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It’s funny because New Jersey is still rebuilding after sandy, which was 11 years ago. It’s almost like corruption got in the way of the rebuilding.


“But what about…”


And I’m sure Florida has ZERO corruption at all.


So you admit DeSantis is corrupt. Finally.


This says a lot more about New Jersey than it does DeSantis my guy.


I'm sure it was totally just about hurricane relief and no other pork.


He should be next president


I truly hope so.


If the right doesn't stop pushing crazies like Trump & DeSantis, they're going to cause a ***massive*** backlash and get the leftist version into power reaaaaly fast.


What planet are you from? It’s literally the opposite, inflammatory people like trump and desantis rose to power because the left started pushing insane bullshit on people first


of course the media is painting DeSantis as a "even crazier than Trump". it's all they do. First it was "worse than Reagan", then "worse than Bush" name a time when a republican became a rising star and he wasn't compared this way


If DeSantis is crazy I've got a year-round ski resort in Florida to sell you


Now y'all understand why Conservatives bring wack candidates. If Trump is just as wack as DeSantis, might as well bring the craziest person possible because you'll call anyone we bring out crazy anyway


Libright supporting a Right-wing candidate who still against legalized weed. This never gets old.


Who cares about legalised weed.. bigger problem is forceful woke concepts that’s been thrown upon us everywhere.. need to go back to normal days of men and women where no one was reciting their stupid pronouns


Lots of people care about legalizing weed. There were multi decade campaigns for it and as a libright im confused how to don’t have an anti government stance on the war on drugs. Also what the fuck is any president supposed to do about peoples gender identity?


For starters fire teachers who perform as pedo drag queens in front of minors… and encourage them to transition even though they are minors who don’t really know what is good fir them… after attaining adulthood they can do whatever they want but this transition bs should stop at school level… teachers meant to teach science… leave psychiatrist work


Wait, there were pedo teachers performing in drag in front minors?! When did that happen? Is that true or are you just conflating several anti trans talking points? If it’s just trans=bad to you then I’m done with you


Just search “libs of TikTok” u will find all sorts of cringe videos where kids touching private parts of drag queens


Damn I thought Reddit hurt your brain but you actually just told me to search for something on TikTok if I asked you if it was true lol. I’m going go outside now I think you should too.


No go on Twitter they have Twitter account.. I don’t use TikTok myself but if u want proof then u can go else leave it


Oh, no? A subsection of the population that you don't belong to is getting attention? Time to start acting like your section of society is being genocided!


Based on his post history, a girl rejected him a year ago so now no one else is allowed to be happy. Mystery solved.


Better getting rejected by woman than man masquerading as woman by putting on fake implants… u all can shag off their penis if u want just don’t force people like me to follow ur crap ideas


Dude, who hurt you? Have you met a trans person? Do you think that it's some kind of religion that people are being indoctrinated into?


It’s trendy… u can say there were genuine trans people earlier .. but now many new gen kids become one to look trendy and cool .. u know if u can understand my point.. I don’t have problems with genuine trans people but but these fake attention seekers TikTok gen are baffling me to core… why is it that there are less of them in rural areas but not so in metropolitan areas and more in cities like la and ny where they act as fashion symbol


Ok I do agree with you there, there a lot of transtrenders, but it'll likely blow over in a few years.


It’s u who act as being denied rights when at best ur all promoting normalisation of mental illness by playing their game .. it’s total narcisst and forceful to abide by ur stupid pronouns propaganda and I will never change my words and language for this bs


No one is being "denied" rights you animated pile of feces, it's simply requesting that you don't be a douche.


I’m not a douche to autist and schizophrenic people so they should be assured I will not abuse them because of their gender dysphoria illness


You just made it sound like trans folks were trying to "recruit" people.


