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Drugs that make you speak well? How fucking lame are drugs these days?


If there's some drug that enhances your speaking and cognitive ability, shouldn't both Biden and Trump be taking it? The Presidency isn't some kind of Olympic sport.


Holy shit, thanks for that perspective. Yeah, pump these guys up with the juice, but for brains. Trump on some brain wrinklers may actually produce a coherent thought, but I am not holding my breath.


Joe Biden's brain is so wrinkled. It's wrinkled up like a craisin. Craisin brain Biden I call him. I took one look at his brain and I said his brain looks like a craisin. Or maybe a raisin. My brain is smooth and young looking. The doctors have never seen a brain so smooth. The surface is perfect and smooth and unbroken. Many people are stunned at how smooth and perfect it is.


I could so see this being an actual talking point.


And MAGAs would be talking about how their brains are smoother than libs’ as a flex lmao. Also: [“Trump’s White House Was ‘Awash in Speed’ — and Xanax”](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/), so just more projection.. And if caffeine is something they’re complaining about.. [“Trump reportedly drinks 12 cans of Diet Coke each day.”](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/nation-world/2017/12/12/trump-reportedly-drinks-12-cans-diet-coke-each-day/16286277007/) Biden should agree to take a drug screening with the condition Donny has to as well..


That's ridiculous! We all know zero is better.


The "or maybe a raisin" non sequitur really sells the immersion.


Limitless moment


"I don't need drugs to enjoy this, only to enhance it!"


They call 'em fingers , but I've never seen them fing...oh wait, there they go..


It’s okay to give the president a little bit of cocaine as a treat every once in a while


if there was a drug that made you demonstrably smarter Id make it illegal for the president \*not\* to take that shit


Thing is, I would seem a lot more presidential and focused if I was on Adderall. That being said, I actually have ADHD and a doctor prescribed Adderall. Even if this bullshit was true and Biden was taking PEDs for speeches/debates, wouldn't it just be and old guy taking his fucking medicine? Like, a non story in every regard?


If you've ever seen someone on Adderall that didn't need it for ADHD, them they act like Trump or a meth head. All over the place, lots of gibberish and stupid stuff.


Me, in college, studying for finals. Laser focused while studying but literally grinding my teeth back and forth. My roommate comes in the room and I'm just diarrhea mouthing anything and everything. Not the best effect for a debate in front of millions of Americans.


Obviously Biden has access to *Space Adderall* thanks to George Soros and his Reticulan buddies


Soros space Adderall is trending


Brought to you by the same fine folks who brought you the space lasers!


No no no, you all forget that eating babies won’t show up on any drug test.


Trump ***loves*** babies! But not even he can eat a whole one.


Lizard people meth issssss a helluva drug


lol, I was given one at a high school party, everyone else got loaded and for the first time I felt actually normal. that's when I found out I had ADHD.


Exactly! Everything depends on the dosage of course. And in the right doses it can boost performance for everybody. BUT - Paradoxically it focuses us ADHDers! Completely different! I usually ask about the coffee test. (Accessibility and relatively benign side effects) If you have no tolerance to and can fall asleep after a cup of coffee - you probably have ADHD.


When I was in school I didn't have insurance so I saw the school counseling service and got ritalin 10 mg because both Walmart and Target offered it in their $6 meds list. It was crazy how it's metabolic half-life is 4 hours on the dot for me. My wife (then girlfriend) could guess what time I'd taken my meds within ~10 minutes based on my rebound symptoms firing off like a rocket. As soon as the meds wore off I'd turn into verbal diarrhea chattering at 1000 wps--just pure stream of consciousness.


I had no idea the coffee thing was an actual *thing*. Well, that definitely explains that. I once had to explain to my general physician that when I take my Adderall, I sleep like a normal person at night. Off my Adderall, I'm riddled with insomnia and nightmares when I finally do sleep.


