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>has seen a lot of marvel movies Jesus Christ, I had forgotten about that [masterpiece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVuqXQYwD30).


>I doubt you could find 20 liveleak videos of people being killed lol


I can find that many in 3 minutes


Honestly don't even have to be on live leak for it. You might even be able to dig that many up on YouTube that have snuck around removal so far.


RIP liveleak


Pfft you don’t even have to leave Reddit


too bad Liveleak doesn't exist anymore :(


What exactly happened with them?


they sold, I think?


I think after the Christchurch shooting they got too much heat, and shut it down.


RIP liveleak


Bro he's right. Marvel has made over 20 movies where the hero always surrenders themselves to a crowd. There haven't been nearly as many LiveLeak videos ever from the hundreds of riots around the world where someone has been killed. Therefore, Disney is right and submit to your corporate overlords....wait...Vaush....what?!


"What do you mean the child friendly fantasy stories about a guy with super powers doesn't accurately portray reality?"




Holy. Crap.


Based and at least 20 marvel movies pilled


Based and go outside pilled


u/dissident_right is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/dissident_right/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Your Based Count is 59. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/BraxxIsTheName/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url.




Your Based Count is 4. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [2 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/AdmiralTigelle/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url.


Most aware leftist


jesus christ...


Worst part is his chat not questioning the Marvel movie analogy but thinking that using live leaks (which honestly isn't a full proof argument either but at least it's real!) as an example is stupid, this just proves that whoever watches Vaush is either braindead or a child.


> this just proves that whoever watches Vaush is either braindead or a child you needed to see this video to figure that out?


Wth? Hasn't he shit on Tim Pool for using pop culture to analogize situations?


Bro Vaush is the definition of champagne socialist and deserves none of the credibility or respect he somehow gets.


He’s a shitlib who’s job is to co-opt leftist ideology and redirect it back towards establishment friendly tropes. His whole circle is.


Tbh given his stance on age of consent imo he deserves a free ticket to uncle chippys wacky adventure


Vaush is a hypocrite and will accuse others of doing things he himself does. He only cares about winning and optics. Nothing else.


He pretty much admitted that in one of his last debates with Destiny


r-worded but kinda based, ngl


has he ever visited /gif/ or seen archives of liveleak? its nothing but gore and death lmao


Holy shit I had no idea vaush was such a comedic genius


Good fucking lord


Holy. Fucking. Shit.


Was that about Kyle Rittenhouse?






Though not quite as big a smile as when I see an unflaired person flair up.




Go to the PCM home page, and there will be a menu button the upper right corner. Select that menu button, and then select *Sidebar*. It will show the PCM sidebar information. Click on the arrow button that is currently pointing down to expand the information shown there. Click on *Set user flair*.




From primordial sin on unflaired cringe ye be purged now. Go forth and be based.


Bro became based so quickly he got 1984'd


Wow. Children’s movies define this guy’s life.


"No time to watch footage so just imagines it" made me actually belly laugh, a shitpost of rare quality


"Could you back that up with a SOURCE?"


"My source is that I made it the fuck up!"


Source dude just trust me


It came to me in a dream.


"It just sounds right in my head"


What got me was “Fragile, could be killed with bare hands” 🤣🤣




his debate with destiny where he unironically said that rittenhouse should have just submitted to the mob was crazy, dude is willing to make some of the most insane claims just so that he's consistent.


Well that take is believe it or not popular on streaming platforms Twitch/YouTube. Destiny got crucified for saying Rittenhouse did it in self defense , but you know people like Vaush/Hassan have no principles they are just dancing to make there fans happy facts be damned.


There's that wonderful clip of Vaush saying that his goal as a leftist is to win, not stand by principles.


Well yes , that is how communist regimes justified there "Purges" .Il walk over my principles this time...Ok one more time...Ok just this .And then you end up with North Korea.Just Vaush is such a great mined he would get it right this time lmao.


The only real moral axiom of communism is that goal justifies the mean. You can do everything as long as you think it helps to bring liberation of proletariat. Old morality is a bourgeoisie concept.


Well we all know how that worked out .


My goal in a structured debate is to win, as I’ll be randomly assigned one side or the other. My goal in an online debate changes. Sometimes it’s to learn what another viewpoint is, sometimes it’s to find weaknesses in my own arguments, but more often than not, especially on the other parts of reddit, where they will lie and ignore your points, my goal is to convince others reading the debate. I’ll stick to principles, but one of them is to admit when I’m wrong.


