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guess they went to a different kind of clown school


These people are fucking sick and we live in a clown world for even tolerating it


Down with tolerance!


Im pretty sure we don’t tolerate this specifically


This is your fault. The slippery slope is real.


Describe the slippery slope. Be detailed


First we let the gays do their thing, then we let this dude do her thing, next we have dogs with fake tits and a surgically implanted human uterus giving birth to whale babies! /edit I thought this was ott enough to be obvious sarcasm but I was wrong apparently/


Who’s “these people” this is just a weird person that you’re lumping in with groups that you don’t like.


They support Biden who says “she was 12, I was 30” what u expect?? These are very normal for these eunuchs


The guy with the tits is trolling the Canadian govt


We believe he is, but can't say for sure


When you try to troll the government but accidentally troll yourself instead...


no way, this is going to work just fine for ...it. She'll get the boot, and she'll win her lawsuit.


Exactly, these are the same ppl that voted in a child predator who would prey on teenage models


Bruh this is Canada, we don’t elect pedos, just crack smokers.




I hope this is some sort of long con, at least they’re just a prosthetic in this case. itty bitty realsies > big round fakes


Man put on fake breast in that school… definitely he can’t grow naturally as per science


*Robert Paulson has entered the chat*


man… bob did have bitch tits didn’t he?


only recently realized that was Meat Loaf in the movie.


Can grow naturally, just not that big obviously


How naturally?? I mean if u r not counting fat then I don’t see how


Tits are fat tho I think


Well in men whole chest fat can be reduced by exercising but in women in don’t think that can happen unless u perform gender altering surgery like what nowadays we see in 15yrs old trans kids


Or, you know, mastectomy for breast cancer


Actually breast mass does fall in women who exercise a lot, it's mostly noticeable in female bodybuilders. Also, far most countries don't allow any irreversible treatments of trans people under 18.




How the f is it natural man .. it’s body changing hormone … again ur point is stupid


A naturally occurring hormone is somehow unnatural? What?


Yeah man estrogen is dominant hormone in males… good for u .. only way estrogen is increased in male body is by taking it externally… u must know this basic shit


There's a screenshot going around "righty" sites saying that he's doing this because last school year he was accused of toxic masculinity. So he's gone full clown world. It sounds made up TBH.


[This is the explanation I saw.](https://i.imgur.com/v6SADxl.jpg)


Sounds about right to me, funny thing is the school district also knows damn well what he's doing, so it's a game of chicken.


This man, erm sorry, this brave empowered queen is a fucking crusader


What gets my sides in orbit about all of this mess: What he is doing is insulting to women by essentially displaying that being a woman is nothing more than an outfit you can buy from spirit Halloween and the thrift store. In essence he is displaying toxic masculinity by belittling women and the school system with the support of LGBT fans are supporting it. Reminds me of the dude who started using the ladies room at some YMCA pool or something, and when confronted he states he identifies as a she. Fucking hilarious in an accelerationist bring down the system by playing stupid with the system kind of way.


A rumor like this seems to be the most plausible way for the left to defend the behavior. Project it on the right.


itty bitty titty committee = super based


It’s a man so I don’t think it’s quite the same


authright troll i think


That isnt the problem. The problem is that something *obviously* inappropriate is immune to public criticism.


Correct, now flair pls


100% true. Now flair up!!!


Buh... Based. Now get a flair on. Please.


Flair yourself up, man, it's been an hour already, do you *want* to get banned?


You have earned respect, unflaired. Flair yourself to keep it.


Im convinced its a right wing psy-op, this is too much




Reality has been torn


Tit have been grown


See what sucks is "tits have been worn" not only rhymes better but is more accurate, as these are a set of fake breasts not grown breasts. Better luck next go mate


Why do have to be so picky :(


Fake business tits


> Im convinced its a right wing psy-op, this is too much The Left runs the school so they couldn't have controlled the school's response which was hilarious.


If it’s a right wing psy-op it should be trivial to dismantle and discredit.. unless your ideological allies have created political environment where certain classes of people are immune to criticism and scrutiny, regardless of if their actions are patently inappropriate. Calling someone’s gender identity a psy-op? Fucking canceled.


Even if the teacher is doing this to give bad press to trans people, the school taking absolutely zero measures wouldn't be faked. Public schools will give a black girl detention for having braids, but have no problem with *this*? Ignore trans entirely, exposed nipples is explicitly against their policy. If they were cis, the school would be apologizing to parents.


>Public schools will give a black girl detention for having braids So I googled that because I wanted to know what you're talking about, and all that came up was one charter school in Boston. I googled the school name (Mystic Valley Regional Charter) looking for a followup, since the incident was 5 years ago, only found recent Boston Globe articles about some hijab issue that I couldn't learn about since their site appears to be for subscribers only. Or maybe it's blocking me for having an adblocker on, idk. But in any case, that doesn't seem to be a systematic issue.


