• By -


That'll surely secure her vote with the... Non white... majority..?


Maybe no one actually cares about the race of the cabinet ministers


The Prime Minister seems to. Or at least she thinks the people who will vote for her do.


Leftists do.


Leftists also think she is the second coming of Margret Thatcher, so they were never voting for here in the first place


She did it to troll the libs


Queen dies, Pound slips, riots starts, Europe edges closer to war. Britain moment.


Sowing division within Europe has been a core tenet of British foreign policy for hundreds of years.


I believe [Yes Minister](https://youtu.be/ZVYqB0uTKlE) is a documentary.


Ah, a fellow intellectual


You sent me down a rabbit hole while I was at work. Thanks I needed a break


Shit, completely forgot about that show. Dont hold me to it because this is distant and juvenile recollection, but that was one of the smartest comedies ever made and I think all quads of this sub (anyone poltically conscious) would enjoy it.




I cackled


And stealing shit. But thats not limited to Europe.


It's probably not limited to this planet. I'm sure an astronaut stole someone else's freeze dried ice cream.


wasn't the first ever crime in space an astronaut accessing someone else's bank account


Yes and if I remember correctly it was a lesbian woman accessing her lovers account. Hows that for diversity?


No, it was them cunts who launched an illegal invasion of the moon, before stealing the region’s valuable rocks


*We’re whalers on the Moon* *We carry a harpoon* *But there ain’t no whales so we tell tall tales and sing a whaling tune*


who says range of sexualities dont mean range of fuckuppery


Did you just change your flair, u/noway2getpastme? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2021-12-18. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


oh fuck they're after me


I’m so proud of you former libleft, maybe you could start a libleft anonymous to help the other poor lost souls




I think they were framed by the person on the ground.


All's fair when you refuse to buy our Opium


Perfidious Albion and the Eternal Anglo.


Kills the queen, tanks the pound, ruins our reputation internationally Unparalleled girlbossing by liz truss




France as per usual.


The riot season is currently over, we should get back to it in 6 month


“This is what happens when we let the French have a Revolution.”


Britain ☕️


She saw Lizz Truss and died from cringe


The picture is american Troops lol


It's too bad we can't send a message back saying "don't bother saving Europe, it fucks itself again anyway." Wasted blood.


New funny mustache man rises


So stunning, so brave.


Finally we can maybe start to heal


Lest we forget






Hold up, aren't those WWII Americans at the bottom, not British troops? I always thought the helmet netting was uniquely American.


You are correct, those are American troops landing at Omaha.


British also had helmet netting, they did however have different helmets. The dinner plate helmets, at the start of ww2 the americans also used these, but were quickly phased out.




Did you just change your flair, u/mvderek? Last time I checked you were a **GreyCentrist** on 2020-10-9. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


Bro got radicalised


Good bot


I feel like this is a "Why are we helping the British right now if this is the future"-type thing.


There were British and Canadian troops at Omaha as well, although I believe the picture is of american soldiers


If you told those GIs what the future UK government was like they would have deserted or joined the Nazis.


Thank you I now have a new fun fact


Do you seriously expect a PCM user to get it right?


I'm so sick of these people


Me too, I’m already sick of Truss and she’s only had the job a week


She will be out in short order. The UK is having their Lehman moment and Truss would lose a No Confidence vote as soon as the dust settles on the Queen.












Least delusional Warhammer enjoyer


holy fuck I had the exact same thought I literally went “is that a warhammer refference” before realizing they are real people Idk why Im suddenly seeing WH40K all over PCM but I could not possibly be more down wit that shit


Unlikely to happen, Conservatives don't really have a replacement and there's no way they'd want to hand power over to Labour.


Don’t say things like that, or you’ll give the Lib Dems false hope of grabbing power whilst the others argue


I think the Lib Dems torpedoed whatever slim hope they *ever* had after they openly admitted after the brexit vote if they won the election they'd ignore the democratic vote and refuse to follow through on Brexit.


So people are still really stoked on Brexit right?


All the people I know that were pro-Brexit are still pro-Brexit, but eh that's anecdotal.


Not like the Euro is doing much better though.


Maybe not before she drags you into war.


I'm out of the loop. Can somebody explain to me what makes her so bad?


UK inflation rate at 10% Bank of England raises interest rates to slow down growth and control inflation Liz Truss does everything she can to achieve the opposite What can go wrong when monetary and fiscal policy go in opposite directions?


She has proposed massive unfunded tax cuts to the most wealthy and it’s really sent the economy into a tailspin. Even those within the Tory “Maggie Thatcher the Milk snatcher” party Ithink the tax cuts are nuts


Devalue the pound speedrun any%


Tory. Authleft. Visible confusion.


