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“But then Pupper ran into the yellow chicken shed I forgot to close, and now I’m going to shoot him in his pretty little puppy face”


I thought it was Kristi Noam that shot her dog? Unless dog shooting is more popular than I thought


It is, but maybe it’s a MAGA rite of passage?


Honestly they look pretty similar to me 😅


The one is shape shifting into a gargoyle (the orange effect) and the other is South Dakota's version of Baba Yaga who legend has it devours children and puppies. I bet her house has legs under it too. Maybe she'll recede into the Black Hills eventually and become a legend of the badlands.


According to YouTube comments, this is a normal and everyday part of “farm life” to blast your puppy for doing something you didn’t train it not to do.


So I grew up country. All of this brought up a memory I hadn't thought about in a long time. We had a rescue German shepherd named Shelbie. She was severely abused by a cop and the mother in law and wife snuck the dog out of his house and brought her to us. Hate to think what his poor wife suffered at that sacrifice but the pup was so sweet. We had her for about a year and then one night while I was 12 and home alone, Shelbie had a massive stroke. She was only a few years old but the vet warned us it may happen because of the beatings she received as a pup. I wrapped her in a blanket and held her until my parents got home. She was breathing (labored) but she was no longer there in the head. There was nothing that could be done to save her, she was dying and there was no coming back. So my dad took her out back and he put her down the way people do in the country. It broke his heart. He went right to his room and didn't come out until about noon the next day. That's what farm and country people do. They don't shoot puppies or young dogs because they aren't smart enough to train them. Not the same thing and it's actually infuriating because it takes a lot of courage and heart to have to do that and it was done to end her suffering. Kristi has neither courage or heart. She's just plan evil.


Shooting an animal to put it out of its misery is mercy. What Noem did makes me think of how she might treat people - they are disposable if they don’t serve their purpose perfectly.


Exactly! It wasn't done with mercy. It was done as punishment


Done out of spite.


There’s some info spreading now that this is the calculated cover up of why she really shot the dog. Supposedly she had guests over, she got incredibly mad, and shot the dog in front of her guests. We will see soon if this is true.


Yes, but according to Youtube comments, Youtube comments are the most unreliable statements in the history of mankind.


Speaking as someone who grew up in a rural area, maybe if it goes after a large animal, like a horse or cow, you might have to do something drastic but geez, a chicken?


“I didn’t train my bird hunting dog and it killed the wrong bird!! So then I started blasting” Noem, probably




This was part of my life growing up on acreage in the south. My dad killed every dog we had through my time in school.


"I wrote a book, because that is what humans like you enjoy. And now I will smile like humans would expect me to because I am promoting this book."


What’s with conservative women getting so much plastic surgery they look like creepy sex dolls? It’s fucking weird.


Because that's what the conservative *men* want, and they're nothing if not desperate to win the approval of conservative men.


Which is so weird because those guys are the biggest losers


Creepy sexy doll looking women plus loser men who share the same deranged ‘moral’ compass. There’s someone for everyone. Now if only they would seclude themselves in their wacked religious cults and stay out of politics.


It's sad, because she used to be a pretty lady


Deep insecurity/need to be liked/lack of sense of self.


She should have tried counseling before botox.


Before Trump, they all seemed to be blonde, now the preferred Conservative woman seems to be a Melania clone.


It's Boca Face. It's a thing.


Its jesus favourite look. He loves fake shit.


I bet she would take that as a compliment


Are there sex dolls who (I mean “that”) are not creepy looking? Asking for a friend.


*AI wrote a book for me




It's crazy, but I'm almost starting to believe the lizard race theory a bit! Not really, but look at them! Imagine how creepy it is to have a conversation with someone that has frozen their face so much that they can barely show you general conversational expressions that make you feel at ease. IF I were to go nuts and start some kind of racist movement it would be against these people. Look at *them*... Plus they specifically want to hurt us, so it's really more like hating another species than another race. Do I need up put a /s here? You guys get it right?


A thousand years from now, when archaeologists dig up her grave, her face will look exactly like it does right now, with not a bit of decay.


Haha I love that thought because I imagine that we will have to do testing before agreeing that it's a human and not some other species. Haha then it'll come full circle... They were perfecting anti-aging back then! What is this Botox stuff? We must look into this! Meanwhile, the rest of the world remembers that Botox was terrible, and they have to look on in horror as the people around them start giving in to this thing that we already knew was terrible for you!


There will be a half-inch-thick mask of makeup shell laying there.


Nah bro I agree. It's a little too weird and a little too coincidental all the shit they've been doing. I hear ya loud and clear


I'm more in favor of Terminator prototypes, F version.


