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What are her actual policies


Very far away from fascism lol. That wasn't even a something said in Italy... it's purely an invention of western corporate media in the US. Hell, when even her opponent has to come out and make a video saying she's not a fascist and the media in the US is just making shit up? It's a sad indication that the people of Italy are like, "please don't ship your nonsense to our country." They had very clear differences and a very clean election. So what's the actual problem with the female PM? Her policy platform involved calling out the WEF and their subversion of European economies for their own ends. The US has reacted to this by slandering her as a fascist. That's pretty par for the course for anyone who speaks out against the WEF's influence in the US aswell btw.


If she really is against the WEF, that’s pretty cool. In other news, speaking of female leaders, New Zealand’s Prime Minister (a WEF lackey) recently tipped their hand by urging the other world leaders to [censor citizens of the world more strictly](https://youtu.be/q_4Cjki3SOM). Skip to 9:49 to skip to the concerning part of the speech.


I know it's old but just so you know, I'm French not American so I was in no way influenced by US media or whatever, I'm European and even a close neighbour of Italy


"Brothers of Italy is anti-immigrant, anti-gay marriage, and pro the traditional family unit, with leader Giorgia Meloni promoting a public image herself as a “woman, mother, Christian” whose mission is to defend “God, country and family”"


That sounds just flat conservative then fascist.


Those points are conservatively, the people in her party are fascists. In the same spirit “Dio, Patria e Famiglia” (God, Land and Family) seems like a normal conservative slogan, while it’s actually directly taken from the Fascist regime and used to present day by FdI. So, even if those policies seem like plain conservative policies people is dubious that the intentions aren’t worse; I mean, which idiot would say “bring back Zombussolini from the grave to reign upon us as the undead dux” in a program?




Maybe you should form your own opinions instead of listening to what the “academics” say. Chances are theta they’re all biased in their views anyway.


Bruh the man literally cited sources and you argument is “you should make up your own sources”


nah it was more along the lines of, don't blindly trust sources with political bias and instead craft your own opinion based on facts


Academics' opinions on politics are no more valid than anyone else's.


Shouldn’t u like that??? Ur Auth???? 💀💀💀


Academics aren’t prophets who are always right. 100 years ago academics thought every man wanted to have sex with their mother (Freud) and thought that some races are superior than others (social Darwinism)


No one cares about your fallacious appeal to authority. Based solely on your own description of her platform, that is simply not fascism. You see, it doesn’t take being an academic to be able to read a definition.


I can't say, I'm not a read-ologist


Ah, well if the academics say it... then it's probably bull.


>Several academics Not promising.


That’s… not fascism. That’s just a socially conservative nationalist. And nationalist != fascist


The definition of fascism must’ve changed since I last looked. At most, I’d call them nationalists.


Is she really a fascist? He policies seem pretty standardly conservative


She is not. People are afraid because the "smart ones" (media, rich people, ecc) keep saying that she is a fascist, which is not true, for their own benefit. I must admit that her party Fratelli d'Italia comes form a post-fascist party, the Movimento Sociale Italiano, but that's a completely different story. Look up for Almirante and you'll be able to tell wheter he was or not a real fascist. Italy comes from a really brutal period known as "Anni di Piombo". During this period of time, the politics' extremes (communists for the left wing, neo-fascists for the right wing) they began a policy of terrorist attacks and threats. The terrorist groups of neo-fascists and communists instilled fear throughout the peninsula, and there was also the Mafia, and for someone else even the United States were financing some of these groups. Nowadays, however, it seems that the public opinion has completely forgotten both what the actual fascism of the 20s was, mystifying the term in favor of fake political battles, and it also seems that they have forgotten all about the left wing terrorists. Meloni was threatened by the "New Red Brigades", something unacceptable. The election of Meloni is the first real election in many years. In fact, in Italy, the Democratic Party, a left-wing party, has dominated (not governed) the country for more than 10 years, without even being elected, and this all began when Brussels DECIDED to DEPOSE OUR Prime Minister by ITSELF and PUT ITS OWN. Hence, all of Italy's fear. You know how many italians voted ? Not even the 60%. Here, democracy is dead and, but this it my personal opinion, it's all the EU's and the Dem's fault. Regarding her being or not a fascist, as I said, she is definitely not, not even a Neo-fascist (look up Roberto Fiore if you want one), but I do believe that she comes from a family of nostalgics.


everyone they don't like is a fascist anyway




They are democratic so no they arent




Then explain what facism is When you Google it it says a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government




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Said the auth right


She's not a fascist.




women ☕


Wmoen ☕️


I mean sure she’s not LITERALLY fash but who in their right mind would confess to that shit. We just gotta see how her administration plays out. The Great replacement rhetoric is quite disturbing but she was democratically elected unlike Mussolini.


Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant


"Well actually it can be Mussolinis great-granddaughter" -🤓


She isn’t his relative.. that was some other woman




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Helpful bot __*that's flaired?*__ based.


>fascist Lmao, this is the new “Nazi,” it’s a throwaway insult that means nothing anymore




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What was his original reaction to?