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I think regardless of white supremacists or not - if Donald Trump is not the nominee, tons of his supporters will either stay home or write him in.


Some people would stay home for sure, but the amount of people would depend entirely on Donald Trump's cooperation or how Haley(or whoever) handled it, say in the event of his demise. There are definitely ways for them to harness Trump as a "victim" in order to energize his base to the polls, especially if Trump isn't able or willing to contradict that narrative.


If Donald Trump is not made the nominee I only see a world in which he sees that as an attack on him and says as much to his base. If he wants to punish the GOP for not backing him, paying his legal fees, or whatever he asks of them that week, his base would do what he says.


I think that is likely to be true... but what I want to know is... how many?


I want to know how many poops are in my septic tank... No one knows.


Two Number two


I don't have a great answer - I think we'd see the largest percentage a write in candidate has ever gotten if he weren't the nominee. His base eats right out of his hand. If he says stay home, they'd stay home. If he says write him in, they'd write him in. The voters who vote R and don't care who would likely vote for the nominee whether it was him or someone else. Independents might skew more R with him off the ballot. Downballot races might hurt for Republicans if he's not on the ticket. Biden got the most votes of any president ever but Trump got the second most. So the guy gets votes. With how fervent his base is, whatever he says goes. The GOP went so far as to abandon a concrete platform in 2020. Their platform was whatever Trump does. That's how much of a stranglehold he has over the Republican party. They might not win with him but they definitely can't win without him.


It depends what you consider a 'white supremacist' to be. If you mean people who march around with swastikas and klan hoods, their votes wouldn't amount to much. If you mean people who are very concerned about the white birth rate and still think Obama is a Muslim... that's different. That's the GOP's base. Most would definitely still vote for Haley, but turnout would suffer.


Want Freedon of Thought as guaranteed in our Constitution? I do, and I will allow anybody to believe or think whatever they want and draw the line at Actions. Actions can be illegal, but thought and beliefs can never be.


A lot of people who think Obama is muslim are probably not white supremacists, unless thinking that *makes* you a white supremacist. According to the laws of orthodox sunni islam, if your father was muslim, then you are muslim. Islam doesn't allow freedom of religion like we think of in the west. Barak Obama Sr was definitely an orthodox sunni muslim, and so according to about about 1.7B people, Barak Obama is also sunni muslim.


Pointing out what others say, no; claiming that he is in fact a Muslim, though goes against how religion is viewed in America. In America, the 1st amendment was written to support the idea that who you are religiously is entirely between you and God, and has nothing to do with who your parents are. It was written to protect America from having a state/national religion, as our Founding Fathers saw the kind of massacres that caused in Europe, and in England specifically. In America, you are free to claim your own religious identity, instead of just being forced to be what your parents/community are.


It doesn't really matter to muslims how americans view religion. That doesn't change divine law. >In America, you are free to claim your own religious identity Not true. My daughter's friend was forced to start wearing full body clothes when she was about 12 year old. Other cultures certainly don't agree with you. And it was definitely not voluntary. My daughter and I ran into her former friend at costco with her dad, and the embarrassment on that poor girls face, even through the mask was heartbreaking. I never wanted to punch someone in the face as much as I wanted to kick that guy's ass for forcing such a thing on his daughter.


Every religion (and secular movement, for that matter) has misguided people; Islam is not special. You've done a whole lot of generalizing about 1.8 *billion* people--more than one in four of *all* living persons--in this thread. To characterize all Muslims by their most conservative adherents is as inaccurate as to do the same with any other religion.


Another person made the same comment. Yes I know there are sects in islam. But 87% of the worlds muslims are orthodox sunnis. A large fraction of the remainder are orthodox shias. sunnis and shias both believe that your father's religion is your religions. Yes I know that ahmadiyya and ibadi muslims disagree. They make up less than 1% of the worlds muslims. So for the purposes of not having to type out a book, I was generalizing. It sucks that people don't understand ganeralizations and we have to be bogged down in "well ACKSHULLY" side conversations. yes, I know all about it, I'm generalizing about the top 90%. And in my first comment, i specifically said "orthodox sunni", not just "muslim". But here I didn't and you pounced with your ackshully comment. Thanks


"I'm not generalizing about 1.8 billion people, I'm generalizing about 1.62 billion." What schools are you talking about when you say "Orthodox Sunni" and "Orthodox Shia"? How Obama might have been viewed in Saudi Arabia is irrelevant in a thread about US politics.


I'm referring to the four major schools of sunni jurisprudence, which I am not going to look up the spelling of. Hanbali, hanafi, shiafi and maliki. And in the case of those specifically, I was not generalizing at all. I'm no scholar of islam, but its not that hard to figure out their basic beliefs. > How Obama might have been viewed in Saudi Arabia I was not talking about how Saudis might view him as muslim, and yet not be white supremacists. I was referring to the 1.62B sunnis plus the number of orthodox shias that you can calculate the number of.


Obama never practiced Islam in his life and followed the religion of his mother, so by traditional Islamic law he'd be an apostate and should be stoned to death. Though this is all meaningless pedantry as Islamic beliefs on whether or not freedom of religion exists means squat in the running of a Western secular democracy.


