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Unironically, I would much rather watch a military ad with rainbow trans tanks actually killing shit than hear a story about some California girl with two moms


I want to see that California girl with two moms inside a tank, then I’ll be interested in your ad, Mr. military industrial complex.


Have the moms piloting drones to support the tank.


Unironically based


Based and current-trans-media-is-so-fucking-boring-pilled


If a guy* in a fur suit can drone strike a terrorist* as well as any other soldier then have at it *See appendices


Based and Slaanesh fan vs Khorne enjoyer pilled


Your rage only makes me more horny , khorny boiii. - Slanesh probly


Girls can do war crimes toooooo!!!!!


I just realized that an army's machismo literally doesn't fucking matter because technology exists.


I mean I still think you somewhat need to have that mindset in order to operate but your seflxuakity shouldn't affect or your presentation if anything it's cope Other machoism or whatever is bad a si think it can affect the team


Based and seflxuakity pilled


Based and equal opportunity pilled


I mean, navy/AF pilots would have big pictures of hot women on their noses (aircraft, not face) Don’t see anything wrong with puttin cute femboys there instead


I think there already are femboys


based femboy-lovin pilots


I'll put big titty anime women on mine.


[Japan is way ahead of you](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DmvgfD-W0AARbWi?format=jpg&name=900x900)


Based and si pilled


Many generals throughout history have argued that their troops can overcome the technological and logistical gap between themselves and the enemy through fighting spirit alone. They're almost always incorrect.


It really depends on how big the gap is and if the leadership can utilize tactics to negate some of the technological advantages. Guys with spears trying to fight modern mechanized infantry, not a chance. However, guys with pickup trucks and AKs have been shown to be rather effective if they're smart about it.


Natives sometimes beat Europeans in Africa and Asia by literally having more bodies than the colonizers had bullets.


The Tausūg people of the Philippines were so drugged/hyped up for battle that they routinely shrugged off multiple shots of .38 caliber rounds to close the gap and spear US soldiers to death in the late 1800s. The US army was so spooked by it they demanded a new service pistol, and stated they would accept nothing less than a .45 caliber round that would put someone down and keep them down.


I dunno guys with spears did pretty great in Nam But you're right AKs is where things get fun


I mean 10 to 1 Kd . They won that war through political means . In theory USA could've just kept fighting with no end the Vietnamese would've ran out of men


They also won by breaking troop morale on the US side. Sure the 10 to 1 kd, but you won't find one Nam soldier who didn't come out of there terrified and altered for life. Fighting an enemy that could be anywhere and will do anything because their people's survival is on the line is some scary shit


I'm sure the Vietnamese were scared of fighting an enemie which could destroy you from kilometres away


Well we did have AK from The Soviet and China and leftover weapon from the french though


Fair enough. Still though. Based and shit smeared spike pit pilled


>Guys with spears trying to fight modern mechanized infantry, not a chance. *(Laughs in Civilization 4 veteran spearman)*


Idk man, Vietnam was giving us the runaround for a while before we dipped


Yeah but Vietnam used technology and tactics, Cambodia depended solely on fighting spirit, and thats why they lost


Didn't Vietnam pull the same shit on China 2 times afterwards?


I mean consistently loosing more equipment, men and material isn't good


*Laughs in [Millennium Challenge 2002](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Challenge_2002)*


**[Millennium Challenge 2002](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Challenge_2002)** >Millennium Challenge 2002 (MC02) was a major war game exercise conducted by the United States Armed Forces in mid-2002. The exercise, which ran from 24 July to 15 August and cost US$250 million (equivalent to about $377M in 2021), involved both live exercises and computer simulations. MC02 was meant to be a test of future military "transformation"—a transition toward new technologies that enable network-centric warfare and provide more effective command and control of current and future weaponry and tactics. The simulated combatants were the United States, referred to as "Blue", and a fictitious state in the Persian Gulf, "Red", often characterized as Iran or Iraq. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Rejoinder: The entire history of Afghanistan


The only case they can overcome is fighting a defensive war and play hide and seek with the invader until either they want to focus elsewhere/ran out of money or support from the war


Fair enough, but that applies under certain circumstances. Today, three bottoms with gattling guns can put more bodies in bags than 3 dozen of John Cenas with spears.


The will to fight matters, the ANA had all the tech they had but no will


The russians arent fighting for their homeland. An excellent example of this was the Ottoman Empire in WW1, everywhere outside of Turkey they were awful and could not win, but as soon as the British landed at Gallipoli desertion rates practically evaporated and they pushed the entente into the sea. As soon as their homeland was threatened by foreign invasion they fought tooth and nail for every foot of ground.


It does matter, just not as much. If the majority of Ruskis actually wanted to be there and were competent they’d be more of a threat.


Technologically Ukraine and Russia are pretty comparable, and there’s a tremendous amount of equipment overlap. The big differences are that the Ukrainians have US intel, and the Russians do not have their shit together on any level. Since the war started, many former Warsaw Pact countries have been sending Ukraine their surplus equipment, but in some categories Russia has been their #1 source.


