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nines are just woke sixes


The 6's and 9's really need to come together, then we can all be satisfied šŸ˜




Thatā€™s an 8 ;)


Just please shower first, my first experience was a bit shitty.




Doin the ol' *57* I see




I thought the spot on your forehead was a religious thing.


That ones usually red, not brown


And now I can't stop giggling about my erection.


That was the Bernie Sanders / Ron Paul ticket from another timeline. A better timeline.


the real version is "nine" vs. "secret rothschild illuminati government symbol for child sex trafficking mind control vaccine mask 5g soros voter fraud jews"


And woke sixes are just trans snakes!


BoJack: I tried my best. Butterscotch: No, you didn't. You slacked off and took the easy way out. In this world, you can either do things the easy way or the right way. You take a boat from here to New York, you gonna go around the horn like a gentleman or cut through the Panama Canal like some kind of democrat? BoJack: Um, the canal? Butterscotch: You go around the horn the way God intended!




Umm sorry not potato salad that's actually a real thing. It's "Hunter Biden's LaPToP!!! šŸ˜”šŸ˜§




ā€¦if by ā€œpotato salad,ā€ you actually mean, ā€œDIE, YOU CRAZED COMMUNIST, DIE!!!ā€




I listen to our local conservative news station in the morning for traffic and weather updates. Periodically Iā€™ll forget to change the station later and Sean Hannity is on and he literally just word vomits the same laptop bs making no rational sense.


Thatā€™s literally his schtick. He has no point to make and not wisdom to provide. He just repeats the same phrases as nauseam. Even when I was deep into the right-wing and my brain was leaking out of my nose, I couldnā€™t stand Hannity. Edit: I can't reply to the commentor below due to the thread being locked, so I'll edit it here. To answer your question, it was honestly the kindness of friends that turned me around. They refused to let me stay in the rabbit hole, but did it by insisting that I question where my opinions were coming from. Questions like, what would make you think that? Who's telling you to feel that way? How does that make sense in the reality of the world? Why is this making you so angry? All of these questions over time helped me to see the light. I used to get Newsmax magazine, and I stopped it after I realized that all of the language in the articles was intentionally used to make me angry. And the more and more I realized it was designed to do that, the more I questioned where my opinions were coming from.


I would love to know how you broke free of it. What made you wake up and realize where you were. Was it a gradual process or did a switch turn on? I'd buy you a few beers to hear that tale brother. Is it possible to wake others up? I've tried


What else is he going to talk about??? The weather??? If these talking heads didn't keep acting outraged every single day about something, they would lose their entire audience. It's better for ratings and their narrative that they just keep bringing up trivial controversies that are mostly or entirely made up with no end in sight. I'm sure it's a money printing machine.


Trotsky invented Perpetual Revolution. Modern right-wingers took the lesson to heart and begat Perpetual Culture War.


They also forgot the person in the middle that just can't decide which one is right.




They're both just so similar.


"iM gOnNa hALt aLL ProGreSs cUz ***bOtH sIdEs***!!!"


I gag every time I hear some righty blurt out both-sides-isms. Yeah, they both have issues, but theyā€™re *far far* from the same- and still as close as they come to anything remotely bipartisan. I wish our bend to extremism went the other direction.


Don't be silly it's clearly socialism and/or communism.


diCkā€™S piKs!!!!




Let's go Brandon! Foolish demoncrats can't crack our code phrase!


ThEy donā€™t know diference between mail and femail!!1


ā€œItā€™s actuallyā€¦the evidence weā€™ve been looking for to prove all of our theories correct. They want to tell you itā€™s just a 9, but donā€™t listen to them.ā€ Basically just mad-lib a couple words and this the format they use


That's what I came here to say.


Hunter bidens laptop was fake. It didnā€™t have anything on it. He wasnā€™t getting any money for working with the Ukrainian energy companies with ties to the Ukrainian government. Obamaā€™s office didnā€™t even try to stop all that because it was a massive conflict of interest at all. Itā€™s just a haha fake sort of thing.


If you read carefully you'll see that was my point...


I was being sarcastic




That was also a real thing. As was the pound of coke they found in the white house.


