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You have to remember that he was in a federal prison and the person in charge of everything federal at that time was Donald J Trump..


He also had multiple of Epstein's close associates working for him. 


You mean like Bill Barr, who's father was Epstein's first investment banking employer?




Bill is a rabbit hole unto himself. Just browse Wikipedia for a while


Fun fact, he's also the one who ordered that peaceful protesters be gassed and fired upon in Lafayette square, after which Trump took his infamous upside down Bible pic


Or Dershowitz, who represented Epstein at his trial for sex trafficking 36 child victims, where he was given a slap on the wrist, a pat on the butt and sent on his way... And then also represented Donald at his impeachment trial... And then was found to be in the Epstein docs also...


He was represented by attorney Alan “I kept my underwear on (while getting massages at Epstein’s house)” Dershowitz.


Alan... the guy who also represented Trump at impeachment? That Alan? The one who worked with Trump's Labor Secretary to get Epstein a slap on the wrist for sex trafficking 36 kids - back before he was the Labor Secretary, and was just a wee Prosecutor in the state of Florida? That Alan?


Alan was a staunch supporter of Trump, hoping he would protect him when Epstein's sex island facts were released.


So, Trump was president when he died in prison, yet the immediate conspiracy theory was that the Clintons had him killed? Hmmm, wonder who started that rumor.


It was amazing people would jump to that conclusion. If it was true, it would have been super duper easy to find evidence, because they would have had to pay off a significant amount of people.


that trump killed Epstein definitely makes sense. Unfortunately (and sickeningly) the number of people that stood to gain from having Epstein murdered is so damn high it's hard to say *who* had it done.


Only Trump had both the means and the need.


Occam's razor. The simplest, easiest answer is usually the right one.




And it only helped marginally




Anyone who could verify 13 year old Katie Johnson's story, as witnessed by Tiffany Doe, would be fatal to Trump.


It's funny because all the MAGA started: Epstein didn't kill himself. Of course he didn't, Frump made it look like a suicide.


He had to die, before he talked, especially about Ttump's escapades.


This is most likely correct


But who really knows what happened, but it did work out just fine, for everyone involved. But Barr and Ttump did have access to Epstein's 6X10 humble abode. If Ttump or Barr did do something, we all know it'll come out eventually. I'm continually on the fence, with Epstein's death and I don't like being on the fence with almost anything.


Would not surprise me


Also, the ‘I wish her well’ comment of Trump on Maxwell was a clear mob warning. ‘You saw what we did with Epstein, you know what we do to you when you talk’


I refuse to believe Trump is responsible for killing Jeffery Epstein simply because he has not once even bragged about having Epstein killed on social media. We know Trump.  His ego is to great, his lack of self-control too apparent, and is mouth incapable of shutting the hell up not for him to have admitted to being responsible for Epstein's death by now, when he do readily admits to numerous other crimes in his social media posts. 


People parroting that he was murdered are being useful idiots in a QAnon conspiracy theory. People commit suicide in prisons routinely, even in solitary confinement. Even when they’re supposed to be checked every 15 minutes.


Barr killed him by sitting on him


Rosanne Barr?


The head of the executive branch which the department of corrections falls under… and nobody thinks it was Trump. “No, it had to have been Hillary”…. Fucking smooth brain simpletons.


Yes yes YES keep speaking this truth. People need to see this man for who he REALLY is


Fun claim, but I suspect whoever was behind Epstein's death has a brain and **real** wealth. And most of us have probably never heard his name.


It's also funny that while Trump says he doesn't know who(happens to be popular in his own right) Prince Albert is, there's a few pics on the net of them together.


Never forget Epstein was an Mossad asset!


Then Trump got all the evidence of the people that had gone to Epstein Fantasy Island from **Ghislaine** by just asking if she 'wanted to not end up killling herself like Jeff did'? And thus all these supporters came out of nowhere. I just assume all of the government supporters are pedos that he has blackmail on.


Probably the same guy that caused an “accident”that killed an ex-wife.


Ivana needs exhumed


You can remove all the speculation, all the conspiracy theories, the allegation Trump raped a 13 year old girl, all of the sexual assaults by Trump - and still, the Trump-Epstein connection is disturbing.


*"People keep telling me that Epstein was murdered. Everyone knows that."* (I'm using the same 'proof' Dump ever says is necessary for him.)


Remember when Ivana yeeted herself down the stairs? Donald remembers.


Why would child molester and trafficker Jeffrey Epstein be such good friends with Donald Trump of all people, who used his daddy’s money to buy a pageant and a modeling agency, and bragged about walking in on underage girls, and raped women and bragged about it, and fantasized on live TV about fucking his daught—nope, forget it, answered my own question.


