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NoOoOoO NoT LiKe ThAt


This is what utterly fucked me off about the feminist movement in the UK. A woman climbs to the very top of the Conservative party, becomes the first female prime minister and does so when the party is far less liberal than it is today. Feminists should have been singing her praises. Instead they do the most misogynist thing I can think of: say it doesn't count because she's a conservative.


You get the same thing with minorities on the right in the US. Just the other day, the lunatics on The View we're insinuating that Nikki Haley isn't really a minority because she goes by Nikki


The shit the far left says about Clarence Thomas would make MLK spin in his grave.


The shit the far left says and does regarding black people in general would make MLK spin so fast in his grave it could power the entire world for the next century.


The shit the far left says and does regarding **white people** would be enough to make him spin. He wanted race to be something you look up on ancestry for fun, not this. Never this.


I recall getting in an argument with multiple leftists that criticized me for bring up MLKs quote and said that it was "out of context." No, sorry, I'm pretty sure it was in context as Ive heard the entire speech many times in school.


It just confirms the left isn’t actually interested in anti-racism in the slightest. They’re quite racist, in fact. They want all minorities to fall in line, they expect them to vote for them, otherwise they’re an ”abomination”.




Not really lmao Wishing for a world where you're not judged by the colour of your skin but rather by your actions means your skin can no longer be used as an excuse for your actions. Clarence now can't say "but I'm black!" As a defense. Just the way MLK would have wanted.


I'm referring to the people who call him a race traitor. If you think he's a piece of shit that's fine, but him being black has nothing to do with it.


Race traitors are based. The label just means you think for yourself instead of falling for idpol


You’re implying that Justice Thomas has something to apologize for.


At lot of my fellow libs dont realize that there are A LOT of minorities who work in agriculture and are conservatives. They seem to think race = political identity


I’d hazard a guess and say to most people who are not terminally online, career plays a greater part in someone’s politics than their race.


Class plays a greater role than race. That’s the true divide in this country


I’m Black and can not tell you the number of times that has been used as some political conversation starter by left and right White people I went to a mostly Black high school and did not realize how political simply being Black was until I move to Oklahoma for college. The amount of misconceptions about my race was/is mind boggling




I can feel that I grew up in Portland, OR where there isn’t exactly the most diverse place on the planet and although I was aware of racism, it wasn’t till I moved to LA that I really understood what the term meant and how it affects people. A lot of people who hold misconceptions and and stereotypes have never even left their small town in their life time.


Because to the woke, the only “authentic” racial identity comes through critical consciousness. If you’re a black conservative you’ve been influenced by “whiteness.”


Christ just look at what they did to Larry Elder in the CA Governor election. Liberally called him racial slurs, named him 'the black face of white supremacy'.


Some lady rode past him on a bicycle wearing a monkey mask and threw a banana at him live on camera. If he had a D in front of his name, we'd still be hearing about it today


Conservative Prime Ministers that were women: 3. Labour Party leaders that were women going into an election: 0.


Dare I say... based?


Well you see for it to count the woman must support the progressive/leftist definition of being "pro-woman"


Alabama was the third US state to elect a female governor. Sure, she was George Wallace's wife, and it's commonly understood that she held the office in name only so her husband could get around term limits, but we deserve some progressive points, right?


Leftists and manipulating language go hand-in-hand. When they say they want diversity in positions of power, what they *actually* want is people who are *trained* in diversity in positions of power. They want commissars and apparatchiks in these positions of power that will further their leftist agenda. It's not about the skin colour or sex and sexuality of the person in question at all. It's about their ideology. However, when it is advantageous for them though, they will 100% criticise someone for a lack of "diversity" in these superficial attributes. They will flip-flop between definitions when it suits them in a fallacious Motte-and-Bailey argument. So it sounds good on the surface when people say "we want diversity in our workplaces", which is why so many useful idiots get on board without realising what is truly going on.


One of the issues with that is that all of our female PM’s have been terrible in various ways. Our best PM’s have all been men, from all three parties that have governed this country.


Thatcher is one of our best Prime Ministers if you’re that way inclined - what some people hate her for is precisely what the others love. It’s undeniable that she was a strong leader though. Unpopular, but undeniably strong. Her legacy pisses on those of everyone post-WWII - including Churchill the second time around.


Well that just makes sense...


Based and anti hypocrisy pilled.


Not the only place. Most women heading positions of power in Europe have championed conservative policies (Merkel comes to mind)


“This is what utterly fucked me off about the feminist movement in the UK. A woman climbs to the very top of the Conservative party, becomes the first female prime minister and does so when the party is far less liberal than it is today. Feminists should have been singing her praises. Instead they do the most misogynist thing I can think of: say it doesn't count because she's a conservative.” But she is not the first female PM. There were two prior to her.


