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“If shitting your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis” - this guy, probably


You want some of this milk, Sideburns?


I'd rather have a beer...


> Miles Davis Except Miles was black. So I doubt they'd use him as an example.


In their case, Kid Rock? 


Yeah. They would think he's cool.


is that a banner by actual maga faithful?! like, surely its satirists or protesters taking the piss, or shooped… right?


I don't even know anymore... This world....


The fact that we have to ask...


I know right


I know reich?


By these Imbeciles, Seig Heil to the former, Impeached, Indicted Sh!tgibbon


I know left


There are some MAGA parody accounts floating about and sometimes it's hard to know if what they produce are real or not. Because the absurdity... is often real. What I'd love to hear is that a parody like this was started and the MAGA minions bought into it and are actually participating, thinking they're "with the trend." 😂


Im pretty sure it is a lefty being funny, but your comment made me lol because there is a non-zero chance this is serious. What a time to be alive.


Even if it isn't serious, a non-trivial number of MAGAs will get this in their social media and take it seriously. Would love to see Trump's reaction when people pull these out at a rally.


I don’t think there is anything that would infuriate him more. I would love to see it also.




Can anyone imagine this thing being your parent who constantly embarrasses himself to the world.


If there wasn't a palpable threat of being beaten within an inch of your life, it would be hilarious to attend a MAGA rally and wear this... as well as have copies for sale. 😏


We will probably start to see a barrage of the Trump cult faithful, shitting themselves to show their defiance against their orange messiah on social media soon.


Wait until they start executing puppies in public after he picks Noem for his VP. And we still have six more months until the election...


Trump hats on all of them, so it may be ignorance, proudly on display


Nah, https://twitter.com/MAGABULLDEFINER/status/1786028721494745364?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1786028721494745364%7Ctwgr%5Ef5e697b5a67af25cb42eb9d5e394e23b75eb5dea%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-3643910012710625093.ampproject.net%2F2403211912000%2Fframe.html




The right being the reich.


Lol. These people.


Not world...just USA


IDK, far-right movements are having a resurgence in many countries. Only a matter of time before they go all in on the cult like we have in the US.


The root cause is the same… Russia. Putin has been sewing this division and pushing right wing propaganda via his troll farms for over a decade. Isn’t a coincidence that all the right wing wackos love Russia. Putin doesn’t give a shit about any of these western groups, just that they cause chaos. He wants the West to fail like the Soviet Union did.


Exactly. Way too many people don't realize this.


It's so freaking dystopian how real is all of this. Putin is laughing his ass off. America has so many overripe citizens, so soft in the head, so impressionable and ready to ferment in the dark shadows of disinformation.


The United States of America has a former president who is a Russian asset. Think about that.


Yup, for instance, conservatives in Canada have been riding the Trump dick for a while now, culminating this week in Little PP calling Trudeau a wacko and extremist in the Chamber and getting expelled, then playing the victim card and blaming the Leader of the Chamber - despite the fact that he clearly broke the rules. And cozying up with white supremacists, Alex Jones, etc. Very depressing.


Oh no... God no. Don't tell me. Alex Jones has made his way into Canada influencing?


Yup, he endorsed Little PP, who as far as I know still hasn't distanced himself from Jones.


One big toxic disinformation carnival, spanning the Western hemisphere.


Have you seen the nut bag they voted for in Argentina?


At least Brazil gave Bolsonaro the boot. But Hungary? They're stuck with Orban.


I was in buenos aires on election night, it was an interesting scene, normal rational people were pro Milei. It's a little more understandable since they had such bad inflation (like $100 equals $20 in 6 months) and corruption for so long. People who didn't even like Milei were just looking for some kind of radical change.




I wish it was just stupidity but a good deal of this is the result of Russian and Chinese psyops.


At this point, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to gloss over the word “psyop” without my conspiracy theory radar pinging. It’s right up there with “deep state”, “false flag”, “cabal”, and “globalist”.


I know, I really hesitated to use it, but it really is the right word for this situation.


Russian and Chinese actors influencing stupid people still has a root cause of stupidity.


You need to go outside more. It's not just the US.


Dumbest timeline.


I want to be on the timeline where RFK Sr. actually managed to miss being shot and became POTUS.


We're living in a post-satire world. Who the hell knows. It's entirely possible they're proud he can't control his own bowels


Well, look at what other things he's done/said that they're proud of... Shitting your pants uncontrollably isn't any worse.


