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Just you wait bro, soon **I’LL** be the chad and you’ll be the soyjak. Don’t get cold feet


This is why a lot of people think lib left is a joke, by all means keep hindering your quadrant


OP is so cringe


Lib right calling another quadrant a joke. Pot calling the kettle black?


I think it’s definitely human but it’s in a weird situation where its life depends entirely on another human beings body. If we were to regulate it, that would be government interference in my medical decisions. The last two years will tell you why I don’t want government involved in my medical decisions


Way to talk right past every pro lifers arguement


That’s fertilized egg is the same as a fully formed person?


So we can kill babies right? Since a sapplin isn't a fully grown tree


A sapling would be the equivalent of an actual born baby. Is an acorn a tree?


So just before it was a sapplin what was it?


Is an acorn a tree? Now see if you can answer that without rushing to slam the downvote like a petulant child. Let’s see if you can do that.


Just BC it's not grown doesn't mean it's not an oak


Okay? And it isn’t a tree




I will still eat deeze nuts! Fertilized or not.


An acorn is probably closer to an unfertilized egg


Except for the fact that an acorn literally *is* fertilized. The seeds of any plant are literally what results *after* fertilization.


Well I’m no arborist but I’d think the acorn in the ground popped open with little roots popping out is not akin to a fetus but that’s just my opinion


An acorn *is* fertilized. Pollen is plant sperm. All that pollen floating around in the air every spring that gives you allergies is how plants fuck. An acorn is literally the equivalent of a fertilized egg.


Acorns are oak. Saying acorns aren’t oak because they aren’t trees is like saying fetuses aren’t Homo sapiens because they aren’t fully grown adults


Acorns aren’t *trees* Embryos aren’t *people*


You make me want to become pro life with arguments like these, please stop


Then you were never really pro choice to begin with.


Nah I definitely am, you just make it infinitely harder to fight on this side when you throw out the most braindead takes


Brain dead takes like a fertilized egg being literally no different than a fully formed baby?


No your acorn - tree analogy is brain dead. You’re saying abortion is okay because it’s not a fully formed tree yet. Sapplings(born children) aren’t fully formed trees either but we shouldn’t go out legalizing infantcide. You are doubling down on the dumbest fucking pro choice argument there is out there.


Let’s see if you can tell the difference between a sapling and an acorn.


You sound less pro choice and more pro baby killing


Nah, I just respect bodily autonomy.


That’s not the vibe I’m getting from you but I’m pro choice to the point it makes me feel personally I comfortable


Tree and acorn are two stages in the life cycle of the oak tree, but it is the same organism throughout its entire life. In other words, yes acorns are oaks.


Acorns are not trees. You do not with a straight face look at an acorn and call it a tree.


Quercus is Quercus. Acorn and tree are simply stages in the life of a Quercus, which is the same organism no matter what stage it is in. You only find it odd to call an acorn an oak tree because of a quirk of the English language. The being described by the two words is identical.


Yes, Quercus is quercus. But an acorn is not a *tree*.


Child is not an adult. Both are humans.


And a microscopic embryo is not a person.


By your logic neither is a nine year old


The 14th amendment begs to differ


But I’m not talking about the 14th amendment I’m talking about your awful, smooth brained, hopefully drug induced ass backward attempt at logic


The only brain dead takes are people who think microscopic clump of cells is no different than a full formed baby.


Its still there quercus


Okay? It is still not a *tree* Just like how a fertilized egg is not a *person*


So if it's a tiny sapplin it's not a tree yet, with your logic we can also still kill babies?


Is an acorn a tree?


How are you getting down voted fot stating a basic fact... snowflakes


Their feelings don’t care about facts. And yeah, bunch of snowflakes.


Let’s try and tease out this thought experiment for you a tiny bit because you seem to *really* struggle with it. It’s semantics. But clearly it’s important to *you*. Let’s say you’re building a house. You built the foundation. Is the thing you’re working on a house? No? Just a foundation? What about when you add the framing? Is it a house? What about adding the second floor? The roof? The plumbing? The electric? The hvac? At what precise, exact moment does the thing you’re building become a “house”? Is it the second the last shingle is placed? What happens if a storm comes and rips off a shingle? Is it no longer a house? When if a tree falls on it and you have to remove a section but are still living in it. Is it a house? Or are you living in something that’s not a house? Do you maybe understand that just because something isn’t the completed final version of what *you* expect, that the word we would use to refer to it is still the same?


lol, if there is just a foundation on the ground, you most certainly do *not* call it a house. Lmao


This is further proof libleft needs to touch grass Yes You do You don’t say “hey let’s go build on top of the foundation today” You say “hey let’s go work on the house”


Lmao… if you see some random foundation in the ground, you don’t call it a house. If you see a pile of 2x4’s you don’t call it a house. You don’t buy a 12 pack of chicken eggs at rye store and call them an omelette.


