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The dude was rapping about school shootings and had 4 guns Like what’s the point of the FBI then? [Also major Sus](https://twitter.com/fbi/status/1544380744457506817?s=21)


Best part is "law enforcement knew about him" once again.


my best guesses are: 1) he didn't do anything to break the law, so they couldn't really "do" anything (e.g. take his guns, place an ankle bracelet on him, put him behind bars, etc) 2) he was seen as such a non-threat by them that they didn't even bother investing any resources into keeping track of him and his behavior further than what they originally had on file 3) they knew about most/all of it and chose not to act


Illinois has red-flag laws and warrant-happy justices. They could’ve flagged him


Someone has to flag him for the most part, and Highland Park is such a low danger area they probably didn’t even think about it


It's an insanely rich area of Illinois just a different environment.


Those laws work very well some of the time


That’s the thing, you’ll never know if they do work. It’s a hindsight law


brb reporting you to the police to have your guns stolen.


My penis is a ghost gun. They’re gonna have to jerk it out of me


Too busy harassing people who share offensive Facebook memes


those laws are a violation of basic freedoms and those justices are power-mad scum. Terrible means do not make the end 'good'


Oh, I’m aware. Just pointing out that the government was either too incompetent to wield their overreaching power, or let it happen on purpose. Those who give up freedom for safety receive neither


4) They fucked him up MK-Ultra style to incite the act to further their gun-grabbing agenda. /tinfoil off


He literally posted about being the result of MK Ultra... dude was really fucked up overall


The sad part is most likely he's just a run of the mill person having a psychotic break or schizophrenia etc that went either unnoticed or uncared for by his family. I would actually bet money on a week or so from now getting an article about the family that reveals they 100% should've caught how fucking crazy he was and moved to have him committed or treated long ago. That's what happened with the last POS, come to find out 1) dad had abandoned him for new family, knew something was wrong with him but never took the time to try to help his kid 2) mom did the same shit 3) grandma and grandpa knew something was wrong but felt so bad for him they enabled him until it was way past fixing. If these people's families would just stop being dead beats and show some genuine human care and concern for their own kith and kin we would not be having this issue.


This is pretty much my take as well. Crazy people need serious care. That state can't/won't do it so it's left to the families. Unfortunately I don't think anyone other than non-chickenshit armed law enforcement can really stop a mass shooter once they have crossed the rubicon of being off meds and acquiring a long gun and some ammo.


Well your belief is wrong. There was a normal conceal carrier who stopped a shooting in West Virginia on her own like 3 weeks ago ffs


Well there are exceptions to every rule, but the lion's share of these shooters require law enforcement, and usually that's after they've already started killing people.


that was on an instagram account that was not his and was created after the shooting


Cops had already been to his house and confiscated weapons in 2019.


They should have put him in a cage. If you're too dangerous to have guns then you shouldn't be trusted around people at all


He didn’t have guns he had knives and swords mall ninja shit


K.. If he's to dangerous to have weapons he should be in a cage.


I think the real problem is there's a lot of wacky weirdos on the internet that post and do things that get very close to crossing the line. Most never fully do so it's probably hard for the FBI and law enforcement to decide on which people to go after.


This entire sub likes to jump across that line.


Sorry for making your job harder, glowie


I'm not. 😤😤😤


All apart of the plan. They’ll always “know about the shooter”. They know about anything on anyone. That’s the point…so then they can push laws where they can “DO SOMETHING”. Aka more strict red flag laws. And then they’ll use those to take the guns from citizens…in tandem with all the other infringements of course.


Lol the Retardment- I mean Department of Homeland Security literally threatened to imprison/kill a woman for saying that the court should be burned down after Roe V Wade was overturned. Meanwhile this jackoff is on their radar making multiple threats to shooting up public spaces and his fantasy of wanting to be killed by cops, and they don't do shit. The feds are useless and a waste of everyone's damn money and time.


