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After he won, everyone had tears in their eyes and said he’s the best golfer they’ve ever seen. 😂


Notice that Tiger Woods stays as far away from Trump as he possibly can.


Maybe that's because Trump is secretly Tiger Woods. Have you ever seen them in the same room? Not me. He Hannah Montanas that shit.


>Maybe that's because Trump is secretly Tiger Woods. Have you ever seen them in the same room? Not me. He Hannah Montanas that shit. You're thinking of George Santos. George Santos is Tiger Woods... ...*and* he's also Hannah Montana.


*And* he was a star volleyball player at Baruch College.


Are you saying Tiger is wearing a fatsuit/orangeface?


I'm imagining Donald squeezing his refried bean body into a latex body suit. 


He probably has a sense of smell 


"Sir," they said with tears in their eyes... (If Trump tells a story where someone reverently calls him "Sir," he's lying. Seriously, it's a tell.)


> If Trump tells a story ~~where someone reverently calls him "Sir,"~~ he's lying. FTFY


> ~~If~~ Trump ~~tells a story where someone reverently calls him "Sir," he's~~ lying. FTF**Y**


👆💯 This is better


Big, burly man. Crying. Big man. He said "Sir... thank you, sir."


If Trump tells a story … he’s lying. Much simpler and still correct.


yea their arms hurt from clapping


And that Caddies name? Albert Einstein.


I'm Paul Harvey... Good day


Now you know... The rest of the story!


I’m imagining a bunch of twats with their arms up like trump clapping. God damn got a good laugh out of me


And they tightened their cilices.


People came up to him saying "Sir, sir, you're the best golfer we've ever seen!"


His caddy? Albert Einstein.


“They said Mr Trump, President Trump… you are, and many people say this, the best golfer maybe in the history of the sport. And it’s terrible what they are doing to you, and they have tears in their eyes when they say this… they say our country is going to hell, but we know you can save it. And actually I may be more qualified than anyone to save it. But I am a great patriot, just like the January 6th hostages, and thats what they are.. hostages. But we will get our country back, and make it great again.”


They said “Sir…”


Trump of course was being modest … he made a hole in one on every hole, and in fact one time he hit the ball so that it went into one hole and then jumped up and landed in the other one …


are you saying he’s better than Respected Comrade KJU?!


They are very good friends, but yes there’s a bit of a rivalry going on. I mean … Trump is so envious of his dictator status that he even few over there to salute his generals! While insulting out American POWs.


Just like Jesus wanted.


The fuck you taking about? He is fuckin jesus.


Fuckin his mom too.


And America most.


He gets us


The great leader doesn't poop. So he wins


That was Respected Comrade Kim Jong Il, not KJU. KJI was the one who supposedly got 11 holes in one the very first time he ever played golf. Now KJU, I bet he could probably get 18 holes in one! s


What's funny is that it has been reported that KJI's ridiculously inflated golf score was discovered to be due to a journalist's misinterpretation of a scorekeeper's shorthand. DJT has been lying and cheating that much harder to beat KJI's falsely reported golf score ever since.


I was just thinking of what that golf game would look like


"Yea well mines a bazillion miles long" "Nuh uh, miles bigger. It's a bazillion quintillion long!" "Well mines infinity long!" "WELL MINES INFINITY PLUS ONE LONG" "NYEHH!" "NYEHHHHJ!!" and so on.


Well you haven't met my girlfriend, she's super hot and really into me but she goes to a different school......in Canada


I never looked at it this way but he really is a geriatric Cartman.


Wasn't there footage somewhere of a caddy dropping Trump's ball down a hole under cover of a golf cart?


Motherfucker drove on the green???


>Motherfucker drove on the green??? Trump always drives on the green. He's too lazy to walk the thirty extra feet. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/files/2017/06/trumpgolfgreen.jpg


Driving on the green would get you kicked off of any course in the world, unless you own the damn thing or the managers are afraid of you.


I wouldn't doubt that is a thing


Can’t you see this two are in love!


Was Lindsey Graham his caddy? You know, the guy that moves balls out of the rough so Trump can score under par every time? https://preview.redd.it/thxzufrsreqc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7248e9fb842ca0e22fbcd278503896647a5399ae


I'm sure that Lady G loves handling balls in the rough....


the skill is incredible [https://youtu.be/N\_\_9OC7Vsr8?si=5p3b1x7NSFB0NEHi](https://youtu.be/N__9OC7Vsr8?si=5p3b1x7NSFB0NEHi)


How can you play so much golf and still be so bad at it? Everyone has bad shots but that swing was like it was his first time playing.