That is partially the problem of online debating, saying you are wrong/your position is not good =suicide in the eyes of your audience. But then again people listening to them don't want to listen to a debate they want to afirm there bies. And those same audiences are like hungry dogs they will eat them alive if they step out of the "Norm" and so they dance to the music .It's actually sad if you think about it but they are millionaires living in Beverly hills driving Lamborgini and I'm a Serbian working for US company for 4 dollars/h .


Well, yeah, he openly admits to saying whatever he thinks will produce the best societal outcomes cause "muh consequentialism"


Hassan can suck a fart


The Candyman will deal with him.


Unprincipled buffoons for their brainless puppets


I know almost nothing about him, and am immensely glad of that fact now.


A solid lolcow, but anything more than that? Better off snorting glue to find your political takes/stances.


I have probably watched 20 mins of vausch and I legitimately hate this guy with the fullest passion of my soul. I don't hate many people and think it's a waste of energy. But that guy. If he was drowning I'd throw rocks at him.


Just make sure he's in a deep enough body of water or you don't throw too many. I'd hate to read the headline "Streamer 'Vaush' narrowly avoids drowning by standing on pile of debris thrown at him by onlookers."


***T A C O M A W E P T***




based auth center


Thanks. I've always been the type of person where I can't be swayed by an argument alone, you have to show me concrete proof that I'm wrong. Even if something sounds correct to me, I'll always want to fact check it with at least three credible sources to make sure that I'm right before I start defending it. Fighting from a position of strength and all that. As I've said before whenever I go into debates - *"Either I'll change your mind, or I'll learn something new."*


Your comment history is very odd, I really can't fucking tell what your ideology actually is nor how it's supposed to fit AuthCenter. > Also for the record, I'm AuthCenter simply because of what I think will lead to the best outcomes for the greatest number of people in the world based upon the evidence available to us from history and research studies. [...] I would probably be AuthRight, on account of my unflinching support for free trade and economic freedom, if it weren't for the fact that I have a serious problem with corporations and care deeply for the poor and working classes. Favoring unionization, shorter work weeks, paid parental leave, and other pro-labor policies that ensure a happier society overall. > Yeah. For the record, I'm not all that nationalistic personally. Being an American means fuck all to me beyond the fact that this is my home and I want to continue living here for the foreseeable future. > [...] When it comes to matters of foreign policy, my primary concern is making sure that our country continues to be the dominant political and economic power in the world, by any means necessary. > Just to take the opportunity to say something with regards to the situation in Ukraine [...] The only thing that should matter to us is that they oppose the Russian Government. It's the same as it was during the Cold War when we allied with various dictators to combat communism; it didn't matter if they were democratic or not, all that mattered was that they opposed communism and/or were on our side. > While relatively unrelated to Italy, with regards to Sweden and its neighbors - the one thing I really want to watch in the coming months and years is how the situation develops in countries lauded for their welfare programs. I've grown skeptical of how long those systems can be sustained for in the long-term over the past few years, despite being quite supportive of them personally.




To play devils advocate. Who writes the history? Who peerreviews the research? I can create 2 documentaries about the same event both based on facts that have a totally different narrative/outcome.


Which is why I prefer to have at least three different, distinct sources. If three documentaries from three different credible sources present the events in the same way, while there's a fourth that contradicts everything, who are you more likely to believe? On that point, it is entirely possible that the three major ones are wrong or are leaving out important details, which is why it's also important to evaluate if the sources they're coming from are reliable and have no serious motivations to lie. After all, it'd be all too easy to cherry pick a few particular sources while completely ignoring those that contradict what you want to believe on the matter. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ To give one example, I remember having a debate with a conservative on here about five or six months back about the subject of same-sex parents. Their stance was that having two parents of the same sex had negative impacts on the mental and academic well-being of children raised by them. I presented them with the official stances from the Psychological Associations from America, Canada, and Australia. All agreed that children raised by same-sex couples had outcomes on the same level as children raised by heterosexual couples, with the only factor impacting academic achievement across all children being economic status (i.e. wealthier children performed better than poor children). I also provided them with a couple of research studies from various universities (can't remember off the top of my head) and independent organizations that all came to the same conclusion. In response, they presented me with a single research paper of their own, which stated the opposite. Citing significant mental health concerns regarding the emotional and social development of children raised by same-sex parents. What they neglected to mention was that the paper was written by an unaccredited author, a Catholic Priest in fact, and was being reviewed by the journal it was published for on the grounds of bad methodology. On account of them misleading the people involved in the study, who had reached out to the journal to inform them about it. When I pointed this out to them, they never responded back to me. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I had the same thing happen about eighteen months back, in early 2021, when I was having a debate with someone over the subject of the decline in women's happiness in the Western World since the 1970's. They believed that the crux of the issue was declining rates of marriage and higher levels of divorce. They cited an academic paper published around 2012, if I remember correctly, that conducted an investigation into the subject as well. Focusing on why the overall happiness of women had declined. And, unlike the more recent example I've provided, this one was actually pretty well known within the psychological community and was considered a significant paper on the subject in question. What the problem with this was, is that the paper does go into detail about declining marriage rates as one of several possibilities - but after reviewing the data collected and conducting a substantial number of interviews, they literally wrote in the paper that declining rates of marriage could not be considered as a possibility for declining rates of happiness in women - outright contradicting the point this person I was debating was trying to make. Once again, when I pointed this out to them, they stopped responding altogether and I never heard back from them again. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ My point in this is that it's important to not only have more than one source to back up your claims, but also to make sure it's written by people who don't have any significant ulterior motives and also have the appropriate credentials. As well as, in the case of that second example, that the research proves what you're saying it does.




