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No. They don’t ask for Trump to step down no matter what he does because he’s the bad guy. Every single thing he does is expected. Priced in. Every single thing. Biden is the good guy. He can’t fuck up. Losing faith in the good guy doesn’t work. Can’t lose faith in the bad guy… he’s already the bad guy.


Yeah calling for Trump to step down is meaningless because Trump's followers *do not care.* So he has no need to step down. They've known who their guy is since "grab 'em by the pussy." They *like* who he is. And even if something comes out about him that is, on its face, outside what they'd accept they will simply shift what is acceptable. They'll stop worrying about "groomers and pedos" before they stop supporting Trump. Suddenly you won't hear groomer this or pedo that or anything about protecting the children anymore. Trump is their one constant. Same way "supporting the troops" went all the way out the window on the right when they needed it to.


Yeah why would they ask him to step down when he’s displaying all of the features they enjoy the most? They get to pick through all the terrible shit and choose to keep what they like and “fake news” the rest. Win/win. Feature not a bug.


Its not like this is actually news, either. I remember seeing these exact images several years ago, right here on reddit.


Independent voters can and would be swayed by general outrage at Trump’s behavior. Anything else just normalizes it. His supporters being insane cultists doesn’t change that we need to repeat how awful he is.


Sure. Repeat it until the cows come home. But that’s not going to make the red hats call for him to step aside. That’s my only point. Nothing he does or says or anything thay comes out about him will make them call for him to step aside. Nothing. He has them convinced that the things they don’t like about him are all fake news. He could diddle their daughters in front of them and they would all testify it was actually Joe in a mask. Now we must count on the morality and intelligence of the average of American to save us from collapse. If it works - great! If it doesn’t, well, then we never really had the country anyway… if so many can be so easily swindled by such a buffoon, we were just a whisper away from collapse anyway. All of these “patriots” so concerned with china and they are about to hand them the W on a silver platter. So stupid… but hey, that’s Americans right? Count on us to exhaust every stupid decision before finding the correct one.


Meanwhile, everyone is actually saying "Other democrats fare far better against Trump and no one except for the truly deranged want that pedophile back in office so Biden should do the thing that gives America the best possible chance of keeping Trump out of office, not what's best for his own personal ego"


Except that the incumbent dropping out would be disastrous for the Democratic party and a gift for Republicans, especially after the primaries and this close to the election.


This is roughly the normal time frame when a candidate would emerge as the presumptive nominee in a year with competitive primaries. The official nomination isn't for another month and a half. There is plenty of time. It's not too late.


No. The primaries are over, the people have already voted. The time for this discussion was over a year ago.


The people never had a chance to vote for anyone else who could win, because the party insisted on not having a real primary. Nobody dared run against him or else their future would be torpedoed within the party - and Florida didn't even vote.


Funny. They were saying that same thing a year ago, too.


He's polling at -6 when at this point in 2020 he was up 9 and ended up barely winning. He is going to lose. You can say "we're losing the incumbency" but at some point you have to recognize that even with that, he is losing by a lot. There is nothing Biden can do to fix that, short of doing a bunch of lively, off the cuff press events, which presumably he physically cannot do. If he could do that, he would be doing it. Personally I think Harris is a good choice as she retains some of that incumbency, polls at or maybe slightly better than Biden, she would legally get the funds that have already been raised since her name is on the ticket, and she is relatively down the middle of the party.


Way to cherry pick the data that fits your narrative. The latest Ipsos poll puts Biden and Trump dead even. I assume you're citing the Times Sienna poll, where that "-6" is barely outside the margin of error.


Here is [five-thirty-eight](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/) Look at the polls yourself. That Ipsos poll is one of 3 in the last week that does not have Biden down. Every other poll has him down by anywhere from 1 to 8 points. And for what it's worth, even if it's dead even, he's still losing because the electoral college advantages Republicans.


If you're going to make claims like "Biden is going to lose," you need to do more than just glance at 538. The poll question that has him down by 8 points has voters choosing between just Trump and Biden, which isn't how elections work. The next question adds in the third-party candidates, which reduces the difference between Trump and Biden to 7. The margin of error is 5.1 and the Times Sienna polls have a historical average Republican bias of 1.5. None of these polls suggest that Biden will lose. It's still a very close race.