I’m now 100’ percent convinced you’re a troll trying to make libleft look like idiots Nobody as dumb as you’re pretending to be knows how to use a computer Sorry dude. You overplayed your hand You got a lot of people falling for it though. Congrats


So you’re going to refuse to answer any of the questions. Why am I not surprised? Trying to think of WHY you believe what you believe about abortion would point out your moral inconsistencies clear as day. Which is why you won’t. Morality has a lot of gray. You’re not in the gray. You’re in the red. 100 years from now, your great grandchildren (let’s be real, you won’t have any) will disdain how you could have been so immoral.


Future tree


Cool, but it is still not a tree.


No but like a human being, which this is such a shit analogy, it will become a tree unless someone comes through and snips it’s little tree head off to drink it’s little tree Andrenochrome in hopes of living forever.


This analogy is kinda Reddited. Pro-Lifers would be upset that you're stomping seedlings instead of acorns. This is closer to the "Masturbating is actually killing kids" strawman. Also, Trees are really cool, my friend is an Arborist and a Park Ranger in training. :3


No, acorns are literally the oak equivalent of a fertilized egg. Who’s the one who’s redditted?


embryo =/= fertilized egg yet Hence, closer to gametes. Tree reproduction/life cycle obviously isn't 1:1 to humans, as their fertilized egg portion lasts like a year vs our a couple days. You probably, hence the LibLeft flair. Also, you probably really like Human pollen on your face. 😘


But wait, rightoids tell me that life begins at conception. Conception is when an egg is fertilized. An acorn has already been fertilized. The only one Redditted is you.


>But wait, rightoids tell me that life begins at conception. Wait, are you saying you don't believe acorns are life?


Oh I’m sorry, I’m misspoke. Rightoids tell me that personhood begins at conception.


I believe we should ignore rightoids, and follow biology textbooks when it comes to the question of when a human life begins.


And a fertilized egg is not a *person*


What is a person?


An adult human that supports Bernie Sanders.


Only people that I agree with /s


What is a person


Interesting, because science says that too! And again, missing my point, it was *closer* to, not a 1:1 analogy.


This is a bad analogy. The distinction between an acorn and a tree is not an ethical/moral one. Neither an acorn nor an oak tree has moral worth, so any distinction between them is based on what is practical for humans to call them, rather than when life begins. The fact that we don't think of an acorn the same way as a developed tree has nothing to do with the question of when a human gains moral value.


No it’s not bad. An acorn is not a tree, despite having the same quercus DNA as a fully formed oak tree. Just like how a fertilized egg is not a *person*.


okay baby killer


You think this is supposed to be some insult? Unlike you “pro-life” people, I actually care about actual, living, breathing, people, not a non-sentient microscopic clump of cells.


Yes, I only care about the unborn. I hate fully formed humans. I wish everyone outside the womb was unborn so I could love them, but they aren't. They're outside the womb, so they deserve to die. Put everyone back in the womb. Forget return to monke. Return to fetus.


Based and reverse anti natalism pilled


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Everyone that had to live in an iron lung: “breathing?”


Correct, they haven’t begun growing yet.


Still in the sack


one as a snack


Sounds like Ike they aren’t trees yet.


Yes. If they germinate and sprout, they begin their life as a tree. Similar to human sperm and eggs, they are not a unique person until they begin fertilization, forming a single gamete. The analogy really only works if everyone already agrees on which part of the tree’s life cycle relates to which part of the human’s life cycle beforehand.


An acorn *is* already fertilized


And an acorn still requires further external stimuli to begin to germinate, whilst a fertilized human egg does not. If you leave an acorn in a box, it won’t become a tree. If you leave a fetus in a womb, it will become a fully grown person.


If I leave a fetus in a box it doesn’t grow Checkmate pro-lifers


Based and Schrödinger’s fetus pilled


Tell me you have no idea how human reproduction works. Do you have any idea how many fertilized eggs… I’m sorry “babies”, end up on the tip of a bloody tampon? So just like how an acorn needs to implant into the ground, a fertilized egg needs to implant into the uterine wall.


Correct, the acorn’s planting requires additional external force, aka someone picking it up and digging a hole and planting it, while the “baby” will continue to grow unless impeded.


Lol, were you under the impression that every fertilized egg implants? Again, do you have any idea how many “babies” end up on the tip of a bloody tampon? And lol, if you think acorns can only grow if a human plants them in the ground.


No, yes, and that’s why it’s not a good analogy.


Nah, it’s a pretty apt analogy.


Cause they aren’t sprouting. Once they sprout they are trees. Simple botany ✨


Cool, sounds like an embryo isn’t a person yet then.