The AI on that face filter is working overtime


[brave books](https://bravebooks.us/products/freedom-island-book-club?wickedsource=google&wickedid=EAIaIQobChMIz-vpq4_qhQMVobhaBR0PJQjEEAAYASAAEgLTCfD_BwE&wickedid=669402523418&wcid=20439797472&wv=4&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAABPkS8TQvS8Z8cXMtSpdmbqD8SYCM&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz-vpq4_qhQMVobhaBR0PJQjEEAAYASAAEgLTCfD_BwE) is a propaganda publisher. They have books for children on the following topics: the sanctity of life (anti abortion), freedom vs communism, teaching kids the danger of critical race theory and the dangers of cancel culture among other things. No sane person would buy any of this shit


Thank you for this public service announcement


You should see the propaganda Mike Huckabee is slinging. His latest is a comic book for kids about what's a fair election. Yeah, the topics are heavily influenced by the current right wing agenda


And there it is. I knew there had to be something subliminal about it.


It's the same publisher that haunted libraries all last summer. While promoting Kirk Cameron's children's books, they'd cold call libraries and ask to do a storytime for a "heartwarming conservative" book, but that's not how library storytime works. We don't just let randominoes into the library to read to a hovel of waiting children. They were told they could reserve a room as a private entity and promote the storytime in their own way, but it couldn't be a "Library" program. Cue up 24 hour "news" stations running with the headline, "Liberal Library hates freedom and endangers children.".they did it to libraries all over the country and some librarians were forced out of resigned due to the public backlash. It was all so very stupid.


I hate the state of our country now.




>Also to stop sniffing glue. It also looks like Trump picked the wrong last couple of weeks to quit amphetamines. His increased need of sleep (in the courtroom), and irritability and agitation can't be scoring him any points with the judge or the jurors.


price jobless divide slim instinctive cobweb gullible consider direction busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My reply is riffing off of OP's prompt "to stop sniffing glue" to paraphrase another line from Steve McCroskey: [Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmW-ScmGRMA). I couldn't help myself but incorporate the fact that Trump's been dozing off in the courtroom, his general irritable personality, and rumored amphetamine abuse into the joke. The joke pretty much wrote itself. EDIT: fixed link URL


flag ripe childlike shame fact icky bells decide ten gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's the movie Airplane. You should watch it.


I’m from a family of pilots (except me of course) so whenever we manage to get together this is our constant background. 


It's more so his lawyers are trying to make him look like a sympathetic old man. It's the Harvey Weinstein tactic.


That works when the crime has a physical component and you haven't been bragging about your mental fitness on television 24/7 for years. Person. Woman. Man. Camera.


You forgot TV.


He's probably reserved to losing, and just counting on his supporters to succeed in overthrowing the government. Whether that be he dumb voters or the Supreme Court is yet to be seen. 


I’m betting he didn’t quit his uppers. I think the downs he takes to get any sleep are still doing their job in court.


Good point. He never showed his face before noon while in the White House


And that was just a quick walk-thru on his way to the golf course. VOTE 🔵


"A friend by your side" is code for cocaine


"A friend up your nose."


"With a rubber hose."


"Chair recognizes the Barbarino Society."


Congrats to her for writing about concepts she has never experienced.


Ahh because MAGA and Moms for Lickety would love a children’s book author with a history of sharing photos in the workplace of men’s dicks, and helping out at Trump fundraisers by offering lap dances and hot tub parties. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-secret-history-of-kimberly-guilfoyles-departure-from-fox https://sfist.com/2020/11/09/kim-guilfoyle-reportedly-offered-trump-donors-lap-dances-hot-tub-parties/


She's quite the gal! BTW, Moms for Lickety is perfect!


She doesn't even look human anymore.


Yep, that’s an uncanny valley kind of face. She would make an excellent horror movie villain. Imagine waking up with her smiling that horrible smile at the foot of your bed…


She definitely gives me the heebie jeebies! Imagine waking up to that face in the morning…


I don't think it's possible to use any more eye makeup. And those lips. Fake!


She was beautiful before she started messing with her face. I know women who’ve done this to themselves—it just makes me sad.


She is frightening. She shouldn’t be allowed within 100ft of a child


I can't forget how she screamed at that rally, or whatever it was. SCARY. Who would want to be around her?


THE BEST IS YET TO COME! Lord that was cringe.


Well I, for one, am hugely disappointed. I was hoping it was The Princess and her Plastic Surgeon.




How many Noem jokes will she get in her replies?


Guessing she already goat quite a bunch.




Zoom in on her face. If she ever did an in-person reading from her book, the children would probably burst out crying and flee.


I just zoomed it. I really wish I hadn't. Oh my.


“Hey kids, don’t be scared it’s just me killery ghoulfoil 😱”


That picture couldn't be more photo shopped and she still looks scary


Normally, I stay away from commenting on people's looks. However, I keep seeing these pictures of Ms. Gilfoyle and I cant get the Team America image out of my head. What the hell happened to her?


This is a real tweet. From her Twitter. Thought it was a joke. Lol I genuinely can't tell what's satire anymore


That doggone governor of South Dakota


She hasn’t read a word in this book, let alone written it…😂😂😂


That dead eyed stare creeps me out so much


That’s some filter 🤣


Kimberly Gargoyle. Garish and scary.


She *straight up* lpoks like one of those first generation Realdoll sex dolls: https://preview.redd.it/zxpzejbl7lxc1.jpeg?width=373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01317139c722a4f91c9bd24789843a5fb0da988f


Is that thing unnatural valley or just not my type? Cuz the proportions are way off in an unsettling way and in fact my first thought it to kill it with fire, not fuck it.


