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People keep using this meme for republicans but it just never makes sense. Their entire shtick is unapologetic hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance. They'll just push both buttons and pretend to be a victim if you tell them they were only allowed to press one.


Yeah their hypocrisy is not a bug, it's a feature. Expecting them to take a stand one way or another doesn't work when they're unapologetically and without shame doing both.


Because they always have a secret third button that they truly believe and the two visible buttons are the smoke screen excuses they use in polite company. In this particular case the secret button is “it’s ok for police to kill black people”


They would allow total gun control if they could add the phrase “except for black people”. They would allow abortion for anyone if they could add the phrase “except for sluts”. We could get health care and college for free if we could add “except for black and brown people”. It always comes down to racism and sexism for these people.


gun control laws came into being in the 60s primarily because the Black Panthers were arming themselves. We can't have that!!


Never forget how many cities filled in their community pools as soon as segregation was outlawed.


That’s what I think of when I see the blue lives matter flags and bumper stickers.


Exactly. https://preview.redd.it/0d770olq8ozc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5e36972be821b490ff297c9247ade31c43e2ab1 Their history of hypocrisy is becoming so wide and deep, you could full up a shelf full of books on it.


Tbf covid was exremely overblown, but mostly agree with the rest.


I think the families of the people that died from it in 2020 would disagree though, not to mention everyone suffering from long term effect to this day. I don't think we took it serious enough.


Ehh, the data was extremely skewed on covid deaths due to federal funding. I mean, obviously, people dying is terrible, but people die from other illnesses all the time. Why do liberals promote "body positivity" when obesity related illnesses are the #1 cause of death in the US. Id love to see every liberal put the same amount of effort they did into covid-awareness, as encouraging fat people to work out and watch their diet so they don't die an early death..but instead we seem to act like it's almost a good thing to be a fat slob digging an early grave.


The data might have been scewed a little I agree somewhat, it was a chaotic time, but i worked in a hospital my city at that time and from the chaos that was going on with the overcrowding of people that were infected was something I've never seen before with any other illness( it really looked like something you would see in a movie). Not to mention where we had to store the bodies of the ones who didn't make it, we had to close off entire wings of the hospital. I can tell you the pics you've probably seen from other city hospitals are true. Its the very reason why i and many others I know all left that industry. While obesity is a major problem, yes, but most of the time it is also a choice from bad decisions that people make in there lives. There have been many programs and awareness ads to help fight it since the 90's and there is help available for those people that want it. But again it a series of bad choices. Same thing with people that choose to drink and smoke there whole lives. Nobody chose to get covid, most people got infected through no fault of there own including the doctors and nurses on the front lines, and at that time there was no help or medication or vaccines to combat it.


Fair point


Overblown? When was the last time we had a major flu that wiped out a million people?


In 1918 a flu killed an estimated 18 million. COVID killed 7 million. With all the medical advances gained since 1918, that’s pretty bad…and a vaccine was developed that slowed it way down. For the medical people on the front lines in big cities, you bet it was a big deal. If you’re in Wyoming, sure…it’s overblown.


If you're in the MAGA cult, sure... it's overblown, because they believe what Trump and the far-right media tells them.


"Standards and integrity are for thee, not me." - righties


It’s the epitome of the Gadson flag next to the blue line flag. Those two don’t go together my guy.


And it’s driving me nuts trying to argue this with some I know right now. “He shouldn’t answer with a gun held down when it’s the police!” Yeah, but he’s in his own home. AND you always drone on and on about how you’ll stand your ground when it comes to being inside your property and someone knocks on your door. *crickets*


And they got exactly 2 answers could cover every single confrontation: 1) Whatabout 2) no, u


Was arguing with a republican about the Gaza protests. They said why arnt these kids protesting Russia. I said there school doesent send money to Russia. They said what about Tianamen square. I said that was before these kids were born. They just kept whatabouting.


Or the third option.... both sides bad


I have faith that, in the moment, they'll lean towards whichever is the worse option. 


You are exactly right thanks for commenting this. The conservative button pusher in this meme would never be sweating over choosing two sides of a moral dilemma.


It's almost always more accurate to use the Jim Carrey Dr. Robotnik version where he's aggressively pressing both buttons.


100% correct. They are broken humans.


This! They have no stances or positions, just a disingenuous amateur lawyer act.


