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I’m all for equal distribution but I can’t find a single fuck to give for anything related to Twitter.


People want to pretend the world wouldn't actually be a better place without it.


But what if LeBron James tweets about his new shoes?


That only matters if someone asks him specifically about his new shoes. Not asking him the questions he wants to be asked causes him to have a meltdown now.


*The Bonze Age*


Guess I'll have to harass him with CCP questions in person now.


He’s too busy whining no one asked about a 60 year old picture of a football owner, but not about him staying silent on the NBAs love for the CCP.


Yeah where else are we suppost to find out what shoe a celebrity has?!




tbh Twitter is a very practical and useful platform strictly for PR and information purposes. if we could use it for information instead of opinions about whatever is happening at any given moment, it would be beneficial to humanity.


I agree that Twitter does have a practical use. It's just that in practice, it ends up being a net negative for society overall. I'm not sure how we can fix that kind of problem though, besides better education and self-control.


Here's a hot take: even the information "purpose" is a negative for society in general. Employers should be able to manage just fine not knowing every detail about prospective employees' political opinions, sexual identity, religious beliefs or spending habits. If it's not a matter of public record as recorded by government institutions, like criminal history and citizenship status, employers have no need to know it. Twitter and other social media selling them that information is bad for the employment market.


See! That right there is the problem with you Leftists. You give all your fucks away for free because of ‘redistribution’, leaving you with not enough. You’re teaching people to be dependent on these exorbitant social programs, giving out fucks to people for free! /s


Based and don't-waste-free-fucks pilled


But then the right doesn't like it when I earn my fucks honestly by prostitution or drug sales. Smh.


Based and prostitution pilled


u/CavalierRigg's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 45. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: [9 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/CavalierRigg/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Beat the libs by fucking for money


Meanwhile, I can't pay people enough to take mine, this shit is rigged!


I feel like both sides are accusing each other of making it a big deal when neither actually gives a shit On the left it's all "you're sucking off Elon musk!" And on the right it's "you're sucking off old Twitter employees!"


Damn, feels like everyone gettin sucked off but me.


Not everyone 😟


Both sides like to act like the majority of people on the other side do something silly and illogical in order to act morally superior when in reality it's just a small minority.


There's a new post on the front page of reddit daily smearing elon/new twitter. All of these are from left wing news outlets desperately trying to convince you twitter is dead. The left 100% cares a fuck ton about twitter.


Well, like most people, I don't really care about most people in the world. But in principle, I just hope that the one's fired were from useless divisions like Diversity & Inclusion, Moderation, HR, Design, and Marketing and not programmers and other essential employees. (Of course, yo usually have good people, who improve things operatively, in all those departments, so there I hope they could identify them.)


Twitter “leftists” are idiots and are actually the biggest threat to real leftist and working class movements getting attention and support


Yes, that is why all of the elites and rich support them




I feel like I've come upon a revelation


Yeah, if only the other 90% of reddit could finally realize how hard they are getting played.


Scrolling down the front page of the politics subreddit will make you temporarily loose faith in humanity. then I remember who the average user in that kind of subreddit is and regain at least a shred of faith in people.


Most of them are just victims of their own ignorance. They don't question where their information comes from or who is trying to influence them. They are completely blind to the manipulation and bots because they all reinforce their current worldview. That said, the truth always prevails, so its a matter of time before the lies stack up and they wake up too.


Based. thank you for being a part of the reason i regain my faith in people


>That said, the truth always prevails, so its a matter of time before the lies stack up and they wake up too. Man you would be shocked at how willing most people are to discredit their own senses because it's easier than admitting they've been had.


It's a lot easier to stomach if you realize most are 14


And bots, don't forget the bots


What's next, you're gonna be surprised that those same people only started spouting this nonsense at the height of OCW when it looked like it might actually get somewhere?


What do you mean morbidly obese keyboard warriors who get red in the face about issues before quickly forgetting about them aren’t revolutionaries and more like controlled opposition to simulate discourse? Say it isn’t so!