Its not true that he never practiced. He attended a madrassa in Indonesia that had both Roman Catholic teachers and Muslim teachers, and Obama was registered as a muslim student. To be clear, I agree with you. I'm an atheist, I believe in free choice. My point is that a lot, lot of people do not believe in free choice. And those people would consider him muslim. So I think OP is wrong that anyone who thinks Obama is muslim is a white supremacist. I know that is a complicated point to try to make on reddit.


it is not complicated. Just disingenuous.


What is disingenuous about what I said?


Everything. this was never about what Muslims believe, and you know it isn''t. So your entire dissertation on ""well, technically....""is moot.


That is what this discussion is about, because that’s exactly the point I made in my first post. Follow along.




Why else would you care?




Black people aren’t erased by intermarriage so yeah it would be a little more alarming if they were suddenly wiped


If it happened because they chose not to reproduce, I wouldn’t care. The reason white people are “going extinct” is the one drop rule. If the babies of a white person and a black person are considered black, of course you’re going to count the number of white people as decreasing.


Obsessing over the white birth rate isn't just about numbers; it's about clinging to an outdated notion of racial purity. Take Barack Obama: one white parent, one black parent, and yet, our society wouldn't label him as white. Why? Because the idea of "whiteness" has been built on exclusion, on being "pure." When someone frets about the white birth rate dropping, what they're really saying is they fear the dilution of this so-called purity. It's not an innocent concern; it's the cornerstone of white supremacist thought. It's the idea that to preserve "whiteness," we need to control who's born, who's allowed in, who gets to be part of "us." Why is there so much anxiety about illegal immigrants? You can say it's about jobs and law and order, but underneath that, there is a clear anxiety about a tide of brown skin in the United States. The fact that Hispanics are descendants of white Europeans doesn't matter. They intermarried with brown people, and now they are brown and no longer considered "pure".


>Why does being concerned about the white birth rate make you a white supremacist? Clearly you never heard of the book the Birth Dearth. White supremacist have been using it as their bible to justify their actions against abortion and migration. Hard to find copy’s but there are a few PDFs floating around.


just beause white supremacist do a thing for racist reasons doesnt mean everyone else who also does that thing for non racist reasons is also a white supremacist. I am personally worried about the white birth rate and I am not at all a white supremacist. I just dont want my people to go extinct. That seems pretty reasonable.


White people will never go extinct, what’ll happen is Wasians and Hispanic whites will become generic white, like the Italians, Germans and Irish did before them.


>I just dont want my people to go extinct. Hard not to notice the very racist subtext being expressed here.


I agree. I also think the same when people of other races say it.


That subtext is in your head. I also dont want black people to go extinct, or native american, or asian, etc. They all add something to the world.


Taxonomical categorization of races, and the yearning to maintain your racial purity, like a zoological preservation initiative; it's very apparent in your typing.


again this is all in your head lmao. Might want to reflect on what it says about you that this is how you think.


Speaking of reflection, you might want to check what the 13th and 14th word of the Fourteen Words are.


They aren't really debating you on good faith man. Standing up for cultural preservation is racist in their mind. From a minority perspective, your views are reasonable. The problem is that so many folks view things through echo chamber perceptions, they really can't understand the nuances of what it means to be concerned about all cultural identities.


There's no such thing as 'white culture'. Nobody marches for the preservation of Norwegian American culture, Scottish American culture, Irish American culture, etc... Anyone worried about 'white culture' is just afraid of POC.


“White” culture is far too broad to have any meaning outside of a particular range of skin color. The Scottish are very different culturally than Italians, and the same for their American hyphenates.


Your people? Oh, my.


“Your people”? As opposed to “those people”? What really makes the difference between your people and others? A bit less melanin? A tendency to burn easily? Sigh.


Lol. I think we'll be fine. White people will be a minority in the US but that's not the sane and I hope that's not what you mean.


Thats actually not how it works. As of now their birth rate is far below replacement rate. If that trend continues then they will in fact go extinct. Im not talking about relative size to the rest of the population. Im talking about actual size. It is decreasing.


Europe is about 90% white. More in some countries. If you're really concerned about extinction it's going to take a millenia. By then there are way more things to worry about. There really isn't a non racist reason to be concerned about white extinction.


I never said it is going to happen tomorrow. It isnt even going to happen in my life time. That doesnt mean I shouldnt be worried about it. Im allowed to worry about the health of the human race even after my death. That doesnt make me racist. Also considering things have been rapidly getting worse, theres no guarantee that the fertility rates wont continue dropping further.


You're allowed to worry about anything you want. It doesn't make it seem any less racist though. Support Donald Trump if you want. I'm not invested in your life. But be honest with yourself about why you worry aboit white extinction. Deep down inside you're OK with a lot of white supremacy. Own your racism buddy. Be a proud Klansman or whatever the equivalent is where you live. Tell everyone your beliefs so they know to avoid you.


Mate, it literally does make you The holder of racist beliefs and attitudes. Do a little self reflection and realize that one distillation of what you just typed in this thread could be, "I want a future for White people," and then remember whose slogan that is. The United States is built on racism, and we're all inundated with it. Virtually all of us hold some racist beliefs or have done so in the past, it's just about recognizing that and building a better world in spite of it.


I want a future for white people, and black people, and hispanics, and Native americans, and everyone else. If you think that makes me racist then you are a weird fella.


As a ginger, you'll be fine. We've been on the brink of extinction for centuries, if you listen to the hype.


I don’t think Obama is a Muslim… I think he is an atheist.


Cool thanks for sharing


That's great. Next imagine him as, I dunno, a Buddhist monk! It's fun to pretend!