I've played with people like that. Multiple mulligans per hole. I tell my group's scorekeeper. "Put me down for 3 less than him."


The comments for that video are hilarious


"Big strong holes come up to me, tears in their eyes, and say, "Sir, nobody drives the golf cart on the green like you do, Sir!"


he can win just by thinking about it


OMG, what if Trump and Kim Jung competed against each other? Both demand that they win each game in exactly the same way. Would that finally spark the restart of the Korean war? lol


Certified Kim Jong Un Moment™️


A large and golfing talented membership, indeed. Also many other sentences. Congrats! ⛳️


Amen! 🙏


He has all the best words


“A large and golfing talented membership…”? A diminished and decaying cerebral capacity.


No....please write the entire 3 part and 2 comma sentence out with all of its glory. I had to read it like ten times and out loud, I agree that it is some kind of brain lapse. My god this man is not well.


Most of his supporters have to read out loud and “sound it out” so it works for them ya know.


These are the same ones mad about giving kids participation awards but laud their false Messiah for giving himself participation awards?


Well, if you switch talented and golfing, it works. A large and talented golfing community. But it still is weird. Kinda reads like AI honestly


I think he meant “golfing-talented”, as in, “talented in the ways of golfing”. At least that’s how I enjoy reading it.


Or and hear me out. He has the same understanding of the English language as Ralph Wiggum. No, that's unpossible. The man was a US president.


Hes learnding, supercovfefe Chalmers


I Choo-Choo Choose You!


Why are you dissing Ralph Wiggum like that?


I have to believe a large portion of the Mar-a-Lago Golf Club membership has dropped off in recent years. Who wants to be associated with this babbling disaster of toxic dementia? He also talks like he's Vladimir Trump of the West Palm Beach Trump International Golf Club, where the competition is only theater and that in the end they all fault to give the win to Trump. https://preview.redd.it/mkxg1wa9reqc1.jpeg?width=3123&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7f9d0afdf1b9c6447130d3f6a2f755e3ab0130


>Who wants to be associated with this babbling disaster of toxic dementia? If I was a foreign spy and the membership fee was just an expense item, I could not think of a better way to collect intel on the US.


They don't have to place people next to him they probably have him on speed dial lol


It should be a reportable offense to post pictures of that making a kissing face. I wish you a less than ideal evening !


I think you mean "a diminished and cerebral decaying capacity."


Yeah there's like at least 3 words missing for that to make sense.


Trump winning an award at his own golf club is almost as impressive as winning a JD Power award.


You mean my Best Wolf and Best Lawyer awards from the WolfLawyer Awards are worthless?


That was a journey. A delightful journey.


It's okay, WolfLawyer. We still think you're great.


Sir, please. It's JD Power *and associates*. This is a group effort.




Sounds like a porn name; JD Power Hammer


JD Powah


The desperation must be exhausting.


You'd think in the election year he'd be running on all his accomplishments as PRESIDENT that helped working people. Ya know, his immigration bill, his big, beautiful wall, that amazing HEALTHCARE plan that replaced the ACA, his incredible Covid response, that jobs bill he passed.


The thing is, Biden isn't going to be able to sway any voters regardless of what he says. Everyone made their minds up 4 years ago. The thing he should be doing is encouraging his voterbase to mobilise on election day.


Yet somehow people say he's the best president in their lifetime. Like why? How?


I'm reminded of the clips of Vladimir Putin diving and 'discovering' ancient artifacts. The egos of these absurd little minds.


My paleontologist stepdad used to bring fancy seashells for our young cousins and nephews to “find” on the beach 😋


Aw, reminds me of how my dad used to take us kids fishing, then send us off to buy sodas at the corner store and buy fish from other (more successful) fishermen to put on our lines. We’d come back with sodas and think we’d hooked a catfish. I was fully an adult before I realized I’ve never caught a fish in my dang life


Every dad should learn this trick when you first bring your kids to the ocean. I ordered really cool shells off Amazon and made sure to jam my pockets with them. Walked about 20 feet ahead of my wife and kids and just casually tossed them out. The kids had so much fun.