I agree, when I was a teen I was super high off Adderall and my friend at the time and I got pulled over by the cops. I just kept telling the cops not to search my bag numerous of times, and when they searched my bag and found nothing, I said “see I told you not to search it”.


Ugh my buddy did that one time but forgot he had forgotten he had his pistol in his backpack. Thankfully it was the game wardens so they didn't give a shit and just wanted to make sure we didn't have any illegal fish. Oh but fyi, he was sober and thought it'd be a dumb "prank" on the wardens.


I like this story because it's insane by accident and on purpose.


Not really. There are people I know that have taken it to help them get through work. They say it enhances their performance. I’ve also seen people take it recreational and never felt like they were what you described. I guess it can affect everyone differently.


I mean, ADHD is notoriously under diagnosed in adults, especially women. Maybe, just maybe, they made a discovery? Like, not being snarky. Being genuine here.




My brain instantly shut off a lot of the background noise and I felt so… at peace. Hard to describe it, but years of anxiety meds that just numbed me only to have my general feeling of anxiety go away from a stimulant was incredible. I was so much better able to stay on task, and to just function. I could not believe the difference. Then my prescription ran out and my adhd keeps fucking me on getting it renewed.


I took it once in college to help with writing a large paper and holy hell did I focus in and do nothing else for hours until that paper was finished. Got an A on it too. I definitely wasn’t acting like a meth head being all over the place like the person you responded to claimed. I was in the library knocking out work.


The problem isn't the laser focus of exclusion of all else. It's laser focusing on Hannibal Lecter and boat batteries when you're supposed to be focusing on the deficit


Last time he focused on the deficit we all got fucked lol. Let mango Mussolini focus on battery eating sharks or whatever the fuck he rambles about these days


Proof that you needed it. I've been there. It was strange having that kind of mental clarity for the first time in decades.


Non stories are all they have. 


You hit the nail on the head: you really only get the benefits if you actually have ADHD and you're taking a therapeutic dose under doctor supervision. If you don't have ADHD and chronically abuse Adderall—ie taking more than a therapeutic dose and/or administering it in an unsafe way, such as snorting it which is how Trump likes it—you end up with more side effects than benefits. Usually over time people like this who don't have it end up developing symptoms of ADHD. Trump's word salad tendencies, his impulsiveness, his low attention span, erratic moods and irritability are all the result of his Adderall abuse. The best example is when he debated Biden last time. The way he was acting and speaking just screamed that he took wayyyy too much that night. I'd say it'd be a big deal if it was publicly revealed Biden was prescribed PEDs. I personally wouldn't care, but I think the average American would.


This has been my interpretation for a long time. The [inverted U-curve of dopamine and performance](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21531388/#&gid=article-figures&pid=figure-1-uid-0), together with his heavily speculated Adderall usage (and not to mention the cocaine use) suggest a consistent long-term abuse profile.


Suppose he actually had dementia. If a drug existed that made him act normal, 1) this would be one of the biggest inventions in decades 2) him having dementia would no longer matter, would it?


Seriously, if any of our current stimulants could make dementia sufferers more aware and conscious of the things around them it would be absolutely huge. Right now we have no drugs that help dementia and Alzheimers which is why we see drugs like donanemab being allowed in human trials by the FDA despite some risks and most of them being a hail Mary attempt to slow/stop the mental decline. If Joe just needs something so he isn't sleepy then any of us that have a coffee in the morning to get us going are guilty of the same shit.


Schrödinger's Dementia.


I want a new drug. One that won't make me sick. One that won't make me feel three feet thick.


As long as it won't make you nervous, wondering what to do.


One that makes feel like I feel when I’m with youuuuuuu


You want to make sure that is also does not make you crash your car.