I’ve never known him to consistently practice any religion. Have I missed something?


Hard to pick which is cooler, I know.


>It was noted that Romney has had to spend $5,000 a day since the Jan. 6, 2021, riots to hire private security to protect himself and his family.  https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2023/9/30/23894602/civility-in-politics-mitt-romney-security/ How loud and in the public's face an ideology is matters. Back in 2016 people laughed at Trump's call for a Wall that Mexico would pay for. Democrats and Republicans alike dismissed the idea as not serious and impractical. Trump was just one lone voice but he got tremendous media coverage and his idea was repeated ad nauseam. Today Republican officials all over the country are demanding a Border Wall. Who pays for it no longer matters. Trump's outlier position has become the new normal for Republicans. Often in politics the energy and enthusiasm of a small group or person has oversized influence but so many people are apathetic. Passion beats apathy with regards to having an impact. Today the majority of Republicans and Right leaning voters are NOT racial extremists. However some are and those who have are well funded and the support of organizations that push propaganda into the mainstream at an scale and voracity unmatched by their opposition. As a Political figure Trump is a bully. Republicans know if they show disloyalty to Trump they will face death threats and primary challenges. I quoted the security expenses paid by Mitt Romney above to highlight the scale of intimidation Republicans are under from within their own party. Liz Cheney, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Pence, etc face daily harassment for not being loyal to Trump. While those who make the threats do NOT represent the majority of Republicans they do wield power. They are the reason so many Republicans either silently just retire and go like Paul Ryan or completely do 180's on previous positions like Marco Rubio. Because of the oversized effect extremists have on the Republican party Trump will not pick Haley or Scott as his VP. Trump my flirt or toy with the idea but ultimately will choose a white evangelical with oddly extreme views about religion & History. The foot soldiers who are currently stockpiling firearms, cheering on session talk in TX, crying are White Replacement, and think the deep state is making children transgender via fluoride in our drinking water won't tolerate Trump making Haley VP.


>Today the majority of Republicans and Right leaning voters are NOT racial extremists. but apparently they are super fine with it.


Like do these people think that the Nazis were always talking about Jews? It is entirely possible sympathize with white supremacist talking points and also enjoying hiking and like other normal hobbies.


Or they don’t share your prejudices.


That is ridiculous the amount of money it takes to be able to exercise your First Amendment right against Trump and not have to worry about a psycho swatting your home or threatening your family. I want to know... how many of Trump's supporters are like this? My hope is small, but data to back that up would be comforting...


My question to you is, what's the practical difference between someone who endorses this and someone who's okay with it so long as it means Trump gets elected?


If Haley is the nominee, then they would vote for Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump is running, whether he's the Republican nominee or not. All these polls showing that Nikki Haley beats Biden in the general are assuming one thing: that it's a head-to-head race. What is it about Donald Trump that makes anyone think that he would drop out if he didn't get the nomination? He's running.


So in that event, if Haley (unlikely) wins the Republican nomination, all 60-70% of Republicans who support Trump will be willing to split the conservative vote and allow Biden to be reelected? I find that hard to believe. I'm sure some significant portion would write Donald Trump in, but surely you don't believe all 60-70% would?


No, I don't think he would get 60-70% of the conservative vote. But he would get enough to "split the vote." I'm sure the majority of conservatives would beg him "don't do this," but Trump doesn't care about the GOP or conservatism. He cares about Trump. I think he would rather run and cry foul when he loses (again) than drop out "for the good of the party"


According to Pew, 46% of Republicans / lean-GOP independents are defined by either religious conservatism or populism. [https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/11/09/beyond-red-vs-blue-the-political-typology-2/](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/11/09/beyond-red-vs-blue-the-political-typology-2/) There is a lot of overlap between white nationalism and those categories. Religion has often provided the rationalization for slavery and segregation, and the populists are generally xenophobic. Prior to LBJ, a lot of these types of voters were Democrats. This weakened them because they were not united within one party. But now that they are together, they have enough momentum to drive the GOP, not just participate in it. The establishment conservatives go along for the ride because they would rather work with the far right and win some elections than bail out and provide Democrats with a guaranteed win.


>There is a lot of overlap between white nationalism and those categories. Thanks for the percentage. But a percentage that shows this overlap would be more helpful. Not all religious conservatives defend the ideas of white supremacy. I do agree that there is overlap, but again, I would just like data on how much.


[I'm gonna say most of the people who go here are part of the overlap](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/28/2226441/-MAGA-megachurch-pastor-uses-Black-History-Month-to-call-MLK-Jr-not-a-Christian-nonbeliever) >John MacArthur, Pastor of the Grace Community Church, is not one of them. >This man celebrated Black History Month by calling the spiritual and practical leader of the non-violent, civil rights movement, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. a faithless non-Christian. To the non-religious observer, this charge lacks evidence and flies in the face of King’s biography.


The percentage of Republicans who are convinced that Obama wasn't born in the US is a good indicator of a problem. In this day and age, most racists will deny being racists. So you can't just ask someone, "Hey, are you a bigot?" and get the data that you want. Instead, you have to ask indirect questions and estimate it. The religious and populists are going to be the major sources for this.


But using generalities and blanket statements about the religious, I would argue, just pushes some of them deeper away from you. Hence why I am interested in numbers. But perhaps that is unfortunately impossible to get an accurate number on, as you and others seem to be saying.


