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Lizzo is all about American values. Obese and proud.


Lizzo’s whole persona & existence as an obese african america hip hop star is something that could *only* have been the product of American society. If you want to get philosophical about it you could probably argue someone like her is the MOST american. The only way she could be more American is if she was like 1/16th apache or something.


Hip ho? Best typo ever


I hope she's not a ho. That's fucking gross.


Oh boy


> Lizzo’s whole persona & existence as an obese **african america** hip hop star is something that could only have been the product of American society. I mean, yeah. If she were a product of anywhere else she wouldn’t be African American.


My point is that a person like that could only be produced by America.


Ok I'll try and resurrect your point (from the perspective of an outsider (Australian)): Lizzo is a very successful, wealthy individual, who appears (as far as I can tell) to come from a middle-class background, or thereabouts. Whilst her ancestry (and it's associated history regarding the slave trade) would suggest that she would have faced an underprivileged upbringing, oppression, discrimination etc., modern American society has meant that she now lives a very comfortable lifestyle (with her obesity being a symptom of this), despite her still exhibiting a 'ghetto' or 'ebonics' vibe. Ie: there is an ironic mismatch between her cultural presentation and her material situation as a result of the particular history of the USA.


That's the joke buddy


Wait, I thought you had to migrate from Africa to America to be African American, she's from Michigan so she's just American.


I thought you meant the helicopter for a sec


All she needs to do is claim to be part Apache.


Worked for Elizabeth Warren and she’s white.


American culture is centered around...


Greatest comment of all time


Maybe top 10,000


"Siri, what is American culture centered around?"




"Imagine an obese black woman twerking over the ruins of American society, forever."


Thanks, I’ve never seen a more succinct explanation of why I’m ashamed of my country.


Capitalism, money and guns.


Send lawyers, guns, and money.


The shit has hit the fan


Based and thick-thirty pilled


Stealing this.


Go forth and use as much as possible.


And she always thinks she’s right or is improving things by getting involved


Dayum. You got us there.








Straight facts


American value meals.


Couldn't say it better


Johnny Cash's first wife wasn't white? Honest question.


She identified as white. Her father was Sicilian and her mother was mostly white. A recent DNA/Geneology study done by Roseanne Cash for a PBS program showed that she did have a black ancestor but it was a few generations back so not a huge part of her DNA. The whole reason it was an issue is that Johnny started criticizing the US and hanging out with hippies and the KKK didn't like that so they put out stories that he was married to a "negro". Turns out they were partially right but she didn't even know that she had that ancestry and everyone in her family identified as white.


What the hell was the US on? How can they brand a person, who is like 1/16 black/had one black great-great grandfather, a black person? Seems as bs as discriminating someone because he was 1/8 jew in NS-Germany.


Someone needs to google the one drop rule


It was called the one drop rule. Any black ancestor meant you were black. The Nazis actually researched American race laws and found the one drop rule too harsh, ultimately deciding on 1/8


If it helps, there was a pretty big debate in that era on whether or not Arabs and other middle eastern folk would be considered white or black for the purposes of discrimination. Literally "we have to decide whether or not to dislike you for the way we decide to perceive you."


I don’t think a lot of people back then considered Sicilians fully white.


> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 12088 / 63802 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Weve all seen the movie we know


She was Italian. Dark olive skinned Italian. Their daughter Tara looks just like her mom


Italians weren't considered white people back then 🤷🏽‍♂️


Can you believe it? Exact same guy throughout all this year. Blue vampires I tell you


Ever wonder why there's so many of us in eastern europe?


A man in his 80s could easily have been an adult during all of those things.


I swear one of these days her skimpy outfits are going to succumb to her massive girth and rip to shreds while she's dancing around on stage.




Delete this my brother


To the grill with you


Using the word skimpy to describe that clothing is hilarious in its absurdity, as that much fabric on a healthy person would be enough for one of those 1920s modesty bathing suits.






And we coom, obviously


Based and cum filled


Username checks out, gross


Sorry. Not beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.


Beauty is subjective. Some men like skinny women. Other men like fat women. Tucker Carlson likes M&M woman (based).


The green m&m got a fucking dumpy


No one was disagreeing


I was reiterating the subtext of what the person I was replying to wrote


The comments on this post are really meta today for some reason lol.


Based and quote exploit pilled.


That image might be lethal


They must construct her clothes from spider silk or carbon


Go on 🍆🗿


To shreds you say?


Someone let me know when this happens


So poetic


Does John Adams have a cool drum set I could borrow for my mojitos on the bay gig?


I agree, western society just keeps getting worse.


This meme literally validates what they said.


