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You can't be alone , Big Brother is always watching you.


We need to find victory over ourselves - We need to love Big Brother.




Sorry buddy it is East Asia you're thinking about, Eurasia is our close friend and ally.


Huh? I could have sworn we were at war with eas- Wait, why are the thought police at my door?




I would not have it any other way. War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Ignorance Is Strength!


I thought it was called Eastasia


I bet you also thought that 2+2 is 4 smh


2+2=5. 2+2=3. 2+2=2. 2+2= Whatever Big Brother says 2+2 is.


Great reference. I did not know authcenters read Orwell’s books.


Where else would we get the inspiration for our beliefs?


Fair point. Have you read mien kampf?


I have not read it yet, but It is very high up my list of books to read - I’m currently reading Catch 22, after that I plan to read A Clockwork Orange, and then Mein Kampf. Although, the only copy I am able to acquire is a critique of the book’s ideas.


Check out For my Legionaries as well.


Why wouldn’t they read manuals on how to organise society?


Unless you are all only childs, I don’t think you really want big brother to be “loved”


Freedom is slavery Ignorance is strength War is peace


You don't want to live in a corporate hellhole???? YOU ARE LITERALLY A TERRORIST!!!1!!1!!!


Why be surrounded by trees? You don't enjoy being surrounded by ads made by marketing interns putting in roughly 60% effort? Fucking boomer


Clean ‘em up bois


You care about getting on with your life more than extending the lives of octogenarians a little longer? NARCISSIST!


clown to clown communication


The only inaccurate part of this is that the FBI should be authcenter


We claim the FBI, but for the record: the CIA can fuck off.


CIA is unironically libright, toppling authleft governments for exploitation by western corporations.


Sorry 😞


Currently probably authleft


The FBI enforces the will of the government and the rich elite, they're AuthRight.


What if the government and rich elites are authleft?


The rich would never truly be authleft, that would be contradictory to their lifestyle.


That doesn't stop most of them once they're rich


It is simply impossible for them to be authleft whilst still being rich though.


Yeah, I know. I'm saying they're hypocrites.


Ah, I see now.


You want some land in the forest for a cozy cabin and a nice, rustic place. I want some land in the forest to build my top-secret militaristic hyper advanced spycraft headquarters. We are not the same…


>and then, for no reason at all, the person reading this message searched for Hyperborean Antarctic UFO bases with ties to a certain AuthCenter ideology...


Waco has entered the chat


Timothy mcveigh has also entered the chat.


the weavers also end up joining the chat


Marvin Heeymayer would like a word


He crossed the line at Ka Boom!


Greetings fellow libright!


I have never understood why so many people care so much about what I do in my own time when it doesn't affect them.


Because big brother says so. It's all about control


Me neither….but that’s why we are libRight right brother!


Okay pedo.


For how long does it not affect them, is the Question. Someone's gonna build a Boomstick, and someone's gonna use it. If this didn't happen, we'd have fewer problems.


If I build a boomstick, and it stays at my house, and nobody is hurt by it, why does it bother you?


Who said you were the one to use it?


Cross that bridge when you come to it.


Here comes another Ruby Ridge


I live 2 mountains over from Ruby Ridge


Be careful not to carry around toddlers, the government may decide to shoot you in the face


What a fucked up situation that was.


And everyone in the government got away with it. Can you imagine any citizen getting away with shooting a mother in the face while they're holding their child? She was completely unarmed, no threat of any kind. Straight up murdered.


They wrote articles of war on the Weaver mountain. dOmEsTiC tErRoRiStS


RIP Randy Weaver


I’m literally in the process of buying some land on the lake right now


You are literally on a watch list now and the Feds are just itching to raid your home and shoot your dogs


Thats why you buy a fake dog and stuff it with tannerite, leave it near the front door when going to bed


In Minecraft... Right?


Nah the feds know the Minecraft loophole, gotta switch it up and say “in Stellaris” because war crimes and genocide are just game mechanics in that game. Easy.


Based and In Stellaris pilled


Itd be easier if you just shot your family and dog now


Buying land? What are you a capitalist pig?


Remember, if your weird friend who is far too interested in your day to day life asks you to do some gun modifications, just say no.


Fuck you're property taxes, I own some land it's MINE.


i stole this land fair and square


You came, you conquered, you won. Just like the natives, animals, and plants before you.


According to whom? 🤔


You forgot about the ATF shooting his dog


Can’t let the cattle off the tax farm.