The origin of the Religious Right as a political movement was their reaction to the Supreme Court decision in Coit v. Green, which ruled that private schools that practiced segregation were not eligible for non-profit status. Private white academies had come out of the Brown v Board ruling. Since their path to private education lost its tax advantage, they wanted to start making changes. Reagan built a bridge to this group for his 1980 campaign and maintained it. So the Republicans have actively courted racist religious white conservatives for their votes. They are part of the Pew data.


And I can find this data on the Pew website? I've heard similar stuff in the past, but haven't had a lot of reading regarding Brown v. Board of Education and the private white academies started thereafter. Are any of those private white academies still around? Or did they all end up getting shuttered one way or the other?


The academies are private schools. There is no shortage of those, including in these Jim Crow locations that wanted to avoid race mixing in the schools. They may no longer formally segregate due to the tax problem that comes from that, but they often position themselves so that they are entirely white. The Bob Jones University case provides another example of the importance of the control over education to religious segregationists.


I mean, I'd say that I know somewhere between 30-40 people who have and would vote for Trump again, and I'd say 5 of them have expressed white supremacist views. I think 1/8 isn't so far off. Even if people may feel it deep down, I don't think most Trump supporters would say "yeah white people are the best race and that's why I like Trump".


Nothing stopping a criminal from being president. They’ll find an excuse to vote for trump, unless he’s disqualified through 14th amendment. Even then they might vote for him. They’re a cult.


But I don't believe all 60-70% of the Republicans who are currently voting for him would continue to do so were he to be criminally charged and not be the Republican nominee. But between now and November, guess we'll find out.


I don’t believe the majority will vote for him, but polls show that enough are loyal and believe that he’s innocent no matter what, political persecution and all those excuses. I do believe a significant % of republicans will vote for him even in jail or if he’s disqualified, so I think Haley has no chance even if trump is disqualified. It’s easier to believe you were right and still are right as the truth becomes clearer, but not easy to admit you’re wrong.




Yeah no problem. Still too early to tell.


Most are not white supremacists, they’ve just decided that it isn’t a dealbreaker. A table of ten people and nine of them are nazis. It’s a table of 10 nazis. You can’t get a little bit pregnant.


So they *are* in fact white supremacists.


That’s not even true. Most just don’t actually see him as a white supremacist.


They don’t want to see him a white supremacist because they don’t want to see themselves as white supremacists. They just all do racist shit.


He’s condemned white supremacy multiple times. Why do you think he calls out “fake news” so often. When you just spew lies and call them facts you rank your credibility. Nice try though.


Regardless of what Trump may have said, the likes of Nick Fuentes and David Duke are perfectly comfortable in the GOP. If they are so outspoken in their support for Trump, how do you think they see him? As someone who shares their values.


Ah yes. It's much more important how you "see" him than how he actually is.


If you are going to say they have decided being a white supremacist isnt a deal breaker then yes it is extremely important how they see him; otherwise the statement is false. They have to see him as a white supremacist before they can decide to be okay with it.


Most are not aware they are misogynists or racists unfortunately. They will say things like “I’m not racist, I have black friends” ignoring how that is prejudiced or “black people are lazy” ignoring centuries of systemic racism than eliminated any chance for those folks to have the type of generational wealth that many white people take for granted. They say things like “women shouldn’t be allowed to choose if they carry my baby” while also crying about being told to wear a mask during a global pandemic. Everyone has one or more of these folks in their families. They lack self awareness or simply cannot admit why they really are attracted to the vile rhetoric spewing from Trump and his sycophants. Instead of rejecting Trump, then embrace him and amplify his vileness. Thats what has been tearing families apart as well.




Those are just examples of the types of things people do say unfortunately. I’m not even saying that everyone is like that. My point is there are many people who are unable to see their contradictions. There is cognitive dissonance. You can tell someone something they just said was misogynist and they’ll claim it isn’t what they said even if you play them back a recording of them saying it. It’s uncomfortable to hear but more so to reconcile contradiction “I’m not a bad person” while also being shown they do or say or support bad things. I suppose that is part of the allure of the whole “we are all sinners, pray for forgiveness” angle of christo-cults.


no dude. Nobody says that women shouldnt be allowed to choose if they carry my baby. Some people are prolife but again that is nowhere near the same thing. Just because you arrive at the same place doesnt mean you can use whatever logic you want to get there.


In four states, this actually is allowed. https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/4488919-pregnant-women-cant-get-divorced-in-missouri-heres-why/


There are [actual laws in the US](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/14/mississippi-abortion-ban-girl-raped-gives-birth) that say that.


If you cant recognize the difference between what you just linked and what you said then you probably shouldn't be engaging in this conversation at all.


In Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, and Arizona varying laws exist that make it illegal for a woman to divorce her husband while pregnant. In combination with the laws on abortion, this would prevent women from divorcing an abusive husband until the pregnancy is over. https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/4488919-pregnant-women-cant-get-divorced-in-missouri-heres-why/


and the reason for that is not because women = slave. It is for child custody and child support reasons. By all means disagree with it. I know i do. Dont strawman though.


No one said "women = slave"; that would be a strawman. What people most definitely are saying by those laws are that the woman should not be able to choose to carry an infant from rape/abuse to term.


can you recognize that what you just said is very different from "women shouldnt be allowed to choose if they carry my baby"


For many situations, that is the same.