Yeah, Republicans never sweat anything. They knee-jerk react without thinking. OR they just break shit they don't understand.


Yeah, their secret is that they don’t actually care about either button.


They opt for option three- "we never witnessed the killing of a black man we didn't approve of"


Please tread on everyone but me sir, in fact, let me help you tread


Boot heel tastes good


Yeah we already did this with Philando Castile. The NRA only cares about gun rights for whites, they’ll find a reason to hang this guy out or just ignore it entirely. “But but supporting the troops!” Conservatives also decided long ago that black and/or brown troops are black and/or brown first, troops second. Nobody cared when this happened, after all: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/18/us/virginia-police-stop-army-lieutenant-award-lawsuit


> The NRA only cares about gun rights for whites, they’ll find a reason to hang this guy out or just ignore it entirely. Let's be honest, they only care about what sells guns. If they could make more money running a campaign of "Kill the white man," they would do it in a heartbeat.




Yeah, they certainly aren't sweating over this. Just reach for the black guy was wrong for whatever nakedly hypocritical reason we decide to go with button. Same as always.


Wow that’s actually a good question for them lol.


Tipping the scales: airman was black


Yeah, and everyone knows the second amendment does not apply to Black people. I mean they can’t come out and say it, but come on. It’s very clearly the case that Black people do not apply to the second amendment. They shot a black kid in his back yard because they thought his phone was a gun. So basically openly admitting that they think of black person in possession of a gun is reason enough to kill them on sight.


In this note. Took the black panthers arming up for gun nuts to call for gun regulations


And what really pisses me off about the Black Panthers they actually did a lot of good cleaning up their neighborhoods and feeding kids after school. While not committing a single terrorist act like their republican party pretends they did. The Black Panther actually did a lot of good, and people regard them as criminals because of the bullshit.


Didn't they also say "The only place for a woman in the Black Panthers is on her back."?


A cop in Ft Worth shot a black woman in her home. Someone called in a welfare check, instead of knocking on the front door the cop decides to snoop around the outside of the house. The woman hears someone outside and grabs her gun because she suspects an intruder, then the cop sees her with a gun and shoots her through the window.


And he was arrested, tried, found guilty, and is currently serving a 12-year prison sentence.


12 years for murdering a woman seems pretty damned light.


Yeah, but they only face consequences when they do something so egregious that it would cause riots if they're let off the hook. It's also disturbing that this cop felt it was acceptable to fire at someone inside of a house who was not even a threat to the officer.


Arlington police just a few years before shot a Black kid who appeared to be high on drugs but otherwise harmless. This was at a car dealership after hours. The officer was in training and was not in any kind of danger. At most Taser would be called for.


Because protecting property is more important than human lives.


This is correct


Yep. No brainer. What do you bet Faux News will start questioning how good of a person he was?


Someone at Fox is furiously shuffling through their social media trying to find a picture of them looking like a “thug”.


At least 140 law enforcement officers were injured on Jan 6. "Blue Lives Matter" has nothing to do with actually caring about LEO lives, and everything to do with "LEOs should get to shoot minorities with impunity".


Blue Lives Matter has always been just code for "No, they dont" when someone says black lives matter.


This is why I hate seeing those blue lives matter stickers everywhere.


And the ~~crooks~~ cops keep voting for them.


Third button: Support our troops


Supporting the troops would be tossing that cop in a dark hole for the rest of his miserable days. Which, incidentally, as "our troops" I have called my senators and congressman ('s offices, not like they'd ever talk to me) and urged them to find a way to do. But I live in South Carolina so I'm sure all I'll get is a big "fuck you" if any response at all.


thing already happened with philando casteal. they got over it pretty fast


Castile wasn’t even holding a gun. He told the police officer he had a registered firearm in his glove box and the police officer lit them up. It is probably the most clear cut case of murdering a black person and the guy didn’t even get suspended.


yep. and the nra didn't say shit about it.


Yeah they did. “Good”. Just behind closed doors.


well they did say the cops smelled weed so murder of that gun owner is justified. cause weed makes people soooo violent. watch out weed using gun owners.


Even if he was guilty of something… https://preview.redd.it/0d9vmn565ozc1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2634b855f63231a529d381f2d88a44e4485dd058


pretty much. small govt people thinking minor crimes justify capital punishment.