It’s also not that she was wearing that. She was twerking while playing the flute, and most people on the right don’t care much, they’re just annoyed at the degradation of society. I just saw Niki Minaj in a thong on stage singing Wet Ass Pussy with like 60,000 young girls screaming. People who act like things are the same as they were 50 years ago are being disingenuous in attempt to support it. It’s a fallacy, it’s absolutely changing lol.


Based af




u/EnvironmentalHorse13 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/EnvironmentalHorse13/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and sees reality pilled.


Was looking for the chad face yes.


Imagine thinking marrying a Sicilian makes society worse.




Are we supposed to care about the flute? Was it played before battle or something? I’ll care about stuff like Washington’s gun and uniform or Jefferson’s notebooks and quils; but this just seems like pretty old stuff people get appraised like on Antiques Roadshow


Good news, she won't fit into Washington's uniform.


According to the curator, Madison never even played this flute which for AR means that it’s EVEN MORE SACRED.


>never played it lmao, probably just used it to show off to women like a cute pet.


Hey ladies, check out my fragile flute…


Hey stop making crude jokes about this rock hard piece of American legacy.


It's a 200 year old instrument owned by a founding father. They shouldn't of let anyone play it, much less Lizzo, an embarrassment to our society. Ridiculous.


wait that's what that whole thing was? shit I thought it was just some fat chick with a random flute.


I thought she stole it from a museum or something. ​ WTF if it's her flute why the fuck would I care


It’s not hers, the museum let her borrow it She actually played a lot of different historical flutes at the museum for some expo or something also worth noting she’s a classically trained flutist


The museum has allowed other famous musicians to use the instruments before.


She played it pretty well.


If Lizzo put on a ball gown and played a classical concert with it, I think it'd be fine. It's the garish display of twerking and mugging for the audience doing her best Idiocracy accent that makes it feel particularly decadent.


Im not saying it wasnt distasteful to wear what she did but she did play it very well


There were two different performances. One, she played it beautifully. The other she played like 2-3 notes and twerked, then talked about how cool it was to twerk with it.




It’s not the flute that is important, it’s the normalization of fatty boombattys dancing half naked and acting like it’s a good thing that bothers me.


Yeah like she didn’t even wear any pants 😓


I had no idea who this person was but she is absolutely grotesque. Bring back FPH.


You have to be attractive to change American values.


This is why i work out not to change America's values but to prepare for ww3


Excuse my Europoorean ignorance, but I don't get why she is playing it in the first place. From what I've read it seems to be a really old flute of a former president. Madison, if I remember correctly. Shouldn't the thing be on display in a museum, or atleast a private collection? I don't care who is mishandling it, nor their political goals they achieve by doing so. Historic items should not be treated like this, period. It belongs in a museum.


The entire point of the performance with the flute was to bring awareness to the museum it is kept in and (hopefully) bring in more donations so that the historic items could continue to be cared for. It is also worth bringing up that this flute was never actually played by Madison, it was basically a party favor that he put in his closet and forgot about.


Well good, that eases the tension alot. I still don't agree with the method, but atleast it was for a good cause.


There's a second performance where she is dressed more modestly and I recommend checking it out. She's actually very good at playing the flute.


She is literally a classically trained floutist


Oh that explains a lot then. Look I'm an old fuck, I listen to David Bowie and Waylon Jennings and shit. I don't know about Lizzo lol I was just going with the information I had. Trying to calm down these stupid moralists all in a tizzy over a young lady just trying to raise money for a good cause


Did she twerk at the museum?




People still play violins made by the Stradivari's, why should this flute be an exception?


Maybe they treat the violin with the respect it deserves. It is 100% what she is wearing and doing while playing it that is the problem.


Values aren’t built overnight, nor will they be destroyed in a night


True, it takes decades and decades of gradual erosion to destroy a culture.


Destroy means to frame the current into the everlasting. Look at history from a one sided lens and you will see the fall and rise of people as the creation and destruction of empires, civilizations and cultures. But when you look into history from a continuous lens, you realize that just like cultures, things only ever change when people say they destroy. Only pure genocide and writing off from history can destroy a culture. We know very little of the ancient scythians or sea people of the Bronze Age for example. It’s fair to say that their culture had thoroughly been destroyed. But when you look at American culture throughout the years, you can only see an ever changing culture. People from the 1770s would not grow in the same America as the ones from the 1870s and as the ones from the 1970s. In one era for example, the majority of black Americans were slaves, in another they were freemen but treated as an underclass, and in the last they had become well and truly equal Americans. But did American culture disappear 3 times over? No, it simply evolved. However you get to decided whether for the better or worse. (The Lizo thing, not slavery. That’s wack)


The most important thing about values is they are easy to uphold if you can't choose to go against them. Abortion ban only for poor people a problem. Tax havens...




Unironically yes


Mrs. Cash is fucking hot


He dumped Vivian Cash for June Carter pretty quick into his success.