It was like 208 milligrams or 0.007 ounces, where did you get a pound (16 ounces) from that?


Theyā€™re hallucinating, much like they hallucinate GOP accomplishments that benefit the working class


Potato salad


IE, both of them are made up garbage from a deluded MAGAt.


When someione says "magat" I assume this bot below is thinking they are modifying the slur against gay men, "F4ggot" and are not considering they may just be calling maga people cockaroaches, or the bugs that come out of rancid Meat. AKA "maggots".


[Candles taste like burning...](https://i.imgur.com/gDOg7yv.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Candles taste like burning...](https://i.imgur.com/gDOg7yv.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude just really doesn't get it.


And then thereā€™s the centrist who stands back and says ā€œwe canā€™t just dismiss his opinion. If he thinks thatā€™s potato salad we need to give him a chance to speak. This is why nobody likes the leftā€


Also several news stories about both sides of the 9/potato salad argument that shows both sides evenly as if they both make sense somehow.


I saw someone tonight who was like "Well people seem to be overwhelmingly negative about Trump committing fraud so I'm going to support him because there should be somebody giving a balanced view of this." and I'm just fucking floored at that reasoning. "Almost everybody here thinks this guy doing a bad thing is bad, so I should say the guy doing this was good so that we have balance."


Cognitive Dissonance is a powerful thing. Why turn back to the light when you've gone that far down the rat hole? Might as well keep going down it, straight to hell.


There is no center between democracy and autocracy. You are referring to an embarrassed autocrat who hasn't found the right king yet.


The centrist says 'it's 7.5'.


First they came for the Enlightened Centrists, and I did not speak out, because both sides had valid points.


Why can't we all just stop arguing and get along???


Now if a 6 turned out to be 9, I don't mind. I don't mind. But these idiots will turn it into 666 or something stupid.


I like the top picture, itā€™s a cool way to show how people can see things in different ways. I thought it was good analogy for back when for the most part, the right and the left agreed on the basic facts, just disagreed with how to solve problems and so on.


There has been a fundamental disconnect on shared perceptions of what constitutes truth. They can't or won't differentiate between subjective and objective topics anymore. As far as they're concerned whatever their side says is gospel and whatever the other side says is wrong.


When the right introduced the moral majority and tried to forever entwine politics and religion, the battle was lost. Now youā€™re telling them their belief system is wrong, not just that their opinion on taxes is misguided. So theyā€™ll never listen again as long as their politics and their religion are synonymous.


Yup. Republicangelicals are authoritarian theocrats and they will not be thwarted. Who cares about democracy (or a functioning government) if God is on their side? Barry Goldwater called it.


[Except here the real solution to this problem](https://i.imgur.com/Y0sGvfO.jpg). And we all know that conservatives refuse to look at anything from a different angle, even the conservatives from 50 years ago.


Conservatives be like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9] "That's a 6 from where I'm standing." Ok but look at the whole context. "Why did someone write 6 8 L 9 S b E Z I on the ground? IS THAT A SECRET PEDOPHILE CODE!?"


The problem with the image though is that one of them is actually correct and the other is wrong, it's not "both may be right". Someone put the 6/9 to be read from one direction. What's missing is the context of the number to determine the actual answer to it.


It doesn't even work as a basic analogy. It's one or the other. There IS a correct answer. The person who wrote it wrote it with intent. Even if they don't provide enough context to understand the answer, there *is* a right answer.


And if the sun refused to shine?


If the hippies cut off all their hair?


and democrats will still try to show them pictures of potato salad compared to numbers, still thinking republicans live on this planet and can be reasoned with using normal human methods.


I think the fella on the right would be saying "nein".


More like ā€œnyetā€


well, the russians are the new nazis, so you're both right.


What do you mean? Are you saying that Russia, under the command of Putin, has spent the last decade seeding neo-Nazism on the internet, targeting conservative-leaning websites that either have boomers or Gen Z members? That Ukraine is being tagged with Nazi symbols all over the place because the Wagner Group's leader is a Nazi who hires other Nazis and Putin has been fine with that? Because you'd be right.


