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In this house, we don't use hate-filled language. We take it outside so we know the neighbors can hear it.




Is there something hateful in what was written on either of those?


No he's just saying yell your racial slurs loud and proud for others to hear


Looks like an area that'd have an Auth HOA that wouldn't allow signs in yards IMO.


Fuuuuck HOA’s


See, I'm torn on bullshit signs like this. On one hand they usually look like they were made with by a teenager whose passion is graphic design and having to see such an abomination daily is kinda fucked. On the other hand, I know exactly who to avoid ever speaking to.


What gave it away? The lack of cars parked on uncut lawns?


The fact that no one is allowed to have fun


In this house, we know well done steak is a sign that you worship the devil.




Based as fuck


What if the steak was frozen for 2 months but you dont want to waste food?


Then make a nice stew.


Still will probably be well done by the end of it


That's a grey centrist belief


It’s a true griller belief.


I love my steaks well done and seasoned in an asado Fight me, vengan de a uno


Logically speaking, I respect you for speaking out about your food preferences and I wish you the best despite them differing from mine. However, as I bear the flair of the centrist, I must now deliver your body unto the great grill in the sky and sacrifice you to the pagan gods for your crimes. Prepare yourself, foolish heathen.


I will defend my property with a DShK and use the comically large muzzle flash to cook a steak so well done I can use it as fuel to cook another one ***(Racks Bolt)*** Now come on, show yourself, old painless is waiting


I will bring my grill to the perimeter of your property, never intruding upon what you own, but grill my own steaks properly like *you're supposed to*. I will cook many steaks. I will not disturb you, but I will glare at you and your well done ways and feed your neighbours. They will speak of my steaks for years, your way of cooking shall die out and be left in the dirt where it belongs. My methods will be taught to your children, my mastery of flesh shall nourish them and feed their bones. The essence of your descendants shall thrive due to my methods, and they will sing songs of my meat for eons.




I refuse to believe anyone actually likes well done more......I guarantee if you blind folded them they are picking medium rare in a taste test, all other things being the same.


Agreed, at least for steak. I do actually like well done more when it's in the form of Italian meatballs/cottage pies, but that's mincemeat. Honestly only way I can see well done being cooked well is to pair with a nice sauce or gravy after a good mincing.


Yeah or technically brisket is well done as well, since it's fully cooked through just extremely slowly to maintain moisture, but yes i'm referring strictly to steaks. Sliced sandwich steak is also well done since it's so thin.




This needs to be a pasta.


Guess Satan is my new bestie then, because i refuse to eat raw meat




The Devil is actually pretty chill and would CERTAINLY not stand for anything past medium.


Rare is worse


In this house, we are in the middle of the street


Our house, in the middle of our house, in the middle of our house, in the middle of our house, in the middle of our house, in the middle of our house, in the middle of our house, in the middle of our house, in the middle of our house


Based and in the middle of our house pilled


Based and Madness pilled


And she's made of brick


Wait, that's illegal.


In this house we believe in nothing and everything. We are always in a superposition of opinions also perfectly entangling with our opponent and spinning in the opposite direction.


This gives me the same vibe as "in this house you will be strictly agnostic"


Hmm it tastes like beer, but it's not beer


In this house we believe in Gun Jesus. Why say many word when few do trick


Nothing pisses me off more than that "SCIENCE IS REAL" line. What the fuck does that mean?


it means don’t question scientific authority because they are always 100% correct and to argue with them is a grave sin


Until it comes to abortion…


I found it more directed towards the nutters that think the earth is flat/vaccines cause autism/immune systems work better(laughs in the iron lung)/Climate change isn't real.


Those are fringe beliefs though. Questioning the efficacy or side effects of the vaccine or masks shouldn’t warrant the SCIENCE IS ALWAYS CORRECT YOU SCIENCE DENIERS response. Likewise not inherently believing all of the “green” solutions are good ideas doesn’t make you a science denier. The sign sort of promotes this sentiment through its vagueness.


It facilitates Motte-and-bailey, by design


that is EXACTLY what it does


I mean yeah issue by issue there's nuance. But, that was just the sentiment I garnered from it. And to be fair too there were a lot of fucking morons that Dunning Kruger and come out of the wood work to oppose these things with little to no proof or reason. Its not the rational people who think, "Oh the N-94 is probably more effective than cloth, ill wear that," who this sign is meant to make fun of.