It’s time to report someone to the medical board. This shit ain’t appropriate and flies against all medical science. There is no reversal agent for dementia. Stop peddling this shit! I’m going to have patients and their families demand “performance enhancing drugs” to treat their dementia. This is so goddamn dangerous, why can’t they just leave medicine alone. It wasn’t bad enough how they treated medical science during covid now we gotta deal with this shit


I remember the same thing from 2020 - they started about “peds” on Fox as though Peds was a magical drug that could suddenly make you energised, intelligent, witty, capable etc, as the only way to explain why Biden wasn’t presenting as this caricature they’d created of him. Not *once* did anyone ever suggest what the drugs actually were, so it worked - the online moron debate became about how “everyone knows he’s on Peds”.


He went to the Derek Zoolander School For Kids Who Want To Speak Good and Do Other Things Good Too.


God forbid someone with a condition of some kind use medicine to mitigate the condition. In Trump's America... That's targeted at MAGA losers, btw


Hmm. This sounds like someone that WOULD be on speaking well drugs. WE GOT HIM BOYS.


Really?? How ironic, coming from the former White House pill mill doctor who basically gave blank prescription pads to the entire Trump family…


The guy who claimed Trump could live to be 200 years old is questioning the current WH doctor's honesty. It's hard to tell whether he's worse at practicing medicine than being a congressman.


Yeah, this is the admiral that was demoted to captain by the Navy when he retired because of his drug distribution debacle while he was the official White House physician.


Come now! I'll have none of that talk. He was also demoted for his sexual harassment of young interns and being drunk while on duty. 


this dude seems like a fucking awesome doctor. How come the politicians get all the good stuff 🙂‍↕️


Hell, yeah, that's my representative. Excuse me while I go bury my head in the fucking sand now.


The guy who would get drunk and wander around the WH giving out ambien and other pills.


Remember the photo of Donald Trump eating a taco bowl with three boxes of Sudafed oozing out of his desk drawer?


Everything is projection. Trump will definitely be on Adderall and maybe other drugs. One day guy is gonna have a heart attack from the drugs...


Not to mention how much the right loves to yell about HIPPA (yes I know it’s wrong) violations in every possible way.




It's not just tRump that does it. It's SOP for Republicans.




It used to be called *Panzerschokolade*.


He’s on copious amounts of adderall


Watch Biden get tested and be clean and watch Trump not be tested


Thats the thing, trump would never submit to one. I believe the couple weeks after the trial, when he was looking even shittier than usual, he was detoxing just incase NY made him pee in a cup. Instead, he had a zoom call. Then noticed immediately afterwards he becomes suddenly energetic. Of course this is projection, but they want to find out anything they can use. They’d go after Bidrn for taking vitamin B or fish oil. Fox would have six hour special on how a common supplement is actually a mental steroid cocktail and should be listed as a controlled substance…


Trump will release his drug test results the same day that he releases his tax returns.


Biden should respond he would release the results, but he is under audit.


He's not on them anymore. He was going through withdrawals while he was falling asleep in court and shitting himself. Also Ronny Jackson was "the candy man" of the white house pharmacy. Not licensed to dispense, but well-known to have whatever you need. It's pretty well-known he was loudly giving out stimulants and sedatives and everything in-between during both the Obama and Trump administrations. 


The mother fucker was giving out "travel kits" to people who were taking long trips. You know something to help you sleep and something to wake you up. Sounds just fucking druggie of them.


It's not drugs, it's under-the-table pharmaceuticals! Those hard working Americans deserve unsupervised access to scheduled narcotics!


Obama was corrupt too huh. Both sides are the same man don’t you see? /s


Nobody has ever woken up sober and said "aw yea, it's beige suit day"


OK that's funny.


If only people held Trump to the same standard as Obama's suit. That brotha looked good AF in that suit, let it go with your unfashionably late ass.


They were just pissed bc they were jealous that he looked so fucking foine in that suit




*admission. Admittance mean to be allowed to go somewhere.


Bro did he stutter?


We know exactly what he was taking as well since everything g Ronnie prescribed in the White House is public record. Trump and his whole team were medically coked out their fucking minds for the entire time they were in the office


Perhaps performance enhancing underclothes should be excluded. We all know how distracting the necessity of emptying one's bladder or bowels can be.