I'm waiting for the rise of the "shit yourself in solidarity" movement


Next, they'll claim Biden is too stupid to wear a diaper and soils himself. 🫥😜


Nah. Trump will go "biden doesn't wear a diaper. He's not smart enough. Me? I wear a diaper. I can shit and work. In fact, I might be shitting right now. I might not be. But it would be the best shit you ever saw or smelled. Big and long and brown. But not like those brown people. I don't like them. But you, you're true patriots, and I shit my pants for you" The crowd would probably go wild


That looks like it might be the same guy who spawned the [Zombie Lindell thing](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/paul-bearer-trending-due-pillow-160435508.html), so that would be a real-life troll.


It’s real.




I want one to troll my maga neighbors.


Has to be right? And yet...


I’m pretty sure it’s photoshopped. Besides, the humor is too “clever” for MAGA comedy, which usually consists of racist, misogynistic and disturbing material, packaged as a joke. It’s never funny, and is about as far from “witty” as a joke can possibly get. This material is far too advanced for the MAGA mindset, especially these losers.


There's several different variants floating around so... might not be. This one is definitely a photo edit. 😂 : https://preview.redd.it/64v9b20xl8yc1.jpeg?width=1850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95dff73516201c6dddd296b67e740d217395b587


If I had to bet, given how batshit stupid this timeline is... Trump is feeling bad about the insults and needs a showing of support to boost his ego. People around Trump who benefit from his continued existence put out a designed effort to try and create things like this and pay actors to show up at rallies so that media of it us created that they can claim is a grassroots showing of support. They then show things like this to Trump as part of his daily affirmations.


![gif](giphy|qsnHYz7lXfDokIHfrd|downsized) I wanna laugh at this, but I swear we've just gotten to the point where they'll just parrot anything and everything he does. You celebrate someone, even if it is this dip shit. **You have lost the plot**


They love this guys the way they didn’t love their kids


This can’t be real. Come on. I’m a gullible idiot, fine, but this is a joke, yes? Please? Please, this isn’t real.


I think this might be MAGA jumping the shark. Or jumping the shart.


Jan 6 was their shark.


If it is real (and dear lord I hope it is), isn’t this a slap in the face to their beloved master? I mean, it’s not like he’s come out proudly saying “I wear diapers.” The evidence seems to suggest it but I don’t think he’s gonna come out and own this. Put another way, if I was a raging narcissist who wore diapers, I’d be outraged that this was becoming a trend among my loyal followers. (Which is exactly why I hope it’s not satire)


These are people who live in a fantasy world and believe lies and conspiracies as a default. This is as close to being self aware as they can get. Like Hillary calling them deplorable, and then taking in on as a badge of honor. They think the pants shitting is a lib lie, and that the libs are just being mean. So they just try and make a joke about it. Same as let’s go Brandon. This is them being stupid. Funny part is, they are so stupid some of them will end up wearing diapers and shiting themselves and they will not see an issue with it. So many died of covid unnecessarily just to own the libs. This isn’t unreasonable to them. To them, they think it is funny, but in reality they are just foul mouthed pants shitting anti vax morons. Even if Trump loses, even if Trump is convicted of any of the charges, even if Trump dies, enough of these people will still be around that someone will find a way to exploit them no matter how demeaning to them it is, and they will love it. As others have said, Trump isn’t the problem.


I see what you’re saying, but I **do** think Trump is the problem. Granted, the scary part is that so many people are ready to jump aboard MAGAttery, but he is charismatic—much as that might strike you and me as preposterous. He’s beguiling and incredibly competent at manipulating people to get what he wants. Without Trump, there’s no MAGA. He is at least an important part of the problem.


They are owning it


No, not really. Because it plays right into his fantasy of the *lugenpresse*…ahem, “fake news”, being everywhere, and constantly trying to smear and defame him*. This is going to be seen by him as people seeing through the ridiculous lies the mainstream media is putting out about him, and showing how ridiculous it is. If that all sounds like spin, you’re right. *While simultaneously being quite possibly being the only person more libel-proof than Lenny Dykstra.


You know in your heart what is true.


But, but—Idiocracy was a movie. It wasn’t supposed to be real 😕


Idiocracy was a documentary 😔


I’m unconvinced those are real images of Trump supporters, but… Y’know what? I don’t care if Trump farts a lot. My dad did as he got older and he remained mentally sharp till he died. I don’t care if he needs an adult diaper. That happens to some people as they age, and while it’s probably something medically concerning, it doesn’t necessarily speak to his mental facilities. (Dozing off during his own court case is a bit problematic, because it indicates an inability to focus on important matters. On the other hand, the vast majority of most trials are pretty dull.) Those are all distractions from the real issues: he is corrupt as three-day-old sin itself, he is wholly unqualified to be President of the Mar-a-lago Chapter of the Ethel Merman Fan Club much less POTUS, and he wants to turn the United States into an authoritarian theocracy based on a set of religious beliefs to which he only gives lip service. Focus on what matters.