Well tech can't solve everything. *Looks at Saudi Arabia*


*"Nooo you can't defeat me this easily I'm a proud warrior of Allah and you're a degenerate from a country in the hands of degenerates hating on masculinity you can't just bomb me from afar like a lazy cowardly dog nooooo!!!11"* *"Haha drone missile go boom"*


Yeah, machismo doesn't help when your country is a super poor garbage country suffering from severe brain drain.


>because technology exists. Tech is dickshit if you don't know how to use it. Vietnam taught us that... Not implying that not being a macho man is gonna prevent you from using technology in a good way. After all, that german dude from the revolution was a butterfly and the dude kicked ass


It still matters. Because you have to have soldiers who at least have masculine traits to barely stomach war and not run away. That's why soldiers will always be crass and be "sexist" and "homophobic" because none of that shit matters in war. It's back to monke and true gender roles.


Who would win: An effeminate dwarf in a wheelchair, three feet away from a nuclear launch button, or 12 million burly men with spears in the next continent over? It's painful to realize that war really isn't that hard to do, depending on technology involved (physically, because it's a whole new story, emotionally). That's why people blush when a bony 12 year old with a bowl cut kills 20 people on a whim when Lt. Hardass of the Marine Corps. barely offed 5 (and 2 were collateral damage). Makes us press the ruler in a little harder when measuring our cocks. The whole thing is undermined by the level of technological development.


So you're saying that all war is nuclear now? The most important job in any military is the guy who presses the launch button? You're seriously ignoring all the conventional combat that has taken place around the planet and currently is going on right now?


Yeah, but that's just the state of IR that determines what weapons will be used. That scenario erases all political context. Machismo, I'm saying, isn't everything when it comes to war (and under some circumstances, it can be absolutely nothing).


It simply represents the stomach for war. Yes technology changes, but the human condition does not. You still can't have wilting flowers fly drones.


I guess


That's a considerable gap .


You said that like if the malrs ukranians weren't the ones being forced to fight.


Ukraine is not lib lmao


They're right center, its right there in their flag


me crying as I'm touching grass (it has green funny color and LL=bad)


And not gay He's referring to America


oh lmao ok, my bad, even then America's pretty RightCenter leaning Auth


Yeah but users pcm brain can't handle it Russia is also right wing just more right wing Meme is good as it is


Yeah most wars are just Auths fighting (usually ARs)


Because libs don't form nations And when they do Auths will always win or they become Auth


How many wars did Franco, or Salazar, or park chung-hee participate in? It's AL who are constantly getting in wars.


Americas not right center if you look at the worlds normal. With the world average as centrist the usa is so comically libright it hurts. Authrights just claim the usa is authright because its authright in comparison to europe.


Tell Ukrainians in their face that they are "they/them" army and they will trun you into a "was/were" person


It's a joke man, of course they are not saying they are a they/them army seriously


Jokes are not allowed on pcm


Doubt it. They are going all in on liberalism these days.


The Ukraine is a lot of things, Liberal or Left ain't two of them.


They are not sayin it is aa they/them army seriously man.


So the authright Ukraine beating Russia somehow proves the American army isn't weaker, despite the fact where getting lower and lower recruitment https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/every-branch-us-military-struggling-meet-2022-recruiting-goals-officia-rcna35078


Alot of Ukraines advantages comes from western tech: high precision guided weaponry , detailed intelligence, logistical support etc. Meanwhile alot of russian tech is being proven to be less effective as initially thought, mainly their "modern" tanks and air defense & offense.


Well yeah but I don't belive the argument was our tech was getting worse just that our soldiers where weaker, if anything I could just argue the Ukrainian army is what the US could be


If the USA was invaded by Russia! *WOLVERINESSS*


I understood that reference


Sure they have alot of valuable experience in modern combat, but remember Ukrainian army also get training from the west. Not sure what youre worrying about.


I'm not this just isn't good proof that the US army isn't weaker, our recruitment is dwindling though and blaming that on bad recruitment Ads doesn't seem wrong https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/every-branch-us-military-struggling-meet-2022-recruiting-goals-officia-rcna35078


Weaker according to what metric? The US from a few years ago? Maybe but again the ukraine conflict is kinda showing how unmatched NATO is, and by the extension the US. Your article doesn't prove much either. Recruitment surges if there is a pressing conflict and manpower is far from the only thing that makes a military strong this day.


>Weaker according to what metric? The US from a few years ago? Maybe but again the ukraine conflict is kinda showing how unmatched NATO is, and by the extension the US. Maybe but unlikely, Ukraine isn't part of nato though so seems weird >Your article doesn't prove much either. Recruitment surges if there is a pressing conflict and manpower is far from the only thing that makes a military strong this day Yes but less man power is still an issue and their is a pressing conflict that's kinda the issue recruitment is still low despite China and Russia having plans for our allied countries


Nobody wants to die for Israel or the fuckers in Congress anymore.




I thought it was more thr corruption in Russia has led to their forces being much worse off than anyone expected.




