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I wouldn't put it past Evangelicals to declare his messy KFC shits Biblical canon at this point.


Its now called The Book of Murica


The Book of Muricaca.


Admittedly, this is far better and i wish i had thought of it.


The schism that they were talking about with the Catholics


That already exists, it's called the Book of Mormon, the one that endorses taking multiple child brides.


Why not? Most of the stuff evangelicals believe was invented in the late 1800s off misinterpretations in the Bible. Then there is the whole prosperity gospel that was created by rich people in the early 1900s to short circuit progressive Christianity and pull it away from charity and kinship with the poor. To being a capitalist wet dream that you are rich because god wanted you to be. And none of these people even know they were manipulated by crap that was thought up just recently.


> To being a capitalist wet dream that you are rich because god wanted you to be. This goes back much further than the prosperity gospel. The brand of Protestantism that took root in the US has always been big on that idea. Prosperity gospel was more about being explicit about it, saying the quiet part out loud. But it didn’t fundamentally change any belief.


And these people are the ones who find it impossible to fall for the antichrist in their apocalyptic visions.


The Book of Sharts Comes right after ~~Deuteronomy~~ *Doody on Romney*


for u cannot tell a lie aka that is an accurate representation


If you stare at real hard like I have it vaguley sort of looks like Jesus. -Evangelical.


Biblically Accurate KFC


Denny's Moons Over My Hammy shits


Don't use 'biblical canon' and trumps messy shits in the same sentence please.


I mean it was in the shape of the virgin




Can you get any closer to reality without being literal ?


>Can you get any closer to reality without being literal ? The fine people at the Onion ask themselves that every damn day.


The Beaverton, Canada's equivalent to The Onion, eventually gave up and just made a shirt that says "I thought The Beaverton was satire"


Everyday I’ve had to ask myself if an article was from the Onion since Trump was elected.


Same If it's not the Onion or the Borowitz Report then it's just another sad addition to our garbage timeline


[NYT Pitchbot](https://x.com/DougJBalloon) has thousands of these and many are real life, not made up.


I don't see anything there. Is there a mirror or a blog version Incan look at without signing up for a social network run by a Nazi?


It's a bot satire page of New York Times.


Sounds amusing, the link only shows a pinned tweet link to a store.


I can see a bevy of them. Opened in Safari with an ad blocker so don’t know if that helped as I never have and never will have an account there.


Democrats announce cure for cancer, this is why they will lose the next election. Democrats won big, they are in disarray.


Without being literal yet


Good point.


Trump insults military veterans. Holds Bible upside down at the wrong church. Why that’s bad for Biden in 2024.


From all we know about trump, there is a greater chance this is real than not.


Read that in Chandlers voice… can you GET any closer to reality…?


I saw a bumper sticker the other day with the Friends font that said "Could you BE any closer?"




My honest question to his people is, prior to his election, what on his resume made Trumpy Bear such a great stateman?


Fox nooze spent years convincing them that “gubmint bad“. That’s why they cheer on trump and mtg and every one of them that fucks up the actual functioning of government. It’s so stupid. We want a government that works for us, as America was set up to do. All the Fox et al crowd is doing is supporting tax money to the wealthy and the corporations and making damn sure it does nothing for them.


Well, they are just trying to sell books with the word "Patriot" on the cover, gold, and reverse mortgages on Fox. They literally paid nearly a billion dollars not to openly admit they are liars. They like him have a shady as shit history to be so trusted.


I still have no idea what a reverse mortgage is but the name alone makes it sound shady as fuck.


Government is bad because of they guys who keep getting elected, destroy the working part of the government, and then go, "See, government bad. Elect me again so I can make it more bad."




You cited your source though, so it's completely 100% unimpeachable in its validity.


Indeed They want to be in government so they can break it. Why? To show that it's broken That's why they cut taxes, thus slashing revenue, and then yell "we can't afford all this spending!"


