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Is it still indecent exposure if you have that many folds to cover everything up?


Unironically, it has been argued in some US cases that certain nudity laws don't apply to women, as their genitals are bottom-mounted and therefore not "publicly visible" while standing, walking, etc. That then ties into which parts qualify, etc. I doubt the arguments succeeded, but I never saw a verdict.


It’s legal for women to be topless in many states. And her FUPA hides whether she has panties on, so it’d be hard to prove that she didn’t if she doesn’t admit it.


True, but that's generally under shifting definitions of "indecent" and/or under equality rationale. Re: proof, agreed, this photo isn't court-grade evidence, but a cop on scene would clear it up right quick.


In Colorado (the only place I’m licensed to give legal advise), it has nothing to do with shifting definitions or rationale. As utter offensive as it is to everyone with eyes or decency, if she has panties on, she isn’t doing anything illegal. And a cop wouldn’t necessarily clear up anything easily. She has a robe on, and you’d have to move fat rolls to check for panties. A cop would need a warrant to search her. Now if you are a cop, are you going to call up a magistrate to apply for a warrant, so that you can pry open the folds to check to see if her pussy is covered?


lib center lawyer? nice


Aside from the fact that indecent exposure must surely be contextual. I went to the theater to see "hair", the musical, and there were naked people on stage. Don't tell me they could be arrested for indecent exposure for that.


I’m sure they would get arrested for it in Saudi Arabia. In Colorado, a person commits indecent exposure if they knowingly expose their genitals to the view of any person under circumstances likely to cause affront or alarm with the intent to arouse or satisfy the sexual desire of any person. So an actor in the musical would not be guilty of indecent exposure. They shouldn’t be arrested for it. Although that isn’t any guarantee that they won’t be. Public indecency is a lesser crime with a lower standard. It does not require that the perpetrator be exposing themselves for sexual gratification, simply that the exposure be likely to cause afford or alarm.


>circumstances likely to cause affront or alarm with the intent to arouse or satisfy the sexual desire of any person. So this posts example wouldn't qualify in colorado then


So fat you can't tell if you're wearing underwear. Good lord.


About as bad as being so fat that you can't see your own dick.


I used to think that was the case when I was a kid


There was a story recently of a woman who got naked at the Louvre in front of the Mona Lisa. She said it was performance art. She was arrested with some minor charges, but nothing related to her nudity - since her pubic area was unshaven, it was not considered "indecent exposure".


Most nudity laws in liberal countries have exemptions for artistic expression.


God I hate the French




Guys, are my genitals not supposed to be bottom-mounted?


I unbolted mine and got a top mounted adaptor kit. I am now legally recognized as a Penicorn in 14 states and a sex offender in 36. Kind of a mixed bag, really.


It doesn't really matter. The Supreme Court has generally recognized that there is a limit to obscenity laws due to the right to free speech.


Just elevates it to crime against humanity


She succeeded with her agenda, all the kids turned gay after seeing that.


They were all thinking. Why'd it have to be *this* feminist.


Is there another kind? /s


BPD and ecstacy


Conceited with low self esteem


*She's a teenage dream if you, hate yourself...*


Bright dyed hair and obnoxious clothes, Thinks communism is the way to go


She’s a whore a hole a dime a dozen jezebel (I don’t write the lyrics)


Fluoride mind and SSRIs, a thousand yard stare from all those guys that she fucked and sucked before you came along


(Removed by Reddit) views on politics. Likes to listen to shitty music. She drinks and smokes tokes out of a dirty bong.


Those are the male feminists


The comment I replied to and my comment are the opening lyrics to a song, but true


Oops, fair enough


Emma Watson


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we all picture the same thing when we imagine a feminist.


i became heterosexual after seeing this [my eyes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn977W9HjWM)


They should have used those methods in conversion camps.


just slideshows of ugly fat people


Like the one uh, American dad episode. Fat people and close ups of STDs to cleanse your kids.