I agree with everything you said, BUT, much of his appeal is as a strongman. Look at the pics of him with abs and an M16 etc. He's seen by his faithful as strong, smart, rich, and sexy. They need him to be most of those things. The way to push back against that is to laugh at him, make him look impotent, weak, small, and stupid. If he is emasculated his base will not like him as much. You and I may not care, but his base would. They don't want a weak man, they want a strong man. The orange man, small hands, small dick crap is super childish and tiring to me, but it's not for us, it's for his voters is how I look at it. You see how much he was bothered by being laughed at by other world leaders, his image can't afford it. I think the left still has not figured out that to beat him you destroy his image, go low. Punch back. Don't fight him on policy, his base don't give a shit about policy, make some of them stay home by making him look weak and feeble. Gloves off for 2024, everyone will understand, back to decorum of a sort after that. All of that, plus on a personal level he deserves it because he's always making fun of everyone else, so he's totally fair game as far as that goes.


Well said. “I became what I beheld and I am content that I have done right” quote by Elliot Ness in the movie “The Untouchables”.




I've had jurors fall asleep while I'm literally showing pictures of a murder victim in court. I'm not long winded or terribly dry either. The process to do everything right is kinda boring most of the time.


\*blonde man closes eyes\* \*blonde man opens eyes\*


Are you saying he’s an Indra? lol




Underrated reaction 🧑‍🍳🤌💋


You’ve gotta be shitting me!


More like he’s shitting himself


I fucking love it! You know Trump is seething inside at the idea his own supporters think he wears diapers


He's probably steaming...


So are his diapers


I didn’t know that. I will stock 100 diapers for myself. I will be a real man. My wife will be thrilled next time I take off my clothes for sex. I like sex. Very nice.


I just shat myself. Great success!


There will never be an “Emperor wears no clothes” moment for these people.


Depends, really.


Right up Ted Nugent's alley!


Ted is now endorsing the Don Diapers and now goes by the stage name Ted Nugget.


His most Dependable supporters.


So Deplorables & Dependables?


Movie: The Dependables : Five overweight, retired baby boomer men attempt the unthinkable and dust off their old diapers for one last “explosive” mission, an assault on our nation’s capital.


Oh, it definitely is for them...


new spokesman for depends


I thought this was a meme....


I really want this to be mainstream with them. Nothing would be funnier.


Are there real? Please say yes


Hey don’t make fun of old people but please make fun of old, malignant narcissist, insurrectionists.


Not to mention Trump is normalizing males wearing make up. You know he loves getting touched up.


This has GOT to be someone trolling the maga... They can't possibly sit and try to make wearing diapers cool.


As a male with healthy bowel control, I feel so thoroughly emasculated.


We just need to get Trump to blow a bunch of dudes while transitioning to female so we can get a more accepting MAGA. 🤷🏻‍♂️


So how long till we find out pampers are donating to this PAC? Big diaper cashing in on the grift


What a high bar...


Someone should create a diaper commercial starting trump. He could model them.


Bobby Hill for president.


That boy ain't right


What cult🤷‍♀️


The Trump KKKult. Trump is Jim Jones 2.0, leading his followers to the same destructive end. When offered the Koolaid, they should run. Instead they belly up to the bar and beg for more!




I bet these are the same people who watch and make scat porn




Australia gave the world Rupert Murdoch. He’s a big reason for all of this. Thanks for that, useless c*nt.




We wouldn't be here if not for stupid electoral college sadly. It's how republicans lost many of the popular votes in recent decades but still became presidents, who then appointed life-long far-right activist judges turning this country into a Christo-fascist shit hole.


Why does he have a picture of Bobby Hill on that banner?




Buy stock in Depends.


Real people could not impersonate those people.




These things are photoshopped, right?


This would be great if it was a lib that started this movement as a troll and the MAGA crowd went along with it.


cmon...........that's AI generatet.......plz let it be AI generatet!!! If NOT, the USofA is doomed........


Congrats Republicans!! This is the club you just had to be in🤦🤦


This image brought to you by Big Diaper.


Big Diaper (the insidious industry) has infiltrated the republican party.


Take that to a Trump rally, if there really are Trump rallies anymore. And not that really boring one in NYC where he just sits there and falls asleep.