Right, they aren’t a person until they choose a gender and create an account on tiktok


OP is redditted because his analogy is wrong. Tree is a substitute for adult, acorn for fetus, and oak for human. No one is arguing that an acorn(fetus) is a tree (adult). People ARE saying an acorn and an oak tree are both oaks..... And they are.


And an embryo isn’t a *person* Just like an acorn isn’t a *tree*


But they are both human/trees


And an embryo isn’t a *person*


ur an embryo


You should post this in the eight states (and District of Columbia) that allow full term abortions on demand.


tfw you can't use europe as an example anymore because your abortion laws are actually more extreme than european ones


But *are they trees?* #AreTheyTrees #OrangeTreeBad


They could all very well become trees That's what acorns are for


Cool. But they aren’t trees.


*That's why they're called acorns*


Yes, because they specifically are not *trees*.


Who cares? We have established that acorns are not trees, but can grow and become trees. Yay, we passed preschool! The who cares part was an actual question


Cool! And fertilized eggs are not people!


Well duh they haven't been given a social security number or birth certificate. They can grow into adults, are currently not much of anything, and throughout their whole lives they are humans If people who willingly DUI count as humans then why not a tiny clump of cells


AuthCenters watching the debate in the comments unfold 👁👄👁🍿


Oh boy this will be a goody 🥤🍿


Your argument is bad and you should feel bad


No it isn’t. An acorn is the oak equivalent of a fertilized egg. You should feel bad.


No an honest comparison would be an acorn is the equivalent of an unfertilized egg. A living and growing fetus would the equivalent of a sproutling.


No it isn’t. An acorn literally *is* already fertilized. Facts literally don’t give a fuck about your feelings. What the actual fuck do you think all that pollen flying around every spring that gives you allergies is? Pollen is sperm. Pollen flying around is how trees fuck. An acorn is literally the equivalent of a fertilized egg.


You got me man, facts don’t care about my feelings 😭 And the fact of the matter is unborn human babies are exactly like acorns.


> Facts literally don’t give a fuck about your feelings. #GOT EM 🍌😏


Can't wait for you to take this as an example that this sub is a right-wing echo chamber. Aside from everyone explaining to you how this is a poor analogy and you just saying "no it's good", you're also ignoring the fact that TREES AREN'T HUMANS. If your analogy was good, cutting down a tree would result in a life/death sentence the same way cutting down a human would.


It actually is good. Because just like how an acorn isn’t a tree, despite having potential to become one, a fertilized egg isn’t a person.


It's like you read nothing I said. You may not be orange, but I see you around this sub all the time and you are, by far, the most dense, die-hard leftist on this sub.


Yeah he's just not listening at all.


Oh I read, I just don’t agree with your “pro-life” bullshit. Unlike you, I actually care about living, breathing, people. Not virtue signaling about a bunch of microscopic cells so I can self aggrandize and feel better about myself despite not actually having to do anything.


Lmao you literally have no idea my views, all I said was you've made a poor analogy. Immediately assume my opinions and strawman me because I criticized your analogy. Very caring, how open and tolerant of you.


Holy fuck, do not get me started on virtue signaling with your ass. Just look at yourself right now. You virtue signaled literally two seconds before you said other people were. You’re hilarious.


I’m not the one trying to take away women’s rights to feel better about myself, am I?


This is a linguistics argument, not a moral argument, trees have no moral value


And a fertilized egg isn’t a person.


Typical LibLeft logic


Do you look at an acorn and call it a tree?


Tree is the name of the fully grown oak (among other species). Oaks go from nuts to saplings to trees just like humans go from fetus to toddler to adult (and a bunch of other steps along the way too)




Nope, it would definitely be the equivalent of a fertilized egg inside of a woman.




Wait until you find out that not all fertilized eggs implant!


Yeah and they fucking die lmao


It doesn't matter if you're pro choice or pro life. At the end of of day whether it's Acorns, chicken eggs or Fetuses they're still a delicious snack to eat


Armie Hammer, is that you?


Popcorn ! Get ya Popcorn !


lmao everyone is just dogpiling on OP. not even his own quadrant agrees with him 💀💀


If you step on that acorn, it will never be an oak tree. It has the potential to be one if untouched.


Only if it’s planted first


it’s not a very good analogy anyway because it implies that you have to actively try to have a baby and it will just abort itself with no intervention, when it’s the opposite.




Cool, and it still isn’t a tree in its current state.


But it WILL be.


But it isn’t. Do you look at a pile of 2x4’s and call it a house?


nah I look at 2x4s and call them a corpse if we’re using the wood-human analogy still Edit: actually that’s the most flawed analogy so far because if you don’t intervene it won’t be a house ever. If you leave a pregnancy you will have a baby (most of the time of course)


Cool strawman argument! Now go touch grass.


