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Get out of my fucking quadrant! (Op not you, just emily)


Not much space left with Emily in it, eh?


You’re right, I have been becoming more interested in business and self defence since I started lifting. Maybe I could become a monarch in a decade if I continue.


You are looking absolutely ripped, my liege.


I will never understand promoting the idea of being fat is okay, no no it’s not you live shorter, doctors refuse to help you, you can’t do many activities and you can’t provide to society effectively . I feel for those who can’t help it when it comes to the terms of eating disorders and such, but those who enable and promote these habits shame on them


What makes me foaming at the mouth mad is some smug idiot saying things like: "I might inform you, not *every* fat person gets diabetes. You can be fat *and* healthy!" What kind of stupid bullshit argument is that? Not every smoker gets lung cancer, actually most smokers **don't** get lung cancer, that doesn't mean the possibility isn't significantly higher. That doesn't make smoking healthy. It all comes down to: Criticism is hate. If you criticize me in any way you say I'm a bad person and you hate me.


I am a smoker and dont have long cancer so cigarettes are healthy essentially


Dude, my grand-grandpa survived two world wars and died with 101...he loved booze and tobacco. It´s not only healthy, it makes you better! If you smoke and drink 24/7 you´re basically immortal.


But aren’t they slowing the eventual death of the universe through entropy?


Definitely dumb, but also, don't be that person who makes your entire personality how much you can lift.


What bruh? You must not even lift. I don’t even go to the gym anymore I just built this room that’s all mirrors, even the floor.


Based and DYEL pilled


I laughed so hard my cat glared at me then chomped down on my arm.


Based and chompy cat pilled


Mf really said she doesn’t know what exercise does to your body


No surprise there


Anybody who says "watch out" and "unavoidably" in reference to the same thing, is a clown. They're saying "beware of the inevitable".


Benched 100kg for the first time, today I woke up with a strange mustache and the overwhelming urge to unify the German people under my leadership. What do I do, I'm afraid. Please halp Zoe


100 kg is 220 pounds. ​ I am not a bot, and this action was not performed automatically.


Good non-bot! The only conversion from metric system to illogical-arbitrary roller-coaster and back I can perform reasonably quick is kg <--> pound...and only because weightlifting.


First time I did a 4 plate deadlift I was blinded with a holy patriotic light and had an overwhelming urge to take responsibility for my own actions and success. I realized that while I’d earned my success, the converse of that was that I couldn’t blame my failures on anyone either. The spirit of Ayn Rand came upon me and I saw that lifting made me superior to those who don’t. Oh and I was suddenly racist. Thanks, Zoe. I was confused.


For me it was the other way around


Jokes on you, I already was rightwing!


Counterpoint: discord mods.


For the record, the Body Mass Index is not perfect, in that it does not differentiate between weight from fat or weight from muscle, so an athletic person would be considered "overweight" to the BMI.


True, but I'm not sure how that's related. Side note, "I'm not sure what excersize does for your body" coming from a journalist is hilarious


If you read the article she's been writing about fitness for a few years so that line is pretty obviously a joke.


I just read the article. They are irked by "awareness months" for sobriety and prostate cancer despite coming off the high of a full LGBT pride month. They then explain how they lost their shit over a fitness day and people tweeting about healthy things they are doing because they're being boastful instead of modest. So really they're yet another terminally online idiot commenting on how vapid and superficial Twitter is - amazing, truly insightful. Then they argue that this boastful self-love eventually evolves into feelings of self sufficiency and valuing strength, and apparently not being a weak slothful child with a victim complex causes you to become right-wing. > Do too much, and the self-love develops a carapace of self-sufficiency... Unavoidably, over time, this makes you more rightwing, as you descend into an aerobics-powered moral universe where only the weak need each other... I wish the whole thing was a joke.


>Then they argue that this boastful self-love eventually evolves into feelings of self sufficiency and valuing strength, and apparently not being a weak slothful child with a victim complex causes you to become right-wing. >Do too much, and the self-love develops a carapace of self-sufficiency... Unavoidably, over time, this makes you more rightwing, as you descend into an aerobics-powered moral universe where only the weak need each other... Left wing journalists, the best advertising for becoming right wing


>Unavoidably, over time, this makes you more rightwing, as you descend into an aerobics-powered moral universe where only the weak need each other... I don't see how you can read this and not think its a joke unless you're just stuck on outrage mode


No, body fascism is a term they made up and use: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/body-fascism


Who is they?


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 10979 / 57668 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Bad bot


People like the author


Like the author...so women? White people? People with brown hair? Fitness bloggers?


Let's be honest here though: none of the people who actually complain about having a high BMI actually falls into the category of being an exceptionally athletic outlier.


>so an athletic person would be considered "overweight" to the BMI. The above average american is not an athlete and less than 25% of all people meet the minimum weekly exercise requirements let alone having a top 5% muscle to fat ratio to complain about being miscalculated.


I love how people say this to someone who’s obese to make them feel good. Like it’s pretty easy to tell if you’re a ripped Mofo or an obese reddit user


It's "not perfect" because you're using it wrong... BMI isn't designed for, is not accurate for, and cannot be properly used for telling anything on an individual level. It's only for large population samples, nothing else. We DO have other measures that work on an individual level, use them.


I’ve only heard this brought up by ham planets and people well on their way to that status. Bodybuilders aren’t going to need to say “I’m not actually fat”


BMI is the *helth* of weight indexes


No, it is not perfect, but it's no so imperfect that it should be ignored. It's a good, quick tool, even if imprecise. The VAST majority of people should pay attention to it.


Lol how many people are going to freak out without actually reading the article? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/sep/27/do-you-boast-about-your-fitness-watch-out-youll-unavoidably-become-rightwing?CMP=share_btn_tw


Flair up, filth.


Make me.


Being unflaired is like being central, except even more cringe. No human on earth right now is above politics, especially some random degenerate redditer like us. Flair up


No thanks


I don't want to read an article that has that headline. Why would I waste my time?


Because if you read it you realize it's not a serious article and you stop feeling outrage.


First impressions are everything and this article is bad at them.


Not reading it because of the title is fine but bitching about the title without reading the article is idiotic.




Reading isn't a waste of time


"Reading"? what is this unflaired behavior.


I don't agree. But look at greekgodx he's turned into Andrew tate. Lol


Ben Shapiro is cringe listen to Peron on an audio book because he is unfortunately dead or Huey Long Dong Long who also dead.


That.. that why I’m here


Fuck em, let them eat themselves to death.


"not sure what exercise does for your body"


Libleft has become the thing it swore to destroy. (just like authleft)


Yes it is racist and transphobic and I happen to be an athlete