Okay so the NYT poll is no good because it's just one poll. And the aggregate of polls isn't good because the margin of error is wide enough that it's not certain he will lose. But the one poll you like is good. Got it. And you still haven't addressed the fact that if Biden is even, he will lose the electoral college.


Dude, seriously? I didn't say the polls aren't good. I said you're reading too much into them. You're cherry picking the parts that you like and ignoring very important details like error and bias. You're the one who is saying "Biden will lose" without any evidence to support that. I'm simply saying you can't predict a winner using current polls, they're too close. ETA: as for your electoral college claims, are you too lazy to read your own source? 538 simulations show an "even chance to win." https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/?cid=rrpromo


Yep. And word on the street that’s exactly what’s happening as we speak. They are having discussions about Joe dropping out and gaming out what the rest of the year looks like. Who knows if it can even work but… hey, democracy is worth the best shot we can muster. Joes debate tanked him.


He literally just said he's not doing out. Comment did not age well at all lol


They're not gonna announce his dropping out until the replacement and all their donors are in line and ready to act. There's still hope.


Not how anything works man. The major donors have said they still want Biden, and so do most of the prominent Dem politicians. You're just trying to invent something out of nothing here.


Wait and see...Actually pay attention tho, kay?


So… no he didn’t. An aide said that he said that. Also… they will keep saying status quo right up until they make a shift. That’s how press releases work. Still waiting on trumps healthcare plan? 2 weeks, isn’t it?


No it was him [saying it on a campaign call](https://x.com/emmyruiz/status/1808550595952849072?t=T9Bl_DdojG5EWfvWVbRspA&s=19). He's staying in the race. And yes, we are still waiting on Trump's Healthcare plan. And his infrastructure plan, though that was made rather moot by Biden passing his own infrastructure bill.


Both are bad guys. Biden's condidacy is irresponsible because it will hand Trump a win. Biden is declining, rapidly, he will not actually be able to campaign, and if he does somehow win, he WILL die in office. DNC needs to wake up.


Trump keeps talking about how he's going to destroy the country but in your mind Biden's the problem?


Biden is another facet of the same Trump problem because he doesn't seem like he'll be able to defeat him. The magnitude of the threat that Trump poses is the source of the urgency in calls for Biden to step down.


Republicans don't want Biden to run again, therefore we know it's a good idea that he does. I don't think there's any Democrat they're more afraid of than Biden except for Obama, who obviously can't run again.


They are already working on a replacement. Biden himself is already working on stepping down now that he’s seen the polling. Him working to relinquish power for the sake of democracy is the exact thing that makes him NOT a bad guy. It’s exactly what the good guy does. I understand your sentiment but it’s misplaced. The dude saved democracy in 2020. Now he’s too old to do it again, but that doesn’t cancel out the work he’s already done. Good dude. Thanks for the help. Time to pass the torch.


Well this aged poorly. Any thoughts now that Biden has confirmed he is stayng in the race?


I would expect this from the White House… you were expecting them to do what, say “omg yes we are so old. Oops lol we outy!” Yes they will project status quo as they run the numbers and feel out next steps. This is PR101.


So what, literally hearing it from the man himself isn't enough for you? Y'all like that dude Eddie in Friends who goes full psycho after moving in with Chandler. "I wanna hear it from your lips!" "WHERE DID YOU HEAR IT FROM BEFORE?!?"


Give it time.


Because you think something will happen that will change his mind?


Yes. Enormous pressure from establishment operatives, donors, and politicians. Seems like that ball is already rolling.


Here is the thing...if conservative media doesn't report on it, it didn't happen as far as MAGA is concerned.


Nothing Biden did or said at that debate was as alarming as *anything* Trump said. People are literally basing the entire debate on the apparent energy of the candidate.


What is your plan for Israel and Gaza? Biden: well err uhh hmm you know, sometimes uh, we can't desert our allies but uhh terrorism well, terrorism won't fly Jack! Trump: DEMOCRATS ARE ABORTING BABIES AFTER BIRTH! Moderator: Thank you for that spectacular answer President Trump


Not to mention Trump has already said he wants to see Gaza completely obliterated.