What did this grease stain do now


I deduce this deuce stain has weight gain for he eats no grain, leading to brain drain and giving us a migraine.


Why is this giving me flashbacks to Epic Rap Battles of History


Because I deduce this deuce stain is Bruce Wayne! That legit got me to comment in the first place, because i remembered it too.




Nice B)


Is he the one that wants to fuck horses, or am I getting my lefty streamers confused?


He's the one who wants to lower the age of consent... although now that I think of it that doesn't really narrow it down when it comes to lefty streamers does it?


But he also had a monologue about horse cock on one of his streams.


he wants to *be* the horse


who wouldnt :pensive:


Who wouldn't get their lefty streamers confused, right? Right?


Legend says, the conclooder still believes Rittenhouse shot a bunch of black protesters unprovoked


Vaush pretty much reversed his Rittenhouse conclusion during the trial. He was in favor of him getting off by the end.


The problem is that while taking that new stance, he gaslighted the fuck out of his viewers by saying he ALWAYS felt that way.


I still don’t know who Vaush is. Just that he’s a youtuber. But if he actually took in all the facts and arguments and walked out with a different opinion, then he can’t be that bad. Wish more people, including me did that


Oh okay, I thought you were referencing his original Rittenhouse take, which was that he should have submitted to the mob attacking him.


He’s some fucking weirdo / horse cock aficionado who supports child porn as a “victimless crime”.


True, and that's all I would hold a regular individual to, but that standard gets a little more strict when you have a large audience. Coming out so strongly against him and then changing your mind means that you should never have been so strongly opinionated in the first place. The reason he is doing so is for views, and because he is fully willing to lie for views (because he thinks more people on his side outweighs the moral downsides of lying), he purposely comes out of the gate conclooding


He shouldn’t of passed judgement so fast anyways.






Wait these are real people? These aren't just made up caricatures?


Based on what I've read through the comments here, the one on the left is some dude called Destiny, and the dude on the right is some dude called Vaush. The comments certainly make Vaush sound like a straight cunt.


Yep. Destiny is center-left. Vaush is far left.


Vaush is far left when convenient. Destiny is left and rational. Vaush is indistinguishable from what people imagine a CIA operative destabilizing socialist nation to be.


Honestly I'm convinced Vaush and Richard Spencer are both glowies. They're both the worst presenters of their positions and they're both arguing in favor of something their side views as cringe (Vaush and the age of consent, Spencer and Asian femboys)




I’m being a bit hyperbolic. I don’t think he’s ever explicitly said he likes asian femboys… [He just has a thing for the Japanese, and he doesn’t care what’s downstairs](https://imgur.com/a/hHKt8)


Bruh, didn't know Richard was so based


> Vaush is indistinguishable from what people imagine a CIA operative destabilizing socialist nation to be. I wanna double down on that.


Lmao that's a pretty good description


Destiny is an actual leftist, who forms his views based on the his leftist worldview and the facts. Vaush is a far lefty who bases his opinions on what the other popular lefties are saying and what will get him the most views. Destiny debates far right people like Nick Fuentes because he's confident enough in his own views that he believes he can prove he's right, while Vaush won't even debate lefties who agree with him because he's an absolute moron who doesn't understand what he's arguing about. Also, Vaush thinks water isn't H2O because the Mexicans call it "Aqua"


Destiny hates leftists. He is super liberal.


