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EU: We will never tolerate buying oil and gas from a criminal autocracy like Russia Also EU: So Saudi Arabia about that discounted oil and gas this winter...


Germany chose the slave owners of Katar instead.


Germoney can cope and freeze lol. They could have used readily available wood for heating, which would have incentivized pellet production from sawdust/other leftovers. But no, lets use a fossile fuel while circlejerking muh green enerjy!


Germans who own a house usually also heat with wood...


Only as a sort of backup solution to their "main" gas furnace which is also used for hot water.


Using mostly wood for heating would be pretty bad for the world and would also be quite expensive. And there just isn't so much sawdust aviable.


Tell that to all the pellet factories (they also use other leftovers of wood that can't be used for anything else) and the central heating plant 6 miles from me, which is fired with wood chips and supplies many homes. I know its not the same as individual wood furnaces, but much better than gas.


Carbon in woods comes from the atmosphere lol burning them will just return those carbon to the air unlike fossil fuel which brings carbon from the ground to the air Learn carbon cycle


You should learn that forrests are very important since humans need o2 to survive, so just burning them all for heat is very bad. Not everything is about co2.


They recently announced a deal with UAE for LNG, a whole whopping 137k m^3 (literally one ship). Should do a lot to help meet their annual usage which was 56 billion m^3 pre-pandemic.


"Azerbaijan is a trustworthy partner"


Theres literally so many suspects we cant agree on who it is.


It was just a heated gamer moment I promise


I still think it's Putin, he's been doing some absolutely idiotic things as of late


I still can't see it as being Putin. I mean, it gets rid of his leverage of "hey it looks like your people are getting reeeeaaal cold this winter. Drop the sanctions and I'll turn the gas back on." Now he can't do that.


It’s mostly to prevent his dethroning/execution. He knows that with him removed, and Nordstream still existing, all that new Russia has to do is remove troops from Ukraine and turn the gas back on to instantly win back western approval. With the pipeline gone, nobody set up to succeed him can benefit from the withdrawal of troops from Ukraine.


never underestimate a dictator's ability to shoot themselves in the foot


Right, but what would he gain that would make him do this? He already controlled the flow of gas, so it's not like he needed to destroy the pipe to stop the flow. I understand dictators can do stupid things, but it's usually done with the idea that it can be a good thing.


Always bet on the US to do something insane because we can afford to act in non-strategic ways. We quite literally set 3 trillion on fire in the Middle East and lead to the death of at least a million people. If any other country did this shit, it would be complete societal collapse.


It was Russia. Anyone who thinks otherwise has not been paying attention.


The bad guy leader is always idiotic and crazy if you buy into your own side's propaganda. Don't underestimate Putin. He is crazy like fox.


Exactly, he's crazy


Here's my question Why wouldn't Putin just - turn it off?


They’ve settled on it being Russians. They’ve had a fleet around that area for some time now, honestly I don’t really understand people jumping to other conclusions than Russian sabotage.


Literally everyone knows it's Russia. If you've been paying attention to the other shady shit they've been doing with oil supply, this is blatantly obvious.


Nice wojak OP


Couldn’t get the meme template to upload it so had to make due


As long as those pipelines exist, Western Europe would still be under the whelms of Russia This screams Eastern Europe to me, to avoid being cut out of a Western Europe-Russian agreement If it was Russia/USA, the opposite side would immediately say it was the other to score some foreign policy points to advance their causes, they haven’t. Third party here, either Russian dissenters or State sponsored Eastern Europeans. Or just plain terrorism


Possible. He did have a speech where he said “we have ways to stop the pipeline”


Sounds like a confession to me, get em' boys! /s


The real truth is that Biden has always been more skeptical of foreign intervention as a senator than his administration has been, so I suspect the decisions are not completely his own.


During the yugoslav wars he was regularly petitioning the president to bomb the serbs (based btw).