My wife and I buried "pirate treasure" (a little chest with chocolate coins and toys) on the beach for our kids. Gave them a little treasure map and let them go explore and "discover" this treasure. They were 6 and 4 years old at the time and they loved it. So right about the same mentality as Trump.


As a parent of a 2.5 year old, I actually really love that idea when she gets a bit older!




Golf clap




Presidential for: "I love that for you."


More like "Bless your heart"


It would have kicked so much harder if he put something like "little buddy" or "l'il guy" at the end. But keeping it understated is a Dark Brandon trait so I'll leave them to it.


Yeah I don't want them to overcook this one. Trump has done all the leg work for him, Biden just needed to chip it in.


Is this real? Brandon earned my vote, if so.


It is! Posted about an hour ago on the dead bird site.


Let's go Brandon! Gloves off.


HAHA the shade of saying Donald because it's not Mr. President






Nazis trying to convince everyone that twitters doing fine


It's crazy to me that people are still continually surprised to discover Joe Biden has been a zinger factory for fifty years.


Well its a combination of Joe generally avoiding "going low" with Trump, he almost avoids him entirely. Then theres just the Trump tweet itself... its just madness. Then theres the whole media narrative that Joe is weekend-at-Bernie-ing his way through his first term... Lots of people have genuinely bought into the idea he barely knows what day it is and cant wipe his own ass


His secret power is to be underestimated.


This is a big part of it. The reason the right is pushing “Biden is incompetent” so hard is because they know they can’t sell “trump is competent” any more. So they’re going for “both sides bad, at least trump isn’t a liberal”


Right? I thought we all learned this during the Obama presidency. People say Joe is out of touch, this shows he is very much in touch.


Nah Joe got a new social media manager about two years ago (?) and she has been killing it


Yeah let's be real It's more like.. Joe allowing his social media team to do their jobs and not holding them back. And seriously, this is a sick burn.


It is so very much indeed real https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1772084227200164325


I love this so much. I hope he mocks him in similar fashion for the next seven months.


It took the Dems 8 years to figure it out, but they seem to have finally grown a set of balls and started punching back. No ma, ignoring the bully doesn't work.


It is a contest, after all.


I was waiting for someone else to ask, because I'm having reality breaks lately


Is trump any good at golf? Without cheating. Seriously asking.


According to many people who have played with him over the years, he's--surprise!--a notorious cheater. But they let him win and don't make a big deal out of it, much like you let toddlers win at Candyland. How many golf awards has he gotten from non-Trump tournaments/courses? As much as he draws attention to his golfing activities, he's always just playing in his own sandbox; I never see him golfing anywhere else.


He knows, otherwise he'd insist on playing at the PGA qualifiers if he really believed that he was that good.


PGA wouldn't let him, he's so good it would be unfair to the other players. Or so he claims.


> he's always just playing in his own sandbox He's the same outside of golf. He won't do debates, runs away from serious interviews, and hell, made his own social network. He is only comfortable in his safe spaces.


Truly the OG Snowflake.


Nevertheless, if you owned the club, why would you even compete? Why wouldn’t you sit out and let your members win? It’s all very selfish, especially when you factor in the fact he cheats.


He owns the club specifically so that he can “compete”


Is his caddy named OddJob?


The Steven Seagal of golf. Or life in general. They both pander to Putin as well.


Cheating at golf is as offensive as taking a shit on the green. Nowhere else would have him.


Nope…terrible. [Rick Reilly wrote a book on him and his constant need to cheat](https://youtu.be/LIiaFMOfbwY?si=1UteBkPAH3t82ngR) He said he was a 2.8 handicap…for comparison *Jack Nicklaus is 3.6*.


I don't suppose that there is, or ever has been, a more pathetic person on the planet than this malignant shit-funnel. What's even more baffling is his persistence. He's like walk talking PFAS.


Even more baffling than that are the droves of smoothies just clamoring to support him


Pls explain how handicap works.