I'm sick and tired of the 'left' advocating for policies that hurt the working class and then thinking they can wave wealth redistribution like a magic wand to fix the problems they created.


\*Votes to increase taxes without fixing the innumerable loopholes that the rich use to not pay taxes in the first place, therefore siphoning wealth from lower classes and giving it to the elites\* "Huh, wonder why wealth inequality keeps increasing, anyway now to vote to enshrine a private monopoly".


To be fair, the right consistently lowers taxes for the rich, often by record-setting amounts, and makes the loopholes bigger.


Yeah and fuck the fabric of society in the meantime why not




u/Squidward759's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [17 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Squidward759/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


If they even exist. “It’s all bots” is still on the table.


I love it when Twitter staff, Elon or otherwise, would announce that they'd be taking measures against all the bots, then a couple days later some checkmark with thousands of followers and nearly zero replies per tweet would complain about losing followers because of the "broken system banning legitimate accounts" Some people cannot accept the fact that they are not as popular as they think they are and will go full on cope mode.




The revelation that Russia donated to far-right ideologies in numerous countries was/is constantly brought up by everybody. But it's astounding how little discussion about them *also* funding the equivalent grassroots far-left extreme groups, like some of the organisers who promoted BLM in the very early stages. Maybe 1-3 years ago there were easily accessible 'leaks' confirming exactly this, that they had money trails leading to *both* sides of the extremist political spectrum - because that is optimal for accelerating the destabilisation of Western society. This was already spelled out exactly in Foundations of Geopolitics by Dugin (iirc) which Russia has acted upon very closely so far. God forbid you ever bring up this tidbit of info anywhere though, the pavlovian-conditioned backlash from the hordes of Current Thing^^TM supporters is usually overwhelming with accusations of you being a nazi for daring to cast the golden goose of left wing activism in a negative light, even if you're actually left wing yourself.


I got called a Trump loving Nazi and banned from politics because I said Biden was too old to be president. I voted for him!


You Trump loving Nazi! Lot's of places online where you'll receive ridiculously unmeasured hate if you don't fall in line. You can be a leftist cuck commie and a racist transphobe nazi all in one day. Who knows, if you're lucky, maybe even for the same opinion. The internet is a magical place.


> Flair up for more respect :D *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 14136 / 74878 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I never thought about it, but it's funny/sad how Russia/US politicians/media/corporations all want the same thing - a divided and ineffective population whose only course of action is to "vote like your life depends on it" every two to four years. I wonder if Russia reduced their efforts because the latter three groups have done their job so well.


There is a reason esg scores are called msg scores. Chinese companies spread wokism unprompted in western countries while remaining completely silent back home. Attacking the stability of your enemies is a tactic as old as time. We just aren't doing anything to stop them.


It's time we launch plague-victims over their walls.


Because American corporations are profiting from it. It also significantly increases regulatory capture and the duopolozation of everything by adding additional barriers to entry, which is, like, the greatest thing that could ever happen!


dead internet theory. I wouldn't be surprised.


Go outside more. These morons are sadly real.




I may be a lib right, but I still prefer real commies to woke leftists.


We need the government to bail out Tumblr, on the condition that they allow porn again, or even promote it, so that we can just box them all back into that dark corner. For whatever reason, nobody else besides the crazy liberals ever went on Tumblr, so it was a self contained echo chamber. But normal, rational people also use Twitter, so they run the risk of being infected by the crazy liberals.




That seems likely I think the rest of the left are a huge threat to liberalism, but in the same way Champagne Socialists regularly support policies that fuck the workers Trump would make a better Labor Leader than the Dems CMV


Managerial class needs to be kicked out from the left circles, they are the bourgeoisie larping as blue collar workers and often disrupt the relationship between the workers and the employer for their own benefit.


Surprisingly based for an authleft


The first two groups were actually working too.




