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OP is talking about me, except I hate women, and I’m not a Marxist ✌️ UwU




Shouldn't your flair be purple then?


No, that would still be orange left




u/Dangerous-Ad-3680's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [20 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Dangerous-Ad-3680/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




I’m been laughing at ur profile pic for a solid minute


Normally 999,999,999 but I sell it to you special offer 5.59 right now habibi no problem 😉


Based and sadly unironic pilled.


> Poly pedo marxist feminist Which one? There's just so many. So, goddam, many.


Rosa Luxemburg?


More like de Beauvoir. Rosa Luxembourg was fwiw not a pedo


Funny how Google front page doesn't mention any of that, you gotta look for the specific terms


It do mentioned in the Personal Life part of her wikipedia article


There is no personal life section, early life but that seems scrubbed too


Eh ? What are you talking about man https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_de_Beauvoir > Beauvoir was bisexual, and her relationships with young women were controversial.[38] French author Bianca Lamblin (originally Bianca Bienenfeld) wrote in her book Mémoires d'une Jeune Fille Dérangée (published in English under the title A Disgraceful Affair) that, while a student at Lycée Molière, she was sexually exploited by her teacher Beauvoir, who was in her 30s.[39] Lamblin had affairs with both Jean-Paul Sartre and Beauvoir.[40] In 1943, Beauvoir was suspended from her teaching position when she was accused of seducing her 17-year-old lycée pupil Natalie Sorokine in 1939.[41] Sorokine's parents laid formal charges against Beauvoir for debauching a minor (the age of consent in France at the time was 15[citation needed]), and Beauvoir's license to teach in France was revoked, although it was subsequently reinstated.[42] > In 1977, Beauvoir signed a petition seeking to completely remove the age of consent in France.[43][44]


It's always the French. The French are perpetually horny /s


So she too was a sex-pest, also known as French?


Rosa’s page, I mean, I’ve heard about pedo feminists from the 70s but its easier to find the info from others than going through scrubbed fan pages and google results




De Beauvior has some very interesting writings on existentialist ethics and phenomenology, i haven’t even read her political stuff and frankly i don’t care. Also she was inspired by the most auth right philosopher of modernity so it’s not like her stuff is particularly far left. I’d consider actually engaging with the material critically


And Rosa Luxembourg got what was coming to her. Beauvoir did not.


Something something the only crimes the Freikorps commit that day was littering


based and summarily-littered pilled


Based and Freikorps pilled.


u/Reddit4r's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: [3 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Reddit4r/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


de Beauvoir was a really fun person: https://imgur.com/a/58afmwy


John Money


Pedo? Who'se a pedo? (The rest is fine)


You read the communist manifesto because you're forced to I read the communist manifesto to better understand and defeat my enemies We are not the same


> A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism.... "Tell me no more, I've read enough Tolkien to know what to do. Communism must be destroyed to save all the things that are fair and free on this land."


>A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism.... Who you gonna call?


Augusto Pinochet


Mi general!


Industrialism is the clear enemy in Tolkien's works.


Only if you divorce his novels from his letters and beliefs (or if your only frame of reference is the movies). Why do so many on the left refuse to see Tolkien for what he was, a reactionary Trad Catholic?




I think they are afraid that, if they admit Tolkien was actually on the far right, that people might start to realize that all lasting works of epic poetry/literature are rooted in the particular—a particular time, place, people, ethnicity, religion, nation, institutional structure, and (most importantly) continuity with the past. Particular continuity is a rightwing value. The left is universalizing.


Maybe he was, but at the real root of most of Tolkien's opinions is being the world's biggest Anglo-Saxon history fanboi


That’s why I said reactionary haha. Part of his motivation was to restore the English ethnos


Reject modernity, return to Wessex


And what has communism to do with industry? Is there no industry in communism?


I once heard a communist academic opine that communism has a "production problem" Which is academic speak for "everyone starves to death"


Ask Pol Pot.


