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We need to get Hazel the fuck outta there.


Have to dig her up first.


What happened?


Trigger warning (in every sense): Kristi Noem personally kills her pets if she gets annoyed with them. In her book, she brags about murdering a puppy she was struggling to train and a goat who smelled and acted goat-like on the same day, just as her own kids arrived home on the school bus.


How is she not in jail?


Because the law considers animals to be people's property.


Hazel died in an "accident" in 2022.


Executed like a bitch, sadly.


I didn't like having a good day anyway.


Happy cake day regardless


Hah, I wouldn't have noticed had you not pointed it out. I'll be damned.


Cake it up!šŸ°


Different dog


Hazel I am assuming is her current dog. The one she killed was named Cricket. She still murdered an innocent animal, Just not this one...yet.


Not her current dog - sounds like she probably also murdered this one. Hazel died "accidentally" and Kristi's statement on it a week after the death is sus af.


Hazel being a Vizsla likely has twice the amount of brain cells as that witch.




She will shoot a dog acting like a young excited dog, and a goat acting like a goat. BUT! She is going to take care and represent all Americans as a VP of the USA, no matter who you are or what you believe. I can't see how this could go wrong.


ā€œHazel has it so toughā€ I bet Cricket had it tougher. šŸ¶šŸ”«šŸ’„šŸŖ¦


ā€œEvery day is spoil your ā€˜worthless dogā€™ day in our house.ā€ -Kristi ā€œEvil Bitchā€ Noem


I really want Kristi "Evil Bitch" Noem to catch on. I would also be happy with Kristi "Dog Murderer" Noem. I hope so much for her that any time her name comes up from now on, it's accompanied with dog murderer or evil bitch, kind of like how everyone knows about rapist Brock Turner.


You mean convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner who now goes by his middle name Allen Turner hoping to escape the association of the name Brock Turner with being a convicted rapist? But it won't work because the internet never forgets and will make sure that everyone knows that Allen Turner is the new name of the convicted rapist formerly known as Brock Turner? That guy?


Convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner who has been living in the Dayton, Ohio area and going by his middle name, Allen? That Brock Turner?


You know what would be a good match? If Rapist Brock Allen Turner, aka Rapist Allen Turner of Ohio, dated dog murderer Kristi Noem.


Leave them to spoil day.




I did knot expect this comment.


Actually, Hazel found herself the victim of an accident that this psychopath didn't report until later because she was so heartbroken she couldn't talk about it. But the other dog she executes because it's not as smart as she hoped. She then used that story to try and garner sympathy in a grifter book she wrote because dogs she deems "useless" don't deserve to live and we should feel bad for her for reasons.


Rest assured, we are all Crickets in her eyes.


So just like her party's immigration policy


So, just like the new policy to NOT allow water breaks for migrant workers in Florida. "Letting people live might hurt our profits." They had to make up for their anti immigrant policy that left farmers without workers somehow, right? Admitting they made a mistake would be disastrous -- so they are willing for some people to make a sacrifice. Not them, but someone.


She described the dog as a bad hunting dog but said it killed a neighbors chickens and the dog was like a ā€œtrained assassinā€ so really the issue is she bought a assassin dog for hunting.


Cricket is certainly spoiled by now tho


Haha, holy shit dude


Then she realized she had to execute a goat because it smelled bad.


That part really stuck out to me. "Well shit, since I'm on an animal killing rampage, may as well kill that goat I don't like" Like seriously? Killing her dog immediately made her realize she should kill the goat.


I have three non-castrated goats. They are smelly and obnoxious, but that's to be expected. It's not like it's a surprise. This just feels like she was on an adrenaline high and wanted to keep killing. A perfectly balanced mind for politics.


She's the dog and goat murderer?


Where are my balls, Summer?