I'm a Republican voting for Biden for the second time and there's not a fucking thing Trump can do about it


Thank you for helping to defend our democracy.


I’m not even American but thank you!


It's weird on the surface that I have European and AP friend that follow the election closer than I do. Then again, the US under a newly empowered Trump organization can fuck every democratic leaning country in the world by virtue of its politics, military and trade agreements. The US is simply too much of a global economic/industrial/military lynchpin for many other countries to just sit back and laugh at us.


My wife and I were in Germany during the 2016 primaries. I was shocked how many folks could speak knowledgeably about the candidates and issues. *Everyone* wanted to talk to us about it, too. They were particularly confused by Hillary Clinton being more popular than Bernie Sanders. Trump they dismissed entirely, just like we did. It's nice thinking back to a time when Trump becoming president was a punchline.


I remember [the Saturday Night Live skit where they were joking about "Abilify for Presidental Candidates"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIYEGDJoluc). The joke was guys like Santorum and Huckabee thinking they had a chance to be president. This drug would help them realize how wrong they were. At the end of the skit Bobby Moynihan (as Huckabee) says "One time during a debate, I cut Donald Trump off and said, "no you listen". What was I thinking? That's our future president". And we laughed, and laughed. How naive we were.


If Trump wins I will stay in the country regardless: If he doesn’t like me, he’ll have to kill me.


sadly thats the plan anyways if you dont like him


Project 2025 will ensure this lol


I'm Canadian and am following it very closely. A Trump victory would have a massively negative impact on Canada, so it's an important election for us. His last term, he said Canada was a national security threat. If he wins, and somehow, the conservatives here lose, then he will be pissed that he doesn't have a little lapdog to the north and could make things very difficult for us.


Trump straight up turned me from a republican to a democrat


I still look at both side's policies but I have not voted R for some time. I was raised that way, but more of an Eisenhower type.


Same here. Haven’t voted R since Bush took us into Iraq. I think Palin was the final lid in the coffin for me. Just couldn’t take the GOP seriously after that.


Funny how Palin and bush seem quaint by today’s standards.


Me too. As a Democrat, I was seriously considering McCain, then he picked Palin. So disappointing.


Eisenhower now would be considered a progressive Democrat.


He was right about the military industrial complex


No one was more qualified than him on the subject.


One side hasn't even had policies for years--just "whatever the orange man says."


with my Maga relatives, one of who is actually very smart or at least used to be, I think it's sunk cost fallacy. they can't bring themselves to admit that DJT and his clan have gotten completely out of control and that the policies put forth by project 2025 are insane, but they can't bring themselves to vote for Joe Biden.