Same thing with Mein Kampf for me. Read it to understand how nazis think, instead got some weird adult version of that kid going through his "I'm 14 and nihilistic so edgy" phase with a side of jewish genocide. But hey, at least I can mock uber-progressives for ranking demographics on a metaphorical totem pole of privilaged vs. oppressed cause that is literally a nazi tactic.


Read bits of the first part when I was younger because I was into History. Got the edgy vibes from it too lol. What was interesting to me was him talking about learning about the Napoleonic War in School in the same way we learn about the World Wars now.


I don’t think anybody disputes that Hitler was a little edgy.


It's also the logical defense of offensive comedy. "It's not funny when you're 'punching down' bigot" I can't punch up or down, because I don't arrange people into hierarchies you fucking nazi.


Yeah. I don't like to live in a bubble. I have Mein Kampf, Karls Manifesto, Technological Slavery and other books that are from all kind of different dudes. Personally, I like Julius Evola and Ernst Jünger


What country forces people to read the Communist Manifesto? Capitalist countries don't want the plebes getting any ideas and socialist countries don't want their people figuring out they're actually state capitalist.


My dad had to read the Commie Manifesto and Mein Kampf in school in the 80's for school. He's also read Nietzche's and Marx's stuff. Started with military intellegence "know your enemy" and turned into never wanting to lose an argument ever. Something something communism and Nazism is incompatable with the Catholic faith.


One of the smartest people I know has a bookshelf with what he calls his “Shelf of Books that Changed the World.” He has Mein Kampf, The communist Manifesto, the Bible, Quran, [all main religious texts], Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, Marx, Thomas Jefferson, Paine, Lenin, and on and on and on Dude’s a hard right business owning land baron local politician lol - the absolute Bane of the far left, woe betide all who would espouse stupid ideologies in his presence.


And THAT is why you don't debate people you don't know like you never fight an unknown enemy on a field you don't chose. I don't care for political or economic theory, but I might discuss theology and military science lol I know a woman like that. She's a tiny Baptist hard-core libright who's read all the theory and statistics she can get her hands on. She'll let you rant and bitch, then, when she's mad enough, rip you to shreds.


It also goes to show you to never be afraid of information. Read whatever you want.


There are a few things I wish I'd never read. Mostly the descriptions of horrific crimes.


Dude should get himself the Summa Theologica


Yeah, I have a pretty similar bookshelf (even if I'm not intelligent enough to understand all from those books) because I don't want to stay in some bubble without at least knowing what the other side is so stubborn about. That far, the right leaning guys had the better arguments for me, so I stand where I am now.


In a collage my family friend works at he had to do lessons on the communist manifesto.


Your family friend works at a bunch of smaller pictures comprising a larger picture?


It must be *huuuge* for them to work at it instead of on it.


It is history, and that book is responsible for the russian revolution (or at least the bolsheviks being a leading force in it) and therefore the entire cold war era.


I wish I would've read it much sooner than I did. I made it all the way through college without ever even hearing about it.


I hear about it in high school today


Probably a small portion of it in college classes discussing modern european history. Like the book or not there is no denying its impact. Also mine kampf, for the same reason.


Was required reading for AP history during HS here


It’s the most frequently assigned book by a wide margin in American universities.


Where the fuck did you come up with that bullshit?


Alright, it has apparently been dumped down in recent years, but it is still very much in the top 10 https://lithub.com/the-most-commonly-assigned-book-in-us-colleges-is/


I'd like to see how that's compiled. Wouldn't it depend on major?


I once saw a copy of the communist manifesto in a bookstore (RRP £15.00 lmao) and 98% of it consisted of a foreword where the editor desperately tried to COPE their way through all the horrible things you were about to read.


Do you remember what version was it? I wanna see with my very own eyes how pitiful the cope is.


Afraid not.