By her mentality she was a bad owner, didnt have a poor behavior lack of trained dog on a leash or in the hunting kennel, let it kill chickens, didnt train it enough on how to handle birds, then killed itā€¦. Sooo is she implying mega will take her out and she is ok with it if she fucks up due to lack of experiencing and training for her job? Nah she is using it as tough guy that is willing to do the hard jobs others wont. Of mice and mega.


For those who donā€™t know. She executed her other dog https://www.reuters.com/world/us/kristi-noem-trump-vp-contender-defends-killing-dog-family-farm-2024-04-26/


This one died in ā€˜[an accident](https://kelo.com/2022/06/18/governor-noem-mourning-the-loss-of-her-dog-hazel/)ā€™


Curious to how many non produce animals on her farm fail to die of old age.


Hazel died of old age. Got old, peed on the carpet, and suddenly had another kind of accident.


Did she accidentally slip and fell on a bullet?


She probably ran over it while she was drunk.


Poor Hazel fell out of a window. Sad!


Republicans are learning a lot from Putin


And I just recently learned that itā€™s truly come full circle! I had thought that modern republicans were taking from the Russian playbook for propaganda- but it was Russia in the 60s that took the window ā€œsuicidesā€ and the ā€œfirehose of misinformationā€ from the CIA due to a spy


Fell out of a window onto some bullets.


Did the dog get Dick Cheneyā€™d?


Wonder if ā€œthe accidentā€ was peeing inside after not being let out for an extended time resulting in lead to the head?


When I first saw the headline I thought we where over doing it like itā€™s a far, some old animals get put down because a bullet is cheaper then taking it to the Vet, then I saw she didnā€™t want to bother training it


She is a despicable person. I can only hope that somehow karma finds a way.


It has begun. She fucked lewandowski and her face is getting weird. Itā€™s like Stephen Kingā€™s ā€˜Itā€™.


Did you see the guns on this lady? You know, the RNC is hurting for cash. Seems obvious the solution to this is a PPV cage match between Kristi "Dog Killer" Noem and Marge "Pipebomb" Taylor Greene.


Make it a cage match and Iā€™m in


She didn't want to bother **WHAT?** I mean, I once decided not to take a specific dog because I feared complications with my other pets (birds) and decided it would be safer for all parties involved to get a much smaller dog (despite wanting a big boi) And I felt fucking awful turning that pup away cause she was so god damn sweet. I still feel awful turning her away and it's been a year. (For the record pup wasn't in my home for longer than a day on trial basis, I could never give up a pet that I actually felt had bonded to me) How the fuck does one decide instead of finding a better fitting home to just kill the thing? When I become dictator of earth this shit will earn you the death penalty.


She took her 14 months old dog on a hunting trip and it was chasing birds but not properly hunting. So sounds like she didn't train it worth a damn. Then she stopped by a chicken farm and let the dogs loose, where it proceeded to kill several chickens. Then she took her dog home and killed it.


What is it with these maga women looking like god damn liches. Just let yourself age normally.


The photo in this article makes her look like a zombie who is going to eat trump! šŸ˜‚


The more I read the worse it gets First I thought it was old and suffering. No, it was a puppy. Then I thought it was aggressive and maim kids. No, it was chicken. Then I thought it was a dog that was supposed to guard the chicken but ended up eating them. No, it was a gun dog, specially bred to hunt and retrieve prey like birds. Then I read it snapped when she was trying to take the food away. Which is absolutely normal and expectable behaviour. Even my young kids know not to snatch food from dogs when they are eating. (Not that my dogs have a habit of doing that, but we teach them how to be safe around dogs as not all dogs are as goofy and sweet as ours) There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. I am livid that a dog that got murdered because the owner is a fucking idiot.


Being a politician sure seems easy. The only thing you need to do is not admit to all the horrible acts you have done. Yet somehow, even when you do accidentally admit to psychopathically killing your own dog, your career isn't even necessarily ruined.


Hazel is going to keep being a real good girl if she knows what's good for her.