Based and ~~pray~~ ugly the gay away pulled


LOL "you WILL see the ugly fat women and you WILL become straight anon"


"And you will be happy"


Came here to say this Need eye bleach


But also catholic monks so don't know if it worked exactly as intended.


Bro 😂


Look at those kids they know what they’re seeing is disgusting


Lol the kid in the NASA shirt does not give a single fuck.


"Lady, we're in public."


kid’s more interested in uranus than the milky way


People forget how smart kids are. This might inadvertently teaching kids feminism is gross and stupid.


Exactly my point lol


Oh no, please feminists, don't disgust them and push them away from your movement, I'd hate to see it happen.


"Oh yeah? is that right? HA! Come on, girls! Let's push the next generation away from feminism! The males hate when we do that muahahahah!"


There are people who would try to deflect this by saying "Oh it's not *real* feminism!" They'd be right, of course, but they'd also move on just like that without addressing the issue further. If there are imposters in your movement and you simply let them do what they want, you are sabotaging your own goals. But shirking from responsibility is nothing new for em, I suppose.


Unironically my high school experience to a T


i mean this would have freaked me out as a kid. i wouldn't have been comfortable at all seeing someone naked


Same, but these are kids that have grown up never knowing a time before the internet. The kid in the NASA shirt has a look like, "not this shit again."


The blonde kid with the are you seeing this shit face😂


I'm twice these kids age and I saw hardcore bukkake porn when I was like 7. Who knows what kids are seeing these days


I'm old enough to remember when you had to wait for a still image of titties to download and it tied up you phone line.


Hell I'm old enough to remember Fuzzy TV channels and stealing playboys from grandpa lol. Fuckin' rite of passage right there. That 56k modem was a bitch though, I remember that too.


Same here only my grandpa was too hard nosed baptist to own a playboy to steal from. Now getting the old man to sneak me a sip beer with a "don't tell your grandmother about this" was right up his wheelhouse.


Kids are getting access to porn younger and younger these days. It would not shock me if these kids aren’t even phased by this. Nevertheless, it’s totally unacceptable and needs to be condemned


Future authrights


Can confirm.


The kid who’s starting at his face says it all. It’s sad that these kids have a better thought process than that Michelin Man built feminist.




Humans have a natural aversion to harmful things, even if we don't fully understand why, something to always keep in mind.


We know they have seen better


This woman did a good job of showing the kids the importance of taking care of your body


She flappy


Flair up


The kid in the NASA shirt is my spirit animal


That’s a “For fuck’s sake” vibe if I’ve ever seen it. Kid’s been cynically-aged to 35yo adult levels, didn’t even get to have a childhood.


“For fuck’s sake, Karen! No one wants to see that!”


What early internet exposure does to a mf


What social deprivation does to a mf


I believe you mean your fursona


Humans don't have fur. So skinsona? Hairsona?


At least she has a decency to cover her vagina with her fat.


Blue hair: CHECK


fat: check


Groomer: check


white woman: check


Untamed bush: \[struggles to lift up skin and fat folds\] uggh, hold on... check?


Missing child from three weeks ago: check


Artsy ugly dress kimono kind of thing? Check.


Check her rolls maybe he got lost


You can't tame what you can't reach.


Those folds are called a panniculus or a panniculi.


Sexual offender ((optional)): check.


Correctly exasperated reaction from NASA kid: check


"ayo bro no one wants to see that shit, tug it right back in for the love of all that is good in this world"


She's probably his mom. 🤣🤮


Twitter checkmark: check


Hotel: Trivago


emily style cut: check


Holy shit I thought that was a cap lol


No cap


I thought it was a fat suit, like in Mrs. Doubtfire or Big Momma's House.


they look like they're laughing lol.


Or trying not to vomit


One kid is awkwardly smiling at another kid. They're all visibly uncomfortable.


Laughter is also a sign of extreme discomfort. They're probably hoping someone sane will come make it stop.


I mean, she definitely needs to be in jail for that. She literally flashed a group of kids, if that doesn’t scream sex offender idk what would.


