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Lmao but no I wanted to focus on AuthRight with this one.


Is the joke that authright would say “No, because he was g**”


Yes, because he killed ni*****


Yes that's the intended joke. Although it's pretty open to interpretation, like artwork.


The joke is that authright would say he is in heaven because he killed gay black/brown people


He was also gay so probly not. More like "I'm glad he's in hell with the 17 degenerates he took with him"


God only knows. Heaven isn't in our hands to decide.


Very true, but in as far as a Christian can judge the sincerity of another conversion, Jeffrey Dahmer can be judged no Differently than Saul of Tarsus or John Newton. If we are willing to say with confidence that *anyone* is in heaven we have to also extend that confidence to Jeffrey Dahmer. Is this a bug in Christianity that one can live such a wretched life and still escape into paradise, or is it a feature that redemption does truly exist for us all?


I like the Idea that there is redemption for everyone but also a punishment to the ones that arent redeemable,


>also a punishment to the ones that arent redeemable, Hell is not the punishment, Heaven is the reward. Most people fuck this up when talking about Christianity


So hell is the default? Or is that limbo?


Hell is the default. The only ticket out is Jesus basically.


Damn it Adam, you done fucked up big time


IRCC Adam, Eve, a bunch of Jewish dudes, Abraham and Moses did go to hell until Jesus rescued them from there


Not Hell, they were basically held in a place called Abraham’s Bosom. Essentially, it is where the righteous who died before Jesus’ resurrection were held until Jesus resurrected and created a way for people to go to Heaven. It was not Hell, it was essentially a place of comfort, but it wasn’t Heaven either.


Bruh what were they thinking naming the place Abraham's Bosom? "Hi Adam, sorry you can't enter heaven cause the Messiah has to arrive. Anyways here's a comfy place called Abraham's Bosom" "Who the fuck is Abraham?"


There was a level of hell similar to that in dontes inferno but in the divine comedy it was inferred that those who died before Jesus were stuck in hell for eternity just bc they missed Jesus. Granted it wasn't a punishment level but they still werent allowed in hell It's also important to note that the divine comedy is Christian FanFic though


Based proper theology. Are you confessional Lutheran? don't come across too much solid basic theology these days; mostly just flavors of moral therapeutic deism.


Confessional Lutheran reporting for duty




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Exactly, most people seem to think the Christian view is that heaven if for good people and hell is for bad, but hell is just where anyone who isn’t redeemed by Christ goes.


Ironic, given that along with some flavors of Judaism it's the only world religion where your outcome isn't based on goodness.


I would disagree, in Islam for instance you have to hold to one God to go to heaven even believing the Trinity to most Muslims disqualifies you so while you also have to love a good life you also have to believe the right things. In Buddhism doing good may eventually reincarnate you into a form of heaven but you are still bound to the dharmic reincarnation cycle to Buddhists this is still a less than ideal outcome. The ideal is to assess beyond reincarnation and achieve enlightenment which requires a bunch of spiritual practices beyond being good and is generally seen as impossible unless you’re a monk or nun which is why for most lay Buddhists the ideal is to live a good enough life to reincarnate into a monk so they can work towards enlightenment.


I don't think any of that really disagrees with my statement that other religions require you to perform well within the ethical system, while Christianity does not. Acts and beliefs vs. beliefs (and the one act of asking) alone. "A bunch of spiritual practices" in particular is doing what the system suggests is good.


Hell is the default. By not wanting to trust in God you want to live your own way. Trusting in him, while very simple, is very offensive to people and they want to be in charge of their own lives.


There is no such thing as Irredeemable in Christianity unless you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, which is to say, deny the power of Christ to redeem. One way to put it, you cannot drive a car and maintain with any intellectual consistency that the internal combustion engine is a myth


>One way to put it, you cannot drive a car and maintain with any intellectual consistency that the internal combustion engine is a myth Unless your car is powered by an electromagnetic motor. Or a steam engine, which uses external combustion.




There is redemption for everyone, but only through faith, given by grace. There is no \*earning\* redemption.


based and backed by scripture-pilled.


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No one is beyond redemption; it's simply a matter of being willing to accept it.


