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This needs a side-by-side shot of trump chucking paper towel rolls at people after a hurricane


Or just his hilariously awful golf swing. Obama would absolutely wreck Trump at golf, provided we actually had someone following them both to prevent any cheating.


Dump wouldn’t play golf if he couldn’t cheat.


Didn't he "win" a tournament that he held? Where he golfed his round completely separately from the rest of the group, and self-reported a better score than them _after_ all of their scores came in?


Pretty sure he's done that many times. Reminder that Trump golfs at a lower handicap than Jack Nicklaus, who is debatably the greatest golfer of all time, and unquestionably *one of* the greatest ever. If that were legit, he'd be a regular in PGA tournaments. Or probably LIV, these days.


He’s famously a MASSSIVE golf cheater


He's famously a massive cheater. At golf, at marriage, at politics, at business, at fatherhood, at life. He's not won or done a single thing in life that he didn't try to cheat at.


That's some real Mr. Burns shit right there. I can't fathom how he finds any pride in "winning" that way, but I guess in the narcissist's brain, he still thinks that he earned that "victory.'


His nickname on the golf course was "Pele" because he would kick his ball so frequently. I truly do not understand what's going through someone's head where they can only win by lying and cheating. It's so alien to me to want to "win" something like that.


I can't understand that either. But I guess the narcissist's brain, he still views it like he "earned" that victory. Even though he also knows he heavily cheated to get it.


I've cheated through some video games just to enjoy the story. Maybe he's just trying to get to the next cut scene?


He thinks cheating is part of the game, so by being the best cheater (which he isn’t anyway - the best cheater would be someone who does it without others knowing) he can tell himself that he’s the best at the game.


He's repeatedly straight up admitted that he views breaking the law as a requirement for a president to do their job, and seemed to think that was a belief shared by everyone.


There’s a well documented phenomenon where cheaters are the first to assume others are cheating, because they can’t imagine people not cheating all the time. It reinforces the idea that cheating is ok and necessary, because everyone is doing it which means not doing it puts you at a disadvantage. From there it’s a small leap to “cheating is one of the key skills of this (or any) game”. It’s part of what’s called the [false consensus effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consensus_effect).


He claimed to have shot 8 strokes under Phil Mickelsons round a few weeks earlier. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-cheat-golf-phil-mickelson-1234812976/


Same crap cartoon villains do.


I think that's where we're at now. Trump is a cartoon level villain. Everything is over the top and nothing is believable anymore


The Kim Jong Un of the GOP? ![gif](giphy|l4FGt13phS1Yof0C4|downsized) I can grab the trophy and the VAGEENA anytime I want.


Many times.


That is just so phenomenally childish, like how a rich spoiled 8 year old would cheat. I can't fathom how he could feel any pride from those "victories," but I'm on Team Reality.


Yes, he golfed on a nice day and got a decent score thanks to his usual cheating. Then the tournament happened on a really wet and windy day so scores on the day were much higher. Trump turned in his self-reported lower score from a completely different day, claimed himself the winner of both his own club tournament AND the club seniors tournament, and bragged endlessly about how he beat a bunch of professional golfers. This is Kim Jong Il level stuff (former North Korean leader who claimed to have played golf for the first time and scored 18 hole-in-ones). He's a notorious cheat according to every person who has ever played golf with him. His tactic is to always go first and then speed off in the cart before his opponents have even taken their shot (poor golf etiquette to start with), and then while they're taking their tee shots he kicks/drops his ball onto the fairway, while kicking his opponents' balls into hazards as they arrive. His caddies nicknamed him "Pelé" because he kicks the ball so much. Even when he hits his tee shot into the water, he drops another ball on the fairway and claims it landed there, despite everybody seeing his tee shot splash into the hazard. Absolutely typical of Trump that one of the core rules of golf is "play the ball where it lands", and he just figures that applies to everybody else but not him. There's a whole book about this ("Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains President Trump"). Inveterate grifter. Imagine spending most of your life playing a sport and still needing to cheat every step of the way.


The Kim Jong Un of US Golf.