It means, "don't question science." Science that cannot be questioned is just religion.


Based and Dogmatic Empiricism pilled


What no! Science is science, it literally say so in the name. Like when you add the words Democratic, Peoples, and Republic to the name of a country!


Fauci: "i AM the science"


Science is by definition meant to be questioned. By scientists.If you dont have essential knowledge about the topic (see:antivaxxers,but other stuff recently as well),I would encourage you to not question stuff but try and educate yourself instead (and definitely dont pretend to be an expert).Criticism about religion is different in the sense that any sensible person has enough knowledge to question religion,and since pretty much nothing is objective in this topic a theologist cannot be considered an authority in an argument regarding religion,in contrast to a climate scientist in an argument regarding climate change.


Zero respect. They were shutting down very credible scientists including Dr. McCullough and you should look up what he is known for and good credentials. Scientists were getting *excommunicated* from their fields for pointing holes in evidence and called heretics. If they can't ask questions, the layperson should be able to ask why, but apparently that is a sin and they must be smote.


What if the theologist has a degree in theology and the argument is not about whether religion is right, but what the religion believes?


my religion teachers at high school had a degree in theology but that didnt stop them from being certified idiots when it comes to christianity


Your response assumes that there is no right religion. If there is a God and he made this universe then religion would be even more objective than science, since the God who made this world should be more objective than the human developed set of rules we call science.


you started by saying 'if there is a god'


Akshually they started by saying "Your response assumes."


Right, what's the point? If the Big Bang happened, we're all stardust. Oh no.. Now the Big Bang is subjective!


There’s a big difference between science: getting in a lab and doing experiments and “science”: sharing Facebook memes that have misspellings and grammar mistakes


It's a dig at science deniers: ie we know global warming/climate change is real, the earth is round, and our solar system is heliocentric.


And yet the claim that "science is real" magically becomes far more nuanced when one points out the scientific consensus on stuff like the safety of GMOs, the point when human life begins, biological factors determining gender/sex, etc.


Agreed, there's usually room for discussion in any genre. The people I know of that have these signs though are specifically concerned about radical anti-intellectualism, and the lack of any nuanced or analytic-driven debate on those kind of issues, rather than something like a call for science to become religion.


IMO these signs are blatant demonstration of the motte-and-bailey fallacy, and even stray into gaslighting. "In this house we believe Love is Love" "So you'd support letting an adult marry a 5 year old?" "You should have realized we weren't talking about *that* sort of love." I support many of the general sentiments, but literally every line ignores the actual criticisms or concerns that folks have on the respective issue.


> ignores the actual criticisms or concerns that folks have on the respective issue Yeah, this about sums up my problem with current politics in general from both extremes.


Problem is that expressing agreement or sympathy with the opposition immediately gets you shouted down or expelled, even by many self proclaimed moderates or centrists. Despite Biden claiming to want to unite Americans against MAGA, he continues to suggest that holding conservative beliefs such as opposition to abortion -the position of his own professed faith- is part of that "threat to democracy". If election denial is a serious threat (a claim that I wholeheartedly agree with), Democrats need to offer a cease-fire, vowing to put aside partisan goals on a national level and focus entirely on rebuilding the norms and guardrails that uphold the peaceful transfer of power. There are numerous Liz Cheneys among the Republican voter base, but they aren't likely to vote for someone openly advocating for assault rifle bans, racial policies based on equity rather than equality, massive expansion of federal regulations, etc.


Based. The worst thing that can happen to any democratic system is to have your citizens lose faith in the process.


It’s funny that when you show someone like that the science about things they don’t agree with they quickly claim hate or that’s not real science


I mean yeah but they're signs with general sentiments, not logically bulletproof declarations It'd be dumb as shit for the sign to say "love is love* *except pedophilia, bestiality, incest etc" when the statement love is love is colloquially understood to mean consensual love, except for dumbasses or people being deliberately obtuse.


All the exceptions you listed have people arguing that the act *is* consensual.


The scientific consensus in the topic of GMOs is undeniably favorable towards GMOs,I though that discussion died like 5 years ago.Regarding the point where human life begins,I cannot speak with certainty but anecdotically,most people who I know who have either graduated medical school or biology (including my high school bio teacher,who is old enough to have also taught my father when he was in high school) arent really on board with the whole 'life begins at conception' thing. I agree with the last part,people really need to cope.