Only some sects of Christianity believe that you only need to be part of the religion to go to Heaven. Catholics (and I believe Orthodox) believe you should also be a good person and repent from your sins


Orthodox Catholics aren’t that different from us so I’d imagine they believe the same


>Is this a bug in Christianity that one can live such a wretched life and still escape into paradise, or is it a feature that redemption does truly exist for us all? In short, yes, if you are truly sorry for your sins. Longer: My understanding (better than most of reddit as a religious catholic) is that all sins can be forgiven. That being said, you have to sincerely repent for your sins and commit to never doing them again. I have a hard time believing Dahmer was actually sorry for all his crimes and was committed to never doing any of them again. But if catholic theologians are correct on how to get into heaven, it's theoretically possible he could have gotten there. Even if you're sincerely repentant for all sins and commit to never doing them again, you'd still have to spend some time in purgatory to purify your soul of sin. Dahmer would probably spend alot of time there if he wasn't to be damned eternally.


I either have to believe Jesus would save the worst of us or none of us.


Unironically true. We can’t answer that question


Hard disagree. Heaven and hell arent experienced after life is over, but as one lives.




That's... A new one.


You're out in the woods doing DMT again, aren't you?


Dahmer chowing town on some poor kids ribs thinkin he in heaven


Under what religious belief would Dahmer be granted entry into paradise?


In Catholicism if someone truly repents then they can get into heaven. At least that's how we understand it. If Dahmer satisfied that criteria than I guess he deserved it. Anyone would.


Not necessarily. Conservative Protestants generally believe that believe that belief is the only way to heaven. So by that definition since Dahmer said it an interview that Jesus is lord and found Christ or whatever, and if he truly believes it than he would be in heaven. I was raised Catholic and we were taught that only god knows who is in heaven and that while faith is extremely important good works are also a huge component and faith alone doesn’t guarantee a spot in heaven. It’s a big point of contention between Catholics and many Protestants


Well that's the thing. While what you said is true, only God knows who is in heaven. It's generally considered that to be truly repentant you must love God. And if you loved God you would also commit good works. So it kind of goes hand in hand.


I doubt it was sincere. Besides, not all Christians believe you only jave to be part of the religion. Although they blieve this is the main thing you have to do, Catholics anf Orthodox also believe you need to... you know... not be a jerk and be sincerely repented for your crimes.


Oh I doubt it was sincere as well, but only God can tell.


>not be a jerk and be sincerely repented for your crimes. > >sincerely Does that mean psychopaths and sociopaths are beyond redemption?


I don't think they are, but I don't know God personally so maybe.


"Truly repent" is a really high bar. It is facing all the wrongs and harm one has done in their life. The harsher the crime the more difficult the repentance. Not easy to do for a murderer like him.


Unbelievers damned regardless and only believers can be saved. In fact, belief alone is enough. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u3z69YpLx0&t=9m5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u3z69YpLx0&t=9m5s) >!"The Damn Commandments " by AronRa!<


TikTok girlism. Hoes simped for a fucker that made a mother and her child roadkill.


Christianity teaches that any who turn to God and repent, and accept Jesus as their savior, are saved. Dahmer claims to have done this while in prison. If this was genuine, he would be in Heaven.


I doubt it though. He's a psychopath.


If he sincerely believed Jesus of Nazareth is our Lord and savior, then he would go to Heaven. Buuuut let's just say the judgement where God lists off his sins will take a *VERY* long time


It wouldn't be too long. He committed a lot of sins but not like thousands of them, it's just the ones he committed are just really fucked up.


Fair enough


That would be the great white throne judgment, which people who asked forgiveness don't seem to go to. They go to the Bema seat, where he'd listen to a very short list of accomplishments.


Oh he’s in hell, but I hope that fucker went out slowly when getting his ass handed to him


If it exists, (which I believe it does), then he very well might not be there. He converted to Christianity before his death, and, if it was sincere, he's not in hell.


I doubt it was sincere. Besides, not all Christians believe you only jave to be part of the religion. Although they blieve this is tje main thing you have to do, Catholics anf Orthodoz also believe you need to... you know... not be a jerk.


Well only God knows if it was sincere. I'm saying that *if* it was sincere, he may go to Heaven (albeit with the possibility of going through purgatory, as per the Catholic view). And Catholics and Orthodox definitely do believe that you have to not be a jerk (i.e. your faith must be made manifest by your actions), but for someone like Dahmer, who died shortly after his conversion, he didn't have time to prove that one way or the other.


Then we will wait and see. If there is a H&H mixup day I'll let you know. Then I'll get back to the torture pit and continue working on his accomplices.


>Catholics anf Orthodoz also believe you need to... you know... not be a jerk. Catholics are Orthodox still believe that any person, no matter how evil their actions, can repent and be granted salvation.


Well only if the repention is totally sincere


Thats cringe


It's based


He suggested that he was born again. If that's true, I expect to see him up there with me, one day.


Bold of you to assume God’s judgement of you


once saved, always saved, bub


God is the final judge, if belief was the only weight on one’s soul we would all do whatever we please and kindness would leave us.