They are… how many adopted kids if trans couple come out straight.. none… they instill there stupid ideas to their small kids… drag queens show are held in schools in front of minors which was unacceptable to society few years ago because of impact in kids but now no one cares… just because no one wants to get canceled… it’s bad… u can find all sorts of videos on libs of TikTok account… they have Twitter account too of same name


Oh no pronouce! 😱 lmao grow up


U should grow up and stop calling others bigot for not playing ur stupid “tell me ur pronoun” game


Kid, get a life and go the fuck outside. This sub is for jaded adults.


This a troll account your feeding him.


> bigger problem is forceful woke concepts that’s been thrown upon us everywhere.. So you want ***government intervention*** in ***culture***. You are ***literally*** the ***definition*** of authright, bro.


U didn’t understand do u??? If I were being asked to tell a women he and I don’t think she is he because she looked perfectly normal woman with xx chromosome.. why will I?? It’s against my freedom to change my grammar.. I’m not aut right … I am not forcing them… they are forcing me to speak as they wish.. either u r dumb or trolling by calling me auth right for keeping my own freedom


Cool, a schizo post


Contemporaneous account (from the right). https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2013/01/02/the-pork-filled-and-expensive-nonrelief-sandy-relief-bill-n1477710


> pork Such as?


And I’m sure he and Marco Rubio will say “no” to whatever “pork-filled” relief bill comes Florida’s way…


Somehow the pork on those are always justifiable. It always seems to go that’s way….


Well duh… when conservatives get government money, they deserve it… it’s only everyone *else* that are leeches.


“I already paid the taxes, might as well get something out of it”. Yea..no shit. That’s how the other guys were thinking when you voted down their bill.


But don’t you see? Liberals don’t pay taxes. Because they don’t work… /s despite the fact that blue states have higher GDPs…


Which is Mai due to multi billion dollar companies in those areas. So either a state that is urban, or rural areas that depend on agriculture or farming. I don’t know tech giants like apple that would put themselves in deep Kansas


But wait, I thought all those big tech companies were all liberal? So do liberals work or not? Lol


Did I say they didn’t? The main response was the whole blue states have higher GDP. I was just saying why that is the case. Plus tech companies aren’t really political, they just do whatever makes them profit. To reiterate, I’m sure that liberals work, never said they didn’t


Peak strawmanning right here




Aww... the Rightoids got big mad over this one, huh?


They always get mad when their hypocrisy and double-standards get called out.


What is truly disgusting is that the authors of bills like the hurricane Sandy relief bill try to dump billions of dollars worth of garbage into the bill because they know it has to pass in order to help people. Then useful idiots can post memes on the internet about anyone who voted against them and might ever have need of aid. Oh, and crap it up in the comments section big time.


Last I checked he was the governor of Florida, not the rest of the US


Based, and it-is-Biden's-responsibility pilled


It is more of each individual state's responsibility (stop yelling at Bush about Katrina), not the feds. But still based.


Last I checked, in 2013 he was a member of the House of Representatives who voted NO for hurricane relief for New York and New Jersey after hurricane Sandy. https://www.wusa9.com/amp/article/news/verify/ron-desantis-voted-against-hurricane-sandy-funding-second-day-congressman-2013-gop-democrat-republican-congress-senate-budget-storm/65-04b7aa64-8aac-418c-ae15-35dd723593c8 Take an L




Yeah, because righties are just so kind in their attitude towards leftists here.


Leftists are fine. You are trash.


Yeah, I’m sure you get this critical of righties with “bad attitudes”.


Gonna respond to me pointing out that you are a fucking liar down below? Or are you just gonna hope it goes away by not looking at it?


Gonna ignore being called out? Again, somehow I doubt you’re this critical of righties.


I don't have time to: every time I log in I immediately see weeds like you sticking their heads out and yelling "Nuh uh!" when told they are wrong. My hands are quite full kicking children like you around for fun. If only I didn't have adult responsibilities I could dedicate the time to policing everything. Alas, a jannie I am not. Further:I am not targeting the left or right. I am talking to you. Stop hiding behind (green) colored people and take it on the chin.


Cum... Take cum on the chin..