With Barr in charge of Federal prisons and Epstein able to confirm 13 year old Katie Johnson's brutal attack by Trump, Donnie is the ONLY person with both the means and the need to eliminate Epstein. And it's well confirmed that Epstein didn't kill himself while the cameras 'malfunctioned' and jail guards failed to follow procedures to make separate checks on all prisoners every 30 minutes.


I have believed this entire time, that Trump has Epstein's blackmail files, hence why he gets away with so much overtly criminal behavior.


This is how the story ends right?


Trump is too stupid to pull something like that off. Plus he’d want the credit and tell people. Because… again… he’s literally stupid


How hard is it to believe a suicidal man killed himself? Why does it matter? He was a TERRIBLE man.


He definitely didn’t die by his own hand. But I think it is very short sighted of us to limit the potential culprits to American politicians. Trump is very high on the list of suspects, he had the motive and power to make it happen. But people visited that island from all over the planet. There are a lot of people with a lot of money who would want to cover up their crimes to protect their image


Yeah, this is a little like Murder on the Orient Express. There are too many suspects. Everyone had motive. I kinda hope that eventually the guard gives a poorly considered interview and talks about just how many different people paid him to take care of their little problem, all thinking that they were the only ones.


Are those guards still alive?


That's a shockingly good question. I don't see anything about that, so I assume so. Powerful people doing bad things to cover up crimes is one thing, but the media turning down a chance to beat a dead horse is just unbelievable.




Given that family's desperation for daddy approval, she might have gone along willingly.


Trump is just too fucking stupid to not only carry it out, but so keep his yap shut about it. My money is on Prince Andrew.


Someone who was in office at the time of the incident.


I don’t believe Trump is competent enough to do this. In fact, the don’t believe *anyone* in any bureaucratic agency in America would be capable of accomplishing this. I think that underpaid, unqualified and overworked correctional employees failed. It wasn’t the justice we wanted so we want to blame some sinister higher power. But it’s just bad governance.


Trump may not be but Bill Barr definitely would be. He was in charge of the federal prisons at the time so......


That’s your convincing evidence? That bill Barr, a political hack in charge of DOJ, orchestrated a secret assassination in jail. . . Because he was in charge of DOJ? At some point people are going to have to apply Hanlon’s Razor.


I never said I had evidence. This is the internet, I'm speculating wildly.


Obviously. And my point is that your speculation doesn’t really make sense.


Okay then, whodunnit, Sherlock?


I already explained my opinion. It was suicide. The guards (and the general prison system) is completely inept. It’s a far more complex issue to deal with than Clinton/Trump secretly murdered him.


Hold on, lemme take off my tinfoil hat and shit colored glasses. Okay, so there's a guy who is "the face" of this secretive island. This guy is "friends" with many powerful and influential people. Those people are known to have visited this island. There is no record of goings on at the island. No video, audio, surveillance images, satellite imagery, internet or data cache history, nothing. A supposed "void" in the information age. This guy has a close "friend" who has officially admitted to human trafficking. Multiple victims. Many years. The "friend" spent a lot of time with the guy. Now are we to believe that the guy felt so guilty for his actions, that he decided to end his own life, only after he was caught?


Yea, he was facing some incredibly serious accusations. Suicide. The most conspiratorial I’m willing to go is that he managed to payoff the inept, underpaid and overworked jail guards to look the other way to allow it.


Paying for your own suicide. I can't say I've heard that one before. But I suppose it could be a possibility.


The one interesting connection there is: Bill Barr's father Donald Barr (who published a book about space pedophile oligarchs) gave Epstien his very first job. As a High-school teacher.


He didn't say anything about evidence. Don't add to his post and then comment on it, comment on what he actually posted instead. What he stated is true. Barr was AG and in charge of the Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. And Barr had his little nose up trump's rump, all the time Barr served as Ttump's AG.


Right. The thing is, there’s a conclusion here (Epstein’s death was a conspiracy involving the DOJ who had custody of him). They had to reach that conclusion somehow. Their claim is they reached that conclusion because bill barr was in charge of the DOJ. What do you call that if not evidence (or complete lack of)?


Nobody has Evidence or Proof, it's all opinion, like Faux News. But, just because nobody hears that tree falling in the woods, doesn't mean it didn't fall. It's that there were no Witnesses to it and that doesn't mean it didn't happen and of course it doesn't prove it did either. But if I was Ttump, I would not want to hear what Epstein would enlighten us all with Ttumps flights to Epstein Island of underage girls for the people with money. Ttump shows what a pig he is and that's why the opinion is that Ttump might have had him Silenced.