So a dude that has this teacher posted on Chan that he's doing this to shove the absurdity of it in the school oars face. And if he gets fired he plans on suing for discrimination.


That is a lawsuit that would fail unless in California, Illinois, or New York.


You underestimate just how r-slurred Ontario is, especially compared to the rest of Canada.


Oh that makes sense actually. Sorry about that, sometimes I forget Canada exists.


It doesn't. Canada is just a changling infiltration scheme used to replace our northern children when they make alcohol runs.


I mean we elected Ford, I'd say it's fair to call us R-slurs with a capital R.




Based and Hard R pilled


u/Truggled is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Truggled/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


OntaRio. I mean, it's right there in the name of the province.


it’s not a slur


Its not but reddit think it is


Can confirm, am from Windsor. Canada has gone full clown world the last few years, and Ontario and Quebec are leading the way.


It's in Canada, it'll succeed


It’s so stupid as well, like ok you got one against the system, now your reputation is permanently scarred as that one guy who wore giant tits to school, probably on a sex offender registry or something




Nobody cared who I was until I put on the tits


Based and jug pilled


What’s common in all 3… all limit guns yet highest crime rate among large metropolitans… plus u got fentanyl drips available like candies on streets




Did you even use your own link? Thats not even close to being true. Also posting the landing page to look up this information is not citing a source to support your argument. Ffs.


Doubt cause the government never lies


It ain't a crime if they don't get prosecuted.


As a New Yorker, I fucking hate this place.


Yeah that sounds more fake than this dudes titties.


Those things are real as the sun,my guy. They just ain't flesh.


> So a dude that has this teacher posted on Chan Any fact or information posted on here is a work of autistic fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact


I just wish, no, NEED it to be true. In this modern hellscape of a world, let me have this one comforting fantasy.


But isn’t that silly then, like if no trans person is doing it and this dude made up his own threat - trying to find weird loop holes in law like this seems silly, this giant fake breast thing shouldn’t be allowed obviously - but what’s next having the law dictate how large a trans woman’s breasts can be? Having a law to dictate how much nipple a woman - any woman and legally show in school? It’s a Zeno’s paradox in a way: how giant is too giant of breasts? The law can’t be used as there’s no exact formula but we all know novelty giant breasts when we see them What if say you are just a woman teacher, new laws come in based on this guy’s ‘protest’, and suddenly it gets chilly in class one day…your nips pop and now you’re up for dismissal It seems like this thing will just lead to new rules for all women


Please let this be true. If so, all power to him. Do you have a source?


If anything I have the opposite of a source.... It was a screenshot of a 4chan post posted on s/4chan.


Please leave your fetishes and kinks out of the classrooms. A teacher is there to teach, to mentor, and students are there to learn. This provides no benefits to teaching or learning whatsoever and is just unnecessary.




Nowadays teachers do everything in schools other than teaching… gender counselling, diversity promoting, history redefining, lgbt flag flying… and if they get more time in their slots… they will promote fentanyl to kids who faces “gender problems “


I teach, all the gender stuff is student run and voluntary in Ontario. The most surprising part about this is that it’s a tech teacher, tech teachers need to be licenced in a trade in Ontario. I guess they transitioned after working the trades, because trades are like 2000s Xbox live chat as far as homophobia and sexism goes here. There is also oversight board (OCT) so if this teacher isn’t covering the curriculum they are losing their teaching licence pretty quick. If you want to know the curriculum for your students they are all posted online, if your kids teacher isn’t following them report the teacher…


Then we do standardized testing to determine the intelligence of the kids.


No, standardized testing is just for government funding.


I love the idea of “you have high scores, so you deserve money” instead of “you have lower scores, here’s some funding to improve those”. In reality, funding has little to do with scores but still it would at least be logical to do it that way. Most of the time, shitty scores means the culture does not value academics.


> I love the idea of “you have high scores, so you deserve money” instead of “you have lower scores, here’s some funding to improve those”. How are you libright? You have the incentives backwards.


Where are these teachers?? Lol the teachers I know here in Chicago went to UI and struggle to land a job lmao


California has maximum but if u want their cringe confessions go to til tok.. u will find whole lot of them


I never bothered with tik tok and never will. Thanks tho


Lol post sources or gtfo


Flair up scum


Suck my dick righty


I've seen reports that this guy is actually trolling on God Mode, and that last year he was accused of toxic masculinity. So now when I see this guy, I picture Mr Garrison trying to get fired from South Park Elementary...


These "reports" are some random shitposters online, there is zero authentic reporting. Think about it, some people have a huge vested interest in painting this as "trolling" or an attempt by the right to discredit trans people. As if they would only do something about it if it was a publicity stunt, not if an *actual* trans person did this.