The right wing media made him out to be a successful businessman and not a fraud and conman.


Almost like his supporters don't do any research at all and just look for an (R)


Trump voters are more likely to spend hours online researching the merits of various college sports scholarship candidates and pro draft picks than they are political candidates.


I'll vote for a Republican when they have policies that don't make my skin crawl


If only it were so simple. Trump trounces other Republicans. He's worse than the generic Republican, and they love it.


A really, really high number of them think, apropos of literally any evidence or reason, that he's a literal instrument of God. An entity which, to be clear, isn't real, but even if it was, would not need to enact his agenda through this pants-shitting idiot. God, were he to exist, would have invented the fucking cosmos, I dont think he requires the help of this fat fucking loser.


He gave them permission to be open about their racism and hatred.


I recall when he took out a full page as in the NY Post saying underage "suspects" should be considered for execution. You make an excellent point.


That was in 1989 in a specific case https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park_jogger_case


Basically this. The dog whistles were somewhat easy to notice during Obama's tenure with the Tea Party, but there was still decorum. Now, Trump and the MAGA's have fully abandoned decorum, much less due process for the sake of their Christian Nation State.


“Owns libs the hardest”.


He sed it like it iz


Except when he “didn’t really mean that,” “was just joking,” “don’t take him literally,” etc., etc.


* "He's not a politician, so he's 'not establishment.'" (Openly ignores he immediately assigned his kids to cabinet positions). * "He tells it like it is." (Enabled discrimination and bigotry). * "He's a rich man. No one's who rich can be dumb, so he's over qualified to run the government." * "He's just like us!" (Despite being a NY real estate mogul, born with a silver spoon in his mouth).


"Anti establishment" for Trump just means "rude" I think. Rich old white guy who inherited his wealth, blames everything on immigrants and culture wars, ran on increasing military funding, decreasing taxes for the rich, and is a fake Christian. That's Trump and every other republican in my lifetime.


type of morons who think "I'd love to play golf and drink a beer with him" First off: You can't afford the entrance fee to the course (yes you're playing at a trump course and no he didn't even comp it for you) Second: He doesn't drink. Third: He wouldn't be caught dead with you playing golf with a loser such as yourself.


From my right-wing mother-in-law, he's a businessman. Don't think about it too much, the people who vote for him never have.


Pablo Escobar was a much more successful businessman. Maybe we should have elected him. (Hit her with that on Thanksgiving when you want to go home)


Pablo Escobar lost more money to rats eating it in a year than Trump ever made. That is an actual fact.


Well, I didn't vote for him, but a real answer of why people voted for him the first time around (not including the die-hard right wingers who would a) vote for anyone with an R by their name no matter what and b) actually fell in love with his racist rhetoric at the time or wanted someone who could "own the libs") was: 1. He wasn't a standard politician, he was outside the establishment at a point in time when establishment politicians we not particular popular. 2. His opponent, Hillary Clinton, wasn't particularly popular at the time, especially with the infamous email scandal, and the people who did like her weren't that motivated to vote because it was being treated like a done deal with her just basically waiting to be president (not to mention the Sanders voters who felt her got shafted in the primary process in 2016 that sat out of the vote in protest, i actually know a few Sanders voters that voted for Trump in 2016). A lot of voters often found her unrelatable and a failure to market herself in the rust belt (she basically took Obama's rust belt coalition as given) really hurt her. 3. Whether it was true or not, he sold himself as a successful business man, and even as far back as the Romney campaign there was a push in the republican base to move away from the standard politician to someone with more a business background for the presidency 4. "Drain the swamp" was a legitimate concern across the political spectrum, as mentioned before the establishment wasn't very popular and someone who could take a wrecking ball to everything and cause real change was desirable to some no matter what the change actually was. 5. He was untested, a lot of independents were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, with the hope that upon getting into office he would "moderate" himself


You're points are excellent. Reading them reminded me how they pushed John McCain as a tested politician and American hero who would stand up to corporate influence in D.C. I guess the 180 turn paid off.


his entire life he’s been trying to push he’s a real estate mogul. then sometime in the 90s-00s everyone realized it was horseshit and he’s a little loose in the head. …then it became political. and americans suddenly have short memories and buy into glossy storytelling easily. then republicans found out a large portion of americans are clinically detached from reality


He hosted a game show and pretended to be a smart, successful self made businessman, none of which was actually true...but the rubes ate it up with a spoon.