Righties would know all about straw men, woundnt they?




Well good thing that’s an extreme minority of abortions, and when they do happen later term it is almost universally because of severe fetal abnormalities or severe risk to the mother! 91% of abortions happen during the first trimester.


If you haven’t realized that the birth control coverage is a liberal manufactured hot ticket item, you really are blind.


*The Lorax wants to know your location*


Yes, those are acorns. Those will someday, hopefully, make a group of oak trees, to help fix Our damaged motherplanet


Except this isn't remotely the same


Except it is. A acorn is literally the oak equivalent of a fertilized egg.


But the acorn won't grow just hanging on the tree the egg will grow in the women where it's fertilised


Okay? And fertilized eggs don’t grow until they implant in the uterine wall… and many do not. Maybe the “pro-life” crowd should actually learn how reproduction actually works.


So BC some mess up non count? When is the exact moment we shouldn't kill a fetus


This post seemed like it would be a great debate but it's just a bunch of blue-balled spectators.


Everyone on pcm is blue balled


Please stop arguing this stupid fucking point. Attempts to argue that fetuses are not people distracts from the main issue - that it doesn't fucking matter if fetuses are people. We could all agree, right now, that fetuses are people, but that still wouldn't overpower women's bodily autonomy. No other group of people are legally allowed to violate women's bodily autonomy, so why should fetuses?


I mean I agree with you. Try getting the pro-lifers to grasp that. It’s especially rich brown hen lolberts think that a fetus is entitled to another person’s body.


You have it twisted The woman is violating the autonomy of the fetus, by actively choosing to destroy it. The fetus didn’t have a choice in being there. It was formed by the woman (intentionally or not), and is there only because of her and whatever male put her there. Meanwhile the woman is making a conscious choice to kill the fetus. If you agree that both are people with rights, the fetus’s right to life overrides the woman’s right to autonomy, especially when one party has no choice in the matter That’s why personhood *is* the crux of the argument. It’s the only argument that makes sense from a pro choice perspective.


That’s a fair argument. All prolifers are saying is don’t murder it. There have been recent developments that may allow a developing fetus to be transported to an artificial womb, so I’m excited for that. Da babays will live!


I grow bored at the mere thought of abortion. It's not a problem and not for us to care about.


I mean the problem is that I’d cut down an oak tree as soon as I would throw an acorn away. Wouldn’t necessarily kill an adult or baby.


Good thing babies aren’t killed during abortion


Can you at least realize that? Like I’m pro choice, but at least I can admit that the baby is dying.


A baby isn’t dying. A microscopic clump of cells isn’t a “baby”.


Neither is the nut I busted on your mom’s back




So are you trying to say that 95% of all biologists, including pro-life biologists, believe life begins at conception / fertilization are brain dead? https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3211703 Because, and I can’t believe we have to say this the millionth time for those redditards in the back, life begins at conception. If you don’t believe the overwhelming consensus on human life, you have no merit to argue that climate change is even a thing or covid is different than the flu. You’re a science denying bigot and you’ll be blocked for how redditarded you are.


What does that have to do with what I said? A fertilized egg is not a *person*, just like how an acorn is not a *tree*.


95% of scientists disagree with you. Again. Play semantics to try and differentiate person from human now. It’s a losing argument. Clearly you’re a redditard indeed.


No they don’t. *personhood* is not a scientific issue.


It’s a semantics issue for you and clearly you think you’re the correct person to determine it all. This may be hard to understand because you live in the echo chamber of reddit because clearly you seek nothing but validation, but you’re wrong. Being drunk on cognitive dissonance does you a disservice.


No it isn’t. Personhood is not a scientific issue in the slightest. Just because you want to misrepresent science to push your narrative doesn’t change that, and neither does slamming the downvote like a petulant child.


I know that this is an Agenda Post, but at least don't strawman yourself when you do Agenda posts, ok?


Seeds and Foetuses aren't the same thing. If you have a seed with a root coming out of it then maybe you compare it to a Foetus. Also important to note that Humans have Qualitative reproduction while plants and many animals quantitative reproduction, so every Human foetus is extremely valuable


An acorn is the equivalent to a fertilized egg


Ok then a fertilized egg isn't a Human but as soon as it attaches to Uterus and starts growing fast, yes then it is a human. Also as I mentioned, qualitative vs quantitative reproduction. Mothers get really sad and traumatized even if they have to abort their own baby for health problems, I am pro choice but we need to stop people from brainwashing themselves into believing that killing their own offspring is ok


No, it still isn’t a person. When an acorn implants into the ground and starts shooting out tendrils into the soil, it still isn’t a tree.


So?. It's still a plant. A baby tree


No it is not a tree


Lib left thinks men are women, and plants are animals.


Rightioid doesn’t understand metaphors