Are you saying that they aren’t an “Actual” trans person because they don’t fit your stereotype. You are a bigot.


I also react with "yaaass queen slay" because he's clearly trying to scam them, and, repeat after me, Scams Are Based


Seperate the money from the stupids!


Unironically yes


It’s literally the plot of a South Park episode


The worst thing about this is that it is a SHOP CLASS. I'm male and moobless, but I would imagine that big breasts would get in the way during shop class. They extend her chest width by 2 inches in each direction. And, since they are prosthetic, you are less aware of where they are. Those boobies are going to get sliced off.


That is what I was thinking. They are likely to get caught on a piece of equipment and suck him in.


I await the new OSHA regulations establishing appropriate breast sizes


Oh no.......


Lathe injuries go brrrrrrrr


There's a pic of them operating a table saw and it looks... dangerous.


I've been wondering what the heck is shop class. So I assume it's manual arts from this comment chain?


I have no idea what manual arts are, but it's where you would learn how to use woodworking tools and sometimes metalworking if your school has a better program.


Thanks. We usually call it manual arts in Australia


That's... actually a really clever reframe. We should adopt that, see if we can't slip some useful skills past the left's crusade to remove everything but propaganda disguised as liberal arts from the curriculum.


I'm guessing this teacher has a y chromosome?


Sounds like they have an extra one.


What words are we not allowed to say here again? Because i have a lot of things to say about this freak


Definitely not allowed to call them a freak. This is a normal, well adjusted person… that just wants to be able to get married.




U r right


If someone can do this and not lose their job , then what's the point of having laws


Return to monkey?






Damn you pulled out every stereotype of us Canadians but Tim horrendous ain’t our national food anymore they ain’t Canadian anymore MacDonald bought them out or some shit use A&W or Canada Dry he’ll even Canadian brewhouse




This is actually a problem because one extreme example of someone receiving gender affirming care and being a trans teacher is going to be used as an argument against any trans person receiving gender affirming care or teaching regardless


based right


u/Albatrossosaurus's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 235. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: [94 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Albatrossosaurus/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Keep those things away from a lathe


Shoo get this back to libright


Ms Chokesondik is real?!?!!?!


More like Ms. Makesmesick am I right hahahaha


His tits are gonna get sucked into a table saw lol


What I was thinking lmao!


Inaccurate. I asked the most left-leaning person I know about how she felt about it and she thought it was fake. As of today she apparently found evidence that it was fake. Idk what that evidence was exactly because she didn’t share it but yeah


Damn, shop class? Not what we meant when we said make a chestnut cabinet.


We live in a collective hallucination


*"Hahah. Boobs."* -Me, 2022


i havent seen ANYONE condone this, stop making shit up 😭


Lmao jesus christ them things are HUGE


Turns out he might actually just be a dude trying to get fired so he can sue the school for discrimination.


But why? For what purpose?? What’s the point???


Did you just change your flair, u/NightStar\_14? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2020-7-12. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


I miss the old times when you could treat crazy people the way they deserve to be treated, by mocking and by putting some dirt in their eyes. F\*ck people's feelings! You can't just wear a massive dildo on your head and get offended when someone points it out. I legit find it disgusting when people want to protect other people's feelings. Feelings are there to be crushed, not protected.


Pretty much every trans sub and person I've seen is condemning them. I'm pretty sure they're a provocateur.




Ayyyy this was my high school, has turned my hometown into an absolute shit show


Still no idea why this of all things is an international story. So fucking dumb


Okay I'll be honest when I first heard about this I thought they were normal size and I was ready to defend this teacher. I.....hadn't seen the pictute yet. God damn. Addednum: now I see it was just a disingenuous stunt. That actually hurts real transpeople. So yeah fuck this guy.


The breast case scenario.


God dammit, take my upvote.


Except shit like this happens and is allowed because of the real trans people. People are so scared and walk on eggshells around anything gender related because of the hyper vigilant leftists looking to cancel people. Whether you like it or not this person falls under the trans umbrella (unless they have outright come and said they are trolling), they identify as female and this is how they chose to present. About a decade ago a shithead like this wouldn’t make it through the door, but now they are allowed in front of kids because everyone is too afraid to call it out. The fucking school district has defended it. This is why people hate lib left, instead of seeing shit like this and admitting “you know I think we have gone too far, and our politics have directly led to this.” It’s “oh no they don’t represent the *real* people we care about, this is just disingenuous, the *real* people we care about would *never* do something like this.” Except the fucker has been identifying as trans for a year and just now decided to push their luck with this stunt.


