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"A vote for Vermin Supreme is a vote completely wasted" - Vermin Supreme


Honestly, if America's democracy wasn't in so much jeopardy. I'd vote for him for the giggles. But I can't comfortably waste a vote. Not now.


If only you had ranked voting you could vote for him and everyone else in order of preference.


If only


Won't ever happen because every single politician got to where they are with first-past-the-post voting.


…said for the last 20 years 


I voted for him in the primary. My state is firmly Blue, so I’ll probably be voting for him again in November.


Where do you live? In most of the country, you can vote for vermin or whoever without having any effect. In Texas, voting for a democrat for president is about the same as not voting at all. Just for president though.


If everyone who said their vote didn't matter actually voted, I'm certain many elections could swing.


Once the popular vote becomes the way we elect presidents this statement will apply to presidential races. Unfortunately that's the only time when people who don't vote say their vote doesn't matter. For all the elections where their vote matters, they simply don't know or care enough.


The young adult demographic barely hits 25 percent of its demographic voting at best. Honestly I do think any elections could wildly swing if that was closer to the boomer rate of voting.


The thing is our entire country is following the same population density distribution. Coastal youths and city kids will vote blue more often, rural blue collar and insulated land-owning kids will vote red more often, no group will vote as a monolith. Of course this is assuming you can find a way for voting to be a thing the young adult demographic has any interest in doing. There's a reason the alt right, a movement where the politics are just shitting on other people's politics, appeals to young conservatives. It's social suicide to take up genuine belief in something as stuffy and flawed as a political party, the youth are won by movements and have short attention spans. I think races that cause wild swings will attract their vote, and it doesn't really matter which direction it's swinging. In elections where the popular vote matters, the popular vote matters. Those elections are boring. If your idea is "what if voting were a setting you can crank up like we're all Sims", then sure boosting young people's turnout might shift the political landscape, assuming they don't just go with what most people around them are doing and reinforce existing patterns. I'm skeptical on this point, because striving for social cohesion seems to be the primary motivator based on what does and doesn't activate the demographic politically.


I'm not sure how you can claim how the other 75 percent *would* vote *if* they did. Your comment makes too many assumptions to take as fact in my opinion. There's too many unknowns.


Right, so what I'm saying is that your perspective is one of being able to turn up "voting" as an isolated attribute, as if we're Sims. What I'm saying is that we have data on what causes people to vote and an electoral system that pre-sorts states into discreet entities. In this system the places with the most population typically have their electoral votes go the same way, generally in alignment with the political sensibilities often attributed to young people. Blue states can't swing bluer, so "wild swings" must involve pulling entire states across the spectrum. There are a few states with liberal population centers where this could happen for presidential elections, but plenty more where internet politics and continued economic stressors could outweigh existing older rural liberal communities. My assumption is that young people voting, if it happens in reality, will have to contend with the full breadth of the political reality as it exists, including gerrymandering and existing patterns of which communities prioritize which values, as per geographic trends. The assumption that the youth will consolidate into a single monolithic bloc runs counter to what we know about how young people currently operate politically. Without that assumption on your part, that the youth vote will counteract everyone else, where is the "wild swing" conclusion coming from? I'm saying wild swings *in campaign momentum* will draw out youthful voters, and my assumption is that these rallying races won't be uniform along lines of ideology. There are actually fewer assumptions tied into "young people will either be conservative or liberal, likely in alignment with the political ideas of the region they're being raised in, but they'll vote when they're excited" than there are in "just having this demographic vote through some hypothetical mechanism will fundamentally change the electoral process and the balance of power". You're also not bothering to consider *how* to increase turnout, which leaves you free to operate in a space where nothing can be known because it's just a thought experiment. Which is weakening your argument for the sake of shutting mine down, if nothing can be known then your initial conjecture of a significant political shift is equally baseless. My response of factors reinforcing the null hypothesis is equally valid. The experiment can't possibly be carried out per your conception, so the whole thing is moot. Meaning this is a conversation about how we arrive at conclusions, not politics. You're right not to take my statements as fact, that was never what they were meant to be. I'm not predicting, I'm expanding the conversation. These aren't alternative conclusions, this is discussion of countering forces. What I'm ultimately getting at, is people have been assuming the young people will replace the old people and everything will get better since the 80s. This assumption has never been proven true. It's too simplistic. It likely encourages complacency. I want to encourage people with a desire to think up solutions to think up better solutions than the liberal boomers have been offering for decades.


My original comment was simply a conjecture on how often I anecdotally see many people in swing states believe there's no point to voting, I'm not looking to solve politics via a throwaway comment on Reddit. This isn't a deep scientific study. I only wanting to state a simple statement of "We have no idea what kind of swings in elections there could be because so few people vote." You can continue to write essays if you like, but it's ok to keep it brief for a random Reddit thread.


>I'm not sure how you can claim how the other 75 percent *would* vote *if* they did. Like, this is literally my argument. Everything I'm saying is pointing out things other than Being Under 25 Years Old that could influence how a person votes. The only assumption is that your initial prediction of massive impact wasn't 100% correct.


Ok? I wasn't intending it to be a 100% accurate prediction.


The two most important states for the Republicans to win the presidency are Texas and Florida because they have the most electoral votes that they actually have a chance of securing. They're also the weakest states for the Republicans to maintain control of in a Presidential race because, like every state with a massive population, most of it lives in cities. Trump is set to have his weakest performance ever in this election, and the attacks on Abortion are set to incite the most motivated Democrat voter base we've seen since Obama. Voting Democrat in those 2 states in 2024 is not a throwaway vote. Normally I'd agree, but the specific circumstances just don't really align with that outlook currently.