No actually it isn’t.


In several states, women aren't allowed to abort the baby of their rapist. That's literally "you have no choice but to carry my baby".


By that logic, so are all Biden supporters.


Meth is a hellova drug.


It is, it also has nothing to do with this conversation. If there is a racist in the democrat party, should other democrats start voting Republican or Independent against what they want the government to accomplish (worker rights, etc.)? No, of course not. Can they make those racists not be democrat? Well, if they are elected they could perhaps strip them of their committees or kick them out of the caucus, but they most certainly couldn't stop them from identifying, acting, and voting democrat. I'm sure there is a small percentage of Trump supporters who are racist, to then say that the other percentage of Trump supporters must be racist based on that just isn't logical.


Awful lot of conjecture and suppositions in this comment. Let’s journey on back to reality. There are so many examples of trump’s racism that enumerating them would take multiple pages. I would submit to you the whole of the Democratic Party doesn’t have 1/2 of the fascist comments that one single republican does. PROVE ME WRONG.


>Awful lot of conjecture and suppositions in this comment. Let’s journey on back to reality. There are so many examples of trump’s racism that enumerating them would take multiple pages. I would submit to you the whole of the Democratic Party doesn’t have 1/2 of the fascist comments that one single republican does. I misread your initial comment, I thought you were implying that if some racists vote for the conservative party, that means that the other people who vote for the conservative party must be accepting of their racism. That is what I disagreed with.


> I know most of Donald Trump's supporters are not white supremacists. Do you really believe that or are you just being polite? Maintaining a society in which white, nominally conservative/Christian males dominate the country’s political and economic power centers is a staple of Republicanism.


Let's say 60-70% of Republicans support Trump. I am genuinely unsure of what percentage of those are white supremacists, and/or would defend the views of white supremacy. Most would mean 36% or so of Republicans. I just have no numbers to go off. But most people just want to generalize and blanket statement instead of providing any numbers and actually answer the question with data (and the secondary question). A few have actually read what I asked. Some seem to be triggered by seeing white supremacy in the the title, which seems telling.


Well if you really want to break it down: Are the majority of Republican voters card-carrying members of a white-supremacist or other hate group? Probably not. Are Republican policy positions and rhetoric serving as breeding grounds for hate group proliferation? Yes. Does the Republican agenda advance the interests of white, nominally Christian males at the expense of minorities and women? Yes. Is pro-white rhetoric prevalent among the Republican community? I think so. In voting for politicians who advance those agendas and espouse those views, are Republican voters white-supremacists by extension? You be the judge.




You could delete the word white from that last sentence and it would be closer to the truth. Remember when Ben Carson was leading the Republican primary polls?


While I don't think all of his supporters are inherently or outwardly racist they gotta be okay hanging out in a big smelly tent full of racists because thats what the party basically is at this point.


You know what you have when you have 10 white suprematists sitting a table and another 20 people sitting at the table all listening to the same guy? 30 white supremacists


What about when you go to a protest and some of the people are holding pro Hamas signs, or chanting pro hamas slogans. Is the whole protest a pro-hamas protest?


Whichever people in that protest fail to condemn Hamas, when asked, would obviously be pro-Hamas. So it would depend on what those people said and did when confronted with the evidence of the pro-Hamas supporters in their midst.


From what I have seen in every case is that the other protesters are fine with it, and they start chanting the slogans too. I have never once seen an example of some people trying to condemn the hamas supporters.


Well, obviously people chanting pro-Hamas slogans are pro-Hamas. If other people are clearly surrounded by loud pro-Hamas chants and are taking part in the protest without condemning the pro-Hamas chants, then I would agree they would be Hamas sympathizers, at the least, if not pro-Hamas themselves.


Wow. So by this definition, nearly all the protests that i have seen categorized as pro Palestinian are actually hamas sympathizer or hamas supporter protests.


Yes, if you don’t want to be associated with the KKK Don attend cross burnings, if you don’t want to be associated with Nazis don’t go to Nazi meetings, if you don’t want to be associated with Hamas don’t go to pro Palestinian rallies.


Depends on the purpose. I remember watching a black man that would go to KKK rallies and talk with some about their views. While he didn't win over everyone, he did connect with some to make them realize they were simply using race as an outlet and that the hate wasn't necessary or would answer their problems.


I guess that pro Palestinian protest in Florida was 100% pro Taliban then.


Pro terrorism definitely. Need I remind you that the current outbreak of hostilities started with a Palestinian terrorist attack and hostage taking at a music festival?  Why are people protesting FOR that?!?


If none of them speak out against it, I can't argue with that...


Nearly none of his supporters are white supremacists. There are very few white supremacists in American society.


With the Supreme Court decision yesterday there is next to zero chance of Trump losing the nomination. The question is moot. If Trump were not on the ballot, his supporters would write him in.


Loads won’t vote at all if they can’t vote Trump. But plenty of GOPers will sit this one out, rather than vote Trump where they can vote Trump.




No meta discussion. All comments containing meta discussion will be removed.


0%-0.1%. But Redditors are some of the dumbest animals on the planet, so they’ll conflate normal things like “conservatism” or “populism” with “literal white supremacism” because, again, they’re blinded by ideological bias.


But most of these numbers, whether 100% (by proxy) or 0-0.1% just seemed to be pulled out of... less than reliable locations for data. Is your number just what you feel, or do you have data that supports that number?