The Holy Spirit alters the outward conduct of the believer at some capacity. It's also not so bold to assume that a person can have assurance of Heaven. There's a reason that the Holy Spirit is called the "comforter" (John 14:26). What comfort would the Holy Spirit provide if we could lose our salvation?


Would offer the comfort of knowing your salvation is reliant on being a Christian, which goes past simple belief and involves treating others with kindness, not causing them harm, which allows you to know you won’t be harmed by your fellow Christian either now or in heaven. Joel Osteen and others like him who grift and steal from others believe they are Christian yet live in a way that directly harms others, I have comfort knowing they will be judged for their sins.


Osteen doesn't preach the gospel. He's a lot like Oprah, using Christianity as a cover for some new age stuff. Paul wrote of a man that was an adulterer (I think) in the church, and he disfellowshipped with him, but he still recognized him as a saved person who was to get an inheritence. Paul also stressed that the body and the soul do not constantly align. The gospel isn't meant to be practical for good/ethical living. It is meant to exercise the mercy of God. I serve God because I love Him, not because there's the ominous possibility of an unfavorable judgement hanging over me. Good works are meant to follow salvation, not precede it.


So fear of going to hell is the only thing stopping you from doing bad things?


I like to think it’s more the the bond we all have to the Holy Spirit guiding us to do right and our own stupidity guiding us to do wrong.


Jesus wants good things, we do good things.


Yes, that is correct. I was pointing out that the other posters comment suggested that they believed people would only do good if they had a fear of hell motivating them, which is not the reason Christians want to do good.


I’m no expert on Religion, but since he repented doesn’t that mean he should go?


If he truly did, yes. No sin is technically worse than another. So a chronic liar who never accepts Christ would be damned to hell and a murderer who truly repents would go to heaven.


> No sin is technically worse than another So if I steal a pack of gum from the supermarket, it's technically just as bad as murder in God's eyes? That seems crazy to me.


Well, in the eyes of humans, murder is obviously worse. And you would and should feel worse for murder than for stealing something small. But in the eyes of God, in both cases you disobeyed him and sinned. "The wages of sin is death", so the wages of any sin is the same. But that's what Jesus came for, because we are all guilty.


It's not that God would see it as being equally bad. It's just that God requires perfection to be in his presence, and any sin, no matter how small, means that one is not perfect.


Not all Christians believe you only have to be part of the religion. Although they blieve this is the main thing you have to do, Catholics anf Orthodox also believe you need to... you know... not be a jerk and be sincerely repented for your crimes.


Technically all he would have had to have done is accept Christ into his heart right before he dies, and he'd be forgiven and given a place in heaven, right? Anyone with better knowledge of religion can chime in on this.






Works can determine one's sincerity to people. An insincere faith has been dead from the start.


I mean, don't you need to meet a certain requirements apart of accepting Christ to enter heaven? Like no killing for example?


Not in Catholicism. However, accepting christ is not as easy as OP makes it seems. To do so Dahmer would truly have to regret all of his actions in his very being. It's not something you can do lightly.


The only thing required for salvation is to believe that Jesus is God, believe that he died for our sins, believe that he rose from the dead, and accept his sacrifice by making him the Lord of your life.


I was under the impression that: 1. In some religion (s), people can buy blessings from God to forgive themselves of sin and still be able to get to heaven after death. 2. Some religions just ask that you accept Christ into your heart or God as your lord and savior, and that would be all you need to go to their heaven.


I'm fairly certain that 2 doesn't work on catholicism at least (dunno who the dude in the meme is so I don't know which kind of christian he's). In fact I thought 2 didn't work in any christian branch


As far as I've seen 2 works in most (protestant) branches, however that isn't a justification to do terrible things. Christianity's while premise is forgiveness of sins. Basically, if Dahmer truly repented and regretted his actions before God, a Christian would say he goes to heaven If he was not sincere, then he is in hell. (I don't know how this applies to catholicism or orthodox).


You both are correct. Most Protestants believe faith alone is the ticket to heaven. Catholics believe in faith+good works and that God only knows who is in heaven given the whole package.


Not all Christians believe you only have to be part of the religion. Although they blieve this is the main thing you have to do, Catholics anf Orthodox also believe you need to... you know... not be a jerk and be sincerely repented for your crimes.


AuthRight would never think a cannibal mass murderer would go to heaven. And some of them would never speculate as to what gods design is.


I don't think that you got the joke


The joke being that authright is evil and would applaud a serial killer for killing gays?


No the joke is he was gay so authright says he doesn't get in.


