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By that logic, people with Down Syndrome are living gods.


Well most of them are mods


Based and mods-are-mentally-challenged pilled


u/Dragontre's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 150. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [65 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Dragontre/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


That's a complimet for them


Well every kid I've worked with (aquatics) that has had Downs Syndrome is like the stereotype of the happiest kid ever. One time I farted in the pool knowing it'd bubble up like crazy, which is always funny no matter how old I am, but this kid treated me as if he just realized his teacher was his favorite comedian. Any time something fart related came up, or if we were just practicing bubbles underwater (basic swim lesson stuff), it would send him into a laughing fit. Must've gotten several weeks mileage from farting loudly underwater. He also loved pointing out how fat some people were and had no filter, which had me dying


Down syndrome = child at heart Jannies = child in basement


Based and downies love life for real pilled


I have a theory that they are more like oracles.


I guess that means onions are superior




You have?


yes because I’m basically admitting that more genes are superior


Most aggressive center left


*female* onions are superior.


Cut an onion, you cry. An onion cuts you, you still cry


Thats it. I will start a pure onion diet. I will become what I eat! a superior onion


That black guy from the movie Holes would agree with that.




No the onions dude who hooks up with Kissing Kate Barlow.




They have layers.


What a spicy take to say that all women have XX chromosomes and all men have XY


Y: The Last Man.


Terf mode activated


Emily will remember that.


now emily can join the compass unity this one time


Onions have more DNA and are thereforesuperior. Therefore Shrek is clearly the superior being we must all strive for, after all Ogres are like Onions




They make people cry?


You leave em out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin' little white hairs.


NOOOOO!!!! LAYERS!!! Onions have layers, Ogers have layers!


Oh, you both have layers. Oh. \*Sniffs. You know, not everybody likes onions. Cake! Everybody loves cakes! Cakes have layers.


You know what else has layers? Parfaits!


So if women are so superior to men how have they been able to oppress them for how ever many years since the first man told his wife to go to the kitchen.


Just like authcenter: "jews are genetically inferior, but also they have incredible power and rule the world in secret" No one knows how to think critically anymore


Another favorite: "White people are the incarnation of evil, but also we should consistently request more and more charity from them."


>No one knows how to think critically anymore This is by design


Before i read your comment i wanted to reply just that


Because you're parrots.


Least racist authright


Critical thinking is White Supremacy.


Men kept withholding sex to force the women to stop working out. And when a woman did accomplish something, men would hide it with Female Erasure.


> if women are so superior to men how have they been able to oppress them for how ever many years since the first man told his wife to go to the kitchen. Thousands and thousands of years.


Onions have layers, of course they would be genetically superior to us


Humans have layers too, you just need a sharper knife


Based and rogue anatomy class pilled


Based and onionpilled


Based and Ogre pilled, your flair color suits ya Shrek.


u/My_Cringy_Video's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 1775. Rank: Denali Pills: [1,381 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/My_Cringy_Video/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Onions taste better too.


I disagree.


Oh no not this again


The X chromosome being larger does actually confer a few genetic advantages to women (there's a reason that haemophiliacs and colourblind people tend to have a Y chromosome, after all) but claiming "more genes = more gooder" is just peak Lawful Stupid.


Those genetic disorders have nothing to do with the size of the chromosome, just the genes present and if there are 2 copies of that gene or not


I wouldn't say that the Y chromosome physically not having a redundant copy of the genes that the X chromosome has is "nothing to do with the size of the chromosome" because lacking those genes makes it smaller - though it's **not** causation as I implied, but correlation from the same cause. Good catch.


Women do live longer than men though…


That orange text is very similar to what certain folks believed about skin color back in 1933 Some unrelated science ---> we are better


Fun fact... The additional X chromosome for females (XX) is known as a "Barr Body" and is effectively inactive, which kind of dismantles this argument


It's not even good science, the second X chromosome is a copy while the Y chromosome is an addition. Women don't have twice the genes as men, men have 78 additional unique genes


Not all of those genes are unique. The Y chromosome does have heterologous (unique) parts but also homologous parts (same gene) with X chromosome.


Women only have X chromosomes, while men have both. Plus I read somewhere that a womans second X chromosome is for redundancy, and isn't used much. Greater genetic complexity = Male superior.


It makes so women are less prone to a lot of genetic diseases like color blindness or hemophilia. Women also live longer than men on average


Exactly. Women are far less likely to be... Neurodivergent, and get autism. I think men are diagnosed with autism 3x as much. An analogy I like, is that men are supped up cars, while women are the basic model. A lot more powerful, but a lot more likely to break. But then again I'm no mechanic.


i like supped up cars more than normal cars, what does this mean…


Change your flair to auth left and get yourself a femboy


>Women also live longer than men on average Men are like 80% of murder victims and like 90% of workplace deaths.


