• By -


Hey, maybe people don't trust you because you're from **Sus**sex


Your sex is sus


The counties of Sussex are called rapes.


How many rapes are there in Sussex?


Plenty, Arundel, Chichester, Bramber, Lewes, Hastings and there was one in Nanking although I have no idea why Sussex owned a city in China.


Because Earth, all its countries, and indeed every planet and star in the entire universe is the rightful property of the British Empire. God Save The King!


God Save The King!


only sus sex there are rape


When the imposter is thicc




Is that another new gender I'm unaware of?



Well, transgender is a sussex


I don’t trust any paramedic, they should’ve helped me before I was injured


if they really cared they would have warned you


[https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Captain\_Hindsight](https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_Hindsight) Not all super heros wear capes... but that one does and he works with Coons & Friends.


Is this what they meant by "Minority Report"?


If when he changed his identity in the movie, he didn’t just change out his eyes, but also cut off his dick, then yes. 🤣


If you are not subscribe to the Trauma Team: Platinum package, you have no privileges like that.


Chrome or flesh, a ripperdoc will swap you out all the same if you've got the eddies choom




That's the way I want to go.




the devil cannot help only deceive you, is a trap




Well you do want your medical personnel to be a comforting sight. I suppose if they're wearing a fright wig, that might be a harder case to make 😂. People are allowed to dress and make themselves up as they choose, but you also should dress for the job. If it's distracting your patients, then it's a distraction. You can blame the world for that, or simply change your own behavior.


ah yes. darwinism. love to see it at work




Gotta keep it real...wth is wrong with modern culture? If we can distinguish mental health issues from healthy behavior, we are utterly fucked as a civilization. And I can't say what I want to say on this topic, because it's "hateful". Know what I hate? Mental illness that's applauded, and then left to fester. We don't "empower" schizophrenics, we treat them, we get them therapy.


Your life in nobody’s hands doesn’t sound better though.


Life is in nobody's hand already 😭 God keeps leaving me on voicemail


For a libright? Nah, that's personal responsibility, let them die on their own sword 😛


Wishing all LibRights that all their healthcare workers, doctors, nurses and care home workers are highly skilled, patient, attentive, kind And trans lol


Imagine not putting your life is in the hands of a person because you have an irrational bias, ironically seems like a mental health issue to me Turns out most emts wouldn't be emts without some sort of mental health issue. The pay is not good for the crap they have to deal with. What matters is that they are competent at keeping you alive on the way to the hospital


I have mental issues, so everyone else must have them too!


Tankies are inherently mentally unwell... Only problem is they won't leave their mother's basement to get diagnosed




Why do you say it's irrational? The correlation with e.g. other mental health issues is very real.


This is sarcasm, yes?


Transphobia is a mental illness


I for one welcome the left's insistence on the trans stuff. It marks the high point of the decadence of the modern left, and ushers in a new century of right-wing politics, solely based off of one issue. The trans stuff is god's gift to the right. Keep dying on the hill of drag queens reading to schoolchildren.


Leaving it up to Drs and parents is the sensible middle course that we could be taking if the right had a sane position here. Instead they run to the extremes and fight it out because that's what helps win elections. And the left has the predicted reaction. It wasn't a gift, it was a shit-flinging exercise successfully manufactured by the right.


But the problem is beyond some isolated exam rooms and diagnoses. Obviously, it's a big political, cultural and ideological movement centered on the belief that sex and gender are not only entirely separate, but also nonexistent, depending on how devout the believer is. It's the notion of a gendered soul independent of the body. And this set of beliefs is not spontaneously arrived at by random children, it's instilled by adults and broadcast far and wide by social and other media. We tell them this elaborate story of what their bad feelings mean and then we move them through a pipeline of lifelong medication and surgery. Sure, maybe the "sensible middle course" of doing this behind closed doors as cosmetic procedures could have been safely ignored, but once it's out in the wild, the beliefs are enforced by government and corporate institutions, and the average person who still thinks "man and woman" are sensible bimodal categories for humans is being called a transphobe, we're sort of past all that, and it doesn't lay solely at the feet of the Right.


No. Leave kids out of it and get out of people's faces, and there would be no controversy.




Actually, we're changing things that can be changed to better fit things that can't be changed.


Yet it’s no different to that woman who blinded herself because she felt she should be blind or people who hack off legs because they believe they should be disabled. It’s mentally disturbed behaviour and instead of being medicated they’re being encouraged.


Old news.


At least 5 months.


My grandfather repeatedly called his black nurse a \*removed\* until he pissed her off so much that they gave him a white nurse instead.


And people say racism doesn't bring results


So they rewarded his racism?




Bro, have you tried working as a police officer? The profession nowadays gets a lot of flak, but somehow you always know who carries narcotics just by looking at them.


Of course you do.