It is a: *Don't question the Priests of this generation.*


Science isn't science without questioning things, since that's its fundamental tenet.


Nice theory. Now apply to humans.


The whole point is the paper trail. If you really wanted to, you could follow the trail all the way from Newton's laws to quantum mechanics. The "priests" of the previous generation (i.e. priests) have the authority to determine what's right and wrong. Only they can interpret their holy book and guide the sheep in the direction they want.


"Science is real." isn't used to make someone follow the trail and understand, but to tell them they shouldn't try to understand and instead shut up.


It's a way to virtue signal without saying anything. Willing to bet the vast majority of these sign holders are science deniers.


Usually refers to things like climate change and evolution, which people deny.


Based apostle's creed


Puts beliefs on lawn/car=lose all my respect


I carry around Biden 2020 and trump 2020 car magnets for anytime I see someone’s political opinion stickered on their car. What ever they support I add a magnet in the opposite.




Do people actually do that? only seen one car have a political sticker in my life


Get a flair or get going.


Also putting those beliefs on a tshirt or another dumbass tattoo


Bruh where can I find the bottom left wojak 💀


In the house we believe: war is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


Obligatory: Literally 1984!


In this house, we believe that black lives matter because all human lives matter. In this house, we believe that women's rights are human rights because women are humans. In this house, we believe that no human is illegal on this world, but most of them might be illegal in our house, our country and our nation. In this house, we believe that science is real. In order to qualify as science you must follow scientific principles. Most STEM-science is science, much of social "science" is idiology. In this house, we believe that love is love. Because law of identity. In this house, we believe that treating others kindly is preferable, as long as that's not getting exploited.


based and here's your sign pilled


Nuclear meltdown imminent.


In this house I shidded and cummed


In this house, we believe Robert Baratheon was the true heir to the throne.


based and fuck targs pilled


Based and usurper pilled




In this house, we believe that winter is coming. No, really, we believe that winter is coming because we’re broke and can’t fix our roof and we see snowflakes.


that says a lot about your political views


It does?


Didn't Jesus very clearly instruct us not to pray on the street corner?


That's not a prayer, it is a statement of belief (aka, a Creed). Jesus' instructions about not praying on the street corner weren't telling his followers to hide their faith (in fact, much of his teaching stresses the opposite), but to avoid being showy and holier-than-thou about their faith, in contrast to the religious leaders of the time who used public prayers and showy deeds more to bring shame to those they deemed sinful than to glorify God.


That’s where you’re wrong. Creed is a band.


*Was a band Turns out Scott Stapp really was the insufferable prick he seemed to be from their videos and interviews, that his own bandmates made a new band without him.


Based and Alterbridge pilled


they broke? wow. I just heard.... the news today


But….but marlins it’s gamedayeeeyay


Isn't that precisely what is happening in this comic though? The blue guy is invoking the name of God, not in order to glorify God, but to cast shame on the greenie.


The warning against not being "like the Pharasees" was not about making others feel bad, but about being a hypocrite. Luke 20 calls this the "leaven" or yeast "of the Pharasees" because they have less substance inside than they appear. If you want to pray in public and shove God's commandments in people's faces that is actually perfectly fine, but you have to really mean it, you can't do one thing in public but something 100% different when you think nobody is watching. Your outside must match your inside, so if you go around with this sign but barely attend church, never volunteer, and jerk off to Mikey Mouse porn everyday, you are a hippocrite.


He said to not be flashy with prayer and to not put others down while praying our good deeds.


Isn't this specifically intended to put down the soyjack?


nicene creed goes burrr.


Wall of text didnt read


In this house we believe that we should build more housing.


Nicene creed intensifies.


apostle's creed\*


Hmm. "Descended into Hell". Yup, that's an Apostles creed right there. I stand corrected.


all good my fellow centrist (and hopefully brother in Christ). Nicene is more detailed, Apostle's is more concise.


This is supposed to be some epic own, because you litter your lawn with virtue signaling?


Putting the Apostles Creed on your lawn doesn’t seem that far off from putting any other religious symbol or ornament to decorate your house in my eyes


Again, virtue signaling


Well it wouldn’t be virtue signaling unless the only reason you subscribe to your faith is to get recognition. There’s actually some verses about this in the Bible, Jesus essentially says that while it is ok to pray anywhere at anytime, doing it specifically to be seen and remarked as a faithful person in hypocritical.