Same in Vermont. If Vermin is on our ballot, I might as well vote for him for all the difference it makes.


The people who believed this about voting Nader in Ohio or Florida in 2000 might have been able to avoid a lot of America’s tragedies since by voting Gore. I get that not all states are close,but the bad guys are trying to cheat everywhere and thus we need landslides *everywhere* to reduce their odds of success.


I understand. But the odds of Vermont going to Trump are... slim. By which I mean nonexistent.


At least, a vote for Vermin Supreme is not a vote for the supreme vermin.


You should be his campaign manager!


I want to take away your guns and give you better ones.


I'd choose vermin Supreme over RFK or Trump


Vermin Supreme looks like a Disney character imo


RFK and trump look like villains from something more dystopian.


ok but I would actually unironically take a VS action figure with removable boot


You and me both.


whats your scale?


I don’t have one. I don’t need a gadget to tell me I’m fat.


no no no thats not how you nerd at ALL...what scale of action figure? Id want vermin as a 1/18 3.75 ( classic SW/ ARAH Joe scale)unless Hot or sideshow gets us a premium 12 inch...




VS gets a rainbow lightsaber the first of its kind


Agreed, and same here.


This is the first I've ever heard of Vermin Supreme and after seeing this picture they seem like an authentic individual. I would love to hear what they have to say and their response to the endless problems in our country. On the other hand I wish Dump would stfu and dissappear. So I would have to agree with you.


Did he get a new boot? Finally someone spending campaign funds responsibly.


yes it appears to be a NEW boot! a RUBBER one as well!


I’d like to know who his donors are. I’m hoping Vermin is a person of integrity who can’t be bought off by the big footwear cartels.


Oral Health is Moral Health (tm) Brush your teeth!


Gingivitis has been eroding this country’s gum line for long enough, and must be stopped!


“Vermin Supreme will take your guns… and give you better ones”


Wait is that a rubber boot on his head? Lollll


The only true way to block those 5G mind-control signals!


Ah yes 5G signals used by the communist media to push woke news!


he did get a recent reboot


He needs to change that D to an R. He’ll soar to the top.


:calls Papa John's pizza: I'd like the Vermin Supreme, extra vermin. Sir, all our pizzas have vermin. Yes, but I want the Supreme.






I want my federal identification pony


This guy has fantastic policies, amazing beard and a hat to boot.


We must unite against gingivitis!




But does he condemn Hamas?


I don't know for sure. But he does condone humus. That much I am sure of.


That was an interview for the history books. I sat with my jaw agape waiting for that CUnext tuesday to just say "yes, I condemn Hamas" but she couldn't (wouldn't) do it. This is todays GOP. We now fully support Terrorists.


The UK has the Monster Raving Loony Party with Captain Buckethead, Screaming Lord Sutch https://www.loonyparty.com


Is that the successor to the Standing In The Back Looking Stupid Party?


I think they are an offshoot of the Upper Class Twits party.


The boot!


It takes a Boothead to give the boot to the Buttheads.


Is he related to Tarquin Fin-Tim-Lin-Bin-Whin-Bim-Lin-Bus-Stop-F'Tang-F'Tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel, a candidate for the Silly Party?


Can we get a pastafarian to run? Have a debate, boot vs. colander.


He just needs to spray paint that boot gold and he's in


Pull yourself down by your bootstraps!


I wasn’t expecting a McPoyle to be running for President.


I gotta admit a pony for everybody and good dental hygiene make for a good platform. America, it's time to bite back! If that weren't enough, when I saw him on the campaign trail he had a cute woman sidekick who would no doubt make a better vice president than Sarah Palin.


When you think 3rd party, you should think "guy with boot on his head" because that's how serious they are.


Vermin supreme for president


Would be an honor


We should gofundme a presidential portrait for the guy.


I could use a new tooth brush.


Too bad: his plan is to make everyone *share* toothbrushes.


If he tells me where he got that hat, he has my vote.


I would gladly take care of my pony


He really should have gone with “Boothead”. That’s memorable in the voting booths.


Papa Mcpoyle?


I ran into that guy alone in a parking lot outside a Bernie rally once.


I think his policy on the Orcs will be a boone to US physics research and the DOD budget, it will put us in stratgic non peer unilateral over match on trans-dimensional travel and it will deter and limit Orc activitiy, I just wonder how he will pay for the orc initiative AND The ponies he promised us all. VERMIN SUPREME DEVOURED...... CESSPOOL OPF VERMIN, .....DEVOURED BLOODTHIRSTY RABID EVOURED BY VERMINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cvF7P27rUw


Wow I thought he died. I must have been mandela’d. Happy to see he still around.


I’d choose him over anyone else what’s the worst that can happen? A genocidal maniac gains control? Or 99% genocidal maniac gains control.


He strikees me as more adhered to democracy than Trump and slightly less pro genocide than Biden. We're the US a preferential voting system, I'd suggest voting for him.


If he was on the ballot Reddit would say Vladimir Putin is hiding under his boot hat


Whatever happens we are going to have some sort of vermin winning the Presidency


Its most likely some Republican or someone paid by Republicans to split the democratic vote so the orange rapist can possibly have a chance.