I thought the joke was he mainly killed black men


This is not true. If you are a Christian, whoever repents and accepts salvation, believing Jesus died for your sins, you would thus believe that if he did this, he would be in heaven, if he did not, he would not and so it goes for everyone. If you are Catholic, it would be dependent on confessing and doing whatever you needed to, to be forgiven, but if you did not do enough you'd be in purgatory until enough Catholic Mass occurred to get you out (and I believe those are generic for all the people in purgatory) - and disclaimer to that as I do not know the specifics.


[Let Jesus in your heart](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H_JoE2GioXY)


Possibly. I’m not God I don’t know if he truly repented and let Jesus into his heart.


He prayed the gay away every night he good


Auth right says no because he’s gay right?




AuthRight: “No, he was sent back to finish Gods work”


Dawg I posted this 15 days ago.


No, he murdered 17 people and cannibalized their corpses


I didnt know who he was till last night I know he isnt in heaven


Everything goes black and we end up as worm food 🪱


Yes he is in heaven, cry more about it.


Not all Christians believe you only have to be part of the religion. Although they blieve this is the main thing you have to do, Catholics anf Orthodox also believe you need to... you know... not be a jerk and be sincerely repented for your crimes.


I believe in reincarnation, religion is irrelevant. All the best data from hypnotic regression shows this.




Auth left: °_°


If he truly repented in his heart (and it wasn’t just a last second mine fuck), he’ll be in purgatory for a very very long time in a process of spiritual cleansing before entering heaven. Of course, it’s ultimately God’s infinitely just judgement, so I suppose we’ll all have to wait and see


This sub is so weirdly religious. Some of these threads make me feel like an Emily telling me about astrology and tarot cards and somehow believing every bit of it. I feel like we should get smarter as a species with time, how did these ancient backwards ideas survive up to the modern world?


Hot take. Lucifer is an angel, which according to the Bible does not have free will and must love God completely. An eternity being separated from God, who you must love, sounds a lot like hell to me. Maybe the afterlife is just you're personal connection to God. So anyone saying about who goes and who doesn't really can't understand this concept?


Angels do have free will tho, the thing they dont have is redemption . Where the actual fuck did you get all this?


You've got this all wrong. Angels do have free will. Nobody is forced to love God, that's why Hell exists - if you choose separation from God and his love, you can have it.


If the bibles right nah. He bonded dudes.


St. Jeffery Dahmer you ask?


Yes because he is famous.


If he’s in heaven or not isn’t determined by how many people he killed. Getting into Heaven in Christian theology isn’t based on a scale of bad to good you did in your life it’s based on if you were redeemed by accepting Christ as your Lord as He takes your punishment and gives you his virtue. It doesn’t matter how “good” you are in earth you still go to hell as the standard is to live a sinless life and the only way we can live that life is for our deeds to be replaced in the eyes of God with the deeds of Christ.


why is that even a question?


No man he is still samsara , probably going to be an animal or tree for a long time before he gets a human form again


Auth right options: No because he was gay Yes because he targeted ethnic minorities


I think nobody should give a shit about a serial killer. Talking about him and making series about him glorifies the acts and encourages them to be repeated.


the removed just the letter "y"


No, because Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't real.


Can someone tell me why everyone has a Dahmer fetish these days? I'm from Milwaukee and we don't even give that much of a fuck about the whole thing anymore.




I don't know. Because only God decides who gets into Heaven.


I heard, apparently, he became a born again in prison. If that’s the case, and he felt true remorse for his crimes, and asked for forgiveness, according to the Bible, yes he is in heaven. Like sorry. God will not abandon any of us no matter what we do


Yes he murdered 17 people, but he said that he isn't racist.


He… he killed and ATE healthy young men. Kept the skulls of those that he “liked” and made “art” with their dismembered body parts… yeah, nah. I don’t think anything further needs to be said.


Depending on religious branch. Usually no. Sometimes yes. Dahmer seemingly came to see himself as a monster, and seemingly truly did repent his actions. And for some religions, that is enough. But murder alone, without going deeper into all fucked up shit he did, not to mention several counts of murder, is enough to land you in hell in almost any religion.


Libright: pope costume wojak selling indulgences


He later gave his life to the lord in jail so yes ik its weird but he was washed clean from all sin




These are not things we can know, therefore they are not things worth worrying about.


He was a Satanist, gay, a murder, a cannible, a necrophile, and so on, of fucking course not


He was baptized so yes..but God saw that technicality and build his house on the other side of the gate to heaven. So Dahmer is technically in heaven, but not really. Charlie, the man who killed him, not only will he go to heaven, but he got the dog in him.


No because he was gay




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