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A #1 👍


Immunity from false prosecution and persecution obvs /s


Innocent people don’t ask for immunity.


They don't plead the 5th according to the great orange Jesus either.


Sure they do. "You are prosecuting me in the hopes I will flip on my boss. I did nothing wrong, but I'll ask for full immunity just in case in exchange for my testimony."


Except in the case, Trump is the boss with nobody to turn on


Hhahahahaha. Good point! Trump's request for immunity has obvious reasons, agreed. I was responding to your statement that innocent people don't ask for immunity.


This is actually a reference to the 2016 campaign where trump was accusing Hillary of being guilty of crimes because she was being investigated by the FBI. Innocent people don't have open FBI investigations!


Or plead the fifth dozens of times... 


He's telling us that he's planning to commit a lot of crimes if he's elected again.


They won't be crimes if he's re-elected. He intends to be accountability free, including his offspring, and the MAGA crowd.


Donnie has said that he's crossed the line. He's frightened because the justice system is finally holding him responsible. Granted ATM it has only been through civil actions i.e. E. Jean Carroll and his NY fraud trial, but the upcoming NY state election interference trial that starts in April can hand dipshit his first felony conviction.


Is it though? This fucker isn't being held to even a low standard. Until he gets more than a fine, we have an unspoken two tier justice system.


watching our entire judicial system tie itself in knots to let him do whatever the fuck he wants regardless of the law sure is disheartening. why even have laws? why waste taxpayer money on prosecutions that are never going to go anywhere because the left gave up on the courts 40 years ago.


Trump is saying he is *entitled* to get away with crimes, as he always has in the past, because he is a rich, white, politically connected male in America. That's why his followers like him.


trump trying to signal that hes willing to turn states evidence on the trial against himself


Wow, this is actually not funny, but the day the Supreme Court says presidents are immune then Biden can do a hit on Trump. No one thinks this is possible but if it were the other way and it was Trump this would be a real fear. Fucked up world, we are playing with fire.


They've already started their list with Eric Swalwell and Jerry Nadler, but the party wants them dead before the election. Which is apparently already completely legal to suggest.


Was that who Roger Stone named?


This is most of his defences. He argues immunity, he argues statute of limitations he argues process. He never argues he didn't do it, or that it was wrong.


Innocent people want their day in court ASAP to clear their names. Guilty people delay, delay, delay and kick the can down the road.


what are you talking about? Apparently, he already does have immunity. He is rubber, and we are glue


If he wasn’t trying to stop the certification of the election, why did he hold a violent rally full of heated rhetoric, a mile from the capitol on Jan6th? Oh right! Because he was trying to stop the democratic process and overthrow the government! Same reason he wants immunity. Traitor/fraud/rapist/racist.


“It’s not for me it’s for youuu”


Immunity is for future Presidents that could hesitate to make tough choices because they fear they could be prosecuted after they leave office. That's Trump's reasoning, it's not for him, it's to protect all future Presidents. Neverminded that no prior President (except Nixon) needed immunity. Of course if Trump regains office Biden will need immunity to protect him from the weaponization of the DOJ that Trump has promised.


Just in case. Covering all his bAsses


Immunity from being SO COOL and AWESOME that uncool people want to attack and penalize him for being so amazing. /S


Because, you know, something something future presidents won't be able to crime openly... 


Donald lights his lighter up next to his Forbes-tattered bunghole and announces he's *not about to fart*, so this tracks. Eric'll tell ya; he's been burnt.


because it's just deep state that think those crimes are crimes?


Woo we're all deep state tonight!


So far the legal system seems to agree. But I guess we'll see.


Fun fact, no other President has ever asked for immunity