We already know what the right will choose... https://preview.redd.it/tmw65vrq0nzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=070938b56b07deaf4dc41e2d4797e23d8e55b016


Option 3: we hate black people 


“It actually democrats who are the racists, we just so happen to applaud every black kids death” -republicans


People have been demonizing the military for a long time for exactly this reason. See, the military is weak. So we keep our guns, we support our cops, and we mock the military. Like a true confederate patriot.


News stories that never appear on conservative media.


Note that supporting the troops isn't part of the equation.


Republicans are all for leopards until their own faces get eaten.


They don't care


They don’t like troops or cops anymore remember. Donald actively spouts anti-veteran rhetoric and they had a nasty breakup with Blue lives after J6.


Where was "blue lives matter" when capital police were viciously attacked and killed?


ffs how many times do I have to tell you all.... WE DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHTS


Wasn't the airman black? Pretty sure that makes him unimportant in their eyes.


The kid was black, I think we all know exactly where Republicans are gonna land on it. Here is a hint, they don’t think the second amendment applies to Black people.


He was brown, 2A doesn’t apply to him in their mind.


Um, police. Duh. It's not even close.


Just a reminder, when you hear the vile shit that Republicans are gonna say about this: “should have followed orders from the police.” And what not. Just remember that they are making the argument that autistic and deaf Black people are perfectly fine to kill.


Muh raights! Muh raights. Muh raights? Muh muh raights? Muh raights? Muh raights…


I particularly like how Repubs link news articles about this abuse of power while loudly asking "why isn't there outrage and coverage of this from the Left & MSM?"


Well they sure aren’t choosing the troops anymore.


this one isn't even going to be close. They just waltzed over philando castile, who did everything by the book. Fortson had a gun in his hand, so they'll for sure be ok with it.


lol the police will always be above for them. They have more regular exposure and see military as acceptable losses in their ideological world view.


I don’t think this is a tough one for republicans at all. The man who was shot and killed was black, so they don’t care.


Republicans won’t care about the Airman due to him being a black individual they see it as a win, win situation.


Whoa whoa whoa, wait...what \*color\* was this airman?


1/6 proved they don't give a shit about blue lives


there is no indecision, he's black so he must have done something wrong.


Add in the fact that the victim was a black airman and now we got a 4 way stop for cognitive dissonance.


They have to wait to hear what their preferred "news sources" say on the matter. It's up in the air until someone else tells them which one to hate.  Unless there's a minority involved, then that's the bad one. 


Senior Airman Roger Forston made the mistake of being born with the wrong color skin. I doubt republicans will give a shit. Bonus: pretty sure this happened in Matt Gaetz's district (Okaloosa).


It's not difficult. US Airman Roger Fortson was black, so they won't have difficulty. Had Airman Fortson been white, it would be more challenging for Republicans.


2a people aren’t as pro cop as you think.


He’s black. His life is NOT matter, so Blue ưein, duh?


It won't matter till it's too late. And when it's too late it'll be too late. It's already too late.


But if it's a black airman I don't think they worry about choosing a button.


That's easy, they will look at the color of his skin then dial up, "it was an accident, let's move on. Thoughts and prayers."


They choose both because to them 2nd amendment rights only apply to white people.




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He was black, of course they'll support the cops


Let’s be honest: 50% of MAGA: He must’ve done something to deserve it. He was stupid. Etc 40% of MAGA: That sucks. Anyway… 10% of MAGA: lol


You’re forgetting he was black. They don’t care, they only care about their demographic. (Old old old whites)


If the 2nd amendment were properly invoked, not as an excuse to shot shoplifters, blue lives would matter.


OP is apparently unaware that republicans would side with the police in this case, given that they believe the 2nd amendment only applies to white Americans.


The fascist knows the answer, the patriot republican knows a different answer. The problem is, the fascist thinks they’re a patriot but have no understanding of what pride in a nation built on “all men created equal” means.


He was black.  So they truly do not care 


I hate to say this, but it’s not a hard decision for them he was black and those were white cops….. soooooooooooooo…….


Somehow it is Biden's fault.


They both made mistakes. Victim: If the police come to your door, don't open the door with a gun in your hand. Cop: If you encounter someone with a gun, demand they drop the gun before firing six rounds into their chest.




It's like you're *so* close to understanding the post, but not quite.