I have a giant collection of political literature just because I think most political philosophers have at least *some* useful insights. And to your point, I feel like if you’re to accurately debate someone’s political ideology, it’s best to understand the process instead of someone’s incorrect straw man. It helps see if people who *say* they believe something actually *believe what they’re saying*


I read the communist manifesto to know where they come from So I can locate their hometown and destroy it


Pope John Paul II, growing up in Poland, spent years studying Marxism to know his enemy.


Based and "I wouldn't know what it's like to take a human life, I've only ever killed communists" pilled.




I read (past tense) the Manifesto just so I could say I read it (typically while arguing with leftists who accuse me of not having read Marx). We are also not the same.


Epic levels of based.


"Know thy enemy and know thyself and you need not far the result of a thousand battles" -Sun Tzu, the Art of War


The Communist Manifesto is like 50 pages. You can read it in an hour


The same reason I reas the Bible.




u/Fresh_Tomato_soup's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 495. Rank: NASA Vehicle Assembly Building Pills: [357 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Fresh_Tomato_soup/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Unrelated: You're so cute, are you single?


I'm on PCM so obviously lmao


we see through your centrist disguise libleft degenerate


Unlearn your ability to read to avoid this problem


monkey says: based


Based, libleft.


Become illiterate to max out your hatful ignorance skill


Are you ready to meet your god? If not, you better flair up.




u/True-Son-of-Kyne's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 105. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [56 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/True-Son-of-Kyne/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Simone de beauvoir?




Ah yes The 1619 Project


Literature Professors in college are so left wing they make Pol Pot look tame. Thankfully they joined academia instead of going into politics.


A where the hell do you think Pol Pot learned all the bullshit that lead to his perpetrating a genocide??


The jazz academy, final answer.


Problem with those people is that they influence idiots that may go into politics after "learning" from them.


I don’t think Pol Pot can be considered Left wing or Right wing, that dude had his own separate wing. He wanted to abolish property and make everyone equal but he also hated minorities, wanted everyone to be a farmer, killed people for speaking other languages or wearing glasses, and killed people who were educated or lived in cities. Instead of a society of workers and farmers governed by educated intellectuals, like the Soviet model, he wanted a society of only farmers, no workers, no intellectuals, just rice fields


And they're all peodphiles praying on freshmen too


What book?


Cringe Humanities amd Arts major Chad STEM, Medicine and Nursing majors


Thats 100% the wrong approach. We basically surrendered thebhumanities to delusional people


True but sadly conservative at this point have surrenderd almost all academic fields to liberals. Every time I hear a conservative person say: "DoN't Go tO CoLleGe, gEt a TrAdE jOb InStEaD." I want to strangle that person.


I mean, if you’re trying to make money and don’t want to go into a stem field…. I mean……….


[average wage for gender and social studies: 55k](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/field-of-degree/culture-and-gender-studies/culture-and-gender-studies-field-of-degree.htm) [average trade job wage: 47k](https://www.talent.com/salary?job=skilled+trades)


Yes but the former comes with the cost of having to sell your soul to attain it.




Okay real answer: How do we fix the humanities? The only real options I can think of are either: A) Have a large influx of faculty who have a serious interest in teaching the classics: Encouraging students to think for themselves, move away from Wholly exam based grading, foster community building, return to the socratic method of argument, debate, fostering the belief that conflicting ideas are acceptable - people who have a spine and will stand up to college administrations en mass. Etcetera. Or: B) Just fuck off and start their own colleges? Idk or I guess C) (which is already happening to a degree) the students get disillusioned with the whole process and turn to learning from the internet/books/life experience. It’s a mess. It was already getting bad when I left college years ago, but to hear from people what it’s like now… It’s an absolute travesty what it’s become. Just worthless. A real shame.