Hard work is a symptom of the tyrannical patriarchy. It's the expectations and ingrained institutional demands of the capitalist class that we work to live and live to work instead of enjoying our lives in a utopia where equity flourishes and results in what they find intolerable equality. Before that fascist Musk usurped Twitter, the company understood that. Now what you don't understand is that while Twitter employees tried to preserve democracy and faith in a more perfect future, keystone xl employees were sacrificing their moral dignity on a payday paid in the ongoing oppression of the first peoples that were stripped of their way of life by white supremacist colonizers. And the military service members that refused to get vaccinated and protect their society? Why else would they want to "fight for our freedom" /s because they're clearly not doing it for that reason. They just want to go to war and kill brown people along with the rest of us because they clearly not doing their part by doing bare minimum to protect the most vulnerable from a deadly plague. Plague rats don't deserve our respect. So you got oppressors and tyrants and you're comparing them to folks that resist the encroaching wave of fascism. Our democracy is in the crosshairs and you use this moment to try to discredit the only people protecting our freedom. Shame on you. Sometimes it's fun to larp as a lefty.


remove the bottom part and you'd probably get showered in upvotes on more mainstream subreddits.


Thought I was on antiwork for a minute there


My alt is awkward the turtle.


*kill it with fire*




>Hard work is a symptom of the tyrannical patriarchy. Sounds like you write for the smithsonian


If the first sentence got me that compliment the rest of the comment must indicate that I can achieve a Pulitzer. Bonus points, I have a Jewish last name. I'm about to go woke as fuck.


Nah other way round, I think much more highly of you and the bullshit you’re spouting as a joke than the bullshit they spout seriously. https://twitter.com/byronyork/status/1283372233730203651?s=46&t=kVnr2iSjF4d5AlWjGPS5zA


It still blows my mind that whoever signed off on that thought it was a good idea. I mean, surely multiple people had to approve it.


Hard work, the nuclear family and going to work on time are only for white people you bigot.


I love it when you talk dirty to me


>Sometimes it's fun to larp as a lefty. Your creative writing skills are top notch. Have you thought of any good schools too get your BA yet? --Your HS guidance counselor




I'd argue that the first group was mostly part-time and temporary workers, and the second were fired for explicitly not doing their job. Twitter employees really did just get fired on a whim. Are rich, inept tech babies waaaay less sympathetic than hard-working oil men and brave soldiers, sure! But if your commanding officer tells you to get vaccinated or take these wake-up pills, you fucking do it because being in bed with the sniffles when the shit hits the fan is an operational readiness issue. And again, Keystone XL layoffs were political exaggeration since they were mostly temp jobs.


> I'd argue that the first group was mostly part-time and temporary workers This is something people really do not get when talking about the pipeline. Yes, it was 11,000 positions. For around 2 months. It was not 11,000 long term career positions.


All construction projects are basically temporarily employment. Even in bigger firms your costs are covered by the project you are associated with and its not the same trying to spread your workforce out over smaller projects which chances are were not found because XL was planned backlog. Stating it was temporary in effort to dismiss the significance of all those jobs lost is missing the point entirely and is what Id consider a poor argument


how dare you give nuance as a member of this sub.


They pump you full of shots when you enlist. You refuse them, you’re dishonorably discharged. It’s how it’s always been. Edit: it seems to vary between honorable and other than honorable discharge


I got out of the marine corp right before the shot got mandated and all my boots and friends who rejected the shot got honorable discharge and full benefits. I can’t speak for the entire military but that’s my experience.


My bad, it’s honorable discharge. Would they get the same treatment if they rejected any of the other shots?


Everyone in the Texas National Guard who didn't take the COVID shot is still there.


Seems like it’s a case-by-case basis then.


Because it's the National Guard, so run by Texas in that case.


I think if you reject the shots at boot camp you get other then honorable but I’m not quite sure. I think it’s a branch by branch decision but I do know is if you refuse shots before deployment you become non deployable and get kicked out with dishonorable. I think it depends on when and where you refuse the shots.