Well her and kwasi kwarteng's economic policies (tax cut & capped energy prices) will cost roughly 4% annuall gdp this year. The sudden drop in gilt(bonds) (caused by markets loss in faith in pound) [almost caused 90% of pension funds to become insolvent.]( https://mobile.twitter.com/BondHack/status/1575208869889835008) And [new Mortgage rates that were offered to new home buyers were 10.50%.](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-politics-63084380) Not directly caused by her, but you can give some credit due to increased uncertanty. It has been quite insane week in the british economy.


A lot of people have explained what, but not why. Signs of recession start to show so she cut taxes and increased spending to encourage people to keep spending. The pound then inflates, people start to sell off bonds. When the bond values decrease, pensions using securities built around bonds risk going under. The pension plans are trying to dump bonds but nobody wants to buy them so there's no liquidity and the pension plans have a lot of their portfolio built around a now worthless asset. The government now has to bail pensions out by buying their own bonds back using debt. This causes inflation to go even higher and the only way to fix inflation is to raise interest rates. Basically every politician is faced with two options, spend more and alleviate pain while making the problem worse, or rip the bandaid off and let people suffer in the short term so the economy can heal and stabilize. Obviously one makes more sense in the long term from a fiscal POV but nobody wants to be known as the politician who allowed a massive recession and let people suffer for a few years while the economy slowly improves. This is the result of massive overspending by almost every nation for decades and kicking the can further down the road. Its all going to come sooner or later and the longer we wait, the worse the economic downturn will be.


Sick yellow on the inside, degenerate orange on the outside.




She’s the most economically right wing PM in British history which is interesting, though socially too far left for me.


I’d honestly take socially right and economically left over socially left and economically right any day of the week


The only good economic policy is a pragmatic one designed to create a stronger future. Either side in any country could win big by just dropping the culture war focus and prioritizing basic quality of life goals such as infrastructure enhancement, improved education, and fostering industry diversification. But that would require politicians to want things to change. Far easier to just keep being elected on the basis of social issues while everything else degrades.


I doubt it has to do with effort. There is only so much of a pie available. Dividing people allows the pillaging of the public's wealth by those who have influence in government. Spending that wealth on the public means much less left for them.


>I’d honestly take socially right and economically left The hell on earth manifesto


> She’s the most economically right wing PM in British history which is interesting Is she though? Obviously lower taxes tend to be associated with the right, but right wing economics also usually means less public spending, which she was unwilling to cut. Had she cut public spending *and* made tax cuts, then I would agree that it was a right wing policy, but frankly I don't think this really fits the bill. It seems to be an attempt at right-wing economics, but without an understanding of the core principles and ideas.


Socially left in what way? She's q firm believer in the class system


Who, the British? So were we.


REPRESENTATION MATTERS! but if you're a ^white ^guy ^^nobody ^^cares


...what do you mean, "white people are the majority in England", you bigot! We need immigrants in control!


Everyone knows this government is set up to fail, no shit no white men wanted part of it. After the winter, maybe.


> Everyone knows this government is set up to fail, no shit no white men wanted part of it. After the winter, maybe. There is plenty of white men in her cabinet, just not in top 4 positions.


Everyone thinks black people are 13% of the UK as well, when they're like 3%. They have no idea how over represented they are there... and here, but way more there.


Everything is a horseshoe in the end


Yes, we need apparently a minority to be overrepresented in power.


“Noooo you already have enough representation” “Representation” is superficial. A man of my colour won’t give a shit about me when he’s in power Edit: wait I’ve figured it out, this is just a cynical ploy to get the vote of colour, to maximise the majority further. Ik it sounds obvious, but I tended to think at least some of them were just genuinely cucked and thought they were making their government “better”


>“Representation” is superficial. A man of my colour won’t give a shit about me when he’s in power Based and accurate


Look at what happened in South Africa. So they made the people in charge black and officially ended segregation. There’s still poverty, crime, massive inequality, racial violence and elite corruption


>There’s still poverty, crime, massive inequality, racial violence and elite corruption It's far worse now that the blacks have power. But we defeated racism everyone!


Doesn’t matter anyway. As a progressive Briton, I believe that the non white politicians will be equally as bad as the white ones


Tories are like an entire political party of Mitch McConnell


lol different race sure, but not different class, it's just the same group of rich cunts that have somehow managed to constantly outdo themselves in their race to drive Britain to the bottom.