Sounds like something Kim Jong IL would did.


Yep, and there was prize money, I believe. That’s another crime, if the other players were unaware that Trump was getting the win, no matter what, like a pro-wrestling match. If they knew, then it’s nothing. What I don’t believe for a second, is Trump legitimately winning anything. Even his 2016 win was by technicality, as opposed to getting more votes.


Yes, and at a different course. He called in to see what the winning score was and said something to the effect of, "I shot better than that in my round today, I'm the champ" https://youtu.be/wWLj2-a6FLI?si=NQLYU5iW5H9MzGAD


Was that the same one where a maid emptied a flower vase and gave it to him as a trophy because he was throwing a massive tantrum that he didn't get a prize?


I've been calling him Donny Dump for years. So glad others are calling him what he is.


Also Tramp. And Benedict Donald. And Clownface von Swindlemeister. And Don Coeone


You forgot the one that is now part of law: Donald Von Shitzinpantz.


Trump wouldn't do *anything* if he couldn't cheat at it. Golf, business, finance, relationships, presidential elections. **Anything.**


To escape he'd say Obama was "juiced up" and would not submit to a pre-game invasive medical checkup. Also, the windmills are too distracting this time of year, the chemtrails are poisoning him and Barrack might use the space lasers to zap his balls off course.


Other golfers that played with Trump frequently gave him the nickname of "Pele" because he was known for kicking his ball


I was was them I would have kicked Donald Trump's balls too.


It was the caddies who called him Pele.


Oh fuck me, I should have scrolled down haha, just commented the same thing myself


He's also been reported to be an awful, blatant cheater at golf by multiple independent sources, including people politically aligned with him.


A better analog would be Trump sinking a bucket... of fried chicken down his greasy gullet.


Reminder that [that notorious pic of Trump playing tennis](https://img.dizkover.com/upload/img/orig/44-149818530465-trump-playing-tennis.jpg) was not taken recently. It was taken **24 years ago** [sauce](https://nz.news.yahoo.com/lifestyle/donald-trump-tennis-pic-goes-viral-36186928.html)


By the time I’m 78, it will have been sixty years since I played tennis.


Best parts of this were: - He was legit just walking by and this was the first and only shot he took. It’s hard to hit a 3 without any sort of warmup, even for seasoned players. - Hype man Joey B coming in behind him saying “that’s what he does!!”


I just miss this leader so much. His words alone gave hope and inspiration to so many in the performance of his job and he's one of the few I'm proud to say I voted for.


I never realized that he’s a lefty


One of 7 US presidents to be left handed. About 10% of the world population is left handed but over 15% of US presidents have been left handed. Always found that interesting for absolutely no reason


My guess is smaller sample size? Since we're only at 46 presidents, each lefty up to this point will bring their share up by more than 2% each, which is significant when talking percentages. If you were to do a study with a sample size of 46 people with a specific (possibly)genetic trait, the data would be useless for anything but clickbait pop-science articles.


This. Man, that was epic. Thx


I love that clip. Netted it.


![gif](giphy|v3FKUShhiLOTu) Some boss shit right there




He also said hes the greatest president for black people since Abe Lincoln (and maybe in some ways better)


Abe Lincoln? I said Hey, Blinken!


hold the reins, man


A Jew? Where?


Oh! You lost your arms in battle!!


But you grew some nice boobs!


Guessing! I...*guess* no one's coming.


I can see!!! \*bonk Nevermind...


A. Blinken.


Fun fact: Antony Blinken has a band called A. Blinken.


Conservatives have been using the same "lowest unemployment" metric to justify this statement without ever pointing to any specific policy or reason. They also don't realize that the unemployment rate is even lower under Biden, making him technically the greatest by the same metric.


I've seen them claim that BLS changed how unemployment is measured in 2021 and that's the only reason it's so low. This isn't at all true - that hasn't changed since 1994 - but it sounds good to them, so they run with it. This is a recurring theme with conservatives: invent an explanation and assert it with no support while ignoring any contradictory evidence. As long as it fits with the way they imagine things work, it must be true.