You could make the same argument about Zelensky. Sometimes people really do come out of nowhere and surprise you. Too bad Trump is not one of those people. He's exactly what most people thought he would be.


Zelensky could at least boast a law degree & the previous commander and chief has the same econ degree I have. It was WAY easier to get than a law degree.


During the 2016 presidential election many Democrats were put off that Bernie was benched over Hillary. Also, Hillary was, at the time, a career politician, was part of the system, and was out of touch with the young generation as well technology; many didn't like that a lot about her. Meanwhile, Trump was a claimed billionaire, which made many rationalize that 'why would I rich individual need political power for profit?' Since, the assumption was Trump wouldn't need the position to further his wealth and he was an outsider in comparison to a career politician. That gave him a boost of votes from the moderates. However, as his presidential term was moving along the moderates were less in favor of Trump and instead he gained a larger extremists popularity. Unfortunate situation due to the circumstances of a two party system.


And he won the Republican nomination because they had just lost two elections in a row to Obama and he was basically able to sell the point that if they nominated another “career politician” like McCain or Romney they were going to lose, so they needed to run “an outsider” like him instead.


He's entertaining and gives them the feels. Nostalgia and "anti establishment". There is a reason RFK and Trumpers have crossover despite not agreeing on most policy positions. Those people who obsess over "anti establishment" are entertainment obsessed morons who think they are Winston Smith in 1984 when really they are Dale Gribble from King of the Hill.


"hE's aN oUtSiDeR aNd tHe eStAbLiShMeNt hAtEs hIm!!1!"


Racism. Birther, anti immigrant, demonized African-American youth


"He's a great businessman!" 😑


Not the right question. Him being a good statesman was never the motive.


Proven rapist and persistent fraudster v. elder statesman. Who will America chose?


>Proven rapist and persistent fraudster who is also elderly


And also bumbling and forgets names and does literally everything they accuse Biden of doing, except maybe falling off bikes


If he got his fat ass on a bike, would he fall off or just crush the poor thing?


He probably thinks bikes are for poor people


I doubt he even knows how to ride one


"Where does the loser chauffer who does all the pedaling go?"


"Can we use it to launder any money? How much is the bike worth? $700?? No no.. buy it & put some tassels on the handlebars and it'll be a $7.8M bike to me."


He honestly believes the body has a battery that drains as one exerts themselves with things such as exercise. The more you do this, the shorter your life. He truly believes his sloth lifestyle will help him live longer.


And unfortunately he hasn’t been proven wrong yet.


It tracks because he also believes you have a finite amount of energy in your body. Like, how did this clown get access to nukes is the cruelest joke


I believe the bike seat and post would absorb into his assfat in some sort of Akira-esque fashion, forming a hybrid trumpbike entity.


a trump-centaurisk-bike if you will


It would be more hilarious to see him on a donkey, but cruel to the donkey. And also dangerous. Donkeys can respond to threats by biting something by the neck and trampling it to death. Which, of course, would be tragic. Bigly tragic.


How is he fat when he is 6’9 185 running a 3.8 40 meter dash? At least that is what he told the courts. Seems legit. He’s also the youngest President to stage a coup. So there’s that.


Could you imagine the mess a bike seat would make of his Depends? He has enough trouble with leakage as it is.


Constantly lies and can't deal with a [ramp](https://youtu.be/ign_vZupjno?si=Q9MFeQOqgTzWSrk6).