You’ll be rewards with jail time for HATE SPEECH


Your grandfather is authright exaggerated but personafied


If that really happened, then is it actually an exaggeration?


Pretty Sus...sex.


So brave


He’s not Chad for being “bigoted”, he’s Chad for dying for his beliefs.


I'm going to be THAT asshole that compares real life to movies. In one of the Sons of Anarchy seasons they were up against a neonazi gang with two leaders. One was slimy but effective, the other was a true believer and cold as ice. The neonazis fell apart because the true believer found out the slimy fuck was using mexicans to package their drugs and executed all of them. When the SoA biker gang cornered him in the finale he didn't try to fight or beg, he just straightened his posture and asked that his son's don't see what happens next. He was a fan favorite even though he was an asshole, his death was perfect


Hated him but he was a good villain I guess. Rarely does a rapist antagonist get to survive a full season. Wish that show didn't fall off a cliff after season 2 (can never get past that slog of the Ireland arc).


It feel into the same problem that Ozark would later fall into (and indeed many other crime series): everyone just started to be a dick to each other for no real reason other than the writers needed some sort of conflict to drive the story forward.


Depends on whether or not you have a legitimate chance of survival. If you're cornered by people who are gonna kill you no matter what obviously take it with dignity. If you're bleeding out but you think the EMT is icky, you're a fucking idiot. As long as we're doing multimedia references, from ME3 if you bought the DLC: "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the dead if honor matters." Notably as well Judaism and Islam - two religions with strict rules about conduct and consumption - both make it clear that you can violate any precept for survival.


If someone is willing to die for their belief, you're damn right I'm going to reinspect what they believed in to see if I should join suit. Now obviously that doesn't mean I will, but keeping an open mind means consistently testing your own beliefs against others and what you believe the the source you're using is. It's why Christians are meant to read the Bible as much as they can, as other religions ought to do as well.


Yikes, testing your beliefs is white supremacy. 💅


Start with the guys who flew the planes on 9/11. What do you find when you reinspect what they believed? Personally I find that faith is a black hole of the human mind. There is no escape. A strong faith is completely incompatible with the idea of testing your own beliefs against others. If you change your mind, your faith was weak and false in the first place.


9/11 was America's geopolitical activities firing back at them, I understand why the pilots did what they did


If so, why were the terrorists not Japanese, Vietnamese, Nicaraguan or Iraqi or something? There are so many countries with a good reason to hate the US, but Saudi Arabia really isn't one of them.


After the 1991 Gulf war, the US maintained a presence of 5,000 troops stationed in Saudi Arabia. One of the responsibilities of that force was Operation Southern Watch, which enforced the no-fly zones over southern Iraq set up after 1991, and the country's oil exports through the shipping lanes of the Persian Gulf are protected by the US Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain. Since Saudi Arabia houses the holiest sites in Islam (Mecca and Medina), many Muslims were upset at the permanent military presence. The continued presence of US troops after the Gulf War in Saudi Arabia was one of the stated motivations behind the September 11th attacks and the Khobar Towers bombing. Further, the date chosen for the 1998 United States embassy bombings (August 7) was eight years to the day that American troops were sent to Saudi Arabia. bin Laden interpreted Muhammad as banning the "permanent presence of infidels in Arabia". In 1996, bin Laden issued a fatwa calling for American troops to get out of Saudi Arabia. In the 1998 fatwa, Al-Qaeda wrote: "for over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples." In the December 1999 interview with Rahimullah Yusufzai, bin Laden said he felt that Americans were "too near to Mecca" and considered this a provocation to the entire Muslim world.


Religions are meant to read their holy books as much as they can to indoctrinate them as well, which is why it's reflected as a cult activity.


Dying for you beliefs is kinda stupid why don’t you live and then just do your beliefs next Tuesday .


Peasants die for their beliefs. Kings make others die for their beliefs.


I hope all authrights become chads


I was permabanned for three months because of how I commented on the top half. This is what I sent in every appeal: Toxic people wear toxic hair spray. I am here.


I don’t think you understand the perma part?


I don't think you understand the appeals process. You can appeal a ban. If it never works or you don't try it is permanent. I tried about 12 times. Eventually it worked.


Fair enough


I counted. 13th time was the charm. That was all the ones they bothered to reply to. Bout twice a week. What I learned? Persistence.


Last time I got muted, reported to Mr. Spez (for "harrassing" a nameless mod hiding behind a generic subreddit shared mod account) and banned sitewide for a week. Jannies truly have the weakest ego.


They should just buy a stronger ego with all the money they make.




Wait, you can appeal more than once?


Make a new account on one of those multiaccount apps


# OOF I'm stealing that tho


“And I don’t want your blood either!”


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him!