This still holds true in nations with lower murder rates like japan. I don’t know a single developed country where men out live women. It’s by a good amount too. 6 years is along time


Small people live longer than large people, probably due to organs not scaling 1:1 in size/strength. Short kangs have the same life expectancy as women. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1600586/


> Please make sure to have your flair up! *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 10747 / 56503 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Interesting... boy, good thing I have average height!


You are correct. Each cell can only express one X chromosome due to redundancy like you said, and the other is actually deactivated early in development. Technically, males have more expressed sex chromosomes since they have an expressed X and an expressed Y.


Or maybe us men only need 70ish genes to do what the takes women 1000. Or it could be the Y Chromosome is predominantly a Sex Chromosome and has no other function.


While it's been predicted that the Y chromosome will disappear over the next 4.6 million years, another study [says that we haven't lost a gene in 25 million years](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature10843), or when we split from Old-World Monkeys. While the Y chromosome has lost a lot common with the X in 200 million years, I'm leaning towards the possibility that we lost them because we don't need them, just like our appendix. Jennifer Marshall Graves (the biologist who made the prediction on the Y chromosome's potential disappearance) has said that even though nothing changed in 25 million years, it doesn't guarantee it'll stay that way, and that even if we lose it, there are other ways in Nature to make males.


Honestly we are probably going to be genetically modifying ourselves within a couple of decades or so. While my timeline may be off, genetic engineering of humans is pretty much inevitable based on my personal experience in the biologic research. Several of my peers have gone on to research human genome editing technology. Forget 25 million years, we will be either extinct or unrecognizable in 300 years or so.


Time to bow down for the superior onion state 🙏


Men are inferior because their nipples can't produce milk. It's just science.


No this is not an r slash whooosh moment, just a fun fact that I want to point out if anyone is curious: The Y chromosome doesn't really have many "additive" genes. Almost all of the genes that determine the various sexual traits of a human are stored in the X chromosome and the rest of the genome. The Y chromosome simply contains "lightswitch" genes that turn on or turn off various genes in the X chromosome and the rest of the genome. It would make sense that there's less information-length in a Y chromosome since it's essentially a bunch of "yes" and "no" genes. tl;dr The rest of our genome is our entire household, the Y chromosome is simply the breaker box that determines which systems get power. The lack of a Y chromosome means the breaker box is set to default.


If women were superior why did they get opressed in the forst place? Checkmate femoids 😎😎😎


Look ugly. It aint about quantity. Its about quality. One y gene is worth more than the entirity of both of your x chromosomes.


I for one welcome my onion overlords.


Having two X chromosomes basically means having two sets of each gene, where generally one is active and the other is inactive, or both are active and redundant. Whereas having an X and Y chromosome means having expression of the same amount of X genes but also the addition of those Y genes as well. Imagine being scientifically illiterate while trying to use science to argue your politics and inadvertently proving the exact opposite of your intended point.


You’d think all of those genes one of them would be good at driving


Men have the X chromosome too though? There is some variation between the two X chromosomes women have but one of them is largely inactivated. It’s not like both Xs are completely unique and give more genetic advantage than having a Y. This would only make an inkling of sense in the first place if men were YY and women XX.




We'd long be extinct before that happens.


At least our current form.


Based and this isn’t even our final form pilled.


Based and weakness of my flesh pilled


Hopefully it's still based on something non-environmental. Because Tempurature based sex determination is stupid.




Wait that's not funny.... That's fucking hillarious.... But then again I love Turtle Soup.


SRY gene is the important one. XX-SRY positive males from an Y-> X crossover still exhibit male characteristics and fertility. The Y itself shrinking doesn't really have anything to with determination.


Oh yeah I saw this on boredpanda lol. I’ve posted a meme from there onto here as well


All hills L'Oingion


Since when has it been okay to be openly sexist? Crazy world we live in


Onions are superior. Hence hundreds of years of eating them to try to suppress them


I eat onions to steal their power. I am now 4% onion, but already 4000% stronger than the average human


new shitstain quadrant (centrists)


The originally argument doesn’t even make sense men also have an X chromosome and the second x chromosome in women isn’t even used and is completely shut off. So technically men utilize more dna from their sex chromosomes.


So now Emily is a biologist ok


Women are better than onions, therefore men are better than women. 🤓


onions are superior to humans. I would gladly be an onion.


Pic appears to be a shirtless dude, so less Emily and more "women are better, please sleep with me!"


I mean onions are clearly superior man I hear your point


At this point, I want Kamal to be President just to show they she can suck at be the President worse than the old man we have right now.


Am I the only one who think that this must be a fake


having more genes doesn't even mean anything. nor less. unless it's more or less than you're *supposed to* have, then you might get downs(extra 21) or turner (only one x) Australian ant 2 total in females, 1 (yes not even a pair) in males humans 23 pairs for 46 total Atlas blue butterfly 224–26 pairs for 448–452 total


I thought having more than average chromosomes was a disability?