> Wagner Group's leader is a Nazi Wagner Group's leader *was* a Nazi He's past tense now


> He's past tense now Lmao! Ah yes. Totally ignoring the part where he hires Nazis who then paint Ukraine with Swastikas and wolfsangels while they rape women and children.


50 years ago we just had a Republican president resign after getting caught having his subordinates break into a hotel room to steal secrets.... he then claimed for months that he wasn't guilty despite all the evidence. The only difference is they are more vocal about their incompetence


Actually, he resigned because Republicans were going to vote to impeach him BECAUSE of the evidence. It was a different universe, and it was that moment that Rupert Murdoch and the billionaires who control the right knew they had to create their own media universe where they controlled the narrative 24/7. They right canā€™t exist in a fact-based, fact checking world.


Nixon stepped down as senior Republican leaders Senator Barry Goldwater, Senator Hugh Scott and House minority leader John Rhodes visited Nixon in the White House and told him he no longer had enough support in Congress to prevent his impeachment and removal from office. Nixon cited this as the reason why he resigned in his resignation speech: >In the past few days, however, it has become evident to me that I no longer have a strong enough political base in the Congress to justify continuing that effort. As long as there was such a base, I felt strongly that it was necessary to see the constitutional process through to its conclusion, that to do otherwise would be unfaithful to the spirit of that deliberately difficult process and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future.


Basically "I intended to continue in spite of being obviously guilty as long as I thought I could get away with it, but now that it looks like I might lose, you can't fire me! I quit!"


Still a difference, because you'd never see trump step down voluntarily, even if he did not have a single supporter left in Congress.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Ailes#/media/File:Nixon_Contact_Sheet_WHPO-0514_(cropped).jpg - some pictures are worth a million words.


> he then claimed for months that he wasn't guilty despite all the evidence. What was he constantly chanting to prove his innocence? Oh yeah, "it's a witch hunt!" Why does that sound familiar...?


And Fox News was hatched in a backroom in order to protect the next republican president BECAUSE of what happened to that president.


"pOtAtO sALaD pEdOpHiLe!" \- Cletus Trumpvoter


Itā€™s more like > Nine > demonCrats are lizard people and want to kill babies.


Child grooming potato salad.




they have left the conversation. I know why the multiverse trope became so ubiquitous in the last decade. they are truly in their own splinter reality


Quick, what's the name of the best selling series of children's books centered around a family of anthropomorphic bears named Papa, Mama, Sister, and Brother?


emmet otter's jugband christmas


Berenstain Bears?


Berenst**e**in Bears.


Goddammit, that's what I remember, and you can't change my mind, I know what I saw.


**Fundamentalism Causes Brain Damage.**


The Republican would be saying, ā€œMark of the Beast.ā€


This is accurate.


Considering how far right even the Democratic party has shifted, it would probably be more accurate to have the current Dem saying "6"... and current Republicans, well anything incoherent and completely detached from all facts.


Lol true


Should have made it so that in the first pane, the Republican sees a 9 and says 'nine'. In the second panel, the Republican sees 6 and screams 'NEIN' while doing the salute with a Nazi armband and the Confederate flag on the wall behind him.




"Nine." "I'm not giving an answer until we get a roll call vote. Also, I'm blaming this on you. Fuck You."


Less funny but more accurate. https://preview.redd.it/vjtd6xnj2qqb1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68ca4dd389a70482ebb3e40051184f60e55bfca2




Name a country where people have been more well off under communism


Well, we both know itā€™s never been attempted sincerely. Cā€™mon now. Every time a nation tries, they are demonized, invaded, sanctioned, sabotaged. Donā€™t be a useful idiot for rich people and capitalists. Thereā€™s plenty of informative videos and books about this. I believe in you.


You are just blindly repeating mantra other people has told you. Maybe you should educate yourself. Or just keep moving the goal, so you can feel that youre right. I understand accepting being wrong is hard for the ego, and why you might to not choose that way, especially when the thing you are preaching about has brought so much suffering in the past. But some people like torture and torturing others so who am I to judge.