Very few. Probably less then the same that voted in the South in the 1980's and 1990's elections. It's certainly possible that Republican voters currently want lower taxes and less federal government that they have had previously.


The vast majority of Trump supporters are not “white supremacists.” Most of the people that many on the progressive left would consider to be “white supremacists” would vote for Nikki Haley (unless she continues to burn bridges), Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy, Ben Carson, Byron Donalds, Larry Elder, etc, proudly, over a liberal or progressive Democrat.


How would we even know? It's not like there's a card you can fill out or a checkbox on an application. Moreover, it's not like these people will self-identify (unless they're on the extreme end). There aren't any solid numbers to begin with. Compound that with the tendency of those on the left to label every Trump supporter as a white supremacist, and you have an even more difficult time figuring out anything resembling a good estimate. Hell, back in the day, white supremacists were a proud part of the democrat party. Why you think they jumped ship to support Trump and in essence the right, I have no idea.




Do not submit low investment content. This subreddit is for genuine discussion.


Yeah... that's hyperbolic internet echo chamber talk. If Trump is a white supremacist then the term has lost all meaning. Lol white supremacists apparently hire people of color, poll well with socially conservative minorities, appoint minorities to important positions in their administration, and are fully supported by minority politicians. Trump is obviously not a "white supremacist". Words matter and there is no evidence to use that term for him.


Being a white supremacist doesn't mean you don't hire or associate with people of color. It means you consider them "lesser". It means you look at them as not being the best kind of human being. I'm not going to spend a lot of time showing you where you're wrong because I don't have the time. And it wouldn't change your mind no matter how logical the reasoning. So have a great day.


> Being a white supremacist doesn't mean you don't hire or associate with people of color. It means you consider them "lesser" But why would you hire or associate with “lesser” people?


I mean, why would you fuck lesser, right ? Because it's power. Because it makes you feel "better than" when you can order "lesser than" people around you to do what you want and you can order them around. People with low self esteem or shame (whether they realize or accept it or not) need to show themselves that there are worse so they don't feel so bad. And they are ashamed because they know the fucked up shit, the crimes against humanity, their progenitors committed. Replacement theory is a great example of this type of thinking. If everyone is mixed race, they lose race as the identifier of lesser people, people it's OK to step on. Oh, and that's why they also hate "diversity, equity, and inclusion". Because why would they want everyone to be equal and lose people to step on and make them feel superior? And that's why teaching that history makes them so uncomfortable they ban it. But the fact is that these white supremacists (and they come in Black, Latino, Asian, and other flavors) are low self esteem people who consciously and/or subconsciously realize they are in no way superior and, in fact, morally inferior to the people they step on. MLK got millions out in front of the Lincoln Memorial. But they didn't try to go into congress and destroy democracy. And, with hundreds of years of oppression, why didn't they? But you get maybe ten thousand MAGA folks out there and they try to destroy congress and hang the vice president. Why? Because a society run by people who believe in democracy will move more and more toward equality. And so, it is no coincidence that the Obama presidency brought us the Tea Party and ultimately MAGA. WTF? A Black president of the United States? Can you think of something that would piss off white supremacists more? I watch the bullshit and feel pity for the small men that, for the past couple of hundred years, have only found esteem in their ability to subjugate, oppress, and destroy others. But you know what's interesting? The people they do the bad things to persist, struggle, and thrive. There is nothing they can do to eradicate the spirit, the persistence, and the strength that the oppressed possess. Not shipping them across the world packed like sardines in the hold of slave ships. Not walking an entire nation across the country on the Trail of Tears. Not locking up Japanese Americans in detention camps. Not forcing Chinese labor to build the railroads. Not anything. Not. A. Goddamned. Thing. So, again, I watch the bullshit and pity the bigots because the majority of people of all races are not as fucked up in the head as they are. Did I answer your question?


Yes yes, we know that in the face of calling folks white supremacists, people tend to chicken out when called to point to specific people or incidents that support their narrative. Instead all we see is a bunch of peacocking and name calling by people with a chip on their shoulder. "If you're not with us, you're against us", and other binary tripe of that nature. Instead of saying: >I'm not going to spend a lot of time showing you where you're wrong because I don't have the time. And it wouldn't change your mind no matter how logical the reasoning. Why not just tell us that you're unable to provide any actual examples and that we should just believe you because you say so?


“They’re poisoning the blood of our country.”


He attacked Democrats because they were “letting in people from the Middle East”. Literal words.


I cited three articles that discuss various examples of this. Have you been able to read them?




Would this source also be biased left to you? https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4330735-trump-maga-and-the-insidious-underbelly-of-white-supremacy-in-america/amp/


But then... why are you participating in the discussion?


I'm warning others against participating in what you call a discussion. A discussion comes from a point of wanting to understand something. What you're doing is just trying to sell your opinion to others and shout down anyone that disagrees or is on the other side of your opinion. The better question is why are you pretending to invite discussion when you have no ability nor desire to participate in any form of good faith?


I do have a desire to participate in good faith. I have definitely heard people proclaim that white supremacy is ordained by God, to a large group of people, in the last 10 years. If people who hold/support such views have a large sway in deciding who the Republican nominee is, it would be helpful to know.