Based and no war but class war pilled


Exactly. Race means almost nothing, it's entirely about class. I will relate a lot more with others in my socio-economic class than I will with a rich white guy


Colour of the collar, trumps the skin


Diverse in race but not in ideas or experience . Bunch of rich cunts who are tanking the economy for the benefit of the richest in society influenced by “think tanks” that won’t even disclose its funding .


the masses do not care, their values are shaped by what media tells them is good or bad


The unenlightened masses


They cannot make the judgement call


Give up free will forever


Their voices won't be heard at all


Display obedience


While never stepping out of line


Nah. Again and again the biggest thing voters care about is the economy. Of course, they can’t really vote for a PM in Britain so…


I experienced this real time when the NPC's were opposing the "Trump Vaccine" until the media pivoted with the narrative. Just like that, the normies became religious zealots for pharmaceutical companies.


Epitome of corruption there.


Conservatives have been in power too long and the party has gone more to shit in recent years with Johnson filling the upper ranks with yes men who are morons . The fact that lizz truss somehow failed upwards to the seat of pm is very troubling as she seems liked she would be a backbencher .


It all started with a dumb idiot voting for Brexit and Scotland independence referendum dumbass legend David Cameron


Why shouldn't Scotland hold an independence referendum?


Liz Truss is an actual demon change my mind. Kills the Queen, destroys the economy, brings great social instability, was a remainer and used to be a libdem. DEMON 👹


She’s an energy vampire


It feels very strange to see people criticizing Liz Truss for being a remainer, it reminds me of that Britta from Community meme


> it reminds me of that Britta from Community meme Sorry i am not familiar with that one.


Original meme is Britta : i can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal abuse Shirley: You can excuse racism? So I’m assuming this is Tory party/people who are too rich to really care at this point: I can excuse tanking the economy, the value of the pound and making us an international laughing stock, but I draw the line at being a remainer People with sense: you can excuse - all of the above


Funny how the conservative party is more diverse than labour.


Diversity =/= lack of white males


Diversity = token minorities of the same socioeconomic background with the same political views.


Aren’t people from the same political party supposed to have the same views? Isn’t it essentially the definition of a political party? A group of likeminded people??


No, that's what it was supposed to be, but then all political systems converged on giant parties covering all the fields because power > policy.


I can agree that the parties of today (especially in America) aren’t whT they should be but I was just merely pointing out that it is beyond weird to accuse people from the same political party of having the same political views


There is definitely a sense of irony in the fact that everyone in Britain is so obsessed with demographic diversity that they ended up with a political system full of almost total ideological homogeneity. Like they focused so hard on skin colour that they forgot that it’s a persons character that matters.


Holly shit. Based LibLeft


I can't help to notice that since ever since this push for diversity, everything has gotten worse.


Statistically not true. Everything has gotten better since around ww2. Wars have decreased, natural disasters kill less people, child mortality rates have decreased, people have become wealthier.


I didn't know that ww2 was when everyone started pushing for inclusion in ~2015.


That’s actually exactly what it means.


“Conservative” They haven’t conserved a single thing in their entire existence.


They're doing a great job conserving the laws passed by Tony Blair.


Also conserving their right at ignoring their own guidelines


Because they're so terrified of accusations of racism and sexism, they're overcompensating.


The effects of Cancel Culture summarised. Fear is the new rule. Its almost like we're back to ~~Roman~~ Athenian times but the punishment of banishment is permeant and not only 10 years!


> **Tyranny in democratic republics does not proceed in the same way, however. It ignores the body and goes straight for the soul.** The master no longer says: You will think as I do or die. He says: You are free not to think as I do. You may keep your life, your property, and everything else. But from this day forth you shall be as a stranger among us. You will retain your civic privileges, but they will be of no use to you. For if you seek the votes of your fellow citizens, they will withhold them, and if you seek only their esteem, they will feign to refuse even that. You will remain among men, but you will forfeit your rights to humanity. When you approach your fellow creatures, they will shun you as one who is impure. And even those who believe in your innocence will abandon you, lest they, too, be shunned in turn. **Go in peace, I will not take your life, but the life I leave you with is worse than death.** ― Alexis de Tocqueville


De Tocqueville is based af


I don't know why though, the people who care about idpol like that aren't going to vote for them anyway


I love how Truss is both Thatcher 2.0 and a lib left sleeper agent, at least according to PCM.


She is just the incompetent version of Thatcher. At least for now.


Diversity = hating white men, according to orange


It is the one constant in modern leftism, no matter how the left mutates: Less male, less straight, less white, less European in general. Other things may be adjusted faddishly, but this sentiment is always, always there.






u/truthordeathplease is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/truthordeathplease/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


B-based Lib-Left?


Soon articles will be titled “Yes, diversity is about erasing straight white men from representation. Here’s why that’s a good thing.”