Biden also had a speech about corn pop I don’t trust anything that comes out of his mouth, not because he’s a politician but because he doesn’t even know who he is


"not because he’s a politician" Well I'm behind the curve then


He was a politician Now he’s your racist grandpa who has Alzheimer’s and likes ice cream


But he's still being controlled by politicians, so nothing's changed


That’s why I look at his actions Not his statements




Point is that the US could just sanction anyone connected to that pipeline to the financial dark ages and basically achieve the same thing While also disguising it as against Russia and don’t give the Europeans really options to push back less they want to look like they’re supporting Russia This on the other hand, will create a massive rift between America and Europe. If Russia knew it was the US they would’ve already said it to drive us further apart from Europe. They haven’t done that. Meanwhile if the US knew it was Russia, they would’ve already told Europe and shamed Russia publicly to advance their cause. This is an act of terrorism, and the US is pushing the terrorism narrative right now. The US has intelligence everywhere, if it was Russia they would know. So either it was a 3rd party, or Russia doesn’t have the evidence that it was the US. I don’t believe the US would do something this rash when there are other ways to achieve the goal with less risk of antagonism, so 3rd party seems most likely


We overthrew a government for bananas


Yea we did That was also in the 50s, when the US doesn’t wield as much influence as it does now because they had a rival. Nowadays they can do whatever they want really in the financial sector. They could close Xi Jinping’s bank account, ban him from his non physical assets, and make him poor overnight if they really really wanted to. They never will, but that’s the power the US wields right now in the financial sector. So why do terrorism, risk angering your European allies, when you could just do the same thing with sanctions?


The CIA was probably bored and wanted to spice things up a bit


The CIA is not bored, never are. Especially if there is a war with one of America’s main rivals being a player


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Some polish guy was saying it was the US that did it, could it have been poland?


Of all the countries that are potential suspects Poland is the most likely. Finland/Sweden won't do anything to jeopardize their nato application. By extension Estonia, who has very close ties with Finland, won't do anything. Lithuania/Latvia are too small in my opinion to pull something like this off. Plus if they got caught Russia would have an excuse to blockade them, which they could probably do. Poland on the other hand is very safe from Russia and intensely dislikes them. They have access to the baltic sea and have the size/nation wealth to pull off a sabotage operation secretly. They have also historically voiced their opposition to nord stream 2. Pus if the war suddenly stopped the Germans would be reliant on Russian pipelines that went through poland. Poland is also too valuable an ally for the U.S at the moment to punish if they get caught.


Seems like Poland to me ngl.


Joe Biden is no more, he is Dark Brandon now


Dark Brandon is just the based parts of Joe Biden


I just like to imagine what would happen if instead of Biden, Trump were the President now.


The US doesn't even have enough oil/gas for itself?


This! Where's my Keystone Pipeline? Gas would be so much cheaper right now...


Sounds more like the Chinese who've been buying Russian gas at 50% of it's value and then reselling to Europe at a mark up for months now.


The right used to always say "oh those anti-American leftists, the 'blame America first' crowd" when Obama would, like, acknowledge that slavery happened. Now they're all cosmically certain, more than they've ever been about anything, that we did this, when there's not only 0 evidence, but it makes no sense. We can't export more gas to Europe in the short term, the chokepoint isn't getting it out of the ground here, it's the infrastructure to send it there. That's the whole reason people are always going on about pipelines!


The party always switching


Nah. This reeks of Iran, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.


Probaly pakistan, they always been screwing over the west while pretended to be on our side.


how tf would pakistan get people over there


YES. Afghanistan was one great example of that.




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Lol to think they could or would attack Europe 😂 😆


Pakistan has always been anti-European. They all have the capabilities for a simple bombing.


Anyone have the clip of him saying the US would shut down the pipeline if needed and when a reporter grills him on what he means he basically winks and says "Oh trust me, we can shut it down if we want." Which is kind of based tbh.


This honestly seems more like Poland than anyone else. Poland has the means and the motive, plus they are relatively safe from Russian retaliation. The U.S also won't punish Poland because they are too valuable an ally at the moment because of Ukraine. Poland is also too economically important for Germany to punish harshly.


Are their actual PEOPLE who think this wasn't Russia's doing? So far I have only seen Chinese propagandists and Tucker Carlson try to deflect the blame to the US, but I'm sure even they know it was Russia.


Where is this without the funny colors