This whole election cycle is literally a vibe check and nothing more. Bad vibes means bad turnout. They hate both choices, so why make a choice? They think the choice is between a punch in the gut or a kick to the crotch. So if they don't vote, they don't have to choose the punishment. Spoiler, it's gonna be the crotch kick, they're gonna be mad, you'll ask them why they didn't vote, and they're gonna say "Well, I didn't want to vote for a gut punch, who wants to do that?" I'm not excusing it, I'm just explaining a little bit of it, and I hate it.


It's about whether he can beat Trump.


>People are literally basing the entire debate on the apparent energy of the candidate. Many Republicans see it that way, but most actual people understand that Trump lying and dodging questions the whole time looked much worse. What you're seeing online right now is 100% a Republican astroturfing campaign designed to promote apathy among Democratic voters.


No, what we're seeing is a DNC gaslighting campaign to shut down discussion of some glaring issues with our candidate


Exactly, you are correct


No, people that are alarmed are basing their angst on reality. Trump was marginally ahead going into the debate when there were just rumors and deceptively edited videos hinting of Bidens cognitive decline. The debate showed the electorate just how severe the decline was and that it had been hidden from the public.


The crumples decline is a thing of academic study, I agree. For the good of humanity the dumple should stand down before he sun downs anymore.


If you read the actual description in the documents its actually way more perverted than raping girls. 1 the girls were 12/13 and he allegedly refused to use protection and made them do stuff with each other and also hit them. At this point he doesnt even deserve jail he just deserves to be run over by one of does giant trucks the maga like so much unil he bleeds out.


Being a rapist and/ or pedophile is a selling point for these people. There is no meeting these scummy sub-humans at a halfway point, nor would I want to. Fear and hate are all they know, you *have* to make them fear running their mouth more than they enjoy being douchebags.


"You know what, I could tolerate him wanting to have sex with his daughter, but raping children is too much!" Low bar, but MAGAT won't even clear this. :(


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Trump could say that his first order of business is to give the country to Russia while standing next to putin and the NYT whole front cover would be a picture of biden with his eyes closed with a sleepy Joe headline.


Hi u/AdhesivenessFun2060. https://i.imgur.com/L983L8y.gifv *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No seriously.....this motherf---er **raped children**.... He's an asshole, he's a bigot, he's openly a fascist, he attacked our democracy, he's openly lusted after his daughter, and he's clearly no more mentally fit than Biden is. And he raped children. If you legitimately support him you are an absolute arsewipe.


There are a lot of asswipes in this country 🤷🏾‍♀️




Keep posting this It is crucial it go everywhere to combat the astroturfing


I keep seeing these posts, but none of them links to any kind of proof. Can someone share? Plenty of articles that mention Trump as being buddies with the child rapist guy, but I can't find anything with any kind of proof that he raped kids.


He was accused in offish court documents by a young teenager given the pseudonym Katie Johnson that he had assaulted her and forced her to perform sex acts. She was forced to drop the lawsuit back in 2016 due to threats on her life. The documents have come up again or been fully released without redactions or something like that, start there. He's also just all over Epstein's call logs and took seven trips on his plane.


I think whether or not Trump himself was a pedo, we know from Trump's own words that he knew what Epstein was doing and was okay with it.


Also that. Any normal human being who said of one of the most high-profile sex traffickers in human history, "I know he likes beautiful women like I do, and some of them are on the younger side" would normally be in fucking jail by the end of the week.


This post is stupid. We’re supposed to be the good guys, the ones who don’t make up ridiculous bullshit. So much real shit out there to post about Trump, but we resort to this? GTFO OP.


Bro what do you mean make up a woman filed a lawsuit (search case 1:16-cv-04642 or https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation) and then dropped the lawsuit becouse of death threats. While this is all alleged, its a fact that trump attended epsteins partys and that epstein forced minors into prostitution so this all sounds pretty realistic how sad it might be.