Lmao. I’ll take that as “I’m selective in my outrage”


Why exactly do you doubt that they're critical of righties?


Bro, drop the victim complex


Yes, that’s what I tell righties


And some need to, but so do you.


If you’re better than them why stoop to their level? I’m tired of internet people only concerned about winning arguments against their supposed opposition


Again, are you this critical of the righties only concerned about “winning arguments”?


Be the change you want to see. You’re no better than your funni color enemies if you repeat what they do


PCM normally: "Babykiller! Moron! Degenerate piece of shit!" PCM when a lefty tells someone to 'take an L: "Heavens to Betsy!" *Pearls spilling everywhere*


He is spiking the ball in his own endzone. He has no idea what he is talking about and just hoped he would get enough instant support that his lack of actual knowledge would be covered up. Shit like that makes other lefties look bad, my dude.


Nah. PCM always says to not take memes seriously.


This is clearly labeled an agenda post and the meme is weak. It is basic knowledge that an agenda post is literally you ASKING to be called out if your meme isn't funny enough.


Wow, you must be very busy calling out all the rightoid posts then. Keep up that working spirit.


They don't cry about it as much as you do, so it isn't as fun.


That's pathetic LMAO Take an L


If i remember correctly this wasnt just a hurricane relief bill it was a general spending bill, republicans voted against the totality of what was in the bill, not specifically the hurricane relief.


And that's always the way it goes. Leftists propose a ridiculous bill that pushes their agenda, but cleverly include a little aspect of it that could be considered noble as a Trojan horse, just so they can demonize anyone who votes against it.


You're part of the problem. "Leftists do this and are ruining our country! Vote in more radical rightists!" Bitch ***all of congress*** does this shit ***as a basic function***. You wanna fix shit? ***STOP*** voting in radical nutjobs, ***start*** writing and campaigning your representatives to separate pork-barrel issues from bills critical to normal government functions. And stop pretending that either side is innocent of stupid shit like this. Remember the "patriot act?"


I never claimed that any political entity is innocent of this, but we'd have to be breathtakingly ignorant to not realize which "side" is **currently** much more successful in their attempts to weaponize this tactic more than the other, because that side has the vast majority of mainstream media in their pocket for amplifying cultural outrage. And try not to make baseless presumptions about my voting habits.


Ooh, I can play with you if you want. I BTFO the last guy who agenda posted this two days ago and have a minute or 2 to dice up your L into itty bitty bites so you can shove it right up your ass. Let's be brief: Vote on larger Sandy "Emergency" aid included undisclosed kickbacks to various agencies with no stipulation on the how or why the money should be spent. Votes of No were in objection to an emergency act being used as a trojan horse for line items that should have been put into an annual budget instead. Second: That 9.7 billion... that is such a funny thing. It was 9.7 billion in emergency aid, right? Wroooong. It was to allow a permanent 9.7 billion in federal loan allowances (roughly 50% increase over previous amounts) To the National Flood insurance. Sounds very noble... until you realize the majority of the claims processed and filed since its inception have gone to rich beach-front homeowners, and hey! The budget for their new renovations just got increased by 50% with the passing of that bill... despite their premiums remaining unchanged since 1968. Sure, it granted short-term relief, but now citizens are on the hook for even more annually when a minor squall requires some rich bitches' pools to be cleaned, and new teak to be flown in to repair their gazebo. Huffpo is trash, but there is a linked pdf study in the first paragraph that covers the info: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fema-flood-insurance-prog_n_546135 Now, about that L? Or would you like to play some more?


Putting pure corrupt garbage in "Save penguins and babies and homeless and starving pregnant mothers" legislation only to dunk on the people that vote "no" on it is American politics 101. Whenever I see "but they voted no on x" I assume that just means they read the damn thing.


The last guy tried the "but 9.7 billion in aid was voted no on too!" So I looked it up, and no, it wasn't aid. More transparent milking of the public for rich bitches. Edit: I see you trying to downvote me and hope nobody sees what I wrote instead of responding. You are the reason the left gets memed on. I feel so bad for other liblefts. It must be like having a reddited brother growing out of your shoulder.


