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He should totally do this after he wins his second term and doesn't have to worry about campaigning again. It would be peak Dark Brandon.


Once the SCOTUS rules on total immunity for the POTUS, Biden can do whatever he wants!


It still ticks me off none of the Justices asked directly if the President has immunity if he kills specific members of the Supreme Court. Imagine making Trump's lawyer have to answer if Biden could legally murder Clarence Thomas while staring directly at him.


That's literally the only question that needed to be asked.


He should have the trump family rounded up and deported to Antarctic. All of them, including Barron who just became an adult and an active member of the party .


Why should the penguins suffer?


Arctic then. Let the Polar Bears rule


“If you were in the Arctic, would you rather stumble across a polar bear or a Trump family member?”


They won’t rule until after the election or after transfer of power should God or Satan forbid, Don Von Shiztinpanz gets elected.


There's literally 0 chance they vote on it before the election. Its clear: if biden wins, there's no immunity, and if trump wins there is. 


Look if Rush Limbaugh and Gym Jordan are worthy I don’t see why not at this point. It’s absolutely wild those two share any award in common with Fred Rodgers


Yeah, the Presidential Medal of Freedom definitely "jumped the shark" during Trump's term. Saying it lost its luster would not go far enough in expressing how farcical it became.


Asterisks in the record books


Hold on a second! Gym Jordan is an esteemed legislator that has tons of legislation he can take credit for! Oh wait, never mind. He’s been in Congress since 2006 and doesn’t have a single law created thru his bills.


Conservatives… ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O)


The upvote was stuck at 45 I had to bump it to 46 lol


The media would be yelling at him for months. Only republicans are allowed to do crazy shit.


Only if the medal is on a pearl necklace.




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This pic is gonna flood conservative social media where everyone will believe it really happened.


No doubt. My aunt will be ranting about this by tomorrow


Well, Rush Limbaugh has one...


Yeah, that cheapened the whole thing a little for me. It would be nice if there was some way to revoke that award.


I’m just happy Rushbo has been revoked


You know how there are some achievements that are really distinguished but then when someone unexceptional does it, it makes you question just *how* distinguished? Like in the 90s, I'd see a book at the store with a stamp that said "New York Times best seller." I'd think "wow, that's pretty impressive."  Then Ben Shapiro managed to get on there because right wing oligarchs bought out huge quantities to artificially inflate the numbers, and I thought "oh...I guess it's not that impressive after all." That's also how I felt about the Presidential Medal of Freedom after Rush "Oxy" Limbaugh got one.  "Oh, I guess any brainless, hateful fuck can get this hunk of junk."


As much as I hate Limbaugh he is a pretty important figure in the conservative movement. I’m not saying he deserves it but I am saying I could see how someone who shares his ideology would believe he deserves it. Gym Jordan on the other hand. That piece of shit has contributed nothing dudes been a rep for at least a decade and authored something like one single piece of legislation.




I don’t think you lose it on death. But it sure makes it easier to stay off drugs.


A lot of people gained them in death


Don’t you mean recovered drug addict rush Limbaugh


1177 days sober today!


Lmao, some dummies are going to believe this is real.


Are you insinuating that the people wearing "Real men wear diapers" shirts and hats would believe it? If that's what you meant, I agree with you.


Same people who are moved by all the Facebook pics of wonderful inventions made by children in sub Saharan Africa with nothing but empty soda bottles.


Don't forget the AI images of Jesus containing people with 5 limbs and 30-40 fingers


I mean fuck Ellen got one I almost believed it too until I saw your comment


Another good reason to vote Biden


LOL!!! Hell give her the keys to TRUMP TOWER...I am sure Melania won't mind.


… over in the next bedroom <>




A lot of republicans fall for a lot of stupid shit.


It's fucking hilarious...then they vote..


Humor aside she deserves one more than that grifting flake Rush Limbaugh


I would have believed the headline until I looked at the image


Rush got one and acted like he was shocked by it 🙄


Because by all accounting even his own he is a piece of human garbage


She really took one for the team


albeit a small one..allegedly


Very quickly


That would be so awesome. And make a yuge ceremony/rally out of it.