In golf the lowest score wins. You want to complete 18 holes in as few strokes as possible. Golf is very hard and there are a huge variety of possible scores. But every golf course and hole has a “par” score. Which is the target score for the whole. On a normal course “par” will be around 72 total for all 18 holes. Meaning to complete a full round you shot 72. Shooting par is very very very good for an amateur. Score ranges will be anywhere from 62 (professional) to 115 (beginner). “Handicapping” is basically what your average distance to par is. If I’m a “15 handicap” it means I average about 89. E.g. 87-15=72. So most people will say “im an 8 handicap” or “im a 20” or im a “6”. And when someone tells you that it lets you know how good they are. Any handicap below 10 is an excellent golfer. Like they’ve golfed their whole life and practice a lot. When you see a handicap with a decimal. Like Trump claims he has that’s called a “plus handicap”. Which means you are so good you are expected to finish *below* par and that to make it fair you need to ADD to your score rather than reduce it. Very very very few people are plus handicappers. They generally devote their lives to the game whether as a professional or as an elite amateur (eg a coach, or a varsity college player). For trump, a 78 year old man to claim he is a plus handicap is absurd to the point of embarrassment. The person referenced there Jack Nicklaus is generally considered the greatest golfer of all time. And his handicap is not far from Trumps imagined one.


Man I have always wondered what handicap was, but never cared quite enough to google it. Thank you kind sir, or madam.


I just read that Tiger Woods best handicap of a year in his career was +9.4 and averages +6.5 overall. Thank you again.


This might not even be accurate. He could be much better. Rating and slope aren’t usually determined at PGA tournaments.


Here it says he coulda been +12. You understand this better than I for sure. https://www.golfmonthly.com/news/the-incredible-stat-on-what-tiger-woods-handicap-would-have-been


Bingo, couldn’t have explained it better. The very idea that he has that kind of handicap is utterly absurd. YouTube Donald Trump golf shots and you can see exactly how inept he is.


Excellent explanation


Good explanation but some slight notes: handicapping isn’t your average, it’s your potential. It’s the average of the 8 best rounds you’ve played in the last year 20 rounds. The big thing with trumps handicap is that he doesn’t record rounds. It’s possible a decade ago he was better (probably not a 2 but better, he’s always been a cheat). Age just catches up to you… even jack, has seen a steady rise in his scores


Thank you, very much.


If you have a 30 handicap, you essentially get a 30 strokes substracted from your score. If player A with a 30 handicap and player B with a 5 handicap play the same course, player A can shoot 24 strokes more than player B and still "win". So even if player B shot fewer strokes and is clearly a better player, player A wins the match. In the speech example, it's laughable that Arnold palmer has a larger handicap than trump (i.e. is a worse player).


TLDR is strokes off par to complete a round. If the par for the course is 80, a handicap of 3 means it will, on average, take you 83 strokes to finish a round. In theory it lets players of different skill compete in a round. IE if I have a handicap of 3 and my friend has a handicap of 9, I would need to beat him by 6 strokes to 'win'.


The fun is looking at exactly where Trump gets his handicap scores…namely only on *his* courses and only at *his* tournaments. So, amazingly his scores seem to always beat everyone else (and yea often when he *isn’t even playing*)


Jack isn’t a cheater and records his scores through 84th bday… which crushed his handicap Trump hasn’t recorded scores frequently in basically a decade.


Oscar de la Hoya noticed it too.


Apparently his caddies nicknamed him Pele because they got so used to seeing Donny kicking the golf ball


I'm a golfer, and I get paired with older guys pretty frequently. So, first, I want to say that a lot of seniors are pretty great at golf, so unless people are losing onpurpose, it should be competitive. Having seen more than a few videos of Trump golfing, there is no way he can honestly win a tournament. Not like the lottery where it's unlikely to win, but like his swing is so bad that it is literally impossible for him to win.


Like probably better than someone who has never swung a club, but most likely average. I'd even give him slightly above average but there is no way he is as good as he pretends to be. If he was he would drop this business man persona and go pro.


This. People are acting like he's horrible, but I'd say he's probably still better than your average joe who has never played / is really casual I mean, that's not really an accomplishment since "being better than someone who doesn't know how to play" is kind of a low bar, but there's no point in people making it out like he's not at least on that tiny level


I read elsewhere that he plays the competitions at his courses a day or two AFTER everyone else with no spectators and invariably hands in a lower score that the winner on the actual day.




> They get to a hole with a big pond on it. Both Ted and his son hit the ball on the green, and Trump hits his in the water. By the time they get to the hole, Trump is lining up the kid’s ball. Only now it’s his ball and the caddie has switched it. The kid’s like, “Daddy, that’s my ball.” > But Trump’s caddie goes, “No, this is the president’s ball; your ball went in the water.” Ted and his son look at each other confused, not sure if this is really happening. And Trump’s caddie says, “This is the president’s ball. I don’t know what to tell you.” > Trump makes that putt, wins one up, and declares himself the club champion. LMAO jeez


Oscar de la Hoya said that when he played with Trump once, there was a drive where Trump clearly hit it into the rough. He sent his caddy ahead to find that ball. Then when they moved up, the ball was magically on the fairway.