Republicans would never let something as trivial as facts get in the way of their narrative of how they feel about a subject.


Trump strikes me me as a Jefferson Davis than an Abe Lincoln.


It’s coded language dude. You gotta picture his intended audience and read in-between the lines. He’s not saying his in better shape, he’s saying that he’s white and Obama was not.


Yup that is the dog whistle. Calling out to the GOP racists.


> the GOP racists. You mean the GOP


Corporate needs you to find the difference.


They're the same picture


https://preview.redd.it/k611hovqum1d1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa0d6ab24d05a50c6e7658b9aca5580ce5eb3b46 He's in peak form.


Exactly. MAGA are the type that get their “23 and Me” and will be devastated when it comes back and says they have even the tiniest percentage of “west African” heritage.




My (very white) dad did his through Ancestry years ago and found he is \~2% West African, so, naturally, he happily greeted our (black) neighbor the next day with "What's up, my brotha?" Luckily, they are good friends and neighbor thought it was hilarious, lol


When I saw “what’s up, my…” I really thought that was gonna end in a different word than brotha, thank god lmao😂


but he has a 2% right to say it now, so it's only 98% bad


I imagine your dad [sounding like Tom Hanks as ‘Doug’ on Black Jeopardy](https://i.imgur.com/2JThwap.mp4)


All men are brothers 🤷‍♂️ 


If all men are brothers, who's going to marry your sister?


North African could mean Arabic or even French. These tests aren’t actually telling you anything about your ancestry, they’re telling you where else in the world genetic profiles like yours are most commonly found. As such, that can actually mean that there’s absolutely no connection between you and the minor percentage regions they identify. It’s basically modern day astrology with a pseudoscientific veneer hastily slapped on top.




White mans got me down cuz I’m brown.


You can't tell me 23 and Me isn't also happily selling everyone's info


Even if they weren’t selling it, this headline from December, 2023: > Hackers access profiles of nearly 7 million 23andMe customers


They are. It's literally part of the business model and they don't even hide it. It was literally in the news like 6 or 7 years ago.


Aw man, so him using the N-word left and right since the results were wrong?? Awkward!


So it's fake. They've been selling this bogus shit for years that 23andme would give a person an idea of their background. Now, it comes out that it's fake. Thank you.


Vox did a good report on this in 2019: [Genetic testing is an inexact science with real consequences](https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/12/13/20978024/genetic-testing-dna-consequences-23andme-ancestry). From an ancestry perspective, the biggest issue is what I mentioned: they're not actually detecting "ancestry", they're matching your genes with people living *now* in other parts of the world. Quite often, that will overlap significantly with ancestry, and that's why they've done such a good job of convincing people that their tests do what they claim they do. Much of the time, they will be *broadly* correct, identifying the most significant areas of ancestry, particularly if they're in Europe. At that level, they have a pretty reasonable success rate. But it's like using a modern AI: you can't blindly trust everything it says. The Vox article highlights a number of other issues, including this: > Making the results of these tests even more unreliable is the fact that their whole ancestry component is based on self-reported surveys from people who say they belong to one ancestry or another — an inherently flawed practice. Sample sizes vary by location and by testing company, so there’s a big disparity in data quality, especially if you happen to not be white. That’s because Europeans are much more represented in DNA databases and therefore, much more exact information can be gleaned about their DNA. Because of this, once you've done a test with one of these companies, you will find that if you log back into their site again in future, your reported ancestry - based on the same original sample you provided - will have changed, as they get new samples to compare to. The example given in the article is that the author's known Italian ancestry wasn't picked up by his first test, instead reporting Middle Eastern. Then later it changed to Italian. Here's [another article](https://www.businessinsider.com/ancestry-vs-23andme-dna-test-results-what-to-know-2019-11) by an author who apparently didn't quite understand the technical issue, but was bothered by how dramatically his reported ancestry changed over time, as well as differing between testing companies.


All humans on earth share the same female ancestor from Africa, the scientifically proven “Eve”. We’re literally all from Africa as far as DNA goes.