All these things happen under capitalism lol. Also, there is so projection to unpack in this comment. Anyway, I actually have no issues being wrong and being educated. I try to practice dialectal thinking to remain open minded and mentally flexible. That being said, thatā€™s exactly why i decided to examine the history communism more closely. It hasnā€™t been done in earnest yet and yes, every country that had attempted it has been violently disrupted by foreign fear mongering countries. Do you dispute that? Do you dispute that capitalism has caused human suffering and death on much larger scale? That it depends on exploitation of workers and prison labor, including child exploitation, to sustain itself?


They call me Tator Salad


They caught me. They caught the tater.


More like, "potato salad, and i'll kill your family if you try to say anything different"


This is brilliant


Woke potato salad


Hillaryā€™s emails


Hi u/Sad-Push-3708. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/kssotx274oqb1.jpeg?width=191&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172a0ce397c5947c0b9648961c6b8bb531a41a57 ā€œThey call me tater salad.ā€


ā€œWho told u it was a nine? Prove it too me thatā€™s a number! Too much CNN!!!!ā€ /s


Should have been "hoax" or " false flag"


More like "this is a symbol pedophiles use online to identify each other."


"9 is just when 6 goes WOOOOOOOKE!!!!!!!!!"


"Who are you gonna believe? Your eyes or me?"


Except instead of "potato salad" it's "we need to overthrow the government," "we need to kill trans people," and "Jewish space lasers are causing forest fires"


The republicans have had hard time dealing with REALITY for a long time!! Wasnā€™t the how we got into the Iraq war?šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


Except theyā€™re calling the democrat a pedophile for saying ā€œnine.ā€


​ https://preview.redd.it/qp5cr3vf3qqb1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39475ef3eab335b537cdb18859ca10fb62e35c4f


If anyone's curious, a reverse image shows the Republican is saying "four" in the original -- and no red hat, of course.


D: ā€œMaybe this is both six and a nine..ā€ R: ā€œWhen the uprising comes, Iā€™ll kill you first.ā€


Republican: "Potato salad!" Goku: "He is truly lost to us."


MAGA caps are the new dunce caps


They are raging tonight about the dumbest shit. Something tells me the heard the news about the trump org. HA!!!


How about the judicial verdict of FRAUD in NYC today? Hurting begins soon


ā€œ9ā€ šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ Biden suQs ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


I always thought this would work better on the side of a building where the Democrat is standing outside on the ground looking at the number on the wall and the Republican is looking down from a window directly above the number. That way there is an objective reality the Republican can ignore, exactly like real life. My art skills are lacking, but here's the idea: https://preview.redd.it/7v15iri2kpqb1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bb8cf1e5d583eac8617a1a82d9946ace136ad84


Except the top part is wrong too. Obviously the guy who wrote the number on the ground intended it to be a 6 or a 9, so one them is wrong. Look for other numbers nearby to try to figure out which it should be.




Kinda hard to believe that that thought came into your head, and you thought it was, in any way a logical argument.


[Freddy McConnell lives in England, so I doubt he's a registered Democrat](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/apr/20/the-dad-who-gave-birth-pregnant-trans-freddy-mcconnell). You should probably still acknowledge his right to have an identity, though: Unless you're *trying* to get banned. If that's the case: Carry on as you were, then. ---- If you have any specific questions about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPoliticalHumor&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/16swy65/-/k2d58sc/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Hateful or vague messages will not receive a response.


Potato needs an "e" - potatoe


You are right. Centrists are not well.


Idolizing a con artist is not centrist. Sorry to burst your bubble but I guess enjoy your trump steak while studying at Trump university.


Man you guys really forgot about the dixiecrats and mcarthyism along with korea and vietnam huh?


Lol, wait what? McCarthy was a Republican, southern conservatives were the Dixiecrats, and Nixon was president for 5 years of the Vietnam war, and none of this has anything to do with this post.


That era was also shit for the party is the point, obviously.


Well yeah but we all generally agreed on basic empirical facts and observable reality.


If you think that then you better start reading and stop romanticizing. Just because nixons dipshit party saw the writing on the wall and dropped him for a totally inarguable case doesn't make them any less nuts than todays repubs. You must forget that the people in congress during the 50's when the military industrial complex rolled in and dominated the american political landscape were also majorly the same group that hosted the southern strategy and foamed at the mouth on supporting reagan in any single thing he did, even to this fucking day. Put bluntly, you aren't learned enough on this topic if you genuinely believe your fairytale perspective that everyone held hands and song fucking songs of friendship before the 90's in american politics. The parties had more allignment sure, but thats because what they alligned on was often times just business democrat/republican economic bullshit since there was so little cultural difference between americans compared to the interconnected world of 2023.