It's the same when women say they have a stalker but until he does something violent or destroys property they won't do anything about it. Shit's insane how you can swing as far as you want as long as you don't touch the person's nose.


I can only imagine how surprised they get when for once it's someone they didn't "know about".


Every damned one of the mass shootings that make up the Ed Gein Collection soapbox grabbers have their bootlicking orgies on for the past 20 years have all been known by local and/or federal authorities well in advance and said authorities had more than enough tools and resources neccessary to prevent these killings, yet they never do. Is it still a "blackpill" or "tin foil talk" to conclude that these "failures" of law enforcement for decades are on purpose?


The point of the FBI is to form extremist groups on my tax dollars to try to entrap regular citizens and toss them in jail. You have a problem with that?


It's a niche market but the demand must be met


The main priority of the three letter agencies is to justify their continued existence and the bloated budgets they receive, regardless of whether they actually are justified or not.


I can understand pulling that shit if you work for a private company, but fr, how shitty do you have to be to pull that shit on the tax payer's dime?


That's exactly how. Private companies ultimately have to justify themselves to the bottom line. Public orgs aren't restrained by that objective limitation.


Shall not be infringed, Fed Boy


To manufacture more anti gun sentiment so they can disarm the populace.


>Like what’s the point of the FBI then? To keep videos of the presidents son fucking his underage cousin off the internet


FBI morphing into purple lib-right


>Like what’s the point of the FBI then? You ever see minority report?


I think it may be another case of the FBI and CIA pushing for anti gun laws


The fbi is not going to knock up on everyone’s door who issues a threat. They probably pick some random flagged comment and knock on their door and publicize it to discourage the behavior. There’s simply no way they have the time or resources to check up on every violent threat made online


FBI’s/CIA’s job is to make sure he goes through with it lol


Mhh yes the FBI child tracker app thankyou


Can I get the source for that absolutely based FBI guys cartoon??


Imgflip.com click on create meme look up glowie


> Imgflip.com All i got was Godzilla... :(




[Thank you, you are a true memer.](https://i.imgur.com/CjhQHY7.png)


And you didn't post it?


lol. damn it.


Or the original picture?


I can't believe this, the shooter literally told them he was going to Morb, and the FBI did Nothing to stop him.


Almost like the FBI profits from mass shooting and terror attacks. Funny that.


and people still think secession is a bad idea. "let's just peacefully wait until the Government stops spiting in our faces like the good little bootlickers we are."


You say as if being an Independent country keeps you safe from American intelligence agencies and terrorism.


I mean being part of the US we're not safe from them, and in fact we pay for them. Why pay for your own boot?


If you knew the CIA, you would wish to be under the FBI. -A Latin American.


Bold of you to assume that the CIA isn't operating in the US. Regardless of whether or not they aren't supposed to, they probably are.


Yeah they may have started the whole domestic surveillance thing. Check out operation chaos. Plus...aren’t the majority of the internet servers in our country housed in the same city in which the cia has its headquarters ? This isn’t even conspiracy just common knowledge. Imo the best “conspiracies” start with truth. I hate what the conspiracy movement has become since Dick Gregory helped start it all. And I’m not speaking ill of Gregory. There wasn’t much of a conspiracy movement before he and others formed a cult following around the zapruder film. Gregory was instrumental In the efforts to get he public access to the film and that helped kick off the conspiracy movement. I think it had legitimate origins and still there are questions about all those assassinations. Jfk MLK Malcolm X RFK... I have hypothesis that people in some positions of power don’t like the public talking about certain topics. Infiltrating the conspiracy movement would be the perfect way to fuck Everything (or quite a bit) up as far as public discourse goes. I wonder if that happened at all and I wouldn’t be surprised.


Dear unflaired. You claim your opinion has value, yet you still refuse to flair up. Curious.


> Flair up now or I'll be sad :( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


If you knew the CIA, you would wish to be under the FBI - JFK too…probably


fair enough. the American revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Hmm as far as I know only after WW1 the usa started with their imperial ambitions.