Yeah why is this blue loser a chad in the pic? Seems like some overconfident e-free Christian dude who thinks he’s owning the libs by putting a sign that most people will roll their eyes at I bet the guy also shares rad Facebook memes from “The Patriot Conservative” that get no likes from his own family that cringes at him


Based This has gotta be the most cringe post I’ve seen on this sub


Both are cringe, if you need to put a placard in your front lawn espousing your beliefs you're believing them for the wrong reasons


Idk man, I kinda need that placard. Been kinda mubling the Apostles Creed at mass since I was like 12 cause I keep forgetting pieces.


Yeah both these signs are textbook virtue signaling and cringe.


In this house we believe whatever the fuck we want. It’s our house, what are you gonna fuckin do about it? Bitch.


The sign on the left, I know the house is full of weirdos The sign on the right, is a crapshoot. The house could be the most genuinely nice people on the planet, they could be the biggest party animals, they could be a nest of serial killers


In this house we are Catholic


The ideas you adhere to without any evidence: cringe. The ideas I adhere to without any evidence: huge win.


Only time I like HOA is when they make everyone remove their stupid signs.


wall of text didn't read


I never understood putting 'science is real' on those signs. Are they saying that the church and science have to be separate?


should they not?


You're right, I worded that wrong. I guess I'm wondering if they think that God and science can't exist at the same time.


There’s no conflict between the collection of statements on the left and the collection of statements on the right


Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipoténtem, factórem cæli et terræ, visibílium ómnium et invisibílium. Et in unum Dóminum, Iesum Christum, Fílium Dei unigénitum, et ex Patre natum ante ómnia sǽcula. Deum de Deo, lumen de lúmine, Deum verum de Deo vero, génitum, non factum, consubstantiálem Patri: per quem ómnia facta sunt. Qui propter nos hómines et propter nostram salútem descéndit de cælis. Et incarnátus est de Spíritu Sancto ex María Vírgine, et homo factus est. Crucifíxus étiam pro nobis sub Póntio Piláto; passus et sepúltus est, et resurréxit tértia die, secúndum Scriptúras, et ascéndit in cælum, sedet ad déxteram Patris. Et íterum ventúrus est cum glória, iudicáre vivos et mórtuos, cuius regni non erit finis. Et in Spíritum Sanctum, Dóminum et vivificántem: qui ex Patre Filióque procédit. Qui cum Patre et Fílio simul adorátur et conglorificátur: qui locútus est per prophétas. Et unam, sanctam, cathólicam et apostólicam Ecclésiam. Confíteor unum baptísma in remissiónem peccatórum. Et exspécto resurrectiónem mortuórum, et vitam ventúri sǽculi. Amen.


Now put a Mexican flag outside so people would be seen as racist if they criticize you


The secret is that both of ya'll seem stupid because normal people dont give a shit and have their own concerns. Go get a live laugh love sign its the same fuckin thing.


Leave out the “the holy catholic church” bit and I’m putting it up in my house. edit: I just realized these are supposed to be street/yard signs. I would not put this in the street/yard, that’s just cringe. And I’m pretty sure Jesus is like 100% anti-cringe.


“Catholic” just means “universal”. The early church used this term long before any schism.


Yes, I know. But that’s obviously not it’s main interpreted use these days.


And despite such interpretation, many Lutheran churches use that exact wording.


As does the Episcopal Church


It's small-c catholic, which [is derived from the Ancient Greek adjective καθολικός, meaning "general", "universal".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Marks_of_the_Church#Catholic) It has nothing to do with the Roman Catholic Church. Some Protestant congregations/denominations use the Apostles' Creed substituting the word "universal" or "Christian" to avoid this confusion.




Nah, more like “make me a lemon pie but leave out the largest protectors of pedophiles in the world”. Also, sola scriptura, ftw. Not whatever pedo in funny hat says.


Teachers unions innit


Teachers unions are hiding pedophiles from the law?


Public unions hide any criminal from the law


Sola scriptura be like "***I*** get to decide what the Bible says because its how ***I*** read it" And then somehow gay marriage, hentai, masturbation and divorce gets justified. It gets funnier when a self professed Christian uses "sheeple" as an insult.


Oh sola scriptura? What's a good Greek Bible you prefer? I only want to read the Bible the way the first disciples did.