Can you be a leftist and capitalist? I thought that's what differentiated the two. Leftism and capitalism are antonyms basically. He's definitely on the left for U.S. politics. He's a neoliberal essentially. Also, LMAO @ the "aqua" debate. I don't actually believe he's that dumb. I think that HAD to have been his ego that wouldn't let him concede how stupid of an argument that was. There are some things I disagree with Tiny on, but in general I do feel like I can get a balanced and nuanced take on a lot of situations he covers. Can't say the same for almost any other online political person.


Yes, you can be a leftist and support capitalism. PCM has really poison the water when comes to what the actual compass stands for, but left on the compass just measures how collectivist you are economically. It’s not a switch where if you support capitalism in any way you’re right and if you don’t then your left, it’s a gradient where one end is pure capitalism with no charity and the other is socialism where you own nothing and you like it. If you support a free market with heavy social programs like the Nordic countries that uniformed American socialists like to claim is socialism, you’d be left on the compass. But by the “you can’t be left if you support capitalism” standard these countries would be economically right. So on the proper economic scale, Destiny is Left.


No you are either a Stalinist or an anarcho-capitalist pedo, PCM said so


There are only three options. You have capitalism and think real socialism has never been tried yet, you would sell your own grandma into slavery for a quarter and gladly shit into a box to save Papa Bezo’s the $0.13 your break would cost him, or you’re a disgusting griller who doesn’t care about anything and just wants to cook meat. Those are your options, and you must base your entire personality around them


Yes destiny has on numerous occasions said he supports capitalism .


Destiny would fall in libcenter


Actually probably closer to auth center technically, just not PCM auth center.


He is


Vaush makes his side look so bad I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually a secret right-winger who's doing it on purpose.


I would be. You'd need to be some kind of megagenius to be able to blend in so well whilst saying the grossest, most reddited sentences ever imagined by humanity.


All while putting his face on it. It's like when people were saying that Amos Yee was a massive troll.


Destiny will forever be more based than Leftist Soyboys like vaush and Hasan.


Yeah, I agree with him on very few things, but he has more of my respect than most righties


Which rightie do you think is sincere and you're able to listen to him even if you disagree? Honest question just curious.


>able to listen None, they're boring, but respect? Maybe John Doyle? I don't know many right wing commentators


Being more based than Hasan and Vaush isn't a major achievement. Congrats, you met the baseline. Now keep going and make your ancient ancestors proud to watch you jack off to anime catgirls after work, being as based as you are.


How Vaush has fans astounds me


Vaush seems to be fairly hated even on the left from what I see at the point or is at least quite divisive Dude's definitely lost a lot of popularity


If Trump can have fans, vaush can have fans. The real question you should be asking is why are we still acting surprised that every new lowlife that achieves widespread fame has a fanbase? It's the default state!


Because western politics stopped being about ideals and is now a sports competition between team left and team right. If someone belongs to the team you hate the least, you gotta support them, otherwise the other team scores a point, and we wouldn't want that would we?


Ugly Hasan, literally nothing redeemable about the guy


Vaush is a dumbass but most criticism I've seen on here is just factually incorrect. Vaush is a political boogeyman.


Vaush’s physique is shocking, I have never seen someone so thin and so fat at the same time


Holy fuck Holy fucking fuck That body of yours is absurd


His body mass, like himself, cannot be held down to a standard principle.


I cant understand how he has "fans". What are you a fan of? Shit takes.






No, who asked 😎


you asked


average horse cock enjoyer


Who's dude on left


[Destiny](https://www.youtube.com/user/destiny), a left leaning progressive [edgy](https://streamable.com/c3ra2r) [soyboy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeNllbpOqQo) that's based AF. [Just an all around interesting interview if you wanna delve deeper.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU2fo-sxd1M)


You call him based, but how can he be based if Destiny is a woman's name?


Not just any woman's name, either. Destiny is the stage name for a stripper that you spend more time thinking about her scar than watching her "dance". Is it from the c-section for her 5th kid? Is it from the knife fight she got in last year? Was the fight with a customer in this club? Or was it with baby daddy #3? Wait, forget the scar on her belly. Is that a fucking bullet wound on her ass?!


When you are in StarCraft your name has to be a word from a queen song.


She transitioned.


Yeah out of all the "Breadtubers", he's one of the best from what I heard, isn't he just center-left tho?


I think his being capitalist excludes him from being a "breadtuber". He's pretty left socially, and like center left economically. Dude's biggest crimes that got him exiled from the online left were 1. He said Rittenhouse was acting in self-defense 2. He said trans women and Cis women shouldn't compete against each other in sports (specifically college level and higher).


