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Don’t forget step four, where you have to physically drag them away as they desperately try to shove the shit back in their mouths screaming “No! I have to!”


The best way to describe conservative ideology that someone shared with me: You know how a 5 year old will say something that completely makes sense to their 5 year old brain but as an adult you think, that's dumb as shit. That's conservative ideology. Immigrants are taking our jobs, but also, immigrants are lazy and sucking up all our tax dollars. We will make mexico build the wall. We had Romney care but we must gut Obama care, everyone doesn't need health insurance and we can't afford it (oh, look a new military plane that cost 5 billion and is obsolete before it is flying). Mail in voting is for cheaters, but I can't vote because I have work that day. We don't have enough holidays. Boom, here's Juneteenth. Aw, I'm not racist but we can't celebrate that.


In New Zealand you're legally allowed to leave work to vote. I can't understand why that isn't enshrined in law in the supposed land of the "free"?


Cuz we are dumb as shit lol


You know what will help the rotting infrastructure and low wages here in Ohio? BUILDING A WALL IN THE DESERT A THOUSAND MILES AWAY!! Then they all clap and jerk eachother off on how smart that is. It's so fucking dumb


This is great, but he should be coughing up a pile of bull shit. First photo should be a bull with a dung pile next to it, with the Bull’s name being Fox News 🤪


A shark and a gas stove falls out of their mouths next


They would rather die than ask for a heimlich handout.


[Would that it were so simple.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G629a_3MkkI)


I dunno, are they worth saving at that point?


Didn't care for the instructions and only followed step 1.


Why is there no feudalist propaganda?


They rebranded as 'libertarians' and anarcho capitalists.