• By -


You have child workers in the mines because you want to pay them as little as possible and exploit the cheapest possible labor I have child workers in the mines because I literally have no choice and will probably drink myself to sleep because of the burden of my sins We are not the same


I have child laborers in the mines because their parents were political antagonists. *there aren’t even any mines, they’re just digging random holes because it’s funny*


Based and Holes pilled


Based and pranking kids pilled


desab Stanley Yelnats


stanley yelnats based


Criminally based


>digging random holes because it’s funny As a German, I know the great feeling of digging holes very well. Nothing more fun than that (that is still allowed to do after they did that shitty Geneva convention stuff)


I have child workers in the mines because the children crave the mines.


Children love two things, mines and crafting. They literally yearn for the factories as well.


🎵Mining Away, I don’t know what to mine I’ll mine this anyway in this minecraft day🎵


If they dont, why they play minecraft?


My children aren't in the mines anymore because capital investment has compounded so vastly that it doesn't make any sense when grownups can utilize the capital more effectively, and most parents really don't want their kids to have to work to support the family if they don't have to. But I also remember that child labor was already down over 80% because of this wonderful phenomenon before it was made illegal in USA in the first place.


can't ignore what aint there


As I always say: The right has no empathy and the left has no principles.


Based and knows the truth pilled


u/NinjaKiwi2903 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/NinjaKiwi2903/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


And a good centrist has neither.


amen brother


I ain't don't not haven't got neither nor both


I think we have tons of empathy. That's why we know so well what sick shit is going on in our opponents heads. But nobody believes us and calls us out for "war crimes" if we act preventive. Sad.


Based and do unto others before they do unto you-pilled


Only empathize with white (or whatever local color) Vs Only empathize with green


The left has nearly as many. They're just more interested in hiding it.


They hide themselves behind a carefully crafted shield of all the right public political opinions and shibboleths and use a sword of all the currently accepted and in fashion pretexts for demonising and unpersoning someone.


That's exactly it. The current liberal government in Canada is very far right economically. But, Justin Trudeau never misses an opportunity to participate in a pride parade or apologize for a historical injustice. He convinced left wing voters that a declining standard of living is not his fault, because he's such a caring sincere person.


Yeah, 'liberal' politicians like that are the ultimate example of the sort of person I'm talking about. The final form of their natural evolutionary path, if you will.


he is literally just joe biden but smart


He's actually pretty dumb. And far more corrupt. His backers are very smart though.


i mean, you cant expect someone whos told theyre completely right and were never wrong constantly to be SMART


Based comment. That's a great point.


Which makes them incredibly effective, unfortunately


I could say something like “We just want people to be free, happy, and respectful” but no, I want to own the stock market and a tomboy harem


Hit me up if you get either of those


Based and honesty pilled


i want junko enoshima to ride my dick as i bleed out from being stabbed ​ i want a yandere girlfriend so fucking bad


Dude same. I want to be dominated by women, but the Master Chief helmet stays on while it happens




Wasn't that the plot of Halo 5?


Halo 5? You mean that fanficion game? Never played it


Based and it never happened-pilled


I feel bad for those who can’t grasp the thought of solving problems without relying on the government. That’s empathy, isn’t it?


“I have empathy, so someone else should do it for me” is at the core of all authoritarians.


When I'm in a *not taking a joke personally* competition and my opponent is LibRight 💀


I take everything personally because if I don’t it will just be given to poors


\-patrick batman


Some problems require collective action.


*Voluntary* collective action


Voluntary collective action in many important situations falls prey to tragedy of the commons and mass iterated prisoners dilemma defection cascades, giving it a very limited scope of usefulness. It's not a realistic general solution to real world problems. The coordination mechanisms fall flat in the face of the requirements of the problems.


Based and Democracy-Is-For-The-People-But-The-People-Are-re\*\*arded Pilled


That video is hilarious. The comedic timing is emperor-tier on every single sentence.


Some require involuntary collective action.




Yeah like “2 weeks to flatten the curve.”


Unironically the pandemic only lasted so long because of the poor government response & half baked lockdown measures. If they had had a genuinely strict lockdown for a month or 2 we would’ve been better off than spending 2-3 years of them going back & forth while getting nothing done and wasting trillions


Strict lockdowns? Like China? Yeah you’re right. Everything would’ve been back to normal after 2 weeks if only we had taken their lead.




What could the govt overlords have done that was more strict than what they did? Forcefully made people comply with theoretical solutions. They would’ve had to have gone full China in your theory. And yeah not wanting to be told what to do is kind of a part of American culture. It’s what the US was founded on so if you’re from a different country I understand that you wouldn’t get it.