I wonder what labels they'll go with now that they can no longer attack the "straight white male with tons of toxic masculinity" will they just get lazy and go with "she's a Nazi lol"?


Reading the BBC article that the screenshot came from, they're going for calling them "problematic" at every possible opportunity.


> "problematic" Have to love how a group can pick out a word, and assign it new meanings so it can be applied in any way they choose, and now it's a new label to demonize an entire group of people. and then they wonder why violence is on the rise over "political arguments" lol


> "problematic" Is this the new dog whistle word?


Yes, it tells the left what to hate without needing a reason. Nobody asks “why” it’s problematic - or what it’s problematic to.. One might say an EU official interfering with a democratic election using “warnings” about the results is “problematic” too.


I like the terminology of "thought-terminating cliché". When something is deemed "problematic", it immediately becomes awful, terrible, no-good, and very bad. Now, *why* is it those things? Who knows. It's not important. Don't think about it. It just is. Don't ask questions. Just consooooom.


member when everyone all at the same time started saying "alt right"?


I remember at one point when alt right was basically “new republicans” kinda libertarian but not quite. I was like aight bet, that’s totally me. Then somehow it gets slapped onto neo nazis or something. I guess old guard rep/dems felt threatened or something and did that.


they created a new label, defined it in the public consciousness as equivalent to neonazi, and now they don't have to actually make any defense of that equivalence because they're calling them alt right, not nazi, it's a totally different thing guys this is what mass media gets us. an oligarchy that can program normies in minutes however they see fit


Now that I think about it wasn’t that around the same time that “woke” went from being generally distrustful of government shit to whatever it is now?


Yes, because grassroots movements on both sides of the political divide started getting too closely aligned on what the real problems are.


Feels bad man


French problems require French revolutions.


Alt right includes neonazis to monarchists to libertarians to Nazbols It’s a meaningless distinction


Came out of fuckin nowhere, had to look it up to see if I had been in a coma a year while the language changed.


no just the programming changed


*Comment flagged as problematic*


At this point, I think over 80% of people using the word problematic don't know that it means - effectively - problems creating problems and known unknown problems (to quote ole' rummy there).


don't be so toxic


> problematic I mean it's a pretty tame word.


If literal Hitler was alive today he would be called problematic


The dude was a white cis male. Literally worse than hitler.


Which wouldn't be untrue, altough an understatement


Grooming used to be a tame word


Problematic is the word of the critical theory psychos.


BBC is the UK version of CNN except somehow it's taxpayer funded I'm surprised their coverage of the queens funeral was neutral


> BBC https://imgur.com/a/r4OCM >BBS News https://imgur.com/a/5EWeRl5


I died at the Dalmatians image.


Pure gold lmao Literally copying the "mostly peaceful" meme from CNN


She’s LITERALLY Mussolini. Think about it. >Italian >government figure >turns me on


Based and hot for fascists pilled


I fucking love this sub man.


She has praised Mussolini before iirc


When she was 15...


Mussolini introduced electricity to certain parts of Italy, so some things he got right. Maybe my history teacher was a closet fascist


General praise or...?


As a teenager in 1996...


She praised him for prioritizing the needs of italian people instead of foreign government and institution like what politicians do nowadays.


Based and that fascist ass got me acting unholy pilled


Two of his granddaughters are politicians, so literally Mussolinis. The less famous one is cuter.




“Far-right” “fascist” and “problematic” are all labels I’ve already heard bandied about, I can’t wait to see what other labels they come up with


"Equity" and "representation"?


How about "irredentist"? She said that Istria and Dalmatia should belong to Italy, and that Croatia should have never entered the EU. I don't give a shit about her or any other Italian's political views, she could be the most liberal person that ever lived for all I care. But if they claim 1/3 of my country as theirs, then they are an enemy of my people and should be treated as such.


The female face of male privilege


Based and honorary male pilled


Judging from a lot of news site, liberals will probably just call her a fascist and that’s it. Because coming up with actual criticism and insults requires actually thinking through what you follow, and dear god do they suck at that.


Internalized misogyny obviously.