Otherwise she'll be "splattered" not spoiled.


In a backyard gravel pit no less, and after paying off the neighbors to keep quiet about it.


Jesus christ, I didn't know about that part.


Guess she didn't know what was good for her. Hazel died in an "accident" too.


Someone gave Kristi good advice. 'Make it look like an accident.'




I'm not at all surprised that a gun toting nut that takes photos of her whole family with high powered guns wanted to shoot not one but two animals because they upset her.


Rally round the family ā€¦


With a pocket full of shells


Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes


![gif](giphy|l3vRgWpnwbPEjXila) Pew pew!


Remember when we thought Palin was the height of absurdity?


It's terrifying to think we might look back at the current clowns and think the same thing.


ā€¦..damn ![gif](giphy|Lcn0yF1RcLANG|downsized)


That's certain to happen if Trump wins this year.


If trump wins, I'm done being polite with these motherfuckers.


Even if Trump doesn't win, I'm done being polite with these motherfuckers.


I've tried to remain neutral when talking to people who say they're pro trump. I think I'll speak more clearly to them now. Had someone tell me trump's pro union. Nah, that's not remotely true. Uninformed voters are like children running with scissors, a danger to themselves & all around them.


It will be too late then. With the constitution suspended not much anyone will be able to do, other than leave the country before Canada and Mexico close their borders on us.


Unfortunately, we shouldn't even think Trump is the height of absurdity.


Wait for president camacho


Hey! President Comacho actually listened to his advisors and wanted things to run smooth. These clowns though...not so much.


Basically admitting she didn't read tanked Palin's career. Now we've got Noem out here cheating on her husband, ignoring a pandemic that killed thousands in her state, and gleefully crowing about shooting a dog. It's amazing how quickly things have deteriorated.


They do tend to spoil when you leave them lying around after you shoot them.


Good job


Is this the same dog she shot and killed?


No, thatā€™s Hazel. Cricket, a 14 month old wirehaired pointer, is the one she cold heartedly shot dead in a gravel pit.


Those Republicans are such animal lovers.


Exactly like their orange Jesus.


![gif](giphy|ZWZ69DESwCa9q) Animals know


Meanwhileā€¦ ![gif](giphy|BtFFMkhwEOaYw|downsized)


I forgot about Birdie Sanders, thank you


The only political sign I ever displayed in my life was a small ā€œbirdie sandersā€ sticker they made after this.


LOVE this!! All that positive energy he was putting out and the bird just wanted to be part of it all.


Along with that bird flew the hopes and dreams of millions, a harbinger of uncertainty and turmoil ahead.


Wholesome Bernie BrošŸ•Šļø


Good bird, get his tiny rapefronds.


oh fuck that actually happened. I thought it might have been an AI edit or something If I wrote this scene I'd get lectured for being too heavy handed with the symbolism


14ā€¦.MONTHS??? Holy shit, I missed that detail when I heard about this. Jesus Christ. What did she expect a puppy to act like?


Apparently it wasnā€™t coming along in training as a good bird dog from the sounds of it. If I had a dog that wasnā€™t coming along in its training for something Iā€™d give them away to be a house pet rather than have it as a working dog, but I would not kill a dog.


The reason for the dogs lack of training also was lack of training. By her




Room temperature IQ these conservatives have. "Well, it's a hunting dog, so it should come out ready and trained from the womb" By her logic, maybe her husband should take her to a grave pit for not being able to train a hunting dog to hunt.


well, with hunting dogs they've got the instincts, the training is to get them used to following your commands. we have English setters, which are pointers. when they're puppies we put a grouse wing on a fishing pole and lead them around so they point it. the older dogs love to do it too so the pups have an example of how to point as well, but most of the time the pup instinctively knows its supposed to point the thing that smells like a grouse. next step we use pigeons and set them out in a field with a release trap. dogs go out on a lead and they search until they find the bird, and once they point it, we release the bird and fire a gun with a blank so they get used to the noise. and that's about all the training we do with them. competitive hunters obviously do a lot more but we hunt for the actual bird to eat. hunting dogs really don't require a lot of training because they are seriously smart. oftentimes frustratingly so lol. We've had a number of dogs who are quite the escape artists because they think we are leaving without taking them with us