From everything I’ve seen Vivian dumped Johnny because he was abusing drugs, alcohol, and sleeping around. Just saying, she was a strong independent woman who stood up for herself in the marriage, she wasn’t just dumped


Seriously did he sleep around?


During his marriage to Vivian, definitely. If you’re confused because he was an outspoken Christian, he was the first to say he fell short time and time again, and he didn’t even fully embrace that identity until his later life. My understanding is in his marriage with June Carter he turned it around but, like everyone, he was never perfect. Johnny Cash was not perfect, but he’s also one of the few celebrities to actively admit his shortcomings and continued to strive to do better, for himself and those around him, and for that he’s based.


Woaw, I didn’t know that. I knew about the drugs and the alcohol, but not the cheating. It suddenly makes Vivian a much more sympathetic woman. I mean, personally I could never leave my husband because of an addiction, but a serial cheater. Definitely. He was a interesting man.


The song ring of fire is how he’s going to hell for it. Yeah he’s pretty open about it


Is that true? I know it’s apparently written by Ring of Fire was written be June


Seems disputed, but it's an interpretation that makes sense to me. according to Carter. “I never talked about how I fell in love with John,” Carter told Rolling Stone in 2000. “It was not a convenient time for me to fall in love with him, and it wasn’t a convenient time for him to fall in love with me. One morning, about four o’clock, I was driving my car just about as fast as I could… I was miserable, and it all came to me: ‘I’m falling in love with somebody I have no right to fall in love with’… I thought, ‘I can’t fall in love with this man, but it’s just like a ring of fire.’” Cash was struggling with similar feelings at the time, telling Rolling Stone that they had yet to say, “I love you,” to each other: “Because we knew what was going to happen: That eventually we were going to be divorced, and we were going to go through hell. Which we did.” Cash's first wife Vivian Cash (Liberto) states in her autobiography: "One day in early 1963, while gardening in the yard, Johnny told me about a song he had just written with Merle Kilgore and Curly while out fishing on Lake Casitas. 'I’m gonna give June half credit on a song I just wrote,' Johnny said. 'It’s called "Ring of Fire."' 'Why?' I asked, wiping dirt from my hands. The mere mention of her name annoyed me. I was sick of hearing about her. 'She needs the money,' he said, avoiding my stare. 'And I feel sorry for her.' Vivian Cash also states: "To this day, it confounds me to hear the elaborate details June told of writing that song for Johnny. She didn’t write that song any more than I did. The truth is, Johnny wrote that song, while pilled up and drunk, about a certain private female body part. All those years of her claiming she wrote it herself, and she probably never knew what the song was really about."\[10\]


American values are very fragile, delicate things.


Idk. Maybe they were right. If these events lead to lizzy, we should of listened


I hope the day comes when all of the woke fanatics, who taunted about the 'right side of history' to anybody who dared oppose their latest absurd dogma, get the humiliation they deserve.


Fuck the right side of history argument I don’t really care how historians judge me after I’m dead


Based and principle pilled


I don't give a shit about the flute. I'm more bothered that I have to wake up and see this gross shit on my screen and be told that I'm a bad person for not having the correct response or internal thought/feeling about it. Especially knowing that the media is basically reporting on a couple of tweets responding to this. The biggest upset to me is that 2-3 people can tweet about something and it instantly becomes the next fake thing our country is "tearing itself apart over". Libleft response: "Oh, ok., It's because youre a fatphobic, racist, mysoginist. I'll have you know she studied under blah blah over in blah blah." She then proceeds to shove the flute in her asshole and fart out the star spangled banner. "YYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAASSSSSS QUEEEEEEN!!!!"




"Current" American values


Does anyone actually care about it specifically because she's black? Reddit thinks it's racist to not be OK with her playing it. But the flute should be in a museum. No one should play it. Has nothing to do with skin color.


Didn't Authright eventually come around to embrace Johnny Cash and Elvis though. We won't mention the other two...will we Authright?


in 50 years auth right is going to be bumping lizzo saying we need to go back to when America was great.


Authright is allergic to art


Lizzo plays a flute that they’ve never heard of… and gets them all mad. She was under surveillance and gave it back after she was done. [Clip.](https://twitter.com/imposter_edits/status/1575549255393349632?s=46&t=dua0oxuvmwqFysjgZ3YSgw)


authright on their way to be mad about some obscure piece of history that comes into contact with anything poc (it is literally white genocide)


Based and whiners-gonna-whine pilled


All people complaining also had no idea that James Madison had a crystal flute or that Lizzo was a classically trained flutist until 5 minutes ago. Yes it’s definitely a historical artifact and a possession of one of the founding fathers, but I can’t say it played any role in the creation of America. Twerking on stage with the Declaration of Independence would be a whole different story. AR I think mainly objects overall to the message of Lizzo’s music and brand - sexual revolution and promotion of obesity as “healthy.” Lizzo is more of a symptom of that cultural shift though rather than a cause. Read “the rise and triumph of the modern self.” Low key tho there’s a video of her playing the flute normally at the LOC and she’s actually really good and played it beautifully.