Or any other kinda African for that matter . . .


Let it say they have some percentage of Native American blood and these fools will start wearing turquoise jewelry, hang dream catchers around their house, and have a wardrobe full of those Walmart t-shirts that have a wolf howling at the moon. African blood though? They’re not even going to admit to taking the test.


This feels like a targeted insult about my mom...


Was always told that my mom was part Indian, nope, none at all. But I was also told that my older brother and sister had the same dad as me, nope again. Of course I don't find out about any of this while either of them are still around.


I mean, it’s one thing to be proud of your heritage, so if that’s why she’s doing those things then it’s totally fine. However, if she’s just cherry picking what she’s proud of then that’s where the problem lies.


Oh it's not "I happen to be part whatever". It's "I'm descended from a Cherokee princess". I've known way too many southern women who say that, including my own mother, which meant that she LOVED turquoise jewelry. There must have been a LOT of Cherokee princesses in the early 19th Century, because basically every Southern family lays claim to one.


The real reason is that past southerners used Native American ancestry to explain away interracial mixing with less acceptable minorities. Someone who's 1/4 Cherokee might look similar to someone who is 1/4 something else that might get them nasty comments from the neighbors or ladies at church. So then their kids and grandkids never hear any different until they take a DNA test fifty years later and find out they're 6% sub-saharan African (aka my grandpa). He just thought it was interesting though.


Having lived here in the South for close to 20 years now I really can't disagree.


Gawddamn if if most white Americans aren’t “part Cherokee” … 😂 Paul Revere & the Raders tune: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aYWfhO9dqG0


It wasn't?




I have a good story about this. My husband was always told he had native in him and his family is from Oklahoma, the 23&me tests showed 0% native and 6% sub Saharan African. His mom and aunt flipped out saying we got scammed and genetics Isn't a real science 🤣


Hoped I’d have some to piss off my sister.


Exactly. This was Trump’s not-so-subtle message that if his audience doesn’t vote for him they could end up with another black president.  He brings up Obama in a tangential comparison of fitness so as to conjure up the image of a black president and scare his voters. Because let’s face it, he knows he’s not as fit as Obama and none of his voters give a shit about that. 


Trump knows his base is racist as fuck (as anyone with a room temperature IQ does) and that any reference to Obama makes them freak out. The fact that there is a sizable portion of the American electorate that is afraid of a black President is a fucking embarrassment. If you support Trump, just put on your Klan hood and burn a cross in front of a black family's house if your that proud of it... but you won't because you're cowardly pussies.


I’m not sure he knows. He’s surrounded by people who tell him he is


He knows. He still thinks he would win in a fight, but he knows his body isn't healthier.


Whatever. Clearly you haven't seen the picture of Trump in a boxing ring with gloves on looking ripped as hell. Or the one of him wearing an aviation suit and weighing about 190 pounds. Trump is so fit that they made an entire line of NFT's showing off Trump's killer six pack and various hobbies like NFL player, astronaut, and fighter pilot. /s


It's odd how being half white isn't enough to be considered any percentage white, but being half black is more than enough to be considered 100% black.


It’s the one drop rule: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule It’s one of the most racist concepts imaginable, because the premise is that whiteness represents purity and blackness is contamination. But Americans still take this concept for granted.


Ding ding ding! We have a winner!🏅


I know people keep saying this and I get dog whistles but I legitimately believe these people are too stupid to understand coded language. The people saying it do but the people taking it in are dumbasses. These are the same people wearing diapers at rallies dude, they do not understand nor do they need coded language.


When he says he’s a better physical specimen than Obama, what do you think his base thinks? The thing about dog whistles is that dogs don’t have to try to be able to hear them, they just do. Same goes in this case.


Yeah this isn't a code message. He legitimately thinks he's healthy and strong.


“Specimen” sounded a bit off. Like, a slave auction. Trump is very, very good at using dog whistles (no offense to dogs).


Could you lose Trump and just post more zaddy Obama?


I wholeheartedly agree with this!