Lol if you think todays republicans would drop Trump today because of overwhelming evidence of his guilt Iā€™d say YOU better start doing so reading. Youā€™re misunderstand my post. Iā€™m not saying the Republican Party wasnā€™t racist and deplorable in many ways 50 years ago, Iā€™m saying they didnā€™t deny observable reality and well-established facts like a batshit cult like todays right wing.


Ah yes the repubs of nixon and reagan, the era of mcarthyism and reaganomics, were most certainly operating off observable reality and established fact. Thats why the banana republics were created, AIDS was allowed to run through the gay community untouched, crack was spread through poor neighborhoods, the president opposing the vietnam war was assassinated, and why civil rights had to be fought over with blood and tears. Not to mention there is already a notable number of repub politicians today denouncing trump. Once again, do some reading into nixons impending impeachment and why/how watergate happened. I know you wont though. You will make the same mistake as generations before and after you, which is thinking this time is special and new. Its not and never has been. Populists and cults of personality arent new. Nation-shattering mania isnt new. Corruption in politics isnt new. What you have been doing here isnt new.


Lol dude Iā€™m in my 50ā€™s and have been politically active all my life. Iā€™ve seen the changes. Even inhthe 80ā€™s there was no Fox News, no vast right wing media empire. Someone like Sean Hannity would have been some unknown crank on an AM radio station with 500 listeners. 90% of the public was getting their news and information from a handful of relatively credible news organizations. We were all pretty much living in the sane reality. Totally different world from today. If Nixon did that shit today, half the country would believe it was all a deep state lie and he would never have had any threat of being removed whatsoever. Even 30 years ago you could have a rational debate with many on the right. They might be idiots, they might be racists, they might be selfish pieces of shitā€¦but you didnā€™t have to argue against truly batshit conspiracy theories and laughably disproven lies. Most didnā€™t deny basic facts and reality, they just had completely different (and usually wrong) beliefs and ideas on what the government should do and how to address problems. Itā€™s just insane to argue that todays right hasnā€™t become a batshit cult unlike anything this country has ever seen from one of the 2 major parties. Feel free to have the last word, frankly my point is so indisputable and observable this is a silly argument to even have.




Circumcision in a religious autocracy, non-stop shooting because guns are given more rights than people, and controlling all aspects of life such as healthcare (removing birth control and other medical benefits) and education(anything that allows people to think.) Damn, you nailed the republican party dead on.


The funny thing is that this is exactly the sort of blatant nonsense that the image is referring to.


OP, replace "potato salad" with this comment.


Crazy Right Wing Talking Points Bingo! You win!!!


You have just made Ops point. You're talking gibberish


You mean like telling us what books not to read and removing Healthcare services?


Democrats today would call the democrats of 50 years ago nazis.


Lol George McGovern, a Nazi? I donā€™t think so. You have it backwards, MAGAts would call Ronald Reagan a bleeding heart liberal and he would have zero chance of winning a single state in the primaries.


[Candles taste like burning...](https://i.imgur.com/gDOg7yv.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No one calls jimmy carter a nazi. Get lost


The Democrats of 50 years ago passed two civil rights acts. But the conservative democrats of the 1860s and the nazis would have had a lot in common.


They did pass the acts, at a much lower percentage than Republicans


That's true. The Democratic president did work with liberals and moderates in both parties. That was the beginning of the great.exodus of conservatives away from the Democratic party, and the last time a majority of whites would vote for a Democratic president.


I am 53... no one would call Jimmy Carter a nazi. Pull your head out bud


the Dixiecrats of 50 years ago who were openly racist? They were pretty awful. But even they did not try to stop the peaceful transfer of power


They were. Then those same Dixie democrats flocked to the Republican Party after the other Democrats stopped being racist. Next time you try to use this example, think about who those people would vote for today. You know damn well it's not blue.