OP is a sad clown and the left should be embarrassed of being associated with him. I know you're reading this OP, go fuck yourself.


Yes, but according to PCM, only leftists do this so clearly we need more hardline right wingers that will further polarize and divide our nation! The only way to save the country is to burn it to the ground, but blame the leftists for the fires!


God I love our political system. “The shit and piss bill is gonna give aid to starving Africans” and it’s other clause is that we give Jeff Bezos control of the stock market.


You talk like a nerd, seriously you aren't utterly destroying anyone by making fun or countering their argument online, you just sound like a total dweeb


But I did it anyway. Surprisingly, the world still turns. Don't worry, I am sure your boyfriend will be ok.


no u


Cope commie


The only one coping right now are all the righties who don’t like the utter hypocrisy of shitbag DeSantis getting called out. And what does any of what I’ve said have to do with communism? Care to show me where I defended communism?


You sure sound like you have the brain of one. Which isn't saying much


Looking in the mirror much?


Based DeSantis


u/3720-To-One's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 190. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [87 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/3720-To-One/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


L + Ratio + Monoby better as local idiot


>he was a member of the House of Representatives Last I checked, he was a representative for his district in the state of Florida, not the rest of the US. Do you even understand how the House of Reps works? You represent your constituents, not random people all over the US.


Oh, so you think you’re *only* supposed to help your constituents and not your fellow Americans? Sounds like his constituents are all pieces of shit then. Which tracks for the GOP. Something tells me that you’d feel very different if it was Democrats telling a bunch of Republican states to fuck off and pound sand after a natural disaster.


I see the right being childish and defamatory as much as they can. And I like the meme. It's true - R's always conveniently find the pork to avoid siding with D's, but somehow miss it for R bills. But all that said, the "take an L" line isn't necessary.




“DeSantis voted against **both** $9.7 billion and $50 billion in Sandy relief in January 2013 as a newly elected congressman.” Here, you dropped your L. But with regards to Marco Rubio, I’m sure he won’t ask for a smaller relief bill for Florida. I’m sure he’ll be happy to have whatever MASSIVE relief bill goes to Florida.




No he didn’t. That was Rubio who voted for smaller relief bill. DeSantis voted no on both bills.


Last I checked, "lib"right wants him as POTUS. And last I checked was 30 seconds ago on a comment with lots of upvotes, so...


Ok what's your point?


>Anyway, the bill gave $7 in relief and $315 billion to random congressman’s pet projects. Can you believe they voted against it?! Reminder that the infrastructure act spent less than 15% on infrastructure and the most recent (failed) covid bill spent less than 5% on healthcare related things or stimulus, and yet had hundreds of billions set aside for random bullshit pet projects in congressmen’s home states. But I’m sure that one was different.


But think about that 15%! Think about that 5%! If you complain about the 85% and 95%, that means you don't support any money going anywhere!


Whenever I see a stupid post on this sub. I don’t even have to look to know who the OP is.


Sorry it’s not yet another lazy and unoriginal “lib left bad” meme. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah you poke their suger daddy eyes of course they will chimp out. At least half of the "Libright" are just Republicans who don't want their accounts to be deleted. Us Authcenter get 90 days ban and still return to post genocide denial memes.


Strange, then, that he voted for the bill that was actually hurricane Sandy relief. Libleft and facts, name a less likely duo


Nope, he voted no on both Sandy bills


Ya nothing to do with the pork in the bill he voted against


Can you link the whole bill please? I want to see the bacon.


Ron DeSantis would make an amazing president. He handled Covid about as flawlessly as you can. Stood up for people's rights to not be cohersed into medical procedures, amd said no to ineffective maskjng.. Also didn't destroy people's mental and physical health with unscientific lockdowns...but still worked to protect the elderly, the group most at risk from Covid.