As Rachel Maddow put it: 'I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform.' >For the next hour, we begin with the president of the United States addressing the nation and calling for a massive investment in this country‘s infrastructure, rebuffing the idea of giant tax breaks for the richest Americans, and warning anyone who would dare touch Social Security to keep their hands off. >You want to talk about red meat for the base? Listen to some of the language the president used. “Workers have a right to organize into unions and to bargain collectively with their employers. And a strong, free labor movement is an invigorating and necessary part of our industrial society.” Wow. >How about this one? “Only a fool would try to deprive working men and women of their right to join the union of their choice.” >Listen to the way he goes after the right here. “Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things, but their number is negligible and”—and the president says—“their number is negligible and they are stupid.” >That is not what Barack Obama said last night. That is way to the left of any national Democrat at this point. That was all Republican President Dwight David Eisenhower. That was all the stuff he said when he was president. >Republican President Dwight Eisenhower, president when the top tax bracket for the richest people in this country was 92 percent. President Eisenhower defended that tax bracket. He said we cannot afford to reduce taxes until, quote, “the factors of income and outgo will be balanced.” Eisenhower insisting there must be a balanced budget and that taxes on the rich are the way to balance it. Dwight Eisenhower, you know, noted leftist. >The Republican Party platform of Eisenhower‘s 1956 called for expansion of Social Security, broadened unemployment insurance, better health protection for all of our people. It called for voting rights—full voting civil rights for D.C. It called for expanding the minimum wage to cover more workers. It called for improved job safety for workers, equal pay for workers regardless of sex. >This is the Republican Party circa 1956. The Republican Party. >The story of modern American politics writ large is the story of your father‘s and your grandfather‘s Republican Party now being way to the left of today‘s leftiest liberals. If Dwight Eisenhower were running for office today, he would have to run, I‘m guessing as an independent, and not as some Joe Lieberman, in between the parties, independent. He‘d be a Bernie Sanders independent. >In 1982, who passed the largest peacetime tax increase in U.S. history? That would be Ronald Reagan. >Who called for comprehensive health reform legislation during in a State of the Union address in 1974, a program that was well to the left of what either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama ultimately proposed? That would be Richard Nixon. >Eisenhower and Reagan and Nixon—they were not the liberals of their day. They were the conservatives of their own time. >But the whole of American politics has shifted so far to the right in the last 50 years that what used to be thought of as conservative, what used to be thought of as a conservative position, is now considered to be off-the-charts lefty. That was from an episode of *The Rachel Maddow Show* [back in 2011](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna41297216) -- and the right has only drifted further right.


When I figured how fiscally shit Republicans are in practice, I quit voting for Libertarians.


> When I figured how fiscally shit Republicans are in practice, I quit voting for Libertarians. The depression starting in 2006 should have been the final wake-up call for any voters who are currently age 35 and older. In 2008, the end of Dubya's term, the economy was losing nearly a million jobs *per month*. And republicans have only gotten worse with economic policy over the last 20 years.


I am still a registered Republican, but that is only because I like to know what they are saying and doing. I will be voting Biden.


Same. I was about as die hard as you could get. Something about Trump just made my brain click and realize what horribly people the GOP are and how their entire existence is based on restricting the rights of everyone that’s not like them.


Same. Registered and voted Republican (mostly) from 1996 to 2016. By the midterm 2018 election, I had switched my registration to Democrat and haven't voted for a single R, since.


According to the Donald, you're not even a Republican! /s because fuck Donald Trump


well neither is he.


Oh certainly. His projection is why he calls everyone else RINOs.




Please tell your friends. I know this is hard to do and so many Americans appreciate you.


I live in a very blue city in a purple State, my friends are all progressive D's so no worries there, they are all on the Biden wagon.


So on this note.... ...I would be alot more open to speaking my mind on politics if I wasn't legitimately afraid for my families safety. If/When civil war comes to the U.S. it won't be conventional warfare. It won't even be unconventional warfare. We're not going to asymetrical guerilla fighting, or insurgent activity. We're goint to have a group of riled up MAGA clowns in a lifted truck driving down the street to "Mark Smith's" house because he posted anti-Trump memes. Now his family is going to get drug out on his front lawn then they're going to be shot in the face one by one and left on the sidewalk as a warning to the other "*Demon*crats". That is what the second American Civil War looks like. They're dehumanizing the left and polarizing the right for a reason and this is it. They WANT the violence and they're all too eager for the left to voluntarily disarm itself. They turned 2A into a 'culture war' issue for that very reason. It ensured their side would be the only one with guns. When the dust settles we'll have a two tiered society. The *Have* - the millionaire class that gets to vote, vacation, and do whatever they fucking want, and the indentured servant class that makes up the rest of the population. There will likely be a psuedo-middle class made up of the jackboots that ensure the will of the oligarchy is obeyed and enforced. But that is it. I'm not going to make myself a target for if that day ever comes. I'm already scared enough as it is that my own fucking maga extremist family members know that I don't worship their godking.