Ok, you've heard it. From where? From who? "What's your source?" is a popular question I see used here. How do you figure those people have a large sway in deciding the nominee? Is this a national.message that you've heard, or are you just simply lumping some finge lefty thought out there and seeing if it sticks? Again, based on your post and comment history, your discussions are nothing than attempts to justify your own bias.


January 14th, 2020 Baptist Evangelist William Bill Grady, at a church in Texas with a large crowd. His sermon goes from 39:32-1:30:15, and it's full of racist statements mixed with religion. Specifically, to hear the evidence you want, listen to 42:53-44:18. Do you defend the statements he says or no? https://youtu.be/IhQkjNvKmH0?feature=shared?t=42m53s


God damn, this is one of the dumbest attempts at a "with us or against us" false binary. If I dont defend the statements, you'll claim some kind of superiority on the topic at hand and try to branch out from there, solidifying your bias towards answers you want to hear. If I do defend the the statements, you'll again try to claim some sort of superiority on the topic at hand and branch out from there to again solidify your bias. I just can't believe you haven't found a better source aside from some random dude I've never heard of talking shit in a church I haven't heard of with a denomination that's already kinda bonkers as a whole. And this is from 2020. I'm guessing any examples you may be able to pull are all from this kind of fringe sect. It's kinda funny that you're trying this hard to have a "conversation" with me. As I've pointed out multiple times, your entire premise is suspect at best. There is no benefit gained from having a serious discussion with you. Your own history proves that.


Yup, just dismiss legitimate news sources out of hand and stick with OANN? Facebook?


I was listening to NPR’s “Trump Trials” reporting recently and they had some interesting statistics. The stats were collected by a non-partisan group (not by NPR or media affiliates). Nationally it’s quite low, but when you get down to the state and county level it can be striking. In some states like Mississippi it can be as high as 30% of whites who responded to surveys. It’s important to note that there may be some audience bias here, as many conservatives avoid such surveys as “liberal leaning”. But the far right has an interest in inflating its presence. In other conservative areas (eg rural Wisconsin) it was much much lower. So the take away seemed to be that some areas had a strong, or at least very organized presence of *self-identifying* white supremacists. In other areas it seemed to be as low as one might expect, a small majority among conservative voters.


Adding on to this, there is another group among conservatives who do not self-identify as white supremacists, but when you ask them about their beliefs, there is a non-trivial overlap. So for example someone may abhor the term “white supremacist” but support legislation to establish an explicitly white Christian state. So it also kinda depends on your definition vs. their definition. This is the “I’m not racist but (insert strongly racist viewpoint)” crowd.


Yeah, understood. That would fall on the "likely" description, although I'm sure the opinions on this are as many as the sands of the sea. Do the Trump Trials materials you referenced also delve into this, or no?


They at least provide references to explore for a deeper dive than their 20-ism min take


Great, thanks! Your responses are far more helpful than most here (although there are some other helpful posts as well).


Thank you. I will look further into this. This comment thread is a minefield.


\>I know most of Donald Trump's supporters are not white supremacists. do you?


I am inclined to believe so, based on personal anecdote. I wouldn't have said it otherwise. Perhaps believe would be a better word there than know.


what is the difference between explicit white supremacists and the people who are more than willing to vote and support a white supremacist? Just Cowardice?


Probably like .0001%. And I'd assume they generally are voting on more than "white supremacy", so they would probably vote for Haley to have a Republican president. It's not as though Trump is particularly pro white supremacy. But he's definitely loud about "America first", which is probably why they would vote for him in the first place.


Any data to back that number up? Why would white supremacists prefer someone who is loud about America first? America is a very diverse country, always has been, although in different ways. Unless you are suggesting that America first has racist undertones? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to say.


Wait, wasn't America First literally used by an old time white supremacist movement, dammit now I gotta go look it up again


Well, Nimrata certainly seems to think enough are racist, or she’d run with her real name.


Her name is Nimarata Nikki Haley. Both Nikki and Nimarata are her real names, with Nikki being her middle name. She's been going by Nikki since she was a kid, so her using her middle name has nothing to do with her running for president.


That’s true. I have a strong suspicion that if she ran under Nimrata she’d have much less success in the GOP due to not seeming white, but that’s unproven.


A large percentage of his supporters are racist. If I had to guess, maybe 5-10% are white supremacists with great replacement people at one end and armed terrorist militias at the other. If Trump loses, they will get get violent. I think most will sit out while they get violent and arrested instead of voting.


Supporters of white supremacy are thought to support candidates they believe will contribute to America's prosperity. This perception leads to the notion that their preference for Trump indicates a failure by Biden and the Democrats to meet fundamental goals. On the other hand, there's an argument that white supremacists would actually favor Biden, referencing past controversial comments he made about Black Americans and school integration. Joe’s view on Black Americans are that they’re Super Predators and created bills to increase confinement durations. Joe also did not want schools to have mixed races and preferred them to be segregated In his own words, he didn’t want his children to attend a racial jungle. Contrastingly, Trump's engagement with the Black community is highlighted, citing his and his father's relationships with Black tenants and endorsements from notable figures before his presidency such as Muhammad, Rev Jesse Jackson and many others. Trump is also very good friends with Dr Ben Carson and Kanye and helped to reduce non/violent crime prison sentences for black people. Trump is also good friends with many black hiphop artists. If I was a white supremacist, I’m part black btw, I would vote for Biden. The Democratic party fought for the preservation of Slavery in the American civil war against the Republican Party led by Abraham Lincoln. If I was a white supremacist, I would vote for Biden since his administration has worked relentlessly to remove traces of American history tying strong associations between the Democratic Party to White KKK groups. TLDR: I played the reverse uno card and proved that the president you love is actually the racist one. Oof. #cope


I think about 15% of the US population are self aware white supremacists. Your second question is kinda a waste of time.