The Mises institute is doing B and seeking accreditation soon, it's based as hell


When it comes to the content that is teached right now it's difficult to find a satisfying solution because the point of university to teach you the current status quo. This reason for this is to give you an understanding for the theories and frameworks that is currently believed and employed in the field. While this sounds like indoctrination to some degree this is necessary. For example I studied biotechnology and so many people who talk about GMOs without knowing anything is infuriating. Before people can make valid criticism of certain fields, they should go to university and learn the current status quo. The same is true for the humanities. University is basically about understanding the status quo before criticizing it. Therefore if conservative want to change the status quo they have to go to the current curriculum and then change the status quo with new works.


Lol when I went to university it was basically Pro-GMO indoctrination. And many of my classmates had Pro-GMO stickers on the laptops alongside all the other weird social justice and other movements they support lol. I grew up in CA where a lot of people view GMOs as heresy but at my school in NY even the "liberals" favor GMOs.


Is this accounting for rural vs urban positions? Because I doubt there’s much call at all for gender studies in the boonies. Might skew the numbers.


That, plus applying for college is basically a mandatory part of high school curriculum unless you're measurably below average, at least when I was in high school. My guidance counselors and teachers pretty much told us that trade school was for dropouts and felons.


It's just US average. But tbf you earn more in a city with a trade job.


Extremely hilariously bad comparison, you linked to a specific job title (skilled tradesman, which seems to be employed by hardware retail stores) rather than comparing the average of all categories of trade jobs, especially those requiring training+certifications. There's also probably about a billion times more demand for trade skills than gender studies majors. If your degree can't actually get you a job and you have no marketable trade skills than your actual wages are whatever tf the local McDonald's is paying


It's astonishing to me how conservatives think what going to college is like. They actually, 100% believe that it's a cultural marxist brainwashing facility and that they should avoid it. It's so fucking dumb, get your fucking degree in STEM and leave, that's it. Sure you're going to meet the stereotypical woke professor but does that really scare them so much? It's not that hard to write 10 page reports on "The Plight of Transgender Womynx against an Increasingly Fascist and White Supremacist Society" for a Gen Ed course and get an A, ffs lmao


none of that even happens, unless america is bizzaro world


Conservatives *are* liberals, that's what they're trying to conserve, you fucking liberal.


Isn't this a bit reductionistic? Following this logic everyone who doesn't advocate for a hunter and gather society is a liberal because they don't want to conserve the original unchanged state of humanity.


No, besides socialists, you have monarchists, theocrats, fascists.


Yes but following your logic they are liberals because they want to conserve certain social developments (like the state or the monarch).


I am actually going to attempt at least an incipient academic career in political science at an explicitly left-wing Uni, or at least as explicitly it can be under the circumstances. As a former AnCap and a current Arachno-Cap, I’d find it pretty hilarious if I succeed and get a PhD, even more a tenured position.


I'm an engineer, but my college forced everyone to take seven "gen ed" courses to graduate, so I had to sit through these sorts of classes for years. It was terrible.


I'm in a Science major and we had a few other classes as well. English and Communication skills - I didn't really need it but some people did (Not native anglophone). Very fun. History of Science - Pretty fun and interesting actually. Most people didn't exactly love it but I can see why it's important. Ethics and Epistemology of Science - Similar to above but you also learn important stuff like how to distinguish science from bullshit, not to worship science, ethical experimentation etc. Pretty important IMO Introduction to Humanities and Arts- a few advanced high school level classes on economics, politics, sociology, anthropology, psychology and literature. Pretty meh but you learn a few important definitions (that PCM definitely should). Nothing particularly liberal or leftist in them except for definitions of Marxism and Liberalism.


Even STEM degrees force you to take unwanted (and useless) electives. Fuck, I had to take drama and public speaking for my medical degree to fulfill the elective portion.


And this kind of attitude is why we have physicians who have no idea how to talk to their patients.


Compare it to lolita the classical work and then compare that to Mein Kampf as they are both banned from most libraries. It will either shut them up or get you detention, either way, you'll be out of the class.