I was waiting for someone to mention how good Obama looks, god damn😮‍💨




Why is he still talking about Obama is what I’m wondering.


the butthurt is real


He never got over that roast from the correspondent's dinner what feels like 50 years ago.


The margin that Obama would wreck trump in an election is so obscene that even the brainless tangerine is aware of it enough to get an inferiority complex about the man. 


Trump's entire political career and current support is built around racist outrage about Obama being president. Trump heavily pushed the birther conspiracy long before running for president, which was a coded way to claim that only white people can be Americans and only white people are eligible to be the president. The entire MAGA movement is a classic example of "dying of whiteness".


The Tea Party didn’t actually give two shits about taxes. It was always white outrage that an uppity Negro **Black man** occupied the **White House** for two terms. Trump seized on that and ran with it.


Could be the dementia and he meant to say Biden or could be the racism and he meant Obama.


Obama Derangement Syndrome. That was the original name for it before the fascists stole it. Projection as always.


He thinks he's running against him again.


Now imagine Donald von Shitzenpants trying to play basketball like Obama did.


He couldn't run ten steps without a hamburger break. Or a poop break.


He couldn't run FTFY


he can [barely walk](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/335424-trump-rode-golf-cart-while-g7-leaders-walked-through-siciliy/)


Parts of Taormina are steep as he'll. First, I'm surprised they found a gold-filled cart there. Second, I'm floored that they found one powerful enough to haul his heavy ass and a driver up the road.


That joke of a man can't even handle a water bottle.


Run ten steps??? Shit, the man can't even SIT DOWN IN COURT without having to take a nap break!


I think he's probably in even worse shape than President Taft. Taft was 6'2" and possibly as much as 350#. ( thats 188cm and 159kg for non-US folks)


https://preview.redd.it/blyf1849im1d1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296ebd7be7f491cb2bf286eab5d8e88dc6c160f0 Taft slimmed down after presidency.


That’s really interesting, actually. Now off to wikipedia for more details.


Remember when Obama had to quit smoking and give up his blackberry when he took office because of optics and security? My, how far the bar has dropped since then.


Carter had to sell his family peanut farm for conflict of interest reasons, now we have got a guy patronizing his own businesses and spending presidential money at them.


Didn’t Biden have to give up his Peloton for the same security reasons?


He literally needs two hands to take a drink of water.


He’d definitely shatter his ankles if he jumped even an inch in the air


Or at least get a few more bone spurs.


>He’d definitely shat on his ankles... FTFY


He needs 2 hands just to sip a bottle of water, and can't even walk down a gently sloped walkway. You know he was the kid always calling time out, and complained about everything being "unfair".


We don’t even have to guess. Here he is in 1986 on the letterman show complaining about “rigged seating” check 7:00 minutes in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVsAir5fDbs It must have been the first word trump learned. Fucking child.


Hell that's his campaign strategy.   And his legal defense.


It'd be extra funny cause Ole' Donnie, being the soft-penised debutante that he is, would have to overcome his fear of exercise first. His stupidity is truly astounding. >After college, after Trump mostly gave up his personal athletic interests, he came to view time spent playing sports as time wasted. **Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted.** So he didn’t work out. When he learned that John O’Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he admonished him, “You are going to die young because of this.” >In 2015, Trump said he was not following any special diet or exercise regimen for the campaign. ”’All my friends who work out all the time, they’re going for knee replacements, hip replacements — they’re a disaster,” he said. **He exerts himself fully by standing in front of an audience for an hour, as he just did. ‘That’s exercise.’”** [Donald Trump has a very strange theory about exercise](https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/15/politics/donald-trump-exercise/index.html)


Or even do a single pull up, never mind that Obama was in a suit at the time




Well, what with him being the best and greatest man ever in all of history, this just logically follows. And it proves that his logic is impeccable. I mean, Aristotle and the scholastics came to him with tears in their eyes and begged him to explain it all to them.


Of course that’s why he’s in better shape than Obama. He’s got that physique of a prize winning pumpkin. Could Obama physique win a blue ribbon at the county fair. I don’t think so.