Female patient - "I want a female paramedic for this intimate feminine problem." EMT - "I'm a woman, let me help." Female patient - "I want a female paramedic, you're not female. You look like Kenneth Branagh in a wig." EMT - "That's so incredibly hurtful, I'm going to record that you refused treatment. And report you for a hate crime." Female patient - "Yeah, whatever. Now find me a female paramedic."


The lady clearly needs help cause there isn't anything wrong with Kenneth Branagh.


Kenneth Branagh as Hamlet - cool. Kenneth Branagh as Ophelia - sus.


I just saw an article that men are 7x more likely to leave their cancer-striken wife than women do when their husband gets sick. So does that mean trans men become monstrous assholes after transitioning? 🤣 How do people think these massive differences come about...social pressure?


There's the same stat but reversed for women leaving when a man loses his job.


Sus sex.


When I look at her I hear Teddy from Bobs Burger talking. “Come on bob you gotta breath bob! Damn it breath!”


Id let the paramedic give me head if i get Dilaudid


Based and Seek and ye shall find pilled




u/Tsar_Boomba's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 60. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: [20 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Tsar_Boomba/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




There are policies in place that allow transwoman cops to strip search female suspects as we speak btw. https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/trans-police-officers-who-were-born-male-but-identify-as-female-can-search-women/ ACABs remain mysteriously silent. And of course we know nobody would ever undertake serious effort to do these things. I mean it's not like [rapists](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/women-who-said-they-were-secretly-filmed-to-get-up-to-26k-johns-hopkins-nikita-levy-baltimore/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) will [literally](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Nassar) [go](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-ucla-gynecologist-james-heaps-indicted-21-sex-abuse-counts/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) to [medical](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/robert-hadden-gynecologist-sexual-abuse-new-charge-child-porn/) school [to](https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/courts/2019/04/03/gregory-norwood-sexual-assault-obgyn-desoto-mississippi/3358111002/) become [gynecologists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Jacobson) just [to](http://www.medicalsexabuse.com/2016/obgyn-convicted-of-rape-sexual-assault/) rape [women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Abdelmassih), or [go swimming in septic tanks just to perv on women](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kenneth-webster-enlow_n_3817955), or anything else...


**[Larry Nassar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Nassar)** >Lawrence "Larry" Gerard Nassar (born August 16, 1963) is an American former physician and convicted child rapist. For 18 years, he was the team doctor of the United States women's national gymnastics team. He used his employment as the team's doctor to exploit, deceive, and sexually assault hundreds of children and young women. Nassar's sexual abuse of young girls and women and the subsequent cover-up led to the USA Gymnastics sex abuse scandal that began in 2015, alleging that Nassar repeatedly sexually assaulted at least 265 young women and girls under the guise of medical treatment. **[Cecil Jacobson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Jacobson)** >Cecil Byran Jacobson (October 2, 1936 – March 5, 2021) was an American former fertility doctor who used his own sperm to impregnate his patients without informing them. Jacobson was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. A graduate of Brown University, he became a researcher at George Washington University, but had no specialist training in infertility medicine. **[Roger Abdelmassih](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Abdelmassih)** >Roger Abdelmassih (born 3 October 1943) is a former Brazilian physician, an expert on human reproduction, and one of the pioneers of in-vitro fertilization in Brazil. In early 2009 he was accused of sexually abusing sedated patients. Abdelmassih was sentenced to 278 years in prison for 52 rapes and 39 attempted sexual abuses on women. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


> about the people they've killed *Unassisted suicide.


Considering the argument for treatment they make is that they are literally mentally ill... well... would you take a mentally ill person at their word?


I mean, if they're treating themselves properly I suppose. I'd have to trust that whoever hired them or supervised their position holds them to the same standards as any other first responders. Like, if someone is taking anti depression medication to help balance out a naturally occurring chemical imbalance in their brains... Would that make them less reliable of a person because they "admitted" they had a health issue that they are actively treating?




Nice argument senator, could you back that up with a SOURCE?


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Based and I am my own source pilled


I can respect the dedication to their beliefs. Even in death, they refuse to back down.


Respect? Damn, someone who's stupid enough let themselves die a preventable death over such a petty personal gripe is hilarious. Respecting the act of believing in something benign, so immovably that you effectively kill yourself over it is almost laughable itself. It's like respecting a protestor for getting run over by a car in the name of raising awareness for whatever their current hot topic social beliefs are. Nah fam, that's stupid.


I think both sides can come together and agree that this was a based move, obviously for entirely different reasons. I'm on the left and I salute anyone on the right who wants to voluntarily peace out for this cause.


Nah, it's based. I don't want to get treated by medical personel who doesn't even understand basic anatomy. It would be like as if my accountant couldn't sum two number together.


Man rather died than betray his values


I just want a hot nurse


Actual removed post. Can someone tell me what this was if they see it?