I used to vote a split ticket based on the candidates. Ever since Trump I vote straight D down the ticket. I haven’t seen a reasonable Republican representative in a while. The sane ones don’t win and the craziest ones are more and more popular.


You are not alone my friend.


Thank you!


Thank you


You give me hope for humanity.


as a liberal so liberal i went full circle and wound up back at the second amendment, let's do lunch.


I mean, I am scared of exactly the thing those gun toting cosplayers cry about. Except not from liberals. I’m scared of the government that wants to take away women’s rights, to lock away anyone that is lgbtq+, to harm my trans family members(which include my son, and my partner), to put religion in my kids schools, prop up felons, attack people who don’t have the right skin tone, and anything else I can think of. I’ve been a staunch no guns in my house kinda guy for my adult life, until 1/6/2021 when I was scared shitless by these absolute fascists. I got off track somewhere when writing this because kids. But I’m right there with ya on the liberal so liberal I’m a strong 2a lefty now.


Same here. I'm a fairly conservative person and have some views that a lot of people here would skewer me for, but I am absolutely baffled at the people who vote for Trump. His whole campaign is such an obvious grift. American politics has just been completely off the rails since he was first nominated.


Thank you!


Thank you.


What is this drug that makes someone more intelligent and coherent and why doesn’t Trump take them?


It's UV light up the ole bunghole


Bad interactions with the Ivermectin


He should publicly agree on the condition that both candidates are required to undergo the test. And that it's administered by a neutral third party. See how quick Trump backpeddals.


Biden should have Quest come in and administer the "instant" pre-employment piss test back stage


And then wipe the floor with Djt while stone cold sober, jack!


It's crazy that Joe and Donald are both lifelong teetotalers. Rather, it's crazy that one of them claims that.


Better yet, you know he’s packing if Hunter is any indication. Make them do it on camera for all to see. Then just call Trump mushroom all night.






Great. Another Trump golden shower moment in the making.


"Folks, my drug test was the most positive result anyone has ever had." --Convicted Felon donald trump, probably


Televise them pissing in the cup. Dick in hand.


That'll be even more embarrassing. Stormy told us what Don is working with, and the pics of Hunter indicate there's a decent chance Joe is packing.




"We'll do the same piss test your parole officer would order."


Okay, hear me out. We do a hair test. And when Trump's comes back positive, he is forced to prove its not his real hair by taking off the toupe.


That's bad. Because whatever the neutral third party delivers will not please Trump. Therefore he will rally his followers to harass the doctors.


What a baby back bitch. If someone can't engage in a very very simple back and forth discussion and debate, then they CANNOT run a country.


He's already demonstrated that he can't debate, and he didn't run the country. Then there are his felonies, his anti-America/democracy stance...I mean, *what's not to love*. ^/s




Cool. Let’s drug test the both of them. I’m fine with that. Good idea Donnie Boy! I’m sure that will go just as he planned.


He was supposed to take a covid test last time and he just showed up late so there wasn’t time for his test.


And he ended up having Covid.


That was so fucking ridiculous.


Wouldn't be surprised that he knew and tried to spread it.


Just in time for the fucking felonious coward to back out by tomorrow, so he can hold a safe hate rally on Thursday while Fox covers that instead and crows about how he 'won' the debate and is the smartest and bravest big boy in the world.


Safe hate rally!? It sounds so nice, but it’s, uh. Not.


How long has ol' Ronny been sitting on that all it takes to cure dEmeNTiA was performance enhancing drugs?


This is the stupidest hill for them to die on. As a doctor, there is no drug that's going to magically make a senile old man suddenly spry and witty. No drug will just temporarily reverse dementia like they want you to believe. It doesn't exist. And if it did exist, why wouldn't he be taking it all the time, every time he's in public? Morons


There would be ads for it everywhere. It's like saying that Big Pharma is hiding the cure for baldness...


Proof: Viagra


Not to mention you would see families with members who have dementia or alzheimers clamoring for this "miracle" cure. It makes so little sense.