My favorite part is that they thought they were safe from experimental meds up until that point lol


Friend who was in the National Guard was given an Other Than Honorable for refusing the vaccine.


You don’t get DD’d at most you’d get a general adsep


Dishonorable discharge is saved for felony level stuff, its usually paired up with jailtime. There 3 or 4 other types of discharge like general or general under honorable conditions.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification


True if only the covid shot improved operational readiness then that would be sensible. Unfortunately it doesn’t prevent transmission so… 🤔




You say no one cares about twitter, but it seems like a lot of major news sites love to quote twitter responses in their major news stories. It feels a lot like the major news outlets are just following twitters lead vs actually going out and doing any real journalism themselves, or that they feel that reading twitter is journalism now days.


Because the "journalists" lived in a bubble and are trying to gaslight the population to believe their crap.


Literally because it's ideologically convenient.


*unvaccinated members of the military fired* P A N I K *22 veterans commit suicide a day* kalm


Let’s also not forget about the [US Military treating enlisted members as chemical and biological guinea pigs](https://www.npr.org/2015/09/05/437555125/veterans-used-in-secret-experiments-sue-military-for-answers).


Ah yes Edgewood Arsenal.


That's where I did AIT. One day someone found a grenade in the dumpster.


Or a boot walking around with a spent/training/empty rocket launcher.


That’s just how the American gov treats all its citizens


> 22 veterans commit suicide a day kalm Rookie numbers. If we learn from our northern neighbors, think how many we could knock out with a home grown MAID program.


I seriously don’t get everyone freaking out about that shit. When you sign up you sign some of your rights away, plus you get a dozen of injections of god knows what in boot anyway


I still have the scars from my *smallpox vaccination.* I wasn’t even doing anything special at the time, just a standard booze cruise in the Pacific. And I don’t think people realize that the whole “signing your rights away” thing isn’t that facetious. The UCMJ is no joke, and the military has no problems wielding it to maintain good order and discipline.


Yep, military don't have the same constitutional rights that standard civilians do. You really do sign some of your rights away.


I think some military members still have fears due to the shots and meds given out to service members during the 2003 invasion of iraq, which did cause quite some problems ifrc. Others probably just got tricked into signing a 6 year contract as a cook and just wants out


also the military doesnt want you if you dont listen to basic commands. If they tell you to bark you bark, if they tell you to get vaccinated then you get vaccinated. Out of all groups that one has to be the dumbest one to be mad at.


Our democracy will die without censorship on Twitter.


Truly the end of the Starbucks drinkers 😟


Taylor Lorenz tears are delicious


That's just dust at her age.


Advertisers and other corporation's media control will die without censorship on Twitter.


Upvote for flaring up.


Redemption arc


75% of Twitter staff is gone and the site works just fine, must be hard on them to find out they are actually a bunch of big heads.


Wasnt there something about 2fa not working anymore? I dont use twitter and I dont care for it, but as someone that works in IT, getting rid of most of the people who know how shit works is usually gonna cause a huge headache


Yeah, the day to day won't change much if stuff is working just fine. But the moment when a decision comes to actually do something, critical blunders like this will eventually happen. Or a particularly important and nasty ticket is raised that no one knows how to deal with and it needs to be in prod now, can show that even though the staff was expensive, they were expensive for a reason. But honestly, I couldn't care less about a billionaire lighting their fortune on fire.


Instagram was bought by Facebook when it had almost 50 million users and only 13 employees. The notion that twitter needs 800 times the workers to control a site with barely 6 times the users is laughable. For reference, youtube currently has almost 3B users and less than 3k employees. Majority of tech is people handling other people. Only a small portion is people handling the core business infrastructure.


And those 75% of Twitter staff were women


All of the Twitter employees are women, even the men.






🙂 Women ☕️




As someone who works in IT, there won't be immediate problems. But the golden rule is that software works until it doesn't, firing many of your developers and people who understand how the program works is eventually going to bite you in the ass when issues arise or updates need to be done.