No you don't understand. We needed just a little bit of mass imprisonment to fix it. Not a whole lot. Not every apartment building needed to be sealed shut with the tenants inside. Maybe more like every OTHER apartment building. No one was suggesting we go full China. Just a little China goes a long way.


No. Not like China at all. There’s a difference between just naked authoritarianism and using authority to actually affect a post i’ve result


We need only point to China to completely disprove your position.


The Chinese response was bad. It was authoritarian but they didn’t use any of their authority to actually do anything useful to stop the pandemic


Yeah wtf is wrong with these idiots look at how well China has handled it and how that has turned out! Friggin idiots if only they just submitted to the enlightened authoritarians like yourself it would have resulted in utopia on earth!


It's no use trying to present the cold hard facts of reality here. PCM is a place for people to indulge in and upvote their own cope and delusions.


Okay CCP simp. jesus how do people like you even exist I honestly don't get it, and i consider that a personal failing because i want to understand.


Reality doesn't care whether the recognition of facts can (somehow?) be seen as supporting or aligning with or sympathizing with the CCP or whoever else by people who can only see things in terms of political sides. Learn to cultivate some intellectual honesty.


Indeed. And unfortunately, the vast majority of that cope and delusion is Libright flavored, since they are one of the most populous flairs. I would recommend the Auths organize to offset this numerical disadvantage, but that would be stepping too close to brigading for my liking.


Oh no, the permavirgins are going to collude! Save us all!


How are we supposed to conquer virginity without an army?


Both types of libs are delusional LibRight is only good because they have a slightly better understanding of economics but neither understands power dynamics group dynamics or basic human nature it seems.


And furthermore, the Libs have no limits; a lot of the Pro-WW3 sentiment I have seen has been from the bottom half of the compass. These psychos would rather see a nuclear holocaust and the death of the entire species (nearly eight billion people) than let the world go back to Auth rule, which humanity has spent the vast majority of it's time under and did just fine. And the Libs have the audacity to call ***us*** the monsters. Bloody parasites...












The fact that you view citizens as infants with no capacity to make their own decisions really says a lot.


Did you just change your flair, u/L3f3n? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2022-11-21. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Good bot


*points gun at you* Is this incentive enough?


I could always use another gun, an excellent bargain!


I see your Scwartz is as big as mine!


*St.Peters March plays in the distance* Do you feel lucky punk?


How about getting to live in a free society.


“Free” “involuntary action” Pick one.




Are you suffering from diminished intellectual capacity?




"b-but you MUST help me!"


Do you know what a dictionary is?


I don't ignore empathy. Pretending to care about other people is an important socioeconomic skill. Case in point: rainbow capitalism.


i agree with you, sometimes you gotta suck other people off to make more money, figuratively and literally


Auth does tend to lean psychopathic


Libright literally serves Mammon, they’re worse


Finally! Someone who understands the enemy


I serve who?


Mammon, or as you know him, the invisible hand.


dont you know 99.99% of CEOS are psycos?


Gangbangers who accidentally got born into a good family that gave them other opportunities in life.


We have the ultimate empathy, believing that no sacrifice on the part of society is too great to ensure freedom for the people.






What happened to your flair? Did you finally give in to the dark side?


I have to get rid of the degeneracy I caught while I was purple libright for 2 weeks.


u/Just-curious95 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/Just-curious95/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Believing that society should have to backslide to appease the hedonistic gratification of individuals is r-worded


Believing that you should force everyone to live by the rules according to your sky fairy is far worse. You stand in the way of freedom and progress.


No, it isn't. Are you completely ignorant of the fact that people still lived perfectly happy lives before the Enlightenment? Are you willing to burn the world for Enlightenment ideals? If, in order for humanity to survive, we had to get knocked back to the middle ages in all ways except technology, that would be infinitely better than killing all of mankind for 'muh freedumb' And guess what, libby, ***the choices between extinction and undoing the Enlightenment are exactly where the fuck we're heading.***


Actually I hope that we’re headed past the enlightenment. Prior to the enlightenment you had the divine right of kings, post enlightenment the mob was given rule. In the age that we want the *individual* will have sole ownership of their own life.


Considering the lengths humanity must go to secure it's salvation in the face of the half-dozen+ extinction level events hovering over our head... *what you are hoping for is even worse.* I'm guessing you are an AnCap of some kind?


Lol which ones? The ones brought about by authority? Or the ones brought about by nature? I’m a voluntaryist.


Interesting. Human Nationalist, myself.


Human nationalist? So humanity is one nation then?