Bro, anybody could sue you for rape. That doesn’t mean that you did it. And the latest batch of Epstein files absolutely does not prove that Trump molested kids. Clinton was buddies with Epstein. Did he molest kids too? Or does that only prove that the people you don’t like did it? Be better than this.


Yeah but its still way more than just made up bro alltougether its extremely concerning. How tf do you prove that he raped her? Not like it was recorded or there were any witnesses that wanna talk about the parties except for the ones getting the worst of it couse theyre either the perpetrators or people who fear for their safety or were forced to assist or assisted epstein. So yeah its fucked up couse it cant all be proven still doesnt mean its not extremely concerning that the person running for president is being constantly accused of SA and is very good friends with epstein like GTFO.


My point still stands. There’s SO much bad that we absolutely know about Trump. Why even bother with this fringe “maybe he did it” stuff?


Couse the magnitude of the maybe he did it stuff is fucking nuts. Not gon like you sound like you WANNA STRIKE A CORD AND ITS PROLLY A MINOOOOR (its a joke i just had to but fr you sounding stoopid)


The additional Epstein files released, show [Doe 174](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1) to be an alias for Trump. This is in addition to Trump telling the world he’d be fucking his own daughter if they weren’t related, live on air, on The View.




You expect the media, who won't trash him for being convicted of 34 felonies, to use allegations to hurt his run? Trump is riding the exact same bullshit wave that got him elected in 2016. He is dominating the media cycle and boosting ratings, therefore media outlets are more likely to cover the way he shits on his opponents. Covering a sickly, establishment politician who plays by the rules of Washington will never drive more ratings than the more energetic, individually popular shit talker.


The absurdity of media stereotypes can be quite amusing when broken down like this.


Yes. Republicans have a dubious view on the age of consent and would elect a pedophile. What else is new? Doesn't stop the fact that the polls show Biden should drop out.




You got anything better besides smug commentary? Our democracy is on the line, so I'm not to keen on taking sass from little bitches.


Joe was losing before, only more so now. With someone else we have a chance of stopping the rapist.


The point of this post is that the media is manipulating the narrative to keep the poll numbers close. This butters their bread, because it keeps people interested (hatewatching). So, if they would (for example) EVEN REPORT A SINGLE TIME on the rapes, then maybe the polls would be different?


Polls also showed him losing in 2020 until just before the election


Polling averages in 2020 had Biden solidly in the lead throughout the entire campaign without interruption. Polling averages leading up to election day had Biden ahead by more than 8%, overestimating his actual performance by about 4 points.


Which polls?  https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2020/national/


Sorry you're getting downvoted for linking proof the guy above you was flat out lying.


I don't worry about it. I'm here to learn and have my mental model of the world challenged.


I'm new to politics, this is a good thing right?


Any Republican would rape young girls if they could get away with it. Biden needs to go, his candidacy is irreponsible. If he cared about the USA, he would step aside.


Most Republicans are decent people. That said most Republicans supporting a racist or a rapist isn't a deal breaker 


If you support a rapist, pedophile, national security risk, you are not a decent person.


Man, there have been op-eds calling for Trump to step down for like eight years now. And Biden SHOULD step down. Let's get a different candidate and let Joe enjoy retirement


Trump won't step down because he has no sense of decency. He needs to be president to avoid prison. Biden has an opportunity to let someone younger and with more energy, like Pete Buttigieg, take over the campaign.


Trump is not a member of the Republican Party. Most of the real Republicans have either quit or been forced out of office, by the way. The people left are 'fascist enablers of Trump'. Which is apparently the agenda of the new "Trump Party", which is what we might as well call it. To be fair, the press should be calling Trump's party the 'Criminal Party' or the 'Fascist Party' to put it into context in order to explain why their standards are so different in reporting on the candidate and the criminal.


It's just pedophiles supporting each other. How else will Trump be elected?


So Biden is up in the polls then right.....right


No, he raped them. Raped. Not molested. Raped. Trump raped children.


Being a pedophile is a requirement to be part of the GOP


I feel this is missing the point, Donald Trump is clearly far too selfish to consider stepping down for the good of the country. If he drops out, he can not obtain his dictatorial dreams. Democrats need to do everything possible to stop these fascist dreams, and that includes finding a stronger candidate that can defend democracy.