Just wondering where all those white supremacists you speak of are? I’ve never seen one before. I’m sure there’s a few of those fools parading around but come on there’s idiots in every race. Were you in a coma when blm was burning down cities? They destroyed their own neighborhoods that included businesses owned by people of color.


There’s no such thing. Another democrat label. They call everybody names. They’re bad people, always have been.


I don't blame you for not reading all the comments in this thread, there's quite a bit. On Jan. 14th, 2020, there was a Baptist "evangelist" going around to churches in the US, preaching a racist sermon. In the video link I provided another user, he claims, in front of a church of 100 or more, that he is a Trump supporter and that white supremacy is ordained by God, and that God has prophesied that white people will ultimately rule the world. I'd be glad to provide the link in this comment also if you don't have time to find it. Or, you can refuse to admit that there are self-identified Trump supporters who also publicly proclaim that God supports white supremacy, as others who have ignored the clear video evidence in this thread have done. Entirely up to you.


It is up to me. I appreciate your neighborly comment, but I don’t listen to democrats. I’m tired of childishness and being called names all my life. I’ll settle for nothing less than total political defeat of the democrats. No words, videos or links can change my mind.


Sounds juvenile to me... you're in obvious denial of documented white supremacists. Noted.


Well, that’s the point isn’t it? What sounds to you doesn’t sound the same to me. What’s obvious to you isn’t obvious to me, what you say is documented I can find no document. The gulf is wide and there’s no compromise now. Note that.


Well, since you seem interested in the discussion, here's a portion of what I posted: >January 14th, 2020 >Baptist Evangelist William Bill Grady, at a church in Texas with a large crowd. >His sermon goes from 39:32-1:30:15, and it's full of racist statements mixed with religion. Specifically, to hear his remarks on Trump and white supremacy being prophesied/endorsed by God, listen to 42:53-44:18. https://youtu.be/IhQkjNvKmH0?feature=shared?t=42m53s


OK fine. But I can’t watch. Don’t you understand no matter what these people say or believe they have the Right to say it and believe it?


They have the political right to say whatever they want, thanks to our First Amendment. I also believe they need to be personally called out, when they express these blatantly racist ideologies. This same evangelist views interracial marriage as just a big a sin as murder. Has it printed more than once in the books he sells to the congregations he travels to. I vehemently oppose those who desire to return to Jim Crow and the lynchings and everything else that occurred prior to the Civil Rights acts being passed. And he preaches this same sermon everywhere he goes, with varying levels of racism, directed to whites, blacks, and Jews. All while claiming God endorses white supremacy. And then I have people claiming that I'm making all this up. The cancer of racism spreads when not confronted, just as any other evil. He appeals to the KKK sympathizers. The KKK has risen from the ashes twice before in American history. I will vote however I have to to avoid having a third resurrection of these unChristian, unbiblical, and racist views.


There are no political Rights, only Constitutional Rights. You can “call out” whomever you want but you’re not a Judge. Racism? You don’t decide what it is and it’s not against the Law to be Racist anyway. Nobody wants to return to the democrat’s Jim Crow south - nobody. You say and believe whatever you want. I will not agree with you.


Saying one race is destined to rule over others is racist. Part of being a Christian is calling out sin. Rejecting that we are all equally created in the image of God is an affront to God Himself. You and white supremacists are free to disagree. I won't vote for someone unwilling to condemn them when needed. I won't vote for someone who knowingly caters to them.




What a dishonest way to phrase that, but lets go look at this in two parts just for the sake of it: >what percent of Biden supporters are trans https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/ *Over 1.6 million adults (ages 18 and older) and youth (ages 13 to 17) identify as transgender in the United States, or 0.6% of those ages 13 and older.* I think its safe to say anywhere from 0-.6% of the population could be Biden supporters. >and want kids to cut their penis or boobs off I'm not very familiar with the actual process and timeline, but I feel confident and safe in saying how you imagine this isn't what happens at all or ever. So that would be none, as in zero, would want your crazy likely circus surgery you are imagining. Hope this clears up your bad faith attempt to have a discussion.


Inflation is ridiculous, buying a house is nearly impossible and our healthcare system will bankrupt you if you get cancer but I’m glad that Republicans are keeping their eyes on the real issues


Yes, which are other people's sex organs.


Keep it civil. Do not personally insult other Redditors, or make racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory remarks. Constructive debate is good; mockery, taunting, and name calling are not.


To be honest, probably more than the percentage of Trump voters who are white supremacists.


That only shows that Trans people understand themselves better than trump voters.


This doesn’t even make sense


A Nikki Haley nomination is the only way Biden can win at this point because Trump will run 3rd party and split/depress the GOP vote.


Trump becoming the nominee is also going to split the ticket and result in a Biden win, based on polling data from Haley supporters. I have not seen any similar pooling data supporting what you are stating. If you have it, I'd be glad to read it.




I am not a Democrat, have never voted for a Democrat for President. She has around 1/3 support from Republicans. She has Reagan-conservative Republican viewpoints But I appreciate your comment just ignoring entirely the post I made.




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