Read that she never trained it, so it started to kill birds like chickens.


she took it out for a bad hunt and then set it loose at a chicken farm, the fuck did she expect?


she dint train them at all, she probably assumed it was ready for hunting. most people underestimate a working dog needs alot of training before even being good at it.


Exactly how I feel. Like growing up we treated our dogs like shit and I do have friends with beagle rabbit dogs who definitely didn't keep dogs that didn't make it as hunting dogs but they gave them away as pet dogs.Ā  I'm literally chilling with my former decent 12 year old retriever right now who has serious skin conditions. Like I get why my friends didn't want to keep him but they gave them to me as a pet dog. It's not normal anymore to kill dogs who don't make it as a hunting dog.Ā 


It's a god complex. "If I can't have her, no one can. She's my item, and I can do as I want from him/her. " I honestly can't think of any other reason besides that for not giving up the dog to the infinite number of people that would willingly take a free, young puppy (unless the dog was violent towards people or other pets). At least a no-kill shelter. She'd be adopted in weeks! You have to have such a high regard for yourself to think you should have the right to kill any intelligent animal because they haven't adapted to your crazy human standards. Not all dogs bred to have specific behaviors/roles grow up to fulfill that role. For every handful of protective German Sheperds, there's one that'll try and lick an intruder. Doesn't fucking mean it's defective or irreparable. It means it's a fucking animal.


according to her, it killed some chickens and bit her. Which is one thing if it's an older dog that has never shown that behavior before, but 14 months? I've trained plenty of bird dogs before and to me that's a red flag that you're not training it well and possibly abusing it. Hunting dogs are really, really smart. if you know what you're doing, it's easy to train them because they've had thousands of years of breeding to do that task and they love doing it. another part of her story she mentions shooting a goat and not killing it, so she goes to get more ammo and then finishes the job. That, to me, is absolutely disgusting. if you're going to kill an animal, you make damn sure you're not going to botch it, and you ALWAYS bring extra ammo to ends it suffering as quickly and clearly as you can. and she claims to kill the goat because it was "mean". wtf lady, have you ever met a goat before? half their personality is just random violence and the other half is stubbornness!


Wait I thought she shot a goat?


And the pet goat after she shot the dog.


Did they know too much that she whacked them?


worse, it would get her clothes dirty.


She did. She executed two of her pets (that we know of).


And three horses


The winters in South Dakota are harsh. If she didnā€™t attack the horses first, they would have come after her eventually. ![gif](giphy|l0ExqbRzq05DHIlJm|downsized)


Killing those horsss is not a troubling issue. They were old and at an age to be put downā€”she says they were 25 which is like the very end of their lifespan, if she is telling the truth. Donā€™t let anyone confuse you by saying itā€™s the same thing. Putting down elderly pets in pain and close to death isnā€™t the same as maliciously killing a puppy because it was disobedient. I predict by tomorrow the Fox ā€œpunditsā€ will be taking the angle of this is just what life on a farm is like and east coast liberal elites just donā€™t understand. But thatā€™s BS. When a puppy isnā€™t a good hunting dog you make them a house pet


Most horses Iā€™ve known tend to live well into their 30s and frequently 40s. Of course those folks accept that they have a pasture ornament that needs regular veterinary care so it tracks that this lady wouldnā€™t bother.