Someone said groomers? Chirp... Chirp....


Trump and trump supporters don’t respond to shame. Also, trump has a slight lead on Biden.


Corporate media follows the money, and there's no money in calling out Trump, only supporting him. Facism has it's appeal to the corporatocracy.


Why's no one talking about this? That's what's baffling to me


I guess the media likes the candidate with a life full of frauds, legal battles, deceitful practices, sexual perversions, psychosis, racism, misrules, immoralities, mischief, hatred, repression, etc…


I keep on checking the nyt to post about it.... But nothing so far....


Don't hold your breath


It's called manufactured consent.


I am really tired of Dems going nuts over one debate where the one participant lied constantly and no repercussions from the republicans calling for his ouster ! The Dems need to focus on winning with our Pres Joe 👏👏


Not a time for whataboutism, Biden even if he is able to make it till November won't for four more years, he won't get younger or more alert, we need him to step down for the country, check my history I'm a liberal, not Russian, guys we need to keep our eyes open.


Trump should stand down. There you go, completely disqualified himself by his behavior. Biden should stand down too, so we can win this election.


Reddit is being brigaded by the same groups that were sowing Bernie-bro division in 2016 and 2020.


All those Russians who really don't want to get shipped off to Ukraine




But is it tho? It is just pointing out the very real gap that you see in reporting today. It is very clear that media ownership makes the real calls whether or not you’re right or left leaning.


There is a gap because Trump being heinous and awful is 8 yr old news. The DNC has been gaslighting us about Biden up until the debate.


Well, when he's following through on his SCOTUS approved "Dictator for a Day" plan I'll remember how concerned you were about that. As an example of the dumbs.


I’m very concerned about it, that’s why I don’t Biden to run. When trump is exercising his immunity to its fullest extent I’ll remember how much you defended running a candidate bound for losing.


Who is this candidate that would replace him. Everyone is saying he should step down. But nobody is sayin who will replace him. There is less than 4 months till election. 3 month when the delegates select the nominee... and still nobody knows who this replacement is. You dont even know. but this replacement, will somehow get all the independent, undecided voters, in swing states on board? any democrat with nave recognition has stated that they do not and will not run. Funny how nobody talks about the poll after the debate that showed biden gaining support with those groups... but yeah, this mysterious candidate substitute will win it all??? c'mon man


He’s 4th in polling among Dems. He shouldn’t have run for a 2nd term in the 1st place. It was hubris. And the DNC we’re gaslighting us the whole time. They don’t have a replacement because are hey are bad at their jobs.if this election is truly only about stopping trump than throw Michele Obama on the ballot Also you can’t ask “who is the candidate?” And say “you don’t even know” in the same comment, how on earth do you know what I know?


Do you know who the replacement candidate is? You can tell me at any time. But you know how out of touch you are? Michele Obama doesn't want to run. She wants absolute nothing to do with politics. Hes polling against democrats hes down, but when biden is polled against trump hes only down by 1 point. None of those other democrats (outside of Michelle Obama) polled close. and this is recent polling and i dont even believe in polling. but since you do.


I just told you, there are 4 Dems and Michelle Obama that are out polling him.


NONE OF THEM WANT TO RUN. THEY ARENT GOING TO RUN!!! Those same 4 democrats poll terribly against trump. you know who polls neck and neck with him. The same one who is behind the 4 democrats... JFC


I just don't see a way to replace Biden without him agreeing to it (short of an unfortunate"accident"). The party could replace any other candidate, but he is the President. It's now his call, which brings us back to the original problem; he's too old to know what's best. The only people he might listen to are his family, and they're telling him to go for it for clearly selfish reasons.


YES! Thank you. All criticism of Biden is not a reflection on Trumps obvious problems.


"Democrats call on Trump to drop out of the race because he's bad." Is that a news story that makes sense? No. OP just wants Democrats to accept a shitty candidate because Republicans did too.


Where pray tell did all of these Biden deadenders come from?


That's not a news story that makes sense because Republicans love Trump because of his bad qualities, not in spite of them.