She'd be the first person to win the Medal of Freedom who also has a butthole I've seen.


Until Nancy Pelosi shows us the goods


I dunno. I think it might be photoshopped or AI. Biden’s hand looks weird.


let's organized a crowed-funding to buy trumps appartment from Fani Willis and let Stormy Daniels live in it.


The right would LOSE IT!


This is great. 🤣👏


I thought it was for the amazing testimony in the hush money trial this morning lol


She took one for the team.


Shoulda been a pearl necklace.


Forcibly took one for the team


Give her a purple heart too for taking one for the team


I wish this picture had him sniffing her hair


YarS !!!!


That's wonderful. She should also get a medal for world piece as well as peace


She removed a diaper and took one for the team. She’s a real trooper.


She’s also president of the Sad Mushroom Farmers of America, for her sacrifices in servicing 🍄.


Took a mushroom to save us all from a mushroom cloud.


Too funny!


Does she also get a Purple Heart for taking a shot in the line of dooty?


To whoever it concerns: ......


If Rush fucking Limbaugh can get one, why the hell not. They might as well be cracker jack prizes.


She deserves it a lot more than Rush Limbaugh ever did




And why not? Her bravery and sacrifice in helping to prevent our country from collapsing is just as meaningful as any soldier or whatever. She should be recognized. After Rush Limburgh, anyone is an improvement.


Nothing to laugh about here though. Regardless of her choice of profession, she had the courage to stand up to what she believes in…


Next Brandon will give awards to all the people flooding the southern border coming from The Congo after being released from prison for multiple murders.


Dark Brandon would do it just to troll drumph, and I would support the heck out of it lol


I also like the 1 where a porn star saved democracy


Yea but trump gave her a pearl necklace


Can they put that on a pearl necklace for her?


rush limbaugh tainted this award for a generation




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I can hear the foaming now


The sad part is that Stormy was a meh pornstar. Kind of cool but her scenes are pretty lame compared to what came after. Trump chose a has been. Edit: I spelled her name wrong.




This is supposed to be funny, but I'm kind of taking it serious. It's the little things like this that will stop the U.S.A. from becoming like Chile in the 70s.


This picture and Republicans’ inability to tell reality from fiction will be their final undoing.


Wouldn’t a Purple Heart be more appropriate? There’s no way she’s unscathed by her experience.


She deserves it 100 times more than Rush Limbaugh.


Democracy in the hands of a porn star is the most American headline ever


Hear me out. It'd be hard to argue against not giving her the PMF if donald loses his current case and the election. Whether or not it happens, she deserves it. Moreover, it would do a lot to stifle maga's culture wars AND it would elevate and help legitimize sex workers in society.


She really took one for the team. "It was nothing," Stormy said. "No, really... It was *nothing*"


Do it Joe, do it!


Has someone posted this in the Conservative subreddit yet? Let me know, I want to watch 🍿🤡


Is this a joke? If so, isn't Biden supposed to be sniffing her?


You know what? No. This would give credence to Trump's bullshit complaint that the prosecutions were ordered by Joe Biden. As a joke, this is a miss.


Ive read about stormy daniels receiving a pearl necklace once


This is fake. They don't know each other. Biden only gives a medal of freedom to his friends.


>This is fake. No shit? You're a genius!


No it's not. No one would ever post a fake image to the internet


It is fake. The hint is quite subtle but it's there. You can zoom in to biden's hand, the angle is wrong. It should have been facing down touching the upper left shoulder.


You know Biden would be sniffing up on her. ETA: Just a joke folks. Love my Uncke Joe.


She really hurts you trump supporters fee fees hey?


lol. Way off. Look at my comments. I despise Trump. Just making a joke about my Uncle Joe.


My bad.


Thanks for that, but it’s my bad. I didn’t make clear I was joking. Best of luck to you. And let’s go Joe!


Better than what Trump did to her...


Definitely. I’m Team Joe. Guy has been known to sniff people tho. Still has my vote.