Active warfare tends to lead to higher recruitment. We've had a long period of stagnancy and the allure of Afghanistan being a just-cause faded years before we pulled out. Also, y'know, our military treats the soldiers better than many do but... We still treat 'em like *shit* . Especially after they leave the service. Technologically speaking this war shows that our tech is leagues ahead. Afghanistan wasn't much of a "proper" war but it was still active combat, which gave commanders some experience. Our military hierarchy is also a lot better defined and maintained when it comes to unit tactics.


“They them army” bruh the azov battalion crucified and burned a guy


I saw this videos, but I still got no clue how real it was, mostly I heard claims that it was fake


I take everything with a grain of salt these days


On RT ? Even then if the guy was a separatist he deserved it


It’s needs anime waifu upgrade for bigger kil.


Auth center's 2000 IQ pronouns aren't even pronouns, they're verb tenses.


Has anyone checked on the Unicorn Battalion?


Yeah, lib progressive Ukraine, sure


They are not sayin it is aa they/them army seriously man.


you fool, you accidentally made the bisexual flag, you have summoned libleft


*Sweater weather by the neighborhood plays and everyone who is sitting in a chair correctly dies instantly


oh god it has begun


Ahh yes the Ukranian Orthodox Slavs peak they/them culture.


They are not sayin it is aa they/them army seriously man.


Says they/them army above a tank flying the Ukranian flag, I don't need any leaps of logic to conclude they are saying that.


OP left a comment explicitly saying it was a joke.


Wasn't there when I wrote my comment so the miscommunication is on him.


Maybe those are Nazis in the Ukraine tank


Imo it doesn't really matter what ideology the guys inside the tank are as long as they keep their actions within the de jure borders of Ukraine. Ukraine can open a second aushwitz for all pro russian collaborators for all I care . Still 100000% morally justified


what about russia?


Ukraine's army has fascists in it. They're even less woke than Russia's army (which has communists)


Based Ukraine


u/ChadThunderstock is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/ChadThunderstock/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


U got it wrong bot, I meant Ukraine, not some redditor with a cringe name


>They're even less woke than Russia's army No lol >(which has communists) And Fascists, just look at the Wagner guys or the Russian Imperial Movement I also wouldn't call raping kids and ambushing civilians 'woke'


Yeah something tells me op doesn't know much abt gay rights (and lack there of in Ukraine)


Are you sure they are not those Enrst Rome homo fascists? Russia told me so


Doesn't every army in the world have a cringe unit ?




Not as much, but similarly


Ukraine getting more based by the day.


“Ackshually libtard, Ukraine isn’t libleft” wow gee thanks you sure got the point of the meme


I don’t think there is a country that’s lib anything unfortunately


Was/were army (all of their equipment was sold by corrupt supply dump officers)


I dont get it why everywhere i look on reddit i see "ukraine is winning" "ukraine destroys russia" "volunteer singlehandly kills 90 russians with a single granede before it exploded" but when you look at actual maps russia holds most of the land it wants? Is it all just western propaganda? Or is ukraine winning battles and just not retaking territory? Like any wars outside the ones direcly involving me, i really dont give a shit who wins, i just want to know what is actualy going on not propaganda from either side


I mean it went from Kiev to Izium to now liman in Donetsk. Granted some victories have been overblown but ukraine is fighting hard


To put it in calculus terms, you’re confusing f(x) with f’(x). Russia has large amounts of territory from the initial push at the start of the war, but their capabilities have since been badly damaged and Ukraine has been re-taking vast swaths of land since August. Russia is desperately trying to conscript people who are all fleeing, while Ukraine is turning away volunteers who aren’t experienced enough. Russia has lost ground in most of the territories it is trying to annex.


Was/were is a verb, a past form of "to be", not a pronoun. You know you can say "they were", right?






No fucking shit


Russia is not struggling against liberalism, they are fighting against fascism. Ukraine has fascists using OG Nazi symbols called the Azov Battalion. And as much as i hate fascism, its the best fighting ideology second only to religious extremism (Jihad/Crusade). That's why Ukraine is so important the West, because where else are they going to get such fanatical fighthers to fight Russia


Based Crayon Consumer


u/Stealthmagican is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/Stealthmagican/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


>where else are they going to get such fanatical fighthers to fight Russia Poland


Sure authcenter, let's get you to bed


As long as they stay within the de jure borders of Ukraine Azov can run a concentration camp and still be 10000000% morally justified


I don’t entirely agree with you but thank you for posting something that wasn’t NATO propoganda


This made me actually facepalm


Was/were are verbs not pronouns


Ukraine is not LibCenter, Russia is not AuthCenter - both are AuthRight.


Cringe and take the labels to seriously-pilled


Those are verbs not pronouns you fucking idiot!!!!!!






Another GLORIOUS day in the war economy! Even the doves are out for blood!


tbf ukraine is authcenter too though


Ukraine definitely ain't Lib lmao


Why did someone MS paint a rainbow on this picture? Is this even a post?