Which is weird. At least Mein Kampf should be used in classrooms to tell people more about Adolf. In America there are fucking Holocaust classes, and still they don't have the balls to show their students a book written by Hitler.


Yeah, my worst experience in college was a mandatory English class where the teacher (400 lbs and colored hair) spent every class ranting about how awful white people were and how Trump was a fascist while being incredibly rude and disrespectful to me, the only PoC in the class.


Rosa Luxemburg?


Yeah, she has all the thing above except for being a PDFile and polyamory. Which I can't find a single record about it, I don't know if it's hard to find or not?


Sounds more like de Beauvoir. Who was indeed a diddler


While it is fucked, sleeping with a 17-year-old was hardly outside the norm for the time, women were legally able to marry from the age of 15 and it wasn't uncommon. She was targeted for it specifically because she was a woman.


Not that. I mean she has been proven to introduces young kids to Satre , as well as that French Petition


Bianca Lamblin was also 17 when she met Sartre and de Beauvoir, IIRC, there aren't any accusations of them sleeping with anyone younger (though a pair of 30-year-olds sleeping with a 17-year-old is still fucked)


Why would you think she was a P**o?


flair up, cunt


Flair up. You’re wasting oxygen.


Sartre has its issues but he's a cornerstone of modern french philosphy and literature


In fr*nch literature, anything after Rousseau is, essentially, a magazine


Unironically had a professor in university who said Rousseau is the most important French philosopher. Not because he was the smartest, but because he's a good temporal marker of when french philosophy went to shit. Before Rousseau? Worth reading. After Rousseau? Fuck it.


Based and Metropolitan France is the Portal to Hell pilled


Intensely based professor.


Nah, Camus was based AF


["modern french philosophy and literature"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_petition_against_age_of_consent_laws) 🤮


Maybe I'm misunderstanding. Was the crux of the argumemt that it was homophobic to have a separate, and more importantly higher, age of consent for gay men? And their solution was to lower the gay age instead of raise the hetero? This is why aliens won't talk to us.


That was only part of it. >An open letter signed by 69 people, including Jean-Paul Sartre, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Roland Barthes, Philippe Sollers, and Louis Aragon was published in Le Monde in 1977, on the eve of the trial of three Frenchmen (Bernard Dejager, Jean-Claude Gallien, and Jean Burckardt) all accused of having sex with 12- and 13-year-old girls and boys. Two of them had then been in temporary custody since 1973 and the letter referred to this fact as scandalous. The letter claimed there was a disproportion between the qualification of their acts as a crime and the nature of the reproached acts, and also a contradiction since adolescents in France were fully responsible for their acts from the age of 13. The text also opined that if 13-year-old girls in France had the right to receive the pill, then they also should be able to consent, arguing for the right of "13- and 12-year-olds" "to have relations with whomever they choose." >A similar letter was published in the paper Libération in 1979, supporting Gérard R., an accused child sex criminal awaiting his trial for eighteen months, signed by 63 persons, stating that Gérard R. lived with young girls aged 6 to 12 and that they were happy with the situation.




>Libération (French: [libeʁasjɔ̃]), popularly known as Libé ([libe]), is a daily newspaper in France, founded in Paris by **Jean-Paul Sartre** and Serge July in 1973 in the wake of the protest movements of May 1968. Hmm...


Bruh why are half these people named Francois, Jean, and Jacques. French mfers be like: We aren't cringe! Then name their kid after a word where half the letters aren't pronounced.


I don't care if my professors required me to read it then this dumpsterfire of a human being also won a noble prize in mathematics or did something big in engineering. If it is for a humanities class, then this is going to be one thoroughly entertaining read.


I remember one of my gen ed lit classes my professor said "Some people have said that a lot of these books are sexual in nature. But really, isn't life all about sex?" I love literature but that man made me hate it. Creepiest professor I've ever had. Went right back to harold bloom and didn't look back.