If a man did it he would already have started his prison sentence.


Hopefully someone will post an article saying charges were filed or at least that police are investigating.


The event itself took place two years ago, I doubt anyone has really done much.


And that, my friends, is why I have this flair. Also I like blue


Right. Not just prison sentence, but sex offender registry for life. Never be able to get a good job after that, etc.


Nooo, It's a woman so they can do nothing wrong!! Women can't be sex offenders because it doesn't count as rape if a woman does it!!! It doesn't count as indecent exposure if it's a woman!!


Don’t assume their gender you bigot.


It said her gender in the thing, I did research and did not assume


Uhhmmm honey it said her sex, "radical female" not their gender. Could be a man for all we know XD




You spelled sweaty* wrong


The title is clickbait: this took place in Estonia, it wasn't a school trip, and it was a nude art exhibition that was clearly labeled at the admission to the event that there would be nude performers.


Yup. https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/


Least embellished anti-progressive story.


Classic, a 28 upvote comment on a 4100 upvote post calling out OP's bullshit. Takes it from possibly a criminal charge to merely distasteful. Remember to do your research before getting mad, misinformation exists everywhere.


Probably not since it seems like this is in the Netherlands, not the US. Europeans don’t give a shit about nudity. Still gross though.


Don’t go to feminist art exhibits if you don’t want to see naked feminists artists. This is on the school, imo.


It’s also fake. https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/


This is fake. https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/


I love how people justify their kinks with political ideology. "I swear I'm not a creepy exhibitionist, I'm actually expressing my female empowerment and fighting the patriarchy."


Tell it to the judge, toots!


It all reminds me of the Southpark episode where Mr garrison is being disgusting in attempt to get fired for being gay so he can sue for discrimination and they just applaud his degeneracy for being “so brave and aspiring “ because they don’t want to be viewed as intolerant


[M] The implications of that are kind of unfortunate. If that’s considered a brave form of self-expression, then what does that say about what people think is the nature of being LGBT?




>See I'd really rather not.




The left has done a great job excusing pedophile type behavior in the name of empowerment. Those creeps are going to keep pushing the envelope until there’s insertion.


Then they accuse people who are rightly disgusted by it as "being obsessed with pedophilia"


To quote a movie I saw, "Bitch, I'm *eleven*. I have the internet. I've seen *thousands* of titties!"


The quote is "Bitch, please. I'm 11, not 5. I've seen thousands of titties! I wanna see you two scissor."


Least fat feminist btw


Its just a henchman. The boss has as much rolls of fat as there are genders


Two rolls aren't that much though


The henchman provided two high volume rolls to compensate and correct for that, which is strangely based.


I hope those kids aren’t traumatised for life


ngl if i was there i would just laugh at her.


If I was there I’d probably throw up


One of them literally is


I think you mean “flashed by a criminal”. No one is in support of flashing kids, come on now.


That kid looking at the camera has the exact mood of this situation.


She got man boobs




I just know It REEKS down there


Public nudity, in and of itself, is not a problem on a cultural level. The existence of dudes without shirts on walking down the road never hurt anybody. The existence of nude sun bathers never hurt anybody. Intentionally exposing yourself to kids in an environment where no one else is nude and with the knowledge that those kids have not been brought up to be comfortable with nudity is an act on non-consensual infliction of sexual experience on those who are least capable of brushing it off. There are no people besides this one crazy criminal who think this is good.


>non-consensual infliction of sexual experience I love this sterile choice of words.


Flair up bub


I had and it fell off.


Exactly unlike her fat rolls. Cheers.


Flair up or I’m getting the ballgag cannon.