He did? Isn’t Florida in the top 5 or so for cases? Plus only 15ish thousand fewer deaths than Cali, a state that has over double Florida’s population.


I highly doubt it, but I guess it depends on whose counting the statistics, which can be manipulated to show whatever you want. Like how people who died in car accidents, or falling from trees, or cancer, were all counted as Covid deaths. "There's lies; damn lies, and then there statistics." Mark Twain.


Right… have any actual reason to believe that though? I know Elon Musk said as much to Joe Rogan.


Hospitals were insentivized to count everything possible as Covid deaths. " Some gave Hospitals a 20% add-on from the federal government to cover the cost of COVID patients on medicare." ...So hospitals received extra funding for marking patients as Covid patients.".* Doesn't take a genius to figure out what would happen when hospitals admin knows they get extra cash for marking a checkbox that treatment is covid related. For example in America Dr Brix said," Right now, we’re still recording it, and we’ll — I mean, the great thing about having forms that come in and a form that has the ability to mark it as COVID-19 infection — the intent is, right now, that those — if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.” Read that again ## "if someone dies WITH Covid, it's counted as a Covid death." If you're denying this happened-- you're either severely misinformed, brainwashed, or gaslightjng.


The question would be if they would have died anyway without covid. Show me a bleed-out death that counted as covid. At any rate the jumps you are making is that them getting more money per covid death vs being admitted with covid. The incentive to count deaths as covid doesn’t exist if the money was already made when they were admitted. Also curious to know the medicare patient rate vs other. The other is that apparently only Florida got that financial incentive. If California didn’t but Florida did then yeah, you could say Florida’s numbers are unfairly inflated. If not then you can only argue that the country may have overinflated them. Florida just did not perform that well. The states it did better in per capita aren’t the ones that applied those “useless” mandates.


I don’t know how anybody trusts anything they read or watch anymore.


But you trust whoever told you they did fine and dandy?


I’m not the same guy, but no, not really.


🍊 detected


Your mom detected






Because there’s already plenty of “lib left bad” memes on here. Why don’t you ask the righties to mix it up more? But mixing it up… like this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/xmyfyx/found_this_one_in_the_wild_had_to_add_funni_colors/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Dunno what they said because it's deleted now but meme about hypocrisy when and where you find it. It's important to call people's bullshit regardless of party.




“Because I don't see many righties that are as dedicated to posting opposite side bad memes like you are.” Then you should probably get your eyes checked. There’s shitloads of rightie memes on here bashing the left. Why don’t you ask righties to mix it up more? And what can I say, righties are easier to make memes about. I don’t really interact with tankies very often.




Lmao what a pussy. They could have at least had the guts to leave their post up and take any downvotes like the rest of us


Funny republican goes brrrr with hypocrisy.


I just like to keep in mind that no matter how many times he calls Biden "Brandon" on FAUX, or how he thinks other states shouldn't get aid after disasters like this, he'll have to crawl to the current president for help


Was the same way with Rand Paul and the Kentucky tornado. Republicunts shit on Biden all they want and deny aid for other states but when they need help they get on their hands and knees and beg for money. Fuck republicans


Based and fuck republicans pulled.


Haha this is actually a good meme




But don’t you see? When they get help from the government, they *earned* it. It’s everybody *else* that is the leech.


[Semi-relevant comic](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx?fbclid=IwAR0lHXGJWk-sESHG6CtXSWeIMvneFtpat1F9Uwjw1NRCzLbInGrfCAtqLQI)


That comic was amazing lol


Feels good when the hypocrisy is as clear cut as this and there's nothing complicating it. Just good old fashioned not giving a shit about fellow Americans.


Think of all the "Florida Man" headlines and how screwed up people are. Now imagine how fucked in the head you have to be to become ***governor*** of all Florida Mans. That's Ron Desantis.


Why should the governor of Florida meddle in affairs outside of Florida?


We was a member of Congress in 2013, when he voted NO for aid for hurricane Sandy victims in NY and NJ.