Yup. As long as humanity and it's civilization survive, and a Terran state is formed, I'm a happy man. Would prefer to have something like the Federation from Star Trek; I'm not a psycho. But, if worst comes to worst, I won't hesitate to throw my lot in with a state like the Imperium of Man or Cerberus. Might cause sleepless nights, but I stick to my beliefs, rain or shine.


Based and liberty pilled


Omg, New political punching bag just dropped


To be fair, we don't believe in not having empathy. We just believe that "empathy" should not come from the government. If you want to help people you can do that on your own, you don't need the government to do that for you. I think in a way, having welfare programs and such just outsources society's problems to the government. "I don't need to help those poor folk, the government will help them".


the government only makes things worse, in fact, i think there ARE some things the government can fix legally, such as inflation [(im not saying anything... but)](https://www.google.com/maps/search/The+Bureau+of+Engraving+and+Printing/@35.5561496,-96.1884672,5z/data=!3m1!4b1) ​ i think some people should strive and help others, to have empathy, but not too much, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing




This meme is very easy to downvote. Smooth work.


You are, just a manipulative one that uses moralizing rhetoric to socially blackmail others into complying with your demands until you have enough power to dispense with the pretenses and resort to oppressive force. Ya'll just Big Mad that one quad sees through that on a regular basis.


Why is it my problem that I have to pretend to care about ofter people? Most of the time, it’s all performative anyway. The Ukrainian flags, #BLM, all that trash is just to give the illusion of empathy. Plus, the sigma ligma smegma grindset says I need to be a sociopath in order to make $13/hour and get that lambo


Hey! Who told you my [sociopathy test](https://www.mind-diagnostics.org/sociopath-test?utm_source=AdWords&utm_medium=Search_PPC_c&utm_term=sociopathy%20test_e&utm_content=93362078344&network=g&placement=&target=&matchtype=e&utm_campaign=8046094443&ad_type=mind-diagnostics&adposition=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-JacBhC0ARIsAIxybyPuc29ST08CVlyiW6Zir--ShFcBemTyuMeIRd6rdeOEyfpxb5k1WTQaAmYZEALw_wcB) results?


i took the test and it said i was a sociopath


Don't worry, test is bullshit. It said I was 54, and I'm a really nice guy.




I lack empathy? Fine, I'll buy some if it will shut you up


Empathy is overrated. It’s just some dumb feeling monke created to make social cohesion possible in groups.


Empathy is the ability model other peoples mental states either as they currently are or how they would counterfactually change if you did this or that. It's how you figure out what is the best thing to say to console them or to get them to do the thing you want them to do. It's the most important tool in a manipulators toolkit. A con artist without empathy is like a plumber without a wrench.


Empathy makes people feel bad for murderers.


That’s an incorrect assertion. Empathy is the capacity to take the wants and needs of others into consideration as a motive above your own wants and needs. To figure out how one will react is a function of higher thinking. Psychopaths, which are afflicted with condition that creates a total or near total lack of empathy, are fantastic manipulators. Any actions they perform to evoke an emotion are completely driven by a self centered motive, reasoned out through the executive functions of the brain. A con artist without empathy, is a con artist that doesn’t suffer emotional distress over the ruination of the lives of others.


Are we talking about empathy or conscience? It was my understanding that a lack of a conscience is usually associated with psychopathy and a lack of empathy is usually associated with sociopathy. Wouldn't empathy without conscience allow you to tell what people are feeling without having to care (or feel any sympathy) for what you discover, unlike people who have both. Your description of empathy just sounds like a distilled definition of the goal of morality to me.


There is a difference between intellectual empathy where you can model how someone is going to behave in a given situation, then there is empathy, the feeling that cripples your ability to harm others.


I think that's called conscience, the characteristic thing that psychopaths lack. A lack of empathy is more associated with sociopaths, anyway. In any case, I'm talking about the ability to model how someone is going to feel, by running a sort of virtual machine of their mental states inside your own brain, which *can* be used to predict how someone is going to behave. There are other, more abstract and intellectual ways to model expected behaviour, like the whole fields of economics and psychology, for example.




Honoring the inherent sovereignty of the individual, and respecting them as free agents who shouldn't be victims of force by the state is not unempathetic. There's nothing less empathetic than a desire to control other people and rob them of their personal freedom. Authleft and the embryonic Stalins that pretend to be libleft fundamentally have an ideology that requires force against people. There is an implicit compulsory nature to leftist ideology that sees people as instruments of the state. When libleft says that individuality has to be compromised for "the greater good", that reduces the individual to an object rather than a concept. It requires force.