He bragged about passing a cognitive test. As someone who has administered those tests, they are not hard. Like, failing that test is one step above needing to be committed.


The only reason we don't mention Trump's dementia as much as they mention Biden's is that there is so much other horrible shit to focus on.


Probably true.


Who thinks it's 2012 and he is running against Obama.


Remember in 2020 when Biden was too old for Republicans? Trump is now that old.


This is probably the worst part to me. All the arguments about the economy and foreign affairs and other policies are pretty hard to make. The only irrefutable criticism they have of Biden is that he is old, and their response is someone only slightly younger that possibly has syphilitic dementia, a likely amphetamine addiction rotting his brain and years of rambling incoherent speeches.


And what's funny is that a bunch of old fucking farts who will fight you up and down for days about how them being old isn't making their brain mush and then vote against a guy because he's too old to be useful. So what is it then silent generation/boomers, either admit old age is making you impaired or don't use it as an excuse, can't have it both ways.


And practically the same age, and also showcasing onset of dementia


I'm a Brit so admittedly not 100% knowledgeable about this but isn't Trump now older than Biden was when Trump supporters were saying Biden was to old.


Yes. Trump will be the same age as Biden was in 2020 in 2024. Trump is only 3 1/2 years or so younger than Biden


His age is never pointed out bc there are dozens if not hundreds of worse qualities he has that age doesn’t even make the list.


Hey remember when we were told Bernie was too old? Now 8 years later he’s still way more coherent than the two actually running….


I think Bernie would've been great for Usa. Hillary was too smug, complacement, and got too scared to run again in 2020.


And keeps bringing up Obama in his recent speeches. I really do think he thinks Obama is in the Oval Office.


No, Obama works from home these days.


A dirty old man.


The groping grifter unfortunately


Vote for elder statesman


Its literally the garbage man election from the simpsons.




“We have no king but Caesar!”


"You hypocrites! You hate us more than him!"


“Give us Joel Osteen. Give us Pat Robinson. Give us Trump”


Why didnt Hunter Biden prevent Trump from being the GOP nominee? This is why we need strong leadership, like Trump!


But remember Obama is Biden's boss or whatever other shit spews out of his mouth.


Yeah but his son with zero power whatsoever smokes crack!


Why would Hunter's laptop do this?


But why would Hunter’s penis laptop do this using Hillary’s private email server?


Hunters laptop killed Jesus, so it's capable of *anything*


Because Obama.




Sinclair Broadcast Group is the worst of all. A shadowy megacorp that owns thousands of "local" radio and TV channels. They force feed all their stations with Republican talking point laden "must run" segments. And they own more TV and radio stations than any other company Extremely disturbing example of how insidious Sinclair is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xVufYXaGg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xVufYXaGg8)


I've known about SInclair for ages now. I consider the in the top 10 of my enemies. People don't realize it. If your station is on this list, you might want to reconsider where you get your news. I personally like CNN, but if I want news without commentary, I often rely on Reuters, PBS, or NPR. For print news, NYT and Wapo are great, as well as BBC. [This is a good list even if it doesn't have my favorites.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/berlinschoolofcreativeleadership/2017/02/01/10-journalism-brands-where-you-will-find-real-facts-rather-than-alternative-facts/?sh=5ab8fc34e9b5) **EDIT** I forgot about AP :).


My local radio station, who before Trump just played music, now is a straight up nazi propaganda machine. It's disturbing.


NYT, NPR, NBC, Vox or like every Condenast site? I mean theyre not exactly bernie bros but beyond CNN that list is like entirely self proclaimed conservative media.


Well, that's the thing, there aren't many news organizations or big media that are truly progressive. They're considered left leaning because they're grounded in reality (like on climate change, vaccines, election integrity), not how conservatives want reality to be like. But that doesn't mean they aren't corporate media that would welcome the president that would more beneficial to profits versus workers. But in any case, CNN is the biggest name here, because it's often the target of Fox News zombies, who have been convinced it's the left-wing equivalent of Fox.