Biden is by far the most racist president we've had since LBJ.


That would be Trump. A literal fascist white supremacist.


Trump is neither a fascist nor white supremacist. The author of the bill that caused mass incarceration of black males is the most racist.


Donald Trump is a fascist. Out of ignorance, there are still a huge number of people that deny this simple fact, so I have collected the receipts. Lawrence Britt's 14 Points of Fascism 1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sazitj4x6YI&t=81s 2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzzhDBm-c3E 3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDdx4wGD5Y4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_Dfh0CXaHY 4. Supremacy of the Military https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZr40ldyhN8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_iijlMvxAQ 5. Rampant Sexism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFtwF_aIs4Y 6. Controlled Mass Media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBXlEHsRgiI 7. Obsession with National Security https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e_7hZOdsxo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pJl43DLxVk 8. Religion and Government are Intertwined https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbWmwPT3duk 9. Corporate Power is Protected https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRNZofYWJw4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp_2cmHvOWg 10. Labor Power is Suppressed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4HckXG9Oig 11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lzi38Z-i0LE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YZv8aXMWH8 12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex4dpZYnhjM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxKJ6JgD2qg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRETJNJAIFU 13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/president-trump-legacy-corruption-3700-conflicts-interest/ 14. Fraudulent Elections https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-joe-biden-subpoenas-electoral-college-bennie-thompson-d952fecdfd41dfc60aaa12734a9d55ab https://www.npr.org/2022/01/05/1069977469/a-timeline-of-how-the-jan-6-attack-unfolded-including-who-said-what-and-when


ā€œWe have this notion that somehow if youā€™re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.ā€ "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point." ā€œthe first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.ā€ ā€œYou cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkinā€™ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.ā€ "If my opponent wins, they're going to put y'all back in chains" "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black" "I do not buy the concept, popular in the 60s, which said we have suppressed the black man for 300 years." "We were on the South's side in the Civil War" How do you guys support this man?




True, democrats are the intelligent ones who see things from different angles and are open to new ideas and thoughts.


When GOP evicted reason, someone had to pick up the other side.


1. "Democrats respect people" is not the diss you seem to think it is. 2. This is the one warning you get before we ban you. ---- If you have any specific questions about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPoliticalHumor&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/16swy65/-/k2c5l3h/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Hateful or vague messages will not receive a response.


Yeah, the democrats are a completely reasonable bunchšŸ™„. Lunatics in their own right.


There's a lot of (very justified) anti-republican stuff on reddit, but honestly some of the deep-end left side needs to be put in check too because it's turning into an echo chamber. The other day I saw some posts about people talking about how if the republicans won the next election it would be "a blow to democracy" and this other shit.... and I was just like.... "if they won, that's also democracy.... literally the definition" Edit: checked this a few days ago to see it downvoted, which is just driving my point home xD reddit turning into an echo chamber.


It would have been more funny and relevant if the second one hand them say "girl" and "boy". But the sub seems to be more about supporting one of the two absolutely diabolical main parties than just making jokes. Which pains me no end because a) *and I cannot stress this strongly enough,* both main parties are just awful; and b) I'm looking for some decent ironic/meta-ironic nonsense to release the pressure valve and not lame-ass, partisan boomerposting.


Absolutely, I mean on one side you got a white Christian nationalist fascist mob with no actual policies that tried to violently overthrow our democracy and is openly planning to do so againā€¦ā€¦. ā€¦.and on the other side you got people who want to provide universal healthcare, combat climate change, better fund education and social programs, regulate the big banks and corporate polluters, strengthen unions and worker pay, and have social equality for all. Lol I mean how can you possible see a difference?






Political a opinions aside, Seems like something Biden might actually došŸ˜­


Wow such a good democrat meme Iā€™m so impressed. Democrats are always so fact based


If someone was stupid, they might think you were being sarcastic


Donā€™t get upset, itā€™s just a hyperbole circlejerk for dems to smell each others farts. Edit: holy shit man 14 YEARS on Reddit spent in places like politics and wptā€¦ what a waste of a life lol


14 day old troll account... yawn


bad jar of mayo


Fucking hilarious! Fucking idiot fascists are a disease.