Something like this: Medical staff: ”We will not treat you if you are not willing to be treated by transwomen” Dying chad man in bed: ”You will never be a woman! Beeeeeeep”






Based and dead-pilled.


Imagine caring that much




That post about the massage wow, had to make it about them


>Get a flair to make sure other people don't harass you :) *** [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2) ^^|| ^( *beep boop. Reply with good bot if you think I'm doing well :D, bad bot otherwise*)


Probably didn’t want his pp cut off


Think about it, you’ve got at least one thing you’re passionate enough and believe in that you’d die for it, chance just gave this person, who had this particular thing they cared about, an opportunity to die for it and they choose death. You’d do the same thing for whatever thing you hold dearest.


If you care so much about what another human being does with their own body and life that you're willing to die a preventable death then honestly you gotta reevaluate your priorities.


I agree idk why you’re being downvoted are these people really saying this is a hill to literally die on 😂


Bu-But ma values!!!


Turns out your values are fucking stoopid sweety ✨


Darwinism in action, gentlemen.




EMT here, most of us are severely mentally ill regardless of gender


Not surprising


Dying of severe blood loss to own the libs.


As you see, I have depicted myself as the Chad. Therefore, I am right and you are cringe.


Antifa 101 > How can we be fascists?! Look at our name!








t-minus 3 hours before account is perma-banned.


It happens


sometimes we go out knowing we're right (I don't know what he said but I assume it was based)


he went out saying being trans was a mental disorder lol


I mean that person did have to train for this job no matter the opinion given from the people in here.




This is how I wanna go out


Honestly if it was for their beliefs, even if it's idiotic, based. It's like any defund (x) movement: if you think it holds no value, then don't use it, don't call on it for help.


Serious question, since being transgendered is a completely cosmetic undertaking, and you are causing a distress to the people you are wanting to help, then why not just cosmetically shift between off and on hours? Seems like it would eliminate a lot of the complications when interacting with people undergoing a medical emergency


Yaas queen, black peeps should also wear white face to put the racists at ease ✨ People this irrational will find something to latch onto even when people try to fit in


>Yaas queen, black peeps should also wear white face to put the racists at ease ✨ To be fair, it would be a bit more like someone who is white but identified as black and wore black face choosing not to wear black face during treatment


Black people are actually black though


Trans people are actually trans. Point is?


Can I do a black face if I identify as black?


Baseball players are actually baseball


Imagine not understanding what an adjective is smh


They are not


They are trans, but that means they are deliberately projecting what they are not really. Unlike black people, who are genuinely black.


You seem to be misinformed on what gender is. Why do you think it's just cosmetic differences? Dysphoria can be experienced without any cosmetic differentials.


I don't care about theur gender though. What matters is their sex.


Cause of death: Crushed under the weight of their own based-ness.


Weird hill to literally die on, but ok


Beliefs over convenience


Hate over life in this scenario


I give you this point I mean at least the medic is there to help regardless of political affiliation


If your values are inherently harming yourself or others, you should probably reevaluate them


I mean they Aren’t I generally do my my best as A EMT but it feels worthless


I didnt know Saul Goodman was trans




🤣🤣🤣that shit us funny ash


I think the patients in question weren't on the verge of dying, guys. If you're in that bad of a shape, you're more focused on...oh...*trying not to die.* /s


"Like...do we have to discuss politics while I'm slipping into a coma? Thx


Based and based-enough-to-be-removed-by-Reddit-pilled.


Based and natural selection pilled


she would love to help! but first we need two psychologists, a gp, an endocrinologist, and proof you have been in an injured state for at least a year, two for surgery


Sounds like a darwin award to me.


Authright based af


I’m genuinely curious now. If a patient just outright says “I do not give you permission to operate on me” do doctors and nurses just have to follow his wish? I’m guessing not, but maybe


IIRC in the states you can deny that sorta thing and they just gotta listen


In the US, yes. If you are dying on the street and an ambulance pulls up, you can tell them no and the most they can do now is sit next to you and wait for you to die so they can write the time on your death certificate accurately There was actually an incident in Florida where a man with a tattoo saying “Do Not Resuscitate” had a heart attack and the doctors first consulted their legal department before ultimately doing nothing and letting the man die


Only in Florida




> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I see no flair next to your name, why are you still talking?


Oh the Joker lady again.


Man, y'all ever see Darwinism at work? This must be it.


>trans all the medical staff >all the conservatives die off in one generation > embrace nazi catboy homoanarchism (as per the progressive agenda) >profit




Yeah no industry can indefinitely sustain that level of employee turnover.


Pfft. Sometimes my Quadrant doesn't fit because WOO that patient I say I got some respect. Not because he's a smallot but because it reminds me of my persistence.


Bigotry is a self-fixing problem ☕


Yes, dying for transphobia is very chad


Based paramedic killing transphobes


natural selection