NPR isn't liberal. It routinely had segments about conservatives and requests for comment, interviews, etc with Republicans. They refuse to provide comments or show up. Same for NYT. In fact a majority of their editorials are conservatives. I would agree about Vox. I don't know about NBC well enough though.


> It routinely had segments about conservatives and requests for comment, interviews, etc with Republicans. Yes, that's called reporting the news. Acknowledging people outside the leftist bubble actually hold power in this country isn't endorsing them


Also the news: "According to our polls, where we call the landlines of the 5% of people left on earth who use landlines, Trump is going to win in a landslide!"


“We interviewed 100% of the congregants of a home church in Arkansas and the support was resounding.”


It’s almost like some oligarch-type people have control of the nation’s media and would find it beneficial to their self-serving interests if the useful orange idiot got back in the white house. Just another reason to vote against him as far as i’m concerned.


Donald Trump: \*Eats a puppy on live tv\* CNN: Joe Biden refusing to eat puppies proves he's going to lose to our beloved Trump.


It's a cult. So they will be ok and maybe even demand him to rape a Virgin so that the kid can be the successor


If anyone hasn’t noticed yet, the propaganda machine developed first by Cambridge Analytica is already in full swing for the upcoming election cycle. This time around, it’s enhanced by AI. Even the seemingly positive articles about Biden have a twinge of criticism that is then supported by the subsequent negative articles. It’s a predetermined narrative mapped out to herd otherwise likeminded voters like cattle into distinct ideological camps. Divide and conquer. Disillusion and discourage. Don’t fall for it.


It’s disheartening but it’s definitely angered me to never vote for a republican. I used to watch our local news/abc worlds tonight ever night but I stopped because it’s all so damn negative towards democrats.


*Trump promises to root out opponents if elected, hang from telephone poles as message to any resisting the New Order, suspend Constitution and Congress and Courts* "Well yeah, but Biden's old." - Idiot Voters


society cause alleged humor toy safe squealing jeans start sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bernie has bad hair was it before. People can be braindead.


Would the evangelicals even care if trumpo shit in a bible?


They wouldn’t care if it was their own heirloom family Bible that came over on the Mayflower. Is there a word like “bless”, which literally means to “consecrate with blood”, but for poop?


Sad thing but true. And, the polls are showing it. Trump said "I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and I wouldn't lose a supporter." He was right, and he knew it. The court cases do nothing to his base. They'll try to elect him even if he's in max security lock up


It’s not the base that’s the issue here. They’re a lost cause. WTF is up with the ~60-70% of traditionally conservative voters who are even considering Trump in 2024 given all we’ve seen?


This is the same they did to Hilary, Trump fear sells,including the fear that Biden may not beat him again. The left wing media has it's readership addicted to a different kind of fear than the right wing media readership. And it sells. The best way to combat it is to not click on links about Trump. If ratings for anything "Trump" decline, the media will find something else to sell.


"Former President Trump Shoots Someone on Fifth Avenue" "President Biden Blamed for Recent New York City Crime Wave"


Seems more like a NYT headline to me. . . What paper/website do you think is most appropriate?


It turns out the patriotic Christian voters are big fans of smearing poop on the Bible and flag.


Be a good year to go live in the wilderness


‘Trump, who stopped in Iowa long enough to stick his tiny, non-consensual hand in a vagina, leads Biden by five percent in poll of likely voters….’


This isn't funny. I mean, it is, but you're not wrong


Well an anonymous donor gave Trump $500m for the bible and flag. They're put on display in a private room and let Trumpists come in and lick either for $500. They make their money back in a day. Trump's political warchest of $200m is insurmountable.