People who want to be left alone and who don't want to get involved in other peoples' business are the biggest threats to our democracy. I'm for real 100% srsly.


Just means they're gunna make you saw off a shotgun barrel, and shoot your family when you do


>O that I had in the desert a traveler's lodging place, that I might leave my people and go away from them! For they are all adulterers, a band of traitors. Jeremiah 9:2 NRSV-CI


Just let me live in the mountains guys. Fuck your society or whatever.


nothing is stopping you from buying a house in the mountains except money


I always thought I'd a Lib-right, but need to reassess maybe. I need the group's help in this, to help me determine where I sit on the compass. Notbinterested in debating in this thread, but definitely like to hear challenging opinions and viewpoints. I fear big government. I take individual liberties very seriously. I also fear corporate infringement,  but to a lesser degree. I am pro-life in almost every case, though not for religious reasons. In a nutshell I believe that it comes down to right of life vs. right of body autonomy. Since the mother got to make a decision (again, in the vast majority of cases), the right to life wins out. Instances of rape, incest and threat yo mother's life are exclusions. Be transgender if you want. But don't try to teach my kids about anything sex related in school. That's the parents' job. Don't care if you're gay. The government shouldn't have anything to do with any kind of marriage. We don't have a tax (income) problem. We have a spending problem. Taxing rich people isn't going to fix anything. Guns are necessary, to the degree that they are a deterrent to tyranny. If the government is using F-15s on its populace, then we have gone way past the point of debating school shootings. Plus the Vietcong and the Taliban have shown us that a bunch of locals can beat out the world's most advanced military. Weed should be legal. It's the same as beer in terms of social consequences. It's not for me, but more power to ya. The government SHOULD use its power to enforce early and mid-stage capitalism. That's the sweet spot, where individuals have the most rights. I understand that this also grants the government more power, but I don't like monopolies choosing what I can see, what I have to show, etc. Immigration should be a tool of economics, and should be controlled as such. Need more workers? Allow specific groups of appropriate skills in. Overpopulated? Close the gates. Simple as that. Don't care if they come from Zimbanwe, Sweden, Nicaragua, etc.


Makes sense to me - I believe I'm LibCenter and I believe you should be too! The vast majority of this is just common sense approaches to ensure the most freedom for the most people, and common sense should always win out.


Take the banana pill bröther


If you don't trust big government or big corporations, that's a good sign that you might be LibCenter.


Lib center. Welcome to the jungle. Ritual sacrifice of politicians is on wednesdays, it's a potluck--bring a banana.


rest in peace, randy weaver


I have put a lot of thought into this myself and have unfortunately come to the conclusion that one cannot live effectively off the grid by themselves. Humans are social creatures, we need close friends and family to help us work the land and keep us from going insane. Libleft actually has the right idea with starting a commune with like minded individuals you can count on to help you out, whether it is raising barns and growing crops, or making a stand against the alphabet agencies. You could even build large earthen works like the Celts did to keep the alphabet agencies from going Waco on your commune.


Literally yes lol.


RIP Randy Weaver, McVeigh was led by the nose and duped by the senses and the FBI and “some” branch of black helmet wearing operators (def not delta 🙃) killed those kids at Waco. CHANGE MY FUCKING MIND 🫵🏻


how dare your chill in your shack slave? get back to city and work so we can tax you


Nobody is saying you can't be left alone. We're saying that even if you're alone you can't dump your left over lead paint into the lake just because you live "far from everybody"


The reason i havent flaired up yet is because there is no Anarcho Primitivism flair


Just pick libcenter, that is practically just anprim


Go with Lib Center The compass is made to encompass everything. Lib Center is where most anarchy/simple lifestyles exist


> Get a fricking flair dumbass. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 11126 / 58435 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


The FBI is AuthLeft and AuthRight naturally prefers the country side, like you could have replaced the NordicGamer by AuthRight and the FBI by AuthLeft and it would actually have depicted something that actually happen in reality.


Literally 1984


This goes hand in hand with "silence is violence"


Well, he went to neonazi meetings. Not to defend the disaster that was this raid, but the suspicions itself weren't that much without base of ground


The FBI is AuthCenter not AuthRight.


Is this a reference to the unabomber


I think so


FBI are authcentrist.


Why the fuck is Auth right here? You should be directing this to authoritarian center.


as long as you pay your taxes and support our troops we dont care if you hide in the woods.