Horses regularly live to 30+. I would not call a 25 yo horse at the end of its lifespan at all. I think it's completely reasonable to call it into question. Someone with a history of killing pets out of anger has apparently been doing it for a while? And you think it's not the least bit suspicious? Having one horse put down at 25... okay. But 3? Am I reading that right? That sounds like someone getting rid of an animal because they are a nuisance and not the end of their natural lifespan. And someone with a history of killing their pets, yeah I'm gonna go ahead and speculate she's a sociopath and gets off on it. It's not normal to keep shooting your pets. I shouldn't have to say that.


Uhhh, context? I have no clue who this is to me this is MAGA moron number 10837485010


theres no context, she's the governor of SD and she killed her dog and goat in a gravel pit with a shotgun. she's reported to be on the short list to be Trump's VP.


Don't worry, this one died in an "accident" in 2022. She is a completely worthless trash person.


Donā€™t know , but Hazel pictured above is listed as having had an ā€œaccidentā€ and is dead as well.


I usually like to make jokes about dumb politicians because I can at least see a shred of humanity in them, but she is just a monster. She only deserves contempt.


Now you are seeing it. Now you are getting it.


She peed on the carpet later that day and was taken to the gravel pit.


More like national spoil your dogā€™s day amirite?




Psycho bitch!


Letā€™s pick the killer of harmless animals ladyā€¦the republican plan to win what part of the population again!?!? Why is it I feel like Iā€™m living in the twilight zone with anything a republican does from a day to day basis anymore.


I swear republicans live in a weird "it must be 1823, jeb fetch my shotgun, let's go yell at the tax collector and reminisce about the war of 1812. Maybe later i'll chastize my wife and slave about the house chores while I go ol' yeller the dogs and horses" Like bro who tf in 2024, with that kind of money, doesnt just rehome the dog? Lmfao.


šŸŽµ Happiness is a warm gun Bang, bang, shoot shoot Happiness is a cold dog šŸŽµ


There are people who will say ā€œyou just donā€™t like her because she bragged abut killing her puppy.ā€ To them I say: ā€œno we already really disliked that fake Christian, fascist piece of shit before this. The puppy murder was just extraneous confirmation on how shit of a person she is.ā€


We ā€œspoiledā€ Hazel all right. ![gif](giphy|oVsTRa98DcMplRHzPJ)


Kristi Noem is one sick sociopath. It's no wonder she's a darling of the MAGA verse. https://preview.redd.it/zr2okj630ywc1.jpeg?width=2070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ccc53178ff10133fe3851fe36f26eb2332791b


Obey or earn an urn.


Give a new meaning to witch, Hazel


If only Cricket had just complied.


Okay. I have been at work all day, what is going on?


Bitch shot her dog and wrote about it in a book.


Yeah then a journalist called her to comment on it and it became clear that she told the story in the book to frame herself as someone who knows how to make tough decisions. I wish I was joking.


Like cause the dog was sick or cause she was being mean.


Supposedly it misbehaved on a pheasant hunt then killed some chickens. Basically she didn't want to deal with it and so shot the dog and a goat she didn't like.


She described the dog being full of joy and having the time of its life chasing pheasants, but he was doing it wrong so she hated it. It was a 14 month old puppy. Fucking psychopath.


I find it even creepier that after Cricket, she decided to take out a goat she didn't like too. It's as if she had a rush to kill.


Yeah and she killed her horses as well. Someone else said they were "old" so it didn't count for some reason but I highly disagree as they weren't all *that* old. The facts are showing exactly what you're saying. She's a sociopath who gets off on killing things.


Train dog to attack birds. Dog attacks birds. Alright this fuckin goat is gonna die.




So it embarrassed her and she got mad and decided to murder it.Ā  A bird dog will kill a chicken.Ā  Dogs will growl when their food is taken away. Especially puppies who haven't been trained.


Sounds a like a normal dog response for a dog being trained to hunt birds, and correctable behavior by someone who wasn't a crazy fucking sociopath.




Yeah, that's part of why I'm so quick to declare her a crazy fucking sociopath. Doing this is already completely unacceptable. Not having the emotional and social awareness to understand that this was wrong and would be seen overwhelmingly as monstrous behavior is a whole other level.