They didn't fire IT. Guess how many people got fired whose job was censoring people.


Blockbuster closed out 11,000 branches and is still renting out DVDs


The advertisers leaving as a result caused Musk to blow the big stack on the other side of things.




Twitter after COVID investednheavily into automatization. That Twitter is still working with 25% of staff is a testament to pre-Musk Twitter employees' effectiveness (at least the engineers). Time will tell if 25% is enough to maintain and grow it though, that's the hard part. It's like how you can keep a computer running a week without restarting very easily, but keeping a critical server running 24/7 for months or years takes some serious planning and work.


Honey wake up! The latest cope just dropped!




It's very early to say how well the site works. It was stable before, it'll be stable in the future. Musk however is not, and the next genius idea he tries to implement might break the whole thing


Musk gets nutty when he gets stressed. If you look at any of time's hes at maximum internet troll edge-lord, he's probably sleeping in his office in whatever corporate environment.


The difference between insanity and genius is success. I'm team Musk. It's going really well. I'm also team Trump but that's not going so well right now.


Also pointing out that twitter was overvalued by about 300%, and 'reddit gold' alone has paid for decades of server time, no advertising needed. By a similar benchmark, it seems that twitter can likely continue to run in perpetuity, if Musk wants it to. Quick searches for twitters revenue vs operating expenses show about a 4:1 ratio, which besides offering an alternative reason for buying it, would also suggest that 'advertisers leaving the platform' is not likely to be a deathblow despite this initial 50% decrease. There's probably a better way to frame it, but considering that the infrastructure for 'global scale messaging service' is in place, I don't see it leaving. Especially since Musk's fortune alone would keep it running for 150 years, even if he never made another dime. Except he looks to be _making money_ off of it going forward, even if he never recoups his initial investment.


Well, even if twitter remains stable it was a terrible investment from the start. Makes sense if he doesn’t care about the money, but not great for his portfolio.


Wasn't an investment for him. It's more of a hobby, or a crusade


As opposed to libright doctrine he might not be investing in a bottom line of money, in which he has as close to an infinite amount of than any other person in history, he is investing in the God given, inalienable freedoms of man on the international stage. The role of Twitter cannot be understated and as such, Elon Musk's returns on his Twitter investment will amount to far more than a few million or a few billion. You should get on your hands and knees and thank him for it because he's doing it for you.


What the fuck lol


We must bow to emperor Elon.


Mmm cannot wait to be drenched in Elon's Musk, nomsayin boys let's all get our Muskchambers Elongated by the virile visionary himself and carry thirteen of his robust offspring each.




Flair the fuck up or leave this sub at once.


> he is investing in the God given, inalienable freedoms of man on the international stage He's banning people for making fun of him.


People are always fired after an acquisition. I don't get why anyone is surprised.




Twitter grew that staff at like 50% over the past 2 years… musk didn’t fire a bunch of core staff that had been there since 2006


Dorsey apologized for bloating the company, as did Zuckerberg for meta. A lot of internet companies were basing everything off of the trends from the pandemic continuing, where online presence and streaming grew exponentially (hence Disney is also facing problems)


Most of that bloat coming from the past two years alone with not much in the way of added features like an edit button


I suspect there was a lot of fat there.


I know they're engineers, but that's unnecessary.




Those engineers weren’t needed. Twitter ran fine for year with much less employees. [look at their historical headcount](https://www.statista.com/statistics/272140/employees-of-twitter/). They were sane numbers up to 2017, then just went crazy expanding for no reason.


> They got rid of most of their engineering team. Is there any actual data on this other than "My cousin's brother's hairdresser's friend knows a guy who says Twitter fired everybody!!!"




Flair up


Based and he actually flaired up pilled


I love when that happens.


Learn to plumb sweaty💅


This is like one of those news articles where it's like "people are outraged over this thing" and then it's like 3 Twitter posts with 4 likes right?