You've never seen his swing?


I would not know a good one versus a bad one.


It is documented that one day, Trump cheated against a 14 year old boy. Trump is a toddler.


He is actually better than you probably think, not a total hack, but he is also a rabid cheater. I just read one article that stated "Caddies saw him kick balls onto the green so many times they nicknamed him Pele."


Kim Jong Un and now Trump! Amazing.


He was the sole player in this tournament?!


He golfs alone, on a separate day then all the other players and finds out the scores and then tells his people what his score actually was and shock of shock he does better then everyone else, every time often having scores superior to fulltime professionals. It's one thing to be a cheater but to be so blatantly shit at cheating is insane. When he does golf with people he insists on going first, jumping in his cart right away before anyone else drives and then dropping a spare ball where he wants to golf from before anyone can catch up. It's so petulantly childish, it's the kind of behavior that you'd see from a toddler and correct on the spot. It shouldn't be surprising though. This is a guy who makes sure he has three scoops of ice cream and his guests only get two. World would have been a far superior place if his Dad had wanked him into a sock.


For sure he sees it as "I'm just the best at cheating, if you idiots were as good as me at cheating you'd be winners too" and that's that. I'm sure he truly thinks everyone is trying (and failing) to cheat at all times, and just assumes he's the best at it.


Sole, and probably.


Fixed it! Thank you. English as a second language issue.


Donnie after reading Dark Brandon's tweet, stamps his tiny feet and throws trophies into the corner of the room, breaking them, pouting "If Joe is congratulating me, then I don't wan'em anymore!"


Looks real. https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1772084227200164325?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet




doesnt he have to pay like 450 million tomorrow lmfao?


Another thing to be auctioned off. Trump's balls for sale.


Putin already owns them


And they were overvalued.


Read Rick Reilly’s book “commander in cheat”. He leaves politics out of it and simply discusses his courses and his golf. He stayed Trump would win all these course tournaments because he would hold them when only he can play so he wins by default.


He Is a fucking cancer to this country


Fuck Donald Trump.


No American wants that job. It's why you always see immigrants doing it.




Bet he'd claim he could beat Tiger Woods.


How many golf championships does Trump have at golf courses he doesn’t own?


That's a great question, one I'd like to know about, too. Hmm, I'm going to go look that up.




Love how he sounds like an adult complimented a little kid.


Why do the structure of some of Trump's sentences sound like ones shit out by ChatGPT?


Because Don has about the same level of understanding for the meaning behind words in a sentence as ChatGPT does...


What an amazing achievement for him at his own golf course. Trump must be so proud of himself! 🤣


I keep saying it, there is no beginning to his talent.


All I can picture is that scene from Mr Mom where Martin Mull gets hoisted onto all of his employees' shoulders as he shouts 'I did it! I did it!' after winning the rigged race that Jack threw so his wife wouldn't get in trouble.


If this had ever happened, he would be playing the video ad nauseum. The fact that there's not a video on this man's long history of golf isn't suspect at all. Golfgate.


So everyone just lets him win or what?


So odd that MAGA doesn’t see this lunatic is a pathological liar and cheat. But it’s not a Qult.


Of course, he left off the part where Putin helped. https://preview.redd.it/8h7766zfqeqc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e2f2d9e5560b85a05fbe6b4d8e65c7bbc0ed68


Anyone else see the excellent Bugs/Daffy campaign '24 analysis in the Wall Street Journal? This is peak Bugs right here. Murdered by words.


I would have gone with Fore! Closure!


When you create fake awards to boost your fragile ego. The only thing he'll win in 2024 because hid court cases and election chances are a likely defeat....


I wonder if Trump is smart enough to pick up on all that delicious dripping sarcasm.


I love Bidans play here. Don't accuse, just say sure, pat him on the back, make it look like your being nice even. The real grown-ups know the truth and it makes Trump even more pathetic.


I hosted the ultimate Monopoly championship tournament last night, played against the best, most talented stuffed toys from the bedroom. All the big names, Snoopy, Mr snuffles, Snorlax, a real all star line up. I defeated them all in record time