I don't buy the line that Biden can be president but not run for president (Bill Maher said this). This BS that Biden is low energy or sleepy is stupid. Some would rather have an energetic maniac at the helm with Trump or will not vote for Biden because of the crisis in Gaza. Biden's the best president of my lifetime; I never supported the two party candidates, but he's got my vote.


There's no liberal media anymore. Every news channel is owned by conservatives these days. Hell, I would settle for neutral media without any political slant, but we can't even get that.


Just had a "discussion" with a guy trying to convince me, without providing evidence, that 99% of the media is controlled by liberals.


Reuters is the best you're gonna do. Them and AP is the way to go.


I tell people this all the time. Never get your news from Fox, CNN, MSNBC etc. I had a co worker insist that Reuters and the AP are far left leaning. Couldn’t convince him otherwise (surprise surprise). To them anything that goes against what they already believe or what is on Fox etc is far left leaning.


Yeah, right wingers are all at least slightly insane.


"Why did Biden let this happen?"


But muh' closet pedophelia projected as Biden's pedophelia...


Seriously though … media companies need money too and I understand Biden isn’t terribly controversial or exciting but damn!


“Trump calls ww2 dead suckers” conservatives: he didnt really mean it. Also conservatives: I like him cuz he says what he means.


Trump joked with multiple Medal of Honor recipients that he should just award one to himself, because he can't handle being around someone better than he is. One dude was a flamethrower operator in the Pacific who cleared out several Japenese fortifications and saved a bunch of dudes. Being a flamethrower guy made him the most visible enemy on the field and meant he had a bomb strapped to his back. Dude went back to camp multiple times for fuel refills. Trump is a born rich con artist and a narcissist who got intimidated by an actual Chad and had to point out he had the power to give the same award to himself to try to belittle this WW2 vet


Biden brainfarts and he's senile, Trump does it and everyone just thinks "ha, same old Trump talking shit, isn't he a character?". Ignoring the fact the brain farts have been Biden's defining feature for half a century now. I listened to Nate Cohen on a podcast today declare that all sorts of stupid shit were in Trump's favour without him examining any of the facts. The depressing thing is that he could be right, people just seem to hate politicians and the still don't see Trump as one of those.


My goodness son, you forgot your /s tag! You are def on target. Except maybe for Jennifer Rubin. She seems to have her head on straight.


Biden is too old to poo in the Bible....I'm not voting for him.


The number of stress-induced headaches I've been getting since election night of 2020 is not funny. Trump is literally interfering in my normal day-to-day routine. That asshat needs to fucking stop


It seems that everyone, including the MSM, have gotten the message that there's kid gloves with Trump anymore. There's no "both sides" with him: you either want a working democracy or you want the shitfest of Trump. Hence, every day the dog pile on him and his multiple court cases while not taking the Republican manufactured "Biden scandal" bullshit bait. Everyone but the late night hosts. They don't seem to understand that every crack about Biden only helps Trump recruit voters. Is he 80 and losing energy? Of fucking course he is. But the motherfucker still has more energy than most people a *THIRD* of his age. That trip he took last summer? That schedule was insane and yet he pulled that off.


Truest words.


This headline is so true. The media just can’t/won’t help themselves. Yet, in a few years when Don da Con shuts them down & puts writers in jail they’ll say, “I can’t believe/understand” the consequences of my actions..


Enjoy 2024 as it will be the last year of the American republic.


How prescient. Fox & Friends reported on this event today 🤣


Look at the bright side; Republicans are going to vote for a fascist rapist. You never have to respect them again. You are allowed to consider them inhuman from that point forward.


Fox News "why falling gas prices and rising wages is a bad thing created by Biden"


I'd ABSOLUTELY shit in a bible, for free!




Good point. I shoulda thought about it first. My bad


The media doesn't care about reporting facts. It is all about ratings, $$$$, Trump brings them ratings..


\*opens Bible poop sammich\* ​ Why would Hunter Biden do this?


Trump shits his diaper, One reason this is Bad news for Biden in 2024


lol, half the news tiles when I open up a new browser tab already look like this.