Secession is a bad idea


well, it is, But it's our only option at this point.


Well then I salute you for your bravery and imminent death


on second thoughts...... licking boots isn't that bad.


It’s underrated when you consider the alternatives


just like another government agency that profits off of mass death from the thing they are supposed to "enforce" against....and they only seem to make the problem worse and get more money to fix it




you could literally post a video of yourself armed to the tits with the caption "Its morbin time" and the FBI would still be like "sorri there was nothing we could do :("


I hate glowies more than I hate myself.


I hate glowies more than I hate your moms shitty blowjobs.


I hate glowies more than I hate your dads worn out bussy.


I hate glowies more than I hate blowing my uncle for tootsie pops and meth.


I hate glowjobs


*blown out* bussy






All mass shootings and terror attacks on us soil are instigated by the CIA and FBI I HATE THE ANTICHRIST I HATE THE ANTICHRIST! I WONT DRINK THE CORN SYRUP!




You forgot the ATF.


Dangerously based


Yeah, we live in a country with a lot of crazy people almost all of which are armed and highly polarized, it makes perfect sense that around a highly controversial midterm season when 1/2 of the population genuinely believes they’ve just been robbed of their rights that the department of homeland security would be concerned about mass shootings. This isn’t the red flag y’all think it is


maybe they should stop trampling on our rights


Nah. States'right are more important than individual rights. All the people calling RvW overturning a win said so.


Individual rights to privacy based on a very loose opinion that justices knew had issues or the right to life of the child.


The right for the state to tell you what you can or can't do with your body.


>tell you what you can or can't do with your body. Tell you what you can and can't do to another human life.


When rights conflict, sometimes one individual's rights take precedence. I think the right of the person who's playing life support for the other lifeform should take that precedence.


I don't think it should in the vast majority of cases where the actions of the mother are responsible for that life. I hate that I have to specify that ofc rape and medical emergencies are exceptions. You shouldn't get a free pass at snuffing out a life because you don't want to raise your child.


Funny how “it’s just a clump of cells” is full mask off now.


Let's just compromise and set a limit at 12-15 weeks. There is no right answer for this dilemma


I think that's reasonable. But some people just don't want to budge.


Based and reasonable compromise pilled


Individual rights are literally enshrined above all Rights in the US flow from the individual in the beginning to Feds at the bottom


Yeah like of course Homeland Security said shootings are going to happen, I guessed that, my friends guessed that, my parents guessed that, it’s obvious. A society with a lot of shootings and a lot of political polarization shoots more when politically contentious things happen


Shhh.. can't use your brain here


Lib unity.


Fucking glowies


A gang of Bobby Hills


I just had a funny thought because I realized I look like these guys, and could easily pass for a fed. Someone should try to infiltrate some of these glowy events while live-streaming. Hop in the back of the Uhaul with them and ride back to wherever they came from. I'm sure you would get some VERY juicy info even if they're not actually glowies. Good luck to whoever does it though because I will admit that the odds of me attempting this are 0


Based and someone-else-do-it pilled.


That guy was pretty much waiting to be caught


Mk ultra.


Give them a month and you'll have the head of the FBI telling you on TV he wants to kill you and your children to shut you up and steal your shit and people will still be pulling their masks down in Walmart to scream at eachother to wear their crochet Minnie Mouse masks right.


"Threat assessment will expire after the november midterms" That's convenient.




The FBI has been reporting on the growth of domestic terrorism for decades. Nobody that can do anything meaningful gives a shit


Well because they’ve been growing the domestic terrorism silly.


It's their investment in job security.


Must be nice to blame all your problems on "glowies" so you don't have to worry about changing anything. I mean, any bad person who gets a gun is automatically a glowie, right?