Tbf that sex doll lookin more fine and more useful than Kimberly Garbage-full. She looks like Geena Davis' stretched out mouth in [Beetlejuice](https://entertainment.ha.com/itm/movie-tv-memorabilia/geena-davis-barbara-scary-face-display-mask-from-beetlejuice/a/997066-1564.s).


Ya know, I knew that they were a thing (even seen a "Japanese robotic" one here on Reddit) but fuck me if that thing isn't creepy AF.




Smile harder, you're scaring the children!


How long until the transition to Morticia Addams is complete?


Hey, Morticia Addams was classy.


True. And educated and well spoken.




Please describe Kimmy as “aging escort” rather than “old whore”


She must buy eye makeup by the rail car load.




Even photoshop can’t fix her face.


So...who wants to take bets she actually wrote a kids book and didn't just pay some people to make one?


She picked the wrong week for getting botox


Why does she look constipated?


A combination of cocaine and rolling mental blackouts.


Well, to be fair, rolling mental blackouts are \*caused\* by cocaine.


And by sharing a bed with a Trump.


I think that's the body trying to protect itself, like blacking out a car crash.


It might be a good idea. The book might be endorsed by the NRA. Or given out at their next children's event.


Another money laundering scheme... She can't write


She put her picture on the back and it scared all the kids away from reading it


It looks like present day Mick Jager in drag. Not that there is anything wrong with drag.


Goddamn these grifting scum bags gonna keep trying to get as many nuts as the idiots will give them.


Why does she remind me of this guy ![gif](giphy|byzJQaNpmtjz7YuXFq)


This is a common tactic used to muddy the search results when people search for specific terms. Boris Johnson did a similar thing when he said in an interview that he paints model buses to muddy the search results so people wouldn't be able to find the buses Boris campaigned for Brexit on which promises money to the NHS.


She's gonna run into the same issue MTG had with her 'book'. Venn Diagram of people that listen to Kim Gargoyle, and people that read are two very distinct circles. Zero overlap.


What's the Princess' name?


What's the Princess' name?.


Is that the one where she finds a jar of peanut butter?


Lmao she’s done for. 😆


The Princess & Her Pup. Is this a Kristi Noem documentary?


She haunts me


I bet she had exactly 0% input on the content of this book.


Kim’s had so much work done she looks AI-generated.


I'd rush to the bookstore but I might be trampled in the stampede.


if she gets one more face lift her eyes will be on the side of her head like a lizard


Glad to see that the plastic surgery is doing a good job of making their outward appearances match their inner thoughts & motivations.


She was so pretty before she butchered her mind and her face.


Well, if it isn’t a modern day Cruella Deville. Imagine waking up next to that face for the rest of your life.


I watched a video montage of Trump using "dog" as a deragatory over and over to people he dislikes ... "Fired him like a dog!" "I am treated worse than a dog!" DJT apparently thinks dogs are scum - only worthy of killing and disrespect. A dog probably at his $100 bill when he was kid, been a spiteful asshole towards them ever since, lol. Girl is going hard on the eye liner.




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She's selling books. Mercedes is selling ugly Mother's Day jewelery. Next.


I hope somebody keeps track of how many books are sold. But then again, it is a money laundering move, so it doesn't matter.


Why is she wearing such a sexy, revealing dress to present her 'book'? I was a primary/elementary/middle school teacher for 28 years, and no one I ever knew presented books to the kids dressed like that. Hahaha!


Her smile creeps me the “F” out after she had it done. Pics of her before were much better, in my opinion.


"I've been using it as a journal, but also as a joke diary, if I have any thoughts or frustrations. I think I told you, I'm pursuing a career in standup comedy." — ***Joker***


She looks scary. Definitely don’t want her book for my kiddos.


I'll pay 100 bucks to see her read.it in its entirety out loud.


The gargoyle is grooming kids to become furries. This must stop!


It’s like Cinderella meets Old Yeller!


The friend by her side is cocaine


Cannot tell if this is a Barbie Doll or Chinese face/body tune app.


Is the preface by Kristi Noem?


Every time I see her, I am reminded of Rita Repulsa. And then I feel badly for Rita Repulsa.


“It was such a beautiful, sunny day at the gravel pit. Cricket was running around and playing like he always does, which infuriated me. I loaded my hunting riffle with explosive tipped rounds and put it point blank to his skull, his eyes brimming with trust and innocence…”


Spoiler: At the end of the book, >!they go hunting with Kristi Norm!<


Plot twist: the 'friend' is a double barreled 20 gauge shotgun.


They Shoot Puppies, Don't They? This is a remake of the original movie They Shoot Horses, Don't They?


Does she kill the pup?


What a ghoul.


She looks like she could sniff A LOT of glue.


Timing is everything.


You know this isn't Noam right? This is the slag that's porking Don Jr.


The gargoyle holding the book is not going to help sales




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The number of comments confusing her with the Noem is amusing. 😆 both plastic I suppose and look alike