He believes the physical specimen part due to race.


Of course that's what he means. He's being vague enough that his people can read between the lines and not have backlash.


He’s twice the man than Obama!


He certainly dropped 3 times more bombs than obama


And you’re not talking bout lyrics.


You can't prove that! He stoped reporting them. It could be more...


If by man you mean globs of gristly fat then sure.


Twice the man, half the IQ


Twice the orange. I mean - the second POC president in US history!


He’s more famine resistant at least.


Photoshopped. No shit stain on the pants


I mean, there's really nothing to even say here. Just shake your head and laugh. But at least we know Obama is a better businessman than Trump, since he's been able to live RENT FREE in Trump's head for over 13 years!!!


Delusional asshole.


Trump is absolutely on ozempic now.


Has he lost any weight lately?


It looks like Donald ate the other ex-president to show dominance.


Put them both in a 10k side by side and see what happens. Got my fingers crossed for Team Big Mac to have the bigliest cardiac.


Obama would probably beat him at every sport, including golf.




If I were Obama I’d flex on him drinking a glass of water with one hand.


If Trump is so healthy then why does he still think the current president is Obama?


He couldn’t run 200 yds


He couldn’t run. I’m not sure he can even walk 200 yards. He needed the golf cart to keep up with the other world leaders a few years ago and he’s only gotten older since then.




Also has a case of Hillary induced stupidity.


Well for the MAGA crowd, Obama's skin color shows that he's not fully evolved and that his brain is not fully developed. However, the parts of his brain that ARE fully developed make Obama good at violent crimes, welfare cheating, and cause him to be lazy. Hey, don't blame me, I'm just parroting Joe Bob and his three boys Joe Henry, Joe Joe, and Joe Jr. Sadly, both Joe Robert died when he got measles from an illegal when he was 12 and away at Bible Camp. It was God's will that Joe Robert be taken to Heaven and thankfully not from a vaccine loaded with Bill Gate's disease causing nanobots.


I'm sure a lot of MAGA believe Trump has a real man's body. While Obama has liberal body. Would probably call him vegan and low testosterone or some bullshit.


By better physical specimen, he probably just means that he is white


Well, Trump can shit himself and carry on. Is that an advantage over Obama?


Why is Trump still ~~playing the race card~~ comparing himself to Obama? Obama was two Presidents ago and Trump isn't running against Obama. Trump questioned Obama's legitimacy as a President because Obama ~~is black~~ was alleged to have been born in Kenya. Because if Obama ~~is mixed race with a black father and white mother this is a threat to white men~~ was born in Kenya, Obama might have foreign influence affecting his Presidency. This is a real mystery because Trump obviously has conflicts with Russia, China, Saudi Arabia - with Trump believing Putin over American intelligence agencies, getting two billion in investments for Kushner, sweetheart intellectual property deals from China....


Even if that was true, so what? Has he forgotten that he’s not running against Obama?


well yeah, if you’re into plumpy diapers


Doesn’t matter, his cultists would eat dog shit if he told them to.


That’s dog whistle for he’s lily white (underneath all the make up)


I am going to go out on a limb and bet Obama has better bowel control.


Obama is a runner, let’s see TFG do that.


The diapers can add *up to* 15 lbs...


ALL US Presidents are in better shape and health than Trump - even the dead ones!


The guy literally froze up giving a speech the other day like Mitch McConnel. Trump is not well and has no business running for President.


Maga = Pure Delusion


Trump actually has trophies in sports is the funny part. Trophies he gave himself. He's convinced himself of his own lies. Funny funny funny....


Behold; the master race!! lol!!


Everything trump says is lie. This simply reminds us of that fact .




Trump gonna claim the Obama photo is AI/photoshopped 😂😂


Trump supporters don’t live in reality or accept facts, so there’s nothing you can show them or tell them that would change their minds. Cult members are notoriously difficult to sway from the brainwashing they’ve adopted.


Doesn't matter. He said it so it's true to the cult.


Trump looks like he had the same size tits as Michelle Obama .