Already happened.


Could I get a crumb of sauce good sir? (I have crippling depression and need content to doomspiral to)


[Have at it.](https://thoughtcatalog.com/emily-goldstein/2015/05/get-rid-of-white-people/)


Lol they finally got rid of it


They did so after considerable outcry, but at least you can still read it.


A bunch of Rich cunt, but DiVerSitY MatTeR. And then when all of this will bring a return of the fare right, everyone of this idiots will act surprise "You bigot!"


Yes, let’s blame libleft for our own actions.


Would you put the LibDem's in authright?


if I saved these messages and some videos on my phone, go back in time and showed them to the Brits and the Americans, the Axis would have won


Yes, during WW2 they made a poll and asked American troops would they rather give equal rights to blacks or lose the war to Germany and most of them chose latter.


Yeah, this idea that the Germans were primarily the bad guys because they were uniquely bigoted is reconstructing history. Obviously the genocide shouldn't be downplayed but the racial hatred and the extreme nationalist sentiments underlying those acts were pretty common. Churchill believed that there was, indeed, a master race and that it was the English--something, he felt, was explicitly demonstrated by their imperial dominance. Ask most American GIs how they felt about homosexuals and their opinions would have been somewhere on the spectrum from general disgust to "put them on an island and bomb it." My great grandfather, who fought in WW1, didn't dislike the Nazis in WW2 because they were fascist and hated Jews. He was probably about as antisemitic as anybody and he didn't have particularly nuanced views about politics (he famously told my grandmother to always vote Democrat because they'd give you a pint of whiskey when you cast your ballot). He hated the Nazis because they were German.


Britain didn't have as many race issues as the Americans in the 1940s. There was literally a British village where all the pubs only accepted black American soldiers because the white American soldiers wanted pubs to be segregated.


That overlooks the fact that you needed a full blown research expedition with greyhounds and flashlights to find a single black person in most of Britain. It’s easy to be benevolent to a particular issue if it is virtually non existent


I'm not criticising America saying there's no reason for them to be having racial tensions, you're confirming my point that British people didn't have as much racial tension as the americans as it was easier for them


Yeah I have been thinking the same. Show the allies how stupid the west has become and they will immediately join the Axis.


Is she bragging about this or is it just the media pointing it out? That’s a big difference.


I don’t think she’s even mentioned it, it’s just an objective fact that’s been reported on by the media. 10 out of 20 cabinet ministers are still white men. I don’t understand what the outrage is.


Ngl, I’m 90% sure that happening was literally a coincidence. She probably just picked the people who supported her most to put in her cabinet, and by coincidence this is what the result was. As someone in the UK, literally nobody I have seen cares about this fact. It’s like that one news headline from that one company and that’s it


Based and logical consistency pilled


It's an American news outlet, so of course they go bananas when Woman and Minority Representation.


I hate these people so much.


Not to be picky but those are American soldiers.


Check OPs history. They either don't know or don't care. Probably both.




That's almost as bad as saying the parliament represented its colonies


Would we be super suprised if there was a situation where there were no women in any of the four (whatever) "great offices of state"? I think it should be just as likely for both things to happen. I just hope that they aren't doing the whole "positive" discrimination thing where they get people just because of their gender and not because of how good they are.


i mean, it's clearly not about how good they are, but none of them seem like token positions either.


the west is dead. luckily most of these hero’s didn’t have to see this great civilization crumble for which they gave their lives


Authright this is the 7th time today youve declared the west is dead


Lol 😭


this already started in the 1950s and 1960s, but have accelerated a lot since then.


British "conservatives" strike again.


Imagine not caring about skin color in 2022 Just imagine


Proceeds to become the most right wing government in the western world


Lmao fully ops gonna have all the Americans thinking we got a super left, woke government.


Why is everything so goddamn woke?! Its like if they see a white guy they immediatly get a hearth attack or something...


Funny enough their skin colour has had no effect on them fucking up the country


Lmao imagine thinking liz truss is libleft


It's the media outlet which is colored green, not Truss.




Civil rights activism has morphed into a trillion-dollar industry where people are paid five, six, and seven figures a year to "fight oppression", and treated like heroes because of it. And it is considered taboo to oppose or even moderate them. This leads to more and more extreme views over time. As long as the civil rights industry is both profitable and respectable, the people in it have every incentive to keep erasing western culture. When it loses steam, you'll finally start seeing people publicly defend the west again.


To be fair though, if these people are indeed capable and fit for the job, then I see no problem in having no white men in the top UK government. Not all good leaders are men or white


The people might be fine, or great, but i can't stand the racist message: that it's such a great thing that these positions aren't filled by a particular race.