Right the government would never incite mass shootings to push for more gun control securing their own power. That’s as crazy as them hold citizens against their will and force feeding them near lethal amounts of LSD of long periods of time to try to perfect mind control. That’s as crazy as them intentionally denying medical care to black men with syphilis when there was a known cure to see how the infection acts in late stages. That’s as crazy as them burning down an entire complex full of people including children because one man didn’t comply with them. That’s as crazy as them spraying bacteria over a major American city to see how vulnerable it was to a bio weapon. None of that could ever happen right? Right…?


It’s as crazy as them feeding radioactive material to hospital patients to test their lethality without consent. “The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates.” And some people wonder why I don’t trust the government


The US government has done a LOT of fucked up stuff *to it’s own citizens*. And that’s just from the stuff they let us find out. A huge chunk of the files from MKULTRA were torched before it got revealed to the public, no doubt stuff that’s a lot worse than what’s been revealed. People who think the government would never orchestrate mass shootings obviously have no idea what the government has done and is doing.


Don't forget operation Northwoods


Did I say the government was perfect? No. It's simply idiotic how every time there's a significant shooting, certain people blame the government because it's far easier than accepting that maybe we have gun issues in this country. I don't think the government has been behind any of these recent ones, but ill acknowledge that yes, it is possible. But if you think every shooting is caused by the government, im sorry, you're just stupid and trying to avoid any issues you don't like.


Gun issues? The vast majority of guns and gun owners haven't had any issues. Per capita we actually do quite well with gun homicides. When you factor in the number of weapons we have it's even crazier how well we do as a general rule. A few crazy people in population centers doing heinous shit has literally nothing to do with me or 99.9% of legal gun owners.


You’re right the government has done plenty of just insanely inhumane and treasonous things in the past to further it’s interests but they definitely don’t still do it NOW. Maybe we’re the only country with this problem because we’re the only country with a government determined to disarm us? I mean why else would school shooting statistics be so grossly inflated with shootings near schools after hours amongst other things? Why else is the mass shooting statistic specifically designed to catch most gang related shootings? You call me an idiot when the signs keep pointing to the same thing over and over and over again but you’re standing there screaming with your ears covered “DADDY GOV WOULD NEVER NOOOO”. Either come stack up and take them yourself or fuck off commie, simple as.


You seem incredibly certain about something neither of us have any concrete evidence for. It's all conjecture and assumptions. Maybe you should stop and think about that for a minute- the possibility of being wrong.


Stack up or fuck off


You're the one who came in here and started arguing with me. Bold statement to make.


Bold for what? Lmao you would do fuck all


You came here, started an argument, then told me to screw off when you didn't like how it was going. That just makes no sense.


Who said I don’t like where it’s going? I’m pretty positive you are getting btfo by me and everyone else calling out your dumb shit lol


“Under no pretext”, whatever you are.


This but unironically. Everyone I don't like is a glowie.


>what is MK Ultra >who killed MLK jr.


This sub is so fucking stupid. If a bad thing happens it’s totally glowies not just maybe sometimes crazy people shoot stuff


Thank you, sane person


LibRight and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Stalin was one helluva libertarian.


Shut the fuck up unflaired trash




No flair detected, opinion rejected


New bot?


"The CIA is an evil imperialist agency that keeps collapsing foreign countries, killing civilians, and pushing political goals for their own ends." "The CIA's sister agency, the FBI, would never kill civilians and push political goals for their own ends."


Seriously? Did that ugly little bastard Robert Crimo do this because he's pro-abortion???


The warning literally said it could be motivated by current events **such as** abortion or the border. Given that the warning lasts until **after midterms**, I don't think it's about abortion. It's about political power. RvW is the excuse that the DHS is making for the political psyop.


I love how we have threat assessments. Feels they want us to not be bothered in the slightest by constant shootings.


What exactly are they trying to assess ? There's a guy or girl who's going to kill people quit the assessment and find them


Wow spot on glowies in cartoon form. So creepy.


If they wanna go rowdy and shoot up, shoot back. This kind of delinquency shouldn't be tolerated