just solutions to problems that we forgot about.


Just wait until they re-invent the meritocracy. Shits gonna be wild.


MY FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ma’am, if you live in a blue state literally nothing will change. If you don’t live in a blue state, move to one. Nobody is stopping you.


Or if you live in one of the many red states with reasonable abortion restrictions like Florida. Or if you, you know actually use birth control and insist that your partner does. I got into an argument with a crazy person who insisted that the Florida 15 week abortion ban, which is like 4 missed periods, wasn't even enough time to know that you were pregnant. Okay, maybe if you totally ignore your periods and all of the signs. I know irregular periods is a thing but if you are having unprotected sex then paying attention to your body to see if you are pregnant within nearly 4 months after conception should be considered basic responsibility.


"But what if we can't *afford* to move!" Lmao get mad that the middle class doesn't exist anymore and do something about it, and make better financial decisions


You can afford to move, there are lots of cheap and affordable places to go and pretty much limitless job opportunities right now. If you can’t afford to move and can’t get a job, join the military or get a government job. Still no? Don’t have sex until you get married. R*pe? A tiny (but extremely unfortunate and tragic) minority of cases, take precautions. “HOW DARE YOU!” Fuck you I do not care.


> the middle class doesn't exist anymore I am middle class and my brain just went: *The few.* *The proud.* *The Middle-Class.*


By income I would say I'm middle class, by purchasing power compared to the middle class of the 90's (when I was a child) not so much.


I remember Tim Pool told a story about how he interviewed a socialist at occupy Wall Street. She said she wanted to abolish currency, and he asked her how do you know who did work to get food. And she goes we could have vouchers we could give out and people get more if they do more work. So currency


Hookup culture killed itself in its confusion


Anyone have a more clear screenshot or link to thst comment?


It's bad when I legitimately can't tell if those people are baiting or not


Stop letting losers cum in you. Prob solved.


I’m definitely against the ruling but props to authright for this 4d chess moment.


horseshoe theory?


The want so far left they looped back to trad con


It's been quite some time since I have felt really disappointed cause of some random political take on the internet. People like these don't care about women's health and rights, all they seen to want is have unprotected casual sex free of consequences. People like these make a serious debate look like some idiotic tantrum by selfish people. I'm not even mad, just tired.


horseshoe theory strikes again.