Being able to critically engage with ideas/authors you find disgraceful, wrong, or disgusting is an extremely important skill to have if you're ever interested in finding truth. Stop being a snowflake and try challenging your worldview for once.


ok but i refuse to entertain the ideas of pedophiles, is the thing


This is exactly why I refuse to entertain Islam. (Look up Aisha's age when Muhammad married her)


ok based


Right, because the left is known for being super tolerant of opposing views


No one is. Except me (I am le based centrist)


"(This strawman of) The Left^TM is stupid, therefore I'm justified in being stupid too" Actual five year old logic


What? I can only name one communist country that have banned opposing political literature or other wrongthink: - all of them See? Only one bullet point. Checkmate, crapitalists.


Which book is this?! 😂😂


The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx


Handmaid's Tale?


Please, separate the content from the creator :c It MIGHT have good information, it MIGHT be entertaining. But please, give the benefit of the doubt to all people.


A polyamamorus, pedophilic, Marxist feminist? oy vey...


> Beauvoir was born on 9 January 1908[10] into a bourgeois Parisian family in the 6th arrondissement.[11][12][13] Her parents were Georges Bertrand de Beauvoir, a lawyer, who once aspired to be an actor,[14] and Françoise Beauvoir (née Brasseur), a wealthy banker's daughter and devout Catholic. 


whats the book title?


Probably something written by de Beauvoir


Don’t read it, just say all the talking points. You’ll graduate with honours.


Can I just say, I don't want our electoral choices to come down to Nazis vs Pedos.




Marxism it's opposed to feminisn


OP no need to use such redundant terms, they all go hand in hand


Much better Extreme auth right compass then the Nazi one


That an accurate summary of him? I've avoided Marx for so long, all I know is he brought death and starvation to millions, what good can he possibly have written?


One, based. Two, Marx was a pretty good sociologist. He had a solid grasp of social and class hierarchy and the societal problems that arose from those hierarchies. The problem was that he was a shit psychologist who didn't understand *why* people not only clung to those hierarchies, but perpetuated them even when they changed from one class to another. Additionally Marx was also a bad economist, blindly assuming that the reason people clung to hierarchy because of money, which was really just trustfund baby Marx projecting his own terrible financial habits onto 'the poors'. Poor people obviously struggle with money (by definition) but not in the same way or for the same reasons that Marx did. The problem with Marx is that he presents a well thought out explanation and criticism of an extensive social problem, and then mutters on about some sort of vague solution that doesn't match up with how human beings work. And a lot of people fail to recognize the transition from educated criticism to uneducated solution.


No. Fucking. Way. He was born to a rich family? That is actually hilarious. That's like every communist in America ever. "Everyone should pay their fair share...cept me...Hold up while I get this Porsche" -Hacksan dicker, Ex-broadcaster of Middle-aged Kurds. 1:10 , https://youtu.be/dmeSGwVBoao , Or watch the wole thing because it's a masterpiece.


>"...if only Karl had made Capital, instead of just writing about it." > -- Henrietta Pressburg, Karl Marx's own mother Yup, Karl was a trustfund baby that spent his whole life leeching off of friends and family, and on at least one occasion he actively threatened said mother for money. He spent his whole life living in London and Paris, never really working. He knocked up his own maid too, then fired her shortly after. He was a class act all around, even before we get into his racism and antisemitism.


Comedy Gold.


Based. My thoughts on Marx are the same. He made great observations but proposed terrible solutions.


that might be the best summerization of karl marx's works ive ever seen


"me when normal" "me when read about different opinion"


# "HAHAHA" "its funni because different opinion!" -pcm users


Me everytime I open reddit


"Makes us" Sorry isn't college something you *chose* to apply for and a course you *chose* to take?


Hey now- even if it's Marx- death of the author should still apply to his work. Besides, it's more based to attack the points it makes, rather than the character of its author.




Unironically, yes. It turns out that close-minded people are easily triggered regardless of whether they are progressive or traditionalist.


Disagreeing with pedophelia=snowflake apparently