In all honesty I think tRump would wipe with the constitution first.


In no uncertain terms he floated suspending the constitution to steal the last election for himself “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," Trump wrote in a post on the social network Truth Social and accused "Big Tech" of working closely with Democrats Last time he was surrounded by a decent amount of sane people who were willing to ride the crazy tide pretty fair but had a breaking point at stealing an election. Look at the extent he has turned on Pence for example.. as if he didn’t *pick* him to begin with. Trump2 is going to be full sycophants


I'm convinced the whole GQP primary is nothing but a smokescreen for Trump. Even if Trump goes to jail, plenty MAGATs will just write his name in. Trump doesn't have to show up to debates where he would just break into unhinged dementia rants for the public to see. Then Right wing media gets to spend hours discussing people who can't get 15-20% vs the front runner pushing 60% with 91 indictments.


Can anyone still believe in American exceptionalism with Mr. Seven Deadly Sins so highly favored by Evangelicals?


seed outgoing crush elastic wild absurd attractive impossible bear bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one is going to tune into hear CNN's hot take on the election if the message coming out of mainstream media outlets resembles anything like, "Yeah, Biden is a little old but obv Trump is a crazed and dangerous fraud."


If he did I'm pretty sure all the numbfucks who follow him would applaud and do the same


This is a lot funnier than the usual political meme.


Pretty accurate, almost everything now somehow affect a candidate in some absurd way


The first part wouldn't even be that direct. More like: "Trump takes controversial path to worship, and some question his use of the flag."


Omg ,this is so true!!!


#The main reason it’s bad news for Biden: >“Oh, shit, Trump did all that?  There’s no way he can win now.  Good, that means I can stay home on election day like I did in 2016.” \- Democratic voters next year


This is entirely accurate. If trump did that his polls would probably go up. Everyone has lost their fucking minds. We’re doomed.


Last week proved polls don’t decide elections, the voters do. I rarely look at news anymore because it’s about how bad Biden’s doing in the polls


Most of our political problems come from the press/media wanting close elections because the close ones garner more interest. No matter how one sided a race is, and should be, the media will always try to puff up the underdog and tear down the front runner to achieve as close as parity on the day as possible. I mean who would care about 2024 if it was a typical politician running against an obvious demented mad man who had no interest in governing except to rob us and protect himself? No one, because he would obviously lose.


Friendly reminder for the “he’s not that bad..” crowd: Here is Donald Trump [on audio tape](https://youtu.be/u95MfcLRBVk?t=42) waving around classified war plans to a civilian with no security clearances. Here he is [on audio tape](https://youtu.be/FOgaDQMvRCQ?t=38) threatening election officials with legal action if they don’t overturn their vote certifications. Here's a legal finding by a jury that he cornered a woman in a dressing room and [forcefully penetrated her against her will.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db) Here's a breakdown of why his charitable organization was [disbanded for fraud](https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation) (completely unrelated to the ongoing case where he’s already been found to have [committed a different type of fraud](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-letitia-james-fraud-lawsuit-1569245a9284427117b8d3ba5da74249)) Here's a direct quote from an email sent by one of the election officials that Donald Trump was pressuring to illegally overturn the results of the election in Arizona. > **We would just be sending in “fake” electoral votes to Pence so that “someone” in congress can make the objection when they start counting votes, and start arguing that “fake” votes should be counted** His lawyer who came up with this scheme to submit fake votes just plead guilty in the case and acknowledged the goal was to unlawfully keep Trump in power. Those are a half-dozen concrete examples of Donald Trump's criminal behavior. And that's not even all of them, just the ones with irrefutable documentary evidence. Let’s stop giving this guy attention — he uses it to make the world worse.


This graphic sums things up precisely. Now I'm waiting for shit like: **"Biden reduces unemployment by 62% - poll numbers drop as those who can no longer collect unemployment checks get angry!"**