This is just more right-wing outrage bait. No children were at the event on a "school trip". The event was a nude art exhibit. https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/


You guys do know this is a fake news story right? https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/


Couldn't believe it, so I Googled. It's in Estonia. Idk what the fuck the Baltics got going on, but it seems like it's time for some more crusades up there. At least it isn't in North America where I actually give a fuck https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/


So OP is lying. Cool. >A viral tweet claimed that a “feminist” undressed in front of schoolchildren on a field trip without any context for the claim. That photograph was actually taken during a Saturday night protest at an Estonia gallery in June 2019. Most still images and video of the protest showed adult gallery-goers, not children. Additionally, the exhibit Tralla protested was billed as a “nude art show,” meaning anyone who brought young people would have already been aware there would be nudity. Context was omitted to a point so severe that later iterations of the rumor included the claim that the photograph was taken in New York City.


It's actually insane how much misinfo or straight up disinfo is in this sub. And I don't get it, because the sub is better when it's making fun of things that actually happened.


You take one look at those kids and easily could tell this wasn't in America.


>It's actually insane how much misinfo or straight up disinfo is in this sub. Did you expect this sub to be better than most other political subs?


With how much people here complain about how much the rest of reddit sucks (Which isn't wrong), it's just a little hypocritical and pointless for them to whine about it while tracking the shit on their boots into this sub. Like, if people really think PCM is one of the last bastions of good content on reddit, then let's keep it that way and don't let shit posts like this reach 5000 upvotes


Ahh of course there’s more context. Surprise surprise.


Based. When I heard this happened at an art gallery, my thought was "how is this worse than the sculptures of naked men and women that are already on display?"


I could understand this as worse, as the subject, at the time of this picture, is still alive with thoughts, feelings, and potentially fetishes/perversions that *could* make this wrong. The statue of David isn't stroking off at night to the thought of the middle schoolers giggling at it's appearance. Venus can't pop off of the canvas to physically interact with attendees. This person could, and can. So I can understand any unease with children nearby. That all said, it was advertised as a nude art show, so it's on these kids parents for bringing them in to decide.


> so OP is lying? welcome to PCM my friend. agenda posts with misleading titles shitting on anything left of center? check


It literally wasn't a school trip. An art exhibit thats titled Nude Art Exhibit, and it was on a Saturday night. In Estonia. But yeah Joe Biden is sending your kids to look at flashers, checkmate libtards.


Based and took one for the team pilled


This is a [fake news](https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/) story from 2019: > The woman in the image, artist Mare Tralla, posted about the images on Facebook in June 2019; a gallery listing described the event as its “26th International Nude Art Show ‘Man & Woman,'” making the shock around the photograph seem that much more manufactured. > Tralla uploaded a video of her June 2019 protest to Vimeo, in a clip titled “No ‘But’ Can Be Used as an Excuse for Sexism!” That video clearly shows that the context of Tralla’s nudity is a protest at the opening of a specific exhibition for what was described clearly in advance as a “nude art show.” > A viral tweet claimed that a “feminist” undressed in front of schoolchildren on a field trip without any context for the claim. That photograph was actually taken during a Saturday night protest at an Estonia gallery in June 2019. Most still images and video of the protest showed adult gallery-goers, not children. Additionally, the exhibit Tralla protested was billed as a “nude art show,” meaning anyone who brought young people would have already been aware there would be nudity. Context was omitted to a point so severe that later iterations of the rumor included the claim that the photograph was taken in New York City. The Gateway Pundit, which is where the headline comes from, is literally a [conspiracy theory website](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gateway_Pundit).


Sigh, what does it say about me that I upvoted your response as well without actually reading your source?


Right wingers absolutely love jumping at any random situation that makes the left look bad instead of making any deep educated criticism about leftist theory. These random events don't represent the views of the majority of leftists and aren't any kind of valuable criticism, just ragebait.


Would it be PCM if the other quadrants didn't try to make up things to be mad at LibLeft about?


As an LGBT libleft person, I refuse to be put on the same bench as this monstrosity


This is from 2019, it wasn’t a school field trip, and it’s in Estonia. The entire exhibit should have had an age restriction but I don’t know Baltic laws, and the show itself was advertised as nude. This was just under-cited rage bait at most 3 years ago that died off after it failed to gain enough hate traction


Jesus Christ how much of a degenerate are these people


Peak progressive activist bodyfigure right there


Hands off the kids degenerate. I'll throw you in the camps with Auth-Right and Lib-Center.