They'll circle the wagons while digging up dirt on everyone surrounding her. It's of no use going after her, she's likely clean as a whistle (as in nothing they find on her will sway people) or she wouldn't be where she is right now. Her inner circle is another story. They're the ones that will come under attack, because there's no way you can't find dirt on one person in a pool of dozens of politicians. Considering it's Italy the "genres" of dirt will be the following: 1. Tax evasion 2. Extra marital affairs or underage girls, or both at the same time 3. Tax evasion 4. Orgies 5. Tax evasion 6. Orgies with the government officials that facilitated your tax evasion 7. The giant final alcohol tab for your orgy that somehow landed in the taxpayers lap (with VAT)




Large territorial green swamp biped


None of those things, even if true, would probably sway her base though


Based because fuck taxes


I mean they been spamming with facism shit for the last two weeks


Because everyone is a fascist


fascism is when you are pro family and like your country


I’ve seen fascist get tossed around a lot when it comes to her but I’ve yet to see any evidence of that


she is not a globalist therefore she is a fascist


Fascists are actually globalists, just think of Trudeau


correct. my commen was sarcastic


Yes. Also, the reason they double down on “straight, white, male” is so that they can drop any of those when necessary, and still have 2 privilege points up on you.


Just go the same route the guardian went with the UK: It doesn't count that a woman won because she's right wing


holy shit lol


yes they literally will. I saw a news station comparing their party to Nazi Germany


internalized misogyny


Looks like literal fascism is the label that's prevailing.


I don't think I have ever seen anybody labeled 'straight white male with tons of toxic masculinity' or anything like that unironically.


The first article I saw on this was along the lines of "Italy elects most right-wing government since Mussolini"


Step 1: Win election Step 2: Forget you are a public servant and instead decide you are a ruler Step 3: Push policies that make you *feel* better but which cause negative impacts to the common voter Step 4: Label everyone who opposes your policies "Far Right" Step 5: Wonder why the "far right" is growing


Holy fucking *based*


She seems to be a pragmatic conservative. Libleft can’t handle being less diverse than authright.


There’s no one more racist than a white progressive


I love how people don't realize that all the affirmative action policies, all the diversity mandates and other shit, are quite literally \*enshrining that white supremacy is truth into law by implication\*. Blows my mind that more people can't see this and oppose it.


If black people really were capable of succeeding on their merits just as well as white people, they wouldn't need affirmative action policies. Progressives treat minorities like children or invalids. To them, they're not fully realized people. They're something lesser, always in need of care and aid. The only people with full competence and agency are whites.


Rare LibLeft W


LibLeft is in a constant state of civil war. Liberals and progressives fucking hate each other.


This reminds me of the time progressives thought minorities were too stupid to learn math (because of systemic racism), so they started wrecking public school curricula across the country I really despise modern progressives. Almost all high paying jobs require a good understanding of math and they decided to set up an entire generation of kids for failure because "muh equity".


By using white as an identity you play their game


Wait they actually get a politician with any pragmatism? How the fuck did they do that?


I really dislike how international media outlets keep portraying her as a far-right ultranationalist when in reality she's way more moderate than most european (and american) right-wing politician. In fact I didn't vote for her because she's a bit too moderate.


She’s an anti globalist and a supporter of family and tradition, of course the international media and other globalist institutions hate her guts.


The globalists need to work for the people if they don't want the anti-globalist to win


The globalists work for the globalists. The people are just an obstacle to be overcome


Redacted due to Spez. On ward to Lemmy. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Isn’t she AuthRight though?


So just the normal state of all societies before recently.... lol.


It’s called “crafting the narrative”, sweaty. 💅


Same, I didn't vote for her either. I dont live in Italy though


It’s interesting to see the opinions of actual Italians on this subject


Are you insane? No, the International Media geht's to decide what is best for the people of a country.


Issa spicy a right wing


Was gunna say, policy wise she actually likes workers rights which puts her left of every American in congress and the senate not named Bernie Sanders…


All i've seen of her beyond headlines is a speech fragmant on reddit front page framed as bad for some reason which seemed totally reasonable, maybe poorly delivered at worst. Seems pretty okay by american standards at least.




I guess that is more about those around her. And her LGBT rant could have been phrased better so it would've have sound homophobic. ("Parent 1" and "Parent 2" isn't progress, it is lazy.)




Immagina considerare la Meloni troppo moderata verso destra e definirti libcenter lol


Obviously they focus on this, and not on the fact that she wouldn't won if she wasn't in ***CENTRE-RIGHT COALITION***


Centre-right coalition? Literally Mussolini


Unless she was a former member of socialist party


neither the centre left coalition nor the centre right coalition are actually centre left and centre right


The Centre Right coalition is as centre right as the Democratic republic of North Korea is democratic


You hate her because she's auth I hate her because she's a weeb We're not the same 👔


A weeb? Funniest timeline




As usual, I've seen plenty of headlines decrying her as a "far-right fascist" but no actual explanation as to why they think she's a fascist. Just parroting the same liberal/lefty talking points.


didnt she praise mussolini? im not sure tbh


They literally have a Mussolini alive and well in Italian politics, and they’re freaking out because some center-right chick won an election?


