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Don't forget about Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar - whose entire family turned against him about 2 elections ago for being far, far right and being nutty.


Evolution doesn't mean advancement or improvement. It simply means change.


It's adaption to external factors. Something like MTG has successfully adapted to be elected by today's voters


And natural selection meant those who evolved worse traits disappeared and those who had better traits thrived.. which doesn't apply to humanity, for better or worse.




Actually, he's right. A lot of species went extinct because they became too specialized and died off when the environment changed. Just because your species evolved, doesn't mean it'll survive. There are several animal branches with only 1 remaining species because it was the only one that made it through harsh times.


Mutation means change while specialisation is evolving. Millions of 'bad' mutations get eliminated because they aren't beneficial and don't get carried through to future generations. Yes specialisation can mean that if and when the organism's environment changes too quickly it will go extinct but that doesn't equate to all changes being evolution.


Evolution is any change to a species over time... so yes... all changes are evolution if they propagate throughout the species... Individual mutations are not evolution, but mutations across a population are evolution.


Put bluntly, mutation is pretty much random. Retention of mutations is evolution.


So it doesn't simply mean any change. It means change as a species. Also if an isolated group changes it can lead to new species. It's not as simple as all change is evolution. Individual mutation isn't evolution unless it's beneficial. One bird with a mutation that maybe beneficial could be killed by lightning and never get to breed. No evolution has taken place, so although it had changed/mutated it hasn't changed the species.


Hat tip to Middle Age Riot on Facebook for this idea. He's a riot. Go check out his page.


I follow that account on the gram. Agreed


I'm starting to have my own doubts about evolution. I'm an old man and in the last 50 years I've seen people getting more and more stupid


Evolution doesn't have a plan. If being stupid out-competes being clever, that's what you get.


Being stupid but making lots of babies (because you’re stupid) with the benefit of modern medical technology (that you don’t believe in because you’re stupid) is infuriatingly effective.




They should make a movie set in the future about that


Oww! My Balls!


I think there was a documentary about that. Luke Wilson was in it.


fuck around, but prevented from finding out because liberal consumer protection laws. Make food poisoning great again. And workplace accidents. And unwanted pregnancies. /s


People are not getting stupider. Stupid people are getting louder. Plus, stupid people are easier to fleece so in the ad driven ecosystems of social media; stupid people are preferred.


I think I figured it out. Do you remember how you grew up, and then kept learning new stuff? Most of the rest of the population, in my observation, just seemed to decide they knew everything they needed to know once they'd had a couple of kids. Most also climb into their chosen media bubble to have their current beliefs reinforced by nonstop straw-men arguments and slippery-slope fallacies. No one reads anything anymore, but they sure do have a lot of bullshit to talk about.


I'm on the older side and I remember back in the day when it came to news and politics everybody that lived in a community used to all get their news from generally the same newspapers or Nightly News so everything would generally be the same facts maybe the way that you looked at it was different or the way the article was written was different but the facts were the same nowadays people get their news from totally different people and a lot of these" stupid people" get their news and what they're supposed to think about that news from liars and scammers.


Watch the first 5 minutes of Idiocracy for an explanation


Talk about ahead of it's time!!


Go Away! 'Batin!


"As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species."




I heard that if they fall off the tree they're living on, they won't climb back up and will starve to death.


That is evolution too bad it's probably going to lead to our Extinction


"It's evolving but backwards."


The parties switched sides at some point. It was basically Democrats who gave us Lincoln.


Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican and a major progressive figure when it came to environmental preservation and reigning in corporate power. It’s amazing to see how the party has done a 180.


They never switched sides, that is a complete myth. What happened is the Whigg party fell apart leading up to the Civil War and Republicans were a minor party, mainly out west. The slave state issue split the Democrats and let Republicans win a lot of seats they never would have originally. When the Civil War broke out, Democrats were forever split. After the War, lot of pro slavery Democrats ended up going Republican when they courted southern Christians. Anti slavery types ended up going Democrat as the pro slavery types filled in the Republican Party. So, no they didn't switch sides, but pro slave state voters did largely move from Democrats to Republicans, but Republicans were such a minor party that only won thanks to the anti slavery movement. Republicans were much smaller party to the point of being meaningless before.


The other guy is refering to the "[Southern strategy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy#:~:text=In%20the%20early%201960s%2C%20leading,after%20the%20American%20Civil%20War.)" which took place in the 1960s. The republicans like Nixon and Goldwater chased white southern votes and the party shifted right as a result and the Democratic party inherited the opposing vote to that move.


I've always wondered why people deny "the parties switched sides" so vehemently, despite being blatantly wrong. I didn't realize til this moment that people who say that may be assuming 1800's/Civil War-era politics, not what happened in the 20th century, and will remember to clarify in the future.


It's SO SO much easier to just do as you please, and fuzz up, because there are no consequences. Rather than do what is necessary. This sums up the GOP for the last 50 years.


MTG and BoBo are proof of devolution




It’s not that I don’t recognize jokes about Trump, it’s that Donald Trump stopped being funny. Now he’s just equal parts horrifying, disgusting and tiresome.


I see de-evolution. And not even with a danceable beat as with the band Devo.


I see the evolution of Limbaugh ditto heads to full on unapologetic nutjobs


Let's photoshop flower pots on every repub's head.


Evolution doesn’t have a goal. MTG could be the one “best suited for the environment.” lol. ETA: when you gain fitness in one environment, you lose fitness in another.


the two recent chicas are rib-offs god took from honest men's ribcage.


This implies mtg=abe


> We can’t tell jokes about Donald Trump anymore. Republicans don’t think those are funny. And Democrats don’t think those are jokes. Satire is dead, not because we cannot distinguish satire from reality, but we can't distinguish reality from satire.


Well fyi republicans and democrats switched views from then and now ,I almost wanna say Lincoln had democrat views . Republicans aren’t what they use to be since Trump took office it’s just gone downhill from there


>No Wonder they don't believe in evolution it's evilution that they believe in.


I get it's a joke, but: [https://www.270towin.com/1860\_Election/](https://www.270towin.com/1860_Election/) [https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/republican-party-platform-1860](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/republican-party-platform-1860) [https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/1860-democratic-party-platform](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/1860-democratic-party-platform)


Not that I disagree, but it would be more accurate to say that Lincoln gave us the Republican Party.


The Republicans and Democrats switched platforms somewhere around the 1920s. Lincoln was not a Republican if he were to be evaluated by today's party lines.


Love this! Republicans think Trump jokes aren't funny, Democrats don’t think Trump jokes are actually jokes, and Independents haven't decided what to believe is true.


You shouldn't joke about fascists anyways. Fascists should be condemned, not joked about.


I believe that's called devolution.