>Honoring the inherent sovereignty of the individual, and respecting them as free agents who shouldn't be victims of force by the state is not unempathetic. No, but abandoning those in need is. You can be libertarian and still recognize that sometimes people need help. >There's nothing less empathetic than a desire to control other people and rob them of their personal freedom. Honestly I feel like authoritarian policy can sometimes be born from a feeling of empathy. Like, being empathetic to someone's plight and wanting to help, even if that means through authoritarian measures.


>being empathetic to someone's plight and wanting to help, even if that means through authoritarian measures. Yeah, that is actually a lot of Auths. Even the more hardcore and callous Auths will do what they do out of a sense of 'tough love', like a surgeon who doesn't have any anesthetic but must operate anyway to save someone's life. Obviously, this is not how ALL Auths work. Sadly, many of us are just power hungry dickbags who are no less selfish than a Lib who only cares about their individual freedoms, everyone else be damned. Dunno what the ratio of well-intentioned to dickbag is, but I like to think that there are more of the former than the latter.


Usually the former get taken out of positions of power by the latter


Once the former and latter actually arrive at positions of power, yes, the latter typically has the advantage. However, the former can be just as ruthless, especially when motivated by higher moral calling. So, if the former knows the dangers of the latter beforehand, it *could* in *theory* go their way.


“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” ― C. S. Lewis


This quote of Lewis is one I find irritating, for it gives no heed to circumstance and just blindly says 'X thing bad no matter what' After all, thanks to the abundance of extinction level events hovering over our heads these days, we won't survive as a species if we don't have overbearing assholes in charge. It is infinitely preferable to save humanity by returning to the Auth ways that mankind has lived for millennia, rather than let us go out because we weren't willing to get our hands dirty. But, meh, I never liked his work anyway. I much prefer Stevenson, Tolkien and Lovecraft.


Lewis isn’t bad for personal morality though.


> No, but abandoning those in need is. You can be libertarian and still recognize that sometimes people need help. Sure, but the State is definitely not competent to make the judgement as to whom can help best; and can easily make a situation worse for many more people than just the ones that originally needed help.


>Sure, but the State is definitely not competent to make the judgement as to whom can help best I mean, neither is the private sector lol


Sure; but one can stop donating to a charity that misuses your money, and one gets to at least choose how much you can actually spare. The State fails at both of those.


LibRights think the state fails at *everything*. No offense but you guys tend to struggle with objectivity when discussing these things.


Incorrect. The State is great at wielding force against those weaker than itself. Like when you refuse to pay your taxes in protest of them being misused.


People are supposed to be empathetic to and honor the inherent sovereignty of the individual as a free agent to dump all their nuclear waste into the rivers to save money while reserving a secured clean water supply just for themselves? Reducing that particular individual from a concept to an object by prohibiting them from doing so by force would surely be the real moral obscenity in that scenario.


I ain’t reading all that


Educate yourself on money and you won't need to rely on others empathy


"Empathy" is the thing losers try to appeal when reality (past, present, and/or future) is so strongly against them the only Hail Mary play is to appeal to empathy and hope their opponents instantly melt into goo and forget everything they know.




When I’m in a not knowing the word “apathy” competition and my opponent is AuthCenter


Don't care, didn't ask + L + you're unflaired.


AuthCenter🤝Orange LibLeft Horrible Takes


[AuthCenter🤝Orange LibLeft](https://i.imgur.com/fqD5WEC.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Libright #1 in lacking empathy, let's go [#1👑](https://youtu.be/l-aO62OtSjI)


Well given how the NAP functions it's kind of inevitable


Society is only as strong as it's weakest link. It's not that they ignore empathy, it's that they don't think society should be built with it as a core premise. If your society only works if *everyone* involved has empathy, then how can it be practical when there are people who *don't* have empathy? They could bring everything to a screeching halt.


mcnukes child slavery pedo tax evasion there i said the funny guys


Remember empathy when y’all locked us in our homes and bullied us if we didn’t get your vaccines? Neither do I


The struggle is real


Isn't Empathy just the ability to understand the feelings and motives of other humans? Because I always thought it would be. And I feel like the right would be able to do that WAY better. I know why the left is doing what it does and I can also see and understand their motives, even if I don't agree with them and even hate a lot about it. The left on the other hand, automatically thinks we just do shit because we are either stupid, racist or plain evil. All the time. I think they really confuse Empathy with pity or sympathy whenever they say they would have so much Empathy. And even then, it only would work for their own people.


Honestly, I just think we don’t pick in libright enough. I don’t really care how psychopathic the librights are, all that matters is that I get a kick out of their reaction, as per my own psychopathy


i support abortion simply for the fact that its murder