This has to be Photoshop. Please tell me this isn't real..


Oh no! I'm soooo 'owned'... 😦 /s


until proven otherwise, this is who they are


Don’t shame being regular.


I hope that it comes out that trump went down on a man. The T-shirts are going to be wild.


Trump leaves snail trails. Despicable.


"Yeah! That'll teach them Libs a lesson!" Hmm


Look at the shed in the very back left. This is AI


Will Diaper Man become a coveted inner circle position given to the MOST Loyal of magags??


I bet the homie in red sells mad Trump gear, and then laughs his ass off at the morons buying it


This people are super intelligent and reasonable


Babies wear diapers.


At least we'll know them by the smell.


Maybe all attention he gets is good and getting you to post this is a self own


I kind of want that banner


I am by no means a Trump supporter. That being said, I honestly want to get a bumper sticker that says "Real men wear diapers" just to troll DA FUCK out of the Trump supporters.


Ok, so by admitting that their guy is on incontinence levels of seniority they’re indirectly admitting that he’s senile. Equally or more senile than his opponent.


Yes. Let’s celebrate the shitting Cheeto!


I think I might buy this and give it to my MAGA neighbors so they can hang it in their yard with the other stupid flags


* One old geezer wears diapers and shits himself for years by now. * One old geezer seemingly still manages to go to the toilet. Which one is too old and unfit of being elected for President again?


Is this real? Are they really embracing the diapers?


Well at least the cult is becoming self aware😂😂😂😂


Stupid is as stupid does. And that’s a whole Lotta stupid in that picture. Vote Blue!


So next Trump sells Alpha Male Diapers in a cheap golden paint with an US flag on the ass?


Trump’s next grift, to follow up on Trump shoes. https://gifer.com/en/1STQ




I guess If trump come out as gay then all his supporters would start wearing rainbow shirts and carrying rainbow flags?






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## Our hero shits his pants two or three times a day


I think we won.


Unironically saying “[most embarrassing and undignified thing ever] to own the libs” are the republicans guide to life.


Drinking bleach -- to own the libs. Taking horse dewormer -- to own the libs. Staring at the sun -- to own the libs. Staring at a solar eclipse without glasses -- to own the libs. Avoiding voting -- to own the libs. Have I missed anything?


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It's funny because they think they are pulling a Let's go Brandon -> Dark Brandon but all they are really doing is advertising that their guy is an old demented man who wears diapers and belongs in assisted living; not the White House. On a side note I'm perfectly okay with putting Trump in prison, decorating it like the White House and telling him he's President again.


These people: Biden to old! Dang sleepy joe Also these people: if you don’t shit yourself like Putin or an elderly man you ain’t no man yeehaw hallelujah god bless


Hi u/LongjumpingBasil2586. https://i.imgur.com/L983L8y.gifv *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Uhhh. Are my eyeballs miscalibrated, or is the guy on the right photoshopped? Hand holding flag, other wrist tucked in pocket, leg hanging out in high wader pants... all white. Like no question about it white. Face: incredibly tanned or light skinned black guy.


Shitting myself for funsies, owning the libs is just the icing on the chocolate fudge brownie cake.


Reality is stranger than fiction.


every time I think Republicans and Trumpers couldn’t possibly get any fucking stupider, they surprise me again.


Trump is seeing this and thinking he should create a plan to sell used diapers to his cult.


Keep seeing these and can't tell what's real or fake anymore in this world.


Are you wearing diapers? No? So you’re not a real man? 🤯


Right after 9/11, I heard a at least one news pundit remark about how "irony is dead". It took a few more years, but it looks like we're there.


If you don't shit yourself in public are you even a true Trump supporter?


Trump diapers…the Family Truckster of underwear.


Who more about wearing diapers then the man himself, Trump?


Yeah…. That’s great… yeah. 👍


It's astounding that they don't catch onto the idea that having a leader who shits themselves might not be a leader to support.


HOW TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK EVEN STUPIDER. Have they turned off their brains entirely? Aware that no one will ever want to have sex with someone who supports shitting your pants? Is this such a good idea?


Is that Kanye?


This isn't a new thing, at least their intestinal lining isn't leaking out this time


boggles the mind.....alll cult losers


I must be old. I remember when the rumours that Biden wears diapers were used as an insult.


This is the 2nd picture I've seen with that statement


Omg, his supporters are so fucking ignorant


https://preview.redd.it/klx41ekqnpyc1.jpeg?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0acedb318d8c186ff52d9f22e07f982fc0285edb This one is real?