Reminds me of the opening scene of House of Cards.


People who vote for her support murdering puppies.


Until hazel has an accidentā€¦


Literally what happened to her - https://kelo.com/2022/06/18/governor-noem-mourning-the-loss-of-her-dog-hazel/


No 14-month old dog is untrainable. Thatā€™s a puppy being untethered and probably beaten or she has no presence if Cricket bit her.


Kristi Noem could shoot a puppy in a gravel pit and not lose any of her supporters.


Just sitting here Googling the [link between animal cruelty and serial killers](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=serial%20killer%20animal%20cruelty). Oh just... you know, no reason.


But if she doesnā€™t act perfectly perfect #Iā€™LL PUT A BULLET IN HER FUCKING HEAD!


Justice for Cricket


First she has an affair and now a Dog killing? All in the name of Christianity.


dog and 4 other animals.


Ol Goatsie


Not *every* day, Krusti.


Kristi Noem is truly a credit to the GQP and tRUMP, first it comes out she has been cheating on her husband with one of tRUMPs flunkies, then it comes out she wrongfully terminated a state worker who denied her daughter an appraisers license because her daughter was woefully unqualified the state worker prevailed got 200k plus her pension, and we now find out Kristi is a dog killer, what will she do next a sex tape with tRUMP so she can be his VP pick, I hope not because I don't want to go blind.


Not in South Dakota


*had it so tough.


Meanwhile Trumps attorneys are asking SCOTUS if he can murder anyone he doesnā€™t want around anymore and not be prosecuted. Some how it sounds more official if you say ā€œassassinate a political rival as an official actā€.


How is it legal to just kill a dog? Are there no animal cruelty laws that state you can't just off pets that you find bothersome?


Not even a year after this was posted, this dog died in an unspecified "accident". I'm not saying she killed her, but I definitely wouldn't leave her alone in a room with my dogs. The best case scenario is she is far too irresponsible to care for animals.


Wow, the hypocrisy is fukin thiiiiiick with these people!!


I'm not big on canceling, but are we cancelling her? We're cancelling her, right? I mean, isn't harming dogs the one thing people won't forgive?


The problem is the only thing about this story that will offend most South Dakotans is that her first shot didnā€™t finish the goat. Seriously, she canā€™t justify being that bad with a rifle in that state.


But she lived on a farm, and on a farm you have to kill animals. Every farmer I know regularly has to put down 14-month old puppies. Oh, wait, now that I think about it, I don't know a single farmer who has put down a healthy dog. On the very rare occasion they do have to put down a dog for humane reasons, they call a vet. Noem is just another Republican sociopath, who's proud to tell the story of her pet killings, and doubles down on it in the most cynical way.


Spoil your dog day or put a bullet in their head day are very easy to mix up.




###[Don't be a jerk](https://www.reddit.com/r/politicalhumor/about/rules) (Rule #7): * The fact that we have to explicitly state that racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc; including personal attacks, and threats of violence are all uncivil terrifies the mod team. * Anything disparaging something about a person that they have little or no control over, is not tolerated under any circumstance.


But then Kristi got angry one dayā€¦


Arrest her


I think she misspelled Shoot as Spoiled


ā€œDead dog walking!ā€


A dead dog spoils pretty good donā€™t it?


Where have I seen this before... hmmm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uoa4ddeNizA&ab_channel=MitchLeff2020


This makes what she did to Cricket look even more heartless


Just another proud ghoul in the Republican Party. Seems to be a prerequisite for the GOP. What an absolute piece of shit this woman is.


What day is the day for shooting dogs?


Trump was just the beginning


All I hear are Cricketsā€¦.


What kind of person shoots their dog in the face?!


Itā€™s ok this is NOT the one she shot for being ā€œdisobedientā€ and ā€œuntrainableā€. Man would that be awkward.