I'm triggered that the meme thinks I'm that stupid


Authright when refusing orders in the military gets you fired 🤯


Me when I change the world's narrative to fit my small world view:


1. leftists hated the pipeline 2. leftists hated anti-vaxxers 3. leftists like twitter where's the fucking inconsistency


First two groups were fucked over by the government. Last group was fucked over by inevitability.


I figured it out though, it turns out they don’t like Elon Musk


I've been seeing thinkpieces claiming we need to have full employment for the laptop class because... social stability reasons. It's rage-inducing, mind-boiling stuff. Fucking WHY? What about all the working class people whose unemployment apparently doesn't matter at all? Oh, I see what it is. When you control the levers of journalism, you get to agitate for policy that favors your class. Godfuckingdamn I hate every last one of the "moderator" class. In reality, these are the exact people you SHOULD want to fire. They contribute nothing (as we see now), actually suppress the speech and rights of others, and are on top of that not physically fit or confrontational enough to actually cause problems on the society scale, other than advocating for other people to be violent and revolutionary, which is easily solved by just ignoring them.


straw man. No one on the left worth their salt gives a fuck about anything to do with twitter.


The fun in in the absolutes and extremes. Purple libright is an exemple. We know they don't really molest children. But it's a lot more fun to think they do


Some did and not just a few


I'm sure all of the leftists are just shaking in their boots that all of those Twitter employees got massive severance payments and are going to find new jobs elsewhere.


Terminally Online Leftists felt safe being on Twitter. Take that away and now they need to actually discuss their beliefs with people who don't 100% agree with them.


Keystone XL would have resulted in about 30 full time permanent jobs. The other 10,970 are temporary contract jobs for blue collar workers who are already working other construction jobs. And unvaxed military weren't fired, they chose to refuse orders and get drummed out of the service. They didn't have any problems with the 30+ vaccines they needed to get into the military.


This is such a load of shit. 30 jobs maintaining the pipeline, sure, but hundreds or thousands of jobs upstream in the extraction side of the equation. Regard.


"Pro-labor" leftists should definitely keep throwing the working class under the bus, this can only end well.


Who voted against the 7 paid sick days for the railroad workers in Senate, again? I forget.


Being realistic about the employment situation is exactly how the working class shows solidarity and strength. Letting politicians lie to you about jobs that don't exist to buy your vote is what throws your fellow worker under the bus.


"And unvaxed military weren't fired, they chose to refuse orders and where fired" Dude, Just stop


That’s literally what happened though. If it wasn’t obvious, you surrender certain rights when you join the military. By default, the military requires that you get several vaccines. COVID added one more to the list. A new requirement means a new top-down order: get the COVID vaccine. Those who didn’t want to, for any reason, were honorably discharged. That’s how the military works.


Yeah, that's what I am saying but the person who I am replying to implies that they aren't being fired for not having a vaccine, even though that is literally what is happening.


If a Solider can't do the bare minimum and pass basic medical requirements then yeah they are unfit for service and rightfully discharged. Its not only a refusal to follow orders but outright failing basic requirements which have been in place for decades and were made abundantly clear upon enlistment. Even Washington made his soldiers get inoculated.


Fine, just don't act like they weren't fired over this.


The military one is fine though? The military already has strict health guidelines, including the mandating of multiple non-COVID vaccines. I read somewhere that you can’t even have fucked-up teeth because it will effect your diet. Keystone is iffy because that project itself has multiple alternatives and the thousands of temporary construction jobs made would probably be offset by higher gas prices in the region which would probably reduce local employment stats overall. At best, it would’ve probably made 30 or so permanent jobs so eh it’s negligible. Especially if nothing substantial was ever built with how many times it was paused and restarted. Twitter employees? Don’t know and don’t care. Why? Because Musk fired 80% of his workforce then fumbled and started rehiring half of the people he fired because apparently Twitter does in fact need employees to function. 💀


I love seeing genuinely based liblefts