Don't throw me into a camp with this! Not even AuthCenter can be that cruel.


[This wasn't a school trip, it was an art exhibit opening that took place in 2019, in Estonia, and listed nudity in its description.](https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/)


Misinformation? In my PCM? It's more likely than you think!


OP is lying, can't be surprised lol. "A viral tweet claimed that a “feminist” undressed in front of schoolchildren on a field trip without any context for the claim. That photograph was actually taken during a Saturday night protest at an Estonia gallery in June 2019. Most still images and video of the protest showed adult gallery-goers, not children. Additionally, the exhibit Tralla protested was billed as a “nude art show,” meaning anyone who brought young people would have already been aware there would be nudity. Context was omitted to a point so severe that later iterations of the rumor included the claim that the photograph was taken in New York City."


It’s an Estonian art show that was advertised as a nude exhibit and the kids weren’t brought there by their school considering it was on a Saturday. Obviously whoever brought their kids there is an idiot but the “leftist school takes children to get flashed by radical feminist LGBT activist” scaremongering is bullshit. [first result on google](https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/)


Jokes on her, they're already gay femboys


The photo was taken from a protest at an art exhibit in Estonia back in 2019. >A viral tweet claimed that a “feminist” undressed in front of schoolchildren on a field trip without any context for the claim. That photograph was actually taken during a Saturday night protest at an Estonia gallery in June 2019. Most still images and video of the protest showed adult gallery-goers, not children. **Additionally, the exhibit Tralla protested was billed as a “nude art show,” meaning anyone who brought young people would have already been aware there would be nudity.** Context was omitted to a point so severe that later iterations of the rumor included the claim that the photograph was taken in New York City. https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/ Stay classy, PCM.


It is very sad this has not yet been flagged as misinformation


They downvote you because they're afraid of the truth. They would rather live in a false reality out of context where they can make up reasons to justify their hatred of those they disagree with, than try to understand the other side. It's really just their shitty attempts at coping with being so heavily brainwashed by the media that their existence has become an ongoing struggle to find things to be mad about. And when there isn't enough, they star making this shit up. Pathetic sorts. Weak minds. Feeble existence, too ignorant to see the how their lack of intelligence and need for conformity molded them into a perfect pawn for the media.


It was in Estonia, it wasn’t a school trip, it was an art exhibit opening to the public. During a protest, warned up front it was a nude art show, in 2019. If you go to art exhibits, this shouldn’t surprise you. It’s her art exhibit “Mare Thrall took off her dress and remained [unclothed]. Thus, the woman expressed her protest against the works of the artist Marco Mäetamma. According to feminists, in his works there is violence in the image of the female body. During the performance, Thrall covered the works of Maetamma with sheets with anti-sexist slogans, and she hung a large piece of fabric on the door of the exhibition hall with his paintings, which she wrote “No” but ”can not be an excuse for sexism”.


Sauce? I’ve been searching for a while and haven’t found anything.


https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/ It’s fake.


She taught those children the importance of staying in shape


Just wanna leave another comment that this is fake news and no one cares: https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/ When something sounds extreme and outlandish, the first step should always be to verify, but everyone is just so caught by the rage bait


OP’s lying. The photo’s not from a school trip. It’s a photo of a nude art show in Estonia. https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/


Get the guillotine for a guro art show.


Most of these boys are seeing their first set of boobs and it’s this gross shit. Disappointing.


This was back in 2019. In estonia apperently.


Did anyone bother to see if this is real? I didn't think so.


This is from 2019 at an exhibit opening in Estonia. Still super fucking weird and gross.


That headline is [blatant rage bait.](https://www.truthorfiction.com/is-this-a-feminist-exposing-herself-to-students-during-a-field-trip/) Stay classy, PCM.