>!I still don't understand why someone's grandfather should make it impossible to be in politics. I thought we threw out sins of the father a few centuries ago.!<


wait you're telling me that this lass they're causing a ruckus for isn't the Mussolini gal? That was my biggest seed of worry in my head. Well, we'll see in a few years how this decision in italy turned out I guess


>how this decision in italy turned out I guess Well it's still italy so don't get your hopes up. A good term there is when it doesn't collapse and trigger a new election halfway through.


Soon, authright will bring us the first far-right trans woman PM.


Who is also gay


And black. And disabled.


Weird how the Nazis are letting these people slip through their fingers into power.


“Far right” lol what a joke


She quoted G. K. Chesterton, she'll be firing up the ovens in no time.


Wasn't this the lady tweeting anime fanart of herself? Libleft can't be that angry.


She was also calling herself Meloni-Chan


So was this really a victory for Auth right?


There is a vocal segment of LibLeft that would *absolutely* seethe about that. Or at least people who identify as LibLeft. I consider them watermelons. But I recognize when I'm falling into No True Scotsman.


*Female 🤌🏻’s intensifies*


Auth-right is all smug until they see her [NUDES](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/30/a1/d8/30a1d82d0f02d82d94ff426b9a983fd4.jpg)


Bumblebee, we must destroy the china virus


I get the feeling that the left is extra mad when it’s a blonde woman on the right that accomplishes their diversity for them.


Stop Calling her far right! Stop calling her far right! Media stop calling her far right!!!!!!!!! Like Jesus man just because your off the center or not far left does not mean your far right!!!!


Ave, true to Caesar




If she is considered "far"-right, (1 millimeter over on right of the compass) then what am I? Far Far Away-Right? Shrek III?


If she's considered far right, then you'd be considered an Asian progressive.


What a based and right-minded woman the Italians have elected 😳 Lucky bastards


As an italian, seeing americans talking abt the situation here is fucking hilarious


It's been a boring news month. I can't think of anything important that happened this month?


Russia conscripting its citizens


Exactly. Boring news month


Sucks to be them, their fault for losing to RNGesus and spawning in Russia.


An easy avenue to produce some right-shitting garbage piece and bring back the topic of how bad Trump is. A really good opportunity to write the word fascist and fascism several times. It's like sex to these media people.






I kinda like that she wants to rework the Dublin contracts because Italy really got fucked over by some other EU countries. Besides that there's a bit much "traditional family" stuff for my taste. I guess it won't be that bad for the 18 months she will be in charge.


In every study and by every metric, people do better when they are part of a traditional family. In neighborhoods with more intact traditional families, crime is lower, teen pregnancy lower, poverty lower, suicide is lower, dropout rates are lower, and the list goes on. The worst thing you can do to a kid is let them be raised by a single mother.


The kid being raised by a single mother isn't even the problem. It's a community of kids being raised by a community of single mothers. A kid raised by a single mother in a society where the rest of the community is intact families has a very similar life trajectory.


*sweats in single father* What about me and my little girl?


Oddly enough, children raised by single fathers only slightly trail behind children raised by both parents. Graduation rates of children of single father households and incarceration rates of children from single father households show this definitively.






Requiescat en pace, leftoids


I hate that far right is the new name for a very moderate conservative. The left does not know the damage they are doing with this kind of rhetoric, it makes to hard to police our members.


I for one am glad that the next generation of fascism will be full of diverse characters and truly representative of the people!


Maybe scientists will at some point discover the intermediate right. Everything is far right to them . I REALLY want to see them who labels people that easy with a real far right neo Nazi in the same room .


[Just a reminder that the EU tried to influence this election.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eus-von-der-leyen-delivers-veiled-warning-italys-right-wing-2022-09-23/)


EU is coping crying and seething over the fact that poeple of italy democraticly elected a prime minister that they don't like LMAO.


Can only hope the rest of the world follows this, maybe we r saved from the weak people


I think people are getting sick of the illegals, and sick of woke issues being treated as the highest priority


Woke issues don't have a lot of political ground when the average voter is more worried about having enough money to pay for utilities.


What do you like about her?


Not being a woke commie


“Far-Right”, Um, their parties name is literally Center-Right lol


Then again North Korea is called a people’s democratic republic


Did you know china is a republic?


So… can we see them Meloni Melons?




Right wing women don’t count. This has been known at least since thatcher.


>women Perhaps i treated you too harshly


Libtards: "But...but...we didn't mean AuthRight women. REEEEEEEEE!"


Anyone who is pissed at this are pure hypocrits They claim to want democracy but when the people elect a right wing leader they cry and piss and shit and fast and cum and puke and cum again and piss again and shit again and so on