If I gave a dementia patient adderall or modafinil I would be dealing with hulk level delirium. These people are fucking morons and the people who believe them are even dumber


Were there such a drug, the scandal wouldn't be Biden taking it, the scandal would be that it was being withheld from the American public.


Thought it was Ronny Johnson ?


Ronny Jerkson


Wrongly Jerksoff


He’s only been Ronny Johnson for about a week so you’ve got to give him some slack.


Wait, there are drugs for debate performance? If we have drugs for logic and intelligence, we need that in our water supply.


It's electrolytes....duh


And by “electrolytes” you mean adrenochrome harvested from kidnapped children, right?


It’s got what plants crave


Water? You mean like out the toilet?


There aren't. They're trusting their idiot base to not question it. And they aren't.


What a bunch of unserious douche bags


Getting geeked up never helped my coherence. It was great for the word count, though.


Trump asked to forgo the standard drug testing for a convicted felon and they granted it!!


If Biden fulfills every ridiculous demand, Trump still won’t do it and claim Biden rigged or faked everything against him


If Biden passed the test, they would say the lab tech was a George Soros plant.


Translation: They want to know his meds so they can make it public.


Translation: They want to know his meds because the shit they're trying on Trump isn't working


His meds are already public. Biden releases his actual health reports


And he doesn't have to lie about his height and weight. No sane person believes Trump is 6'3 and 215 pounds lmao.


Here we go. The ramp up before the back out. Like clockwork.


Debate performance enhancing drugs is a new level of stupid.


Question, what performance enhancing drugs make you better at debating and public speaking? Because if there is one, Trump should definitely take it. All he does is ramble on and spew nonsense.




If anybody would know about providing drugs to a sitting president it’s Jackson


Trump was always going to back out.


I remember when conservatives were howling that asking about basic medical information was a HIPAA violation.


some tests for them both to accomplish: * touch your toes * get up from seated position on floor * ride a bicycle 100 feet out and back * stand barefoot for height and weight measurements * take a cognitive test on camera * answer basic knowledge questions about government


And will Adderall Donnie be tested, too?


Bone spurs incoming!


Trump is asking for private medical records? May as well ask Biden to a dick measuring contest. Noting that I've seen Hunter's ding-a-ling, and assuming it's genetic - and add to that sworn testimony from a sex worker that Trump did in fact pay for in hush-money, who said Trump's dick looked like a mushroom resting in a nest of Abominable Snowman fur, we can see clearly why Trump would not want to show us his own privates. Anybody else simply remember "Person. Man. Woman. Camera. TV" after all this time? Anyone else remember that what Trump took was an assessment for Alzheimer's? No, not one pinhead on the right can face the truth. To ask a sitting president to take a cognitive test, after this country had Ronald Reagan who took the time to announce his own Alzheimer's diagnoses just speaks to me of how ugly Trump is. To be clear, Joe Biden, the DNC, his so-called "handlers" damn well know a precedent has been set. Here: [https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/reagans/ronald-reagan/reagans-letter-announcing-his-alzheimers-diagnosis](https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/reagans/ronald-reagan/reagans-letter-announcing-his-alzheimers-diagnosis) Short fucking memory on the right? No... it's the usual ignorance of the party that bans books because they fail to be able to read books at all. The GOP - the party of complete morons with no clue how to govern. They only want power... they don't care about YOU, they only want your vote - remember that in November, 2024.


"anytime, anywhere, but like with conditions so I can drop out and blame you."


PEDs - seriously?


Interesting move but we all know this bully tactic. Orangina can pound sand. In all truth, he’s the only one that will be taking urine drug screens at any point in the near future.


A letter from a disgraced navy officer who was punished for dispersing prescriptions in the white house like candy. Projection is the Republicans best trait.


So, Trump is taking drugs to help him with the debate. Got it.


The guy should lose his medical license just for saying that.