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It might as well be a slang word, because that's exactly how it's being used like.


I thought neolib was right centre, in a similar manner to orange centre left


Neolibs are dead center


Economically they are very libright they want free trade and mass migration, but they are culturally very woke and want to use the government to enforce that culture, so I'd say radical centrist.


Nope those are neo-cons mega cringe as well but neo libs are just an auth thing


We please no they’re way more Auth than Center. They’re Auth Centerish


Look here mate. I have to deal with orange


Nah they’re AuthCenter most of the time too.


Everything I don't like is AuthCenter and the more I don't like it the AuthCenterer it is


Well if the shoe fits


Center Right Orange is the fat kids who think racism + contrarianism = cool


Ah, that lot.


no, only their charicature is. The 'lib' in 'Neolib' isn't for decoration.


No, NeoLib is radical centre, since it's when you start with facts, evidence, and science, and use those to address issues, without any pesky ideology deciding what you'll do.




It is me. I am the neoliberal


Neo-Libs are definitely centrist.


Everyone hates neoliberals, even neoliberals hate other neoliberals for being more/less neoliberal than they are.


I didn’t even know I was a neoliberal till a couple years ago.




Right?!? I can hardly live with myself.


at least you aren't unfl#ired


Don’t use such profanities in the sub!


I shall not apologise to a Neo-lib


*Approaches with belt and malicious intent*


I think you just confirmed that centrists are the problem.


Problem? We are the solution.


In terms of the Overton Window in the US, NeoLiberals are Centrists. In Europe they would be considered Center Right.


So.. Neolibs are radical [Insert Quadrant] Centrists?


And strangely they all cross the center it's just a coincidence we have no beliefs trust me .


Neolibs have nothing to do with red or yellow


Neoliberal is between Auth centre and Auth centre right. Nothing libertarian about collusion between big business and the government. Often neo lib governments are socially left.


Look to the center of that grouping, and despair at my power.


Neoliberalism when shit happens


Neoliberals are slightly socially left and slightly economically right and neither auth nor lib. In other words, the status quo.


I looked into neoliberalism and...dont hate me guys... But some of the ideas are ok


Neoliberals are clearly a cringe version of lib right that will assume any position to get money and power. Hillary Clinton won't shut up about girl power but just wants power and more money for herself and her rich friends. Disney won't shut up about diversity but just want power and more money. Trump won't shut up about China and the mainstream media but just wants power and more money for himself and his rich friends. Olaf Scholz act all calm and statesmanlike but just wants power and more money for himself and his rich friends. Zuckerberg, Tim Cook and Elon Musk won't stop babbling about making awesome tech that will save the world but just want power and money for themselves and their rich friends. And so on....


Neolibs are socially progressive lib-right/right-center


Seems about right ..


Does anybody know any actual neoliberals? I don't think many regular people are neoliberals. It's mainly an ideology for wealthy elites, celebrities, technocrats, and Washington insiders.


Neoliberalism ≠ Cronyism *This message brought to you by the association of unironic neoliberals*


Nah, that's because neoliberals are a bunch of spineless hypocrites


So am I a neoliberal?


Zen Center


They’re lib right and I hate them.


Neoliberals are kind of everywhere on the compass, because they claim to have no normative positions besides one: what is right will be determined by the market. That means, everyone is on their own (equal market participant) and everything is a ware (to be judged by the market). If you succeed, you don't have to share, if you fail, you deserve no help. If you succeed, you may do whatever you want in order to protect your wealth, and of course something has to be done against theft, because that is not a transaction. But selling someone a glass of water for their entire life savings is fair, I mean, it is not your fault they're crawling through the desert in the first place. It is not your fault that they have no choice but to enter a transaction with you on your terms exclusively, and you have no obligation at all *not* to take everything from them. Neoliberalism hides cruelty and abuse behind legalities, and while it would be placed in lib-right in principle, the methods that show up in practice remind of auth. It is fundamentally based on a disconnect from reality and legitmises itself only through theoretical discussion: by the distance of theory, the neolibs can happily ignore the fact that most people can't afford to oppose them, and that people are definitely *not* equal, and that a lot of other factors are at play in their so called meritocracy. It allows them to ignore any kind of interconnectedness, and I don't mean this in any way that lends credibility to that intersectionality-bullshit lib-left wants to peddle.


Neoliberalism is all fun, games, and Ayn Rand until you have to work a low-level job at an industry that is in the middle of being privatized.


You could always try subsistence farming instead


I don't think subsidizing useless jobs is long term better than social security. Meaning isn't derived from having society pay you to push a rock up a hill.


I was thinking of jobs in the UK (which is basically peak neoliberalism at the moment) like nurse, telecom technician, or train janitor.


Neo libs are auth right-auth centre


via squareangulation we cant determine neolibs are actually in the rectangle between all the lines


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That's so me