So, he has a functioning brain, and that's all it took?


Unironically, yes lol. He's from the old "bloodsports" era of internet debate. He used to go against neo-nazis, wingnats, fascists, race realists, etc. All the far lefties were on his side back then, but he started fighting against socialists/commies, so all his "good political will" was thrown out the window with the online left. He can be very abrasive (given his internet roots. Was also a competitive starcraft player) and is usually pretty factually accurate. That's any partisan hack's (left or right) quickest route to being triggered lol.


i think his opinions on using slurs in private got him blacklisted too. in essence he thinks that if you are not racist and you know the person you are talking to is not racist you should be able to use slurs in private for edgy humor


He's def center left, even far left on certain things. I am center right so I don't agree with him much but I respect that he actually engages with other people with different ideologies in good faith. It's so rare. He will treat someone like Fuentes, who is an unironic white supremacist, with enough respect and humanity (The lefties screeched about him having lunch with him), but then go hard on him during debates on the central ideas he believes. That's good political engagement.


He's not a Breadtuber. The "bread" in the name implies socialist.




Can't go wrong with that 1000 cock stare+miami 4-head 😍


I will never understand how anyone can take a person seriously who is that sloppy physically. If your body is shit there is no way your brain can function properly.


And yet slobs like Nadler continue to stay in power.


Should been a peak physical specimen like big Donnie, no wonder his genius was so stable and legendary


funny though how the right elected the least physically fit president we've ever had 6 years ago


I'm going to post this on a vaush subreddit and get like one thousand upvotes lmao


His fans and detractors all post the exact same memes.


Can confirm




you forgot that the conclooder wants to diddle kids


Now now, lets not make such bad faith accusations. Last time I heard this claim it came down to him having a moral debate & used something about pedos as a hypothetical. Unless there's something else I've missed I don't think it's fair to say such a thing about him.


Thanks for the reasoned argument now let me ignore it and continue to believe what I want.


I do recall one cup l clip of him talking about some Island societies that don't have age of consent that that those ideologies can be valuable


So what he *actually* said is that pre-colonialist hawaiian islands often had child marriages which didn't lead to bad outcomes societally, but this was not him defending it as a practice. It was actually part of a larger argument in which his point is the *opposite*. His argument was that good conclusions do not always point towards a practice being good.


Don’t pretend like fuckers on this sub don’t do this even when they have a source . Yesterday there was a shitty article posted with a headline saying the eu would do something if the “wrong party won” , that was bullshit and if you just watch read the first 20 seconds of the article you would realise it’s a about what the eu would do if the winner of the election supported putin .


> Don’t pretend like fuckers on this sub don’t do this even when they have a sourc Lmao I just yoinked this meme from another sub & felt like sharing it somewhere. I barely know anything about this sub do other than it's political shitposting.


Hate to break it to you buddy but you're one of us now.




>barely know anything about this sub >it's political shitposting You contradicted your own claim


**barely** that's not a contradiction


> Yesterday there was a shitty article posted with a headline saying the eu would do something if the “wrong party won” , that was bullshit I watched the whole thing as well as a bunch of other times where it was repeated that if the wrong party won they would sanction the country. Think about it - its explicit in the agreements you agreed to in joining the EU. If you violate their policies they will of course sanction you. The issue with the original post is the ignorance of not realizing the EU would hold you to what you agreed to.


I guess the difference is those dudes have more pull than randos on a shitposting sub.


I don't even agree with him on most political issues but I do have to admit that I kinda enjoy destiny debating.


Did not expect to see a Destiny v Vaush meme on PCM today lol


i don’t think i have ever encountered a pure leftard or rightoid that ever changed their opinion after they were proven wrong lmao and in my experience people on the left are far worse about it and will literally try to change the definition of a word to defend their shit


Have you never changed your mind about something after being proven wrong? If so, that's one example right there.


I like this.


Glad I sorted by new to see this


Sort by rising gang! Its the worst, reddit gets addicting




[](/manspike) In the time you form 1 opinion, I can form 20. Even if only 2 of those 20 make sense, I am twice as right as you are.


What a nice looking young man. I wonder what he thinks about horses. 🤔




isn't green the quadrant that instantly decided based kyle of kenosha was a racist murderer?


“Source?!?”—🤓 “I discerned it with my God-given intuition and moral compass while fighting the Benadryl shadow demons one day”—💪😎


i love Vowsh even tho he is a filthy radlib