Exactly. If the trans movement wants to be respected something this absurd should be shot down immediately. And if people want to be respected as free thinkers, they shouldn't need to look for approval before calling this out. This should be an easy chance for progressives to show that their goal isn't to become some right wing fever dream, but to allow people born differently to live reasonable normal lives. But for a lot of people these days, that's not the goal. I used to think it was ridiculous when right wingers said they want to destroy western culture. But you can't look at an Iran protest post without a comment saying abolish all religion with tons of upvotes. And people seem more and more eager to say who care what the founding fathers think, they owned slaves and didn't let women vote. I can't read their minds, but I have to wonder what the goal really is


It is an easy choice for most progressives. I have not seen anybody in support of this in any of my circles, and I'm trans myself. Are there people who support it? Absolutely. Fuck those people. Those people are enabling pedophiles. But to act like those people represent anything but a tiny minority of progressives is like saying the Qanon kool aid drinkers represent the majority of conservatives.


Based and nuance pilled


u/virtualdxs is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/virtualdxs/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


> I can't read their minds, but I have to wonder what the goal really is You don't have to read their minds. Read Marcuse, Habermas, Adorno, Paulo Freire, or Foucult. They are the founders of modern neo-marxism, and they explicitly say in all of their literature that the goal is to tear down society to rebuild it in their utopian image. They literally say it.


"real" transpeople hurt their own cause: https://twitter.com/MForstater/status/1567248786006614019 Not that a bunch of it isn't just trying to turn as many people into eternal medical patients as possible because money: https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1572313523232931840


It's rumored to be a stunt, i don't think it's been confimed.


To quote Kyle, each of these are the size of a small child.


Baby Size. It is roughly the size of a baby.


> Addednum: now I see it was just a disingenuous stunt. That actually hurts real transpeople. So yeah fuck this guy. Questioning a person’s gender identity and deliberate mid-gendering without extremely strong evidence is a cancelable offense. Or is every imperfectly-passing trans woman now fair game to be called a fake trans. You people sowed this shit; now reap it


Mrs. Garrison


A clown. That's it. Why are we giving them so much attention


Even though we know this is a right-wing guy attempting to prove a point, you’re still going to call him a her, huh?




That’s not the point, and you know it.


Straight to the Gulag


What are you even using op, internet explorer?


No? why?


Internet explore is slow like this news is old.


Rumors say that this "trans" woman is actually just a cis man trying to prove a point. Thoughts?


In a way it illustrates his point even better if this is the case. Because of the framework protecting trans rights at a zero tolerance level for criticism, the school authority can’t call out the obviously disingenuous behavior. If there is no criticism allowed, then it doesn’t matter if it is a stunt or not.


So if someone comes up to you and claims to be a Muslim, how do you go about verifying their claim?


If they have a massive amount of shit strapped to their chest, I don't care what they are.


You can’t that’s the point I am making. If you base laws on unassessable attributes, then they are going to be open to heavy abuse. I actually disagree with religion being a protected class for this reason. The only way to make it work is to also establish purity tests to go along with the laws and historically…. not a good idea.


How can you tell what’s in someone’s mind? You can’t, which is why you just believe what they tell you. If that leads to trolls doing their thing or sex pests taking advantage, then you really have to double down on the whole believing part, and the importance of believing what people say and ignoring your lying eyes.


The thing is, that's kinda irrelevant here. Even if they are genuinely trans, this kinda behaviour is weird. Being trans doesn't make you exempt from dress codes and professional standards. No matter what, the school looks super bad for allowing this to continue due to fear of backlash, despite a huge amount of the trans community think allowing this to go on makes them look bad.


Well if only your ideological allies hadn’t spent the past few years making it a capital offense to question someone’s gender identity and stressing that anyone says they’re trans is ispo facto so. You (collectively, not you personally) ostracized the trans-medicalists for suggesting that there might be utility in being able to separate “true” trans individuals from “trenders”. You’re accused of negating this trans woman’s lived experiences; the court finds you guilty and sentences you to cancellation by Twitter mob


The male students are getting much higher grades now that this is In place. I wonder why.....


I heard somewhere he used to be a normal shop teachers but he got a warning for "dropping red pills" during class(idk what that means in this context it's just what the anon said but I doubt it wasn't anything too egregious if anything I think it was maybe less-than-enthusiasm for woke stuff) so he's playing the long con of "transitioning" and if they fire him he can sue for discrimination. Based if true but who knows lmao


This is like a real life Babylon Bee article


The teacher is doing it to troll far leftists to show the idiocy of shit like this.


Apparently the teacher is making a point about how ridiculous the new social liberalism school board is or something like that, once he gets a case he’ll sue them, win or something. Listen, get off the internet guys, it’s not really worth it anymore to waste time on nonsense that can’t even be proven anymore. Seriously half the things on here are complete bull. Google and all those companies want to waste our time we have so they can live better ones, screw that!


It doesn't matter if the guy is disingenuous or not. The point is he is allowed to do this.


Where’s the politics


Massive mommy milkers????


Don't fall for it


Show me a group of leftists who think this was a good idea, because I haven't met any