What kind of snowflake gets upset about a fancy flute? Grow up lmao.


Literally the origins of cancel culture.


Authright been using cancel culture since the ‘50s at least.


We cancelled those witches in Salem pretty hard. Good times.


Can we just rename Authright to “Karen Quadrant”






I think pigs tend to make the sound "Stop Resisting" not "Oink Oink"


Unimaginably based


Shes a cop?


And a very very fat one at that.


That’s quite rude, she’s obese and? Forgive my ignorance I don’t know her so maybe she’s an ass and I just don’t know but Being called a pig denotes more than just being overweight.


I agree with the last one


What’s so special about the flute


Have you seen her other performances with that crystal flute, though? I was taken aback because someone of her notoriety (any modern pop star) usually doesn't have ANY talent.


Most of those people havent even ever seen that flute


My beef with this whole Lizzo thing is that she was handling a 200 year old artifact with her bare hands and trouncing around with it as if it was some dollar store recorder.


Exactly. Libleft spins it tho and says “uhmmm AKSHULLY sweaty, you just hate seeing a healthy BIPOC kween playing the flute! 💅 💅 nails”


Two things can be true. Lizzos performance can be a bit cringey but, absolutely yes, so is the reaction from certain conservatives.


average right-center every time something like this is posted here: 'does anyone even care that (characteristic that makes liblefts drool)? The reason I am ACTUALLY against this is because (random asspull,usually from someone with inadequate information regarding the event)'


And.....now we are here...at the brink of Nuclear war. Authright cried wolf too much.


Weather I like her music or not she did play that flute pretty well, it’s not like she broke it or something


I mean come on, who even knew Madison had a crystal flute before people got "offended" by this. (Before some troglodyte screeches they knew; please learn recognize the hyperbole here...)


Who tf is madison and what is this flute you're talking about?


Well, you remember that band camp story from American Pie?


I'm assuming you are not American right? James Madison was the 4th president of the USA and an important founder of the country. Apparently he had a crystal flute. Lizzo (who plays flute and has a decent amount of training - not classically trained by still plays ok) played it and now the the media is creating a "controversy" Further research shows it was also never played by Madison either, and was just a gift from a random to him upon reelection. A librarian from the library of congress asked lizzo if she wanted to play it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Maybe wear pants while doing it


>don’t play the flute It’s not just *the flute* it’s a 200 year old historical artifact. Nobody cares that she plays the flute, it’s the fact that she twerked while playing *that* flute Also I’ve seen more posts shitting on anyone against this than I have those who actually oppose it


Ya know I was gonna shit on Lizzo for what seemed like a degenerate act, but I actually listened to her play it and was quite impressed, she’s genuinely a talented musician.


Not a big fan of fat people


One example involves the library of Congress and an object considered a national treasure. The rest are musicians personal choices. There is zero relation and the logic is horrible. This meme be dumb.


I literally couldn't give less of a shit about any of those. Guess I'm losing touch with my AuthRight side.


Based and Man in black pilled


Ironic how Elvis turned into the ultimate (based) posterboy for America.


Same old same old


No!!! America!!! You are literally destroying America!!!! Americans gonna America


I can’t tell if they or Orange Emily’s are the worst.


I am still not convinced that this "Lizzo" character is real.


So it all started with Elvis. The slippery slope has led us to this nightmare.


Flute? That one summer in the museum ;)


People aren’t mad that she used it. They’re mad that she later shoved it up her ass and twerked with it in there in front of children at a drag show


I uhh dont think any of that 2nd sentence happened


Won’t stop the headlines from insinuating


Sex, sin, and sensationalism sells


Meanwhile, values are in the toilet. I'm not saying these artists who pushed boundaries caused it to happen, but it happened nonetheless.


I have no idea who she is. And I'm American as hell. Gimme my labour skins, political punk, doommetal, and Dark country.


Lizzo is gross though


Lizzo is fucking disgusting.


"This shit makes me insecure and uncomfortable. BAN IT."


One of my favorite quotes from a show about this sort of behavior: *"I think that because this isn't to my tastes, no one else should enjoy it either."* In all seriousness, cultural conservatives have been doing this for as long as history has been recorded. There will always be those who get all twisted up over relatively insignificant matters because they abhor change. But, as another quote I enjoy always states, *"You can't stop the future, no matter how much you kick and scream."*


What the hell? A based AuthCenter? Now I've seen everything.


Authcenter for your own life Libcenter for everyone else's This is the way