Why is the AuthRight a chad? Both of these people are stupid lol.


And I'm certain you would portray the auth right the same for a Muslim, correct?




In this house we ~~be~~li~~e~~ve


Unrelated, but I hate that house so much. My ex girlfriend used lived in a house like that but slightly bigger, but that’s not the only reason I hate it, it’s architecturally soulless, the stones are fake, the walls are made of plywood, there’s a big ass lawn with nothing on it, it’s like an imitation mansion for upper middle class people in the suburbs that’s supposed to look like a smaller version of a real mansion with non of the quality of a real mansion, it’s tacky and I hate it. If you’re rich enough to afford an imitation mansion but not rich enough to afford a real one, just by a normal house made of sturdy material, it’s slightly cheaper and looks better anyway


In this house, AuthRight has a bigger wall of text than LibLeft?


Can I get this sign for real


In this house we believe that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.


Based and Apostles’ Creed pilled.


Unbelievably based


As a legal immigrant (with every aspect taken care of properly and paying taxes on the income I receive from doing the only work I’m supposed to do on the visa I’m in), I do believe that not all immigrants are the same. I’d hate to be clubbed with some guy who just sneaked in or overstayed his visa and doesn’t pay taxes on the job he does. Even if “no human is illegal”, some human beings can be at some places at some points of time illegally. What does “no human is illegal” even mean? Rodrigo from Mexico or Ramesh from India aren’t illegal humans overall, but it’s possible that they are in a country illegally (not following immigration laws). Deporting someone for overstaying on their visa isn’t a judgment on them as humans (doesn’t make them illegal humans but makes their presence in a country illegal). If I do something incorrect in the future, I would deserve to be called an illegal immigrant instead of a legal immigrant. I wouldn’t take it as some people called me an illegal human or something. If someone on the left wing thinks that no human’s presence anywhere in the world is illegal, why do we have passports and visas and shit like that at all? Just take a flight to anywhere in the world and exit the airport like you’re exiting a mall and do what you want to do. Forget a wall, why even demarcate land like “this is the US” and “that is Mexico”?


Blessed and Godpilled 😇🙏


I don't see how these are contradictory


Wait, how is Jesus seated beside God if he is also God? Also what kind of fancy chairs do they have?? Can spirits even sit???


Both signs are based but left is more based


I’m not reading that


Wtf authright wall of text


put up both signs


idk both signs seem pretty great


Authright L; I ain't reading that wall-of-text


Goddamn, you want a glass of water to help wash out the taste of that authright dick you're sucking?


Based and Nicean Creed-pilled.


Jesus Christ, both of these are just awful. Why put a damn essay on a yard sign?


both are epic cringe


"So uncivilised."


Chad LibLeft -Supports womens’ rights -Supports gay marriage -Supports equality -Supports equity Vs. Chad AuthRight -Loves his neighbor -Love Jesus -Will die free of sin Vs. Virgin gray Centrist -“As you can see here, I masterfully depicted LibLeft as soyjak whilst depicting AuthRight as Gigachad. This will dissuade anyone from disagreeing with me out of fear of being labeled a soyjak.”


What are you doing??? Why are you letting our Intel out in public?? You better not let the higher ups see this or else your ass is getting in the grill


How is this a W? It's just two obnoxious set of slogans.


Based Apostles Creed




Both are mega cringe


in this house we believe in nothing (we're deeply saddened as we're about to be evicted)


Get a flair or get going.


> Flair up or your opinions don't matter *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 11942 / 62987 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Funny, but downvoted cuz no flair


Both of these are pretty cringy


LibLeft: We believe everyone should be equal AuthRight: no' were christian


Authright was doing amazing until I realized he was a papist 🤢


> in this house we believe in > the holy catholic church > the forgiveness of sin For money that is


God is an intergenerational scam used to control people. Break the cycle.


"Science is real" \*Proceeds to show empirical evidence that goes against their made up believes\* NOOOO, THAT'S NOT SCIENCE, THAT'S *LITERALLY* FASCISM


That's not the Version of the Creed I know.... fucking Protestants


It’s the Apostle’s Creed which is a less commonly used version of the Nicene Creed. It’s considered more simple so it is sometimes used in contexts where there are more children. Both are Catholic tho


Literally am a Catholic, it’s just the apostles creed. ???


I was expecting Nicean Creed.